i ; . . 7 THE ADVANCEi TUESDAY, OC7T. - 19, r 18SS. ... ...Ikiitor'a Anouncement. ) . . DROPS FB02I THE ACCU3IKO ANOEL'SPO. THE DAILY ADVANCE, a 3 column pa- puiutd err 07 exoepi ianiy or mr. tX09 for six months. Ueavered Gto. "Jones on being charged with violating his pledge to oppose the stock laic, say in his card, "I made no such pledge" and that the men tchose ajfida ADTirrani ujltxa (Datlt) on men cus were proaucea to sustain the cnarge twelve moiiini.iii w, xio uTiruiuicuii wui iiitrud between locaU mater at any pric. Wntr tib.erlbr t 50 enta per month - TH AaBEVIIXEADVjLSCi;aerlamn mvr, ! p nbllsbed every Saturday at tioo per KdUMt of iunltfft Of Dmui. not to ex- Md tea Unee. will fee Inserted free. AH ad- ltlonW matter wUl be charged 6 cent per advertisement ; .r raymeot fcxr transient ,. nuiMBud In advance. Regular j yearly srfverUseoieuU wlU be eoUected promptly at -tataDdaXeaca jnanr. Auverusemeuufor m snorter period moat ba paid monthly. , . All CoaunonleaUon containing news or a eUeeoeelon o local matter solicited. No . eomsanaieaUon containing objection! per , aonailUee. or withhold U.e nam of Aha ao. taorwUl be published, i W art not recponslMe fee the views of oar correspondents, uur news are expreesea in ta editorial jpcJumna, , . For Judge,, 12tX District: HON. JAMES H. MERRLM0N, OF BUNOOMBXj j Ft Solicitor, 12t District : GARLAND & FERGUSON, OP HAYWOOD. j . For Congress, 9th District: i - i WILLIAM H. MALONE, OP BUNCOMBE. j M" ' 111 1 " " " " "' - " ' " j '' ' XCapt. Johnston, in tits cam paign of 1834, PLEDGED HIMSELF TO THE BXPZAL OF THE INTERNAL : Bk venue Law. One of his first Mr. Pearson and myself, which was .acts in - Congress was to (place I opposition to any change in the law "and not air witnesses." ' As to the truth of this charge hear the following witnesses : - (2) "A Very Small One." . The following explains Itself: "This is to certify that some time after the lawsuit was started about the Stock Law n : this county, met General Jones, and .asked him if he had accepted a fee as a, lawyer to keep the petitioners from having hearing and, he replied "yea, he had but it was a very small one." J. E. At.ttx sdeb. Oct. 4th 18S6. (3) Asheviille, N. C. Jane 21, 1886. LfJ. is. freeman, certify that I was a cahdidate lor the Legislature in Buncombe County in 1834, and was at Avery's I reek in October or that year and addressed the public at that place with the other candidates. I remember distinctly that Gen.l Johnstone Jones on the question of the stock law, expressed himself as occupying the same position as HIMSELF IN OPPOSITION TO ITS RE PEAL by voting fob Carlisle for Sfxakdr. Let the people think for themselves! i 1 as it tnen stood on the statute books. J. B. FBEE3LAN. Noetii Cabolina, Buncombe Con C. W. Ledbetter makes oath and says: I was at Avery's Creek The nomination of Abram S. FTw!tt fnr mflrnrnfVftw Vnrlr hr Tammany Hall is admitted by j October 1884 at the speaking by j , w t " the candidates for the Legislature, every one to be a master stroke of and Leard Gen'l Johnstone Jones policy. Its first effect bus been say . in bis speech that he occupied withdrawal from the majority" con- the same position in the stock law test of J. Edward Simmons, who as Ms colleague, Mr. Pearson, which ha.' written to the BusinesI Men's S8: Municipal Association, whicU nomi derstood to be his position bv the nated.him, declining to rnn now that Mr. Hewitt has been nomina ted by Tammany Hall, and asking the. association to endorse Mr. "'Hewitt's nomination. Mf. Sim mons has also written to Mr. Hew itt congratulating him on his public present on the occasion C. W. Lkdbettee. Sworn to and subscribed before me thi 14th day of M ay, J83G. B. N. Ceeasman, J. P. (5) Thomas J. Ghipman makes oath and says : I was at Avery's Creek nomination, and pledging him his in October, 1884, at the ppeaking support. This action transfers to Hewitt the big business backing e ct- which has been in favor mons. of i Sim- NEWSPAPERS AHO TBK PUBLIC. Under the above caption the Philadelphia Times publishes a very able and interesting editorial, from which we take the following extract : j Newspapers often offend the intelligent reader by the constant obtrusion ol newspaper disputes upon the public They wrangle ueacena into cross personalities, quarrel over t,heir re- tn:cLtvt3 iiiuuecca ana r rra annn. and seem to bo utterly insensible legislature at Avery's Creek in Oc- or tbe fact that all such contra- to"er xoo, mai oeiore tne speat- by the candidates for the Legisla ture, and to the best of my- recol lection, Gen. Johnston Jones said his position on the stock-law was the same as that of Mr. Pearsou a m a auu jir. . xreeman wnica was op position to any change in tbe then existing law. his . Thomas X J. Shipman. mark Sworn to and subscribed before me this 14th day of May, 1886. N. B. Ceeasmon, J. P. (C) Nobth Caeouna, Buncombe County. H.P. Morris makes oath and says thai he was present at the speaking by the candidates for the vers lea are just aa offensive to an intelligent public as are like dis putes of rivals in any other busi ness calling. . . j , Another grave mistake that many newspapers make is in the ing began Gen'l Jones . stated in affiant's presence that he, if elected to the Legislature, would not do anything looking to a change in the then existing stock law for Buncombe Connty j that he was in assumption that the people rely favor of letting the law remain as uDon me exrravacant and nrrn i men then existinor law: I under! w1 him I to pledge himself against any inter ference with the law as it then stood, and such was the general understand ing among the people present on the ing among tne people present on the occasion. . i This May 14tb, 1SS6V ALEX 1 INNER. (10) This is to certify that I was pres ent at the sjeaking by the candi dates for the Legislature, at Avery's Creek in October, 1884, and that I heard Gen'l Johnstone Jones say to the people present on that occa sion, concerning the stock law, that his position was substantially the same as that of his colleague, Mr. Pearson, which was opposition to any change so far as the outside townships were concerned "in the stock law as it then existed. T. J. Candlee. ! (11) W. W.Johnson makes oath and says: I was at Avery's, Creek in 1884, on the day that H. A. Gudger the democratic candidate for the Senate, addressed the people of that township. . Mr. Gudger madeno reference to the stock law in his Speech, but after he had taken his seat, I heard John Ingram ask him what his position was on the stock law. Gudger replied that we did not need a stock law in this mountainous country, and that he was in, favor of allowing it to re main as it then was. W. V. Johnston. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 2d Sept. 1S86. Chas W.IVIalone, J. P. (12) I, G. W. Howell of No Township, Buncombe county, do hereby certify that at the Joint meeting of Comisioners and Jus tices in last February, in conversa tion with Gen'l Jones, he stated to me that he drew the "Stock Law Bill in the last Legislature with the understanding that theoutsi de town ships were to be let out upon peti tion. I then asked him if he would j make that statement io theBoard. He replied that he would, I went to him during: the sitting of. said Board and asked him to get up aud make said statement. His answer was I will not do any such a thing. Cr. W. Howell, Sworn to and subscribed before me this May the 29 1SS6. B. L. Morgan. T. '1. (13) . Noetii Caeolina, Buncombe County. V. W. Johntson makes oath and says, that he was present at the speaking by the candidates lor the Legislature at Avery's Creek in October 1884 j that Gen'l John stone Jones stated in a private con versation in affiant's presence that he was opposed to any change being made in the then existing stock law; that we did not need it in this mountain .country. Afterwards Gen'l Jones stated publicly in his speech that be occupied the same position on the stock law as Mr. Pearson and Mr. Freeman, which was j opposition to - any change in the law. I : W. w. Johnston. Sworn to and subesribed before me, this May 8th, 1886. Now for the Fight I him I would not vote for him,: unless he would assure me that in case of his election, he. would not do any thing to change the law. He .as sured, me that in his opinion the law would stand- as it then was. After the , conversation with me, Gen'l Tones stated publicly to the people that his position on the stock law was tne same as JUr. .rearson and Mr. Fremani which was oppo sition to any change in. the then paper in the Ninth Congres- ; existing law. ' - , . . . . . , V his j sionai jjistnet not controlled. W. W, (X) Thompson mark -STOP AT 3Tj2.e -Advance FOB THE CAMPAIGN, The only democratic daily JESTER N? HOTE If HICKORY, N. ? If You Want A Good Meal And ; S. A. CUANDIiEK, j Proprietor, aprl9 tf : ' ; . - -; i - by corporations arid cliqu Sworn to and subscribed before and with the independence me this 14th May, 1886. !:J .N. li. Creasman. T. P. l (17) . . John Taylor makes oath and says, that he was at Avery's Creek m October, 1884, at the speaking by the candidates for the Legisla A Jil 3 - T 1 a. . ture, auu neara ixen. jonnstone dtt? ktti tttt nr a itttvt-p Jones say in his speech that he oc- r11- nuiuiuim- copied the same position on the stck law as had been declared by Durinsr the eamnaiffn the Ad- m r -r- 1 - I " r o jiessrs. jrearson 'ana ureeman. 6R RENT. A dwell ing house, pleasantly located, 5 rooms, in the fnwn Woovoralllo of speaK its own ; sentiments, lg- reasonable rates., Address ' ,r ... I' , , , ! ! Lock .Box 281, nonng seit-constitutea leaders June 6:tf Asheville, N. C. iiu:s' rMiF' ce to j li if v loci V EDWASS j. ASTGN, REAL ESTATE AND IN8URANCV ACCWT, , v DBrnrir;KriExi:TiB;D:i. -01UJ" ,-1 I 'll I '"1. r Dental rooms in Sluder building opposite Central Hotel. AnVlLLE, N. C, t April 17, lffli.-f ly B . DOUGLAfcS. I. I. A and would be bosses. A PAPER FOR THE PEO- Uental Booms and residence over THE WESTERN HOTEL, ibZ . . ; ; under its i 4 Now Management Is rapidly gainirg in popularity. Mrs. L. A. McBrayer & 8on are using every effort to maker the 'WPSTPRW)) nnf i I L ASOKVILLS, if. c. Chas. A. Mookk, P. CvmiieiY which was opposition to any change VACT-Wl11 00013111 the very latest hotels in es.tern North Caiolina. and most reliable news from all sections. The progress of the can- vass will be given fairly and im-r partially, and the latest and most , - - - 1 .-- j : important matters of news on all will be bund in its' S a 1 - - 'a w . -m . -w-. in iue iaw as it tnen stood, it was generally understood anion? the people present on that occasion that Gen. Jones had pledged him self in his speech against anv aU tempt to change the then existing law. his John (X) Tayloe. mark. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 14th day of May, 1886. N. x. UEEAS3IAN, J. P. - ' (18) ! W. B. Case makes oath and says : I was present at the speaking by Weekly, from September 1st tno cttuuiuaies lur lue ifgisiaiure Their rates are the most reasonable. When you come to the "WESTERN." MOORE & CUM SajVGS, Attorneys and Cbunselic, not 'Lais. ASHEVTLLF, N. C. . I Practice In tha nnitAi Rit. . .- District Court at Atbemis. StVTiT. we offer the subjects columns. For the campaign. following low subscription rates : Daily," from September 1st to November 10th, $1.00 N. B. Ceeasman,, J. P. defamatory statements of heated controversy to foim their judg ment of tbe relative power, or number of readers, or value; as an advertising medium, of rival pub lic journals. On the contrary, the public very intelligently estimate not only the character of all news- H. P. Mobeis. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 8th day of May, 188G. N. B. Ceeasman, J. P. (7) P. J. Creasman makes oath and says that he was present at the Hpeaking by the candidates for the papers, but their relative circle of Legislature, at Avery s Creek in wuCia Buu gcucrai uaeiuiness as October 1834. Affiant heard ftpn. (14) A. T. Graham makes oath and says that he was at Avery's Creek in October 1884, at tbe speak ing by the candidates for the Leg islature, and heard Gen'l John stone Jones say in his speech that he occupied the same position on the stock, law as had previously been taken by Mr. Pearson and . to any change in tbe law as it then existed-that the law was best as it then stood that if a majority of the people of any township want ed it they could hold an election and get it. It was generaly understood among the ! people present on that at Avery's Creek in October 1884 aud according to my best recollec tion, Gen. JohDstnn Jones said he agreed with Mr. Pearsou and Mr. Freeman that it was best to leave the stock law as it then stood, and that he was opposed to any change being made. This was generally understood among the people present on the occas'on, W. B. Case. Sworn to and subscribed this 8th day of May 1880. ' N. B. Ceeasmah, J. P. (1) H. P. Morris and P. J. Creasman makes oath and says, that they were present at the speaking by the can didates for the Legislature at A very's Creek in October 18S4. That Mr. Pearson spoke first and being called on to state his position on the stock law, said he was opposed to chang ing the then existing law. When Gen. Jones "arose he said he occupied the same position on all subjects as his colleague his ' P. J. (X) Creasman. mark i .H. P. Morris Sworn to before me, this 8th day 01 JViay, last. Nm B. Creasman, J. P. (20) William Tones makes oath and says, mat ne was pjesent at the speaking by the candidates for the Legislature, at Avery's Creek in October 1SS4. ! That Gen. John ston Jones stated in his speech that he occupied the same position on the stock law as Mr. Pearson . and Mr. Furman which was opposition to any change in the then existing law. It was generally understood among the people, then present, tltat such was his pdsition. , i i Wm, Jones, j Sworn to and subscribed before me this Sth day of May 1S86. i Im .B, Creasman. to January 1st,.... .25 McABOY'S. This popular resort is situated in the celebrated Thermul Belt, one mile and a half from -Try on City A l A t ill 0 Ct il r f 4.' 41 miles Boutn ot Asneville. N.v When vnn nnmn tn tho nitxr . cf o, "W Court at AiherUIe, lurSWSmw 7, " loiM.ana Ureen.boro; In the Hupreni jam-ra. Kaicign nx in th coom of u NorthCarollD. Special attenUoa Siren to collecUon of claim. Bepi U.em "ALTEB, VV. VANDlVEls ' ATTORJEV AT LAW. MARSHALL,.. ........JX, d Offices ralso at Ashevi'ifl and Wa- yerville. Special attenUon given to the collection ofclai North, Carolina. ' i J . MCELYBOY. J. K UoiVHI.' jyjcELBOY A MORPHE W, Attorneys and Counsellors Lad Practice in the rvMirt f u.i n combe, Yancey and adlolnln Counti.; urricita ; Mareball. N. C and Iw; wmm G0tST0fES; AT,?faSSM1SFacWRI; - - . I". EIGHTEEN SIZES AND KINDS AKi PURCHASERS CAH BE SUITED . UAMOFACTURXO BY -A X-i Isaac Aiheppard & CoMBaItinioreJMi AND FOB, SALE BV W. K. BEARDEN & CO., Asneville, N. C. ; c. 7"M. R. WHITSON, 1 J. D BRIVABD. I" , Av D. BLACKVOli) Attorney and Counsellor at Law. H. A. GCTDQIB. H. B. OABTXM V vpI! Vn n.,rDnan ',,..; I TJI V . .71 H J occasion tnat Uen'l Jones stood 1 being felt and appreciated! by the gan, that the people of th ih moun tainous country bad no use for a stock-law Affiant understood from what Gen. Jones said that he wa opposed to any changes in the then existing law, and votnd for him on that account. his P. J. (X) CEEAS3IAN. mark . Sworn to aod subscribed before me this may 8tb, 18S6. N. B. Ceeasjian, J. P. (3) j I circulation; but how many are rt- County. G. D. Creasman makes turneoi now manv ara not eot oath and says that he was preseut to bona fide readers t If the ea,-h at the shaking by the candidates payments for circulation were hoi.- rnr thA 1 rui:tnra ,.f a x-w .,i- estly sworn to, the t honest jCircula m October, lS84 : that Gen'l Johu tion would be reached; but no stone Jones stated publicly tn his newspaper has ever attempted that speech that the people of this mouutamous country did not need business public, and none can ma tenally decline in the number of readers without being noticed and justly understood by the entire community. - Tbore is no public faith in tbe accuracy of the daily reports of newspaper circulation which have been published in manr jour nals. .Even, when sworn to-, they are not believed for the reason that they may be boueatly. sworn to and yet be largely, fds Any number of papers may be primed aud distributed and .swofn to iks only conest test of bona hUe lead ers. Purchases by political com mittees; special sabs to advertis ers which are ofteu ni;ule a$ nomi nal prices to give the appearance 01 circulation ; . specimeu paers ocui. iree (urougn canyassers or by mail to introduce the paper, bear no relation to bona fide newspaper circulation, ana journals which specially force and boast-circulation, always wituhold. from . their public figures the large percentage of papers not read or paid for the stock law aud that he was op- existing law and was in favor of yium uouersauon a law different from the one then existing for the county. j A- T. Graham. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this ; May 14th, 1SS6. N. B. Creasman, J. P. (15) Noeth Carolina, Buncoilbe County. C. L. Thopson makes oath1 and says: I was at Avery's Creek in October, 1884, at thespeak iug by the candidates for, the Leg islature, and heard Gen'l John stone Jones say in his speech that he occupied the same position on stock law as Pearson and Freeman, which whs opposition to any change iu the law as it then stood. I abo heard Gen'l Jones say in private conversation that the people of this mountain" country did not need a stock li.w, but if a majority wanted it they could get it, aud that he was in favor cf lettiug it rein a iu just as it was. -1 clearly understood Gen'l It is one of "the boasts OF THE JOHNSTON MEN THAT HE IS A STRONG MAN "WITH THE PAETY. LET US SEE HOW THAT IS ! IN THE EACE "WITH EWAET, THE ONLY ONE HE EVER MADE IN THE DISTEICT, HE BAN BEHIND THE STATE TICKET IN EVFEY COUNTY SAVE. FOUR. IV THE DISTEICT HE RECEIVED 500 VOTES LESS THAN THE EEGU- LAE DEMOCRATIC TICKET, AND . 1 FELL BEHIND IN HIS OWN COUNTY 1U4 VOT.KS. A MIGHTY MAN IN THE PAETY, HE IS. 1 WUl practice In all the conrU In the Wm. tern part of the RtAtA " in TTc.T'imw K . C. and 27 North of Snarranruiro-. SJ 'nr--.W:-4 n J ''ZZS'lZT .I?!1 yerBconnM.Ud C.: directly in frontf Tryonldoun-1 J. JDa6V9iICI & UOJ.ueV t tain, i l : ; i i .: - . I - -.r IJanJt Beautiful Scenery., The Hou?e is large, roomy and homelike, with broad Piazza, situa ted in a . GRAND OLD GROVE of Oak, M imosa, Walnut and Pine trees with large, beautiful, snow Flowers and Shrubbery. ; Tne Hotel tarm affords an ample supply of fresh milk, fruit, vegeta- D1CS, C. The stable supplies, saddle and cairiage horses for the ROMANTIC DRIVES for which the country is noted. No Fog. No Dew. No Frost. OPEN WINTER AND SUMMER The Iron Spring possesses wonder ful medicinal qualities. j Carriages meet every train. Address, MoAboy & Wilcox, ' Lynn, Polk Co , N. O DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE. CONSISTING OF . Clotltiii Dry Goods, Ladies Dress Goois, Notions, &c. i We also make a specialty of BOOTS, SHOES, . . ' AND- : . j'" , HHH II H II H H H II II A TTTTT SSSS H II AA T .8 S H H A A T S A A T . ' SSSS AAA T S A; -A : T S , 8 A !A T - : "I SSSS Q.UDGER A CARTER, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law. ASHEVLLLF, N. 0 . Practice 1 tocrethr ' i null th. Inn m . . - Ninth JudlcSd nutria .,.7- A !" lor court ibf Buncombe count: ami also MeTimii .f" otL Mitchell,. "Vancey and McDow elJofthe 8th Dlstrlqt. fapeclal ni tention gJven to the collection or-cinan in aU parte of the! State. One'merabtT ol the firm will be In itarahall.. Kadlcn county oil Saturday I of 'every weex. on professional business. 3 a-Office in arter Bull dinar, dd stairs. , AprU25-tf. -. Messrs. H. Lamar Gudger and F. A. Fanning are with us and would Swajvjvaivoa Hotel eSif6 lriendf- The Tourists' Hotel. , .Blanks. i . If you want blanks of any kind . The: largest and best arranged rrir,k hofpl in Wfijsffrn "Wnrth ( "!a m. Una. Appointments give solid coin? call or send your orders to the AD iort to guests, nans oroad and vance office. We have a large T ,1 g Iur; supply of blank deeds,rtieeds o Prof. Stefona's Philadlnliia Or. H trust nd chattel morgages on hand chestra engaged for the season. M at reasonable prices. All kinds o ISpecial rates to families by the legal blanks furuished on short no- season. ! I fiPA RAWLs BEOS., Prop'r. jlyl3 3m. j - Magistrate's Office. Fruit! v j ,h Having been appointed a Justice Don't buy till you have seen "the of the Peace tor Buncombe county Hamilton Fruit Jars, Jelly Glasses n Asheville township, I : hereby. nouiy tne puoiic mat 1 can be found at all times at the ADVANCE office n Carter building, South of the court house. . Chas. W. Malone. Ice Cream ;Freezers, at Uearden, Rankin & Co. jlylStf Itch, Prairie Mange, and Scratches of every kind cured in 30 minutes by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. Use no other. This never fails. Soidbv w. H. LyonVDiuggigt, AsheviL'e, feblOwly. letting it remain as it theu was. Such 4' was generally understood among the people present on that day, to uu uk (XMitiou wuicn unpresdiuu wa based on what Gen'l Jones himself said both publicly and pri vately, his G. D. (X) Ceeasman. mark. Sworn to and subscribed before me me this 14th day of May, 1886. inis atn day or May vxa. N. B. Ceeasman. J. P. and in his speech to pledge himself not to interfere with the law then existing, and, such was the general impression among the people pre sent on the occasion. ; . i his ' ! 1 C. L. (X) Thompson i mark Sworn to and subscribed before (9) Twentyone lbs of Turkey (reek butter, made by Mrs. Eoberson, oa ice, as J. G. Patterson Cs Bra This certifle that I was present at Avery's Creek in October 1834. t the speaking by the candidates tor tne .Legislature, and heard Gen. Johi stone Jones say in his speech that his position on the stock Jaw was the same as that oreviou-lv declared lv . -- T. . . ' . i -ux. x-eanon ana bix. ifurman, wbicli N. B. Ceeasman. J. P. ! " ! (16) W. W. Tompson makes oath and says. I was at the speaking by can didates for the Legislature at Avery's Creek in October, 1SS4. Before the speaking began I had a private conversation with Genl Johnstone Jones, in.which be stated to me that he was opposed to any change in th Public Speakiug. -The candidates for the Legisla ture aud other candidates forcouni ty offices will address the people of Buncombe county at the following times and places, viz: i i 1 Coopers, Church. Wednesday, " Fair View, Church Grove, Thuay, ' Uraesto e, Old Salt-m, Friday, " Reems Creek, College Chapel. Haii day, Avery's Creek, W.P.sJiipnjan s, Monday, " Lower Hominy, isand Hill. 'l"uesd iy. Upper Hominy Haptibt Church Wed., " 8a.idy Mush, Church, F Iday, I " Lticesier, SHtnrd:y, " Ivy, liainsrd's Store, Tuesday. " F)t Creek, Baptist Church, W'?dnely, " Alx?ndei8. Thursdav. M Asheville, Saturday, Speaking begins promptly atl0 o'clock. The candidates for county otlices will take the time till 12 o'clock, aud then the candidate for the Legislature will begin speak 1 iug. Come one, 'come all.! Be prompt. ! ! 13 u 15 16 18 19 ,20 22 itf 2S 27 2S 83 PAINTIN G! PAIXTJNi 1 ! j. McCanless Bros., contractors for house and carriage painting; also, kalsominlng and plas terlng atJd paper han trine. Old furntore made to look an good as new. The best mas erlal used, i-'atif faction guaranteed.8hps In front of Swannanoa, up stairs, over Ray's siaoies. - j . I. II. GORENFIiO. COHTBACTOR ' & BUILDER, wo eppotitica to tay c!iaos ia thai nock Uvr, ai It thea t xiiudf. 2 told Artesiau Wells. I am now prepared to contract for the sinking of artesian wells also for erecting windmills and putting in force pumps and supply pipes with the same. A; private residence can be fully supplied with water at small expense. 1- Hotels and villages supplied ; . . i. i . ... wiu aiei wuia.9. j ! 1 All risks in sinking wells are met by me, and in case of failure to fur nish a full upply of water no charge is made. T If you contemplate digging a well, send me a card and I will call on you and furnish information concerning these wells. , WM. QUIGXEY, Aaheyille,N.O. 02 m XL LVI 0OC000 r o DC CQ o o r4- O CO 00 H CP o o o o CO: ,1 I id hi OS All work niaanr. yJacs and -i.oert en s&ott notice. Asheville, N. O. executed in the Tery"bt speolileatlQtn& f J"- W. L; Norwood. G. H. Smathera j"ORWOOD & SMATHEES, Attoenets and Counsellors LA LAW, i :. a Waynesviile, N. 0., Collections of claims a specialty Practiced the counties of Buncombe Hay wnc4, Jackson, and in the U. .3. Districtand Circuit Courts at Ashf Johnstone Jon, JJeurr Kardwlekr JONS & HARDWICKE, Attorneys and Counsellors at Lav. . Offlce in Citizen Building, UsiIKUILLK. W. f!. may 3.8ml. 1 h . MELYlNE. CARTEIL Attorney - at Law, ASHEVILLE, N. 0. Practices in thn f!nnrf Westerii I North collected in all parts ofJ'U'.e State. -t nrr Iu i- HTM Attorney MALONE, and Counsellor ' at Law SAshkville, N. C. Pratices In the courts of the 0th. Judicial District of the State," in the Supieme court at Raleigh, in Supreme I Conrt of the i T4 . 'ted States and the tUfTerent aciWti ments at Washington. mayl6-tf. a. Watson, M.D. Physician to the Woman's Ward , . ; j MissionHospital. Office bvtr CarmichaeVs Jrug Store Telephone number i" Rfiflldfi'nv m Office 1. j I Ian9 dtf. JQOCTtiRS GATCHELL, IPHYSICIANS. Special attention to cnnnintn ntuciici Including those of THROAT AND LUNGS. iii ... Office over Cowan's Jewelry Store, on Pt D R. JOHN HEY WILLIAMS Offlce, Bauk.nT BvtL.9USQ, Main Strei. KesldenM, corner , French Broad Avenue and Haywood street. Can be tailed by etiepbone irom Peihac'5 Drua Store. CJC ville. - f G0TJNTE.Y PRO DUGE just received and will be kept constantly in store, j v Also fconfectionories, tobac co andi cigars. . Honing to merit and receive a share or your patronage, we are;' :""' ;"--: Verjr Respectfully, r NEEL & BAIRD: feb!8tf. : - ; dec. 10 12m. A Clear Skin is Jane20 tf "P7OR RENT.'-On Chesi- S ! VA nut fcstreev a house J rlillj with six good rooms, all on. only a part of beauty: but it is a part. Every lady may have it ; at least, what looks like it. :-. Magnolia 'Balm Both freshens and beautifies. V v- r W. H. MALONE, ' Ashevtle N. C. J. W. BOWMAN, Bakersvllle, N. O Malone & BQfean. 1 1 GZtl Apply to i floor, excellent water. TTaVTNG FORMED A COPARTNER" XJ ship in the practice of the law. will do business in-, several of the counties of the 11th and 12th circuits, especially in the counties of Mitchell. Yancey, f Madison and .Buncombe, Wll practice in the United States Court and the Supreme court of the State. Controversies in regard to fend titles znd a gpedjdty W. JONES, Attorney at Law, ASHEVILLE, N. C. (Office, in Johnston Building.) Practices in the Courts of Western North Carolina and Supreme Court at Raleigh. nov26tf. J A. TENNENT, ARCHITECT AND CONTRACTOR j-intiujiiiea auu oius maoe lor ail work in my line. No charges for designs and specifications If I con tract fori work. Augl9 30d i ri ; ,-...- OR. A. f.V BALLARD PHYSIManil SORGEOH i VcKiBR7fI:TT1,'JI1'rrNO. NORTH "'de Public Square. Offlce Telephone e.U No. W, Re.deMce, Haywood St. nunMa Q. W. PUEEFOY, M. Offers his professional servin to the citizens of Asheville and surrounding country. . I Office over Carmichals droi, ,:0ftnl9ily. ii 1 X I i

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