ASHE VI LLP DAILY ADVANCE. !vm vit vn k ' AKIIKVII I.K. NOHTII OAKOMNA. WKDNtSUAY HORNING. AVMt, (::. PRICK o CnSNTR I I v '1 Kmxrl I 4 ta mum, AOVAivcr omen in caktkji nui- WO. 1M M KDIATSXY BUCTV OF COCKT UOCtL Aihevllle Daily Advance, rtuh4 tt far t Molt) M t SrfiOTUk; krw i Oa Yr, - - . Ms Mmiw, . . . Tie MosiU) - - IM IT .0 IUuurf'-ArTlfM U p. u4 vri Y-M m, mm. I iTiutiu Ast1t k . B. pru ! a. i arAATBCBAJTle Sell.. m4 f 10101 TO NKW AUTUTMMUm . E. II roLLocx.-WnteJ. D. T. Mill mo. Notlce- f The DAU.T Adtance containing I the latest telegraph news from all parts of tbe world can be food oo sale at tbe Battery Park, the Swan . . . ..! I. I u wit - rarity and experience are the telling poinU in the Drag basi nee, We have both of these oo oar tide at Pelbam'a Pharmacy, itone oat the purest mtdcie are employed f at oar rDarmacy, and we bare tba i most libertl eiperience to rccom- mend ai to the implicit confidence of the poblic V. E. Pklham, : 43 a Main at, AahetUIe, I. C. At EtabrokV22 booth Maia St, yoa will find a firt claas line of Book, Stationery, Artiata ila-1 terial. EoirraTlnra and Pictareldry under the proviljn of tbe Frames. Blank Books a specialty, I Easter Curds of tue best makes, in I I : .1. ttr v I U. v lews, i-nowgrspDic ana w w-M ae M a. . J I pamieo, consxanuy on naou, ai made 16 order. Lessons giren la AVASmaaToy, D.C. April 11 Virginia- lair weather, cooler; fol lowed by alowly rUioz temper a- I tore, light variable wind. . j JfortixiCanIina-liihtly cooler, a I t m litfvKr aei ai Mrinla Tenneeee fair weather, slight chance in temueratare: Tanable winds generally fromeaax to sooth Farmers are baay at work. The good work of improvement goea bravely on. Mr. E. Byerly, has erect eU a steam saw afd grut mill at Wea- vervllle. The excitement at Wearerrllle over the municipal election is not so great as usaal. : , We long to see the hage pile of brick finally disappear from the pablio aqaare. It baa been an eye sore for many months. See notice of sealed proposals by D. T. Millard, Sanitary Inapector. j rbica will be found In another eclamo of to-day's paper. - j w. v-.K-.i-i a..! . citizen of Leicester township, died suddenly at his home in that sec tion of tbe county Monday. DrT W. L. Reagan, of Ivy, Drs. J Weaver and Ileran ol Weaver-1 wilU h.r- rooa the meetinr of Che State Medical Aaaodalioa at Charlotte. Our neighboring town of Header-1 sonvUle will have an exciting man!- eipal eletttoo this year. Tbe present I mayor, Mr. A- K. Posey, and Mr. I Wesley Justice are the candidates I for mayor. Tbecounty commissioners' of lien-1 dexson county ha v ordered an uon in tae town or neooeraoovuie, to be held tbe first Monday in Jane, on the question of wet or dry. bo says the Times. The State Medical Society will meet at Charlotte to-day. Dr. J. A-Eeagan, Jr, of Uadlaon, ira. "UiiuBswn auaxy,w am- cey paaaed throaga the city en route to this meeting, they being members of the society. Messrs. U. Q. Ewsrt, W. A. Smith, W.O.B. Morris, A. Caa non and others will 'address the people ol Headers in coaaty, at rartoas times aod pLaoes between this time aod the day of election on the sub ect of tbe Mud Creek j Drainage Bill. It Iseoafldently U- lieve! that the Issuing of the bonds will be approved. (few Line. How mady, a com piste new line of White (Jramte (ot hioeeCbJaa) fiae aha pea not eaaly chipped or broken I A and ored at a very low price Mee 1 It before boring wehsvea full line mi uns I of hotel ware now salwlil esll as cioweMUortheni bou-ca. We have an imtpeuae stork of beat l1tM lZldK(y , , ' ., Tkerewa do oemrreiie In lh Viator' curt yrterdj frvoi which an Iteai cooM U f.Klt.J. j Wkiiiw i. -.iwi hta larg pHnff ami turn m !. Iiokoet-for tWt announcetieot in next 8ubdaya Daily Arv?n k. , Alderaaan Murraj, beklea beiug a moat faithful oOoer, alo make a naeful man In the rapacity of atreet aaperlnte odeot. He I bow log food JaJfmeot la mark of the atreet Improvement pvf on in oar city. It baa been Mfeted 1J mny tbat a toAu xr.r 1 1 o uf our citi acoa be called the lt of tbia week for tbe parpoe of nominating a municipal ticket. It i only a lit tle orer two work a ontil tbe elee- tkm. The tri-at amount of work d'n aJoo; the mad betvn thU city and A very'a Orek, nmviiiCHit u iter day that the fnnr have not lit lloklnr.o womUlnr. We heard a geu tie man say ye btrdav tbat he voo'.l tv lr l mo-t auy one f r tnaur and aldrr mao If be mould pled,; bia-aelf to keep the present lee lorre. II aid tbat AheviII L.i.l the iM-.t police force to it uumbera he LaI eter aeen an f where. We were informed yesterday by one of the active prohibition work era that petition will t preuented to the Iloard of rommiMoorr at I the ILiy meeting, asking for an election on the question of wet or funeral option law. , l a aaaA n a I loomlog up M m Trrj- pf0UbIe can- dllUu, fuP m,vor. j Iy vuiiutui viiuru vi iiuiusiiuri in Tjilr. ( - - - n - - , Capt. M. i:. Carter and Cba! A. Moore, Eq will atart to 1UI? eirh tomorrow or ueit daw to a -4 lend the Sapreme Court. Wouderful Kprlugs. Tbe . lt Prandial mineraJ springs near WearerTille has ad ded to its daima for totorkty. Dr. W. Y. Win, who hi cWly obeerred tbe ecctawftbte and studied its Tirtues, aays that in addition to ita being a wonder- i ful aid to ditietioo. and appAr- Plor dyu, it has alao beep dirorerrd to be an emsaensgogue. Tfcis posipiy win be something entirely new iu the way of mineral waUr. New. Not Advice, Needed. There Is a newspaper correspond nt In this city who s alwaya glad to rlean the 11 eut nw of eveer ort frxMa ever wjuroe, but he uxi to think that In the matter of advice a to what heahould Ulegraph and what be should not telegraph he geta more than his share, and Intimate that such advice ta usually watd, aud that he knows how to attend to hi own bualneaA, and will coetlnue to report facta as they oonje to his knowltde according to hi own d. cr - tlon, regardlea of tho opinion of selfODfttltuted advlaers andcenavra. Tar and Feather D imwnooTHia ia aj nTe oeen iniormeu mat me good eople of upper Cane creek, in Buncombe county, bare, at last beoume Indignant over the opera- Itionaofthe Mormoa elders, who have iofeatej tbat eection for elec-jtTeraj years. An organization, rnrwrlr m.A. h.. effrrtl fwr-w""-" i - for the ex pal ion of theae peU from their neighborhood. They have been ' ootifletf, in writimg, to leave at once, and, ante they do so, it Is reaaonably certain tbat tar and feathers wUI U employed uU Ikct retort" Thespians. We are giad to state tbat tbs sick one are well again, aud that on .the 21st, the Taeopiao Club will urely appear i a their play of H)ue lluudred Year Ago," The play is one of liakrr'a very beat, aud l Thespian' have worked hard u make a grand auc of their eutertainmrnf, and we have na bot that everi body will be tdeaaed. Ihe eotume lor lata play were ordered from New York, and are here, and they say. that yoa will mi a rare treat if you do w not attend the terfortuuce on tha 31st. The scat are giug rpdi j 21st. ir .... 7. . .7 V " ' soon, sli vt lb Ut wdl U Ukeu. Uo U e lh Tbepiau, aud hcip foo.lcaaae.audoas that neda ) ll'l NH IV WljlOX. ' Annual Meeting the North 'itnllii Hlte ellt Hoele- j M t tnrllte Tlhf. OnARI,'TTlt, N. April 12 The. annual coiTentSn of toe of 1 North l!n in a 8te Mislir;l So i j -ciety, will fmmence in thl city to m.-rnw. It I ne f the jarget ocietiea of the kinl In theoth. Atnt one hindred belora are now regierel -tl the vifu hotel, and probl4j not le than two hnndrel will W prent, with eral 1:'i oguinhed piyieiana from the iieichlrinir State. Mj Dr. Iluuttr Muire, of U'rh motnl. Va , Dr. Anew, f !'hla delp'i'a. Va , U ati, e. te. The i nitt. ifiT t irt h l. t tu eeioo here today, and .t'iot tenT fire tirf dK'toi j i 1 lx licetie.l t pr4tu-o. Under th. State lw, no d octor can 'practice hi profe-Mion iti thi S'Afei without a liren from thi aocietv. The "Cietf will b given a I4nqut to morrow mhtbvthe re-i.lfnt Uy iciri and rttireti. j ' X. Z. V. New Comer wnd New Knter- priM. . te nail trie -iiieasare of a call jeteidy frtn Mri W. (X Keller, a oungmau from San Fran CIimk Call lorn l a, who ha dec'ded to nuke A"hrville bin future-home, andtoengjge iu bu"inea among na. He ha eca red the new aud handsome ntttre rotim belonging to Mrs. K: F. Alexander, aituate on Patton avenue, adjoining the new clothing etore, tid will- on or alut the flrt of Mav oten out a lull and cmilele utock of china, nckery, gla wre aud lamp gMHl4. lie will -aIa manuiacture hete, and constantly keep ou hand galvanizrd-irou cornice for building at price that will compare favorably ith other marketa. This is a new enterprise for oar mountain city, and we welcome this enterpriaiag gentleman to our baines comma- nur. The Grand Central. The aiecial correspondent of tbe Atlanta CoajfiatMa, has thU to eay of the Grand Ceutral hotel of this city: Tbis boue is one of the inott pntmineut an I poular boteU in Western North Carolina. The Loue ia nrat-claai in every particu lar, with all modern improvement.- and appliance, iucluding a nrt Uaa French cook, thui eoabhug the tab e enr.oe to be unequa led by auy hou- iu the State. The proprietor of thin tavortie hostelry are S. 1L CLedeter and non, who have a livery n table iu conuec tiouaitbthe hotel, from which a 'but hue ia run to all train. The hotel ia haviug au addition put to it acroa the street, aud writ con uect with the hotel proper by ui'aua of au it on bridge. The iew dditioii will cot lU.UOU. There were 9,000 guetta legiatered at tbe Graud Crutrai dun eg the past fear. Will Prote Hi ltlgbt. ; Cue of the compotitori in this office yeUrday incited the follow iug le'ter, which t-ipUius itself. We give it rereafiM it hlcftit ei vut4tim: "A4--10"lb47. Mr. .i i ir you will pie. ftd-veni-e lor uie. tneM liur to uiy Iri'Ud and the Irieud uf Mu ktary llawkena that 1 will be in Abbeville iu a lew day and prote by A legal Athority of Uw that I had a rue to make rniaji tuary Hawkeua uiy eife if it u ted me aud her aa oou a- 1 ct iuy buiica Hit 1 will bolu aheville your truly D.T.- Itlaa-kweU A New Ticket. : WbatdtJ tbe citueus of Ahd vitle thiokof thia ticket fof uuuici al .filr. j For Mayor E J A.tod For Aidt-racu-J. Vr. Sruea, F. M. Miller, C. T. IX Dtake. LiUlkkU. bevcu Duller Sluilgege. Wo he-iX that a iuau' hou aud farm u to be sold at the court house uoa Uader Uioltgage lor a debl of Scteu dollar. builthhcld Haud-aime. liua of SwUi Em- l.r. .i.lri u in l .1 ii r I ...rliriLr FaMiiUu. aid Al-Uve;. Jal lu t4117jA d, kf, d 2oa FI.OUIDA FLAM US ! Tim qCAtST OLD tuwx ttr sr. Auotrrixi: vtsiri i IIV A $200,000 IILAlt vrTiinnAv. ' I . ff the Tlie Anti IrohtlttIonit Lone SUr Slate to Hold a Coimntimi tin ih ith of Neit Month. Twenty. Ave JIaked 3len Knter the Jail at Hip!? Mississip pi, and 8hjot a Murderer to I Ma th lu Ills Oil. MASK KT BEPORTS, i"I OTIIKR JliW OF OkXKBlL I5TEBKST A!f I IMfOBTllICK, ETC. The Strike at ImfiarittMll. My Tirpp K IM S ItM- y y . ItlAX ro M, II-, April Jl-. The . Jourreyrnen carpenter f In dinnapolH, at a mee'Intf heMj lt nUht, d-termlnwl to rlk. '(here aro 1M) of them, ami, more building ure In progress ihtn. at any time for many year, .MrricwH trouble will lC4U--d. Tli Jiiuimey men demand nine hour' work a day aud an advance tf ten r cent over IsVt yeir.- wgs ThHContrac lon agre"! to mke;iSmeciinceion, but the Journeymen lefiwed tol con sider any prowntia' for a com promUe. 1 A MiUiipl TrutftMly. My lt-l-rpA U UM .V1vue ) Cuicaoo, April 12 A special from ltipley, Mi-i-ippi ias: "A armel mob of somi twenty-live men from Union county, stormed the. jail at this placeyeterday, ami fhot to death,: while in bin cell, Ed. Williamson, thared1 with the killing of John Colitn at New Albany, about a year ago. Tba trial of Williamson having beeu re manded to this roauty by a cbau;e of veuue. Williamaon was about wenty-two year f sg, J; Ttje ktrttnger oum a v, tleuot givu in the trial would seem to h w ou the iuif iration of a moment, and in beat of pinion, Collins, aUo young uiau, hot Williamson in the Maie difficulty, and the 'evi dence a. Tery conflicting as to which one of them thot first or where the blame lie. ' i To 31eet on 3ia 4tb. ST. Loutd, April 12. A -pect despatch to the Clobe-DHitujcrat, from Dallas, Texn says: "The auti prohibiiion couventiou, to aieel iu Dailaa, My 4th, la the mot lci prtant eveut next to bappu lu the State. Apart from the clom battle to be fought between whUkey and anti-whiskey, at fhe polla od August tlh, ou the (jurittloa of a constitu tional amendment tube bubmltlodto a.voteof th K.ople, there l acoqtwt auioug the Xlltlciana oit the qutiun of .making the Usuo a arty uiatU-r. The tnutdi. of the deiuov-ratic party refuse to nvogaiae the fUht uu tho sruenduieiit a-t a parly fibt. Many agree viU them aud nmuyltake tha opHioite view. Th republicans llt try lo carry the aojcudiuot, aad huuldcx the democratic priy viilh the roBpouaibilify. At the cuuvtu tioo here on May ith, It. A. MUb and johu li 4mck will ptk. Squ alor Cuke aaya hn will uoi attend tho Uior ting uulmi it he au important ooe. Work for a hardcaUipaia tiiil be mapped out. llarkct lUpurU. iss AH, Ohi.i, April 12.- Flour stronger; wheat firmer; No. 2, red, coru tra?ig, lighter; ;iou 2 Uitxt-d, 42a ou atroug, lighu-r; No. 2, tuned, 3 ; j uik, u,uiet, 17; lr.l uuifL llir. bulk uirLs. tiruifn U hoit rib, 825a 37; bacou iirmcr, hgUlei; abort riba, 'j, abort clear, 11.23; whiakeyr fixcu, 1.13; hoga, teady. Chicago, April 12. CU u,u tatlou were a fulioaci: Vo. 2, priug whe-il, i; red, oil; No. 2, com, 'Mil - 3 ?V-"A i :0 i r hoit lib aide, looae, bk; uiy ltcd bouidcrt boxtd, ti iUa 2.5; fcburt, c car sdti, baXeJ, a 7Ua.7o; ahtdkey, 11. LotuvlLLK, April 12Uraiu quid; wneauo. leu, j O. , uucut UCi, 41 Wis, ; No. 2, 3di prut uku, troa; cl-ar; f I J 9 J " j A rtre wl' t. ttgiiUe, 'Iff T-f n'f.n t- le st J-rmvi!.- Kf.., 'A'pHl 12. A ,fir In f5f, , ti-ftioe, t'hU.mrtiff. d!rnl tb H. Aojentise hot!. fhw ri ! ef h'fiml, wr'-h th f r if of M rfir, nd one)f th mmt (ntrifrsg 1fwtfM in Amrjr, i ted tnw U t H)i-t4 0 ; f ' " Aiiisnt, I. C' Afril I Th fsH.fMr'Pi tf-tr!n wra 'receive I ( nt th Tr-i-'iry d-isrtment tixJy j fr m th e.U.f ..r of rwtom at S. A nsroMne, V"i. "TM pririt prt oft It city i lryn by fire; cur ly c'urt hou-w 5n burned, (Mn I t fT'-r t i in tb way of nm In th ffT1f baiMing not neej- j r t - . - - f . .... - - j 5 - " T " M 7-w oi'.i le of thU ;buillingr The' rfco-.l Jr Tf -! S --r.-try" Fairrhild j tel-yMhl a fA iw, in rp?y: I Mftriflr every ai4tinet to tho city ; oRktaU ift thvry of providing the ; rm in p-t tfio buisy tti',!" j ittitTo, Avj'jrU ti-tAdnpateh 'Irons rn., jy that the jfSre.ha 'been top-PdM-TrMHiiry trt, and that the rosin 'portliui of th town i fe. The-Wiunry curt hnuw and Wldr' .1 niitUifl wer d'trnvrI. The cm- ty re-.,fd4 HTt,remivtl to a place 'f tnffty, biit msny valuabSe paper In 'h hand, of hwyen Who hal of fiee in the county bt:ild; ngij were dlr yt-l, Teiff!,ph wire, t ail pftat ar dt: prjnt down, but an early reH1autihmrit (of potn'nonl fitien H nih !-ipitel. In 'the St. Au- STU-tinn hot'tl Uh-t 'A.-ik not th !-Ht ff id nt ti a ry of 1 1 a 73 gueeta, t h ugh It 1 reported !ht a" colored scfub wornun Itt br 1 j i" by running back into tho -servants' iurt-r- fr her ff-ct. j The on ih St. AugiMtino ho;t-l i-i e-tlnnttel by eon M" VatiVfhoMil tuen and builders to be fully 10.h, of whii'h sum f75,X in on fho building (tod the remainder on furniture, and i flttlng. The in mmnw on this property expire! within tw'tity-fourt previous to the outbreik of the fire StWk .Market. New York, April l'i. New York stock inarket otened strong fhia morning. The first price be ing from i to J pjr cent above laat evening, final quotations. Tbe latter iu Louisville aud Nashville market waslvery active. Heading and Omaha bring moft conspicuous but price4 becHme heavy immedi: ately aud declines frjm opeuing 3gU feu ufRw iUsUlti5itwere , t-HtabliNhed Lakrt Snore aud WtSS teru fJuiou aV ingmost weakaens limana on tne otner hand wae grong aud advaneed the market Cbett reacted and earrys.losi'Wre run-d m uearly'all oa.vvi at; 11 o'clock; the markejetiou waa fkin The Striker at War. If Y Ti-rptt to Ui AJviujo!. r. Louta, iio.i April 12 a vrar baa bet-u declared between the stove -foundera defeuae a.sKX:tatioa and the uiou;d-ra' uatouai union, aud iu the! uoxt few days every stove fouudfy iu the Uuited Slatea will probably e closed. The de fense ;t-ociation have organized the country iuto four district, aud there are uow iWO men locked out m tue buirth di-trict, which in clude S t. Lo u is C h i ca-go Lo u i s vil'e, aliiaujce, luiucy, - Laveu worth aud Kro'iuk, la. The pat tern; of Badge, Bt acti & LVsw, ta UKhI "foundry of St. Loui were yeatctday ordered into tin first and scc'ud districts' where the trkir!4 wtii 'i'mm'ediately follow. Tbe first district' ' iuclude4i Ti oy, New Yoik, Philadelphia uud Bo tou. Tho hftcoud district inclu ica, ilartibu5g 1'ittsburg, Cleveland, Detroit aud Ciuciuuati, aud the third d. strict U all the Souihctu State aud citiea. Clttoaau, Apiil 12. The atove moulder suite agaius; the- baud- hug of Br, dev Beach & CoV, pat tern U oltli iu ptogrcaa here, aud gradually cxtcudiag to all the largo shopa that aio rucuilHira of the uatioual aa-otiafruUi Stxiy liaiou tufu iu thy Chiiago tove work,' 'io'UMrd to go to 'work, this,.' hcu their Uciuaud to be rclie-ved oi objcctioyablc patietui, were re luMrd. -Tiikty uou-uaioa uiea arc at tioik. j MlLWAEikV W'ii., Apni 12 AU the stove moulders." employed ,,t ii.m .t'.i-jjiil Htovti t.Va worka. aIid afiU Mdaukce tovewoiks of'J. A.'aad If E. Datchtir, suack thsatuoiurag. Th fctrikera n'uia bcr uua buadicJ, all tohl. The :cau of the "strike sis the refusal ui the luoUdcrar to uicf pattcrua of lUe b Uu ekJve fouadneH, who cutru recently aduck lor a 'a advauc? Au eti4 gaod torivw aaa IM fMNO TIIK PANrtANDI.E i i ft rns TfM covTrN j l ' KX i 4 R ft M ADK ; - ' 'a ' ' " ' n' 1 .V:f '- The Strlklr s? jStove-Monlderii I ini2PMnt-Foar Thotmnd " ', i ! - ;-; : Cr.t nki kt War Amonir i : i ii II . . ' ;- ttmselfrU, Etc. Vewrerey Democrats Carry the r - I '. V "' ' ' , Day at Bordeniown The Ex pod it Ion Siiecetfiil- Eng- lUh St ri kerS frrt Ilaek. tng nisn pfijC8 tike no stock I! BHoTIIKtt arKJntKDY'S LIT-.- TLK DYTT AMIT TARN. 1 Oonie rtaek n Work. IowdonJ April IJ?. -The tin pi a- ter of Wales, who lhave been on a , it: j-trske itoriiixmontb for an increase in wge, have refurne! to work at the old rates, j'- They Don't Relieve It. : By f!rph oth ArfTane i Ion nojf. x April 112. The state ment made by Rev. Mr. Kennedy in a letter to the Cork Herald yes terday; that a hip named Oul nare from1 jthe United State waa coasting off Yonufhal with a load of dynamite, is discredited at the offlceJ The Cork I police also treat Kennedy' story with ridicule. Aitot herf Democratic Victory. Bordkntowx, NJ J., April 12. The city jelpet ion hpre yesterday rei Hultei In! favor of , the Democrats. John O Hudson wis elected mayor over James Fam'tun by a large ma jority. Charlm Brown, republican, was elected alderman over the dem ocratic candidate in the second ward, making the council stand, democrj 5, republicans 4, , Expedition Keturued. I Ull I IHIlMI III I HI In Tanoier, April 12. The expedi tion sent! out by the American Con sql,rfn the furtherance of: hi 'effort to .break up the infamous usury Mya tem, which has grown up In Moroc co, under the protection of j foreign Donauhyj have returned to Tangier. They released ail the Moors impris oned at Alcatax and Laxche, under American claims, with the exception of three, who had died. They found the prisons in which the men were confined in the ; foulest condition. The inmates were half-starved, rag ged anld covered with vermin. Some of them, had heavy chains fastened to their necks and legs. A noioiious usurer named Tergiman, on tthoae claim- a majority of people were held, in prison, was arrested by a Moorish minister who aocompanied the ex pedition, and sent ; here- in i rous for trial, for falely j alleging thathej was au American ! protege. The Moham luexiioa are rejoicing at the turn alTaira have takeu. ! Tho luaaiuudle Itobbers.. . My TMr K AUr0. PinsiJiuaB, Pa, April 12. The wholesale arrcats of the em ploy ea oi the I'auhaudle rpato for robbing theiirejigut train cxutinu:4 to be the principal topic of cuuversatiou amoug railroad men - and citizens generally. Superintended lay lor'e oHice waa bcaieged from early uioruiag by men ia istarcU of em; ploymeuL They flocked to the dpiut,-Wfa4t tk&tf. line of them extended ouUide of the ofilce wait iug for their applications for situa tioua '; aa freight couductora or brakcimcn to be haard Maby of them were given employment. The road is now fullv equipped and there Is bviug no delay ia haadJiug of freight,' A;; -; ;. .j . No I arreats have been reported aiuce ia it night, It is thoughi the oSiciali of the road are satisfied with1 tho' work Of the detectives aud that no more arrest will be made iu this city. In b peaking of the probable conviction of the mtu now jia; jail, spedai. agent Iiae saM this, morning, that of the $ix ty men now uuder arrest, there were .hot, more than one, or possi bly. two of thehi who btood any chaise f being howa not gaiitv. Sitl"he, we. had ,oor evidence so complete that we did not make an arrest until we bad sufficient proof to show that a maa Wasgu Uy. We feer of detection, took poltloni on other line. This wlU awell the total number of arrwts to or 7cj. Rue iid the saddwt case j in CtVnlnectlon with the srrcHbi wa that of a mn whoe child was dying. ) When the officers knocked at the door of his home, Sandsy night, lie wa sitting with hi wife by. the eddd of his ick chlhl. He appeared to be a man of more har Ordlnatjy Intelligence, and hi home had sri air of reflne- men wnnin. vvnen ino onirer i'ji him they had a warrwnt for hU ar rest, he.seem'ed to roatlr. at once the dl-graee into which h5 hs 1 fallen, and ho b'Oke down cwjnpletely. The capture of J. K. Dun lap, jat .Dt'nni sion Ohft 3rceerd4y, particularly the detectlvw. jile male a eonftwahm In whlci he said that the stealing had been going on for month, and he said he could glvo the name of all the men implicated in the city of 4ittsburg, connected In the rot oery or tno I'annnnaie, nut Was' afraid to do o; hln language to the offlcew b!lng: 'T would glvo yoa the name oft1o r, but groat Ond, they would kill me." Tiioro' wa n organirstion among the rob bers, Duniap said, 'ajr nd no regular olan of work.! Each crew worked by ibwMf, It was common unlr- standi ni that every man Khould take all he could get; and' dispose of it to the bent advantage.1 Thero wero r. nomber of prlnelpa V that name being applied to thoe who reapod the largest bebcflU from the rob-beri-s by giving othcjra pointer, a to what cars jcoutalntHi j the most goods. Tliee iersorja were gener ously regarded by leis 'prominent thieve. After ! thel plunder htd been dMpoaexf of to: the feneoa" the "fenctsfl," I Duolftp Bald, were located in New Philadelphia, Denninon, Stevenvijle, Cincinnati andlitthbarg,and illao in Colum-ba,-j notwitliKtandiog Dan'lapscon feaxion. the officers o;f the road ntdl believe that? plunderers wero thor oughly organized, and were carrying-on robberies under systematic direction of shrewd Iieaders. When a new man entered the road, if he was the riirht kind of a in fetioploy of thought, to lej fejlow he was initiated to iiauwtih a rigid oath taken byjjHmfto Heirecy after, he hailheen initiated. It was easy enough to keep him in check if he began to feel any pangs of con scious,- It was broiidly limited to tliem that any wrong move wouldV result" disastrously, as railroading fulfilled the first class opportunities for putting menj out of the j .men from the way. Young country who jwfre jtist beginning to ruu ou the road, were beat prey as they could soon be persuaded that thero was nothing wrong about stealing from rich railroad companies. Beiug unused to tricks of old heads, they were easily led on nntjl they were w deep iu toils that they could not get out if they wanted: to. While rumaging through the effects of oueof tbe ringleaders of Panhandle robbers thismorniug special oflicer M tiler discovered a package coutainiugeix dynamite cottridges sufticieut to blow up tho largest buildiug iu' town. The dUco very created con siderable alarm, and the cartridges were haodled very gingerly. Fur-, ther examination j disclosed a lot of fuse aud caps, in fact a31 necessary paraphernalia for the snccesAful firing of cartridges. Immediately after the f nding of the dynamite, auj investigation was beguj, the re sult of whicbr however, the detect ive refused to make public". They eveu declined to give the namts of a man's house where the stuff was found. The officer intimated that the object, of the robber in shearing the dynamite was known and that it would make good reading when ' tho proper time for Ha dicloaure 1 caioe. ' in...!...... .- " . i Moro W. U. Tel. Stocks. t (B relrph U Ui Advnc NfcW YoiiK, April 12-At a, special meeting of tha sloukholdcrs , of the Western j Uu iou Telegraph 1 Company, au isue of 12,003 shares of new-stock, with which to retire the dividend t-crtp and a propoitiou to issue 5 er cent collateral trust Loud into which, t lie ( stocks' and bonds guaranU-cd byj the Western Union Company sball be placed, were both ratified, i ! Office Saxitaey IxsrEcrTou Asheville N. C Ap fl 12, 1837, Sealed proposals wil be received by the uudersigned,' uuttl the 23rd of April, from perinsl wiio desire to reinove fioca the iuty, w.iste and effete matt-rial; for ooe year, from Maylt, 1SS7. r, "' ' -T'..'; The city has tbe right to accept or reject an? bid. ; ' D.T.MII.LABP, M. D. Sauitary Inspector. ;AprOJJtr. j lTSSaVAWk wV . ' ! v- - i- " i