IVANCE. xssao. aoofli SATURDAY, OCT. 30f 1 rumor's Anouncemeatj THE DA.ILT ADVANCE. 28 S,UJSLPtl E pcrrr.W r six month. Delivered W "upTb5rta TTw atf U0 Pr inoa Inch n day SO cnl; one w 'V SXUO on month 4 a re moniha IWO six onM' lV"mnihMUlh;orrmnUw erted between .ml JuTonUnrwUfbe charged cent. Pr t r-srmtsl for transient France. advertise paents f ertoe-t. will be collected promptly l I mat t wade 1 HMnlu yearly " ".r.Tnim nev or r-r o;rmiitrncitf. no f 'TrT"," mJL Tnilaln ofclecUonaTper- fc..aLnUea. er withheld to name oi the an. lr will b Babliabed. I We an ot responsible lor the w efour ..Mui W views are expressed In W.e editorial eUumna. Tr Jurfffff, 12tA District'. irnx. JAMES H. MERRIMON, OT BUNCOMBE. j Jrr SilUifrtlZth District: GARLAND a FERGUSON, 0 hatttood. . Zr Central, 9th District: WILLIAM H. MALONE, OT BUKOOMBK. j lO-CArr. Johnston, in ths cam rAiox o 18S4, pledged himself .0 mi wruLor the Internal ItMVENUH LAW. ONE OF HIS JriBai .r t fYiXORESS WAS TO PLACE If IVBBLF IX OPPOSITION TO ITS BE jHAL, BY VOTING FOR CARLISLE FOR Hpeakdr. Let the people thine. TOM THEMSELVES ! Ti ti nNR OF THE BOASTS A A. w ' - OF THE JOHNSTON MEN THAT HE 13 A 6TKOXO MAN WITH TIIE lABTY. j.KT US SEE HOW THAT IS ! IN THE BACK WITH EWABT, THE ONET ONE HE EVEB MADE IN THE DISjTBICT, HE BAN BEHIND THE STATE TICKET IN EVBY COUNTY SAVE fCUE. I THE DISTRICT HE BECpVED 500 VOTES LESS THAN THE REGU LAR DEMOCRATIC TICKETj AND vct.t. TtETTIND IN HIS OWN COUNTY Mil rnrrj. A MIQITTY MAN IN THE A V V V m. .mmrm TARTY, HE IS. LET HIM CONTINUE. There can bo no longe f any doubt, bat that the taction Mr. Furman has employed against Mr. Pearson, in the present cbntest, have recoiled with damaging effect KBeBaBnsHeBHBHBUMeBfeeBaeiuesm making in behalf of the people against the machinations of a ring who seek to destroy both aud law. iberty Mr. Farman has in the columns of his paper admitted substantially, that the methods resorted! to by the stock-law advocates to force the law upon a portion of the jpeople against their will, gave rise 10 just complaint. How he theiy "can vilify Mr. Pearson, because he tiympathires with, and is euijeavor ingto give the people an oppor tunity to express their will at the ballot-box, no just man, w 10 de lights in fair dealing, will b 3 able to understand. The truth :f the matter is :. Mr. Furmau knows the people of the oatside townships have been outrageously treated j LTO lUt uia A. wui dvii a throughout has been em course nently consistent ; that the people respect him highly for observing his pledge in 1SS4; and unless he can break him down by other means his stock-law record' will carry him triumphantly to Raleigh. Therefore, it is, Mr. Furmin has . 1 been waging a warfare agaiest Mr. rearsou, which for bitterness and falsity, finds no parallel in the former political history of tht State. We but littlo understand tl e peo ple ot Buncombe .bounty, f they ,ro influenced by f uch methods as Mr. Furman sees fit to einpToy. Indeed, we know, from conversa tions with gentlemen from all sec tions or the country, ' thai 3Ir. Farmau's tirade of calumfiy.bas made, and is still makin Mr those Pearson many votes among; who believe in an honest, fa r con- test, aud despise: any and evory THE ADVANCE gluing mat paiwKcs ui , . . , r . , - j- : I or falsehood. Wa . tharafV-trA 1a1 tn tli COn-S-i"1" elusion, that Mr. Furman, U-farlj&S-? r. . . ... inln.inn w Tk 1 rcAn J"fi t A ouimation of the neoole. is in rem vTra''''-1 v assisting him,- by his'" nnprqvoted uml vonfnn u tfarlrQ The people of this county are fully aroused to the danger of the ! situa tion, and are determined thtt Mr. Jones and Mr. Gudger shall pot be re-elected, but that Mr. Pearson filiall. . Mr. Furman iu hisj blind malice is contributing, wjtbout meaning to do so, to this desirable end, aud in common with Mr.! Pear ton's other friends, we say, let him continue Another Invoice of Wraps fir La : can dies, Misses and ouldren. Just $1 at Wi irxrLOCJS't : po WITHOUT ANATOMICAL KNOWLEDGE' Seme f the Mistakes Which Art! mi Make Lew ef BeiatWlty. To illustrate how a little exact knowl edge of principles will prevent errors in painting, o "?rve tne veins on iu of vour hai'J unu arm. As j our nan uj w m . 1 resta below the level 01 tue buouww ordinar! these veins will b? promineat, at leait Li man. Now raisa your "hand slifr'utlv above a right angle with tho bodj nnd note how rapidly these blue lines disappear. You could not have foretold such an occurrence, nor would you have been likely to have known of its possibility if uninformed of the pnys iolojry of blood circulation. The arteries which lie deeply and out of sight carry blood from the heart to tho extremities; the veins, nearer the sur face, and hence often visible through the fckin. conduct the flow back" to the heart. In limbs below the level of the chest the current is against gravitation and the veins become prominent through distension. -When, as by lifting the arm, gravitation assists the flow back, to the heart tho blue channels are seed no longer because rapidly emptied. An otherwise excellent picture was marred by prominent veins being repre sented upon an uplifted arm, ; and tins error was carried to an extreme in a picture of Mercury with arms extended in a downward flight, the feet being uppermost. The artist had faithfully copied from an upright nude, and in in verting liia canvas thought he had satis fied all the conditions, whereas the leg veins were visible when they should notj have been, and the arm veins were not to be seen when the pictured position should have made them prominent. Without anatomical knowledge no one could account for the sinking - in of the knee-cap when the Ie is bent. Nor would one be aware of such matters as the knee-cap, or patella, of the female jointing forward, while that of tho male turns outward, tho arm pit proper rating only in the male, and that in .. '.j'.ts, and not in children, of the oppo - i :.j sexes, do differences in widths of J: ,;. occur. T-Iany mysterious effects are brought -.-it in very 6imp!e ways as maybe 1. u".z-X when reasons are apparent. For .'.imple, when the arm is bent the ole cranon or "crazy bone" presents a bony :.. ::jinence in view, but owing to the at ;..iient of the cuticle to this point a . ''jie is produced at 'the elbow when ". ;.t:a ii :-ti .tightened, especially when .'. ro'is "flea limess" of the member. I have known otherwise fair artists to unaware that the palm of the hand ., concave and the back thereof con- x . Few observe that the webbing bo . .v--n the fingers lies closer to the palmar s--n to the back or dorsal surface, and ' .t the tendon3 of the wrist are invaria and after an orderly plan. A picture-maker with the samo want f astronomical knowledge of Charles Dicken would have made the same error of describing a star as shining be tween tho horns of a new moon. As an optical or psychological princi ple the law of relativity should have due contJderation. A marsh scene on exhi bition in our gallery was rendered pain- fully incomplete tlirough the absencftjpl TTViyWIi - - "-'-i-ibO."-liia grasa I might be ten feet or ten Inches higli, so far as the olerver would be able to determine. Blerstadt's "Yosemite Val. irj suffers simuarly. The tress in hat picture do not impress one as having mere than ordinary size, because no anl mal, house, or other object which would enable comparison, was introduced. For the same reason the cliffs and stream soera diminutive. . Both might have af fected the observer as including miles instead of yards in hight or width, had a deer, horse, man or hut been painted on the same canvas. Professor Claven-,rcr- in American Lithographer and Printer. Welcened from a Long Sleep. Eudoxie Adelouin, the sleeper of the Snlpetriere, has awakened from her long sleep, which was continued, '' without a moment's interruption, for nineteen .days. She had had a slumber of fifty days early in the year in the hospital where she now is and has been for many years. While she was on both occasions sleeping relays of medical men kept watch by her bedside. Some hours be fore her second period of somnolence ended she showed great nervous agita tion, often started, and had intermit tent fits of trembling. She at length opened her eyes in the midst of a burst -of loud laughter, which continued for ibout ten minutes. During that time she stared fixedly and appeared, al though laughing so hard, as if under some painful apprehension. ( Then she spoke as if she were addressing her OI?er' 0 was noc wicnner, m anen- deann? manner, and on belntr handed a .V j . 1 ?l.-tsa, said 6he only saw her rnolPer's image in it. She bYs since .brcome quite t iuf-rful, but seems to have har.ily anyS tl;-is except thosa suggested to-iier by doctors. ' - Contrary to what is observe! in taotfc -; tt-rical subjects, the sense of taste re-i" v'l-nns while &he is under tho influeuce t su;retIon. Thus, if she is given k-i and toll it is su-rar, she will swal- it, but make a wry face toshow JLj- hit -YS a . . . ii toia to umiK watr from a !.art;n.xne glai, she sliowa cxliilara- in. .nnJ if a packet which Dr. Voisin nys cntains an emetic is put into har luv she ha violent fits of nausea. I;tris Cor. London News. farU. Cathedral Slaking. An edifice m v enice is meeting- the li0f,,, In spite of all partial repairs, ii .. miravcu niuu wucr tu jr.rk catnedral is slowly sinking lGe Q4 tuejacoons. ; ine tide : A 1 V At 1 awn . - . lU I A i ? t tVJoor of ' Wj otypt, which was Cand centad anla few years ao, it vraJped impermeablr. iLe earth on whicn the chhj 6tands is sloaly being waahed out ( the flow and ebb, and the foundtons of ' the church are unequally subsidlaSj-Sew Votk Commercial Advertiser. Lots of handsome Wraps, Dress Good, Clothing, Hats, and Fancy uoihIs for autumn and winter, just opened. In these lines the pick is worth five per cent, "every time.;' H. Redwood & Co. septlDtf uIhe Old Oaken Bucket," the best chewing tobacco on the market always be found at Powell & ! Sniders. Try it, and you will use other. In . 0Ctl4 'THE BOO! OFD00U! . DROPS FROM THE ACCTJS NG f ANGEL'S PEN. I. - . V",-i;r- Gm. Jone or being hargd-witft violating his pledge to oppose , the stock late, sags in his card. "I made ho such pledge" and that the men tchose affida vits tcere produced to sustatn the charge lhcere men 0 .bad chcracUr1 'and pot air witnesses." As to the truth of this chorge hear the folloving xcitnessas: W. W. Tohnson makes oath and says: I was at Avery's Creek in 1884, on " the day that H. A. Gudger the democratic candidate for the Senate, addressed the people 1 of that, township. Mr. Gudger made no reference , to the stock law in his speech, but after he had taken his seat, I heard John' Ingram ask him what his position was on the stock law. Gudger replied that we did not need a stock law in this -mountainous country, 1 and that he was in favor of allowing it to re main as it then was. ! W. V. Johnston. Sworn to and subscribed befo me this 2d Sept. 1886. , Chas W. Malone, J. P. I, fa. W. Howell of No 3 Township, Buncombe county, do hereby certify that at the ' Joint meeting of Comisioners and Jus tices in last February, in conversa tion with Gen'l Jones, he stated to me that he drew the "Stock Law Bill in the last Legislature with the understanding that theoutsi de town ships were to be let out upon peti tion. I then asked him if he would make that statement to theBoard. He replied that he would. I went to him during the sitting of said Board and asked him to get up and make eaid statement. His answer was I will not do any such a thing. G. W. Howell, Sworn to and subscribed before me this May the 29 iSS6. B. L. Morgan, J. P. A. T. Graham make ah, and 8ays that he was at Avery's Creek in October 1884, at the speakj ing by the candidates for the Leg islature, and heard Gen'l John stone Jones say in his speech that he occupied the same position on tho stoek law as nad previously been taken by Mr. Pearson and" Mr. Freeman, which was opposition to any change in the law as it then existed-tliat the law was best as it then stood that if a majority of the people of any township want ed it they could hold an election anfl get it. It was generaly undefstood pledged against any attempt to pass a law different from the one then existing for the county. A. T. Graham. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this May 14th, 1SS6. ' N. B. Creasman, J. P. W. W. Tompson makes oath and says. I was at the speaking by can didates for the Legislature at Avery's Creek in October, 1884. Before the speaking began I had a private conversation with Genl Johnstone Jones, in which be stated to me that he was opposed to any change in the stock law as it then existed. I told him I would not vote for him, unless his election, he would not do any thing to change the law. He as sured me that in his opinion the law would stand as it then was. Alter uie conversation with me. ' ; . ' l and Mr. Freman, which was oppo- sition to any change in the then existing law. his W. W. (X) Thompson. mark Sworn to and subscribed before me this 14th May, 1S86. ! . Nr B. t'RKASMAN. J, P, William Jones makes oath and ortja, uui tic was pacaciit ai lllc i sgeaking by the candidates for the I legislature, at Avery's Creek in October 1884. That Gen. John- iton Jones stated in; his speech that neccupied the same position on thesrck law as Mr. Pearson and Furman which was opposition - to any change in the then existing, law. It was generally understood among the people, then present, that such was his position. Wm. Jones. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 8th day of May 1 886. N .B, Creasman. Artesian "Wells. I am now prepared to contract for the sinking of artesian wells also for erecting wind-mills and putting in force pumps and supply pipes with the same. A . private residence can be fully supplied with water at small expense. ' ; Hotels and villages supplied with water works. All risks in sinking wells are met by me and in case of failure to fur nish a full upply of water no charge it made. : If you contemplate digging a well, send me a card and I will call on yofr and .furnish information concerning these wells. : V War. QuiGLKT, june.20 tf Asheville, N. 0. PAINTING! PAINTINbUI McCanless Bros.: contractors fhr TtntiM .nf carriage painting; also, kalaomlnlng and plas 'u paper nanging. Ufa rurntare made to look as good as new. The best maa rial ised. SutiafiLCUon c-namnrAArt Hhnm front of Bwannanoa. na ataJrm. armr Rit T '! ' FOB THE CAMPAIGN, 1 Tte'f bnlyr "democratic jdaily paper in the inth Congres sional District Dot controlled 1 . - . - j by corporations and cliqn es, and with the independence to speak its own sentiments, ig noring self -constituted leaders and would be bosses. A PAPER FOR TIIE PEO- PLENOT THE MACHINE. During the campaign the AD VANCE will contain the very; latest and most reliable news from all sections. The progress of the can vass will be given fairly and im partially, and the latest and most important matters of news jon all subjects will be found in its columns. . For the campaign, we offer the following low subscription rates : .3aily, from September Is to November 10th,... ...... $1.00 Weekly, from September 1st to January 1st, .25 McABOY'S. This popular resort is .situated in he celebrated Thermul Belt, one mile and a half from Tryon City on the Asheville &, Spartanburg It. R. 41 miles South of Asheville, N. C. and 27 North of SDartanbure. S. C directly in front of Tryon Moun tain. Beautiful Scenery. The Houpe is large, roomy and homelike, with broad Piazza, situa ted in a ! GRAND OLD GROVE of Oak, Mimosa, Walnut and Pine trees with large, beautiful, snow Flowers and Shrubbery. I i The Hotel farm affords an; ample supply of fresh milk, fruit, vegeta bles, c. The stable supplies, saddle and cairiage horses for the ROMANTIC DRIVES for which the pountry is noted. $9r rvi'iss wis "xmr A-tnrx R The Iron Spring possesses wonder ful medicinal qualities. I Carriages meet every train: Address, j i McAboy & Wilcox, Lynn, Polk Co , N. C. Stvaivivaivoa Hotel The Tourists' Hotel, The largest and best arranged bricl? hotel in Western North'Caro- lina. Appointments give solid com fort to guests. Halls broad and airy. Rooms large and well fur nished. - j . I Prof. Stefona's Philadelphia Or chestra engaged for the season. rSnecial rates to families bv thft Rawls Beds., PropV. :.jlyJ3 3m. Cement, Hard Fh, Plastering ir T,ntcfioa i "itq1c a. i goods. J utuci Bea-Eden, Rankin & Co. Mayl3tf. A I "NT T?TIf "CTC J- 1 wj; j tvtt-vvt n a t?o IN JZ, yi XJlILO, Trj-PTVTr-n Tn T A V FLflbLV JidJ TO-DAY ; t ; " ! a ! HESTGN'S. I : I ; - ; I " : EAGLE HOTEL BLOCK. ALSO , CELEBRATED CONFECTIONS. SLAGLE'S HOTEL, PATTON avenue, jtear BAILEY ST, : J. Li. Li. 8LAGLE, Proprietor and Owner. This house visitors will find to be quiet snd home-like, and the; man ager devoted to their comfort! Accommodation lor a number of Now for the Fi giiests. v It enjoys a very laree tran- ZTr Trl Blent business. ! ZZZZ. ,ILC!:':l.-trwB Wuit an wie cupreme court ol the Jone20 4m JUDSON COLLEGE THE FALK TERM' OPENS SEP TEMBER 15. , All theDepartments will, be ably filled. But peeiaittentionJs called to the r ;r-.r.'. Commercial Department For catalogueand particulars d t dress Rev. J. B. BOONE, Prest ; Hendersonville, N. C. V Aug 24.md. K. C. CHAMBERS. J. H. weaver CHAMBERS & WEAVER, ?7 LIVERY & SALE"; STABLES. In rear Bwannanoa Hotel, on Willow street. We make a specialty ot buplngand selling. 49-Teleplione No. 54. No livery business transacted on Sunday. Juiy23m. B e e f Ma rket NEW ATTRACTIONS ADDED. A BEIKBATOR T0 THE-BISCUE. " having fixed the reputation of his market for a continuous supply of good beef and good mutton, has now prepared himself to preserve these delicacies in their perfect, condition without regard to the hot weather. by the introduction of a REFRIGERATOR, By the use of which his meats are kept cool and fresh. j f ' Call and see in what condition his maets are to be found. J. , July 30-6m : G-RANITE MONUMENTS. I am oreoared to furnish monu ments of any of the leading gran ites of America or Scotland at as low rates as any place else in the United States. Samples and de signs on hand. A large lot of Mar ble Tablets and Slabs on hand. Monuments to order. W.O WOLFE. 'J II I n mtm 1 I ami prepared to furnish, esti: mates for Iron Fronts, Columns. jail or Bank work, Stair work of any kind, Crestings, Finiais, weather-vanes, or Yard Statuery, or any thing that is needed in iron for building Irqn, Fences in endless variety. I See our catalogue, or ad dress, I ' I W. O. WOLFE, Agent Champion Iron Works for W. N. 0 - ' , I I V I II i I H K K fi t In order to introduce our special tv THE TIVOLI BEER we will for the next 120 DAYS deUver to l " ui solicit orders from Mil nark rf tho -Tl SfT " i Y country and we guarantee satisfac- f tion. j This beer is put up especially for our own house, in patent stopper bottles, j All bottles must be returned to us. Our country friends ordering by th crate, we deliver at depot here free. We also keep on .hand the finest If : ' " " JBranflies, Wines, WMslies j ALE, PORTER, j j " 1 . and all kinds of.other beers. r .-ir.ir.-., -' j-. i ;J Tobacco and Cigars,; j Give us a trial and be content. i -i !.- ..(: -!-: : Hampton &c Featherston. ; t iASHEVILIiE MUSIC HOUSE, NORTH SIDE PUBLIC SQUARE. Sells PIANOS and ORGANS on Monthly Installments of $5 and $10. L -J3f TTI it Ilk lllHiMlT1 Ono Pn'pc vfkr , i ATTOBNBTS AlJDfcjq0TJKSEIX0BE Ulie rriCe Umy.;v r'tV'-ir::: t F ! ' J N i fffwll l Sheet Music and Music Books. Old instruments taken in exchange. Musical Instruction at Popular jrnces. . For Catalogues and Circulars ap-1 piy lo , - ; i augl7:d&wly. , JOHN 0. CLAYTON Rear EagleJ Hotel, AshevUle, N.C. MANnFACTDBEB OF ' COFFHSTS- COFFINS made pn yirst-elasii tyle:"ol Walnut, Mountain Birch, Poplar, Pln an " - wmwtm- STOP AT THE t WESTERN. HOTEL- HICKORY, N. C, If You Want U Good Meal And 'Bed. S. A; CHANDIJSI Proprietor. aprI9 tf FOR RENT. A dwell ing house, pleasantly located, 5 rooms, in the town : Weaverville, at reasonable rates. Address ! Lock Box 28L June 6:tf i' Asheville, N. O. THE ESTERN HOTEL, . nnder its ,.-. . " New Management Is rapidly gainirjs in popularity. Mrs. L. A. McBbayer A Son, are usinp every effort to make the 44 WESTERN", one of the very best hotels in Western North Carolina. Their rates are! the most reasonable. When you come to the city 1 stop & the 4WESTERN.j Jan29-6m. A TiW A Yfj SATISFACTORY EIGHTEEN SIZES AHMISSS ALL PURCHASERS CAS BE SUITED' Isaac ISheppard & Co.,Baltimorfl,Hl - AND.FOK satjb BY ' ? . W. i R. BEARDEN & CO., L I L .'Asheville,. N., 0. J. D BBIVABD. BLACKWOOD J. D. Brevard & Go. 11: "f DEALERS' IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE, CONSISTINQ OF ClothiDs, Dry Goos, Ladies Dr i Goods; Notions, &c. We, also make a specialty of BOOTS, SHOES,4 r .- lis H H AND -.- H H A AA SSSS s s 8 S S SSSS T T i H .prxtll'ju;- II H H H H AAA T T T A A A A Messrs. H. Lamar Gudger and F. A.' Fanning are with us and ' would be glad to see 'their friends. I t Decft-8m. . ' I Blanks. j If you want blanks of any kind call or send your orders to the Ab Vance ' office. We have a larce supply, of blank deeds, deeds 1 of trust and chattel morgages on hand at reasonable; prices. All kinds of legal blanks furnished on short no tice. : Magistrate's Office, j Having been appointed a Justjce Th r a1"tt5i ouy of th for Buncombe county township, I hereby I can be found ATWATins nffiAA n DarfAr hhilino- .Qntl, rtr wv w,avu MUMVU I X buy court house Chas. W. Malone; A Clear Skin r is only a) part of beauty; but it is a part Every lady may have it ; j.at least, what looks like it. Magnolia freshens and Balm both beautifies. I. H GOREOTXO, CONTRACTOR & BUILBm Asheville, N.C S AU work executed in - the rery I beel manner, nans ; ana , ipeeuioationsi, rar. nlsbad on abort notlee. W. L. Norwood. G. H. Smathersi 11 Waynesville, N. C, Collections of claims a special tv Practice in the counties of Buncombi ITavwocd. Jackson, anrl In tha TT H District and Circuit Conrta 4 Afihrw vHIe dec. 10 12m i W. H. MALONE, t , ; AanevUle N. C J.W. BOWMAN, Bakersvllle, N. o & 1 j mism CO0K ST0ESl No.,", TTAVTNa FORMED A OOPAETNEB- " ship in, the practice of the law. f-.. will do business in several of the counuea oi tne utn and 12th circuits, especially in the counties of Mitchell; Yancey, - Madison and Buncombe. wuipracuee m the United state. g-nim UUEI TZIXTIS m ITWri ltV ylpyARD I ASTON, KAL C3TATB AND IRSURANOf 1 ACIHT, DJl. R. RHEEVES, D. D.S Dental ,rooras in Sluder building v opposite t Central Hotel.. ' A&HXYILLK, K. C, April 17, 16H4. - y B U. DOUGLASS, I. D. S Dental Rooms and residence oret DeVault's Drug Store. I ASHXVILLE, N. C Cuas. A. Muo; ' P. CfKiifiN MOORE & CU3I:I1VGS Attorneys and Coxxnsekcrs at Lays. -.,. , : AJaxzxviLLx r. c. ; PraeUe In the Cnlted BUUi Clrenlt a Dtotrlot Court at;. Aabeyllle, HtaUsTllI Charlotte and Greensborot 1b the Uurn Court at Raleigh and In the 0?uru t , 1 utn jaaiciai outrlot or the bta' xoortn caroiiha. Hpeclal atUntion r4 f eolleeUon of elaima. 'jn te ptlila WALTER W. VfJTvE ATTORNIV AT LAW. MARSHALL. n. a L5. ar at AsheviiU and Wta- SSTSfi' : 'Special attention riven to 5Uection of elalm..Ui Wtitiri NoitnCarolIna eeee, j. 8. McElybot. J. T. Jauaraaw tit! ! M' cELROY A MORPHEW. 2 Attorneys and Counsellors at jlms Practice In the Court of Madison, tu combe, Yanoev and adjoining Counties i OrnciB: Marshall. N. C. and Ivy, S. C. M. R. WH ITSPN,, Attorney and OounteUar . at Tsixm ABHEVHaLE, N. 0. Win pracUce In all the courts in the Wss. tern part of the State. S?? J??1 or ral years eonnUd with the Probate, Court, claims facilities for practice In said eouit. col lections a speolalty. (Jan. 19 H.A.GTOII. .. B. B. CAKTBM j.UDGER & CARTER, ! Attorneys and OountefLors.atZaw. ASHEVILLE, N. O. Practice together in all the -courts of tL. Ninth Judicial DUtrlcw except Uie, Infttr. lor court of Buncooobe' county; and also In the counties of Mitchell, Tanoey and McDow ell of the 8th District. BDeclAl nt. tentlon given to theeoilecUon of clali. uMipuwoi uie eiaie. une f memosi the firm TwUl be In Jtarahalt, um)ln t county on E Saturday . of . every vreelt, on professional business. ta.omce.ln arUr Bulldisg, up stain. April25-tt Johnstone Jpnes, Henry Hard wiok C 'JONES & HARD WICKE, AUomeyt and Counsellors at La i Office in Citizen Building, ashjcviiIle, n c may 3.3m. . i melvinb: 'niTr Attorney at, Law, ASHEVILLE, N. a ticea jnn the . Courts oi Western ! North Carniinu tn- collected in ' ail i J btafie. ' , i K i "M. H. MAJLONE, ' f Attorney and . Counsellor i at Lais ! Asheville. N. C. Praticea in the courts nr rA utK Judicial District of the State, lit" tne Sunreme -court t Uoiio-k Supreme, Conrt of . tho .ritetS Mates and ' the di trnt. ' vw . vr- ments at Washington. maic-tr. T : : r" JY A. WATSON, M. D. ' T1 9 . - . - .ruysician to the Woman's .Ward Mission Hospital. Office over CarmichacVs Drug Store, Telephone number: Residence 46" Office j. ;. Jan-dtf. - JQOCTORS GATCHELL, . PHYSICIANS. Special attention te IIHDniiinnf.i'a . . lnolucflns; those or , , THROAT AND, LUAGS. OffiM over Cawn'i t...i.. . ton Avenue. -wr., oai p JQR. JOHN, HEY WlljuiAMS Kesidens- corner JYenetf ' Br Zdl i v! and Haywood .trait' TTTv. f" ATSLue r Wi, JONES, ' - Attorney atLatc. ASHEVILLE, N. C. (Office in Johnston Building.) Practlcea in ih r., t..a... rJ.' A TENNENT, HITECT AND CWTBACTOJl Mfmtes and bids madeVorih work in mv linA . -.u. -wrfu work m my line. Nr. r,-. r- designs and Decificatiri,' tr n 4-m. r . .- . 7. wu bittvv or worK, Augl9 30d OR. A- M. BAH Ann PHYSICIAlfaiJSBBGIOH- Q. W.PtJBISFor.M.D, I Oflers bis professional service to the citizens of Asheville and sarroanding country. ;v -u. j Office over Carmichaftla droirr janl9:ly. i' .5 ;