'. : ' ' : I' ,!.,? , l if -4-- ' N IV '": -. i'tf ;!'. :.'v:; r-, u;-: : j ij HE VIM VOL V. NO. AKHKVIMiK .NORTH AS UAUOMNA, SATUHHAY MUUSSINU JINJ 12, 1880. f i j j , ( If YVLV? . K rFNTR. 1; ii 11 B k v !. i v i Knterrt In lb rot offle at ;AtbTlll f. IX, 4 wcood elM mlir. AUVANCK orriCK IX CAKTKH BUILD- INO, IMMEDIATELY HO ITU or COURT MOCSE. t i ' Asheville Daily Advance. lnhH vrrjr dr ' ll wk (icvf-l uuaj ) i m follow tim pw niM : DixYmt, ... . - hi Month, .... . Thr MonUtS, - - - . . 1 SO Un XonU: - -.M Th Aitakk baa the target dully rlnMil. Uon pf ny jper We l luuhMU, itd la a Sua ulvrrliiiitf medium. iuiil coptua arnt f r on ftppiK-aURm. 1 Arrival and Departure of Trains. milury, Uarih Division, AB.B1TEA, -JW a. tu. I p Ml - i s p ra L.KAVKS. liUM ni y.jn ui INDEX TO SKW APTKnTISr-MKNTS Notick A horse lor sale. Wu, Quiulky Artesian well. Tttts Office Cook' stove lor aalo. McMullen & Tilsoh Baby carriages. Moork & lioiunDS European restaurant. Court next week. Cupt. M.E. Carter from ll&lelgh. Col. A. T. Davidson from Swain court. has returned has returned -I The country Is full of peddlers Several have applied for license within the last few days. MissMoIlie Baird is at home from Kateigh, where she has been for the past several month. Mr. J. M. Ingle, of Marshall, has purchased property In Asheville and will In the future be a citlxen of Bun combe. Our thanks are duo Mrs. T. E. Brown for a beautilul bouquet of flower, composed of pansies and feres. "The cemmeacenient exercises of Hudson College will take place next week. Several of oar citizens will attend. There will be a meeting of the Northern Settlers Association at the secretary's office this afternoon at & o'clock. We learn that in several townships In Mitchell county at the election held last Monday, every vote was cast i for prohIT)TtloTir ----- --- - dpt. Allen White, of Madison, brought to the dty yesterday and eoldto Mr. liarkiaa eight head of extra fine cattle. The artesian well at Fayetterille is now 500 feet deep. It yields no water: thouirh it is expected to g j yield 9,000 gallons a day. The Western Union Telegraph, Company will establish a branch ofj flee in Battery 1'aric uoiei lor uxo convenience of tho iruests at that. place this summer. The warehouses sold large quanti tities of tobacco yesterday. The of- ferimr were of a rood quality, and price were high. There Is yet a con Elderable part of last year's crop unr marketed. It is said in Raleigh that the saloons most close immediately1, bat the Solicitor has decided, after conference with representatives from both sides, to let the saloons keepers have until the first of July to close up their business. Whether a Giaud Jary will act in accordance with such an agreement is not known. .lACIv UAMIMCT Sentenced t Ih Handed .Inly t'tli for the Murder of iHek YVnn. Sheriff llich lias returned from Charleston, bringing with him Jack Lambert, who was ordeiviHo Ih3 rot urn oil to the jail at thif place for safe keeping untiKtb' time of his execution, which wan fixed by Judge Hhipp to take .re on the J'th of July, at ()hat!t"on, the county peat or Swain, the pris oner having leen tried and eonvio ted at that place. - ', The crime for which Lambert to pay the death penalty, was com toitted in the county of Jackson over a year ago. ine vienuu a a uau uameil Dick Wilson, against whom it was allcgevl Latubctt entertained malice on ;icconnt of u previous transaction. On the fatal night, both Iiambert nnd WiUoa w'ero at a neighbor's house togeth er, with other parlies. Lambert was drinking and left tho houso before Wilson did. When the latter came out and started home, he was shot by someoue concealed in a wagon bed. lie lingered some days and died from the effects of the wouud received. Lambert was 'arrested, charged eluding the-Sromen of Ashcvillo oi it NoiiLi; vo3ii:N. A ltely to t1u Citlr-n Corren lniletit "A." Asheville, N. i. .Fmie ll, llPMMUM ADVAICfK : On the 7th int., a etmounie;i Mi appealed in the Vilhnt, ov i the signature of "A," whieli, im A n!t. meant well; but- I t." av tint I do not iMidorse t!ie sham criticism therein tontamed, in icleienee t tho part taken by the all'o of Asheville in. tho recent election, on what H called 'prohibition, hut leally license or no licence. ! I did not vote for'prohihijion for the rea sou that a ielns;i to license Htill left whisky, brandy, wine, leer and iiJIthe appliances ol infovio.i tiou in our midst, to be fold clandes tini'lvby groat nnnbersof persons, who would rik the violat.'oii ol tlto law. 1 entertained the opinion, that under the circumstances-we haul this monstrous evil under bet ter ooutrol than if turned loose with all the venom of the wounded snake. It was not believed that the cause of temperance would be promoted by tho refusal to issue license, for this was the proposition and nothing more. That there may !h laws tending to promote tem perance is, perhaps, true, but, must bo different from that now pro posed. i Thus far, I might agree with "A," but hundreds of others in whose opinion I have great confidence, in- thing may be done to soothe the fen thousand heart aehes i of the Some years ago a pretty goot HfkHl. Ifir I jflTI fliflArnrn rkStnIA mna , i , i . i r I r " mv, vvun uiuiiy vmio iani,anusiop uIt- c y ior oreati, f1kvpJftno a in I VnrU n j the coil apsp. winch comes in sucn meiancaoiv l ' i stiains Ifrom millions of homes!0? report that the j Confederacy made miserable and desperate by had largo sums deposited in Vari- intemperance, is n strange tnac otis Ivondon the women of the land come to the reene fj Shall they be the object of censure, and "scolded like a spoiled j'ehild," for every little eiror of judgment f Snppo.se tcr, the "lotus ot creation," we, who do all the voting, and assume' to know so much, were held op to lidicule! and criticism for all our little mistakes of jndgment T Would we not show to a disadvantage T I wish to say, in cornplimentto the with tho crime," and a true bill was found against him at the ensuing term of Jackson cour- Tho case was moved tc Swain and tiied be- lore Judge Oiluier oue ycur ago, resulting in the conviction of Lam- bert. An appeal was prayed to I whoso intelligence and judgment command the very highest appre ciation) thought otherwise. A man cannot be said to bo liberal minded, who can see no good iu those whom we chance to oppose, or with whom we chance to differ. I think any movement that oibsts thej minis ters of the Gospel almost nia body men, (even those most hostile to their views,) on the day of election not a word of insult was ottered nor an (ingallant act observed to wards these ladies within the hear ing of the writer ; while from many a brawny face there came unbidden teais with expressions of face that cleat ly I indicated woman's power in this land. Let it ndt bo di minished. Their defiance, of tho criticism of the rabble point out the traits or the true heroiue. i ' Fair 1'lay. the Supreme Couit, a.'jd the judg-- and almost the solid approbation of ment was affirmed by that tribunal, the women'of the laud should have Pending the appeal Lambert was he et ec "X confined in the jail at this place, I and ; ui mnch Ulisgivigs and dis under an order of the Judge, the trust. Tho character and influence jail at Charleston being considered of our women are guch,that the very unsafe. lie was one of tho number tact ot a proposition -auecung mo l ir.A f imi rn Fmin rr oftrilV'Orl canned in the cells at the time of V1'1 r ' the escape of Hay, Anderson and others, but being in one of the low er cells, had not the opportunity to escape with the others. Friends of the unfortunate man will make an effort to indnco the Governor to commute the death sentence to imprisonment for life; 1 The writer eay bv them and sanctified by tears and imploratious to God is almost sufficient to challenge, disapproval. That they intend right, that their heroic Christian efforts have done more to redeem the world than all other, human means, none but the most ungracious misanthrop will denv. But to the communication. We were shown yesterday a dia gram of the new front porch for the court house. It la to be built of iroO, with four columns, and will be both very handsome and a decided Im provement over the present dilapida ted old fixture of a porch. Mr. W. O. Wolfe has the contract and will , begin the work as aooa as Uie mate rial arrives, which has been ordered. TbeADVAXCX can safely claim a part of the credit of this great Im proYeinent. I' It is alleged that W. T. Blak well, one of the largest properjty owners la Durham, advocated the wet ticket, and spent considerable money in the election. At the same time he was contributing the prohibition cause in Baleigh, - and paying speakers to advocate the dry ticket at .the capitol. If this be true, his motives were! to secure such a. result as would ejia lie Durham to furuUh lUleigfj. it being the nearest wet town, wfth iU liquor, and to create a greater drmaud for bis store looms for naloous, which py a high reu but it is generally believed that such an effort will be in vain. ,X Judge Shipp and Solicitor Fer guson arc expected in the city to-daj. Attention: is called to the card of "Army Salvationists." or Vm; Quigley, in regard to artesian wells, force pumps for water sup ply, etc Mr. T. IS. Yeatmau, after spend ing the winter at Palatka, Ha., has returned to this city. His many friends are glad to welcome him back. Mr. John A.Williams, editor of the Live Stock Journal, has re turned from Fayetteville bringing tiees made, (and certJinly women , j rmw? -ifi. l.im wlivil! iut inivC eacritices, 'to do what his family with him. Asheville th diJ reiult u' what it i-. a t r . a. a. 9 ' ... . a Women can be Evanrrolbti. but it should be In a womanly way. In these tlays, when all avocations aro open to them, and it is allowed or supposed that they can enter any without unsexing themselves, itstill is not considered consonant with their dignity and self-respect, to march about tho streets, as do the "Armv Salvationists." or button hole niissers-b v. irrespective of ac quaintance, clais, tolr, or condi tion. . , To do good is their mission , and though charity should not end at home, it is better that good works should commence and continuo in the domestic circle, and. if enlarged, still within bounds of organized methods. It is to be hoped that the women canvassers in their last campaign will consider well; whether they would do just exactly the same again, seeing that after till the sacri Civil Service. In the House of Ilepresentatlves, Tuesday, Mr. Cox, of North Carolina, chairman of the committee on civil service reform, said the friends of civil service reform had nothing to fear from the discussion which had taken place. He Ijad nothing to say about violation of the law. No law could bo judged by a faithless ad ministration of it. It was no argu ment to say that it had been violated. Tho first law that had been passed looking in this direction was passed by a dpmocratic congress in 18oj3. Tho reform was then inaugurated, and it went on up to the time of the war, and the greatest spoilsman who had oyer occupied thewbite House had been Andrew Johnson. The first bill that had ever been intro duced after that time had been in lSGt, bnt the politicians had been opposed to it, because it prevented banks a f, the time of The story wasjiown ti be false, and Confederate bonds ceased to find buyers.; The specn hltion is to be revived however, it appears. The English holders of evidences ofj the deb i.of the Con lederacy have employed a lawyer to urge the liability oC the United States for the whole amonntj and thiifr legal gentleman has actually apDeared before a Honse committee i Show that the flni jeri States, in nnexing the Confederacy, annexed its debt. The fourteenth amend ment to the constitution holds that the United States shall not fav any debt incurred ih aid of insur- I 1 . K rectiou or rebellion i against the liuited States," which isconclasive, if the resistance of f.h sACArlincr States to tle effort to bring them back into the Union is correctly described as: 'insarrection or rebel lion," Drowned. A white man ONE ItECEIVWO j AND IN STORE, TTTTTTT Ti T-! T ! . IF TWO n KKK H K H K .w , TIIIIEE, FO CJR, W H H K H K W W WW w w w w w W WW w WWWW Wj w -W ' w wj w OOO -N DDI EEE RRR 8SW 0ONN-ND DKRRft O ! O N N NO D K i R R 8 O O N N S I I K RRR y n n .N I. J JCEE R R O t- O N JT N D JL B R R ! O r O N N N I J K - R R S (4 OOO N NN lDi KKK R R H83 ,S8H . a JPopniar IDow) IPricc-: L-OF - and a negro in a the day last, week, and jmissingthe route, the team, was soon in swim ming water. The team and the negro were drowned, together with a lead horse that was tied to the buggy. The white m?in swam Jto the bank. IWe did not learn the name of either party. Since writing the above we learn that the white man', was named J. D. V. Invilers, a mineralogist from Philadelphia, and the colored man that was drp ned was Peter Camp- j bell, from Tazewell, Va., and the horses from the livery stable at: nn -n a r ' ' ' i ' . ; ; - ; ' ; i them from .disposing of offices to that place; j The body of the drown pay their political debts. But re- ed man had not been recovered at form had gone on and this reform hast accoants.-KogersvilleEeview would go on. Talk about it being i - h- aristocra'tic, it was the very essence An Old Citizen - Speaks of democracy. Itgavethe people a Mr. J. M. Norris, an old resident; Dure service. If carried,, out in it3 of Kome, Ga., says,: that he had purity it would decrease the ex- been badlyj troubled with Kidneyf will be his future home. Transylvania county wants a railroad to Asheville or Ilender- sonville. Cannot Asheville take some action in the matter and aid It is suggested hero that these faithful devoted women did,"buttou hole passers-by, irrespective of ac-J quaintancc, class, color, or condi tion."; This picture is much over drawn and calculated to make an in bringing a road frpm Brevard to erroneous impressiou uion the pub this placet The ground around Mt. Mitchell Hotel are being beautified and made very attractive. Mr. Timber lake had the services of about I saw nothing of; this kind, whioh pattook of tho slight est impropriety. On the con trary, for womanly dignity, modest Christian conduct and unselfish efforts 1 have seen nothing to com With Iuplex Burners. Those ura the oewetd and handsomebt laiui on Uuj uisxket. AUo nw lot Fideuce Cham Ur SeU and Jugs. We onlr Porcelain Dinner tk-U st il 2. W. orati 117.75. A new lot of 'lbie Knives jut In priun us low as ever. DxrLud Chauiber rit-U reiuul to I i.2i: Tea bet to 14.25 for W pieces, fct Law' OfjHltf ZH bj Uot!. fifty convicts iu putting down tnrf pare in my life. That they sought inir a few days a"0 to elevate the colored mau aud tho b jo- degraded dram shop loafer, by Yesterdays' train from the Fast urging them to assemble mid hear was delayed several hours by a argument, and submit to tho gon- washout in the long tunuel on tho tie influences of song and music . i. m , ,nb. was certainly commendable. It was mountain, it wa after 7 o'clock migJjioto elovato uud mako last evening before trains were iu tueb0 people. . What a noble moving all right. Capt. McBee object! How much like llim nrwHnfpndd in nerfcnn tho work of whom it is said, ho "atolvvith penses of the public service and that ya3 onn reason yhy the reform had gone on. it naa ; pcen opposea Dy politicians, but a great power, the voice that made politicians, had de manded that the reform should go on. In 1871 a law had been passed Arn;ca Salve in regard to civil service and both parties had found it necessary to in corporate reform planks in their plaform3. If they thought that it was a sham and a fraud they held out false hopes to the people. From that time on civil service reform had continued to grow until to-day the country saw both sides apologizing for not carrying out the law in its integrity. The gentleman from Il linois! (Oaanon) had saioj yesterday that he believed the chief executive vas tho most popular democrat in tho country. He would add to that remark and say he was tho most popular man of either party in the country. Why was it? Because ho was known to bo a man of the high est integrity of purpose j that when ho gave his pledge to the people he Juneodtf. would stand by that pledge, Ap plause. The country had an ex ocutivo who was attempting to carry out tho law in its integrity, and the Complaint I for a great many years; and with Eczema forthree years: at times could scarcely wulk and had tried many remedies whoat; benehc, until he began taking Electric Bitters and anointing his hands and feet with Bucklen's This treatment ah forded him great reb'fe and- he- strongly recommends Electric Bit-i ters to all who suffer with Tvidnpv Complaints, or need a Blood Pari- f fier. Sold by 11. II. Lyons, may 20jlw. j 1st. i 2nd. 3rd. 4thJ twft fiAfdA incrcrT lr'-n l'nf a' fha ! I1" I Clinch rive at Spar's Ferry, on'B LARGFT LINilS OF THESE FOUR SPECIALTIES EVER S KEN j IN WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA. Clothing' for the large and small Furnishing Goods to suit every. ?y.v''- f ' ' Boots and Shoes from the low- est to the best. ; Hats and Caps all Styles and es. ' A'' -. ; JPAIIL ' 1- ; - -': : M j : , ; : 1 j ,'r- ToskPorleyy ! i !''. ' i'' " V ' ' 7s $3.00 Shoe j filfOWTII OF ASIIKVILLE! : . A, gentleman stopping at; the Swanuauoa will self an elegant saddle mare as he will leave the' mountains next week. janel2 2t. ' ; J f- ' ' , ' Finest lot of Baby Carriagessin town town, at J I i MCMULLEN & TlLSON'S junlStfj A VERY ATTRACTIVE STOCK o!v CtOTUIXUi 8IOES, HATS, CARPETS, DRY aOCiUSS, AT VIXEI AXI REA- 8GXABLE PKicES. II. Redwood & Co. NEW AD EltTISEMENTS. ijuestion was whether congress would stand by tm. if congress would not the people of tho United States would not Applause. The rider on tho bill would deprive tho ex- Artesiau Wells. I am now prepared te contract for the sinking of artesian wells; also for erecting wind-mills aud puttiug in force pumps and supply pipes with thes same. A. private of repairing the damage. Iu the event that the bill now pending in Congress, providing for a public building in Asheville should become a law, as it unques tionably will, where will the build ing be located f We know of fed eral locations well adapted to the purpose, and the owners are already manifesting some interest in the matter. We call the attention of our readers to the advertisement cf Moore & Bobards, which will bo found in to day's paper. Thee young gentlemen have opened a bakery, restaurant and ice cream saloon, at Desmond's old stauti, and invite the people of Asheville to call on them. Their restaurant is fitted up iu ele&uut style aud will MO doubt receive a good pat-ronage. publicans aud tdauers.' Why Don't fail to call on McMulkn TiUou lor CradUs, Gtibs, &c. bhould not women and children with music aud mottoes intended for good, come upon tho streets on tho day of elcctiou ! Should this day bo one of unchecked reckless ness and debauchery i Aio tho iutiueuces of tho fireside and. tho destiny of all the bright-eyed chil dren of tho laud to bo forgotten iu tho wild excited rush of puitizau voters! Does the ballot box (so often the engine fur cuituptiou) need no lestruiuts. ' i How are the gieat moral battles of this world to lie fought f Musi it not bo done by tho heroes and heroines rushing; to tho liont iu df fiance of the criticism of tho blackguard or the machinations of tho devil 1 In this suuuy Southern laud of ours, wo have a sort of sickly seutimeutalism about what u woman must do aud what she must not do. l'oveity and mis foituue have compelled ihaiiy of them to bullet with a cold, critical woild. .They, of all others, foci from tho heart, tho effects of tho blighting, damning curso oi in temperance. And now, when, they are made tu believe that soinu rulas and regulation as he thought! best, Ife (Cox) had evey reasQn to believe that it was the purpose of tho commission to change the rulesj aud amend them. . y Tho Two Parties in Congress. Conurrass has entered upon the seventh month of its session, and its proceeding"1 have presented to the emmtrv a wretched snectacle. The Republican . Senate aud the Demof emtio House, though divided by party spirit, are uulted in their joint incapacity to solve any important 1 1 unat ion's of legislation. In all the weary months since the last of De cember not a ineasuro of public in terest has been passed, except the bill for settling tho Presidential sue- cessiou. ecu live of the power of making such residence can 'be fully supplied wiiu waiei at smau expense. Hotels j and villages supplied with water works. j 1 All risks in sinking wells are met by me, and iu case of failure to furnish a full supply of water no charge is made, : j If you, contemplate digging a well, send me a card and I wilkcall on you and furnish lull information concerning these wells. j j . " .' - U. QU1QLEY, f juul2 tf ! Asheville, C. Baby Carriages,, all sizes and prices, at 1 McM uLlkn & Til-son's. 1 ' " : i t : ' " . ' Hiickleu's Aruica Salve. Tho Best Salveviu the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Ilheum, Fever Sores; Totter, Chap ped Hauds, Chilblains Corns, and all Skiu Eruptions, and positively nrOL nr nrk ttair rnnnirAil. Tfc is guaranteed to'givo nerfoct satis FOB S. faution, or money refuuded. l'rice 0Qjy about foi 25 cents per box. For sale by IP further bar tic u, uyons. i s .1 nco. EUROPEAN RESTAURANT. B -A. DK JEa JE. . - ' i.. i i A X l I , -i ' ICE CREAM PARLOR. MOOItE & R0BAKD3 Have opened oh South Mala street, in Desmond's old stand, an elegant Itestaurant, Bakery, Ice Cream Par lor and. Confectionery . i Tho liestaurant is under charge ol a first class Italian cook of 25 iears experience, aud will be conducted, in a stylo o; elegance and comtort. . Tho BAkery is in charge ol a Ger man skilled in all tho arts of I broad makiug,! pastry, cakes, Ac- Will be prepared next week to de liver goods in any part of the city. uau and see us. ! MOOltE & BOB AUD junel2dlv. S. OOOD COOKING STOVE S.VLE. xlas boon used four or livo months. For cticulars, apply at this of- JuneiZtt. First we vote to spend $100,000 improving our . Bea.ia.tiial lon ti tn.i ti ': Oitr, All kinds of tusiness, improved thereby, property on the boom "moie puiiiding" a. demand tor another .LUMBEli YABD you have iV I Asheville Lumber Company, North-east Court House Square, Will keep a full line of-' building stock (dry, nicely assorted and Riled, lowest marKet prices. ' call and see us. June9dAw6m. I . i , KUSSKLL BROTHEKS, Proprietors. at A judicious application of pointed conductors, both on. land and sea, is not onlyj desirable, but in general is absolutely essentiai.toi the preserva tion jof buildings and ships .from the ravages of lightning. ! May 2G:tf - McMulleu & Tilson has the larg est assortment of Baby Carriages in the city. ', -- .' 1 Plain but Important. 1 i - - ! . The object of a lightniu i . .. ; i J ; . : v. i c rod upon a uuiiuing is merely to turuisn conductors, whereby the electricity discharged -from .a... thunder cloud, may fully 'escape into the earth witho'ul; causiug itfjury.j It is in fact, ji st as simjple a matter, as cutting ditches or putting in drain tile, to (carry oil' tho super abundant moisture from a piece ol Lwet land. Both servo as conductors to. re move harmlessly an injurious 'ele- ment. '" ;. i ; Mr. W. j (jJ., Gotham will erect these conductors on sLort notice. Office at A. C. Davis' store. 1 June8:tr . ,' f': - .; ..( :.'.:'.: , A UK YOUE CLOTHING, JJlJL priut your card's, tags, books, &c. w)th my' fine steam yulcanized Eubbek Stamps,. My fine India Ink isjindelliblo ou linen. Can't be washed or boiled out, I sell one line stamps, of your name, or any readicig desired, less than three inchei long, with ; in,k, pads, box, &o. fiW ojily CO centsj. Any Kind you want. Also changeable rubber type, stencils, cut's for advertise ments. Steel stamps, sealsY&c. ! ' A. B. Sams, Jr., maj,27 lw Asheville, N. 0. ' j j - . f" . J j -. Mdulleu & Tp -.oa has a full line of Fu ruiture, Carriets, Shade Goods, &6. ball and see them. ? "I i ' - ' :-' ' i Bay State Shoes, iu .Wauken pliasf, Spring Heel, Stock well Tips, and other styles, never fail . to please. . '.''- - :. .!. 1 BEASDfiNi EANK12? GS CO. Cliange of lroprietorsliij Having assumed full and entire, control of the "Fancy Gem Bakery and Confectionery," situated ou South, Main street, between W. It. Beardeu & Co., and G. A. Mears' and directly opposite H. T. Harkins' meat i market, 1 desire to return thanks for the liberal patronage here tofore enjoyed, and respectfully so licit a continuance of the same, with a guarantee o satisfaction or no charge!.-: IS . . Mr. jVaughan,; formerly with J. J. Desemond, continues i n charge of my manufacturing department, and it is conceded by every one who has tried it, that his bkead cannot bb equaxlkd in AsuLEViixx. I chal lenge comparison. I manufacture daily, a great variety, of both large and small cakes, at moderate prices. A full line of cracker goods from two of the most celebrated manu facturers in the United States. Nuts, raisins, dates, bananas, or anges, lemons, canned tomatoes, ap ples, peaches, corn, oysters, salmon, potted ham, potted tongue, potted beef, pickles, chow-chow, full cream choose, tea sugar, coHee, fine cigars, cigarette and tobacco. The - finest display of French candies ever In troduced into this market. All thoso goods are first-class, call and bo con vinced. V ! S. G. WELDON. May LHJ:tf - Be ef Market. NEW AniUCTIONS ADDED. A REFRIGERATOR TO THE RESCUE. having fixed the reputation cf his market for a 'continuous supply of good beef and good mutton, has now prepared himself to preserve these delicacies in their perfect condition without regard to the hot weather by tie introauction oi a KEFIUGEUATOK, By tho uso of which his meats are kept cool and fresh. Call and see In what condition hi meets are to be found. June3d6m ; . jf' ..-..' . .1 ' ! i "'

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