1 : . - 1 1 . 1 ' . . ' . ! ' - ' ' . . . .I !. ASHEVILLE, NORTH CAHOLIN A SATUE U A.Y MORNING, Mi RCH VOL. VLL N0.63. PRICED CENTS.- (I ;6, 1887. - ;:-,-vr.:: rjc. r i r - ! at AUitU1 advancx omac W CASTES buiu- n3. UULEDIATTLT SOUTH OF I ' " OOCST nousx. AxhevlUe Dally Advance. Pnbnahed rry day la th tt (exeept KockUjJ IoUovIas low nOM s OtTeax. - - , - - V KU Wool a. - - Tfcxe Month, - 2 On HooU: - -' - ; Th Ayac ha the larrt dally Circula tion of any PPr Wat o cWtot t. axd la a : kjm 4TrtilAf BAdlmm. BampU eojdea Mat . re on ppOeuon. Arrival u P9Artmre r ruMipr Trmla. SxLmcxr ArrlTM tO$ p. 5 , .- am and departs Tuiuai-AmTM iuc a. aw VrTiTMTll-l-lrrt TM 8f p. to. and depart i Br a aATYBCXA Antra aiF.m.add (AH W. ItfOKX TO XaTW ADTKSTlSBMDrrm, a. Umjnfin dothinff House. , MTeatber-Indication. Wabhwotojc D. C,' March 25 ViBOUili Colder: fair weather; . weterlj wlod, becoming variable. .: Nobxh aui Bourn OkuoixsjZ Colder; fair weather, westerly winds shifliaxr to soatherlj. TXHHSS3 K3B-Colder; fair weatb er; rariable winds, generally northerly. Hhe Daily AdtaICCK containing the latest telegraph news from all parti of the world can be found on sale at the Battery Park, the Swan nanoa and the Grand Central hotels, and iit the ADYaHUS office, south court square. .' . jSo eooxt to-day. Cpart adjourned yasterday after coon until Monday morning. Mr. T. L. Qaab, of Transylvania, was in the city yesterday Bev. T. M. Myers will preach at Weavervllle College chapel, Sunday evealng, at 8 o'clock. a t The dtixens of Doubleday are getting anxious or the electric light promised them sometime ago. In! the Ray will case, the jury yesterday morning returned a ver dict j in favor of the caveators, which, in efTect, breaks the will, which was the subject matter of the controversy. Mr. D.S. Watson, real estate agent, has had painted and erected at his oflce, over VanGllder A Browns, on of the hanijpomebt njos tractive siens In this city. The work waa executed by Mr. Roirer lavis, scenic painter, of Asheville. Messrs. W. A. Blair & Oo are opening up a large stock of furni ture ii the lower floor of the C. E. Grahaa buUdiog, on Patton Ave nue.f They propose to keep a good assortment ot everything in tbe furniture line. ' Poriune Helton, one of the pris oners who recently escaped from the jail at this place, was arrested yeserdiy at Hot Springs, and the kct communicated to Sheriff Wor ley by wire. He wDl be brought op on the train this worning. Tbe lock of the safe at the Asbe ville Bank got out of order a few daja stnee and could not be opened. An expert from Philadelphia came In response to a telegram from tbe bank,' and after some dif&culty found out the defect and reme died it. It was found that the lever which works the bolts was broken. . - We call attention of our readers to the advertisement of the Balti more Clothing House, No, 10 .Pat ton Avennel This bouse carries a very Urge assortment of goods in the clothing and gents furnishing "dine? Mr. A? P. Chunn, well known .by many of our cltlxens Is with the b.ouse and would be glad to see his sftiends. ' l' , Municipal Ticket. A tteket that represents econo xay, 'and all good citizens will admit havo done more than their share to build up the leading business interests of Aabeville. For mayor, (X C. HcCarthyi for .alderman; E. L. Brown, O. Wr. N. "2Iorgan and Uatt. Chambers. 1" ' A Capitalist. Japao Goodi, etc. Ni'w Spring- stock anlving'at Law'aon Main St. all new style Fan, umbrellam,-: - parasola, em broideries screens, scrolls, leather. tik rends, bambo. metal and shell Cood. i. Porcelains in great variety, rtafcM- dishes, teapots, bowls, -famh fencer, etc Our lines of Frene china, art glass, and ?ottery ad of silver ware are xuu auu wh plets.Bow, Kaon U Tl me wot Is de plsce I can find reliable Garden eed? Ber ?Ttn!ofkora.Ikjinn. Wy doant 7 p,! h.m Drur Store: txiavs JJl tiv . ; - the place. . iArrest and freahat stock Gtrdea X&Wred Xn the rot Oflot IT. Xa woond elaaa matter. Pardoned. We met In the city yesterday morn ing Mr. Lafayette Hopkins, who was on his way home in Ha y wood coun ty from the; Albany penitentiary, where he has! been for the past sev enteen months. Hopkins, together with his brother and 'four or five other men, were sent to the peniten tiary by Jndge Dick in November 1835, for counterfeiting He was sen tenced to five years, but two yean cf the sentence was remitted, and through the continuous efforts of his friends to obtain a pardon for him, he was enabled the first of this week to return to his home In Haywood. His brother died at the penitentiary during the month or January. I . City Council Last Night, The regular weekly meeting of the city council was held at the al dermen 8 rooms last night. Prea- ent.'his honor mayor E. J. Astoo: aldermen, Btnkin, Murray, Goren'j flo. Scott and Gildwood. Tho i,noffrn nf nrwninrr a TlflW street from Walnut to Starnes St across by the new PenUnd build ings, was discussed and finally laid over nntil a future meeting. A. T. Summey, Esq., was ap pointed city register for the com ing municipal election. A committee was instructed to make anaugemeuts at earliest mo ment for having Main street anil i Patton Avenue pprinkled duriug he summer. Aldermen, Gird wood, Gorenflo and Scott, were appointed a com mittee to have the fountain erected 0U the court hus pqnare. Personal. . Harry T. Bum bough, of Ilot aw.lww to tn ta if t- anil nra am , T i . i pleased to learn, contemplates lo- A. . , - r eating nere ior iuo purjiuso ui piau ticing his profession the law. Hon. Bjron Weston, ex-Lieut. Governor of Massachusetts, Hon. Henry W. Taft, clerk of the courts of Berkshire county, Massachusetts, and Col. Jas. W. Hull, treasurer ol the Berkshire Life Insurance com pany, of Pittffield, Massachusetts, are stopping. at the Battery Park. We had a call yesterday evening from Mr, IJ. W; Link, adv-mce agnnt for Huff-nan's Dime Show, who was In the city trying to make jirrange- menta to exhibit here next week After inVeetfgatiDg the matter of taxes, he poncluded that $25,00 for each performance was a. i(tle steep for him. IICLKCID uicaocu nuuaio " I f rr?ir frrtm Mr Wm R Mp(Va- dy, of Xew York. - r To (Voile I ilJ-r- ,r4U) I is an importer and trader of . thor oughbred Jersey catrle, and not a dairyman as printed in our cnlomus yesterday. lie is highly delighted with Asbeville and will spend some time here. He says that our peo pie cannot realize what a wonder ful country and climate we have and that Asheville has a gerat fu ture. : - Atlanta, Asheville & Baltimore Kail road The meeting of tbe Incorporators of the Atlanta, Asheville & Bal'i mbre BiIroad company, ad vertiod to take place yesterday, not beng attended by a quorum, a citizens meeting was called at the office of Messrs. Atkinson $ Cocke, in which quite a number of bus'mes-t men took part. Capt. M. J. Fagg was .made chairman and Bobt. M. Fur- man, Esq., Secretary, Capt. T. J. Powril, of Kew. Yoik, I who is represeniiug a luro uu wealthy syndicate, was introduced to the meeting, fie stated that be was here for the purpose of making eome arrangements In regard - to getting bold of the charter of tbe A. A. & B. B. B, and if he could do so without being restricted too math, he felt confident be conld . 12 1 A make all the necessary arrange ments for the construction of the road and that work wou'd be com menced within ninety days. Mr. E. B. Bawls introduced a resolutiod, reqoasting the incorpor ators to consider the proposition of Capt. Powell favorablv. Other gentlemen also urged that tbe pro position should have all the en couragement possible. Much Interest was shown by . all present for the building ql this road to Asheville. A meeting of the incorporators was called for the . 8f h of next month, at which time the charter will most likely be turned pver to Capt. Powell. Our people are deep ly interested iu tbe building of an other line of railroads to this city, and we are confident that they will offer every . inducement t iu . their power to h7d the enterprise come the contempt case. The RpoDdentg Fined ' Two - Thousand Dollars Each, and Sentenced to Jail for - - Two Months. j tub CASE TO BE CAEEIED THE SXJPBEME COURT. TO! In the Saperior court yesterday morning His -Honor, Judge J. F. Graves, rendered his -judgment in the case of W. H. Deaver and A. O. Patterson, charged with con tempt of court, the particulars of which are well known to the public The remarks of His Honor in pronoiiuciDg ;his judgment, em bodied a maguificent vindication of the majesty of the law, and re-i ceived the encomiums of the bar and people. r A nobler utterance has rarvly fallen from judicial lips I in any iana or age. lie revieweu I tOB Di6t0rT' OI tUfe WUC Ol Ha06iS corpus and referred to the great resect ia which it was held by the courts of the present day. His Honor announced that he was fully satisfied from the evidence j in the case that Chas. Goodlake was in tbe custody of tbe respondents, aud that thoy should have pro duced his body before the Court iu obedience to the writ, but that, as GhodlakH was now without the jurisdiction of. the court, J and it bt-iug a matter of impossibility for theua to produce his body now, he would uqt iuiprisson them until be , was produced, but taafc be would require that they prisoned in the common be im jail bl Buncombe county for the .term of I two months, aud each py anuool I two thonsaud dollars. From this judgment the respondents appealed to tbe Supreme court, and peuding the appeal were allqwed to give bond iu the sum of five tbousmd dollars each. The bods were im mediately given,' and the matter will -be investigated by the Su poem e court. In reudering his judgment, Judge Graves tqak qccasjou to re fer to the conduct of Sheriff Con uer, and tated that, after due de liberation, he had considered the matter of huch grave importance that he had laiU-tL fiaui.beirtt the chief Jblxecutive or tbe state. He believed that proceedings should at once be instituted agaiust . i - rr - 1 l . ik I t r IcUDl'SSCe COU1U UOt UUUlu iu ic- I , . ! . IU50 lO auuw mill uiuugu u aoa. iu i . . . .. .'. I fhw Khite to Hnsjrer ior tne erave ha u.,ri -Mmmif.ti.rt mrinRt. fjur.iiiin uv vvuiwivvvu the laws oi Kqrtl) garolina. Much svmoathy is felt and ex- pressed for the respondeat Deaver aud Patterson, it b -iug the almost uuiver.al opinion that, if j guilty at all, it is only technical, aud that they intended no disrespect to the mandate of the court, itr. Pat terson is deputy Sheriff of this county, and Mr. Deaver is chief of the Piuion . .Detective ! Agency. Both proved excellent characters on tbe trial and are wpll known in this commuuity. ! " The case is one of great impor (Krrauce and interest and its final result is awaited with anxiety. Another paptory. . The Tuchaseegee Lumber Com pany, we uuderntand, has pur chased a lot at the dpot, nortb si ie of the Asheville Furniture Factory, on which the company I will erect a large sasb; door and blind factory. Tuis is auother en terprise that will be well patronized in Asheville. ' i i THE BALTiMOBE HOUSE. This is an absolute and undenia ble fact, that the Baltimore Cloth iucr House. No. 10 Pattou Avenue. ia rbe only exclusive Clothing and Genta' Furnishing Go ds house in Western North Carolina, carrying a coniDletw aud full hue. We will also haven a few days a . full varie- tv of Hats, in Stetson, Duolap aud other penult bf-ands. j We pay no . fabulous piQttt, lelng manutactnr-1 ldUW . 1 ... ' i ' I ers, ana win seu you so iu iu- duce you to alveavs come to see ns when in need of any article in our line. We have just received a large assortment oi samples irom arinfh wm ijin Relent in rasft wb can not suit you in stock. In taking your orIer for a suit we guarantee J a uerlect fit aud a saving of money. Earl & vvilson collars and cuffs always in stock. Come and see us. Bespectfully, mr25:2t fl" KAFMAN. A SCOBCHER." Pel ham'a drug-store is the only nlace in AHbeville where yon can get Landreth Ganlen seed, and the farpets, etc at fixed and reason nly firm in Asheville that burns able prices. - 1 oilseed left over from the paat H. Ekdwood & Co., leason. I Noa. 7 aud 8 Pattoa Aveaua, CAEDINAIj GIBBONS ! BAITIMORE'S AKCIIBISHOP jlADE A FULL CARDINAL ! AT HOME YESTEKDAY MOKNING. xuc uuuincci-iuusuitti vuuu ty Officials are Embezzlers - of Large Amounts.A -S'l. Schooner Ashore. A Jealous Lover's Dastardly Re venge. A Negro Fiend Pays the Penalty. Train Tele scoped in Ohio. J A DUCHESS PliACED IAN IN SANK ASYLUM. FOREIGN NETTS, MABKET S1CPORTS, &C; Another Schooner Sunk. i By Telegraph to; the Advance. . PhiladelphiAj'Pa., March 25. -The schooner! Mod tar, from Damariscotta, Maine for Norfolk, sprung a leak on the 23rd instant, during a gale from N. W. Fen wick Island, bearing about. N. W., dis tant 45 miles, capsized and sunk. Tapt. Crosby and a crew of five men were rescued by the schooner, Henry Souther, from Savannah, and landed here to-day. Captain Crosby reperts nothing saved. A Villain Hanged. B Telegraph to the Advance. ,; Memphis, 'Tenn., March 25. Amos Johnson, (col.,) aged 40, was hanged this afternoon, at Marion, Ark,, for outraging a l;U'e white child only eight years old. The crime was commit t?d last December, and he was convicted by a jury of his own tolor. He confessed I.LLI3 I forenoon, and mad s a harangue from the scaffold r Fully 1,500 persons, mostly colored witnessed the execu; tion. His neck, was broken by the fan; . r- i;-rv-- Short in Their Accounts. - OlfJAGo, 111., fiarch 423. A sptcial from Ottawa, III., says; "The committee appointed by the I.. t. a3 I I t-Un. onxnnriI AT flnnntlr . Hi riaru I luo wuui-o vi wuuvj viuw.c, K,,.;tf, . unir ronnrt tn fhA hrtarfl I nuumn kuue. ivv.-.v .-v v. . ' J i A I vesieruay, aim ii wois i auuuicu. ThA nnmmittee fined P. W. Stock- - 'l steger, ex county clerk short $22,- 000: A. T. Bartles, ex-probate clerk, short 110,000; S. W. Bay- inond. ex-county treasurer, short 9 . $25,000, and ex-sheriff Milligan, short 19,000. ! j ; " The Duchess of Cumberland In- sane. 1 ' By Telegraph 10 the Advance. Vienna, March 25.--The Dochess of Cumberland, who has become mentally affected, has on the ad vice of Professor Brunen been plac ed in Leidesdorfus ' private lunatic asvlum at Oberdolyng. Professor Branen certified that it was unsafe to keep the Dutchess at home. The Duchess, of Cumberland is a daughter of the King of Denmark. She was married to the Duke of Cumberland in 1875, and has had five children. a Jelous Lover's Horrible Deed. By Telegraph to the Advance. Yotjngsto"wn, On March -25 -Mis A. 1 Hancock, aged -17, was oTirtf. rloa.fl lsf. niffht hv T5hnerer . ' , uttxi at-n.iTr.iiri I Stanyayd, a neighbor, Stauyard is a wortniesc ieiiow au aiu iu ue . . . . . I weak-mlnded. He i was j in love with Miss Hancqck, hut she had; rer nnlsed his advances, and refused to see him. Last evening as she was passiDg Stanyard's rgate, in companv . with "Wilbarn Knox, a rival of Stanyard, the latter who wa3 COncealed behind the gate, , n . without warcinff. r, . . . ll - Ho fired six times in raoid succes- r , - j . . sion, anu mtj was mumuugu the head. One ballet j "narrowly ml8S0d Knox and another struck sued Stanyard but the assassin es- caped. ' : I Owing to sickne s ; among bis l charge. Bev. Dr. Carroll did not attend tbe meeting of the directors of Judson College yesterday, as was announced, ... j ; A choice stock of Clot hing, Shoes, I Mhis, ury uooas, irancy uooas, fAL CITY. Cardinal Gibbons Takes Formal Possession of His ! Titular Church -Santa Marie. (Bjr Telejrapi to the Advance. Rome, Marchs25. It Was just half past ten o'clock this morning the day of the Sacred Feast of theAn- nunciatson. when Cardinal James niKKnnn U S -1 . 1 .11! - arrived at the iron gates' of the por- tico of the basilica of Santa Marie, in the Transteyere, for the purpose of formally taking possession of , it as his titular church. He was arrayed in the splendid robes of a cardinal, wearir.g a white fur cape, crimson silk mantle at djlong train. When he reached the door of the church he knelt upon the cushion placed there. On a strip of carpet the canons be longing to the chuich and the stu dents; of the American College in Borne, wearing surplices, were wait ing for the archbshop. Student Stickri, of Cincinnati, : was cross bearer, and the acolytes carrying candles were students Doherty, of Baltimore, and Shea, of Cincinnati. Bishop3 Keane, of Richmond, Va., and Watterson,;of C5oIuabus, Ohio, were with the canons waiting, Stu dent Reardonr of Baltimore, bore the crucifix. Cardinal Gibbons when he approached the church was accom panied by lit. :Rev. John .Ireland, bishop cf St. Paul, Minn.,' and b master of ceremonies Marucci and othersi The Cardinal after knealin sr. Kis&ea ma crucinx wnicn was pre sented to him by a canon wearing a cape. The Cardinal then put on his beretta and placed the ineense in the thimble. . He then again bared his hed, took a spersorium from the canon who had presented the crucifix and signed himself with the sign of theOoss. Then replacing th beretta ho asperged the people present with Holy Water, after which he again removed his beretta, and was thrice incensed by the canon, the choir in the meanwhile singing ttje antiphon 4,Ecce Sacrerdos Magnus." After be ing thas incensed, the procession moved to the altar followed by the Cardinal, who blessed the people as Vio won f ' o !rncf sammonf ' nraa orl ministered ana an Knelt in prayer ; -1. tj ' ,i -ii t n for a short while, The "procession next went Jo the high altar. There the Cardinal knelt, and the canon re cited the "Pater Nosier" and other? prayers. In the apse a throne with a white back and crimson canopy, had een placed; Tne Cardinal seated hi m 3el f on the throne, t he bishops and priests in attendance being seated about him. Prothonotay Mgr. Per- ecole thereupon read in Latin, the . ... . . j. . . - ...nl Kill aodinnlnni fhA nknmk rf pjjai um oigumg jud mv,u ,w Santa Marin, in thft Trans fvm. tn , . - na rrlinol fiihhftnfl'w hla HtnlaV nhnwk viu.u1...UmvUU-u;m v-.vu This bill was a long document and recited : at length the nature of 1 the i assign ment, of - the government, custody and annexed privileges, of the Basilica. AlYer the reading of the bill the canons went forward to the throne, and all but the chief canon knelt and kissed the Cardinal's hand,', the Cardinal rising to receive from the chief ranon the kiss of peace. An address from the canons to the Cardinal was then read in Latin, by canon Francisco Ardini, and was of great length, To this. Cardinal Gibbons remainr ing seated, responded with an elo quent address ; this, voice was strong and ringing; each word he said was distincly heard. Although he spoke under the ; disadvantage ot S being seated behind the altar, his voice rose, towards ' the conclusion of his address, which was pronounced magnificent. The choir ; new effect ively render fd Te Deum" set to splendid music, after which the Car dinal went to the altar and the papal indulgence of one hundred days was read, jh Latin. .The Cardi- nai then Diegsea ine peopie assem bled. The church was - occupied largely by . Ampricans and distin- gufehed visitors' to Ronie,dnring the f a. liivesiuuio bcicuiuuicr. xuauuiuuu to the Americans, French and-Italians who packed the body of the church, a number of Boman men, women and children of 'the, peasant class were present. v : J Another Railway Accidents '. By Telegraph to the Advance. , PiTTSBUBft . Pa March 25.-A railway accident occurred about one o'clock! this ;: morning, near Letonia, Ohio, on the Pittsburg. Foit Wayne A Chicagq Bailway, by whch one person, was killed and. a number of passengers ii)jnred The express train which left Chicago iu the morning had reached "Letonia. There Is a heavy :grade; at", this: poin t, . and j the. rkUrrlnaor rl!errkvorArl thflf thair-hraVa . r - ? t'--A vi. train aud while examining ! it, the freight train 'inie along and crashed into the rear, and completely teie scoped tne steeper ana passenger car. Engineer Win. BealL of Allegheny, who was underneath, the engine at the time fixing the brake, was horri bly crushed and died almost instantly Landreth'i Bead t PstitAtt'l THE ETEB2 STEAMEE SCOTIA ! ASHORE AT BLUE POEST STA TION, L. L CARGO AND ?. PASSENGERS WILL BE i SAFELY LANDED. ; v More News from the Great 'Der I . . : r iniDak0ta.-3ir. Cham- , j v berlayne Wants a Bace. . i i i -The HOffan Horror To-Day's Doings at the National : -'' i' ' ' f - :'.- :' ' ' f i Capital. News from the Cor-' 1 i . .J-- H :,h. ): ' . onet. A Tobacco Factory Ii i Burned in S. C. I rBmCDB BISMABCK'S PEACE TUT I TEBANOES in the BEICH- I" i j i - ... I i ' . ' X-V:i STAG, ETC., ETC ; !:;:: Tobacco Factory Burned. By Telegraph to the Advance. vasttLiBSTun, o. v., aiarcu zo The fobacco foctory of Miller A Bob- tnson. at Salisbury; was burned this uwihiuS, uu3B uver iuf uranre. j-i. is supposea toac it , was an incen - diary fire. Mr. Chamberlayne and the Cup. R I C By Telegraph to the Advance. London, March 25. Mr. Tanker yille rhamberlay ne,o wner of the cut ter yacht Arrow, and holder of t he Queen's Cup, writes to -the ITlmes A. t a. a a k .... - xnat ne new tne Arrow naa no title to the yacht championship, and. that he offered the cup lor competition merely to induce American yachts men to send over their best vessels. Hfl ftava ftlsh; thnf. hi HAbrinlnaftnn to offer thfi run was rlnn tnoiUelra fr I arouse interest in "one of our noblest sports." The loss of the cup," con- tinues Mr. Chamberlayne, wilt be to me as the loss of a valuable heir- loom, but I trust the sacrifice will be productive of good result.. If my conditions, whio.h am nnf nnArnna conaitions, which are nor onerous, are agreed to, a match between the Arrow and the American sloop May flower will corrie off." I lloffai? IWs.ZIja Wife and Then Jumps from the Window. New Yoek, March 25.-Jas. Ho, gan,rdriver of an ice wagon, fatah Jy hurt his wife this morning with a hatchet, then jumped out of a - window and was killed by the fall to the sidewalk. The couple have been married fourteen years, and had six children .all of which died. Mrs. Hogan's mind has been un balanced for some time by her be- reavement, and yesterday both husband and wife passed the day iu religeoua frenzy praying all day. The tradegy appeafantly occured when the couple were preparing to rise for the day. The other occu pants of the house who were rising heard sounds of muffled blqws aud crashing glass and Hogan's body falling to the sidewalk, v ! To-Day's Washington News. ; : By lelegraph to tbe Advance. Washington, D 0., March 25. - The President has appointed Leonard S. i Dillard postmaster at Oxford, Miss... - - vv. .;:.,: ;.. ! ' V. Acting Secretary Fairchild is in formed that Secretary Manning ar rived at Queenstown in good health, at.d that he stood the rough passage across the Atlantic very well, j Col. W. P. Canaday, SergeanU-at- Arms, of the U. S. Senate, who was severely hurt by his horse falling upon him last Friday, Is Improving. Dr. John B. ! ; Hamilton, Surgeon General of the Marine Hospital Ser vice, who" is attending him, found It necessary yesterday to set - his ankle in plaster of Paris. He says Col. Canady will out of bed in a few days. 'i J ; The Budget frm Berlin, : . Telegraph to the AdTance. . i' Beklin, March 25. -In the Beich- stag yesterday, three, motions were introduced by the Conservatives and Centerists, in favor of the re-estab- lishmeht of the trade corporations. They were referred to committee. The Fmperor and Empress spent yesterday morning in exchanging visits with the Queens of Boumania and Saxony and others. A musical soiree was given last evening at the palace; at which 260 guests, includ ing the Prince of Wales, were pres ent. Visitors are gradually leaving, and the city is assuming its usual asnect. The Taablatt says that w . Prince Bismarck's precise words at the recent banquet were: "Peace Is completely assured ; the year 1887 will be a year of peace : there Is no cause for anxiety iu the east ox ia th9 MM A Tale of Danger and Desolation from the Northwest. By Telegraph to the AdTnee.J Bismarck, Dak., March 25.-The DAKOTA'S ' DELUGE.' water fell two feet Wednesday but ' was rising again yesterday. The wa ter In NVashburne is ten feet above the high watermark of 1831. whlla I SS! 11??' 'M V' va j in mat inuro is a gore oe- f1? nd:Wa5hburnef-and whn that ten feet of water comes it will make . a flood surpassing-any previous recortr.i There isanrosnect for the ice in Heart. river hn about the, time the . upper .gorge 1 breaks, and if it does, Mandan will be afloat. ..The steamer, Tompkins, which was crushed In the Ice was the . property of j the Kanea Transport- " tion Co., and. its ruin just as. navlga-1 ; tlon is openinir, is a heavy; Io.;;The ' Nortbernf PcI6 shops' at Mandan are still flooded. D. M. Kennedy, ' his wife and three childrenare' hild ' - J on Sable t laud by the flood,' and for : (six, daysbiaye ; been ;- living 'on such al rood as they saved from the water. 4 ' There is no hope of rescuing them, until" XhX flood subsides,' and their " friends aradhtracted. They" cab be " seen tliroiigh; field-glasses, occupying a nest' built In! the' limbs, of treoa. over three miles from the shore. w The Northern Pacific Railroad man- agers have given up all hope of ie i ujuviuz ineKOlge Dy InO USO Ol uvn 1 amite, ai&d cannot pay -' when . thev will be able! to ship freight across the rive". Passengers are being trans ferred by boat, A party of twoive , persons, - while attempting to cr)3S from. Mnndan .Wednesday, r were, driven by the wind and loo into a willow thicket and passed the night j there, rudmentarPy expecting deuth.' I m f l mey were lescued Thursday fore noon: Probably the Coronet. ,' fBy f elefirraih to the Advance.l JiOSTON Mass., March ' 2.1. The - . .. J . ' . Steamer Kansas, which arrived ffom 'Wyrpool to-day, reporlH (hat on" ; March 10th. in lHfcitnflM llMO north 1 long 43:10, west, 133 miles ; Last of &Av ttA1 t!..iio.v ,i I W w. . .w-WVB America! yacht, hi, couhl . be! discovered,- . t ..wh,icuk '.' I' ' a - - - leu as near as showed tbe 1 letters kj u. j. k.. bound east. The' vesiel signalled la without doubt the yacht Coronet, whose lettenTarls-Kr D. G. B. which maV have.ea lv ben jUtlcn forth letters giteh by thelKaus.iSr-TTle a3. making good speed, vltP a strong westerly wind. TUo Scotia . Aslioro. ' 4 rBylje'egr, t loe Advance. J . Fine - Island. March 25. The French st jamer Bcotia la ashore.near Blue Point Station,' L. f. fifteen' miles-east of here.--The lite saving' people balre"gotten'a line to her, but; owing to he heavy surf, have not' hPAn'aKlo tn'te anutitm. In Ia,' ... !. of UklDg off , Ir, ,one thousand Italian emTgTant3 on board. The Bcotia is a t crew, brig- rigged stdimer, S25 feet in;, length, . 40 feet Injbreadth andi 3. . ft-et In depth,. She was" built at , Lelth- Scotland, jin 1881, "and is -owned by . Cyprien, Fabreolb ' & Co., of . Mar-'" seilles. ' ' '"'J - : :' "!' 1 The p.isengers on the ' stranded steamer Scotia, bad been : trans- ' r ferred tor that steamer at Naple. from thej French steamer Bur gandia, which was damaged in a collision with ' the Man-of-Wlr, Ifaliaj" as she was leaviDg Naples on February 17th. ; Her cargo con-, sists of ifcal.'anlproduco. ' ' ' I New Yoek, March- 2.1 The ' agent of? be Fabreolo line la this " city has received a dispatch ' from' Capt. Huffet,"of the wrecked steam- 1 er Scotia;' now on! the beach fifteen' J "' miles east of Fire Wand, that the passengers were all safe and would be sent on to New York on to-mor- row's vessel. ' '' . X- . . Stock 31arket. . , By Telegraph to the Advance! . , v , - ' . i New Yobk, Mai ch 23 -rThe stock market barely, firm :this morning; at the, opening, though, a. (air pro portion jof ,the list ? showed slight . advances over las evenings' figures and Hocking, .Valley., was up.J. The maiket was moderately active, though the bulk of, the business was confined to six or eight stoclcs, among which Beading. Lake Slibre, Lackawanna Fort' -Wroth' " Deli ver and Atlantic & Pacific were most conspicuous. The: market was .'firm in early dealings and slight ad vauces estabtfibed a tn6 general clist; hotuFort Worth- & Denver; gained 3 1 pereatr To ward the end;, ofthe .hopr there wa le8s "activity andpric.es yielded slightly, but a firm tone lemained, and at 11 o'clock j themarket. was moderately active and steady. Yellow and White Onion Seta at - : I ", . . i " .- tTJ SI , . ... , - r'

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