j1 1 i i1. k 1. 1 f I ft 4 4 s j . THE ADVANCE. SATURDAY, JUNE 13, ISSo. IMltor's Announcement. 'XI IK DAILY ADVANCE, a 23 !umn paper, published every Uay zteept Monday at M.OO ier year, $j.0 lor six month. Delivered to city subscriber at GO cents pr month. CUE ASHEVILLE ADVANCE. . column paper, is published vcrv Friday at 11.00 per annum. ADVERTISING KATES (DAILY) - iv inch one day U) cent.- ; one Wek fl.W; one month $4.00 ; threo months 1UC0; six month.-, $15.00; tu-elvo nonth5,f20.W. No ad-vert LmenU will Ik; Iu.t?x1 between loc:d mat ter at any pric. Notices of Marriages or Deaths, uj: to exceed ten line, will be in-'-tr!eI free. All additional matter will be cruinr.il ' cents per Sine. l ayznent lor transient advertie- nunis mut le made in advance llcnilar vearlv adverti-cuents will b "collected promptly at the cud of t :,mi ntiiirtT. Advertisements for a shorter period mut bo paid monthly, All Communications containing ucs or a-dl'-cussion of local niat- "lets solicited. .No communication containing objttional iersonalities, ir withhold tho name ot tao au thor. V.j are not rt-noiiMble for tho views of our corresiondents. Our vi?v are ejtr reused in the edito- , ial coluuin-'. -nC02E ESrSSCD. Editor an TXIR FIKaT L.IYt Every pajnT in the United States lias had j-onnrthiug to &ay or the l":rst Ludv iu the Laud.7' Jlear the Suitesvillc Landmark : A diieuion now in process in some of the Northern papers with regard to who is "tho first lady . in the land," is eminently calculated to make a plain mail sick at the sto mach. 1 1 is said t hat Mr. Clevi laud being a bachelor, his sister, being iiibtrcs of tho White Mouse, is "I lit first lady." It is said again that the President havinir no wife the Vico President's wife is "the first lady,". and others still contend that nei ther Mi-.s Cleveland nor Mrs., Hen- d.ricksis "tho first lady" but tliat the distinction belongs to tho wife ot Sccreta Rayard. Tho President's 'sistrisnot"the first lady in the laud' because she wears short hair and delivers lectures. The "first lady in theland"is the one wiio makes the best wife, the best neighbor, the most useful member of society. The wood- are full of her. This talk of first ladies-at the scat of a govern ment which is or ami lor the com mon people, is, stuff and nonsense Away with this foolishness about aristocracy in this day of return to Democratic simplicity." The 2ew lork bun, which was the vilest of the vile defamcrsof Mr. Cleveland during tho canvass last vear. crows with delight be- cause ue have had a Democratic vumimsiraui:i jor turco uiumus and, neverUieles, 4-thc LTnion still exists, no disturbance has occurred, the wheels of the Government move smoothly. There has not been a jingle danger. It says, also, that KThe South introduces no discord and, makes no pretensions, but quietly pursues its path of progress, only happier aud more hopeful thau before.7 These arc good 'words, and true, and the worst siiots on I t4The Sua have passed away. . Why are dances like mushrooms? They spring up at night. And the night air oltcn induces coughs and colds. Do not neglect them, but tatc Taylor's Cherokee Remedy of Sweet Gum and Mullein m time. Parties wL-hing a good, nice, new turnout can be accommodated by leaving their orders with W. L. Mor gan, Pat ton Avenue. He has a new bret and a couple of fine gentle hcrscs. - May 21 3mos Ladies attention is called to a real x ivutu cuuiu vutsv.ii tb worth 75 cents, at Whitlocks. lw. Just think of a warranted Hand sewed Shoe, in button-, lace and gai tor, for !?ou0 at June 11. 3t M. Levy's. Ladies call and see something new in Eose Fans just recieved .at Whitlock's. junel-lw Look at the Silk Scarf Whitlock is offering at 35 cents, SOcts, 05 cts. 75 cts and $1. jllw.. Splendid Hay for sale, 1.30 per lOOibs. Apply at Depot. m3iu. For a good solid comfort, nothing . is better than a nice Hammock. Call'at Whitlock's and get one. jl lw. ) Pain tins. House painting done in the very best order. Also make a specialty of sign painting and graining, and keep a full stock of wall paper of all styles and colors, which I am pre pared to put up in the best manner. April lG-ly R. Lu itzpateicjv. One of the coolest and quietest pla ces to get a good, pure article of whis ky, or enjoy a nice game of Billiards or Pool, Is at the White man's Bar. May 19. - . tf. The Bouauza is up "with the tiir.es in the way of furnishing the very best Whiskies, Begars, c. Fine Bil lllrd tuid Pool tlblea. mlfi.tT. ing NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. PENNIMAN & CO, WHOLESALE AND . RETAIL DEALERS IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC Stoves, & Agricultural Implements. Agents for.the'celebrated Anchor Brand Fertilizer Also Agents for RAG LAND'S TOBACCO SEED We especially invite farmers and the at- tcntion of the to. the aiyg articles request them to call before making pur chases elsewhere. "Wo arc also agents for and carry in stock a line of Old Hickory Wagons.' -STILL- Holding Down Prices on grain, flour, bacon, lard, stiffar. coffee, ccc. Although the war news iroin Europe ana Dau prospects for wheat crops have ad vanced prices on grain, llour and hay, vc have been very slow to ad vance our prices as we fully realize that these products are costing our people too innch .on account of high freight rates and speculation. We sell choice Timothy Hay at S1.40 per 100 lbs. that cost $1.34. Prices on corn aud flour we can't give here as they arc constantly changing, but will say that we are always on the MUD SILL PRICES on thtse roods. Wc continue to offer Coffee, Rio, 10 11. Sugar, 5 9. ' Carolina Rice, 5 9. Lard, 9 tol2. r Uains,12 (oil l. Canned coods and fancy Gro ceries are very cheap.now. . Powell & Snider. t ! JIariO,3m. ROUND KNOB HOTEL now open for the reception of visitors, llound Knob is situated on tneiiueoiuie western iNorth ijaro- lina Railroad, 20 miles from- Ashe ville, and in tho Valley of Blue Ridge Mountain. House newly fur nished with all conveniences. Table supplied from tho best markets. Cli mate and water not excelled hy any section in Western North Carolina. Highest Fountain in the Woild in lull view ot tne Hotel, throwing a a x a. i ; t ". A. t 9 . will find it to their interest to visit this beautiful aud romantic spot. Telegraph office in Hotel.- Further information, address W. B. TROY. Round Knob, N.O." May 3d, 1835. tf. Foe Fiest-Class COAL! MERCHANT Call on X. W. GIEDWOOD & CO. Telephone office atPowell & SniderV, Registered swise. Tliorouphbrcd Chester Whit Vi!.lnrl rrtilnn . Tm. r- "io. pedigree given with every animal. i-.trone ne&itny Btork onlv Pnrity truarautccd Send stamp for WlustriiTeU Cuuiioeae. . C. H. Warrlnfrton, Box 621, Weht Che&ler.Chester Co. Pa I. II. GOREXFIiO, CONTRACTOR & BUILDER. Asheville, N.C.; All work executed la the vary bt maiinT. Plans and ipecincationa for ttlaued on short soiloe. Good Board? Your meals hot and fresb de livered to you at your stores and other places of busmes, by Thomas Forney. ; Or Good Table Boaed iar -1 nished at reasonable rates, at the Coffin Place on Haywood Street. " j9,lm. J. N, Morgan & Co., Booksellers lsd Stationers, ASHEVILLE, N. C. (North Court Square.) Curry the largest and best selected stock west of the Ridge. School and College Text Books. Poetical, Historical. All the rheap Libraries.' Any book you want we can get as aoou Many house Iq the State. A Jarga line of Atx kinds of Stationery, Inks of all colors. Call and examine, or write for catalogue giv prices of books. Respectfully, ADVERTISEMENTS. KOHTH CAROLINA lHEAD QUARTERS -FOB - Books and Stationery ALFRED WILLIAMS & CO. ' j i Booksellers j -i -And Stationers, ealeigh; N. C Regular State Agents for all the FUBLIO S0H00L B0GKP we can furnish everythig you school needs, and can supply any book that is to bo obtained in the United States. I The Largest, cheapest and busiest rook house jn the State. iSF Write to us for catalogue, or anything else you want in our line. 1 i'.gm .1 I NeW Steam M.UI We are prepared to furnish our custom er wnn MEAL, (bolted and unbolted), CORN, MILL FEED, FOD- DER and jHAY. I i Corn aground at the usual toll. Wo will ran la connection -with our mill a POWEB FU CDTTEK, and will furnish foed. cut and In sacks If desired. ' - Apply at mill near K. R. Depot! to h Jordan & Halliburton. NATIONAL HOTEL,; E. H. NOrVELL, Proprietor WAYNESyilltE, N. C. J f 1 I I ' ' ; ALTITUDE. 2,770 FEET. The house is situated in the bus iness part of the town and W min utes walk to the White Sulphur Springs, and a bneautlful view of Balsam Mountais. I Good rooms first-class fare. I Hacks at the ddpotto meet all trains. pLUM LEVI, THE OLD RELIABLE BARBER, Is still at hi3 post South Main Street, j Feb. 22, tf. J, a m ixrxT a "VTm Architect, Civil Engineer ! AND DBA UQHTSMAN, Office with Doubleday & Scott Asheville, N. C. J anlo-iy Plymouth Kocks. I have a few pairs of this fine va riety oi cniCKens lor sale. They are pure and unmixed and of large size. I will deliver them in Asheville at $4 per pair, or the eggs at $1.50 per dozen. Address I -" H. B. Vandiveb, Weaverville, N. C. j. W; Schartle, TAILOR Always keep on hand a full line of goods. Feb 10 6m TOR Man and Beast. i . Mustang Liniment is older than most men, and used more every year. more and N. . (MOOD & CO., j MANUFACTURERS OP . Flooring, Ceiling, Weatherboard ing and ' Finished Building , Material. Scroll Sawing of all kinds done v to order.! July 25 1854. j 1y N. W. GIRDWOOD & CO., j ASHEVILLE, N. C, Manufacturers of CIRCULAR SAW j MILLS, and ' dealers In Steam Engines, Mill - Machinery Ac iRenairinff of all kinds of ma chinery executed in the Very best manner and on short notice. ADVERTISEMENTS. PENLET & CO DEAT.TSKS IN Staple and Fancy Groceries, Mice, &c ASHEVIIiliE, "N.'C, We offer to the people of Asbe- Tilie and vicinity, a large and varied stock of i . j STAPLE AND FANOY GBOCEEIESS ; at prices as low 1 as Groceries cac be "sold in this market. GIVE US A CALU PENLEY & Dec. 31-tf i FOR S4LE. A nice Donkey, Phaeton and Harness. Apply to A. Gaeeett. April 29. Eiwaris, BroBEhton & Co RALEIGH, N. C. Printers, Binders and Stationers Loaling Pristiig House In me State. Special attention to supplies for t ' Country Offices. Printing of every description . Prices as low as any. EGAL BLANKS OF AX.L KINDE OX HAND. Jlyul5-tf. BOARDERS WANTED, j A few boarders can be accom modated on reasonable terms, by Mrs. W. O. Wolfe, Ap. 2. lw. on; Woodfln St; . H. M. HERNBON, Has received and will be receiving every week, new and elegant i MILLINERY. Having no expense scarcely, at tached to her business, she can afford to sell cheaper and will do it, than any house in the city. No (tap For Trillion I Call and she will guarantee satis faction in prices and work. A. LARGELOT tFGCCDirt, T I 31 O THY HA Y LARGE.AND FRESHf7 SUPPLY OF GOOD- FAMILY FLOUR. EARLY ROSE POTATOES FOR JSEEDING PURPOSES. FINE FAMILY GROCERIES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. We are also agents for the sale of the CELEBRATED WAKDO FEBTILIZEH J. J. MACKEY & CO. Latest Election News!1 Cleveland or Blaine. There may be some little doubt as to wlio wilf be "President, but all agree that Chedester. will sell you ; more goods lor one dollar than anyone else. THE LIGHT RUNNING DOMESTIC, Is conceeded to be the Star that leads all. It cost 50 per ; cent more; money than any other machine in. he market, but you can get it for about one-half what inferior machines are being sold for." Call and be convinced. New Goods arriving daily and will be sold cheaper than ever. The hotel, J The Grand Central, Is in the lead with more arrivals than any house - in this part of the State. Oct. 21,1884. ! ly First-Class Board. Bran newly furnished rooms. Table supplied with best the mar ket affords. Special attention paid to diet lor invalids. i ' T. W. Neel, Cor. Patton Ave. and Church st. Mar.l.tt Mountain View Hotei' V WEBSTER, N..O. Ha , - -i$tf Lareer.' ' i . -" r ' . A. TPbr " . : V MRS SPRING and SU Remember hese! facts before M . L Has just received his stock of 0 110 T H I N Gf And (Gents5 Furnishing (Roods As usual you will find it complete. Not with old styles .go, odd fits and shoddy goods, but with GOOD GOODS, of the best fabrics, latest designs, and made up by first-class tailors. Goods I can rec commend and will give you satisfaction, and which l ean sell you as low as common eoods will be sold elsewhere. . Remember this is Headquarters m this line of goods. Hi' That I am the only house in the city that" manufactures peg boots' and sshoes for the trade for men, women and children! I BOOTS I My Boot Shoe and Trunk Department v Cannot- be excelled in the county. I have alwavs on hand a full as sortment to suit and fit everybody. , j : We warrant every Boot and shoe we 1 am sole agent in this market Shoes and A., Grossman's Ladies Shoes. These gobds cannot be beaten for finish, style, comfort, and durability. ' j 1 I have marked all my goods down to the lowest figures so as to be able to sell at one price, therefore everybody will bej treated alike and get their shoes at rock bottom prices. Shoes also made to ot der and fits guaranteed: 2r EVERY -PAIR WARRANTED. My stock of hats has been selected from the Vfirv - hf5t, mn.Tinfart.. urers in the country. Among them we have the celebrated Which are given up to be the least m my line of Specialties is .t . !:' ' ' ' i FEARLE SHIRT Pronounced by all to be the best made shirt for the price, . Desides being perfect in fit. , . , , , All I ask is a trial to convince you that we mean business. ! SOUTH GREAT Pine Bright Tobabeo 1 :-; - - r . l I . - : i : :i. . .. : AL.tISN & "S T A R j K ; j ; 1 i SPECIAL TOBACCO MANIJRR 1865: SurrSfersor Tiant.re,SV ? ?eVMMXg materials has beetx studied In the Our Special Tobacco Man Is the product of the information and improve and we oner it with great confidence as being .-; -r THE VERY BEST FERTILIZER FOR BRIGHT TOBACCO yet made. Crops raised with it bring the Virginia and North Carolina. , I MPOR i we nse nothing; In Its manufacture but materials of the highest grade, which ,r known to be specially adapted to this crop. i We use no flery ammoniates, ground leather, horn, hoof, shoddy, :pr wool waste, or other inferior or Injurious ammonlates. . . . ALLISON & ADDISON, Maisfactnrers. FOR SAliK BY FRANK N. WADDELI i : 4- Fertilisers delivered at Asheville prices by me or my agents at Henderson Vllle, N. C, also depots between Asheville and Warm Springs, and at all depots along the Ducktown Branch. j - - - I refer to thousands of farmers In this section who have used; the Star Brand Special Tobacco Manure on their tobacco crops during the past several years. im not ouy your remuzer unui yon seem or some one oi my. agents. xours verytnuy, .. PRANK N. WADDELD, SLLlliro AQT. M MMER! making your Fall purchases, that E V Y v ' ; - ' Il seUVi-tt-;- for the RplehrvirArf ttnnan'a Mon j I HATS!! h . best in the market. And last but not the celebrated I M. MAIN ST., ASHEVILLE, N. C. FERTILIZER ; FOU- . ADDISON'S BR A N D." I' 1885. are skill gained in this continuous effort . to hignest average prices In au the markets of ' i O?. 1ST T ; : RICHMOND YJL !. ... ... I . S ASHEVILLE, N. 0 1.. V LEY PROFESSIONAL CARDS. DB. R. II. REEVES, D. D. S. Dental rooms in. Binder building opposite Central Hotc I. : ASHEVILLE, N. C, April 17, 1684. ly) B. H. DOUGLASS, D. D. S. JDeutaf Rootos and residenen over DeVnult's Drug Store. ; I . .ta ASHEVILLE. N. C -r-M. R. Wj H IT SO N , Attorney and Counsellor at Law. ! ASHEVILLE, N. O. Will practice in all the courts in toe Wes tern part of the State. T -i W. - , mTiiiK wcui or wverti yearsconDe't-t with the ITobate Court, claims facilities for practice In said couii.-v.oJ- ecuon m specialty. ; Jan. 10 RH A. GUDCHM. j H. B. CAUTKK !riUDGER & CARTER, 5 Attorneys and Oounsdlori at Law, -i ASHEVILLE, N. 0. Practice together in all the courts of tbe Ninth Judicial District, except the In for- lor court of Buncombe county: and also lnl the counties f Mitchell, Yancey aud TfCDow ell of the 8th District. Bpeclal 4 tentlon given to. the collection or c'alj. in All parts of the State. One memte- th firm will pe In Marshall, MacM;. coanty, on Saturday . of every r week ou professional business. i 3 Office In Carter Building, up slalrs. ohnstone Jones, f Henry llardwtm .JONES HARDWICKE, ttorneys and Counsellors at Lei, Office in Citizen Building, . - I !" ASHEVILLE, N. C. may 3.3m. ' 7 MEIiVlNE. CARTER, Attorney at Law, '.I I ! ASHEVILLE, N. C, I Practices in , the Courts of Western North. Carolina.' Chums collected in 4 all parts of tLo Stkte4 .1 julyis ly "TALTER W. VANDIV R, y and . Counsellor at . to V. Weavebville, N. G, Will practice iri the courts j of Bun coljnbe and Madison. mayl5-tf. rjHOMAS A.! JONES, Attorney at Law, C ASHEVILLE, IN. C. 'Qfiice with )avidson& Martin. oct21-tf 4- ""M. H. MALONE, Attorney and Couniellor at Laic, : j!;f.-' ! Asheville, N. C. ; . Pratices in the courts of the 9th. Judicial District of the State, In the Supreme; court at Raleigh, in Supreme Conrfc of the lTi red States and the different : u. part ments at Washington. mayl6-tf. EDWARD J. ASTON, REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE ; J' : AGENT, 1 Asheville, North Carolina. TO THE FARMERS r-tor)- WESTERN ! j,N CAROLINA j I I have established toy office at the - Farmers Warehouse : ii "i I for the sale 6t , pTAR BRAND FERTILIZER. It was sold from this house the past sc9 son,j ParUes In want of a good reliable -ertlHzer would do WeU to call on mt bs for maklnp j a Mparcbase. In my absenc: ex-Sheriff . W R Youny, who Is connected wltla the Farmers Warehouse, wlJl attend to the delivery of the "Star Brand.'4 itespecuaiiy, jf n WAIJDELL, I maij - . 1 'rT- Ashivulx, N O TRiS. JOHN HEY, WILLI A NS Offld , Bkakt BXJXVDIKO, Ma In Btrt ei. Residence, corner. French Broad Avet.uo and! Haywood street. Can be caUed Ly eiepnone irom elhaxi Drug Store, t Feb.I-ly4w i -, 1 F. R; WARING, ARCHITECT and BUILDER ' I M ' i The elaboration of plans and de tail a specialty. ; Specificatlpns, bills of quantities, and estimates, furnish ed promptly and satisfactorily. Res idence on Woodfln street, one door North-east of Dr. Nelson. i i jJOHN C. CLAYTON Rear Eagle Botel, Asheville, N.1 ,. ' M MANUFACTURER OF GO FFINS- COFFINS made ln first-class style, .of Walnut, Mountain Birch. PonUr. Plae . an Maplej of the4 best quality,- Balslactlon guaranteed,! low prices .charged. H asksi&attnst public call andf see; for them- j HILL8 RESTAURANT. The finest Porter-Honse Steak at 35 cents, and the best jthe market can! afford at reason a.hlpl nrira at Latay6-lmo W. H. Hill's. T. L. CLAYTON Is prepared to work Flooring, Weatlterbjarding and Ceiling on the best of terms, and deliver the same to any part of the city of Asheville. Orders solicited. I COUNTBXBOARD.- A FEW HOARDERS can find comfortable rooms, a well supplied table, and fine cux LYbkatk Watkr, on Railroad (Docktown Division), six miles from Asheville, and one mile from the famous SulDhur Springs. A quiet place. Mall twlos a day, except Sunday. TERMS, 20.00 PER MONTH. If references are desired, some of the lead ing men of Asheville, IS. 0., can bo given. Be r A W. CUBITS, Harkins, N. a dans uium . ' 1 I V ( a: .-.-!' , -1 I