V s 1 J 1 " T THE RANDOLPH SUN, : J. A.BLAE&, Editor. ASnEIiOllO, N. C., JULY "13, 1ST?. OUR 1 1 G K E t7 ; ; , j : ; FOR SOLICITOR FIFTH DISTRICT. B. I. HOWZE. FOR SENATOR 25th DISTRICT. Wm. MJBLACE. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, JOSHUA W. BEAN. L. G. B. BINGHAM. SH.RIFF, BENJ. MILLIKAN. SUPERIOR COURT CLERK, - A. M. DIFFEE. REGISTER OF DEEDS. M. C. SPOON. FOR; TREASURER, YANCEY H. COX. CORONER, " Wm. H. CKQWDER. I FOR SURVEYOR, Wm. C. HAMMER. If we had no higher amotion than the success of ono clasaj I and the downfall of another, or thj! triumph of one party over an other, Regardless of the public welfare, we jyould feel that we were unworthy a citizenship in the inheritance of our fathers. Wc only ask that each and every citizen be permitted to exercise in peace and freedom the polit!caI rigls secured to them by the great principles of free government. We are- willing t( meet opposition wun lair j argument. We hjive no abuse for thq man who prostritutes the editorial pen to hounding down in vile, epithets and bitter abuse the persecute 1 victim of his rage and malice. lie is more an object ol pity than reproach. We can well afford to be tolerant and practice charity. Jefferson uttered the thought of a great mind when he said error is tolerated while reason is free to combat it. We have a little freedom left yet We don't have to "buy ship. Like St. Paul, we free. And we want it j understood that the Sun is a luminary that shines of its own light, and noj charge or threat or menace can intimidate it. No, the hard! working laboring j men of the county who pay tho taxes lave no more'right to say who shall control tho county government and the money , matters of tho county than Sitting Bull has.. Are the people fit to voto at all or anything ? 0 yes, if tho people vole the way the ring- masters want them to vote they are very fit, but if they do not our citizen were born The Republican Legislature of 1 &G8 for tho first time in the history of the, State gave to the people the right of township government and of electing their township officers. In 1870 the Democratic party through corruption and false promises got . possession of tho government and have held it ever since. In that time property ofj every kindMias depreciated They have driven emi gration, capital and trade from the country ; they have broken down the homestead and bankrupted and im poverished the people ; they have destroyed local government, taken from, the people the right of self-government, and the tax-payer td-day has no more right to say Ay ho. shall control the county government and the finances than the Bashaw of Turkey. w Wo care not to what party a man belongs- or what he is called ; we care not who'fills the offices of gov ernment so it is administered in wis dom an(l justice, and brings peace ,&nd prosperity to .our country. We arc fno office-holder. We belong to no ring. 1 We have no interest in" the election further than as a tax-payer and native born citizen of the countv -J we want -to see the rights of all equally guarded and protected. We have a sacred regard for the rights j the Magistrates of all. We wortfor the good of Are the school committee elected by the people now '! No ;'that right is also! taken away from tae people. j Who elect the committee now for our schools ? ' j The school committee are elected now )V tnc County lirarrf-cf Educa tion. Who 13 the County Board of Edu cation? :. The County Commissioners consti tute the County Board of Education . Who arc the County Commission ers ? i The County Commissioners consist of fivo of the kiiowinest men in the county, who have control of the poor of schools, road's, bridges, levying taxes, using thc-mopey, and in fact nearly everything relating to county affairs. Do the people elect the County Commissioners j No. The Democratic office holl ers took that rMit awuy from the people. Why did they do that ? Because they say the ignorant peo ple are not fit to choose their own officers. Is- that right ? No, it involves a principle of tyran ny and oppression. How are the countv commissioner elected ? The commissioners art elected bv WHAT TOE PRESS SAY. -r- II - The Spirit of tho South bs: The Randolph Sun is welt jr-ntea nnd nhW rvllied Mid CCStrTee W J i succeed. Tho Pee Deo Pec eays: Tho Randolph Sun is a tr$ paper published at Asheborbj J. A. Blair, hditor. The Kalcih Register rr.y Tiic Randob.h Sun i-- tm they must bo kept from voting at all (, , lr ,.t - is tuat wliat is cauea a y.ivoci. Republic The Sun is within a wheel ? i and ve can predict with confidence Ik u It looks like a wheel witl-.in a j that it will prove a tower ol wWI.fcnt Kfrir.f.1v Rnn:ikin it, U n aunng mo ne.Mv.mp,iign. -, j x 0 - --- i ring within a ring. . How mnch more taxes did tc people of Randolph pay last year than they did the year before ? The people of Randolph county paid 2, 57o.GS more taxes last year than they did the year before. ' Is that reform ? Yes, that is what is eallcd reform backward. Will tlv? tax bo any lower this) year Yes, this being election year the taxes arc a little lower; but they will have to be raised again next yecr ? Is the county in debt ? Yes, there is outstanding orders against the county amounting to about six thousand dollars. Is there any money in the trcas ury ? : Not a "red " IIow much tax did the peoplo of Randolph county pay last year ?.. I hey paid about twenty ono thou aul dollars A. What was thn crnenses "of tie county last year ? The expenses of the county for the last year was twenty-two thou sand dollars. What went with all this money ? They say it was used in building bridges, and if it was that was too much to. spend in one year. Who hold all the county offices ? The Democrats hold all but one. Are the Commissioners all Do: .10- Tfy: Summit (S 0.) Cu flfidence Itrcngth" f; r i iys : We arc irla-i (r nu-.!. our exchanges thr .Sun. a Asheluiro, . It is a x: ten-up paper., -tta 'i, .ill ho: , for, with it in politic v. v success itdes'rre. EXTRACTS I'KOM 'Ml il 1 incs op k r.(Ui:i 1'ojlm; :oMV!s!o:r::: 1, 17S. Thotnns JI M'r? i.-, "lrn d.iy'f. service t" 1 1 ..' .Sjtrin Term, l.T. J J White is all v.vc 1 :.! f r I Icndoreoii J)ors . j.-ril I tiy little N. t;., b? of a oro," N. crats : . . Kvcrv one. Are t!ie magistrates ? 1 Nearly all the-magistrates are. Is the Sheriff and all his deputies ? Yes, every one of them. Does it take all of them to form the ring? ' Yes. it takes all to form the double acting COLU'ilKltion clf-:Lil:mti'n.r ri..g; but a part" of them o:dy cai. ( fcrmaringth.it is Btdlieient fir ail i ordinary pl.ii.i ii.ig work. When v. iil this rin close out i The business of this ring will close out on the lir.st day f At'"r--t ro mete it be. S W Ttbvrn isallvcl in in'piest over . th l--!v A h Troy is allrtwcd $3,00 ! nttejidnncat. VsIicIht-) in rv list nn;l m:Ii rr?. John Nay U rM.wcl C2.2 : fittcmr.n.:c ct A ;'i "t-rt) ; . ingj-iry ILt aiid ii-.a-.-aze, b)hn S'ar! ' r '. J rMrcd Aui'ca i Jul hi is l.yy'ri attcu ianc' to i-.;it i:r if -l :i:;d ihi-:;ti. V." M Wiisen r!tov , tl rfcrwo' is C )J ' : C .w.m W MoNniry i servicvs .is jr.i W V- R Y Fra ''. r ! , '.:,) cor:.z ort'y.;' '. : ... KolVy .J'in.;D:i i , .tl! ... a ., f. r Wr.c::. Fetl'v N ) v;; Vi.'Vi- j vs in lUt'in-; : i !-7, -1. -V J,l..:, roil oT tva.on vr : . Kelly Johnson h -ecj::rr Mary V ' Jrli i A Fo-jf i AS !! r.. -. - ' ' ru:ong i ut nr- 4 ti 'f I f -111)- M A !:! 2,0) for ind jury for hold. 1 day' in r'-yi-- Jor kecr- 'r i';rv '-2.',' fi ill. -'1 nc iay'.-s sm.i . 1 IM llandolph county and her people, j 1 he. Magistrtwos arc appointed by We are willing to admit that1 there j tha Legislature. are some good and true men in the j Does the Legislature centred the afia'rs of Randolph county ? Of ccut?e it dees. It says who l.K...l..t-a trKncn oTrrril i Yit tVinl? liivrviinr.f -lvr.j l.ir .- I lift w i ri " tlmt 1... I.-. j I . tinat subversion ot the government, j vour taxes ehali i e. ami hovr tne mo-! f townshi;., unj that his name iias been er;ied iiom the rcjisti-ati.in Who'clect the magistrates ? Conservative party, but they are ndt among the hireling rings and corrupt TO VOTcUS. YotiTrf will bear in mind t'.iat . . i : . . : j .vgiMiauun is auLV.-ej on cleett.n ' day unk'.-s thv vi t'.r becomes tve..:v ' one years of ug.- .,a that d-iv. 01 I i same other raiiM? bej.i;ae.- ur t , day entitied Vj register. Wiicrta' voter lu.s l ite'i regLtcrcd in a .v ! want, ltr-v.-i'-t fir ti,-.n,J:i.. . ... i allowed to register in another in tae same county until ho produces a c;r tiiieato bom the registrar of t.Vj towushiji whre he- moved .fa.Z i : t t i: i ! We care not how soon the plotting ney shall be used leaders are destroyed but we want-) Don't the tax payer . have the! people and the country save. ; voice in thie important matter ? any book of the township b om "which h has removed. Election th firt tUv of August. ) ;i: ' ... - . . .1 ;4 ' a-r -. ..1. ' . i . nr.. j..),, x " .. a a:. ! . f .. i r .u'.i v " .,. :j . f 1 i- I i I ! ; : . . . . ::!-' l.v ba b-i. k. u 3 t for Z i. ..tjnt v 1 1 :.; ! IT i , .J