Editor's Auonocement. THE DAILY ADVANCE, a M column pa per, pa biULeU every tiny except Monday at per year, tkii tor air months Delivered to ett suberlu-rs at Wcenu pr month. -I HE AJH K VIl.LB ADVAM'K, column aAer. Is published every Heiurday at I1WJ per tcnuu. ADVKKTisrco rates (LJailtV one Inch ri clay 60 eenta: one week f iou one month H.J; lUrvo inoDihsfiariu; six months. t vlve monihs,-Ju.uu. Xo advertisements will be tnsertil betea local mater at Miy prtc. ftoticsof I arrive or lx-aths. not to ex eed ten lines, will be Inserted free. All ad dl'.'onal matter will be clutrwi 6 Cents pr line. I I"ayment lor transient advertisements id ii he made In ndvanee. iuiru!ar yearly ad 'ertiMvueata will be collected promptly at tbendofeaeh quarter. A.ivertUfiumulor a tnorier period mutt be pnld monthly. , Ail Ltonuaunlcatlons containing news or a " bcosko!i u( local matters solicited. No euiaroonlcaUon containing ohJecUonal per aotuulUea, or withholds toe name of the au. thr wili Lc pabliabed. We art rot responsible lor the views of our eorr-pondenia, . Our views are expressed In toe editorial columns. . For Judge, 12th District: HON. JAMES n. 31ERRIM0N, JoF BUNCOMBE. For Solicitor, 12th District : GARLAND a FEEGUSON,! OF HAYWOOD, j I For Congress, Oth District : WILLIAM II. MA LONE, OV BUNCOMBE. ! IoTCaPT. JOHNSTON, IX THE CAM 1'aiosop js31, pledged himself to the repeal of the intehnal. 11 even ue Law. One of his fikst acts ix Congress was to place i HIMSELF IX OPPOSITION TO; ITS RE PEAL 11Y VOTING FOKCaIILISLE 1'OR Speaker. Let the people think for themselves! THE COailE.SIO.AL CAMPAIGN.. The candidates for Congress io this district will addieas the people of Mitchell county, at the": town of Eakersville, to-day. As soou as Capt. Johnston is heard from the , Citizen will have another long edi ! torial i&IIiug how Maj. Majoue was "squelched," and how enthusiastic the people in that countv are for tho "nominee." While the Ad vance is warm in tho support of - 31aj. Malone, it is not our purpose to misrepresent or, attempt; todc ceivc bv inistatiug factsj The Citizen would have its i readers believe that the democrats of the i district arc united in support of Capt. Johnston, and that; Major Malone had no followiug whatever. Such is tho tactics of that machine ... . . l organ, but the iulisy or these as sertions is too palpable to need contradiction, 'ine citizens ac count of the Brevard speaking was partial and inaccurate to ' a dis gasting eitent. The truth is, that in Transylvania countv, j a large Lumber of the leading democrats :irc active in support of Major Malone, and it was conceeded, even by some of Johnston's friends that his majority in that county, if any at all, would be greatly re duced. Is it essential .to Johnston's success that his organ a should mis represent facta and try to.doceive the people f If so, he might as well abandon tho contest for tho people havo their eyes open, and are reading and thiuking foe them selves. This is a time when the people want to read and hear facts, instead of balderdash and hy pocxacy, and the politician j'who ex pects to win in this contestjby the use of such means as indicated, will wake up after tho electiqii to a realization of the fact thatljthe in telligent voters have set their sal of condemnation upon such b politi cal policy. . I j The Muster and braggadocio man 1 ifestedon the part of a few pets and camp-followers that hangf Urouud. the town, . is no indication of the spirit of the people generally. The great masses, who are suffering by reason or the stringency ol the times, are seriously considering those great questions which per tain to the future welfare of j them selves and their families, and have locxiticaI cry of party and the rela i J ting of dirty anecdotes. Thjey feel and know that somewhere there is a cause for the scarcity of money, the general depression of bnsiuess and the consequent want and mis ery in the land. Tho past: twelve months have witnessed more riots i and bloodshed in this land, of ours than was ever before experienced bewails of iu times of peace, aud the the widow and the cries of the or ! i phan have gone up ironi many homes, iu former years plenteous and happy, now miserable and pov erty-strickcu. Capital has jts hard, unrelenting grasp on tho throat of labor, and the toiling millipus are ! 8 affering oppressions in a thousand - tit , forms. Legislation in the Interest of the rich is easily obtained,' but a deaf ear is turned to the cries and entreaties of tho suffering poor. In jo our towns and cities thel money kings and powerful monopolies are Call acquiring property and rioting iu luxury and ease, but in the rural ncreasmg an I l Millions q llions ot men. h 0 een capital an a tzrciar andthepeo-j, pie. In the campaign, Maj. Malone is showing to the people wherein lies the cause of all these troubles and the remedies therefor. He speaks facts and figures and eschews the sycophancy of the professional politician. The people are for him the leaders of tho ring are against him. Bouvo. Old N e wTork ram H laa The genealogical record of some of th first families is threatened : bj an ex posure which mar make some wince, but no true American will b ashamed of a humble origin. In fact there is but little room for boasting among the New York millionaires. Peter Gflsej began as a journeyman pianoforte maker, and the founder of Cooper institute first ap pears in the directory as "Peter Cooper, machinist." The Brevoorts were market gardeners. Alderman Carman, who left a round million, was a house carpenters A. T. Stewart began by teaching a small echooL The millionaire Vermilyes were the sons of a sexton of a downtown church. Cyrus W. Field first opened trade as a dealer in rags. Lawyer II um- TncrT5CrtHI S3 ail niUnd txry tn liio www office in which he is now partner. Vil 1 Lini Iibbev. formerly of A. T. Stewart & Co., and now a retired millionaire, was the son of a Newburg carpenter. The first Astor that came to America was a butcher and had a stall in Fly market. Rufua Story, 1 now the millionaire veteran of Front street, ' be gan here as a hard-worked boy in a cheap grocery. Jay Gould was in early lio a clerk in a country store, and felt that he was doing remarkably well when he peddled maps in Delaware county. Reader, it will not do to dispute the day of Email things. Why, even the Spof fords were shoemakers, the Stevenses kept tavern, and the Wolfes can b traced back to a gin-milL Let the genea logical fiend do his worst, he will still fin'l that wealth, like charity, covers a multitude of sins. Now York cor. ; Cin cinnati Enquirer, j A Peculiar rortralt of Iiiit. j There I ne portrait of Abbs Ustt with which he is pleased, and it came to be made by accident. One even ing, in Rome, Liszt was performing on cf his compositions with unusual im petuosity and power. The piano, sayi an eyo witness, sang and wept alternately under- his charmed hand. When hs finished, the audience burst into a rap turous shout of "Encore!" At this Liszt, pale and looking inspired, brusquely leaped from his seat, turned around to Iha audience, with his back leaning against the piano, his arms crossed on his breast, and liis head thixw slightly back, and gazed at them unmoved for f moment with stern severity. It wai wtiile the master was in this superb at titude that Layraud, who chanced to be pment, seized his pencil and cauit the picture before him. When Liszt saw it afterwards he was delighted and he re peated the pose, though he coald not re peat the look in the artist's studio nexj week. Paris Letter. ' A Few Very Plain Xhaughta. 6oni9 of our eastern literature make mo sick. It L. so ever-nice it is nasty. Do you know, the English have addo sixty new skin diseases to the oataloguf of cutaneous diseases through exees&ivt bathing! That reminds one of the state inut of the" philosopher, thai he bathed twice a year if hp needed it. Dona Piatt in The Current.. " " , Tons of Decorative Fragments. The Louvre at Paris has lately received forty tons of decorative fragments from the palaces of Artaxerxes and Pariui and contemporaneous art. PMLadel phia Press. Atkinson & Cocke will sell at Auction the Triangular lot near Mr. Buttrick's shops at 11 o'clock on the grounds. Free Cuss from Public Square. (One fourth cash, remainder on time.) ! ASHEVHiLE MUSIC HOTJE, NORTH SIDE PUBLIC SQUARE. Sells PIANOS and ORGANS on Monthly Installments of $5 and $10. One Price! Only. - Sheet Music and Music Books. Old instruments taken in exchange. Musical Instruction at Popular Prices. 1 For Catalogues and Circulars ap ply to augl7:d&wly. REDUCTION" IN -PRICES ; -of MOBRISTOWW A'D Lenoir's Tennesseo FlouriJ. At A. D. Cooper's. j Real Estate. M- st desirable hoose on Soruce Street, 10 rooms, nearly new well and handsomely built, neat as a oin in side, lot is 90 feet front, 1ps3 than mi,e from court house-a bargain. for sale on Chestnut Street 100x378. can be had for the next few days at a jair unw. xno parry securing tnls a : rwni a. . - - lot win De lortunate indeed. A MAGNIFICENT SITE exactly 400 leet square, with streets on a fliaes, Doauuiuiiy shaded with trees, many or triem young and grow Ing fast. This fine prorertv is in North Asheville, on Broad. Sibblv anu uorqrr si reets, one Diocfc Korth V a a m . .7 Uluatnut street. The above are only a few exam Dies a large and varied list of real estate lor sale in and around Asheville. at my office In conrt house or ad dress me through the Postoffice for 6w further particulars, plats of lots &c. WAX.TSB ii. UWYNi augrvdtr Land Agent. TPitio Groceries! -VAJLW ; ' ( " mported and Domestic 1 KAPLER'S. TTTTT TTTTT T : T T TTT.TT TTTTT '- T j T V T T T T ' T t KXTItA TTA8. CHOICEST Kew Crop; Choi'est Moyune Gunpowder, Englsh Breakfast, Fornosa Oolong Extr. Fancy Japan. FINE COFFEE. Mochu Old Government Java,; Cordcra, Santos Peaberry, FinesiRio and Laguayra, Instantmeous Chocol te, Cocoa," Baker's Chocolate and Broma. 1 fTROSSt BLACK WELL'S Jams, Gordon fc Dilworth's Jellies & Pre serves - ! G. & D. Jineapplesj in ghus Jars, jd G fc D Cranberry bauce, CANKED VEGETABLES. ; Gordon d Dill worth's AsparagufJ Oyster Bay Asparagus, Sifted Early June Teas, Whole Tomatoes, Okra and Toma- toes, ; : '." French Peas and Mushrooms. CALIFORNI A CANNED FRUITS,' Peaches, Apricots, Pears, White Cherries, Green Gage Pluinsj Bahama Piueanples grated and sliced. EDAM A PINEAPPLE CHEESE Boss' Lunch Biscuit, Boss' Wafeis, Mushroom Crackers Imported Albert Biscuiti Finest New Orleans Molasses, Key West and Imported Cigars, Full Stock of ; Staple Groceries l At KEPLER'S, South Main St., opp. Eagle Hotel, JOHN 0. CLAYTON Rear Eag Hotel j Asheville,"N.C MABrUFACrURJCR OT COFFINS . made nn flrst-ciass style,- ot Walnut, Mountain Birch, Poplar, Pln an Made, of the i best quality, j Eaisiucllori smaranteed. and low prices charged. He asks that-tb P' bllo call and ae for tbem 200 acres, 4 wiles out, To be sold as a whole or subdivi ded to suit purchaser at private sale for 30 days, and if not sold before the expiration of that time will be offer-i ed at public outcry, August 30th. i cash, remainder in oui and two year-i. Atkinson & uocke. Real Estate p.ealers, lm. MILK SUPPLY. SWANNANOA AYRSI1IRE : ; AND JERSEY DAIRY, la in full oberat'ion. Arrangements have been made to go the rounds of trie city every monnuK uetweuu iuw . . . j i cepfed. (Babyls miik supplied.); Thanking customers for past 31 ravors,! and soliciting a continuance of the same I am j ! Very Respectfully, at THOS. ORR. FINE FARM TO RENT. The fine farm belonging to Capt. P. F. Patton. Just outside the city limits, containing 225 acres 70 acres of which is choice bottom land suit able for "cardeninsr. trucking and general farming, will be offered for rent on private cont.act till tho 10th day of September, next, and if not disposed of) by that time will re rented to the highest bidder. A suit able and acceptable tenant can get thi3 property for a term of years, For particulars apply to Atkinson uqckf, Aug 12:1m , Real Estate Dealers. PAINTIX G! PAINTING 1 ! - arcCanless Bros., contractors for house and carriage Dalntlne: also. aaisomininEana pias made tolok kxi Sew. The be.Vmaa SSu9l r . - r SdUiUieHe . : COUNTRY PRO UUCE just received and will be kept J - , n1 oubtauuv in btoie. ... Al.. co and cierars. Hoping to merit and receive a share of vour patronaere, we , ... . r . w - are I" Very Respectfully, , NEEL & BAIRD. feb!8tf. i ; . . . SwANAJtoA Hotel The Tourists' Hotel. i t The largest and best arranged brick hotel in Western North Caro lina. Appointments give solid com- fort to guests, airj. Rooms Halls broad and large and well fur nished. Prof. Stefona's Philadelphia Or chestra engaged for the season. ISpecial rates to families by the season. ; i i Rawls Beos., Prophr. jlyI3 3m. j 1 ; : L FOR - RENT. House near Post Office, for rent. Apply to " . i A. D. CoOPEE. Sep 3-lw RENT A six room cottage neaiiy new and In good condition, i a ftfi Avii I a Tnnminn Asheville Junction or annanoa Bridge, ! Apply to i ; ! . ! i J. A.Tennent, augl7 lot ; u .Rest P. O. PROSPECTUS OF THE - ! Western Krcti Carolina Baptist APRIL, 18fc, the -Blue vn or Derore Thnrsday, the First Day of llge BaptiBt" will ce Asheville, Nj C And the hhvad changed to Western JVortij The tlt)r r willhn iMilnrrl s nii -tt-111 taill IS COitiln nr innmnf toHtic mttcr i irilltceifi wit ti able Corresnondence and wciiwiTOiu ut-u; it shall DrUUe with cnr rent ecinmei.t anil iimeiy criticism, and will .11 . . - -r pnjsate with the piwh and enterprise . which uur uajr ueLUluuia. J I WUt SOUND, ! ' ! NEWSY, PSICY, j ! VIGOROUS. Planted In Asbevi Me, our Mountain MetropJ 011s, tue paper wi,l secure advantages not possessed bt-fore, :;nd will feel spurred to new exertions In order to hold Itself abreast of its surroundings, -i s ) l The great work if building up the cause i Christ througb l..t,ut Faith! and Principles, Is not all that It pi opoaes to fio. But 1 will do :ill that a Religious journal legitimately can, 10 aavance me geuerai interests ol wes tern iorm uaroima. j . Keligiousj Department. . This will embrace. L Sunday-school Les sons among the best publiahedj 2. Select short Kitinioub and essays from 'the finest ? Teachers. Jfc KxtracU of sterling merit, rora the pens of our contemporary religious editors 4. Abie correspondence from home and in other Stales. - j j FAMILY DEPARTMENT. Se lections for the farmer and his wife, lor the youDg tolks and children. J ir,5 .v.nr chmpass Local,iHome. St.tre, Uc-neraJ and Foreign News in orief. -I : " !") ADVERTISING MEDIUM. The "Baptist," on account of its large subscription list and general circula tifin, claims to be, and doubtl?ss wil be the best advertising medium, as a general rule, in all this section. It is the only religious journaljWest of tne Uluo Ridge. With a com para tively small circulation last Spring; ending its list grew to an average o copies for the threo months hrst dpy ot December last. Price 1.50 a year, invariably in ad vance ; 75 cts. lor 6 mos.; ordained ministers. A FINEOFFER. $1 to To every new snbscriber who sends $l.5Q tho paper will be sent from dat ot liis payment to 1st of April, 1887 JOHHiMi E. UABTEli, ! i Editor anil ProprietSr, Henddrsonville, N. C. Mr. Frank Carter, of Ashevillel will be in our office5 when we are out of the city, and will repeive ubscrip twn and ftdv-rtisemeHts for us. ValnaWe Cityi Property for Sale .! r I I I will offer for sale at public aiic tion to tne nignest omuer on Thursday the 30th September, 1886, thel following I property on Main Street in this city, viz: j 1. The Store and Lot known as the DeVault i Drug Store 23 ft by 260 feet. Which 2. The lot adjoining the same od the South, being one half the space between the (Drug Store Wreaver, Shoe! Store, 26 and the feet by 200 including the small building on Main Street j attached to Drujg Store. Y 3. The lot adioiniher . the above and South of - it, of same dimen-j sions and extending to the jWeaver Shoe Store, the said two lots being! intended to divide equally thS i wa, v w u ivu vu i v a a a u w a a. i x w t.,ii; i. ,ua OCCU-j fahoo P4 :) : t? PaJjJ otute, ut-iug it.,; uv pu H;. 5. The vacadt space between the Shoe Store and the wooden build iug Hoqtli of it being 21 ft. by gco ft, . .; - 9 J ' I will also sell at the same time, some fifteen other lots facihg pub-j lie square and the old jail lot. Also,' one on New street, running from College to Eagle street, continua tion of Spruce street, and on a 50 feet street running from the jail lot in the direction of Eagle street to the Barnard property. Also, tho building occupied by Mr. iPerrow as a warehouse, including S3 leet by 38 feet. ' A plat of these Lots can be seen at the J$ank of Asheville! also, at the office of Moore5 & Cam- mings, and full information there given Terms : OJue-third cash in hand, remainder in twelve months j note Sna secPn witn eigne per cenc j-i n n ti it ev in rn ma c r " r t mr m per annum," interest required. Any purcnaser wisning jto pay i i ii cash for. deferred part, can do so at a discount of 3 per cent, of the face of his note, if he make such wish known on day of sale, and pay same within ten dayg thereafter. the owners of the property. LATVRENPR PULLIAM, Agt. Kent 7. ISSb. Till da v of sale,. a. - i - . a HAGAN'S Magnolia Balm is a secret aid to beauty. Many a lady oWes her fresh n eSS to it.who wonlH rntfii ness to it, who would rathe not tell, and0 can't tell. Mountain View Hotel ; i j WEBSTER, N. O. Fe H. Lcatlierwood, Headquarters for the travellne aree sample rooms for commercial men Table supplied with the best therarkat ( affords Hates reasonable. . Mar2-m Cemerit,?Hard Finish, Plastering Hair, Nails,, Locks, Hoes, Kalso mine, Brushes, j Longman's Mixed ?3J TvVato dnrahlT nts, Deavy, smootu, duraDie, and cover more surface than any ; otber goods. , -j ' -t-s ! Beaeden, Rankin & Co. r AlaylStf.- - : I i l"r. Z onbllc NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. r-STOP AT THE WESTMN 'JflOTED HICKORY, NJ C. If You Want A Good Meal And I ' Bed. 1 S. A. CbANDLER, i i Proprietor. apr!9 tf FOR RENT. A dwell ing house, pleasantly i If irarRrt-- . rooms, in the jfeZ2i town WeaverviUe. at reasonable rates. Address Lock Box 281, June 6:tf Asheville, N. C. THE V ESTERN H0TE ' V under its ' New Management Is rapidly gainicg in popularity. Mrs. Li. Al MCrRAYEB Bon, are using every effort to make the "WESTERN" one of the very best hotels in Western North Caiolina Their rates are the most reasonable. .When you come to tne city 1 stop aj. the "WESTERN." , jan29-6m ALWAYS SATISFACTORY ' EIGHIM SIZES AMD KINDS ALTi riIpiCHASEKSCAK BE SUITED i MANUFACTURED BY Isaac A.Elieppard&Co.jBaltiEore.Hi , .: AjSo fok sale by W. lv. BEARDEN & CO., Asnevine, jn. u. 3.1) BEEVAKD, 1). BLACKWOOD I I - J. D. Brevard & Co. f . ' I. DEAIiKRS IN i GENERAL MERCHANDISE, CONSISTING OF CIothiDttJ Brv Goods, Ladies Dress Goods, toons, &c. ' "' We also make a specialty of , BOOTS, SHOES. AND ' H H H H H H A V -AA A A A A AAA A 4. A A TTTTr SSSS . S I s s1 i- SSSS i s H S SSSS T T . T T HHH H I II H H Mepsrs.'H. iLamarGudger and F. A. Fanning are with us and would be glad to see their friends. Decg-Sm. r ' . Blanks. I If you want blanks of any kind call or sptid your orders tp jtbo AP Vance office. We have a large e-xpply of blank I deeds, deeds of trust and chattel morgagesou hand at reasonable prices. . All kinds of i legal blanks furnished on short no tice.; j Magistrate's Office. Having been appointed a Justice of the Peace for Buncombe county in Asbeville township, I hereby notify.the public that Tcanlbe found at all times at the1 Advance office n Carter ! building, South of the court house. ChasL W. Malone. FOR I Manand Beast I Mustang Liniment fs older than most men,) and -used more and more every, year. - I.,HapRBNFIiO, . CONTRACTOR k BDILDEB. ! j Asheville, N.C.' . AU work executed In ' the very I best mnnr. rlans and J apeoifloatlon t,fnr on iron nouee, ; W. L. Norwood. -. i G. H. Smathers IVTORWOOD & SMATHERS, l1 . ' ATTOENEYS AKD COTJNSELLOEg - LA LAW, . . j '. Waynesville, N. C, : I Collections' of claims a specialty Practice in the counties of Buncombe Haywood, Jackson, and in the U. S. District and Uireuit uourts at Asno- dec. 10 12m. H. MALONE. I J. W. BOWMAN, BakeraTiUe, N. O AaheyUle C. Malone SBowia TTavinq formed" a copabtneb- AJt cViir in tho nrartirft of tho law. will do busmess in; several of i the "V. . r-r ------ - ,T-," counties of the 11th and 12th circuits, especially in the counties of Mitchell, vnfpv. Madison and Bnncombe. will practice in the United ; States Court and theSupreme eourt.ot the Stated Controversies -In regard to land titles made a specialty. COCl STOYES; i I O O : -V The! advance .-V t ! OB- Priniingr Office Asheville, N. C. Havinsr recently added a large amount of new prrinting material to our Job Office, we are - now pre pared to execute Job Printing - in style equal to any in the State. Our patrons mavjrely upon naving meir orders promptly ex ecu ed. Call on us it you are in want o "Oamphletsi Posters. Note Heads, JL'f- Letter Heads, Bill Heads, State ment sana jnveiopesj. Tusiness Cards, Address .Cards, JlJ Wedding Cards, Invitations, ana mils or Jj'are. i" m a va.vs.o vf AauvCO ances. Lables, Blank Jotes, Blank Drafts Blank contracts. B ank Mortgages, Blank Coeds, Deeds of Trust. Chattel Mort gages and Land Deeds. Bills, Pro- Come and see qr siftniglea of '.Wedding Stationery wand- dance ORDERS. 9 E Note Peadd, Letter. Heads. , - 1 3 Bill Heads, etc., put, up in blocks or pad very convenient lor office use, ana saving many sheets . which would be j coiiie stQiieu or unnc sor use Dy ivinff t oosely about:! I We mke a specialty of PAMPHLETS -AND Ts if' TT7 . 1 HOO K ' W OVlZ UVJL Vf .VliV -1 A Ed 3peeially prepiral ti et- cute it in first class style. Don't send your orders North when you can geti a nicejob at homo. , and save time, tnoney, and trouble; Estimates Tot all kinds of. work cheerfully given. - " t 5 v X T . I I m- rvwi mm-mm M. A.I tifill wamaTota I A. ",uc,n"j wiuiYoyiuui Attpntlnrt ArMrPfls. : i ;. 1 ; THEO. HOBGOOD, AaheVnie, ZI. C lard j Folders, Hand v grammes, etc. 1-T---- ' i :A : ? :- . ' . . . . - it , EDVARD J. ASTOJI, BCAL ESTATE AMD INSUHAMCC - r I AGENT, ' Aths5:!9. Wcrth ' ' f v.- --: C.,r: i: , ; Dental rooms in Binder, buildlDg , opposite Central. HoteL " ASIZETIXIJ IT. O, Aprill7, 1684." ' y B H. DOUGLAJSS, D. D. 8 i Dental Rooms and residence over Je Vault's Drug Store. ASHKVILLK, N. C. Chas, a. Moomi, P. CCMMIOtX 310 ORE & CUM I1VG S , Attorney and Qnaisdtort at Late. . AsnKvnxr, n. c. : PraeUo Jn the United States Clrenlt ar c District CbarU at AabevUle, BtatMYlila Charlotte and Greensboro: In' the Huprsn pourtat Raleigh and In the Courts of tha 12th Judicial IMsUict of the HUM at Worth Carolina. Special attention given to collection of olalms. Septll.am fALTEB W. . VAN DIVER, i- ATTORNEY AT LAW. MARSHALL,.;.. N. C. I Offices also at Asheville and Wea fervWe. , Special attention given to the collection of claims in Western North Carolina. ' y , J. S. Mcfiiiraor. J. P. Jaoaruxw JcELBOY d MORPHEW,? i I T 1 Attorney and Coumellon ut JjcUce la the Conrts of Madison, Bar. pombe, Yancey and adjoining Counties OmcMr Marshall. N. C. and ly. N. C. pJTM. R.jWHITSON, j j Attorney and Counsellor at Lav. ASHEVILLE, N. O. ' WUl practice In all the conrts In the Wss. tern part of the State. f . I . wea. Having beent or sTrat, vAor..... with the Probate Court, ' c4alms V-n feclllUes for practice In said eonrL Lol. ,on specialty. (Jaujo H, (A G0DGKB. H. B. CABTXM 0UDGER 4 CARTER, Attorney 9 end CottnteUori atZawm ; ASHEVILL1?, K (X , . Practice together in all the eosrte of the Ninth Judicial District, except he Infer! Jr oourt of Boneombe eoanWt and luSL w iV1 anJtlS- ot Wtehell, Vancey ailS cpow, ell of the 8th W.trlct. BpeoUl t! tentlon glren to the ooueo Uon Sf u i m2 to iX p&xtM ol the State. One f mewbts toe , flrm . .will , be . in Karshall, .. nadUva ooonty on Saturday ot eyery week.' on' professional business. i j W- omce In arter Bonding, up atalra. AprU2&-t& " . ' " Johnstone Jonea. Henry Bardwiek ' JONES & HARDW10KE. Attorneys . and. Counsellors at Zau. Office In Citizen Building, , AflHKVIUJ N. c may 3.3m. ; MELV1N E. CAUTEIt. Attorney at Law, ASHEVILLE, N. C. Practices in ' the Courts oi Western North Carolina. Claims collected ia all parts of Le State. . jalyi8 lj M. H. MALONE, , Attorney and , Counsellor at JLxv ; ! ": ', ::; AaiiEvuxK, N. C. i Pratlces in the courts of th &th: Judicial District of tho State, in the Supreme court at Kalaich. in Supreme Conrt; of the VUfiA 1 States and the i dlfTerent Uuunrt. rnents at Washington. . mayl6-tf. . J A. WATSON, M. D. Physician to the Woman's "WaM H . ! Mission Hospital. ' Office over OarmiehaeVs, Drug Store, Telephone number Office J. I iuAAtr. JJOCTORS GATCKELL, PHYRICIAKS. special attention to cuaojuo piskai i . ., ' . . i .: , THROAT AND T.TTTCfis' ' K,IJ OHN HEY WILLIAMS OC3w. OiAwr Baitomo, Mains tree i. ,; WfM'. corner French Broad Ayekne and UaTWOod street. sJ. iCr .rTilT. tiephoneirom Peihax't Dros- rum. Fete. I-lj-HtAir Tflr W. JONES, . ; Attorney at Date, ! 1 ASHEVILLE. N. C' j (Office In Johnston Buildlnir.1 4 Practices in the Court rr WMrfm North Carolina and KunramA nnnrt 1 at Raleigh. nov2Stf. O t X A.TENNENT,: ARCHITECT AND CONTHAOT0B . lEstl mates and bids 'maflA tAr .!! work' J if my line. No rhnrrm fnr I designs and specifications if I con- tract tor work. 2 ' Angl9 30d . on T 'I aitSOBGMI1 V nWl Square,, Offlce Telephone eaU lio-M, Jiesldec, liaywood St. marl9-ta Q W. rUREFOY, Mi D, Oflers hifl nmfAHafnnal ' tnAAa mi, toe citizens of AahevIIlA Ami - . ... 1 i ... surrounding coantrv. OfSce ' over Carmlchaels drni EdFHISICIAlI I I .,r--v '.y-

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