ft V Gift of Mrs Richmond Fcarson- V; St: i II- i I f : i It " 1) ti i .yOL. YL Ka 95. i - : v-. ASHSYILLE, NORTH CAROLINA,' TUESDAY ITORiairG, NOYEMBER 2, .ISS6. , ; . : -. j . , y prI0E 5 CEN1 " rmuri la lb hMtofiM at AbTtI H. CX, MOOOd iUm advajvcs orncx ur cjletxs buiiuv UfO, UULEDIATXI.T SOUTH OT COUKT HOUSZ. AsbfiTille Iaily Advance. PnbKflhd rrr dar la t& v MoocUj) M U foUowts lav naesx - Oty Tr, - W-00 Hlx Monthi. - - - - 100 Tur Month. - . - " UO On Month: - - JbO Tb ADTAVCS bM U Mrrt &Ally draJAo Uon of any PPr Wt of Charfcct, and la a flna advert (mX of matflwa, bam p la aoptatf mi( r oa appuoauon. WHITLOCiTS. HaU. Joinf A. TVn.T.TAifS Korth Car? clina Panacea Water. j A. P Sorreix." & B RO W&nte d-j And For Sale Eagle Bar. Keep la a good hamor bat doa'l ceao to work. i i I Let harmony and good feeling prof voll to-day. We expect to have oar roosters up to-morrow. ... There were a good many .peoi)l8 in tha city yesterday. Gudger says: Let the is say what is best for the people, - j ' .The election or Maione means toe ueamvi aemagoguery in iu:?i UiaiXlLU I Give one day to the condemnation of fraud, and Mr. Furman's persoiou malieo. Hie people will set their seal o condemnation upon rings and ring method this day. . j Mf. Pearson says; Let the people express their opinion on all que tions wnich affect them. 1 The crowd in; the city yesterday was nearly half as large as the one which attended the speaking Satur- I Pfmen remember that illiam 11. Mlue I 11,0 fend of tlje working man practice as well as theory. j The electric light nearly af bught as the prosper whieb dazzle the eyes of the r?5hteoaj fiopdoodle. - , Maj. J. ETans Brown, is in the city for a week or two, and is stop ping at Capt. G. M. Robert's, oa Patcon A?enne. j The wires to-night as they flash the glwl tidings of Malone's.election W ill astound r2fr. Johnatorraiijtrtirlf republican ally Dock Jones. J Of General Jones we will s&y : h6 has made a hightoned and honora ble canvass " thongh in this con test, it can avail him nothing. J The election of Mr. Pearson by six hm-dxed majority is now beyond all doubt. Indeed It was never doubted by any one, except Mr. Gudger. Freemen of Buncombe county dp Sour fuil duty to-day. Let the ma jority be so large, that it will pre clude its commission in the future. Several farmers with whom we conversed yesterday, report the ; crops in good condition in Bwahnanoa and Leicester town ships. VTho refinement of cruelty" rt fined is the electric light shining down upon the pavements of Ashe--vill- which no person should be compelled to walk on for two weeks longer. Tne sunset drive has been com pltd at last, and it commands lit finest view in Buncombe county, excepting only the view from All Pearson's observatory on Richmond Jlill. j To-day. dawns clear. Let ns tmit that it will prove emblemat ical of the resnlt of the contest, and that henceforth the political history of old Buncombe may ta clear of frauds as the sky is to-iaj ofeloads. s j Freemen, remember that the s sne to-day is: Tyrany r Liberty It cannot be changed. ;It is thi and nothing less. Doyoordatj to-day as men, and in after years, enable your posterity to injint back with pride and say my did flrvWlfl and don't ion fcn - . forget it. - nanrain Counter at Xaw'a. As many goods accumnlate that rar imperfect or for some other jrea soa dispose or under cost. Ve lrt a turgin counter aU goods jn it are a4 least half price. A grand stock oa hand now, ind crnndA btiU coming in, ,See Soila and get prices for fine or com Twarel at Law's, opposite EagielloteL 111 Lots" of handsome Wraps, JDjesa Uoods, Clothing, Hats, and Fancy ' Ws for aatamn and winter, Mast ?orth five per cenU every Uhie.w i 1L RsowonD & Co. Let every man do his foil duty and the rlngdoodJes are defeated by an overwhelming majority. A dog fight on the square yes terday evening caused considera ble excitement. -' , '. - -' Maj. Malone reached the city last night, having concluded the I canvass with, Oapt. Turnip Tom in Bntberford coontj Saturday. There were several arrests yes terday.: They were all made with out a single act of violence being nsed towards the offending parties. Asheville has .jast cause to be prond of her force, Our Methodist friends are anx ious to know will be their pastor for the next year. The return of Dr. Bays would prove very, accept- able, not only to his congregation, ' m 'I At a meeting of the Board of Al- dermen held last nighyih oidinance 1 1 to constrnctajidilerate a street rail- fTTwas adopted. We are informed ,AaaA.i . X"- a . a. a va " 18 saiwiacwn company, and hope mat. it is sansiacvory w uio nuiway soon to 8t?e the : work begin, and cars running on the j streets orour city. J rnrnmallnn Wa,.l John C. Kinker residing at No. 906 East Main street, Richmond, Vs., wishes to ascertain the where abouts of bis brother, H. II. Kinker, who Jert. Lome about thirty - years ago, and is believed to be living in some portion of North Carolina. Mi. Kinker is anxious to communi cate with his brother, and will be thankful if the press of the Htate would give publicity to the matter. An Act of Generosity. Ve noticed on yesterday an act of generosity which caused us much pleasure. A very aged old colored man, was endeavoring to secure a sum of money , to defray his ex penses to Person county be bad succeeded in only getting 1 11 35 and lacked 13.65 $20.90 being the amount he desired. An attorney of the Ashevillo Bar after hearing the old man's tale supplied the de ficiency. The act was done without ostentation and reflects credit on the gentleman. The Panacea Springs. These . noted and wonderful aii fax conn- .are located Jn tv this State, and hundreds oT theT best citizens . in North Carolina certify to tho efficience of the mar vellous - Panacea Waters. lbe water is most effective and pleas ant. John A. Williams, of pxford, N. Oj is jBole State Agent tor the Panacea Water. Mr. Williams is one of the most reliable gentlemen and business men- in the State. We have known Mr. Williams for nearly thirty years, infact since we were a child, and cau most heartily recommend him and that he represents. See the advertise ment iu another column.' Freemen to the rescue, Beat them with a groan, t Smash Carlisle's little Tommy, And send your friend Malone. - And sMSsa up Heslkiab And all the rest beside, Who In the big convent kn, The people's rights defied. ' i Ed. Advance :-In your paper ol J the 23th appeared an extract ot e . private letter wrmen vy iuu iu r b, gard to Mr.T.K. Brown. I wish to aay that' Mr. Brown never made the statements to me but they were re ported to me as being circulated by him, which he says is nr tru ; ou what he did say in regard to the mat ter was embodied in his card pub lished in the Citizen. j I had not the slightest Intention ot charging Mr. Brown with mamng false statements but suppose if ne had made statements, he made them only as the had been told him, and If my let tar was so worded as to place him in that light it was unin tentional. As you publisJiea me ex tract, I ask in Justice to Mr. Brown you give this space in your column. Oct. 80, G, W. YOUNG. . Do you . reckon if reports of newspapers are true that not a few of our candidates, instead of filling offijBAS of trust, ought to be wearing ball and chain J po campaign papers tell the truth! Xf so, we are led to believe that both parties endeavored to select their meanest mem Jobacco Grower. . Large stack flqe H'ta bought specially for Election at novlh3t WHITLOCX'f. Itch, Prairie Vange, and Scratches of every kind curedln SO minutes by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion, U nw . fhi never fails. Sold by H. H. Lyons, Druggist, Asheyillts Funeral Notice. Miss Maggie Keeniin, of this city, who died jesterday, will be buried at eleven o'clock today from the Catholic churn. A Novelty Coming. On next Friday nieht a Grand Novelty Show will commence a four nights engagement at ' the opera house, known as the Zera Semon and Bell's Royal Marronettes from the Crystal 1 alace, London, Eng. Zera Bemon has the reputation of the King of all Musicians and Prince of Ventriloquist and to-day is consider ed Peer of ail In his line. The Royal Marronettes are life size figures that give Mkmtrels and Humpty Dumpty with such accuracy as to hardly be lieve they are not human. This show has been creating a fever where eh7 H?fappeJ5Bd nix fho Avar MtifFrtnAl Iran cftnrrr vioir. a- ra aj wba-vmb I mnfcthia"iTTiundred elegac J away at each show. The admission has been placed within the reach of aii. 35 and &0c witn no extra charge - ... for reserved seats. Seeiad" in next issae. The Electiou Law. We are now approaching the biennial election for member oi Congress, Supreme Court Judges, members of tbe State Legislature and i county officers, wiiioh take place today. A poiiton of the election law, which we priut below, may prove interesting to noma ot the subscribers of the Advance : TBRATLNQ JLT ELECTIONS. Any person who shall treat with either meat or dijuk, on any day of eiection; or on any day previous thereto, with an intent to influence the election, shall forfeit and. pay two hundred dollars, the oue-haii fpr the use of phe country, and the other to the nse oi the person who shall sue for the same. JJJTIMLDATICN of votjees. Any pesson who snai discharge from employment, withdraw pa tronage, from, or otherwise injure, threaten, oppress, or attempt to iu- aimi4ate any qualified voter of this State, because of the FQte such voter may or may not cast in any election, shall be guilty of a mia- demeanor. . ' - BRIBERY AT ELECTIONS. Any person wb. o shall, at any time before or after an election, either directly, give, or promise to give, any elector, or to any county or dis trict, in order to be elected, or to pro cure any other person to be elected a member of theQaueral Assembly, or to any onlce under the laws of this State, shall forfeit any pay four hun dred dollars to any person who will sue for tne same, and shall be guilty of a misdemeanor ; and any person who shall receive or agree to receive any such bribe shall also be guilty ot a misdemeanor. t - t BETTING OX ELECTIONS, Any person who shall bet or wagnr any money or other thing of value npon any ejection held in this State shall be guilty of a mlodameanor. t ) Rumored New Departure. The Massachusetts and Southern Construction Company are now making a survey frcm Entberford- ton to Greenville. S. C. under tbf dll..tiaQ 0r the ve?eraa Capt. fjoi. Johnson, when labt "ere, requested .Major Jon.a to this, but uowqomes tho rumor chat the surveying party will be nex put npon tbe line between 8helby aud Morganton, with th,3 view ot takiug a line across tbe mouataiurv by way of Cranberry. This wou.ti be a graq4 scheme, making iShelb the junction of the Greenville and Crauberry route. We cannor vouch for the correctness of this. but th.ere is a lpng head behind the movements of the Boston Conipa. ny. Kews d? Observer. ' A girl in William township Chat ham connty named lfami gmitb, is certainly a mechanical genius. She can make as neat and nice a knfe as any one sold at the stores. She makes the blades and handles both, and not only that but she makes the instruments with which she makes the knives. She. is an afflicted invalid, and makes these knives to buy me4cine with, ; The real Stetson j and Dunlap Hats direct from manufactures, to be found only at oct!9:tf WHrrxocK: Frpsh Oysters at Moore & Robards, Everybody elected duI' don't for get the hat yon bet. f New lot for purpose at , i nov2 2t Whttlock's.. Get your Election bet ftata at ! norxt ' " WniTLOCxfa. POWDEBLY. A3 A MAKERV A Lockout Affecting 100,000 Employees In Philadelphia 1 Postponed for the Present. - Philadelphia, October - 23.A con ference was held this 'afternoon bh tween General Master x-Workman Powderly and the aid Committee of the Philadelphia Mantifacturers, As sociation. Powderly'sV object .- in meeting the committee. wa3' to en deavor to reach a settlement of the troubles at the mill of Wm. P. Troth A Co., and thus avert a ggaeiof lock? out, Which the ManufaciarerVAsso- ciation has threatened to. institute on November 3. The association several days ago announced thai all efforts to settle differences byajrfc'ifratibn ihad failed, and that unless the strikers at Troth's mill setUed JttTroues Novciii10 tne satisfaction of cu luijioiu. Auis wuuiu anetn; iieaxi v 100,000 employees, la a conference to-day tho facts weie laid befbie Powderly and arrangements were made for further arbitration, Pow derly agreeing to order the striking employees of Troth & Co., to return to work pending arbitration. Later in the day Powderly issued an order . . . . . . i . i turecung tne men to retura to work. Many of the stiikers, upon rwipl of the order, de:lared they would not oley it, bat better counsels prevailed and thg great lockout is averted for the present at least. The arbitration will be conducted by John Lowber welsh for the manufacturers and Herbert Welsh for the employees, these two gentlemen to select the third member of the com mittee. ' The King's Iteqhest. " A request goes out . on the hollow wind, ' . . ' ; From the stock-law ring to-day, The doleful response of outraered i rights Comes quickly back to sav : -T - T - " - ' ' Do - ou think that your ring can ever again The people of Buncombe betray? Ah; never my friends Since one of your men Stole the writ of mandamus away. Indoleuee -Idleness Lazlnest. . These synonoms make np the character of countless drones iu the shape of humanity. Ijt is a la- Imsm table spflf tolooktsfwnd, many are content with a life of 4onpthingsm. Man was made an active being, but be has learned so well to love his ease that nearly half the world is idle. - It might eem at first-thought that indolence is negative in its nature j that jf it dops no good, it at least does no harm. But this is a false and dangerous assumption. Nothing is more positive in it- nature and influence. Indolence is is by no means an idler. Nothing nnder the sun is more active than indolence i Paradoxical as it may seem, an idle brain is the work .shoo of the devil." Tbereis tbe highest honor, the sweetest pleasure, the surest safety and the richest reward in having some visable, honorable calling 01 ocenpation, and thus earn our breacr by tbe sweat of the brow. Many are fohiiug their arms and saying : "The world owes me a living.7 Tallage, in a recent sermon says: 'Out of every hard, position in. lif. there are fifty doors, which at the tap of the bard knuckle of tot' swing wide open. Do not, inv hearer, join tbe great army oi able-bodied beggars. When the time comes that you feel like put tiag your lazy hands'on1 your hips aud saying, The woHdowes me a living, it owes your a halter.' " So say we. Able . bodied beggary i an intolerable' nuisance and a crime that ought to have a severe penafty. Exchange There are now in the State 1,236 convit of whom only 164 are white and 1,099 colored. There 1 are 1,197 men and 96 women. Qf the .men 159 are white and 1,038 colored, while ot the woman 1 are colored, and only are white.' These eon victs are scattered at work all over the State on six railroads in course of construction, in Hyde county, at the penitentiary, farms, fcc., whilie qnly 250 of the total number are in the penitentiary building. The num ber of cod vices is rather less than the average for several" - years past There is unduestionably a diminu tion in crime of all tind3 in the past two years. Chronicle. . Large stock of "Children's Hats, Caps,: Terbans, j Tarn O'Shanter, Palo & Jfezs, just m at octl9:tf Whitlock's. Subscribe for the Weekly Advance. . The,Close.ofithe Week., . Who is it,. that does not look for ward to the end of ibis weeVs work with pleasant anticipations----be he saint or sinner. VAti 1 if one could only gather in the experience of a week; even among the inhabitants of our little town, . what a large and varied - volumn it would make - On the 'surface,: perh aps there is little change, bat Jn the heart there is mrcb, to some the past seven days' has brought Joy and gladness-rto others f sorrow. . and . gloom. .To some, perhaps, the fond, hopes in dulged in for yearsj f have been realfzed j to others ih& same hopes been dashed to earth have turned Doaseaoa, ana ? taken r therefrom a DyTbe lovea one r ta.ther.4 rfnhthor: ncm. f afcOnh6i3 tendril rta gettins down rahfe. npTe;This- is ant if it Were not for that blessed wot Id, ''hope," many of us, per- haps, would not care to live in it. : A week from to-day it may be that those who weep now wilfj laugh then, and those who now quff the cup of joy will 1 then be clothed in sackcloth nevertheless, we all and ashes, but hail the com ing;Oftbe end of the week, we can rest from our labors. when Hard on the National Banks. Washington, Oct. 30, Attorney General Garland has given an ipin ion to the Secretary of the Treasury that National Banks must deposit in terest bearing bonds to secure their circulation, and that the called three per cent bonds cannot be used as a basis of circulation. ',- j Snow in Mountains, j j Chicago, Oct. 30. A special from ForkKeogh, Montana, says : A report from Southwestern Mon tana, sava a heavy, snow s.torm has visited that section. Stage coaches aredeiayed, and several cow boys who were; out on the round up were lest in the storm Tuesdcy and were Obliged to camp. under sage brush without food, blankets or fire. Honor To whom Honor. fh& Nprthjern-born settelers con vention was a success, in every respect, and it will resmt witnout Ll KJV IfJ through the advertisement of ts rqsoufoes and attractions to North ern people of character and means. Ittwas the conception of one man, to whom its success also is to be attributed moro lergely than to any other. That man is Col. Beuj. S. Pardee, of the Nsvv Hayen, Palla dium, who has heretofore done much to advance the material pro gress of the Soutb,' and who de-er-ves due credijfc therefor. News & Observer- Tbe State Industrial School. The action of the board or agricul ture at its meeting yesterday, touch ing this enterprise, seems to assure us of a beginning in the matter. The news will be heard with pleasure by the people! of the State. 1 The crj ing need of of the times with us is indu3 trialtraining, and th9 wisdom of the establishment of the school will be shown in a surprisingly short, time. News and Observer. Against the Ten j Hour System . chicago? October 28, During tho receut labor difficulties at the s?ock yards the men employda by Jobn Craig & Co! kept at their work. Their system was nine hour's pay fol eight hours work. For several days after the resqmptiori of the ten uQur system by other packers, the mn woiked and there was no i move made by the, firm to adopt the general system. -Yesterday, however, the firm notified s their men tjiat t was intended to go b-ick to the ten hour system, and the men at once quit work i' and were paid oft Good feeling prevailed between employers and employed, and the matter will probably be settled soon. An old man named Samuel Atkin son, a patient at the City Hospital, fell headforemost into a well on the premises last Wednesday night; Mr Lane heard the old man's cries and groans j shortly after the accident happened, however," and soon had him taken out. It was I found that Atkinson ; had sustained no seyer injuries; a sprained ank!e, and a cut on his head and on one leg being the extent of the damage. The well is twenty five feet deep and contained about three feet of water. Star. - Another invoice of fine and cheap Jerseys; are all- wool, tailor made land pleated back Jersey for $1.35 it OCtllfctr I - WHITLOCK'S. r 'f .. ' ! i . . . I : - ' T . .. Qoear Freak of Natmi. A remarkable freak of nature can be teen ta U garden of Ker.llr. White on 8eireU atreeV Augrasta Me. : A squash Tine crawled trp a tree as it irreir. and nnon one of th thaba bore a squash. . Strange to relate, a miniature vine issued from, the stem of the . equasa, passing completely around it, closely - encircling it, and to the limb again, furaish- mg a ronstamjai ropport for the fruit. Vi-"""i'-' ' ' - "' v v. . . - Statue of QvtU Bonalde. 1 ; -The $40,000 equestrian statue of Maj. Genl Burnaide, now in a foundry fa New York . dtjv was' recently inspected ,by a delegation OfV citiaena from , Rhode-Island and pro nounced a success. " It was designed and mod eled by Launt Thompson. His work has been completed, and the statue only "awaits final casting to be ready for its pedestal. Boston Transcript; . The Electi-Io , Ught axtnioaalr. j; j' Charles P, Brush owns one of toe largest and costliest Btone residences in this connfT-v TI. i T Jl ' i L .. . J t rront aoor sixm describe geometrical curre, bvuw ovaaJJC UVVaaH Ijlif JJUSy Ce&YS f.fr HrWcrt TVi?oV tine imuanhul fis - Wsnr I inade from a black walnut tree that in 1823, . 4.1.11 i a.i i A-i m- m was utilized in the construction of a fort onrp & lailS CO State. Saginaw river, Mlchlgani . The log remained undisturbed for sixty-four years. dieago Tribune.- . . H: !'.;' -1 .... s w ;- r j Gen. Grant's Sons. . j Of Gen. Grant's sons, Col Frod D. is as sistant treasurer of the New York St?ani Heating conipaay, Ulysses is on Ins farm and Jesse is on his way to Mexico seeking to enter the railroad business; there. Here is a verse- from Elliot's In dinu Bible. Kogkitteamonreanata wehin phh wunogwhesu cah nob tahtippaddunk j pish tahtippeaueu? wuhhogkuh. Pjroyerbs x : 1 25. There is abig gray horse on one of the; Brooklyn jpar lines that chews tobacco. " if i'' "The Old Oaken Bucket," the best chewing tobacco on the market can always be found at Powell & Sniders. Try it, and you will use no other. . i- oct!4 Pure as. spring water the Old Crow Eye vv hiskey and tbe Dig giris Corn Whiskey, sold by A. P. Sorrels & Bro. nov2 2t. Whitlock sells the genuine Cen temeri Kids in blacks, colors, and undressed or Suede Foster's Hooks in .blacks and colors, and a very good Kid in latest shades and blocks . at .75 cts Also, a large stock Cashmere and Silk Gloves. very low. " i octl&tf RemarkablH Cures, . .; . ; . - The' Offices Of -Tint. ' VfnTV9Ln Ctatoh. en auu owne are rrownpn with n -ii ' .r. ment is, working- wonderful cures. Another invoice of W.rapsfor La dies, Misses and childrena just in at Whitlock 's Double-width-Dress Flannels Ite- pellants Tricots Jeans Cahmei eh Shirts and f till- line of Staple hardware, at j .1 B H'ABDEN'i KANKIN & Co. Oct29dtf. Interesting Facts. . It is of the greatest interest to the public to know that the- leading p'hysicans of the world how clain?. that consumotipn and all other pulmonary diseases are curable ; and they consider the Oxygen Treatment- the jmost Valuable ! ye discovered. Drs. Gatcbell and Stone have cured cases which hud been considered entirely hopeless. oct 20. - WE. ARE NOV SHOWING AU UN USUALLY ATTRACTIVE STOCtv Ol' CltO THING, HATS, BOOTS ) ANI? SHO. S, MERUSO UND t?RWpl A R. HOSIERY, GLJ YES, COT LAS ANI" CUFFS, SCARFS, SHIRTS ;AN1 DRAWERS, FANCY WOOLS, RIBBONS C lUSETS, DRESS GOODS, SILKS VELVETS, CLOAKS, j TRUNKS, CAR : PteTSV&C. ." E. Redwood & Co., . octlCeodtf One Price Stoke. IT IS ON1? j OF - THE BOAST.: OF-' A ii F THE JOHNSTON MEN THAT HE Is TRONG MAN! WITH THE PARTY , LET US SEE HOW THAT IS I IN THJJ RACK WITH KWART, TIIF4 ONLY ONE HE EVER MADE IN THE DISTRICT. HE RAN BEHIND THE STATE TICKET IN EVERY COUNTY SAVE FOUR. ' - "J ' ' IV THE DISTRICT HK RECEIVED 500 VOTES ijESS THAN THE RLGU LAR DEMOCRAT C TICKKT, AND FELL BEHIND IN HIS OWN COUNTY 104, VOTES. A MIGHTY MAN IN TH PARTY, HE ISi Don't- Experiment. ; you cannot afford to waste time inj experimenting when your lungs are in danger Cocsnmption al ways seems at first, only a cold Do npt permit any dealer to' impost npon yori with some cheap limita tion of Dr. king's New Discovery for consnimption, coughs and cold but be sure you . get the genuine. Because he can make more , piofit he may tell you he has something just as good, or just the j same. Don't be ideceivednbut insist up6? getting Dr, King's New Discover; which is guaranteed to give relief in all Throat Lung and Ceest affee- tmns. . Trul bottles free at H. H Lyon Drag Store. Restoration. ' Six months ago the people hero : I Most bitterly were, weeping. ' V Tora mandamus which j was placed i; 1 In some one's hands for keeping. The writ , was lost by ! whom, God ' -Movxl v;" t v ... 1 ,f. And by the man who lost it. ' ' It matters not: tbaSeonle will . . To-day by Jones restore it. ThbPhiladelphia Ke ws, Hep., efends Mrs. Cleveland fof bt-r failnro to go to Richmond - It say t J.4The story that' she had declined because Miss Davis was to be'prt's en tat a, reception the expected, o auna was allured, and rrflj'cted no credit either on the author's iu genuity or heart. As has' be. a aid, her reasons relate to' herst lf alone,, and every sesible i woraei would have acted precisely s Mf - l WClI 1 What thfl "firnimc:. " . - ciacc.v w - Saved His Life. V; Mr. D. L. Wilcoxson, of Hoi. 3 Cave, Ky., s-iys he was, for ma.;. ytarsbadly afilicted with rntbisti also Diubrtus ; the pains wee ..I "most unendurable and won'd som-3 riinos almost throw him inio c--vul.ioiis. He tried Electnc Bittci iJ and got relief from flrot bolllo an l after taking; six Lot: l-s, w-B e:ithv ly cured land bad gained in flesh eightern' pounds. Says be tively belieyes he would h vo ie I hail it nut been for tbe reli-f af forded by EiefUic Bittois. Sold at fifty cents a bottle by 11. H. Lyons, Notice. he ladiesof tbe Flower T Mi hand apparel how helpful whs . the supply, last year contributed, and then ak that articles of appim I be again sent fur Fiower Mission Ho pital. Please send said gar iddu to Mr. Aston'sjou Church Htrcet. tiy order of President J? lower Mis HHi-itiirl. sion. V : Oct.2si3t. i . i Board Meeting. The Board of Conventional Misw sibns and Sunday Schools will meet in' Asheville Baptist church Tburs- aav, jMovemner 4tn, at iusuy i. m, AH the meinbers are reqoetTfd to attend. : h t W. W. Wblis, f Spcretarv of Board. Oct 22, 1880. : Bucklen's Ariiica Sal ve. Cnt, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores; Tetter, Chop ped Hands, Chilblains Corn, and all Skin Eruptions, and - positively cures Piles, br no pay required, it is gnaranteeid to give perfect " facton, or money-refunded. Pi e I 25 cents perbox. For sale bj M. itVOIiR. PW j ADVERTISEMENTS. pOR SALE. The best BiUi . J1 Tble in, the city, "inclu good balls, -fcu8, racks, etc., puly $100. Apply to ll - 1A. P. Sorrels & Bro. Nov2:3t I- - : . d o it "TfT" ANTED By T T a good Black A. P. Sorn Mair, you. work anywhere.- nov.2:2t. km Ni C. Mineral Wa: r. I . ' .!. v : - One of the wonders of North Carollo-: la Pbnqoea Watr, Natiire's M.'rveiloiiM r u- .y for Disppsla, Torpid tlver, (Je-esl Vii: . Ct.'oniclyiarrhooa.ilcrofuU. -tczeina, a.i i- Th Pn'isoca Viter lg not wUhat boni it it ow-n home uart la U own St . t . IU efr y UartKi-f diy pe"-sca well known In the- d Nf h. SUt who have b-ou quite u.ir j louly re.; red vheiiu bylte uo. lUr i- 114 recognized a excellent renedf' 'a other TammHe besides thou namerl f.l o tnd Is an eGcieiu sppvtizer under aii tin. r 1- St4CCc8. I rrioe ItWjw dozen OAs ) bUle, F. 0, B. n UrtlPion, N.O, Audress, i. Jf tllN A.- WILLIAMS, fcoje Agnt, . yoT2u2t: t I?OR KENT. The Carter ho t on College st, near snnji-; uiue rcouis. Apply on preludes , oct 31 tf. j , TrAJMKiJ:-telx or moro f ...... laoio hoarilfrri. at ti a va k : will riut out 4 rooms unfurnished. Apply at once to I i Irs. Sabaii A Wt'st, cct26 Iw Wat- r St, i Large arrivals of Bed ' rvm forts. Grey, Scarlet and White Bl Blank, eti. Flannel, Underwear, Cothlng Overcoats, Bay btate Boots and Shoes, at Beabdkn, Rankin a uo. attention Buil.lers. . You can save money by having J. R. HJU,to give yoa an ,etiniae on yoor tin, sneet Iron and ornamental work. He has opened la ehop of Willow street, iu rear of SwMnnanoa Hotel, where he will bo glad to give estimate on all work In hi 1 ne All work done at the most reasonable prices and satisfaction guaranteed. ' Respectfully,' - - ' ; . p ; I. R. Him Weekly Advance only $1 ner yr. , The beautiful songs, Marguerite and White Wings, sung recent ly hfr by Miss Miller, for sale at theMu i5 Store. I have also received a t ;"vr supply of the very brilliant vil-t-: "Belles of yew York." C. Falk. eeplfi j : ( ! ' ..... . , - 1 S- " - ' : ,.!; J . I. I ' ; ! i I:' ' f I ! ' : :..-'i'; ! rdon - ! I r ' ' ' i Vi; .' :- n . '; "..II I - i ' rv . s T3i