.v JVAii J VOL. VL Ntt 8L ASIIEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA, SATURDAY- HORNING, OCTOBER 16, 1886. I 1 PRICE 5 CENTS. it AS HI S s-" 31 : V .r - V . ; t :' - w I If - t k t 1' t ! M x - s V '1 . . r I '7 -5! - i M J A 1 5! 'i t 1 1 at ASSVU1 AUYiscr omcx in cakteb btjild- IG, DUOULiTILT BOCTH OF OOCKT HOC8K. Ashevlile IaUy Advance. PnttUbod every 4r In the wek xcf I AJojxUt) at IfcefoiK lowing tow tmm: On Yar. HlaJtfOfllhS, - t.r. Ttui' Months, i-60 Una Month: .40, Tb4 AnvAC buthlMfUJiyeuToi moor w M M mm filk MTirUtlS UIac m-rllP". HampM copies mdi ftw oa sppUomiion. - i IIl'CZTO JtKW ADVKHTISKM JCST yXlrpwooDd Co. Merchandbe. Oar merchants are receivlnj: large Btcfekaor good. , . j ftenatnr Vance will address the people here next Monday. ilaj. Malone and CapU Johnstoh pfke at Charleston yesterday. ; Workmen are engaged erectinj: th'i electric light tower on public sa aare, . ... ir fall of it. Ko rain bs fallen in several weeks. ; j It Is a treat to visit WhiUock's an see the. handsdnae . and lately , di played line or goods. Messrs. Jones and Gudger ari rapidly .petering ont in thcestimi- jtion of the people. The oDeration of the rock crusher in t2ki old Jail lot attractod consider able attention yesterday. Be, T. M. Myers will preach a ; tbe Booms of the Y.M.C. A, Bar -day morning at 11 o'clock. JMr. Lonls. Harowood, of Big Ivjr waa "kicked by a horse, a few days ! go, and had his leg broken. Vnffirf Bancombe, remember the violated pledges of the ring- - Joodle candidates in L6S4. If the citizens of Bancombe appreciate troth and consistency they will vote for Mr. Pearson, j d Malone boom Is gaining every hour, and will result la a great victory in Npven -ber. - n the Boortsrren can shoot quail as soon as it rains and the weather gets .them. rwilpnoairh to had t John W. Starnes, our county Su -erintendent of Public School, baa returned from Virginia, where he has spent a few weeks for the ben efit of bis health, CapUG.W. Howell, of Upper Uommy, was in the city yesterday nd reports th.it section solid for itho people's ticket. j Jhe publication of otfr weekl this wCk on account of a failnrej to receive a shipment of paperju time. - . j ' The Bev.Kl haa never yet met two socfa campaigners as Meesrs. Pearson and Weils. They pin him down so that he cant dodge, change orbulldote. j Tho store house of John G. ; An drews, and Co., at Barnardsrllo, was broken into a few nights ago ana robbed of about $50 00.! No dew to the perpetrator. 1 If promising to oppose a certain law "and then voting for it, is a;re dempUda of a pledge, by all means let the peopk of Buncombe county vote for Messrs Jones and Gndger. Our hoteU look forwara w a rA winter business. Already quite a Bomber of people from tho Korth and West have made ar rangemenUfof.Jcooms&c forjthe winter months; t Tn aBer years It will be a proud . nee for every freeman of remini WDo vote for Buncombe . 4 eootest, tb re Mr. Pearson in . y f- did cur to, and be able to tfce not vote for the condonatw . r stock law fraud in 1SS6V ' f - . The Citizen attempts to make the impression that Mr. Pearson, will vote for Johnsion fo Congress. This is another of smiling Bobbie's . misrepresentations. Mr. Pearson says publicly that he is for the! men who indorned his platform, knowing that Johnston Malone does. does not, and that ... , - Bargain Connter at Law's.;; As many goods accumnlaU that ar imperfect or for some other rea son we dispose of under costj - AV e sUrta bargain counter, augooua on it are at least hair price. i 1 A grand stock on hand nor, and R. roods still coming in.; 8e roods and get prices for flue or com mon ware at' 1 Law's, '.opposite Eagle Hotel 1 Freeh Oysters at Moore & Bobards Weakly ADVAirCji only $ 1 pr year. Katersdln the TiM'.oa tt. CL. m second class saatter. Mr. Forman has said, in speak ing of the manner in which the Board acted, in not hearing the petitions of the people, that "there vras much ground for complaint." Then how can he consistently sup port a man who accepted ua very small fee" to produce the very state of affairs which gave rise to the complaint f Get out, insincere and hollow hearted ringster. liellffioos Notice. Owinsr to the illness of Rev. J. A. McDngh, there will be no ser vices at the Catholic chnrch San- day. Temperance. To morrow, Oct. 17, is the day set apart by the W. O. T. U., to be observed throoehout the United g . te w Sanday. Tho day wiU TO ob6Crved at the Hethodist chnrch, by tba pastor, ance and prohibition sermon. The General's Flowers. General Jones stated at Lime- 1 8 tone that he was proad to be the commander of the State Gaard, that the State Guard was the flower of manhood of the State. Mr. Pearson rejoined with tellinj repartee,that the State Guard coat the tax-Davers over nine thousand dollars a year, and that while they 1 r liked flowers, they could not afford to pay ten dollars a piece for them. They Say That every kinsman and ap- pointes of Tom Johnston in the district has written a letter to the Citizen in his favor. loose votes every where they speak. That Will Reynold's election will be almost unanimous. That the Gin'l and Ki ought to come together on the Prohibition question. That Johnston will be beaten in Buncombe county. That after Pearson's triumphant election Smiling Bobbie will crawl into a hole and pull the hole )n after him. That n one seems confident of Johnston's election, except his kin- folks, and they are not over con fident. 1 111 That lleward. Jackson Co., N. C, Oct. 13, '8G. . Ed. Advance; My attention has been called to a short commu. nication in the Citizen, purporting to be from this county and signed 44 W." The writer offers a reward for every Malone man in Jackson County. As much of a foot as he evidently isj be bad too much eensa to sign his name to his prop, osiiion. I think I know who W.n l9 and ill am correct in my opin iou, as to bis Identity, he couldn't pay one-half or tfca reward oderetli if it were true that there was but one Malone man in the county, and could'ut borrow a dollar for any other purpose. If Johnston's friends propose to pay a reward for every Malone man there is iu this county, the Captain might as well begin now to burst the heads out of his baril.,, But to. be serious, the effort of the Citizen's correspondent to make a false impression in the other part of the district is the most disgastiug attempt at deceit I have yet seen. Major Malone will get the solid republican vote of this county, and not a few but a rerj large number ot good demo crats. Johnston may get a ma jority in tbe coanty ba't yoa may rely upon it will not be more thanhalf what it was two years ago. ( We have had no conventions in this county, and the peopt are not thinking much of pontics. jOur L 2dmire the man who has P3"- wa43ce to go before the thentX on-M merits, , not country on bound by party. T' Hereafter when mentsfrom the Webster :. con cernpg Maj?r Malone, yoa may know how to regard mem. Fair Plat;. . The best, Millinery at oetl2:lw finest and cheapest Wirni-ocK's. - Twenty-one lbs of Turkey (reek butter, made by Mrs. Boberson, on ice, at J. G. Patterson dJ Bro. Keep it agoing that Whitlock baa the best, cheapest, and most carefully selected stock ot goods in AshevUle. ocx lilw. TV- tinrwIr-Afl fresh v cabbage Patterson & pctl5. heads at J. Q- Bro. THE STOCK-LAW. To the Freemen of Bancombe . County. If Buncombe's TOter e'er this fraud con- done In Carolina,"will thej stand alone As men -who trembled at the traitor's froWn - , , And kissed the hand that smote their free dom down. - Great God! is manhood dead, that this should be In this our land, once blest with liberty ? Just think of all - your suffering .and wrongs, - Your iust riehts spurned the freedom which belongs To every freeman trampled in the dust, I Betrajed by those to whom you gave the trust. Think of these things delay no longer now , But stamp the treachery, on each traitors brow. . - - Freemen, a leader choo you know wili be ' v -'--- - The unrelenting foe of tyranny , A man possessed of principle, wno.se wora Bv all. as truth will ever here be heard. This is the leader that our people need, A man uninfluenced by infernal greed. Avery's Creekj N. C, Oct. 15, 1SS0. Mr. Pearson Wins General Jones' Military vHatt Plume and AU At Fair View Gen; Jones prom- ised that if he conld not satisfy the crowd tbati Mr. Pearson was as mQch to blame M- he (the Generai) for the passage of the Stock Law, he would agree to give op his hat and quit the race. Mr. Pearson at the close of bis speech, asked if he had not fairly won the General's bat, horse tail, plume and all. The crowd amidst tremendous cheering, decided he had won the Jlar, " and that the General should firo home bare- . . combe attend to their own business. Marshall Items. We get the following items about Marshal from the Grower; The able speech of each candU date for constable, on last Monday, won for himself many laurels and votes for his opponent. The republicans of Madison county have unanimously endorsed James JU. Moody as a canaiaare ior tne omce 01 aoiicuor ior uic iiu judicial district. Mr. J. 13. Craigmiies, ot Asne- ville, was in town some time ago, in the interest JI tn l?ICPOW WcKustiJ1 v'.dtvJJryyay r.Tr 2 Asheville and Jarshall. lie is a young man of energy. One of - our eitizens went out the other " night to replenish his larder with meat and he caught nine possums,and it was'nt a good night for 'possums 1 either. l4ture has very well adapted herself to ac commodate the necessities of man. She furnishes him blackberries in the summer, and persimmons and 'possums in the fall and winter. ' A Card. Et. Apvanck It 'is stated by the "ringdoodles" that I cm a stock law man ; for my own self and ben efit the law Is good for me, but I was a Magistrate, in the June meeting, and I saw the workings of the stock law men, and was so disgusted with' the way they put it on the people I immediately resigned. I am for the flopdoodle ticket straight, together with Major Malone, all sayings to the contrary nptyitrjstanding. Let the people say at I the ballot box whether they want the stock law or not and I am satisfied. HI B. F. BUCKNER. How Tp Biov"t7p a Town With j Dynamite. . Oppose improvements. Mistrust its public men. -'Run it down to strangers. Go to some other town to trade. Lengthen your face when a stran ger, talks of locating in it. If a jnan wants to buy your prop erty charge birn two prices. If he wants to buy of anybody else interfere and discourage him. Refuse to! see any merit in a scheme that does not directly benefit you. ; ; t If you can't hog everything, judge everybody by yourself, and accuse hem of doing it. , n. Do not support the newspaper. Expl3to to the editor how much better and cheaper the New York World is, j j -- " ii ysss yew Enterprise. v Messrs. I Boyce & Gueschard, will open a pjumbingy tinning and steam and gas fitting establish ment in the basement of Powell & Snider'a store. They are , now ready to give estimates on Tin work but will not be prepared to execute it for two or three weeks yet. Plumbing orders will ba exwnted at once. j - OctT-lw ; FOR SALE, A pair of fine steers and wagoo, pom mete, Applv to H. B. LTOS. DCtl-tf CODllTY CAIiYASS ! ! YESTEBDY'S f-CTJSSTON AT Another Vic to ryor Pearson and - - r - K.I GETS HIS DAXDtR UP AXD UOSSS - w: VOTES. The candidates for the legislature and county, offices adrfssed the peo-. pie of Limestone Uvrnship at New Salem Chnrch. There were present aboat one hundred Voters. ' The can didates for county fices began first as usual and the !dlJtassIon between some of them was cf dte ; lively So far as the regular rrineecf the l.rwMlt-r.ff0'iI..Vii i&tmi lint nn democnthrtrty'istP cattexfoni; on they subject,, they expressed them selves in favor of leaving the quea- tion-of the stock law to the poopie This '. palpable disposition t& desert the standard of Ki and the Gin'l, was handled subsequently with - tell ing effect by Mr-Pearson." 1 Mr. Wells opened the discussion in the legislative contest. IJe made a very strong and popular speech and held the close attention of the audi ence to toe. close. iis aneeaotes were ezceedinely pleasing and pointed. ; . Mr. Guder fallowed Mr. Wells in his usual speech of much wind and little force. ' His voice was bad, his logic worse. His effort was defen sive rather than offensive, "He labor ed bard, to get. out of inextricable difficulties, and sank deeper and deeper into the mire from the begin ning to the end. . - I. Mr. Pearson followed Mr. Gudger in the strongest speech he has made. He had not proceeded far before he was excitedly . interrupted :by Mr. . f f nnangwerflble wic w - - - - - , tJ that Mr. Gudger was the real; daddy of the motion to adjourn the June meeting, the true "pource of jail pur woes.'7, Mr.- iiudger said "if you say ! I advised anybody to make the mo tion to adjourn you lie," This ' of course surprised ' Mr. Pearson and every on present, as he, (Mr. Pear- Bon had made no such charre except as a necessary logical inference. Mr. Pearson, not wishing to break the thread of his argument, in whjcb the ested, toek no decisive notice or tms insult until he had concluded his speech, at the conclusion of which he called upon jar. Gudger for a re traxit, which after a few moments consideration wag rnae' fully and explicitly. Mr. Pearson's speech, as a whole, j was a masterly effort. He showed up tbe methods employed to force the stocklaw upon! the Outside townships in so clear a light, that be carried convictfoi tc every mind. He defied his opponents to state whether they approved these methods or hot. If they "did ap prove them, they virtually ap proved depriving .the poor man of his right t vote.rJ.lf their did not approve fhera, why did they take fees and go into the- courts as law yers to sustain them. Tbia part of his speech was DartieuTarly effec tive. ' .. -j; '' ' General Jones .made his nsual speech, defending himself against the charge of violating pledges, advocating the advisability of the stock-law, The rejoinders were short and spicy, j The speakers might have left the sitqation asiey fgund it, but for the fact that Mr. Gudger lost his temper and with it his judgment, and with the loss , of his judgment, the loss ;of - seferal' votes. The people see clearly that if there is to' be ( any t trouble sqf a personal character,, it-will" not come from Mr. Pearson's . side of the iouse He was congratulated at Limestone yesterday forhis , manly jcoolness at a time heaa difficulty might have lea to serious consequences. A 2Tew Tork gentleman j tells us that.there is plenty of money in New York that'ead : be Obtained at 4 per cent on good' security. j . ' ". - ' WK ABE KOW SHOWUCa AN UN USUALLY ATTRACTIVE 8T0CJC OP CLOTHING . HATS, BOOTS AND SHOFg, nosrfiS IIBEINQ UNDEBWBAB, GLOVES, COLLARS AND CUFFS,' SCABFS, SlilliX DBAWEBS, FAJjsy WOOLS, BIBBONS COBSfiTS," DJtJs QOODS, ILKS, TELVKrS,,CLOA,' TBUHKS, CAB PBT3, &C. '" "" ': (' ' j H.r Redwood &! Co v octlCeod-tf Onb Pbicb Stoeb. v Giltedge. bntter now smothering under ice ten degrees below zero at J. G. Pattersoa & Bro. Call early anA t a divide . before: the octl3 . Th wuy of gnat mUllonalres &r oziuk ME XT. C Tndert2t. tli eeonlra of rm W. 2L, ad tlio Jawiier- of :fl00,V twultng hto fnper1 house whn frieacloJ ma too u la a banilnj offlee across the twet ame towards me hnrriedlr. . "Hold on a minata. hi saM with a ertn. Vm ffolnx p to read that paper on Willie K.t ooer. The whole ocioe has been woBderlDX what It was aQ Car. " . We wemt up taio imagaiiScent marble steps, between two nrihtr stone erlfans and tanofiktkMfk door, broad enough for a iamXi traeftrsSway. -, war a bit of tssa jCiiTeie-i - fastened bj a crooked 'SZi? traced across it in pencil mftsncm$6 Europst Vf. K.yander- A naifBenaT aisni on a honse that cost half a million. This particular son of tho late railroad kins is the amttsina- member of the family. They are all plain, matter- oi-raecand shy ex display but William K. He went down to Wall street once and thonffht ha would speculate. . A few weeks later "the old man" went down there, settled $7,000,000 worth of debts and made a few general remarks that William iL. Is not :ikIy tf fontr.TJjea.WUl - iqeTqteo. cu energies to wearinK a single siass and accumulating an English accent which at present Is positively the most overwhelming, eerie and ama2ing thins; I erer heard. lie has social aspira tions, but he is not successful, despite his great wealth. Not satisfied with the "pUling"' he receired when he put his name up for membership in some of the clubs here, he has tried to " get Into the Jockey elub in Paris. The cable "says he was blackbael wtn sreat alacrity and heartiness. j ' : There ; was,) howeTer, something ex tremely : amusing to me about the sim plicity and coyness of that message on his door. Blakely Hall in PhiladelpMa Press. . ; 1 Otaa X Fl for Foreigners, ; Thsrs is only one thing which should ere? make a man think of going to China, snd that Is some well-paid certainty. You might as well go to sheol as go to China sight-seeking. See what 100,000 Chinese do in San Francisco and then reekon up what , chances ran ordinary man has against 400,000,000 of them on their taatiVe ground, where they can -aye comfortably on 43 a month. They can do everything that a white man does and now that they are uaxsnmg wiin us as go-Del weens, ana to take our ideas from us. they i really want us for nothing. A good many people Bay "when the country is given up jto the railroads there will be great chances for foreigners. T ' - . ; : But even snnDoslnar at first that the. Chinese kill a million or. two in railway accidents it will be reckoned as a much more desirable experience than employing the hated foreign deviL" There are tele graphs all through the country' now, and yef ndt a white man is employed on them. W cat white men are in the .country now simply exist as the poppets of the Chinese x on may think perhaps that there, are great chanoes for American inventions and machinery In the country: but a people who take to bed with them a flea trap, and who have, had a silk-weaving loom running for the last 2,000 years which no modern machinery can compete with, don't want so very much from , any one. Bat to talk of going to Cina now W ridic ulous, whtn the Chinese are slowly but areUerSSsiSina? Chronicle. . " mntm irldrf Asto aad Wife. Mr. WllUam Waldorf Astos is, in ap pearance, th,e Ideal of a prosperous young business 4nVtocky, wide-awake, and commooplaee looking, with nothing to indioate that he knows anything outside of real estate matters. He Is the only' Astor who has ventured Into any other field than business. As a politician, young Mr. Aster was disastrously defeated at the polish as minister to Italy he was buried, and as an author he is far from being success fnL Now he is at work on a play. It is nel generally believed ' that he will be the lenf-loeked-for American dramat ist He Is the sole male representative of the family, and It Is no secret that th elders view his excursions Into art, litera ture, politics, and the' drama with scant favor. Thsy- argue that with $300,000,000 and 37,000 houses to look after he has all; that he needs to occupy , his mind; but: young William Waldorf goes on with hi3 artistic efforts Just the' same.. He. has a charmingly unaffected and direct manner,1 and a beautiful wife, whom he loved and married m Philadelphia. New York CorJ respondent Philadelphia Press. J ' " Tricks of theOnlaeee Thlefc j It Is said that of late bed - clothing has been taken to Chinatown, in large quanti ties. Armed with a bamboo stick about four feet long, which may be readily lengthened to fifteen or twenty feet by a telescopic slide, the Mongolian hoodlum makes his way about dusk to a back or side window, which has been left open at the top for ventilation. The pole is stuck through the window, being stretched out as it Is Inserted, and by means of a small hook at the . end bedspreads, blankets,: sheets, and pillows are pulled through; the opening. It has sometimes occurred that bed elothing has thus been removed while the bed contained . an occupant, who was sleeping soundly. In the case of an alarm the pole" Is dropped, and, being on the outside of the building, the hoodlum easily makes his escape. San Francisco Chronicle. ' "V ; ; . Superatttyan of Own. SkobelafT. j Yassill Vtreschagin, the "'celebrated Russian painter, contributes an article of personal -recollections of the late' Gen. Skobeleff to the eurrent number of Mme; Adam's Nonvella Revue.. Vereschagin accompanied Skobeleff during the latter's early life in ' Turkestan. The anecdotes and exploits of the during general, as related by Veresehagin, would be deemed intentions were they jiot. contemporary facts and well authenticated. Skobeleff' courage was surpassed by only one thing, says vereschagin his superstition. He would charge on a whole horde of Tur comans single-handed for the fun of the thing or as an example to his soldiers, but he would leap- up from the table pals with fear if the salt stand happened to be upset, and he would swim his horse across the Danube to show that it could be don but he would not dare enter a room where three candles were light4 at the same time. ChtcagO) bune. " , AwkwarAaees t Vf ale's' Oldest Soau . Tt Is nTlty that - Prtnce AlMrt victor does not' indulge la a few lessons n ds portmenft and danplng. Bis partners com plain terribly of torn j gowns and trodden toes,: and in Ireland his reputation far gesersJ stamsines U snpTemLondon -'. Laie stock children and boys Hats, Gaps, Turbans and Fezes, the very prettiest line in these jpxd3yet seen at; Zirh MubrbM tin parvo. "The pawpaw yield in Kentucky this year b larger than ever Woto. ;.r. : ; . ? ; ' ' lBioaxFans,'l),; T., nitenhaYmg'aa.ioe palace anil, earnivsl next irinter -f ; The schools of Reading, Fa., have"addrtoo snennand as an optional study. ' . " - John Russell Young netted $53,000 cn Us dock, A lour axound tne World." " At Reading; Pa., a stalk of "corn, bearirg umxeenweu funreiopea ears, exhibited. lira lAngtrys cabin fare on the -steamer Russia this trip westward is a round $000. 1 ' One of the things the cyclone did in eastern Virginia was to shuck the corn in one of the . - Is is said .that there are Inimmeo beds ' of cystem at sea, off the coast of Dare county, 1 ' The letter sheet is seen but little in ordinary correspondence. About 10.000 are sold ever day in New York. i J ; . Atlanta, Ga., prison authorities are think lag of' using 'the whip on jail birds fvji'ho steaany reruse to work. i 4 u - There are seventy-five banking institutions In New York city, whoas condition U eoa- oorapPS t"o my ;two are below par. ; A n effort is win sj raadd by a colorca c!f rrrj- trade training school for colored boys n Texas. iuuigs are jtwuir on so iasc anions: ui? :t- anese that there is talk of their, ba.vHi an 'Agricultural party" in their long-looked-for national assembly. ;. ' s . The Pioche fNev.) Record says the smallest Indian agency in 'the' country is lot-eted in that county. There are no mon. no worcea, no ennaren ana one agent. ' . iTBuminary surveys - are in progress- at May field, CaL. toj secure a site for tho cteat Stanford university.; Senator Stanford gives nis personal attention to the work. The old gold mines in tho mountains of Monroe county, Tennessee, will in the ner future be more extensively worked than ever before, by the erection" of stamn na"l!s and Other modern miproved. machinery. ' . Mrs. Custer has taken no summer;, out lux whatever, out has been busuy occupied at her borne In New York writing' her book on Kansas life during and after tbe war. The general and . e ei spent : several years, there during those trying times. THE POINTER AND PARROT. rA Bird TVhleh "Was . Inclined to Boss , - Things A. BnUfal Pup. ut, v on cremen, oziNew lors, is a very good wing shot, j Recentlyin. anticipation of a fall's shooting, bb bought a promising pointer pap, which he began training. Tha doctcr never makes himself: a present without re membering Mrs. j Von Bremen. When he bought the pup f 6r himself he bought a parrot for his wife. The pup Was. already trained to obedience, snd tho , instinct peculiar breed was stVonz'withih him. The na ar to his parrot is of a lively l and ? loquacious disposition, and was a fluent talker when she arrived at t he residence of the Von Bremcns. Straightway upon : her arrival she announced- that her. name was'Loretta, and that the rest cf the house conld gobelow purgatory. The house maid was ordered to set her cago on the l Bar. extension windov sill. ' . In the course of the day the pointer pup found his war iniso the room wher thn onr stood, and ho instantly located the bir&j j few yards of the cage, and then becamo rigid In a beautiful pointing attitude. The parrot .watched him intently for a moment, and the; sang out loud and clear; ' Tba effect on the doflf was naralvzinar. He ceased pointing, dropped to a sitting posture, and gave way tohisbewilderment. "Stay there," ciunp in gruff and command ing tones from the parrot's cage. ; -) The pup had been severely traineri, and h feared to disobeyi. His bead dropped between his forelegs, and p an attitude of utter dejec tion he awaited f Jarther :commands. Tbe doc tor had been looking on from the halltray, and when he entered the room tho parrot ( ras reviling the pup in a mixture of English , and, Spanish, and the pup was groveling in the rug, but afraid to run away. New York Bun. Display of Chrysanthemum. . - The New York Horticultural society prom ises a display of chrysanthemums this year that will eclipse all its previous exhibitions. They have prepared for nearly 1,000,000 ' chrysanthemums in the 12,000 feet of floop space engaged for the exhibit. Premiums to the amount of $2,500 are . offered, and (500 divided into three prizes for the best twenty five plants ought to bring into this class the finest blooms , from many commercial end private gardens. One hundred and twentiy- flve other preniums are offered to florists, amateurs and gentlemen's gardeners. It is to be held the first week in November at Cosmo politan halt, Forty-ninth street and . Broad way. ChicagHerald !, , A Promilnent Colored Man. ' j James K. Hilyard is a colored man who is a credit to his race. Born under every disad vantage he is nojwone of the most prosperous and respected citizens of St. Paul, Minn. ;Ho .is one of the few colored men of the worjd who have succeeded in rising to the hightt dagree in Masonry, having attained tbe thirty -third degree several years ago. He is also a prominent member of the order of Good Templars, and is an honored member of the Episcopal church. New York Tribune. . ( Mod Core for Snake Poison. A colored boy near Newbern, N. C, was bitten recently y a rattlesnake, and, as me li es! aid was out; of reash, the boy must have surely died but for the thoughtf ulnees of his companions. They dug a bole in. the ground and placed 'both legs in it up to near the hips and. packed the mud securely around him.' The poison, was entirely extracted, aitthe boy is now about welL Boston Transcript, SAt the Baden Races." ' j Much amusement was excited at the Baden races a fortnight ago by tha appearance in the first sfeeplejchase of two "gentlemen jock eys, who rode jarrayed in full military uni form, and one of whom wore a pair of lav ender kid gloves during the race. Their Amounts'' were beaten a long way. . After the North Pole. s Lieut. David Brainard, one of tho six nr vtvors of tbe Arctic expedition, says he ex pects to start on another search after the .North Polo in the spring of 1S30. The mccey to defray the cost of the expedition will be contributed by private Individuals. . Glasgow In Briet, ' Mix (Chicago; with Pittsburgand salt tfcs whole with smoky sandstone, and you have the great j Scotch' city of Glasgow. It is larger than Chicago, and better buCt than tither Chicago'or Pittsburg. Frank G. Cor- ")enter.: , -h:-:- ; - '. I , ' Sowlns; L Xew Crop of lndia.ni. , 'A little over half a century ago the govern ment was actively engaged in driving tho In-; oiansfrom Florida; now the United States authorities are engaged in s bringing theia hack to Ui4t statelrr2eveland tadfjr 1 .vV'- 'fi f: : "' . . Flannels in ail colors and qnali- ties, and Underwear, at Octmtf Whitlock.. " " ' ; " - tCilk,crta.Supr-ni.Cocit cf Zen pce eoonty. "The 'action -of tho county democratic convention on. tha 2bth August, L, .alicov k.ov a throughout tho county; I rtcd iot discuss it here, furtjier ih&n to eay that I helieve it . to be vitiated by fraud and by the violation of tho plainest principles and usages of tho deinccratic party, and I propo.o to submit the fssuo to the good and hon est men of the county. ! - Very Respect fully, r : ; . j t W. -T. Reynolds. . To th$ people tffliuMomlrt: , ' I hereby anuouncia lnvsolfa Cani didate for the office of Oierk of tha bnpenor Vontt of BuncOHibe. I am a republican, 'and: m eppostw! to tte present system of County cov-' ernment, and am specially opposed td the' arbitrary system . of -govern ment yth have to submit to ia Bon- publicans .sacrifiping their wan- . hoed in their votes for inaeneu dent democrats, so called. If such be democrats at all. the v. shonhl stand: Dy ana support their part v. and if they are; not democrat, that is ii luey uo not endorse the pnu ciplesj oiV the. democratic party ia this state, then they arc in truth republicans, apd if they have cot manhood and courage enough co declare their republicanism whilo opposing democratic principles thoy are not entitled to democratic .or republ ice i votes. .1 am arenubli- can, and not ouly exiiect iholvbtes of iepublicans, but oi those who do j not.endorse the democratic candi- ' dates or policy I lam cdWruined- to thus annouhco myself because no candidate, yet out, seems willing to declare himself a republican r at the same time there is n. r.iinliiia( who is asking repblican votes Ikj causej he opposes th democratic nominee. If I do not get a singlo vote but my own. I am a candidate for the office of Clerk a a square, truo republican, and I with to seo whether the' republicans of Bun- . combe will maintain their manhood and vote for a straight republican or be i caught ? by the hlpocracy ot seliish democrats, and vote for tbeni. ii mey ao; tneyhave no right to claim 1 to ' be republican. I shall thank my republican iriond3 ior their suppoi t, and if elected I shall discharge the duties of the office honestly and faithfully if not elect ed I shall feel 1 have at least, main tained republican self respect aniL integrity. E. F. CLAuk. MissIQp.ace A. Demekitte, Pupil in Piano and Vocal 'Music. fjhe miy be seen at Mrs. Reynolds, Hath St between S and 4 p. m., daily.! se.plo The b ?autiful songs, 2Iarp;ucrito e Wings, buck recently here and Whi by Aliss Miller, for sale at the Music Storfej jphave ako received a new suppiy of i the very brilliant valsc:" Belle dfjJS'ew' York." til. C. Falk. sepi5 Proposals. Sealed Jproposa Is will be received until the;25th day of October, lor furnishing the whole, or pait of WXK) lineal fet of stone cuibing for hhhf walks. Plans and specifications can be seen at this cmce i B. J. ASTON, Jayor. ; Confining ourselves strictly to Gents Fumishiogs and liar?, Fancy and Staple Dry Goods and Mil linery, oar.assortmeut is very com plete and will give satisfaction, j : Very respectfully, joctl2:lw L WniTLOCS; !kThe Old Oaken Uuckct,'f tbo best chevrihg tobacco on the market can always be found at Powell & Sniders. Try it, and you will use no other. octll Attention Builders. You can' save money by having J. R. Hill to give you au estimate on your tin, sneet iron and ornamental work. He has opened a shop of Willow street, in rear of riwSncanou Hote), where ho will be glad to give estimates on all workin hi l:ne. All work done at tho most rpufonablo prices and satisfaction guaranteed. Respectfully, J. R. Hill, The gude housewife ill consult her interest by examining Whit lock's large stock Table ' Linen; Dovlies, Napkin?, Crash Meeting, Pillow Cases, etc., etc. ocM2:lwr. - j I Auction Sale. We will sell at auction on court house square Saturday morning Oct. lCtb,;at 11 o'clock, a good lot of Household goods; i1m'3 good young : horses. : These ho;ses a;e perfectiy gentle. A raroc'iaoco for those wh,owant a good horse. j Murray & Lane, ' oct!4-2t ; I AuctioEeer?. Itch, Prairie Mange, and Scratches of every kind cured in iJO minnteu by Woolford's Sanitary lotion. Uso no other. Tbia never fails. Sold by w.l H. Lyons, Druggist. Abbeville, N. fX I feblOwly. rabsctibe for the Weekly Advance. '.'of Yawf Sfharifonl-n ri.iir linte i ij.uitc, a liernn. win reccivo pupiw i t 1 I V

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