i - - THE ADVANCE. TgQ. nogCOOQ, B4.4 yititUlf. I SATURDAY, OCT. 16,; 1886 a paJ Auditor'- Anonncement TnE DAILY ADVANCE. a en!nmn rT;. PQL wt lay exoept Uon iay at to eltr sub- ertbers at 60 ndU err nonih , Ure month UOLui .ixiwMi . - r i 00E;OJ 00IH r wwi'S ritOM THE ACCUSING ANQEL'S PJSX.t f AeuTeLTa NnimJ him J would nojtc for Mm, unless Antl fcUCh trq (ham iniramrmc th- 1 . t then stood, lng amoDf ' 1 ; ieral understand occasJ' ; ' - people" present on the i the people-present on me Gen. Jones on bAnn rJuimf noktitng hu pledge to oppoe V Mfi .l.V ,om- . 1 tor Mainht Z, ur S --zzrr. -Abis May 14tbt 1838.-T , A 44wwitf - r i .. ai.ex Pinner; tca?e" and Vudthcmenr' uck rtisicere'prodxictdtor ' " : ,ncA and not at" . ' - attain the charge. .... - iritnesses" As to the ilirmrat In- mad f U end of -Jk AP td prorn' ll W XBOULfa :u charge ftear theoUotcbxg for . Judas .at of ibw-i-a. (2) T a new of onr . I: - C41 or District: J II. MERRIilQN, jlicitor, 12th District : OP HAYWOOD. . For Congress, 9th District : WILLIAM U. MALONE, OF BUNCOIIBE. A VoryHviall One."" The f.tllcwlns explain itself: t i This U to certify that aolq . time after thalaw soit vr&s started abont the Stock Law in this ooiraiy, . I met General Jones, and asked .him if he had accepted a' fee' as a4 lawyer to keep the petitioners from , having a hearing and, he replied "yes, he had but it was a very small one.' ! J. E. AT.YKTFK. Oct. 4th 18S6. : As rrETJLLS, 2f . O. Jane 21V 18S6. I, J. 15. Freeman, certify thai I waS a candidate lor -tbe-IiegiBlattirein Rancombe County in 1884,-and was at Avery7a Creek m October of thAt year and addressed ' the - pablic; kt t hat place with the other candidates I remember distinctly' that" Gen.I ter APT. JOHXSTOV, IS the CAM- Johnstone Jones on the duestion of i i i pa io of loin, pledged iiiusELF i the stock law. expressed himself as ro the repeal of the inteunal j occupying the name- position - fiS Ut vknue Law. One of his fiust 1 3Ir. rearson1 and myself, which whs acts is Coscrem was to FLACK J opposition to any change in the law iiiinELP tx oppastTinv to its s:. w it then stood on. the statute peat, by votinq for Carlisle for books. :.;.'! Speak dr. Let the people think ; ' FEKKJL1N' JsOETH UAEOLTNA, UUNC03IBB CO., C. W. Ledbetter makes . bath and says: I was at 'Avery's : Creek in October 1834, at the speaking by the candidates lor the Legislature, and heard GenU JMnstone Jones say in his speech that he occupied the same position in the stock law as hu colleague, 31r. Pearson which Wiis opposition to any change in the law as it then stood. Such was un derstood to be his position by the public present on the occasion.; : O. V. LKDBETTEK.i . Sworn to and subscribed before me thU 14th day of May, 18S6. B. If. Ceeasman, J. P. (5) r Thomas J. Ship man makes oath and says : I was at Averyls Creek in October, 1SS4,V at the speaking by the caudidaed for the Legisla ture, aud to the bjst ot my recoi lection, Geu. Jobn&tou Jouett said his position on the stock-law was the same as that of Mr. Pearsou and Mr. Freeman which was op position to auy change in the then 'xi&ttug; law. 1 - his - ) Thomas X JShipman. "Sworn to and subscribed before what mt; rtoptu akk consider- Jut now the Citizen is saying a .great deal about Mr. IVarouj which is not at all applicable to jibe issues presented in the county cau va. This is done simply to Mis lead the )cop!e and impress them vtjth the fllea that Mesnrs. Jones and Gudger are cherubic and I too good for this sinful world ofjua rogeuerate Flopdoodles, while plr. Pearsou is the embodiment ot all that is evil. We opine, thatjthe Citizen's efforts in this directiou will bo useless. The people: of Bao combe county have a great teal more sense than f the ringdoodie organ gives the preseut them credit for. tirae they are .sidering the following question :'. Did Messrs. Jones and Gu At toa- ger pledge themselves at Avery's Creek to let thb law relating to j the fencing of crops stand as it was f Did either or both violate! his rl- It.. , . 1 uui muueneral, alter forcing; t lie law upob an unwilling people, take 'a very small feen to stifle I the sarred riuht of (etition T 11 he did these things, he is! na me this 14th day or May, 18SG. N. B. Cceasmon, J. P. - - (G) North Caholina? Bcncombe County. D.P. Morns makes oath worthy of the support of the pebple I and Bays that he was present at the is Mr, Gudger for voting fpr a law, which at Avery's Creek) he Maid he would not vote lor T ! The people, before very long, will have an opportunity to say Low these thiugs are. They seldom wrong. Flannels in all colors and ties, and Underwear, at octl2:lw WniTLOCK's quali- Cougressioual Campaign. Major Malone aud other candidates for Congress will address the pmvle At thp rullnwlnc tJmp And nlarwat. i.narlton. r nuajr, " Robbinsville. Saturday, " Murphir, Monday, ; i I ay eille, Wednesday, i Fair View, Tuesday... i " Ayr.(Rejnolds'Unyard) Wed. Oct. liutlier ford ton. Thursday, October Logan's Store, Rutherford county. Friday, " speaking by the candidates for the Legislature at Avery's Creek in Oc tober 1884 ; that before the speak ing began Gen'l ' Jones stated in a Giant's presence that he, if elected to the Legislature, would hot do anything looking to a change in the then existing stock- jaw for Buncombe Connty ; that ho was in favor of letting the law remain as it then was. . ,rv i , - H; P. Morbis. i Sworn to and -subscribed before me, th is 8th day of May, 1S8G.:. r. JST. ii. CEEASMAN, J. P. P. J. Creauman . makes oath and saya . that ue was; present- at the This is to certify that I was pres nf - of. rliA Vinr liv the candi dates for ttte Legislature, at Avery rsH Crek In October, 1884, and thati heard Gcn'J 'Johnstone Jones say to the people present on that occa sion, concern iug-the stock law, that his position was 'substantially the same as that ; of his colleague, Mr. Pearson, which was opposition to any change so far, as the outside townships were concerned in the stock law as it then existed. ' : Ti7. Oandlee. ' " J: " (ii) ":':r- ;'t AV. W. Johnson ' '- makes oath and says: 1 was at Avery's Creek in 1S84, on the day . that II. A. Gudger the -democratic candidate for the Senate, addressed the people of that township. Mr. Gudger made. no reference to the stock lw in his speech, but after he had taken his seatr I heard John Ingram ask him what' his position, was on the stock law. Gudger replied that we did not need a stock law in this mountainous country, ancf that he was in favor of allowing it to re main as it then was. ' " W:V.Johnston. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 2d Sept 1SS6. . Chas Malone, J. P. (12) , I, G. W. Howell of No - 3 Township, Buncombe 'county, do hereby certify that at the Joint meeting of Comisioners and Jus tices in last 'February hV conversa tion with Gen'l Jones, he stated 'to me that he drew the , "Stock Law" his election he. would not-do any thing toichan2fce claw. as sured me, that in. his opinion the lav would stand as it then was. Aftcmhet cjrsationwith Jme, Genfl-Jones; seated publicly td the peOple .that hjspi"sitiri bn the s)tock law was the same as Mr. Pearson ana" MrV Frfnj which was oppo arid .Mr. FrT n, whi sition to sJ change existing law v ' " f " . "' " ' his te In "the hen ., W. (X) Thompson. :j i mark ,,A Sworn to4 and subscribed before me this 14th ilayi8S6. N. B.-Creasmax, J. P. ' (i7) ' John Taylor . makes oath ( and says, that he'Vas at Avery's Creek in Octobt-r, 1884, at the speaking by the candidates for the Legisla ture, and ' heard Gen. Johnstone Jones pay in his speeeh that he oc-cjjpiedrthe- Fame position on the sNcfc law as bad beeu declared by MessriT. P-afson 4 and : Freeman, which was opposition toany change in the law ait then stood. Ttj was generally ulierstood among! tlie I people ! presAat on that occasion T 7 1 r TlV t I l' i U : r tuajjen.Y' yw uuu pieugeu uuu self in hfs Meecb ITgaThst dny at- tenn)t to chance the then existing law. ..!: his John (X) Taylob ; j ; ; mark; j Sworn to and subscribed before me this 14th day of May, 1880.1 N". B. Ceeasman, J. P. ' , (18);:;: ' : , VV.B. Case makes oath and says : I was present at ' the speaking by the-' candidates for the legislature at Avery's Creek in October) 1884 and according to my best recollec tion, Gen. Johnston Jones sad he agreed with'Mf. Pearsou and Mr. Freeman that it was best to -iea e i.uvwi" -e ;, iqai ne was-i ships were to be let out upon peti- beintj made. tion. I then asked him if he would understood Bill in the last Legislature svi.th the tue stock j. as it then stood; and understanding that theoutside town- th f ha wft.oiiiosfid taanv chanjre .This, was ; generally a in one the. neonle make that statement to theBoard. lie present on the occasion. .' j replied that he would. I went to him 't WB. CASE. ! during the sitting of said Board and Swoni to and subscribed this 8fcli asked him to gee up and make said day of May 188G. statement. His answer was I will jsr. B. Creasmak, J, P. not do. any such a thing. (19) G' Y' Lb II. P. Morris and P. J. Creasmnn Sworn to and subscribed betore mnkft!, nftth and savs. that they were me. this May the 29 1SS6. B. L. Morgan, J. P. . . ; (is) North Caholina, buncombe present at the speaking by the can didates for the Legislature at WVery ?s Creek in October . 1 884. That Mr: Pearson'spoke first and being calhd nn to state his DOition on the! stock - z County -W. ,W. Jrnak. gy-iijK,?; tSffiS oath and says'that he was present jonesTrose he said he occupied at the speaking by the candidates the same positiou on all subjects in October j that ijeni ioun stone Jones stated in a private con versation in affiant's presence that be was opposed to any change being made in the then existing stock law; that we did not need it in this mountain country. - Afterwards speech that be1 occupied' the sante position on the stock . law : as Mr. Pearson and Mr. Freeman, which was opposition to any change in the law. i his ! P. J. (X) CREABMAlsr. f mark ' j r' II. P. Morris. - Sworn to 'before me,' this 8th day of May. 188G. , 1 : N, li. Creasman, J. P. . ) W lllianTfnes , makes oath" and says, that he was paesent at the sneakiner bv the candidates1 fcir. the Leeislature. at Averv's Creek in October- 1SS4. That Gen. John sto'n Tones stated in his speech that Now for the Fight-1 ,....!.. i -. . r - - .. FOB THE CAMPAIGN, ' '""'I l,.t. jv'O'-' if ' y': t. The' only democratic daily paper in the Ninth Congres sional District not controlled by corporations .and cliques, and with the iridependence to speak its own sentiments, ig noring! self -constituted leaders and would be bosses. y A PAPER FOR THE PEO PLE. NOT THE MACHINE. During j the campaign the Ad vance will contain the very latest and most; reliable news from all sections j The progress of the can vass will be given fairly and im paitially, and the latest and most important matters of news on all snhiw.ts will be found in fits columns. v i For the campaign, to offer t be fgllowipg low. subscription rates : Daily! from September 1st i to November 10th,.... Weekly, from September 1st I to Jatiuary 1st,.. r. ......... .. -STOP AT THE-'- WESTERN- HOTE'L IIICKoiRY, N. C, If You Want Jr Good Meal And ' ; S. A. CHANDliEIl, , r -! Proprietor, aprldtf. ; - JtrgL- TrOB BENT. A dwell f&llVA house; pleasantly lliSir? located, 15 rooms, in the town Weaverville, , reasonable rates.! Aaaress ! - Look Box 281, June. 6:tf ;'i;;i..AshevilIe,- N. C. 4 THE ) liSTERN HOTEL, 1;:-'--": under its New Management , , la rapidly gaining in popularity. Mrs. L. A. McBbayer & Sox, are using every effort to make 1 the WESTERN"' one of the very ' best hotels in Western North Caiolina. Their rates are; the most reasonable. When you come to the city stop a the "WESTERN." Jaa296m. ai.oo Sworn to and subesribed before he occupied the same! j position on me, this May 8th, 18S6. N. B.1 Ceeasman J. P. A. : T. Graham makes oath and says that he was at Avery's Creek.m October 18S4, at the speak ing by. the candidates for the Leg islature, and' heard Gen'l John 'stone Jones say in his speech th.tt he occupied the . same position on the . stock law as had previously beeu taken by! Mr. - Pearson and Mr. Freeman, which was opposition to any change in the law as it then existcd-that the law was best as it then stoodthat if-a majority of the -people of any township want ed ,it they could hold an election and the stock law as Mr. iPearsori and Mft-Furman which was opposition to anv chanere in the then existmer law. ; It was generally undeptood among the people, then present, that such was his position! T . 'Wm. Jbies. " Sworn-to and subscribed ' before me this Sth day of May 18S6. . ; .N -B Creasman, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS.! It is one op the boasts . , . . . . . . .. i OF THE JOHNSTON MEN THAT HE IS A STRONG MAN WITH THE PARTY. LET US SEE HOW THAT IS ! IN THE RACE WITH EWAET, THE ONLY ONE l I PWng by the candidates lor the getiU ... It was generaly understood HE EVER MADE IN THE DISTRICT. iS I -Kieia.uic, acg a vicck ju 1 among tne people . present on tnat o uctooer 1J4. . Amaut heard Gea. i occasion that Gen'l Tones stood 26 1 Johnston Jones say in private law niffrpnt from th nnp th-n . '7 I versation before- the speaking jS I gan, that the people of this mi 2J Iu .Gentleman's Furnshings and 'IiaiM, alI we ask is an inspection of the immense stock to be sold Very law ar j oeU2.lw WunxocK'. Public Speaking. The candidates for the Legisla ture and other candidates for con ty offices will address the peoplf ot liuccumbe county at the following times and places, vir : . Cooper. Cbareh. Wdnei1ay,' - -J FtirvHv, tuarcb urovc, TburMUy. . 14 Unifi-, Old Salem, . . tKlay. hceni trk, Oot! Chpl. ritiiay, Atctt'i tck. W KShtomui't. Mank.v moua- tainoas ' country -, had no use 'for a stock-law. Affiant nnderstood Iro n what Gen. "Jones said that he w opposed, to atiy- changes 'in - the then existing law; and voted for him oh that account. . , . ' his - j P. J. (X) Ceeasman. - mark - -.----" , Sworn to and subscribed before me this may 8th, 18S6. , - , N. B. CEEASMAN, J. P. . (8) existing for the , county. I !A. Tj Graham. HE RAN BEHIND THE STATE TICKET IN EVKEY COUNTY SAVE FOUli. !" THE DISTRICT HE EECEIVED 500 VOTES LESS THAN THE EEGU LAE DEMOCEATFC '- TICKET,'' AND McABOY'S. i This popular resort is situated in the celebrated Therm ul Belt, one mile and a half from Try on City on the Asheville & Spartanburg At. R. 41 milat South of Asheville, pt. C and i7 North of Spartanburg:, ib. C- directly in front of Tryon Moun tain', r' " ' j Beautiful . Sceneiy. ; I The Hou?e is large, roomy and homelike, with broad Piazza, situa ted in a , : '. .'..":'-'.' j; - GK AND OLD GEO VE of Oak. Mimosa. Walnut ana iJfine trees with large, beautiful, snow Flowers and Shrubbery. I The Hotel farm affords an ample supply of fresh milk, truit, vegeta bles, Ac. - i - - . "I , The stablo supplies, saddle and cairi ago horses for the UOM ANTIC DRIVES fori which the country is noted.; ' --f No Fog. No Dew. No Frost. OPEN WINTER AND SUMMER I Tha Iron Spring possesses wonder ful medicinal qualities. ; I Carriages mot?t every train; 4 ... .-Afl'lMisii. . : i ; MoAboy &Wijlcox. ' Lynn, Polk Co , N. C. Swamanoa Hotel The Tourists' Hotel . The largest and best arranged brick hotel in Western North Cato liua. Appointments give solid com fort to guests. Halls broad aisd airy. Booms large and well furnished.;- : . . ' Prof. Stefoua's.Philadelphia Or chestra engaged for the season; dfSpecial rates to families by the season.' 1 !. 1 Bawls Bros., Proper j j jlyl3 3m. f 4 Fruit! ' Don't buy till you have seen the Hamilton Fruit Jars, Jelly Glassos. Ice Cream Freezers, at : . - Bkj4bfen, Rankin A Co jlyl5tf Sworn to and subscribed before me," FELL BEHIND IN HIS OWN (JOUNTY this. May 14th,! 1686. N. B. Creasman,J P. 104 VOTES. A MIGHTY MAN IN THE TARTY, HE IS. i ' - (15) North Carolina, Buncombe County. C. Ii. Thopson makes oatlr and ; says i I was at Averj 's. Creek in October, 1884, at the speak ing oy the canaiaates tor the Leg islature, and heard Gen'l John stone Jones say in his speech thrt A Captfxib's Fotunato Discovery. Capt. Coleman schr. Weymoutli, plying between 'Atlantic City ard N. Y-", had been troubled with a couh 60 that he was unable to sleep, and was induced to try Dr. KiDg's New Discovery for Consumption: Itnt only gave him instant; relief, but a- PAINTlN G! PAINTINU !! McCanless Bros. . contractors for house sad carriage paiDtlng; also, kalsomlning and p as wring, ara paper nanging. uia iurntire made to look as good as new. The best n as erial used, satltifactlon eoaranteed.Sh pa In front of Sw.iunanoa. cp stairs. over Bajr'B Stables. i ! EIGHTEEN, SIZES AND KINDS i AIT, PURCHASERS CAR BE SUITED;. Isaac!. blieppard tCo. ,Baltin3oretMfL ' U ASD rOB SlLEBV j I W. IV. BEABDENT & CO., i ;; ;;:- . Asheville, NJ 0 J. ii BKEVARD. A. D. BLACKWOOD J;D, Brevard &Co. " DEALERS IN - j GENERAL M EBCH ANDISE, ; 5 CONSISTING OF . ClotMBg, Dry Ms, Laflies Dress Ms, Notions, &c. - We also make a specialty of ' BOOTS, SHOES, ASTl i-! EBlVAfiO J. REAL ESTATE AND INSU :-.'aceiit,-.- . , Ashcvtlla,' Worth K I"! ANCtf DIMv. HrIUIEiU'ES,jD.D.S 'i t Dental rooam in Sluder ll " oppostte Centml lioj r April 17, JfW4. .; f; " uildiDg HI.-- y. DOUGJS, 1 V.nbbS?, 'VAX d. a CUAS. A AloORK, i,: .-.,1 P. . MOORE & CU3r : Dental Booms and residen DeYault's Drug Store. .. : i , ,. r : I 'abhevuxk. n. a I" j : CI i ir. ; Attorneys and OptuiseliofS. at ASIIEVILU, N. C I Practice In the Dnltod Slates' CU District Courts at AanerlUe, fei Charlotte and Oreensboro: In the Court at Raleigh and lu the Couru 12th : Judicial 0 Pistrlet of the t orth Carolina. Bpeclal attenUon collection of claims. 1 . 'Hep Ice over lult r c i?8VlJ.V f the late of Ken to liftm ALTEB W. VAND1V. I attorney at la-w;- MARsnALL; :4..;:;;i ..;...n. c. Offices also at Asheviile and Wea verville. Special attention given to the collection or claims , in .Western North CaroliriSK ' J. S. McKLTaor. J. t'. Alosruxw . JJcELBOY & MOBPHE,V,'j Attorneys and Counsellors ui Zaufl ! - .. r. i : ' I ' . ' . 3 Practice in th Courts of Madisou, Lima combe, Yancey and adjoining Conn tie Qncs;i Marshall, N.Cj and ivy. N. C. 4AND II II A TTTTT : El H AA! T H II A A' T ! HHH A A T I II H AAA T . , II H A A T I II H A A T 1 . . - . TJfTM.B. W HITSON, .. ,: ' ,. - . I ' -Attorney and CounseUo 'at Late. j f ASHEVILLE, N. 0. Will practice in all ' the courts lu the W$ tern part of the State. Hating been I or several years eon neud with tlie i Probate Court, claims facilities for practice In uld mnn . ,,1 H.A.OODOBB. H. B. CAKTk JUDGER & CARTER,,. IA tjfvmvua fill1 CYam r7?wa 1 ASUEVILLV, N. 0. Practice together In aU the courts of jNtntn judicial District, except the Iuf ior court of Buncombe county; and ui iu we connues or jaitcbeil, Yaucey aiu mciiow euortne 8th District. "Speelat Nil lenuon given to tuecoUecuou of c'.miii, In all parts of the-Stale. One!mmU! me , arm , wm be lu Marshall, MadUcv county on Saturday of every week, professional business. ' AaOffioe fu April25-tf. 1 i OJJ arter Building, np stairs. SSSS s s s SSSS 8 s s SSSS Johnstone Junes, Uenry llardnik ; JONES & HARD WICK E, ; Attorneys and Counsellors at Iacv, j umce, in Citizen Building, i - j asheville, n. c. may 3.3m. iSMessr. II. Lamar Gudger and F. IELVIN E. CAK1EU, . A. Fanning are; with us and would - Alt LOPyi ft y Tiflw be glad to see their friends. Ij' tn...Mriri 1A ' 9 Dec-ara. ,1 . i f ASHEVILLE, N. C. Blanks. 'j' ' .;'-:' ". n T If you want blanks . of any kind call or ssnd your orders to the Ad vance office, f We have : a large 1 Practices in the f Courts ot Western North Caroliua. Claims collected .In. all parts . of J.. fatatej j : . julylS ly M. H. MALONE, rapnly of blank deeds, deeds x)f A44 , . A - . i ' . j Attorney and Counsellor at Laic tiust and. chattel morgages on hand ;. f. i- t w wt .utaw at reasonable prices. (All kinds of legal blanks iurnished on short no tice. 4-- -v Asheville, N. C. Pratices iri the courts of the 9th, Juaicial District : of the State, iu uio oupreme court at ltaleiifh. in Supreme .Conrt .' of th r. a.i States and! the diiterent aoimrt inents at Washington. mayl5-tf. i -r- r4, ; A. WATSON. M. D. at all times at the Advance office rr'ficiaa t0 th Wom4tna Ward Magistrate's Office. i' ! Having be.en; appointed a Justice of the Peace for Buncombe county in Asheville township, I hereby notify the public thatl can be found n Carter ; building, South of the court'housei r. Chas. W. Malone. Upper UomtuT. tuptlsi Church W-d., rr.a Musn.ctit Jlce-r. 1 lurch. VnETir fiiHOLiNi " RrrvnnMTii hQ occupied - the'same position ca laved the extreme soreness in h?s CmrvTv --a D CmLman tnakPR stock law asPearsomind Freeman, reast. His children were similarly oath andsavathat hLs orient wliich was opposition to. any change affected and ainghvdose had; the uf3ElrJl LW115;r iu the law as it then, stood. lab o same haP?y affect. Dr. King New "TraT:"J.k?rw' Leard Gen'L. Tones sav in nrivaie discovery is now tnestanrtamremecy ior me legislature ac Averys ureeu cor.TpraHnn th4fc th ionl nf th in tne le,uan houehod and on in-October. 1S34; ; that Gen'l Johir- cosation that the people of th .s, board the JaCu00lier.-..Pre.Trlal Bnt stone Jones stated- pnblicly in his u1ul1am--w ? iu :not neeu tles of jthis Standard Tiemedyat H. tspeecn.. inai r me- people 01 .uns r L ' , ; r. 1 '"s oiuic. , - -t. .L. J:-i Utthevconld iret it and that he wi.sl the stoctlaw and .that, he was opU ? fayorof letting remain just ps TinPd trv anr rhanr- hi .thA r Iiph i lP was" 1 clearly understood Gen t xistin law nndr.waaan fawor Jo amnow prepared to contrac t office will take the time till 13 lettingitremainta oVlo- k. and then -the Candida: I - T.nri.v.rtnHrfwi tnnn I not to interfere with-the law thea also for erectinsr windmills and - aj vtiv mm mu a w vvru a j js. F May. t Halurday. tt, tvimtra i store, Tureuay. tlml reek, Bptla4 Church. Wednevdsy, .Wzndera, ThoriKUy, Ahevllt. Vatarilr. . . r 4 i Shaking begins promptly ac 10 oVtock. The candidates for coujitji is id IS 1 JO a J4 Artesian Wells. ior the Legislature will begin epekk wig. Come one. come . all. le prompt. . Endorsement. , ; I . T. S. Arthur, of Philadelphia, he wHI known author, and Wm. Penni Nixou, Editor of the Chicago Infer xjn, have endorsed the Com K,u:.d Oxygen Tiealmeut iu tb'e tiongest terms. . .. . - hen men of their standing aud the peopla present, on that day, Jo ih hi? posiwou -wbieh impression was based -on1 what Gen'l Jones Himself said both -pnblicly an d pri- Tateiy. : -,his- ... G. D. (X) Cbeashan. --mark existing; and such was the generl impression among the people pr-4-ijent on the occasion. . . .... - his ' - ' C. L. (X) TnoitrsoN v - mark - " j -Sworn to and subscribed.' before Sworn to and subscribed hefore m me, this 14th day of May. 1886. this 8th day. of May, 1SS&:- , 1 N B. Cbeasman. J. P. N. b. chkahman. j. p. 1V. mc .;- - - - A (9) erectmg putting in force pumps and supply pies with: the same, A private residence cah be 'fully supplied with water at small expense. . - j ; ; Hotels : and villages supphei with wiler works; : , i All risks in sinking wells'are im-1 by me,' and in casrtof failure to in -nish a full ujyply oj water no charg e is modes :'?l'i-) : If you contemplate aiggiug a 11; U4 o O .... . ! O O .-.Q ft . '--!' H . " O : ; -O o I in W ' :o . o O : o ,oooo 0 -2 03 00 o .W V Co ,0 I I.H.GORENFLO, CONTRACTOR & BUILBE3. ' -, Asheville, N. C. f All work executed in " the . Very t lnsi manner, plans and peclflcailonifl, f ,r. ntahefl nn nrt notlo. - I 1 Mission Hospital. Offke over rmicha'ePs 'Drug Store, Telephon0number: Residence 40 1 Office. - ; . ... Jan9-ltf. I GATCUELL, PHYSICIANS. Special attentlrm in nnnnikiriiTuvi lncluiflng those of . THROAT AND LUNGS. ' Office over Oowan'a Jewelry Store, 011 Pa JOCTORS W. L. Norwood. G. II. Smathe.-s JOR WOOD; & SMATHERS, ; Attoeneys and ; Counsellor la LAW, Waynesville, N. C, Collections of claims a SDecialtv Practice in theobuntlesof BuncomiH Haywood, Jackson, and in the U. 3. District and Circuit Courts at Ash r- ville. dec. 10 12m. jyR. JOHN HJEY WILLIAMS Office, Hakt BatLoixo. Main Ktr..' Kesidenv, corner French Broad Avetne and Haywood street. Can be called tor eUephonrrom Pelhajc'? Drug Ktore. CJC W. W. JONES, V Attorney at Law, ASHEVILLE, N. C. ; (Office in Johnston Building.) , Practices Iri'the Courts of Western! North Carolina and SnnmmA rvmrr at Raleigh. I ; nov26tf. A Clear Skin j. tennent, t":JvT9Pi?j9?ikes;cth and j well, send me a card and I will cal iy frames, undoubted value. Vll:ir.iArft nraififl a modrt or frtar- i nis ceninej mail was present hi 1 sys. a wasai mc spcawng pcant on .juu . uui-junnu iwfwiuwuua 1 em one idry w nore mat u pov ..l.-. l f. . - 1. .00 . . 1 . ; , , ...,'-,.:.;'.irw'AmATw . I june20 tf-" . .'.;t Asheville, N. 1 . 1 of i . One T70R SALE. A pair JL teers and "wagon, complete Apply to H. H. LTONSi cctl3-lf " KtaVint hv thA rnrlTHntM fnr tha l' .'!, : .CC. mc it. r ? v5 "wuVtr speaking- began I ;had. a privai sione Jones say in his speech that h s 6 r if tviHr,nrm th Mtvir 7uZ waa m aUonvertation with Genl Johnston 2 came on that, previorrdy declared by Jones, in which be stated to'me tia4 j iur. Arearson ana or. x urm&n, wnicn 1 no w opposeo 10 any cnange in m was opposiiion 10 any cuacja in ina it oca law ill it ihin etiiua. I told is . only, a part of beauty ; ' but it is a part .Every lady ! : I . - .' ' . -. ' ' - CGUKTEY PR0UUC3 Kt::"S j.u,luUHmiTO CJ'L 5alm both ireshens and constantly m srore. , i beautifies. Also confectioneries, tobac co and cigars. 4: . TT - ! - U . 1 ' I . - - .' Hoping to merit ana receive wr ":Jn a snare 01 your patronage, v e are " ' I f Very Respectfully, H r NEEL & BAIRD. VfeblStf. ' - ' J. W. BOWMAN, Bakers vUle, X. Q Qalooe & Bow. "ITOR RENT.-On Chef HAVING FORMED A " COPABTNEI - ! shin in thin nrftr?t,iefi Af -thAlav-! I will do business in several of tie counties of the 11th and 12th circuit-", especially in the counties of Mitche) lt ABCHITECT AND C0KTRACTUR- Estimates and bids made for all' work in my line. No ch designs and; specifications if I eon tract-for work. : ' " Augl9 30d " i ' i !. ; ; DR. A. M. BALLAffD J ide. Sab"c Sqre. Office Telephone caU -No.W, i 7ieide;oer Uaywood St. .. marl9-m ; W. rjUREFbY. M. D Blankets, and ; Comforters, large assortment from SI to $15 at octiaiw WHITLOCS'fl. sscTss 7 ' nnt sirwt homo xancey. isiaaison ana HuncomDi !'."3illft with six good rooms, aUon Will practice in theaUnited Stat jp f a 1 Court and the Snbreme conrt. oi the : . WUMWKLl I bLyiJ f V . . A . . u nuw. i . ' . : . i . . L - to DCt2 - Appjy to Js&ss R. SiAmrEs. yiiers nis protessional to i the citizens of services Asheville and State. - Controversies in resard land titles made a specialty rturroundi ng- country. Office over Garmichatla tore. panllTd'y, drug:;

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