'r r ! -: : - i- ! ! J: ' i . . ! ' " V; - 1 i EY1LLE D k IT "FT ' VOL. YIL NO. 49. AS EnUnd ia th rest 4 Askrera uvancc urncie ix caktkb riu- MiU. IMWKU1ATKXY OCTH OT COCKT 11UCSX. - Asiievllle Iallj Advance. lJb1Sl very Sy la IM vk (ftar Mooday) U fuliowlnc !"" t On Year, - - ft M K!l MoOvL. - M TUr MmUa, LTI Ot llOBtiki - A . Tte Anim hu Ut lnim dairy tnw tkm ef My ppr W trf Otarfcxt. a4 to On d vrtitn Mdlan, haapM . r a tnOei uwa. 10OKX TO NiW AOVKKTUUUICm W. T. Hxtcolds. (Xurt notice. . Iilitt& McExriRX-Cora beef. X. YUabbt foot. - Weather Indication. ; By Tcncipb to i WxsniXQTON, D. Ci, March 9. 'Virginia Ilaia followed by fair '"Weather; warmer northerly winds. 1 , ZSorth aod South Carolina Ualn followed by fair weather, becoming warner; northwesterly wind. X uc ti Fair v?the; bsvom ing cooler; northwesterly wiods, becoming t triable. The street are getting tnuddy again. jWork ou the atreets is progreaa inij rapiJly. iMajor Atou had twocae before hun yesterday. . (Thero are 3,000 insane ieron in North Carol iu a. i J. Wiley Bhook, of Clyde, ia visiting the city. jThettand-plpe for the new water sapply 1 nearloj completioo. ! Texas I to vote on a prohibition, amendment the fir it Thursday in Augabt. ' I Uan'oaibe Superior coart con- ue next Monday. Judge Oravea TP J will preside. We will publish to uiorow an. pen. letter to "Bill .Nje," which will be found full of interest. J How about the Baltimore Ohio Uilroad selling out to tho 1L A D. R. It. Co. Boa our dispatches today. f j F. II. Helton, colored, was yes terday, committed to Jail bjr Chaa. V. Malonc, Eoq., on a charge of larceny. I I Flagging !tone of an excellent qual ity two feet wi.te, to be used fo- Street cioas lugs, is being hauleil oa theatroets. i f Justice Malone'a court was in aes qion nearly all day yesterday. 8v 4f ral Important casi4 were tried and disponed of. j We are notified by Mr. A.S. Loom la tho observer, of the temporary aus ension of the weather aignala at this place, perhaps until July. Tho Superior court of Buncombe county convenes next Monday. A caienaar oi cases tur uie ursi weea. lias already bten published. i There set-ma to be a general desire expressed by our people that the County authorities have the court louse palntod and pencilled. All the ladies of the Methodist Jhurch are. requeated to meet at the church this afternoon at I o'clock, without fail. v Important business. 1 The new dam for the water-work on Swannanoa river la nearly coeni pie ted, aod we are Informed that parties will be here In a few daya Tor the purpose of putting up the pumping machine. We are glad to report that the effort to move the normal achool from Ashenl!e to BakerarULt proved a failure. Our peop'e are under obligations to oor Senator and KepreenUtivra for this result. Tho result of the tuunler trial at Marshall has not vet beeo rooelveil. The cake weut to the jury ulht be fore Iat. Only one of the defendunU was on trial, a severance having teo made of the caae. The other deforci ant will not be tried at this term. e long we hope to see the old wooden building on the corner of Y . . .... f If jln je r V plirwl by a handsome fur or five atory brick aud iron atructure. ThU is decidedly the most valuable piece of real eatate to its alse in the city of Asheville and sliould have a utaguif. Icent bu-dnesa block upon it. It is the beat eland for bulae In the city. Xew (Jeods! New tloo.1 1 1 The new Spriug atock is arriving now, a larger aod more complete one than et er before. A lot ef Li brary Latn just iu, and offered avt even lover prices than before. We otftr a good Brass Library Latbp, complete, at IJ 25, a flue oue at J 25, a very haudoiu one with full tiuttd aud decorated shade, cut glaa prisms for WM. Our atock of Huud Iimps is vry ooipleie. OootJ Glass Stand Imj at 33c, and Irou that up. LaWtf, Main atrcct. Tb TTofk Completed, j Mrwr. Ode A Ciillett,th cntrae tor fr pitting dowa ' th pi - fbr tbe w wirf nth, cira fdtJ tinHr c'rarf, bavlny put down the main line frtwn tfc tf works, oa F-a-annartoa rlve t J the t&odplpe and e tnpieted hm I1 of the pJi mi the various Im- t in tlx city. j Persona!. , t j her!3U.l rJsof8w ala coun ty, ni la the ctyt last night. : We were plemaed to eet In the city, yrtterday, Cant. X. Q- Uoe, of Cincinnati, who Will make thU hit fUlnre home. . We'areaotry we were vat jeeUrday when Ur. 'W. It. Sui merriilr, i'riiat f tne iNew York AM4ated rretwcullrd to re as. We 'jepe he will rail mgiu. An Ice Factory. a noo tn roanufvuriog ilOiU i iLLt hal e J.t Ut n at ed In this city ia an io factory. For souietime, the question of putting a plaut here fur the uaiiu fact are of io has tHeti talkixl of aud j aur teotte have felt much Internet in the establUhiuent uf such aa m- terprtstv. But, we are glad to Imi tle to stale Dgw, as a c.-rlaitity, J that the fac ory, will be iu oxTtioi lu a very few mnttis. Tle machinery ha.s alr-aly .tit n ordered, and mil otht-r i fivnaary ar- rangemeot are now It iu uiIe. The gentleman who is at lh hwd of thb enterprise, is Mr. A. Q. lti a capital Lit of Cincinnati, Onto, j We were informed by hioitsier day, that be had urderrdoue of the celebrated ice machines from the Bljmvrr -Company, ot Cincinnati, Oaio, and propo-ea to hae the machine iu oj-rtiou by Jnuu 1st, next. All ice. a ill bt made .lrou distilled aater, nudf will bf solutel pare iu eveiy purtiguiar. We hac not et learned the exact location of the laclory. We to;e that our citizens will girt the enterprise all the enoour agemeut in their Kwer, aud by that means, help to build tip our city. II we want lactones in our midst, we must show our apprecia tion by extending la them oar patronage. 2 MCItmiit WILL OCT Arrest and Comuiitiueut of Aileu lUllart, Charged with Slurder of Jrtss Tabor the Abot two weeks ago, there was considerable excitement iu 1 the county ol Sain, over the flodiugof tbe dead body of Jesse Tabor, on the bank of the Tuckaseege river, 4 few miles above Charleston the county sea!, lie had been shot in the back, and the deed had evi dently beeu committed several daya previous to the fiud:ug. j For a while, there waa no clue to tbe perperratioa of this foulj and fiendish act, but recent develop ments were made, which poiuted very strongly towards one Allen Dellatt as the mnrJerer. A j war rant was issued for him, aud his arrest made Ut Saturday. He waa tried before a Justice of lb Peace at Charleston last Mondiy, and committed tIIuncombe county jail for safe keeping, uutil the June term of tiwala Buperior court. , Bheriir Oavis, oftfwaiu, arrived io : tbe city yesterday with the j pris oner and delivered him to tiheriff Worley. I ! We are iu brined by HherifT Davis that the evidence agiust Dellart ia purely cucumtUutul, bat very strong, riince the defe'op nient which led to hit arrest, puh'io opinion is very uufavorable 14 him. The motive for the crime is thougbt to be jealouty. Naomi waa )ears old a Leu ahe got man led, but toshe got there just the same." (JirU, paste this iu your sky scrapiug hats. -t2V C'y X4t7y. 'I Ml Mill l Ml nJ " .1 '.iin.iill.il ' To Iloisaakaf ana. v hru )uu want extra nue coruad buel,iullat i'nitt A Mclntirtt's, w ho keep a good supply always on haud. uia lotf Men's new ouleu Over aud Iio'e WaU. just iu at j OvrfshUts marthtttf WmiLoOk'd Yellow and White Ouiuu SoU at FaUiAM. Heavy veiled pioue Mcrsaii cS aud bew White Iwns jut iu at WhUlikk'a The very heavy demaud fwr Uay State Boots and Slices ti.ids us with our third winter stuck, whkh we are now opening. lialBUit, ILiVKUl 6i GO. THE GOODIjAKK or A'Mltloual FartiniUr of MlimrUb!era inth HMory of thf Slat-. Aadthe Action of MtertrT On and hU tJssnn. - . ,- - What Will be the lleolt? . - - - t We are enabled to give tata nioraibg ddttioesl ialrmattou ia regard to tie ruticu ahich tc rttttfl at Urbail Sundaf night, f ri'Wtug cul f the Citaa. (1ckm1 kr ee. Hberiff Cbsndieri- rf Madison etsnty, in nhniitttBg his return ft 21i ilt.-ri Jje.' iJ..., j e writ o! habrdt cerpa,isrd bj him oa the Cth instant, for the relief ol Goo!lake, aHegel U illegall. dejrie 1 of his I.U-ifv ia tie eus Imly of J. K. Conner, StirrttT of llauukon count, I' une states lu utstaiie ; Hiat ou tbeCth da of Mjieii, 1-N7, br received tti writ trout IL Honor, direrted to J. K. Cuiur, ccMtim.iiidiUg the .nJ !:: in.-r. to bring lefore Hi Honor, At Mi'rIiiil, liatnediat.-ly the b.ly of O hmIUWc, aod underaUlJ Jilig that ti e er Wits ou the we-t buuiid pf'yu grj fraiuol lh- W. N. C. Uju Irani, due -t Mais j jli. N. C. at f:l-.p. en rou'e lot Tcnnr-r. j (.lu tbe aruv.tl of the tram at tlie Marnhaii K;,"' n III eoiiipon aith hi ileput., M. W. l-.il.j e boiithd .sd tr.il.i, .u. d l..ii!i U thit ti'xxlltWr a.i iuiri-oii-.l Hi the cecornl c , cou :l oi the tr no-, be .fort ed his s a) into ."tid ..tfo, oTeroouiiUg a tUglit tei.taut e t . ! I . a ... I t . I iBtt tioor, worie ue uuiui tii'u lake, handcuffed in tii, ciitoily ol. . C. i'atters i, W. H I leaver, J. D.i Crott and a m u alterwaras i - kuoau to him by the name of S. J. Ii)rl. He m ule known to tbem the co.itetitj of thavtiit by mtvii a co:- iLrtet.f, on tne pat'Uea hit i.ig ti.c ir. Miller ia cu'oJy. Win II llitM dr i lU'd t - obeV its i mandatec, be tUeu read t A hem hi deputation trt tu the Judge to exjreute the wrd, and detnatiJtd the prisoner, heu the f at t tier ex ecntim ol the writ wu resided with aimed vio.'oueo. Thcil re.i-on for not giviug up ihe prourr was that the writ uiut be Mixed ou Gonuer, beiug uJaie.sJ to him, whe up to this time, c.m!d not be found. Learning th.it Conner had but a short time previous in-en ou tbe tra:u, ami the uelu it eudodi.tu of- the piifoiier, he iuttltu'.ed ia diligi-ut search Ibrouii the Irafti, aud afur oveiioiuiug much dttU cqlty, fiu.t ly diwoxettd tV.u uer iu t bo mail eja.-b. dis guised iu the clothes, cup, coat uu.t overall of th tireuiau, coucealevl under a pile ot mail ;b.tg. ITpon dlscovt-liug the aheleaU.uis of Cornier h' tleiU4iid-l the cpy of the srt of the p.ntiei lu ipasto dy ol the prisouer aod upon its being refund him, hi imuic-bau-ly made knoau t Cornier the cou tcUts pf ihrol igvua! j It, h took it from bit baud, ho sup,t.i.l to oalidv biutlf aa to tho tou-tt-Ut thete.il aud o!h) it i ui iU dale. lutead ol I (.'vUUil i-.t caied uur the teiidrr til the writ iu hi haut and luinnd a'-!v the traiu was. pat ti uiul ou lor Cuaka, ll UilUa nt ot II..L Spring, lu i'ruueate, aud he aaVt no mote of him. luimrdiatrly al ter thj and bc-loic iho liain puUed out of Ihe statiou at Hot fjpun. the pai(i- in tuttK)u.f (Le j i. oner jweie altisrd that tho aid had brcU mIU.I Ou Couuil. 1 hc thcU declined lo uiU-udt 1 the; pi tSuUrr Unices ixl d.Ut. cd h IvU net. it is not kn au a nat c -uice Judo Giate will etas3 lu the premises. We , all) keep oar teal rla adllxd ai Lo tho liuai Itsull) of the Cae. j : We were udsiu'oiini.l a to the statement of Col. Luk that he ad vicd the (taitica they veie Uui Uund to obey the; uiii nu'lcv served oa Couucr. Ha ibforias us that he udvid the iu that the par ty having (utod) oi; tho ptukvr was bound toobe) the ant, wbclb er they wcie uauicd iii the ant or hot. llandsouie stock Four in ii aud Spiiug f Lock and just Sctrfj- in, at wafwhil WUULOCal'j. I I ! Larl WMr r Fiirl lr" In r- hail' ; ' ; i t ; ' . w t,fvt t M ale Is m' ' ! I ro'f4 1 "'tx.' th Vve h i yM Ue f..?.-:i.rNHyxf'rrt i cf .h-4 knr wi"d have ft' wl$M i!h t , H I jf?!s tt'it-" oA-ft'riH. : j l.-j-'t at iirytii wfiai a ra ture i I f ' - AsH-t!ls pTvMed urh utfviif h 1 "halt 1 ar l rv. O j' low rt is at-wir.fo mny tbMards fr-m tet mfin! -t Tettisn it 11 had, lt fro u bal p'?ir h h f-ft hrt !ae iu ttti t-.l fg tc to ih'l' fri-i'l- arvffstfckfsi. Tty c vl will if'of ! Wll L tfit iU'-rev. si, a i, a,, -ito-a- -r.urli.rf winter R. Marfh 9 Th or nmHii. tino- ."' h-t f tt Tfce : this vmhig is aut2 -riil to an-'.-!". t. t Mifl H'iRl4;H f-f. ? twit' that the itr. of the! Balti i-v.j re rtimaK and e . L te-the .i . . tl t-'!'' "IITWTV. tlwei w;i,rth nvrwVt.-v-rfi?p$ aiMi ovrvl-r.-v-rfi?p$ aiMi h zr l-t Ue iiaue tlf t.' i ic.l .i i': u.eiu'uej tin oU. It, thJ !-t2h.-.,'- hAi4oei; -s5 iw li ud tT.; lr: r ' fl h on t L M i- itrty the trl He ii"tn'4 it until he ask wh-re 1 1 i U ti' 1; I tn i 'u-r tutkt'M hi it I -. k U i y fvr a j r t on ol" t.l .irt f'T srd-u-f' -. .' t'- !'? Northern n tn, sr.d . h-i!d ti s pu'e :.I ;&.! V-;th -th ;ti,.. '"Jif aa.l h'T f -r .i.i'e u I 1 fll-V t y u ku-.w." lit- i.. r - ..- .. .'I; If t" ho- ni tlj "S I i r Iron tjjAo, t iuys mt -f Vi- if 'put J. Hiii pM' -- ra bun i.. r-'." V r;! r" iftu ...io r cii i( r u U.ijnol, ti i. i pity him. V alt e tjt'd; lh t . i ' Tto" ry-I'l' Nt- t t.'A!;, Wrt.itllljf lot- .rUi, it ' r, t' r wlit tiiy o ii, vv I' -u.-.tf.t'r ti "UK-til ' et ' tn:i', It ba Ui.f'd" :i ny p'-ti't-s n.. will crtainl kill UiH ifth-y ! ;l"t ftl.ti' tjlt-ir tlt t!,t. A (..Mil iii tint ."-late O.arlolllf . tuv lu d !y it. It i..ol coi.e ii.to ..tico N -rth, Ai.d tii r. uddfiiy -ot ul :o . o pru NVo n i-t likf, IJ.roiiifiii. INiijie dut f, i?uti J ; l iiiiii.o'i iu the 'r-ci i.m of To;lri t Hi'lrit-H solid' til f II iO. I Jy .CMlH il.'ft! to live .ttaltorui ; o .i.'o f.MtV. but is j -t r H.i'y to V . i. v i :o .I.tider-.i.vdU -tr uo' ijikv iiiu iiiiv f..rj ,s.rif tit of wii.tt Ui y would 1 . --r . i' a i i-afs .:", when I ttrl a-A' A-t-viiu il a wry ( I o- ine io.vii. Thrt t'ourt IIou tt'iil in r-iti-f no-i were , out it. ; t. d-nVuli ?t,'il get:meii - at llenrji',-. !i'ho .uu came torn n iu -. w-oI, Hit -o w t- Mit i.. rfe: la k f, oil, ht u:i lay rfe l h:--e re-"U .i-r .uL. Arrival horo ul u.i oMo.k.'i.. io,, with the fatuoua I) h j thi:;n, lri r ot iho c u It, seanog j h r.f v r ".hi it run ?o ton lliCa- riii.r . . j . , . : I . .f I r.4 l I m . . .;!i:o-u.;i:o -r, w i.u cu i -u o y j j pie to the ti all within atinurvd.; milfrt oi ht r it vv-w with a 1 tint j hea t -tlia.t I 'ale. thy oiu-ur.U bis- cuit of thd thei ouutry town. ' to ! We a j t w whd we ha ve ! and uihilo coaMuually; j in : otht-r 1 atrd-, we jutt want to wait at.d the r xin -, win u tiow u our ; thr(4t. L j.jk out ; yayneayille j uiijjftr U-atch it. Hetuleroavi!le kat ; Tot lu-t a.- ito.a a show. 1 jtuow t r a M-ctii-a ot eoautry which runt far out lutjo tho t ahoy j;uli tuli ol riv en, wia alligator, hotelt aod uialarih. How many have basked 1 a Fioridk uuder tht n-Hiliu sha to of an 6ra jige trcv at. i t iyed ljhtly with their (,kon-.uiiij.tio.;, aa 1 then- went' b t.-; h 'ito Wuh a iti pUiJ card oi tin ,r bioad. j Have yoa t at ted the wail which. cjiuts up Trout he" liafdvtt Sj it," uolly i at f'ate tin-li utivl ho 1 1 o ui-o? Due iua;i I droppol acu.ii million in t l alatiai j tiolvl ao l ha-i iM-eu livtiii ou the isututy ev'vr since lis i'oiui ivtiou lo.t ? I .ill. 1 u'V L Live iloiovt ST'lU' th. re. y . , , , j , - . Why Toey hit-1 til iay to bivalh. II.. ..- 0,;.l 1.1 t.ill t ufv s vvtiauu st aa i rii..i fl roun.i.1 ! wlt t lu ; Puilinau 1 poller dtdU't it oi' hit ; W f " " " f '.I. . . . t . Si., i f . . , . . Ud k'ot.1 ltvwldenU - dWU iHr:rr j 1 1 ( .p ihought;the j world could not tu ive without 'Fjarulvrj," but i m o a ehue. Nearly all .t to pawn oho pa llnt-ui ilo a t a4iniiit.it aud alii I A& t ti th aud Uau won't ho otiktxi 4 k's t . I heleuredty gog?" . " ! L Sly m.i, Smtluru Caliloruia hc j ctMut tit in aijd caught tneut bad; tin lie it r i,!havjaoue,ty rrj,iu tho AUau- j : hi .ii i to S ..! 1 tiklif iioae audi to are finding H j kitraov aiu't Neat wihlvr "Fluridcf" wilit liaJt a sU rat lh4 f.Wilig to tjlu tilV ol UioUeV tti.d ttta h tltt lai- ti.t v w til U t a iiMU liyo iu the hute l-.i s liut ti.Uij-' uudjt the uui of i luo pui uay. ! ' ! I hey t uit I go UaCij? H o, Ikt Us truig Ihciot hete. "' Lst us j l. i V t t,.. t .1.1.. U. Im 1 iM'Jl l . ! ay at . ... x . t V.K. f .it 1 s'hllUl JHvUly- UUa JO tCU U,HU (Ut JlVfUOa vi fcM. MV.w c-Wj;' . at.d w hru litat word sk cia fur hj auialgaaiahouj of halif a dox pcUeUatc UiO bo-OUi of saUie'retirvt " - j ., " ,! -j ! ' J ,1 l.,r LroUr.U.HiUsay to hU wife la's A lioa V.-opertlea, tudt,r i; j tl -a n aud ir it oa ta'hite, and j uoatrof of the U)cUuipud- I'troiiaal bnt.g with hiua his wife kad dah-1 .cUtk'- wuU "so u.ckQ-lwtii Wi) Oh,tib, uot ,t-ir 'vU l love, I . 1 " i' ... i ' ... rj t.'Jja.,4 U!. hliilg hwr tvdiroat a iracf V f' Kf, ff -tt.i; uako the ouae i-righte(,i u'waipiuly .atiti positively slatted- and .iitMoid maa: can w Kf-f b I), liaj, u JU'I u Jt mv wia.ku, . Into ytuji.g Uiax ol ut-rve aud pud, i uf yaar uuu; uiaiuly heart against ttij Lr. if ty of thc gal ixd luiui a ar ouug uialuly heart agaiuit ailt:rsLiip for thj;pirpOe of deal luJ iu agl faiaily aitkiv ..of AabeW4 ''ielyt a"'4 tUU. l.'Jvk out of your Wiudow ud -tay,1 aa yoa cj tud Art oft Pi-ibgahj: uiie coualry ; giJrhm Ahevile" i . YV.li, I; sh- uld uy sa. j ltou you i ) j I I ! iilC:L5. J Aahtivitle, N. a,Mar.ch i. : - IJtuhdahl us !TiUuk asd Value 4-? at W U II LOCK e. aud lri.shcit atock Gardcu Piiatau'. b-id u.t ,1 , L LL1 St fH)si iv Till: li A I.- ' ' . ' ;i - : i ..' '! TIIHlUK ,t lll. . j i AnJ Now CnfrtIt th ItrMlest lUiIrtuii iSrtf'tthlfV Wtr!.. Ilseitentnt flefi the Matter -iUtlry if;lrele. I - in rxMiour aKrr Rfierrosf Tit k ?-JsjErr. i " '"! '"'"r" Fjr , tMH-Mad, Intrt I h fl f-4, llr f .i,ti ; , y.- ..... ... ... .....vi i t..j I of New. .Yofk. j Sully, -it. says, has of New. Yoj-k Sully, it says, h s written t c..tir,,.! i.v tfir.,lrf wrlttu i "..ti?rst hv vir: ofwhi,h 1 'W-d J arrett uis him lurnr oi; !'m itaWj ti.i'.ij!ra heyind'jtW riiiitk.n. Hy th aiiUitlori of the fl A 6 . baOy aWihiaffrletkl become 0"4ttrr f i of KI i probabiy, the nwt' eitf'h.svi' ; irailr?'d sy.-tm. in th orld -- 1 : ' s.y;t i r.-j)i New York ilti' i t' te:ut !rfo jr oints It inelud tht'tf tr i Hfcd,t Jet I i I! .'i.liL...'... si :Trio!M jo .j lllrh- I mofid , Jsu v,:.i .j;oj- rfo 1, i:. -TVnn., Va. Js U? ),.!. tud ;j. if t. of ir"!',ia; au 1; !;od j.t' L'!,:tJe ti i t -.t. lt SlUl if iiu ft.- -Vt'l Of .ld o i trunk hue a'ilfu ;li,H. 0 ou'-h .i HaLrtMoHf. Sfi, M-tren ti' j-vat oor ttarrett jn-.iijh'j'.t o?'jth- Bi- A tlili . ' iirtil ie-iinoi;!, w a m'tr to Jay, hut lut.1 iiuth! ' t-i -,, i" in r-ganl to tho rejrti arraujio nt, f-.r tho trrMf,r t,f the control of that ro.t.l - ;f . , j The ;'"' Y. W Tou ., containing t; -tait-nent, :Which'"app-ara U. be a-a'Ii'-ulic, has ' h'.-ated .a Hsitlon, ;i tltH rily, ft-l th'- eorp-irafloin ia , , iitm i nn tiaatmoie vt Ohio railroad, and there arepri- v.. I'l-nvtH ."which iitro opp' i to !h,, - ja r'l! ol th" r1,1 out of Ii4.ltiui roj A: i nands.. Tho Hal hiioi-e Jb )hi road h im ''K Vhile irrett; haapr. rvs rUc oce' a-t to everything that h ; rami rod, tlu-ro are inariv i fear t h tt th r H t ruti in lu 'nt Which were liujdil. hetl ( fa tha tht-re H a tinvictiou heriu-blat.if the roi HlH 1 u . j 1 x wul ( d 1m!1 ;'pajs iho other Ihands, trv-f 'a:id telegraph. sytems with it Th matter is dts uh-1 ort thd rkx- eiiantij and .street wniI Ai approVe, . . . .1 T 11 I :jti, i hurt tiiaJiy coitd the avtiuti. Hal ttiMOur.MD., March 9. llob:. li arret t .his beeu o'ci-Hkj to-day, aud tho stat.-iueut in the Tiiue w ai read, by hiui, J lie still peip.hted that die has u t iking to to .-ay about th? rumorel deal, jit it htatod, how 'ever, by oue to j whom tiarrettj talktl, that To, used the ex- rei:i : j "We. are id New York." Kxcltemjeut iat-r !-! here, tjecause ! I.I. ui" thi refusal of tiarrutt to make any coihUi'uiikkti a lu regard! to th tuivTJ Tfie . i moot eartd'ui iii airy l-.liltli.t lli'UV.T III it th., fitV iulll.l.-' j T-. r- pt.o 114'e bvoa coouHd, though, M ." ut.i t - i , r l- d the entire stock of tue Ualttmore A Ohio! railroad, i i Ta ;?-i" wi h f i,a .I.ho dfoi'.Si ir.- Luher.lt.y aid the Araircit laua.iy lb the i ow u a major ity oil the -toek. telegraphic circles jtbofo appeal It as muvh iaii d auo? of what ha The Iwi'SI L'tdiit? oil ii.i ttl.e liOf ,L j i i - i ,'!, . T ' ". i: .!, . -. i V I'copai acte geueia;o uae jsc tiled no ,doU - ti She " ivUCtjUsioa laUl! thei , J Uwtt krllectt'd aUd'that lui i.B.iUiniote wiiltb cOu;e Oalv d a.. Kt dlt i'.i tht ! rj-tleit ! road A item. I C A Little I -War. f uu ! wv Saw Y ;aij4r4h a- tnw rvcu- i Z iV t . i i U tiuaav.141 ai t it.tri', j jiuys t;ha ai UiWltl' 4' the stlCet audi tbt . . . . r 1 . 5 - (I I !- , . . , I ...... . .L . i..'.t...-. a! llLi'hui. A 1U I UtU of he ' syndic o thai they had ACi,aueJ c iutxol jo. ; tle ( j; ; UaiUiiid: A OaR sp!;culi!4a 'and o;htrapiiiitja waitod j for j fur ther tic-4ouiet.ta ttj showkhcj ;et. k-ut i the'HhuIoj.fcchtiaitj bt;foi.edak iiitii h iii rtit iu the market. ThvJ ilrteiUhg belief . 1 dli-U the actUciltof th telegraph far ha o thd TaaiU :of . .- thU Jjeraey li. o , aud ii;c!ifcbud"iTcria1aal; 'cauiU:a:a iou. in U iuckaowfedged tha. the li.; Om wotij hketo parti it!hla UUrgiapu ptot4it:iy, L'whkh ;iu . the. present S IT a! n.W m r Mil k it- !H . I t I- th t, A O Wetfera Co on peo p! wonld of eotir hold oft and talk aa thosi g h t ney d id not wi t ' bfjtr, tnttm tbe other hand ''Gonld eontfofa orer o roiled of railroad ares? of t bf if tsmsstppi a,,d th .... ; . ' TT. . . of 8s, a. win,, i in jwim er roftils eome-' io the ;Mtsaiippi-j at' two priia, tu : ' Lomv where ; it wld- Nmaeet w;th; the Ohio and Mia!asippt ctnlfed by the B. t Oaftd afi at Meaiphtis where it wou.d maaect ith;the Jlicbmond irniii mi. .vn e vsiern outJet aod line traiiaalf ictlitie in Jersey Cify f ir th.ee western proerties my eventnaily gome mSaene ia settling Uie legraphio war. ; fi is the farther df velnnientif i!i.e (nlbilttiea that the pnhhn aeenied ti m waiting 'for to day. They AVent IJarjt, i -: :! I I 'ft- ie Mormon jurors in Jtiilge tj coutt, af; er naming taken nn i.Mn day Ttt day oatihsi on fibe' ne'I?dnidn B I I - . ker hilF,.-ou jeiamVn'ajtioft yHt jr-l wt-ht hi;s; to tue old niriifi tnd feci tlejij fha .. - . r of God hii than 'of 'rnan. Tttejf HevA.i in the r,g!it for man fo tt t 1 gmy ' iifwei0 retectinit i i ' f t. -r- f it t,. ,e b'be tried. t'owvtet? Murremfer. i !: . ' -1 - ' .1 i L citkk. Pa., March ou a imI Green, mimcts in 1 1 eH l 1 1 1' utter t-ouuty pnsou who, tek ay pro4:itr.Hi the keepefja . I re i r -o4 1 d Wed the author M I ar ..?erd thiaftiiorulog, : Ditrina the tug tt f hey !at tempted ti bren'la through! the wait,! but Were . 'ijiaMie fnh "They have been fd.teed i:i !oi. '.iry ;Cont!aeinen!t. j Marktrt ItetHirts. Im All v tuieo. :S Lttui-s, f Mo., March 1 Flour tptift; and iiocliaoired; m iM iCfive and iin-se-Wlji irfegalar, i' L !".. ii i : -;-"i . - i 4 lo.ngf i'l uuJcr jes Ml: S. . f I ' : '4 red, cah. leorn stjn. ijg higher, ; Jfo. 2 nit ci ising i overi y ii - '4- fer-S XrcabJ;itj;i' tts i: : 'fit!: tiui ea ie!fi !N."-t! th x if -. ateiMfyj. l WDIt 1 lutictiaiitt i VlSflia iu fi fu: HIBl.', i4 lUlikVlXd.l3, March Or: ii iedly ; !wb' N'o. - it :i NtlLredjjft- cot Ko. J UllXtv wb fe,.43oata;;Xb: 3 4 prov lHious duu meatf4 clear nusj, des i liboalder.sJ b tdon, clear rib ots 0; ciciif htss hoatdersj ?oi k noiuui t h nils, sugar curvd iW4 t uicat., ilU Marcit tp.i latious wer wl. K o ted p No 2 coru, a"BjJ;;o;-f!. oi$ I v ine4putk 2W4't)Jt .-a ed shouldsiii!' fjv.f it .111-1 ce kr side.', box'efd. LI .."Oi". ! i're the 1 j 1 Stock Jltuket. ; liy I .t:4rva L.J lUij- -JVit4itei few YottJi A? a chU Tb4 ket ieht d Sir T. Uiitl jug thio tuo turn th til s price 1 ollolDg' adViirijciH I over i;d j eveftpi' hnai tigOr in fro i i to 3 i r i : ' ' bio I at Ur( i C'lioi Ihe huter wttJ li :!iiii Eoi Wet I'oiut Uliilg Was t!X t r m e iy itctive, lot- lOW d by 3u PUui &Jeey Ceutil; vh o ' Oe iM ijOk tv ogthoreuiainder, i t o r, vteie dui Alter the ojteil iuj hoiacvri, I ia t .t..ia the gatus wete, not - .1 'o. iggloi tad id i vt ciC cUf drl,i la-EiiiUil ta dtouS wi iu vcrv nano Mi ht ffaqiii; u4 ic 1 t- '. -i'l he ',loiiowi:lig; 'dicLcnt fj i- v hat day a - s,u built? I I'd of tho wee either U ceh'ury coma ii STtT H it urday Jaiuai V kSi-fLoap-jlerjl Sttu;d.v, J i - . t ii.. -4t tUUlf. lay iKif-vVedHs.dyJ'; .sdlAhurs4ay, ,4IJ;f-L3ap:year, Friday, .$jdr-ju'"dae;-.Oi h Moudapr' kaat-Fnd4.v, sar-iturt ay lS!'rfiL-S iialat iOOaf-Moaday, as teuiporir re- leUcd frtfluf h bUd -cares. d sorrow! add a ,le Thro ivWJ nt 1:1 i . hwttrdjidfj TU H of a iov &erloiH Jin d4v'0e'li wife wis ifc-ih-: biofar,-! vf'hf uivct. ":j iie it lis lie sincere- siyiiipa-' at th-.uiii'I4 of war in 4 ttd fdtndj la hu ute4 i sflllciioa FURIOUS FLAMEa A" TLItttlKLK BLAzi: I V OXfi OF TUB TCKKfTOUirX aiid Property Dt- Mroyed. Tne favd st Direct Several' Re- movals. FJotir 1IIIU Uurued ' 4 fly Tr'n so u Adrmne 1 INVi KV. Vlarh 1 ' Tie & ' o., bunte ll to ihegmand Uv.lity , along tun, a., efevaior adioini.irr. Total U Bm dot). Insurance t tri , XliOii Htiwlr 1.1... ... . S&w Xvk$t.Uri-n$.-rhe West-' iliiy votcit to p-tyatll!rtd nd lor t'i r trie carte t-inrir, Tno rest.lution vv M I "i tistf. ith th coi.iit ot die : It :T j'1"1' i110 of th-) jt.a- . iinny ou'd' M iiMTtMs, d by $I,hV tojutke'iiii :rip to that union d. imtl l.u inr I. j ;.Ut er Cvplotletl. GKAMU IU Wis, Mr-mi, MarHj a. iT.ie -boiler i-T (libbV .shin"' . ,.,; if . - l i! I " -r- - at early this in ruiu , ex ih..tt!e.i ; wi r fe:r:Iio h.rce, i-isn- Pi leiv i wri'etiri'f 'h mill. Txo '-H-.in'.Jy kdJed. :Nimea- ;?;omt. "ol -ix or seven w..te io ily vf.trid.sj, one- of 'f'lom ' f t probtbW ti e. ,:an.,e h ' a; ii yi- tteii'asdiJr.te.i rortdeiirj " ' -I: A ' : in I .-.y ri, !fcr)fiit u rue aaviic. i. Wixa : ja lua, W. T., Matt h H e hr y sf er.l.iy rnrning l HoyH dw h-tiifl biouks on Main idieet, .. JL lie : L - i Hi tUildiiig wt;iv mostly Li but. we i ti ii a giod hajsauty a nd a ere occuhieft 1 by iiuuieroiiststici;ess. il Mif .lildi'jlrs, j Tot.ii h)-e8 $I2o,-' k -?lp,0t)d. Thofeinnins ili.l'.tW'p pet-d M-S ,!l ive b-e:j foitml ;a jtli,y truing ot the;bo3ic8 i ow:i to U t Ili.iSd'a Iilcitr named tit.:ji-r is atj!;:io viL hat o i;t IS fir neendiary. Ueatovalt. i i -i .' t .iy lttidsiaiitt tu lUO. AUvuticM. WAMJt.Nti TON, D. C , Matcli II he fi-Mtidut, to-day directed the Val of dariie.s I), ilron n, Coilei-- - I' ol i li -to a-, at Petersburg; Va , -!'lj iiflmw, Supervising Uiid J.)iiii ' l- : -I- li ! I It 1.Si.'t'rt;i, i'f ji t;Jlii Vf tvei lor 'Ihiitl Liisiricr, vttu ;iii iiicludiH the Atiaii ! j : ii :c: uoa v i p a Cupe Charltw, Va., to " the t'xueiin eadj oi Fior d i. ii 1 rh '. tte ' l.iti fa'tct ea a-ptaitlfil I oii diUe i t I-' ti ta j c.tt a( ti 1 6 tl u' y ti-eai-i,;; o I'Uii: oi i uo -ciiaLtj io liut on hr iii.i U -a oi 'ids iicoet- " :..-" H.. . . hi Kg iiiee i eu-jv.bs.ihe t.iUt.u .ulviiutitge Lr Hi of; .tha ivpdui of the teuu 1-,'e f i l I UijdiCJteil. iifU to Ilio AJva'iu vlurcli , -Trie agent of thv A r.-o it-tl i .s in j Lutlau l.t.4 IJh; , ii it's i riz. tl ?t. th-ny lh.it ki beg d lo t was in aiiy the A t en way Unu. It i ; ? j . l 1 - e 1 ta rh- Ch ii Iiatu na it;. ; : I i vv vin;d --p i Jul i t Mr I, I Dtini.ii)" DeibLvi a ftd l ! it - a in. ?c..'.:' 5 t ; hjutlock's. Ct ",'.: iol U'lute 8'iiu. A 1 U Ut i-upe;- unl, at . .aiTLOCKV.- tad's Drajr Storo for M CJo to - y: fr.h liaUle ( !ard..a S.'od. ! OalyTriv fL'-.uidreth'ii See 1 at v ! I'UMtAM H. Sciin;. iu.1 white, ciearu a.iu ll w 4;- ltd, at WlIlTLOCK'rf. Lrta ir-th a S ' 1 , t f'Ktvif M'f :"l ItC.SiN IXS AVANTJ IT Al 'alf cent A WOitl TOIL I I w a vr ii. L)ST, J.ND nnd HLN'13 In A.a s . i AN I be Da l i.y, A lA'A c i:. ?on sa K. An'-aiJ-,vht;-Mi d v --' yard $'hle, roguhitiorj v' .i'. h it lore-fact ? a grjive-yiitd " lip. A . i ia. regular (ftJgc. blue rlbt' ;tnedal jruanitatet- of" tTxI I it. c Ap- ply at this, (SI X.Y. IV AN teD.A iei- rr .-, ijctable' if boar ors can h i-'j-tunr)- dated with ing to . : j ; H, II. WA Tl irf Olllce. IU. -"Any- t'st jv fiavins W f . l or r- at t hous- with bi ror 10 nient to t uSin js. can pe. go d tei.t car.J Atlya by R idnt-ir r . G' ic-i Oillce. 1- j . j tf AN'TIID. A feu- lii-ro tush iilock's. ttifrs at r- III I :' ' i! I I i ; J I i ! H:: n i' j If, : : ' j t-.-i,.3.,:

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