i! ted. N.a THE A IjVANCIS', ujfH-.o. U9BQOOO, El. Pregrlfrter. TUESDAY, OCT. 11, 18S3. JMitor's Anouncemeit. . TUB DAILY ADVANCE, a eoloon fr. raMtsued every day exo-pi Mo T j t a 'V ief year. U tor uxaiounn. v - - - torltr si.o-cribersat WwnU P?J "Uli!?- THKAJIlKVIlXEAlVA-fJS,Jlann tPT. is published Tery ISatardayaMKwper iiautn. i AOTKBTISIO KATXS (DAILT Olje Inch -f(!.iTUcnu;ODvfi fXW on& mourn rt.Uuiremonth10.w: monUt. tl hwtiv laonlhMioa. No adTertisenynts wUt lai-rtMl btwn local nutter at atiy pnc . 2wi.cs ol iirrlce or l. not vo ex-,-r.t Im llntm, wHl tx Inrted free. All nd C.ilouu matter wUl be cnarged 6 cynte pfr UitZ it fKrmeat for transient adTerSseinenU jruul re made In tdnnrr. Kralr yearly J.ertlxttcuU wlU be collected preaoptly at end of each quarter. AertLwneuu for . mc-r-er period wiurt be paid monthly. AU CominnntcaUona coiitlaiui or dttCUMlon -f !OCl " 't-Sr r communication containing bjeeuenal per ...uuUi', or withhold Ue name fir tie su. .hr wUl U published. . ( We r not reeponalfcle lor the tIiti of our rmrvpondeut. Our Tlewsare exprf wed in ie edliorUJ eel a inns, i j For Judge, 12th District: HON. JAMES II. MERRIMON, . goF BUCOMBE-i J rTor Solicitor, 12th District : GARLAND a FEEGrTJSON, OP HAYWOOD. For Congress, 9th DUttict: WILLIAM H. MALONE, OF BUJf COJ1BE. xCapt. Johnston', in ijuc cam paign of 1SS4, FLEDGED HIMSELF TO TIIE REPEAL OF THE DtXI1NAT. ' Revenue Law. One of ins fivst acts in Congress wa$ Tp place mim3e1je ix opposition tcf its v.y. zzal dy voting fobcarli?le for Speak dr. Let the people think foiithfmsklves! Henry George ismakingrsplendid prgres la bis canvass fox ma.for f New York. Gbairman John McMackin, of tLe campaign execu tive committee, says: f We are !u:;d to win. The Coor Uuioa mprfincr is all the evideueo I tie- sire to convince me that sps are in earnest at last, ;he iiis and tt:.t them in with a anv attempt to trifle witlf this campaign will be met otera and successlul op osition." tiwU inflience is biu2 felt o - i more and more everyday. George Ilntrhins. who died a shdrt while .rrn at Blue Anchor. X. J.J left the bulk of his property to Ilefirv George for the formation ol a "Ilntchins Funds," to bj nsed fr ;tbe express purpose, of Jpreadmg the light of social nnij poltie.tl Jibertv and justice in thu United States of America by meins of dn m it tribation of your works, Progress and Poverty, Excepting the great fpresiden tial fraud of 187C, when Rutherford 1. Hayes was seated as president against the wishes of a large ma jority of the American peo'ple,nevcr has there been so great an outrage perpetrated npou the principle? of free government, as that which was committed by the justice.. of Bun-. combe county, in spurning with haughtiness and contumely the respectful petitions of a free, and a s mitring people. I I The theory of our goverment is, that a majority of the people shall determine sucn measures as may a I from time to time be brought e- and any attempt by a minority to fix upon the majority a law off en "ivo to the latter,- should be promptly and decisively rebuked. To do less would render the peo- j pie, justly obnoxious, to;a charge of culpable indifference, a6d an un- worthincss to exerciso thb right of local self-government. J There are to-day before the peo ple ot Buncombe county Us candN I dates, for the legislature, two gen tlemen claiming to be democrats, who. as former members of the General Assembly, disregarued cerrain pledges made totlio people, and fixed noon them, in an arbi- - i trarr and illegal manner aliv which a large majority of th vo- . J 5 - ters in Buncombe county tOlay t coudmn. Mr. Pearson on tfio othr hand, has pledged (. him Ji, iu the future, (as he has dVer drue in the past) to vote for noj ine.A re which will militate agjjirist fhe wishes of the maforitv orle dotri- j :onral to their interests, j In vit w or. ail tne laces, can tnereTo :my fore them for their consideration, SSff:SiiSS!lL. -and anv attcmnt bv a minoritv to ?dy Mush, church, Fiday, doubt iu, the mind of ay in vlli ent man, to how he 'should vote! Moor's. Jones an Gud;(cr represent the dictatorial ting cau cus; -Mi. Peatson repre-iiis iae s;vcrcd right of the majoriJy to rule - To elect Messrs, Jones an jl Gurfger try. would be to condone a stupen Jti run fraud. To elect Mri Pearcon vor.M be, to rebuke the nand. It is for the people of Bnucombe coun ty to say on the l:na ol govern oer nxt, if principle shall be vindica li. Itch,Pnlri flange, pnCScratoh ; Uoiel, where he, will be glad to gi tired in SO rInutPi; ty J estimateon aU work Iu hL line. .1 jf every kind cured 'A-'col ford's Sanitary Lottoa- 1 T ni.Mnar. 'ha rn?ar tfli -.1 - t ' r.r . T.a Tlrnat iuhnvilU . . xx. wijo, iiuuk, xuuutiu, , y tvwiu n AJ I AHHQMCEMEHfS. t nm ft candidate for the office of Clerk of the Superior Court of Bun combe county. The action of the county democratic convention on the 2Ai Auffost. is already known throughout the county, l neea noi di5cu.-s It here, further than to say that 1 lelieveit to be. vitlail-by. fraud and by the violation of" the. plainest principles and usages t f tba democratic party, and I propose to submit the isue to the good and hon est men of the county. Very Iteppect fully, W. T. .Reynolds. To the People of Buncombe. I hfreby announce myself a Can didate for the oflice of Clerk of the Superior Court of Buncombe. lam a republican, and am opposed to the present system of County gov ernment, and am specially opposed to the arbitrary system of govern ment we have to submit to in Bun combe. I am also opposed to publicans sacrificing their man hood in their votes for independent democrats, so called. If such be democrats at all, they should stand by and support their party, and if they are not democrats, that is if they do not endorse the prin ciples of the democratio party in this state, then they are in truth, reDublicaua,- and- if. ihftj?. hav not manhood and courage enough to declare their republicanism while oppose democratic principles they are not "entitled democratic or republican votes. 1 am a republi can, and not only expect phe votes of republicans, but of those who do not eu dorse the democratic! candi dates or policy. 1 am constrained to thus announce myself because no candidate, yet out, seems willing to declare himself a republican ; at the same time there is'a candidate who is asking repblican votes be taue-he opposes the democratic nominee. If I do not get a single vote but ray owu, I am a caudidafe for the office of Clerk as a square, trno republican, and 1 wish to see whether the republicans of Bun combe will maintain their manhood and vote for a straight republic or be canght by the hypocracy of flfish democrats, and vote for them. If they do, they have no right to claim to be republicans. I shall thank my repulrficarj friends fr t'neir support, and if elected I shall discharge the duties of the office honestly and faithfully if not elect; td I shall feel I have at least main tained republican self respect and integrity. j. F. CLARk. To the Voters of Buncombe County : Iu compliance with the wishes of many gentlemeu of both politic.'.! parties who have spoken Lto mo on the subject, I anuouDce myself as a candidate for. the position - of. Sheriff of Buncombe county. I wil t.av in connection, I had no desne to'be uominated by any convention. The only convention I can reco. nTeinen oT Uunco nT6e county, who will, on election day, announce their I oiinions. By their action am willing to stand. Jly views will be .made known to the voter of Bun corn bo county iu the coming com paign. i Very Respectfully, . :Maek 1 Jones. Asheville, N. C , Sept. 29, ?SG. Public Speakliigr. The candidates for the Legisla ture iind othpr rntiHid'ttPM fnrronn- ry offices will address the people of Buncombe county at the Jbllowmg times and places, vi? : Black M'tiu. Assembly IU11, TuesJay, get. 12 oopors, cnurco, weanesuay. fair v lew. Church Grove, Thursday, Umesto-e. Old fc-aleru. Pridav. Keemi Crees:, Oolietre Chapel. Saturday, Avery's Creek. W.P.Shinman's, Monday, Leicester, - Saturday. vy, Hamard's Store, Tuesday. Flat Creek, Baptist Church. Wednesday, Alexanders. Thursday. " Aihevlile, Baturdar, M Speaking begins promptly at 10 o'clock. The candidates lor county offices will take me lime till Ilerlal used. Satisfaction guaranteedSh :ps o'clock, and then the Candidates I for the Legislature will begin speak iug. Come one, come all. Be prompt. Congressional Campaign. Major Malone aud other candidates for Congress will address the people at the following times and places 1 Marion, Monday. ti Charlestbn, Friday, . " Robbinsville. Saturday, ' u . Murphv, Monday, 5 16 18 20 a6 Ilavesville, Wednesday, Fair View, Tuesday, 4 Ayf,(Bf-jrri?lds,4fJl-a!,d) ed; ?cU Rutherford ton, Thursday, October Lo - an's Store, Rutherford 1 county, Friday, 2 Science. While Oxygen has been used for 100 years as a remedial agent, it is oniy of late that the profession have understood its great ihera- pL'Stio power. It is now endorR-d by tho best physicians in tho coun According to Sam'l S. Walliau, A. M.. M. D.. of New York, it im- mental and physical vigor. Dro. Gatchell and Stone are using this treatment with phenominal success. vtiention Builders. You can save money by having J. proves the Quality and anautitv of , ATiiTmmr , nnAUTT, F ?. - uuA roHorno r,x.nr--,i,ri a ml A) U l i 11 1 rliU city every morning between t "r. :r-r::r r"rr r T" ::r a m u i": . hours of s and s o'clock, and 5 ana iicturtcaca viy iuiui , iuuco r, jiu itv,cw vixi uc jv jL n tbe evening, Sunday evening x- t'11-atuiuK Mtiautj , pjwiuw.. consiautlViin Store. ceptetl. (Baby's milk supplied.) ancy Ol spirits: ana mcrea;ea I Thanking customers for nast favors. ai e - nil 1 to give you an estimate on your tin, sheet iron and ornamental work. He has opened a shop of winow street, in rear of Bwannauoa ve no vll . . . .V" : """I i . i . . t . ' W .. " I lvespecuuiiyv J. R. Hill Now for the Fight T " 1 ' i- ' ' - - FOR. TUB CAMPAIGN, ' nri I JM . 1 Le . OnlV .democratic dail ' paper in the Ninth" Congres- sional District not controlled by corporations ' .and cliques, and with the independence to speak its own sentiments, " ig noring self-constituted leaders and would be bosses. A P PER FOli THE PEO- PJ5 , NOT G Iil MCHLNE. During the campaign the Ad vance xwill contain the very latest and most reliable news from ail sections. The progress of the can vass will be given airly and im partially, and the latest and mo lmporrant rnatleis of news on ail subjects will bo found iu its columns. ! :' For the campaign, we offer the following low subscription rates .' ( Daily, from ; September ; 1st to November' 10th.......... $J..C0 Weekly, from September 1st to January 1st, .25 McABOY This popular resort is sit'jalod in U4Sr.cf-lebrated Thermul Belt' ou9 mile and a half from Tryon City nn the Asheville & 8c artanburg It, R.' 41 mile South of Asheville, N. C, and 27 North of Spurtanburg, t-i. C directly in front of Tryon Moun- Beautiful Scenery. Tho Hoae is large, roomy and homelike, with broad Piazza, situa ted in a J - : GRAND PLD GROVE j of Oak, Mimosa, Walnut and PJte trees with large, beautiful, sno ,v Flowers and Shrubbery. The Hotel farm affords an amp'e supp'y of fresh milk, fruit, vegeta bles, &c. TheT stable supplies, t-addle ri d cairiac-e horses for the ROMANTIC DRIVES for which the country is. noted. No Fog. ; No Dew. No Frost. OrJEX WINTER AND SUMMER The Iron Spring possesses wonder ful medicinal qualities. Carriages meet every train. Aaaress, Lynn, Polk Co , N. O. SWAKJVAIVOA HOTEI. The Tourists' Hotel. The .largest and best arranged brick hotel in Western North Caro lina. Appointments give solid cora fort to, guests. Halls broad and airy. Rooms large and well fur nished. Prof. Stefona's Philadelphia Or chestra engaged for the season. EiPSpecial rates to families by the season. ! Bawls Bkos., Prop5r. I jly!3 3m.l ! Fruit ! Don't buy till you have seen the Hamilton Fruit Jars, Jelly Glasses Ice Cream Freezers, at Bearden, Rankin & Co. ; jiylS tf i j j PAINTING! PAINTINUl! McCanless Bros., contractors for house and carriage painting; also, kalsomlnlng and i!s tering, uud paper hanging, i Old f urn tare mm .4 .a. IaaW - s . . mi . la lToniot Swannanoa, up stairs, over Ray's cn 1 -.us 32 Q CO 1 O Oocoo0 ?COOO m! 0 2 HI 03 O : si I CO g re w a &4 ! ta - 01 o o o ?oooo 10 til 00 3 w www Also confectiontries, tobac- co and cio-ars. Hoping to" merit and receive a share Of your patronage, ve Very Respectfully, v I NEEL & BAIRD. .febl8tf. , J ; ,T7iORRENT.-On Ch. st- CllllJ A tint Utrnn . "v uuee n?if Kf rfot n -, -i & - excellent wa:er. 1.1 rr-... , Apply, to bctS Jib35 R. hiAbxxh. AN ORDINANCE Concerning the Asheville Street Railway Company : Be It ordained that the Asheyllld Street Railway Company- la hereby anLhorlred and permitted to mate, construct, maintain and nse a single track railway for the transporta tion of psenger, along such streets in the city f A tihevfile ss may be selected and tle Ujrmijied bv the Mayor and Aldermen of the city for the termor twenty years fTom the passag" ,t this Ordinance, and for that pur- . j . j . i ,i i ,?Tectloi , .fan engineer appointed therefor by J ,he ssld Mayor and AldeVmen, the streeu se. I Tu dptprminvl ai Afnrpaaid- Itrt finch extent us may be necessary, and may erect switches, turntables, turnout, stables and i other app lances for the prosecution of it DUEinesa oniy ai sacn places as me muu Jiaj or and AIdernen may select and determine. Pbovidbd. That no nuisance to the city or any cf its e tizens be created thereby, and it may operate and run Its cars every day of the week If it se lit so to do. But the privileges hereby granted shall not be . considered or deemed exclusive, the said Mayor and Alder men hereby expressly reserving the power cf. granting like privUeges to any other corporar tlon, person or persons after the ejepi'ation of ten years from the date of this Ordinance, i Piiovidkd, farther, that the said road be continuously operated and be made upon and subject to the conditions hereinafter made and provided, the violation of any f which shall operate as a forfeiture of the franchise and privileges above granted. The Mayor and Aldermen of the said city Tray from time, to time, prescribe regulations for the opera tion and management of the said Irallway ; impose flues and penalties for the violation thereof or any of them, and may at jits pleas ure suspend the running of the card and tSie opra!ijn -f I he said railway. j " Fx kmt, l'hat said railway shall be construct ed under the general supervision of the Btreet Committee, and the track shall .bej so con structed and laid down as not to obstruct or Impede ttio free flow of water across the street or any of them, or down r the gutters t hereof, and in laying down the same the said Company shall conform to the grades of the several streets used by them as the same now are or hersafter may be established by law. herever chanees ox graae are necessary m'5ion roust De frst oDtainea Irom the, I Sired foramittee to make the tame, Vtnd in 1 case the city snail decide to cnange the -grade of any street when or af tr the saidJ irack laid the aiid Company shall, at Its own ex pense, conform to It the portion of he s'reet occupied by its tracK, ' second. The said Company shall at its own cofct and expense keep the space between the rails of the said track level withj the tops thereof and shall keep the sam clean and in t-cA. order and. condition, and repair and Save the same wherever and whenever neces sary so that the portion of the streets occu pied 'by the said track may be sale and conve-, nient for the use and passage of teams, carts, carriages and wagor s at all times, and when ever the city Phall pave any street, lor portion thereof, occupied oy the track of the Exid railway, the said company shall, at its own cost and expense, pave in the same manner and wiih the sams material, between theraiis of the said tracks. AU paving, repaying a d rei aiii:-g shall be done under the supervision and direction of the street committee ; ai d all obstructions shall be removed from ar d between the rails of the said track,! when the saia street committee or the said Mayor or Aidermen shaU direct, U'.i- '. ': Tuikd. In the Construction and i!u any Buhl sequent- repairing or alteration of the said railway, tnd ald company shall jindemuiiy and save harmless the said oity from all 1 o-b or damage that may result to or be; sustained by any person or persous. or property, from the acts, omissions or negil ence of the satd company ; and the said company shall, at is own cos Mi, charges and expense, delfena s,Ty and all suits taat may be Instituted for the recovery effeuch damages. ; FotraTiT. The said company shall begin the construction of said railway, within tW d iys from and alter the passage of thia ordinance! and shall complete a line connecting utpo. of M estern North Carolina j Kailroad with public square within six monti.s after the commencement thereof, and haveatlea-;t three cars running on the said track. If the :iaid company snail tail to begin the construc tion of said railway, or shall fail to complete same.within; the time speeified hd litoittd above, nil the fights and privileges herein bef re granted -shall cease, determine and be forfeited. Provided, however, that the said Mayor and Aldermen may, at theiif discretion; extend the time for the completion of the said railway Fxviif. The said Company 6hall not charge more ihanhye cents forthetra:.BpottaUou of ea'h passenger, unless It shall tiae tracks ci-ossitig or comiugin contact withjeach ctherj In which case, such pacsenger shall be enti tled to one transfer. " . ' Sixnr. An engine or locomotive propelled by s:eam, s"all iiot be used on the feaid railway or any part thereof. (SEMvNTH. The siild railway shallnot be v.sed for the transportation of freight. Kighth. The said Mayor and Aldermen ehall not make any change or alterirlon in tUe terui and conditions hereinbefore! containe ,, unites nctlce. thereof, for thirty djiys, shall be B-ag,inyaftteetfllfu"f5 ald c'uy'of Asheville.- I JNinth. The said Company 6haU pay to t'ae tv fj- vnn n w-.. A. ..11 1 1 iy and Jpersonel property of other persons, and for tie franchise, granted hereby, and the -use cjf the streets of the said city irt the opera tion jo f the faid railway; the said Company shall pay yearly to the said city th of one per centum of the grces amount an nually, collected and received by the said Com- nany irom tne transDOitation lot )a:8ensre-s Ihe said Mayor and ' AMprmnn shall 1 af liberty, from year to year, to increase the afore; saia ruie ui one 01 ong per centum ou said grot-s receipts, vheneyer they may deem it expedient. ' t Tenth.. The said Com nan v shall be at liberty' !SmbSOTl0tlw.",1 Ulkvoth. The said Company khall not be entitled to the rights and privileges granted uy ini yrajnance, unless It Khali; within sixty days after the passage of this Ordinance, ana Dy notice in Writing, inform the said Maor and Aldermen that it accepts the sam. If such notice . be not leiven tliis t'rdlnance, and all tna rights, liaiichises and privileges granted hereby, shall be null and void. 1 : f- Mountain View Hotel WEBSTEE, N. 0. j F9 II.. A.eatherwood, P'r. Headquarters for the traveling public Liurge sampie rooms 101 commercial men Tubje auppiied with th best ithe r ja-Let woras iiates reasonable. MwJjbui i A Clear Skin is only a part of beauty: but it is a part Every lady may have it ; at least, what looks like it. Magnolia Balm bothf freshens and beautifies. Mission. Hospital Suffering women should remember that Mission Hospital offers all the advantages for the treatment end cure of diseases peculiar to their sex, tnat can oe tound miSorthern cities. Address, Physicians, Mission Hoh pital, Asheviile, N. C. li frb2T ly MILK SUPPLY. SWANMANOA AYRSHIItK -' -AND j ' ' i.: JURSEY DAS Ft Y, Is in full operation. Arrangements have been made to go the rounds of ho 6 and soliciting a continuance of the same I am Very Respectfully, . THOS. ORR. at L J.G.PATTERSON &BR0, DEALERS LN ! CHICKENS, 1 EGGS, TTTnrriTr and a general line of. j Family Grocekies, East Bidh CiitHabeeTi viij- iivi5j iv j, ii'.eB vu. uii real ami plr;i soiial property, owned by it iln the ? said citv.i after the rate im nosed by law on the rial Fine Groceries! Imported and Domestic Table Delicacies. KEPLER'S. t 1TTTT t : T ' ' TTTTT T T T , T T T . T T EXTRA CHOICEST New Crop TEAS, r Choicest Moy.une Gunpowder, English Breakfast, Formosa Oolong Etra Fancy Japan. " FIN;E COFFEE. Mocha Old Government Java, Cortlova, Santos Peaberry, Finest Rio and Laguayra, Instantaneous Chocolate, Cocoa, Baker's Chocolate and Broma. CROSSE & BLACKWELL'S Jams, Gordon & Dilworth's Jellies & Pre--' serves, . K G. & D. Pineapples, in glass jars,? jC u & D Cranberry bauce, " CANNED VEGETABLES. Gordon & Dillworth's Asparagus, Oys. er Bay Asparagus, Sifted Early Jgr Peas, -y i Succotash, Corn, Whole Tomatoes, Okra and Toma toes, ' . : f ' ' French Peas and Mushrooms. CA LIFORNIA CANNED FRUITS, Peaches, Apricots, Pears, White Cherries, Green Gage Plums, Bahama Pineapples grate and sncea. - : i EDAM & PINEAPPLE CHEESE, Boss Lunch Biscuit, ! ; Boss 'Wafeis, Mushroom Crackers, Imported Albert Biscuit. Finest New Orleans IJolasses, Key West and Imported Cigars, '.. Full Stock of Staple Groceries At KEPLER'S. South Main St.; opp. 'Eagle Hotel. J Western ' Union InEtitnte ASHEVILLE,.. ..C For Colored People. The next session will open on the First Monday in October. I5ills have been giyea out for the immediote erection of a building for the accommodation of the school,' and the work is now in the hands of a building committee. ' Trustees, Rev. A. A. Powell,rresIdent, Char lotte, N.C. i Rev. W W Landrura, ; D D Rich mond, Va. i . .... . , i iixtii via 2i jenKlfls, irormorry State Treasurer, for, N. C.,) GasH touia, N. C. L. Miles, Hoffmau, Esq., Dallas, N CJ iiev. A. (i- JNlcManaway, Charlotte; N.p. I . - - V " j RevA. Lewis, Charlotte, N. C. I Rev. A. E. Wright, Gatfney City; S. C. 1 ' j Mr. L. P. Danieh?, Graham, S. C, . , . Mr. I. L, Lutg, Double Shoal, N. f). If Rev., D. W. Montgomery, Dallas, N. C. . .--3 J Rev. E. H. Lipscombe, Asheville N.-C. .l . :l-i I' W. Patton, EwAaheyate, N. C Rev. J. L. Carroll, D. D Asheville N ' N. U, .fTon Tiifhmond Ppatston AshpviUp r1""' if itnuionu x edTSOU , A8U ViiitJ, N.C. Mr. II. B. Brown, Asheville, N. C, augl2 1m ; -. IVJOTICE TO TOBACCO PLAN- li TERS. We, the undersigned, Warehousemen of 'Asheville, f find that we have "lost large sums of moriey by sending empty tierce3 to the country. In view of this fact we nave, aeciaea to iurtiisn no more, under any circumstances. All future n .11 1 r-rt wiu m 111 nimi mi iiiiiih. i aoTJlications for tierces will besriven u': ..v,4..,. u ,u .:n an the orders if satisfactory to them. Smith, Kelson & Co., StJVNS & ClIfLDS, Chambees, Peery & West. j Aug. 8:v2mos. , YE I ItVR ! Wnntprl " "Ritrht Hundred bushels 1 of Rye at once , Beaeden Rankin & Co.. Sept 8, 18SQ. , --, v;";, Artistic Boot anil Shoe Mate Having located in Asheville, I im now prepared to make to order all kinds of FINE BOOTS and SHO ES for ladies and gentlemen. Fit, work manship" and stock, guaranteed. Special attention given to repairi ig. I will be Jound at my shop dur.ug regular, business hours in W. T. Weaver's Shoe Ttore. ; ; t" ' - John Harlesf . i Sept. 17tf. OR RENT. The building on iixerrimon avenue, known as the Shelton & Worth tobacco facto ry. Apply to r 1 : Roet. TJ. Garrett, i' Sept- 30tf. 1 . "ITT AK TED. Ladies, local or T Vk traveling. A wonderful en tirely new specialty for ladies oniy; $4 daily easily made: no photo, no . . : a 4 i! j : painting; particulars iree. . i M ADATVf S. N. LlTTLl?, f 443 Chicago, 11! sept 23 ' - ;, ?. f ;--- a r t q a t.w rttrwiTi t '. -j.' I i'uu uiiuu yjuntix . mi itsii' JL improved Singer Sewing I la- chine,in perfect order, almost nwi Apply to C. B. Brownsou at Ballards, on Haywood avenaerlS- XT af Wa, "R-inf ri n ri aunn at, i Court and the Supime court of-T.he -1; u .-wij i xarjQ uues maaa a Bneaaity. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. !, I -STOP AT THE- EL ; ; . . HICKOKT, m C, ; ; -I; - i If You Want A Good Meal And " S. A OHANDIiER, ; . ' Proprietor. aprW tf '''j t ' .: f- . TOR RENT. A dwell iTj I i lnr hnnoo nlAfteanilv li Jj v located, 5 rooms, in the itown Weaverville, at reasonable rates, i Address - I . . 1 i : J Lock Box 281, - -r- ? June 6:tf j Asheville, N. C. THE W ESTERN HOTEL, tinder its New Management Is rapidly gaining in popularity. Mrs, L. A. McBrayer fc Son, are using every ! effort to make . the WESTERN' one of the very best hotels in -Western North Carolina. Their rates are the most reasonable When you come to the city stop ai, the "WESTERN." jan29-6nu . i ATAMYS SATISFACTORY ' EIHTEE jSIZES AHD KINDS JLTi PpCHlSEES CiN BS SUITED MANtrpACttJRKD BY ' Isaacl. blieppar d & Co. .Baltimore, Md. ( AAD FOIt SALE BV t W. R. BEARDEN & CO., . , j Asheville, ,N. C. . r- . f j J. BKEVAKD, j' . 'p. LACWpOD j J. 3D. Brevard &Co! . V j . - DEALERS IN I i GENERAL MEROHAUDtSF,, " CONSISTING OF ', i: CMMiitlry Goois, Laiies Dress Gills, Notions, k' ' : Wej also make a specialty ; of BOOTS, SHOES, . 'and ' - 1 H H H TTTTT T T T T ' T T Issss 8 S S; 1 '.SSSS' s 8 1 8 8SSS h; AA A A JI H HHH I H HI A A AAA A A II H A A 51 jjiraoij. jul, uaujai vjruugei ixuti jc . A. Fanning are w'ith us and would be glad to see their f riends. Dec9-3m. j . Blanks. If you want blanks, of any kind call or send your orders to the Ad Vance office. . We have 9, large supply of blank deeds, deeds of trust and chattel morgages on hand at reasonable prices. All kinds of legal blanks' furnished on short no tice. - A 5 ;, ' V'-:';;t ' Magistrate "OfQce. Having been appointed a Justice of the Peace for Buncombe conntv m Asheville township, I herebv notify the public that I; can be found at an timesat the Advance offie - . - -w-w n Garter building, . South of the CnAs. W. Malone. I. II. GrOREOTXO, . " 1 ' 1 CONTRACTOR & BUILDER. . Asheville, N. O. All wora: executed in the varv I ti nihd n bort not . peainna pecifloatloni oe. W. L. Norw;oodJ G. H. Smathers & SMATHERS, JORWdbb Attorneys n ri t m . .1 11 1 rvvn' I w nn. i .!,, r I - vi,"-ji"-i"e i - LA LAW, '":-!:. ' - v Wayne8ville, N. CL, Collections of claims a f specialty Practice in the counties of Buncombe Haywood,. Jackson, and in the XL jS. District and Circuit Courts at A&ho ville. dec. 10 12rt. Did you Sup- pose Mustang Liniment only good ; for horses? It is for innmrna- tion of all flesh. w. II. MAIXJN3, AahevUle- N. C. J. W. BOWMAN, Bakersvllle, . O TTaVIKG FORMED A COPARTNrR shin in tha nraetlee of tho lf. w. in .1 1 wui uu .uubiness m several oi me Counties of the 11th and 12th circu 'ts, especialry In the counties of Mitch U S - ?4 iad.isonJ, an i btate.jjControversies inj regardto WESTERN HOT V EDWARD A AST6H, i REAL ESTATE AND IflSURABCB r rT AOEfITt L . ! AthcvHIa. North " ; f'ni. DR. R. II. KI1EE VE8, D. D.S Dental rooms in Binder build up ! I- opposite Central Hotel. ? i ASIIEVUXS, N. C, l April 17, 164. iy B JJ. DOUGLASS, D. D. R i Dental Booms and reside a c orer DeVauIs Drhg Store. ASXLEVILLE, C ' Chas. JA. Moori, 1. Criti0a4 MOORE & CUM V INGS, (Attorneys and Oounselu, rs at Law, ASITEVTLIiE, N. C. Practice In the United SUte Clrcnlt ars District Court at Ah,in. l.wS.V11 'ct of Utie ut of Aorth Carolina. Special attenUon given to collection of claims. jSepthUm Tr ALTER W. VANDIVKit, J , . , i , . i . . ATTORNEY AT LAW MARSHALL......... Jjs. C. ! Offlces also at Asheviile and Wea X?11!1?' . SP1 attention given to NoVtnXa iD Ve3tera J. S. McJi.YBoy, TTTTmZSZZ? jyjcELROY & MORPHEA,; 1 Attorneys. and Coitnsetlon u iaw I Practice In tha Courts of fadlson, Baa. Oryicss; Marshall, N. C, and Ivy, n c -M. R. WHITBON, j Attorney and CounseUcr at Ts ASHEVILLE, N. O. Havlns bent ox several yerscout.M- withthd Probate Court, claims i .?? facilities for practice la laid h t'' lecUona.a specialty. MbiiIJ H.A.GrDGlB, 7 U.B.CAKTKH .TJDaER & OAIITER, Attorneys and CounieUors at Law ' . ASHEVILLY, N. C. Practice iogeUier In all the courts, of tf Ninth Judicial District, except tbe in f lor court of iluncombe county auj uw In the counties f Mitchell, "Taney ,,.1 McDow ell of the 8th District! Sue-ui nt tention giveu to the collection ol cuion in all parts oX the State. One J memb.i of the- firm will be In Marshall, uudHu county on eaiuraay or evry Iweek. professional business. ou ' a- Office In April25-tf. arter Building, up stain. Johnstone Jones, Henry Har.lwtc JUNES 4& HARD WICKE, Attorneys and Counsellors at Lau wimw m tiuzea uunuing A8UKVILLE,,N. C. may 3.3m. MELVIN E. CAItTJCIt, Attorney at Law, ASHEVILLE, N. 0. Practices .- in the Courts of Western' North Cnmlinn collected in all nart f .1. State, j , . i- iu 1- "M.11. MALONE, ttorfy and Counsellor at Laio : Ashevtlij:, N. C. St6? ' the courts th dlb the Supreme court at Raleigh, ia Supreme Conrt. of the lTi iteJ btates iand the - ditTerent uctrti tnents at Washington. may!5-tf. . l . ' ,V " flysiclan to the Woman's Ward t: ! j Mission Hospital. Office over CarmichaeV Drug Store, Telenhone iramW T?ri,t nnn Ad Office J. lond,lff. j ' vsv JOCTORS GATCHEUj, i PHYSICIANS. SlSSHS "?tten 10 CUHOHIC DISEAffTS lnclucring those of 1 THROAT AND LUKGS. Pcf vt Cowan's Jwelry Store, on Tat R. JOHN HEY WILLIAMS ::L Offlae. BltAIfT BtJILOIXO. MnlnRtri ' "HUi corner French Broad Aveupe. TT. j ' . Bi,reL. uan b rn.ilel OT n ai. avthnn. t. v. . . . " v h t l urug Btore. CJC W. JONES, Attorney at Late. J i ASHEVILLE, N. a j (Office in Johnston Building.) Practices in t.hA rvturt a r ram North Carolina and Supreme Court at Raleigh, , r y nov26tf. - - : J A. TENNENT,' ' ARCHITECT AND C0MRACT0R . Estimates and bids made for all work ia my line. No charges for designs and specifications if I con trace ior work. " Angl9 30d 1 DR. A. M, BALLARD PHYSICIAN anil SDRGEOH .i?eb.1ic8aare- Office Telephone caU No. !, - lettdeHoe, Hajwood St. mar 19-6m A;f,W. PUBEFOY, M. D., Offers his professional services to the citizens of Asheville and surrounding country. . 1 Office:, over Carmichatls dm f r s score. rianl0:lv Li" .

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