THE ADVANCE. IITURSDA AUG. 21, 188S. Editor's Announcement. THE DAILY ADVANCE, a 2S column paper, published evtry Jay except Monday at J6.00 per year, $30)0 for eLr months. Delivered to city subscribers at 50 ccntajper month. CHE ASHEVILLE ADVANCE, ' a 23 column 'paper, ia published every Saturday at $1.00 per annum. A L' VEBTI8IXQ BATES (DAELY) one' Inch one day 50 cents ; one week $2.00; one month $4.00: three months 10.00: six months, $15.00; twelve months, $-0.00. No advertisements will bo In vrted between local mat ter at any pric. INotIces of Marriages or Deaths, not to exceed ten lines, will bo in serted free. All additional matter will be charred 5 cents per line. layment for transient advertise ments' must be made In advance. . Regular yearly advertisements will be collected promptly at the end of each quarter. Advertisements for a shorter period must bo paid monthly- All Communications containing news or a discussion of local mat ters solicited. No communication containing objectlonal personalities, r wiinnoiu tne name or the au thor will be published. We are not responsible for tho views of, our correspondents. Our views are .expressed In the edi to tal col u in us. THBO. SOBGOOO, rl. A Vroprlcter. C. V . UAtOHt, AaaLat Editor. MUD (SLINGING. Tbe practice of "mnd slinging - in political campaigns was always disgusting to us. In Virginia it is car ried on to an unreasonable extent. We endorse the following editorial ' from tho New Berue Journal : The vindictive manner in which the Richmond paers assail tho two political parties in Virginia, each in behalf o his own. is enough to disgust all good men with polit . ieal campaigns. Frauds, traitors, cowards, murderers, repndiator; assassins, etc are the epithets which these journals, whose missiou it would seem ought to be to en lighten the people, hurl at oue an other day after day.. Is huch . a mode of political warfare conducive to tho welfare of the country ? Has it not a tendency to drive the bet ter class of citizens from politics in . to indifference the most danger ous consequence that ever befell a Republican government. We remember with pride and sat isfaction that this sort of mud-slinging, was not much indulged in by the press in North Carolina during whose zeal for their shlo lit the timo being got tho better of their irxnl judgment, but by far 'Ihe lar cent number or papers in the State reinsert to adopt such tactics, not withstanding the contest was a hard longht one. 'fW? fr'voatry every inan is entitled to Ms opinion in politic? To the Public. As the health of oar partner, Gapt J. M. Jones, makes it . necessary t do business one place instead of k wo, we will, on Monday the 17th of Au gust, close one and remove the whole stock of goods to our store at tho cor ner of Depot street and Patton Ave nue, under the Arlington House, and will be glad to have our friends con tinue to deal with us there. - Theetoro has been recently en larged. Wevdllkeep a delivery wagon and fill orders promptly and carefully. Morgan & Jones. augl5-lw. The Daily Advance Will be found for sale every morn ing at Ihe following places in the city: At Lyons' Drug Store, J. N. Morgan A Go's Book Store, J. L. Wilkie & Co's Book Store, and by carriers cn the streets and at the depot. The famous Flat Rock Hotel, in Henderson connty, is now open for the reception of summer travel. Jnne 23 . . 3m. Parties wishing a good, nice, new turnout can be accommodated by leaving their orders With W. L. Mor gan, Patton Avenue. He has a new Bret and a couple of fine gentle horses. ij May 24 3 mos ' in a . n i Young man go West to Haywood White tiulphur Springs. , Aug. 2 2w BINGHAM'S i ilstablUhed 1 Is the 'only In J hichool for 1703. ) boys in the Sooth M ith GAS LIGHT, a flrataclass OYM SAMU.M, and a nrst-class t!ATU HOUSE. Special terms to young men of small means Tho IKSnl ftsslou begins August Iftth. -For Catalogue, address . MAJ! It. KIXGHAM; ?yl9 lilngham Sehooi JS. C. JUDS0N COLLEGE. ; THE FALL TEEM OPENS SEP TEMBER 15. All the Departments willbe ably filled. But special attention is called tothe . Commercial Department. Foj dress catalogue and particulars ad- Rf.v. J. B. BOONE, Pres't. I lenderon ville, N. C. July43nid. -STILL- Holding Down iTiccs on grain, flour, bacon, lard, ctmee, &c. Although the sugar, prospects for wheat crops have ad vanced prices on grain, flour and hay, we have been very slow to ad vance our xrices as we fully realise that products are costing our people too much on account of high freight rates and speculation. We- sell choice Timothy nay at ?1.40 per 100 lbs. that cost 1.34. Prices on corn and iiocr we can't give here as they are constantly tTnhTH changing, but will say that we are nitv, oZ Zrlu i "reason mat always ou the cither of them should become a trai ler, imei, iiar or a scoundrel." MnsllfPHTfFK We continue to Carolina Rice, 5 9. . jjarti, y$ to 12. &Hams,12l4. , ; Canned goods and fancy Gro ceries are very cheap now. Powell & Snider. Mar.2G,3m. i TV.. T T ... n . xwu. . kj. uudy,the Deru- on these goods, ocratic member of th vat!n,i offer committee from Illinois and the Coffee, ISio, 10 14. foremost lawver of tho uw io ua.r V2 been in Saratoga foj the last two weeks drinking the waters. In speaking of Cleveland and the Ad ministration he said recently: "I am pretty well contented with the President tpon the whole. It. is right that he should" bo covserva tive and go ahead slowly. He has done a great deal to establish con fidence throughout the country in me democratic party which will stand os well iu future campaigns. -There were people throughout the country before the election who ac tually believe that Democratic suc cess meant the assumptioq or. the Confederate war debt, the re-en- slavement of the negro and tho en tire surrender of the Government to the forces which conspired to do stroy it. Even these ignorant and prejudiced people have been made to see that Democratic success is a ' contribution to the further prosper. ; iiy of tho country, and that that f party, can be trusted to even a greater degree than the Republic rfly I j. Morgan. J.M.Jones. Morgans Jones DEALERS IN Staple Fancy Groceries, Consisting of Flonr Meat, CanM Goofis, Etc. i ' - . ... . AX80 J1.' CJC f : -. COBNHAY,, MILLJFEED ASD . ' K - COUNTRY PRODUCE. CHOICE BKANDS OF Cigars and Tobacco JTiWe would be pleased Jtto g.havo a share of tho patronage of the people of Asheville and the surrounding country, and promise to do our best to give satisfaction in goods and prices. ' May 12-1 2m. TO THE Tobacco Planters. Thousands of Dollars, much Time, Labor and Expense, can be saved by using HAP.DWICKE & WELLES' Great Invention, The Heat Beplatini Attachment, Used in curing Tobacco. MATTER OF DOUBT, BUT RE DUCED TO A CERTAINTY. This highly useful invention has received the commendation of lead ing tobacco planters in all parts of the country, and it is pronounced A G-REAT SUCCESS by those who have given it attention. And those whojhavc tested it thor oughly say that ao-farmer should at tempt to cure Ids tobacco without it. . Its use will prevent tobacco from being sponged, spotted or scalded, and will give it a uniform, bright, beautiful golden coIqt, which will, of course, greatly enhance its market value. This "Heat Regulator" N. W. GIRDWOOD Jb CO., ASHEVILLE, N. C, Manufacturers of C I It CULAJt - SAW M IX,LS. In steam Ecglnes, Mill Machinery tc. and dealers 1 Repairing of all kinds of ma chinery executed in tho very best manner ana on snort notice. July 25-ly. L $800.00 REWARD. is constructed upon iwientiftc princi ples, and distributes the heat evenly in every part of the' barn. To prove this fact conclusively, five thermom eters may be hung up, one in each corner and one in the center" of the barn, and they will register the same degree of heat. ; j .ine invention consists Of an extra Pipe filled full of mall holes, and running around and on top of the old Flue, taking cold air from the right, icix and center of the barn. The cold air being the heaviest falls to the bot torn of the barn, and at once becomes heated and lighted, then rises to the lop of the barn, taking a certain quantity of hot, dead, damp air as it arises, passing out through top of barn through ventilators, thus pro- can.' If any person shot at Governor Gray, oflndiana, with the intention of hitting him he was in poor busi ness, as there is scarcely a politician In that State in either party who would not willingly throw himself Into the breach made by the loss of a Governor. If the person came near hitting him by accident he should be caught and put into some place where he will learn that Indiana cannot he r?S5Jlund,?drd2va5?- "in pu ducing a constaut circulation of hot, ror thearrfstcf xl. . Kay, -who escaped r . - . ' from th Buncombe county Jaii on the nigot urJ 1 resh air, and a constant evapa- of July I illi, I'vvV i - . . . - DtCHinio: Height, 5 feet 9 or io raUon ancl saving at least twenty- lncues; weight, 213 Iba, hair dark, slightly fourhoms timp gray, complexion florid, eye light bluerage u""ous wme. ; wruers are coming in so rapidly that farmers are urged to make an early application for the nnmber of about years. Also Four hundred dollars reward will be paid for tho arrest of WeightseU A. Anderson, who esoapod from said Jail at the same time. wMiiuniu.-lieignt, about 5 feet 9 Inches; weight about li lbs, slender built, hair dark brown, complexion light and rather pale, eyes bluish, age about 21 years. The above reward will be raid hv th nv ernorof the State ot Xorth, CaroUna for tiie arrest oi me above namea Individuals, and their dellverr lo me. . lly order of the Governor of 'orth CaroUua. J. ts 1UCH, .. . Sheriff of Buncombe, Co., N. C. JI 15 d 1 waW 11 AD1 S:rtisements. PENLEY pEAIiB The Florida Health AssociatioD , V. ASHEVILLE, N. 0. Incorporated for the cure of Staple Graeme 9 IJD. i v A Sin I L f A r w r i We offer t : ville a and ST A PL at prices,! be so, ail jaicy i Mtipo 9,p1 iuuuuu. au the people of Azh ! d vicinity, a large varied stock of A2TD FANCY iOOEEIESS low as Groceries can in this market. - TJS 1 CALL. PENLEY & CO. H. M. HESHM, received and. will be receiving I week, new and elegant LLI-NERY. Havir) g no expense scarcely, at tached t. p her business, sue can anord rr tpll rVeaper and will do it, than any houst P in the city. j ! No Cuarse For TriniiiJi CONS UMP T I Q N iss v AiiLUfa do not deceive yourselves. Ther0 are no authentic cated cases of Consumption ever cured by cliniatej Our Govern ; j ment with its perfect Machinery and iU army ofjstatistical agents ; has failed to find a spot where atmospheric atr euros lung disease ; All its researches have ended with the beginning, that pure moun- tain air may check its We cure with Osmetic air. call and Hyamine nr progress, but does not effect a cure. Invalids reapectnilly .requested to reatnuniK jOfln hours 9 ai m. to 2 p. m. i as 1A Dec. 3?tf : HP- ever Furniture ! ' Furniture ! Having booght out the old and well cstablis' led FURNITURE possible prices. I CHAMBER ES, WARD- Calland. faction in she will guarantee satis- j prices and work, i A LAIlf-GELOT OF GOODPURIj; T I MjjP THY HAY. LARGEJAJSlV F'RESHf? SUPPLY OP GOOD A Mi EAKLTI IL.Y FLOUR. t KOSE POTATOES HOUSE of R. S. Bethell, I will sell you FURNITURE, WINDOW ouaux3, HAiaj xnL'in, sc., ar tnei lowest poss have received, and am receiving, daily, fine and. chea and PARLOR SUITS, MAT RACKS, BOOK j CAi ROBES, Ac 'Ac. , Give me a call and examine my stock before. purchasing. DOORS, SASH and BLINDS a specialty, j j I , Respectfully ours, . c l t . W. B. WILLIAMSON. SALESMEN Chas. A. Mosely, B. M. Jones, Ur. I ' Brown &;iBeardenl MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN Stores, Tinware, an d!i House- furnishing bods, ! We make a specialty of Plumbing, Roofing and Guttering. Re pairing done on short notice and in the very best manner. , . : , li ' . ' . . - !. . . - ,1 J-' ; ;. ! ! :. - : ;:j A Share Of Patronage Solicited. BBOWWl St BB-A.tIDEISr i FINE : WAJHiiix: ijjiuujiiiiiiiio Wa rWre .also agents for the sale of thj CELEBElTED WANBO FEBTILIZEE. J. J. MACKEY & CO. Brown's old stand, south main streets, Asheville, N. 0 augzo-zm. f i : r ! J. D. BREVARD, & CO., : Corner Main: and Patton Avenue, Ashe ville, N. c ; Mounjlain View Hoiei JJebster, nJ c. "P. Hl-iLeatherwood, P'r. eadauai Large Bam Table snpp) aflord. m rooms ior commercial mnii Kl wlU) the beet the rjartcet ; 8 reawuabie. Mr-m Keep constantly on hand a Full and Oomplete Assortment 61 Goods usually found in a general I mercantile establishment I We make a specialty ol . . .. . BOOTS llmeigh Regist er. JEANS, CASnaiERES, &c. Messrs. S. S. Perkins, h A. Fanning and A. II. Barret with us, and will be ptaapd lo see their friends. jal2-lv are Br P.M. HALE, Primer to tie state. Subscria pay ! 1 - i c to your Home Pape) and or it. and then remit p2 to payrfor your STATE t DEMOCRATIC PAPER. . - the RA1 iEIGH REGISTER. Each new sub -driber, remitting.$2 direct, is entitl 3d to the REGISTER for one yeait and to ! j WEBSTER'S PRACTICAL DICTIONARY, which, Antil August 1, ISSoj is offer ed as a Premium. Sample copies of the REGISTER mailed on application. Address, KALEIlitl liE(ilSTERr KALJSJGH, N. C. NEWS SUMMARY. F U K N I -AND T l! DARPET HO RE S E, IN IB : T IS ! j C! i i 7T IS THE PLACE TO GST A GOOD JOB f tt? TTvrrnT'wn J. Y.iJORDAN'S : OLD STAND. ( - ; -: : (o)- - - : : Furniture, Gap6te,; ' : 1 ; j !"'." AND ': !"-.': r.' -; , - -i - . (o) DIt. R. II. REEVES D. D. S. JOHNSON HUMPHREY'S BARBER SHOP, .Near Main, on Watr Street, la one rt n.e fiPTrftrvl nfnrtt.n,.j... . I nel " me cuy. xne very boat, ton sori-U aepnvea ox a uov erner by any such artuu win aiway. be found Udr towTu : meinoa. Ji is hard enonh rnr , VUBW"1,:"- imju-ism. O v m aa country to undergo a political cam paign in Indiana when it has been conducted on strictly peaceful meth ods. If war or accident or assassina tion are to be added there is no tell ing what might hapen. i We are glad to see that Tlieo. . W. Toole, Esq., State Sena tor from the second district, has 5een an- pointed insiector of public lands. The office is a responsible and lu- cratire one, and Mr. Toole deserved sach snbstantlal recognition at the hand of tho goremtaent Xew Fok Fiest-Olass Call on N. V. GtEDWOOD & Co. Telephone office atTowell & SniderH. I. II. GOREXFIiO, CONTRACTOR & BUILDER. Asheville, N. C. All work icoU4 manner, rlanj and oa loon feouc Lb ia tirr bft for "Heat Regulators,"- utsuuiuwua iaj get mem in time to boused in curing the pr esent crop. Plain, Simple, Easily.Uafterstool. Printed directions for uIng: will ac company each "REQUIiATOli" so that with ordi nary care a mistake need -not occur. For further information call on or address the Patentees, 1IAKD WICKE & WELLES, Marsualx, N. C, Or HENRY HARI) WICKE, Citizen Building, Asheville, C. ADVICE TO MOTIIEItS.r Mrs VrssLora Soothino Syehp ahocJJ alwftya be ne.t for chUdren teethlne. It soothe the chUd. soften, the. guma, always all pain, cure wind coUe, anl U the beat remsdy ior dlrrhoea, TTeaty-flTe teenU a bottle- li iu. ... "SltA linn rif . fnmlvi Tn1ad Shades HtMcilullea'iT arVw. END FOR SAMPLE COPIES XfifEY COST NOTHING m MWS AND OBSffiTER, ! The largest, best and cheapest paper published in the State. Tel- egraphiti! accounts of all interesting j events' ?rom every part of the world, v . ; Full Illtirket Eeports. A paper for every lamny. niscaousnea l&iJh and getis better every year. ; : Seiidjvaur name, Fostoffice ad dress anjd 2.00 lor one ) yearj $1.00 ior t months. t J Every) North Carolinian' should take it. The livest, most progressive paper my the State. tun uu no aim uua&iin, igh, N. CKale You will find a full line of Bedsteads, Bureaux, Washstand?, Ta bles, Chairs, Safes, Desks, Springs, Gtts, Mattresses, ' Parlor Suits, Chamber -Bliits, j Dmmg- Q om Suits. CARPETS, all qualities, VERY CHEAP, Wiftilow Shades, dif ferent sizes and prices. You will save money bv falling at McMul len's and examinghi3 stock before buying. He just received a new supply of Carpets, Mattings, Rugs a nd FurmTn tp. Give McMul en a call before buying. - f .. ; - :i - .1 ' - . .. Dental lvoms opposite asiieville, AprD 17, lfi4. in Sludcr build. ug Central Hotel, i B. II. DOUG N. LASS, I). 1. Dental Iiooms and residence over DeYault's Drug Store. iv ASHKVILLE, a. c. J. 8. McKlkyoy. J. K. M mi' ilk jyjEEROY & MORPIIEW, J Attorney atui Counsellors at Late. lactlco In the l - u Ks : Marahall, .N. t,1., Wi.d Ivy, N. C Attorney WII IT SOX and Counsellor tit ASHEVILLE. N. n Will practice (In all tn- tern part of tie Stat: ' " w Avi co wvauuciH it r i rm iiti i special tv. H. A. GUDaiJ. G i II li r t ...... UDGEjR t carter Attorney and Gowuellor tU Imu . ASHEVLE, N. C. tentlou tiveh to tlieealiAAtimi ,.i... ' In all parte or the 8te'. Owe mcinL - I lhf fl rm .rim i... i.. . . ..... county, on Satunlay professional Uiulnesa. .OflIceli Carter liulldlnir. u ' , ; JofiuBtone Jones, Henry Hard w - w J ONES &-IJARD WICK K, A ttorneys ami Counsellors ot Jm it " Office! in Citizen Building, t ASHEVILLE, N. C. m.ay 3.3m. . ' of everj" wech, oi. stairs. MELVIN E. CARTE U, Attorney at Law, i ASHEVILLE, fl. O. Practices inT the Courts oi Western Korth Carolina. collected in all narts of . j i julyls lv State. ""ALTER AV (VANIIVEJi Aiorney ana counsellor at f Weavkxi ville. N. C. Will practice in the courts nf itf... combe and Madison. m a v 1 ! f - v - THOMAS A.'JONES, ' j Attorney at Laic, u UflHBVIMiK, N.C. Office with' l)iivi.!., .i. nV..-n .: nM91-4C I ' ' at Lmc Attorney Xnd - Counsellor -ASHEVILLE, N. l J Pratices In tho, judicial TMthH ;zrsh. w z thebupreuho Irmirt. v,t ifrrrsJiU'. Supreme rjpol rt" of TthrT: V!5 o . difftiri'i.t mpnta at Washington. n,,,, ?1; ! . EDwARO J. ASTOH, RfiAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE j ' , agent, j AshevI !o North Carolina. J)R. JO IN HEY WILLI. .VS 6 fflee, KrIw t Building. mu A.esiuenoe. eamr ivuu.ii t- . . and Haywood street in k.. ."i telephone frona PeUiai. Drug Htu. 7 Fen. 1-ly.dAw i - JOHN 0. CLAYTON ' Rear Eacle Hotel. Ahviii w , r MANDKACrUKElt OF ' COFFIKS madelpn HnUclaaa style Walnut, Mountain Birch. Ponlar. Hn ' !. Maple, of the beat quality. Sl.ifiA.. guarmj.leed. ana low price clmr,!. n ask thai tb pabile r,M wnd 9. ,r . J A. TENNANT, ' i, j' ,! ; . Arclutect, Civil AND D Ha u a 11 T S M A N . t Scott an: n-i Office ivith Donhlvio Asheville, N. V. A. R. COOLEY !- - .-; :: Forwarding COMMISSION MERCHANT GROCER, And dealer in all kinds of c nn try produce. 1 Asheville, N. C. FOR Souther, mm irhkh loosens li lierin ie Coojrtif , Cmop the mucilagine' Mulleia FUat c Vcidfc and i.' took? iu -ti nouas m stiuuuuiccsTwcmnuit pruopM mml ntm thm C m. mhram.. m. raine nn ta Consanpticn. cnrln. oon(n Cough. ThM. c-wabined with 1 Ofcr d lah producinr pn'nciple is tb i, faiaii la TrKCfcr BonTiiii HaLUlrwa bom! ill lafonaaaaaMtul cit (at thawaiMWa:W Man and Beast !"' -"-r '-'V I ' t -' '' " ' "-' Mustang liniment is older than" most men and used more and Core t?ery year. Boardiiigr Hpiise. "h , ' (Old Central Hotel,) j By T. wt SHELTON. The table will bo supplied wit: tLe oea the mareket affords. Termg reasonable I have also In my store a good assort ment of Conn try Produce, Confectioner n ational mm,, E. H. NOBVELl4"r.pWprtwor WAYNES VI I I.E, N.C. ALTITUDE 2,770 PF.P.T Tho houso is sittialetl in the husi ness part of the town nnri is and a beautiful view of Balsam Mountain. Good ronmfl Z' trans' IJaCkS ftt th dGp0t to lneet a11 pLUM LEVI, THE OLD RELIABLE, BARBER. ' IS Still atlllU nraf o 4t. Main Street. ; ' Feb. 22, tf. I ! erles, tc. r- L- Mar.2e,Jm. V. BROWN & CO., J. UNDER (Over VanGilderA Brown's,) i Asheviljle, Jh. C TAKERS! T MT Ol .i j j. ouiaruc (MERCHANT TAILOR Respectfully announce to tho citizens of Asheville and surronndr incr country that they have opened t a first-class UNDERTAKING ESTA ALISHMENT, where will be kept a full line of - f. . ' .Comas, Met.,; Burin holies,. &c '. EfcStiJitilalty.1 Ml- tibaia!Udii&lransy; Always tteep on hand full of goods. ' Feb 10 - line 6m I T. L. CLAYTON la prepared to work, Fbv.Hr Weatherboarding and. Celling on the best of termd. and di:At n. a 1TT r JI UV jo say part of the city of Afchevllla. wmcra soiicitcoi . r f t i I; .. ! ; ' V 1