We want you to know that we sell) : f As cheap as they are J sold any where. WE CAN ,V CONVINCE You of this if you will let us! . ' i ... ! ' jT. want to know you . .. v aafaav i i i 7 i mm imm i mm mm aaai b mm i mm i . i i mm mm s am m mm mm 1 mm " i v t N y JIV 111 I W W II V IN III III lil 111 III I I I I ' III! Ill l III III ! I Z fl BX II I ! I Come in and see u. ii . Paragon Pharmacy Co. , Opj. Post Office. , B. S. Davis, Mgr. Night Clerk up Stairs. TheLargest Circulation of Any Paper in the Ni"tl."c:, , n...,..: v yu. u. ASHEVILLE, N. C, JANUARY KML899T i CUBANS RECONCILED TO OUR INTERVENTION Realize That. For the Present We Must Rule. 1 Laying in Groceries The old gentleman is taking comfort in them, k will you if you buy of us. We keep everything usually kept.in a first-claxs Grocery Store-, and oiir price are as low as the lowest, but we don't sacrifice quality for price. r Roasted Moracalbo CoftVe at 15c a winner. D. COOPER, 32 S. Main St. - f . . -. - ;.:,;. 30 $. ffta!n ft. r i -.. - -. ! GOMEZ MISREPRESENTED Jose Frlas Arrives In Washington With a Plan Kor the Settlement,, of Finances on the Island and Talks Interestingly. '': Washington. Jan. 10. Dr. Jose TAn- touio Frias, chairman of the finance committe of the Cuban assembly, and one of the leading la-wyers of the island, has arrived in Washington and will pre sent to the department of state a Dlan for the settlement of the fiuanciansys tem of Cuba. This plan includes a . method of appropriating certain reve nues toward the paymeut of the Cuban soldiers when they aru disbanded and other nnaucialiueasDres for the relief 01 me -poor. Dr. Frias is u leading candidate for .uo BijuiuinMMii or ctiiet justice, aU -though it is skirted that his mission in Washington, t this time is not to fur ther his candidacy for that office, "hut U solely for the purpose of presenting hia financial plans. . . "In addition to the financial scheme which we have proposed," said Dr.. l'rias, "L)r. ( ':iix ir nroc:?jnf .t u i r j'w i. iua fulKin assembly, has, wjth others, -worked onf an admir:ill nlm fn, government of'.' the island, drawn frour iue Kuowieaw or the existing laws and practices of tha courts and various local offices and whicji will, be submitted to the United States. ...'Already General Brooke has sur rounded himself with soma of the ablest Cuban leaders as advisers. They realiza that for the present intervention is necessary. The leaders have become reconciled to it aud the great majority of the ieoplei are steadily! corning to take this view of the niatterf I regard it necessarv. hnwprnr VWhf should be made the police officers in all the large cities, for the reason thatxhev v.?.aUU poopie. Know who the malefactors are and are able : to better prevent trouble than the Americans: The Spaniards, if retained, are sure ta encourage dissensions. 1 It has always been their policy to accept bribes and they will continue to do so as long m Vlf you gt there ycu must keeyj Stfiijir." SO savn Sum Jnnpn WilVi I this idea in rivr we Btart the ball 1 - ----- to rulliug fwter than ever. Our - ! - . - '' am this yaj fa to do the b?Bt we can for our customers., You know waj buck iu oUeu titnas if you .wiahtd to send a niedeag a mai might do his I eBt aud a fst Loree wan hie best meaus of a quick d- livtify, uow- wp have the tel graj t that can travel around the rrM a.- qujck as you cau around your house. We kuow' uot . what im t i proyein uts will come to.: us thie year, but we w:ll do our best to give land beat liua you the moat for your money to make the Racket Store the place iu Western North Caro to trade on account of good good?, rood salespeople aud low prices. Wo have uo old goods ti ruu off, but . instead are' buying new froode i that are arriving al Lioet daily. - Two big lines .sample, shoe Bince Christmas and a; lot of othei goojs equally as desimble. i If ur way of doing business suits you we would be glad to have you try us during 1899 - , Yours, JOHN M. STONER -i .--.."' tney are maintained in official positionj and trouble is sure to result from it. "General Gomez has been grossly mis represented in a great many respects. I have reason to know that he is not ; aht American, as has been charged against him. The statements that he has opposed ' American intervention,' I .uuw io oe aosoiuteiy ana maliciously false. General Gomez is a true patriot; he has made as many sacrifices as any man i.yiug or aeaa lor tbe cause of Cu ban independence, and in this statement lam m no way belittling the- grand euuns aua me noble sacrifices -of the many martyrs to the cause of Cuban liberty.! - - . , "Patriot as h is Via . . . . dual American intervention at this time is a necessity. He sees it as ,do other Cu ban leaders, and as it is a necessity ha not only tolera-es it without objection but is in favor of it." ...... - ' WOOD REACHES GOTHAM. Military Governor of Santiago Denial : AlHi'iiiist Reports. - J New York, Jan. 10. The United States transport Mississippi, which sailed from Santiago! ou the evening of Jan. 4, arrived today. On board the transport were General Leonard Wood, military governor of Santiago, and Lieu tenant Hanna. aids rln-z-umn r tillo, a brother of the Cuban general, uasiu,u "u" vyotonevi bson, who su perintended the ditribffSon of nrovi- axilla u iuc Biaiviujf VUDailS. tjeneral Wood. wh(iwgjn).;.. at Quarantine regarding the protest ol l"D pcopie oi Santiago over the disoosal utiuciuuuaoi inai province, said h did not care to talk on that; matter be fore he visited Washi r- -.- aucio WW some dissatisfaction, but nothing ta lu auj lamg. wuen he left caunago every iniug was , in splendid shape, schools were Organized and ready to receive scholars and, nearly I OOC Ux..v,a w iuou iiiu oeeu constructed in the province. The customs receipts were the larcesl ,V auu exceeaea tne amounl collected and turned into- the Spanib treasury. Funds were available fo! meeting tne expenses of the adminiitra tiou of the nrovinee. antl th i pense to the United States would betha cost oi maintaining the army. The best of feeling prevailed and thn' ltlOU Of tblllffft was nil flio l.i desired. General Wood appeared to W iu cAtciiciii ueaiin FLANAGAN ESCAPES NOOSE. His Case iBdeflnltely Continued on th Ground of Insanity. -Atlanta, Jan. 9. E. ?0. Flanagan, the doable murderer. -was micmH .i Deoatnrtoday.1 Judge Candler granted , motion t indefinitely continue the, v on ine piea or Insanity, thus yir4 lumi? endiB tbe prosecution. This was the fourth trial of the noted murderer, who shot and killed Mrs. Allen the aged mother of GWge Allen, and Miss Ruth Slack, Mr. Allen's wife's SrV THe double killin? occurred on New Years ere, 1806, while the Allen family wefe at supper in their home at Poplar, Spring. 4 milps from Atlanta, on the Consolidated trolly line. i,la?fgan ,anted to marry Allen's little lt;year old daughter, aud he was tola that thn Hrl ir,i . t claimed that the whole family was plot ting against him and on the date above mention rl want un i , - "" f uaii wuere Al len s family were at supper. - He fired iue ouiiei strucfe the latter in the neck. The murderer then shot Mrs. Allen and Miss- Slack, killing the former instantly and inflicting a wound on the lamer which resulted in her death Flanaean was t-rioA a t after the crime, and his . attorneys set -t- piea rnat tne prisoner was insane at the time of the trial, and therefore ought not to be tried In t'hia .TrY J it aeia lnat tne Prisoner was mentally able to go into a trial. s A few weeks later Flanagan-was tried w e main issue, tne murder of the two women, and his attorneys set up the plea that he was insane at the time mo crime was commuted, and therefore ought to be sent to an asylum. The u 'lauagan guiltv of murder and he was sentenced to be hanged Flanagan counsel appealed iboth cases, and in the second case the su preme court held that Judge Candler had erred in not charging the jury oh the law of insanitv. ? Last summer Flanagan was tried tor the third time, the jury found him gmlty of,mnrder, and-he was again sen tenced to be hanged. Another appeal was taken and the supreme, court the second time reversed the decision of the lower oonrt. holding that it was wrong to have forced a trial when defendant's leading counsel was sick and that one ef the jurors had disqualified himself by remarking before the trial that Flana gan ought to hang. , NO.'s TOWER NAMED AS MINISTER TO RUSSIA Pnnsylvanian Will Succeed Ethan Allen Hitchcock. it I THE Dixie "Restaurant AND- 1 CONFECTIONERY. $ iii Hi Meals' at all hours. Private Dining Parlors, JjLargq or small parties served y on short notice. . I OYSTERS AND GAME A i i 9 I SPECIALTY. It ? 36 South Main St. J No Steel Plant at Newport. Newport News,- Va., Jan. Iu. Th story sent out from this citv that roi plant costing foO.000,000 and employing o wo men, witn uoilis F, Huntington identified with the enterprise, elicited a telegram from Mr. Huntington as fol lows: "No truth in rumor. There hai been some talk of starting small steel establishments at Newport News with the hope that it would some time grow to an important plant, but present ru mor probably grows out of talk concern ing establishment of gun plant there, which I hope some time tobringabout ' . 1 Lacesta Mayor of Havana. -' Havana. Jan. 10. It is announced that Perfecto Lacesta, who was presi dent of the Havana junta, will be named as alcalde or mayor of Havana. General Marceo Menoca.1 will a - . -v,cFU a poanwon under General Ludlow. Civil Governor Castro has asked - the acceptance of hii io5iS.uoiiuu,buu win remain in office foi only a few days. By placing Cubans in jjiumiueui posmons some or the respon sibility for -minor positions will be Biiiiitu 10 mem. FOUR KILLED IN A WRECK; Passenger and Freight TrlnltX Crash Together Near KnoxvlUe. KNoxvitiK, Jan. 9. Four dead, two injured, one of these, perhaps, fatally, and the loss of property of the Southern railway to the amount of about $100,000, is the result of a wreck which occurred on the Knoxville and Ohid branch of the Knoxville division nf thn sn, valtvnaJ II.' ;i . - . . . . .. rnL 1 "a nines west oi nisi Valley. Ihe dead are: j ! Engineer J. D. Maxey. I ; Fireman Frank Readdy. a negro. grakeman Lonza Hoover, a negro, i . Flagman W. A. Dillon. , f . The wreck occurred at 11:30 o'clock, it was a head-end collision, freight train a 63 v second section, and mixed local tram No. 8 met in an awful crash. Both or the trains were running at the rate of about 35 miles per hour, and the ac cident occurred so , that the trainmen Were not able to inmn nH . save their lives. No. A was running 15 iT iug waitea at ilnox- Vllle IOrCOnnentlnn with o s and had the right of way. All the freight trains of the Knox ville and Ohio division haA k : ...... . " UUII- lied that the mixed train was on a late run, and the only cause for the acci- Qent that can ha irivan io fl. 'C : Maxey of the freight train misread his AD wouia nave been an easv ""v "iu w aavo reaa tne order telling that the passenger train was '50 minutes late instead of 15. j CYCLOnFneAR SAVANNAH. Wind Blow t the Rate of Ab6ut Ninety Mites an Hour. j Savann ah, Jan. 9 A severe cyclone passed over a section of Liberty county some 20 miles south of this citv ThA Wind was of tremendous force. During 15 or 20 minutes it attained to a vfilorf of not less than 75 to 80 miles an hour. At Johnston station, between here and WaVCrOSB. it IS fH(-.imt.afl tV, . i v.i, VO miles an hour for 10 minutes In the village considerable damage was done. ! The reidnmv of rw t? was unroofed and otherwise damaged the roof of a brick store was torn off! ana the tor storv was i),m.nui a j. ' Btore was practically demolished. Many rival innj MnwA liL. i . . r..v,...Ba ncio lujurea. Dy the smash NOW IN AUSTRO-HUNGARY ..- President Sends a Number of Nomina. tions to yie Senate, One of Which Fills the Vacant Ambassadorship at St. Petersburg. Washington, Jan, 10. The nresidAnt A. . i toaay sent these nominations to the sen- ate: Charlemagne Tower of Pennsvlvania. now minister to Austria-Hungary, to be ambassador to Russia. .Addison C. Harris of Indiana, to be minister to Austria-Hungarv. .i James C. Monahan. collector of ini tial revenue, Second district of Wiconain. To be brigadier generals. Colonel Un D. Castleman, First Kentucky volunteer r II 1 ' v AnuiTFivDiTii? T ww mmmmm Waat IMkd m Makes the food more delicious and wholesome I ! I I I mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmwiSilSSmamma peonagecase dismissed. Judge Newman Declares He Has Jurisdiction In th e Blatter. Atlanta. Jan tr. t ' . ' s utiuuus nuua e cases against Williim KberharL a prominent citizen of Oeliethornn and his negro overseer, Albert Boyiin, have been thrown out of the United States court by Judge Newman, who, after argument, which was delivered on the Question of th. -in. u- - " jU4UUltyllUU Ul tlXt oouri in such matters, decided that did not hn inn;.i I - J .1 - " UU liUati cases could not be lawfnilv tria in iuuuu court. i The celebrated cases at one time promised to nansn nno nf -tha sensations the state has seen in a long he the the Boykin were n lnvoluntarv while. Eberhart and charted with hnlrii . r - u lutuuiaij servitude negro laborerk on a farm in vBTOvuurpo county. It fwaa stated in the Udictmnt that. tL. .u i. .- x iwj nvum Ull O men and then compel them to serve as When the StateS COnrt KOma tima I a n W. neys for the defendants demurred to the indictment anH af.t.k iv. .1 did not have jurisdiction, and that if the case was to come do anywhere it should be brought in thfe superior court of Oglethorpe county. . . I one and states that he1 will not take jurisdiction of the matter. j It is not thought tht the cases: will be prosecuted in the tatr county. j t SOLONS NOW IN Legislature Formally Its. Annual Session. COLUMBIA Convenes CHARLEMAGNE TOVIB. Infantry; Colonel Thomas H. Barber. . "en j. urn volunteer lniantry. To be assistant nd-i --jw.v.uw (,vno4aif TV a !! ruiin 01 major, uaptain Charles C. ro.i., assioians aajurant general united states volunteers. Also a number of nrnninHnnb Anil ' -.Ufc. MU M LJ ijiiinueuvs m ine volunteer lniantry. NO WORD FROM ILOILO YET. Members of the Administration Say Mils un He Depended Upon Washington, Jan. i 10. Although . 0 nothing of an alarming nature has been received from Iloilo, there is no doubt that members of the; administration view the situation as somewhat serious and are anxiously awaiting further news. No apprehension, however, is result or any collision which might take place between United States forces now on the island and the Bailees, Dut tne president U very anx ious tO avoid MTBnlvsni.t..nk. He feels certain that if the natives can De.maae to understand that this government comes to them in a most friendly and helpful spirit, there will uu mnuer iron oie. and so he has given instructions to General Miller that the utmost patience must be exercised iiu every reasonaoie request granted in order to avoid open rupture. At the cabinet msptinn tnA-m .1.- -n v. n . . . . . mi " i"e x-uuippmes was gone over and some time ouuiiuioiranou in yju oa. Kentucky Democrats Meet. ' Lexington, Ky., Jan. 10. The meet ing of the Democratic state committee today is full of interest ; William Goebel j 01 Oovirrgton aspires to the chairman ship. The meeting is called by Chair man Johnston to hear charges against John S. Dunlap, the Fif th district mem her, for having removed McKain and "u6ii"" l ivouisvuie, who are Goebel men, andwho appointed anti-Goebel instead. The success orfailueof Goebel win aepena on the result of the meet- wuiou is not expected to be known uiiiu iaio iu me u.aj, I Colcmbia, S. C, Jan! For State 10. The anneal session full attendance. matters are to legislature convened in at noon- today with a A number of important be brought up this year and an inter- MRhT10 .Oafiirtn t- A J P The honaa (vnaiaf rf i o . 1 i - . which number 44 were re-elected and 79 are newiy elected mernbers. althbni?h some of them have been members of mis Doay oerore. In both' hrnnnhaa. rt Uv. 1 :il 1 . 7 . . "Kiture there are 163 WiaUtni-a rs m ..i and 9o new. The Dersonhel of th h . h" uuierem irom the last session, OUt there am fa war nan- . ij. .u vn iu mi senate, although in the ( 21 1 counties in nun,! mere were vacancies, only fire - John Boltfl of 0nri7itUvn to ewvu a tuw UU1T THIRD GEORGIA Vessel on Which RelWnt Held In Quarantine. Savansa'h. -Tan in f - ;va 1 nuiAJiuiuf fXj latest reports, the Thurd Georgia j regi xnent mav leave Savannah An th. L.n. -. - vu HUiT port Roumania Thnrsdaly or Fridak ihe United States transport T?J-inn,. nia. 'from Havana, which arri'riwl Savannah nnaranti ki.lmAn..'. 1. Held On aCCOnnt Of . Ullnininn. 4 illness on board. Dr. William Dnhon 1 m . 1 ueaita omcer. naa Mn 4r.n quarantine to investigate This was the ship which was ordered! to carty the a nrra Georgia regiment to Neuvitas. ' The ITnitAd Rttn ,.n.J..,iri.i.i left this morning with the jEighthj Mas- miantry on Doard. The uups go o Aiatanzas. i Ihe t ran snort Panama uioming irom Havana. mg of windowa chimneys. I and the collapse Dispensary Law Proposed. r . -MONTGOMERY,- Ala.. Jan. 9 Srifk. Senator F. S. Moody of Tuskaloosa1 i. making a great effort to have the legis lature Pa88 a general dinun... u:n and when the legislators get together again he will present his bill. He is re ceiving some encouragement from the temperance people of Alabama. During SrJ?" vf the tegMatores Senator MOOdy has been mnlrincr ol . the subject. This week he will ad dress the people of Birmingham on the tODlO. and it is exnnntarl that o 1 dience will turn out for him. Oregon Favors Peace Treatv. Salem, Or., Jan., 10. The senate hai passed a joint resolution recommending that-the treaty of peace between the united states and Spain be1 ratified by the United States senate without amend Xnent. - - . CASTOR I A For, Infants and Children. The Kind You Hare Always Bought Bears the Signature of Dr. Miles" Pain Pills itop Headache. Crushed Under s Bl Door. ! Charlottk, N. O.. Jan. fl TTU, D. Watts, a prominent vonn? uviotir man of this city, was found dead, be- neatn one of the huge doors of the Mer chanTB and Virm.N v, j j , TI. , - uuuueu ware house. His head w& nmahori j broken. The door was in ,place, but was hunsr. and it i Dnnfj .l.. . going home tomenuW..n a J u . .ccu u U1UCK and dav he ran ummit ti. a 1 i ing i down and crushing himself to death He was the son of Captain Har rison Watts. ' - , - 1 Killed by a Falling Roof. ' -Birmingham! Ala.. Jan 0 Dreher, night foundryman at the Sloss inrnaces here, met a horrible death : by the falling in of the roof over the cast house. For some unaccountable reason Tl riiKaveway. and an angle bar struck Dreher; pinning him down in a lot of molten iron, a new run having just been made. Before he could be rescued he was burned to death, parts w. uu wuujr uvmg roascea to a crisp. Disease of the BlanA ji -mr' 1 No one need suffer with neuralgia. Thia disease ,s quickly and pennanenUy cured by Brown,' Iron Bitters. Every disease of ntW serves and ston,Ich;m?c Bitters. Knewn and used for nearly a most among our most valued remedies Brows' Iron Bitters is sold by all dealer?! Defeat For Senator Ouav. Philadelphia, Jan. 10. The petition of United States Senateo'r M. S. Quay, his son, Richard R. Quay, and ex-State xreasurer Benjamin E. Haywood, for a writ of certiorari, removing the trial of the conspiracy case against them from uti court 10 me supreme court. 1 nao luuay uismigsen ! tiv th .nr.'n,. Ul niL s -uu.cuo tuuri- J-ne case was remanded to the quarter sessions court of this city for trial, and the costs of, the proceedings n.iv .ut;u uu lug ptj tiLiuuers. - Court In Favor of Dreyfus. Paris, Jan. 10. The resignation of bl. yuesnay de Beaurepaire, president of the civil section of the court of cassa tion, has revived interest in tha tw - VMV Aicr1 JUS. Case. Which had caiman J - . M uunu uur point The anti-Dreyfnsitea are doing everything possible to discredit the court j usl"iuu. as is is generally accepted in the best informed circles that the court is preparing to render judgment Strlfce May find This Weelr. Acgcsta, Ga., Jan. 10. i-The cotton mills at this place rang bells and opened their doors to strikers again today and quite a number retnfnl tnw.v i - nwA AUUOI went back yesterday. There is Biruug nope inat tnis week will witness the end of the strika aitha k. i vv- Uj tM9 ac ceptance of the cut or upon some fair ua.Hi3 w uuuipromise wnich may be Texas Town Has a Blaze. Fort Worth, Tex. .-Jan.' 10. Fir. Tasca this morning destroyed property ""UU wuw. j xne Koper-Files mercantile company's store was burned. uxigui 01 me ure is unauown. Ministers Oppose Roberta. Chattanooga, Jan. 10. The Chatta nooga Pastors' association has passed resolutions protesting against seating Congressman-elect Roberts of Utah be cause he is a polygamist. Beauty is Blood Deep. Clean blood means a clean skin. No beauty without it. Caa;arets, Candy Cathar- Convict Guard Fatal I v Hurt. Washington. Ga.. Jan. m xlr 1 wvaw4- ard, a guard, was fatally hurt by k con ict j on W. 1 J. Adami' plantation, 18 miles north of "W.hi convicts were eating supper one oij them "w p ueuma jjenara -and knooked AAA AAA U1S L1IM IlHaUl W1 T. 11 lAma m i -wmwm., VUAQ UOA V J HI' strnment, Crushing hls'skulL Immedi ately six of them escaped, going n dif. r uirocraons. une, oi them wal vauiurea dous o mile from Washlntr WIND STORM AT MOBILE. No Several Houses Unroofed and tWhM.b J Blown Into the River. " Mobile, Jan. 6. After intervals of ratn during the night and early morn ing, the atmospheric indications of a heavy storm were noticed here between 9 and 10 o'clock this morning. At the latter hour a heavy squall, accompanied by rain, came up from the northwest and burst over the city and jiver with great violence. The wind's velocity was compmted to be 40 miles an hour. Property in the northern cart of the city which was exposed suffered se verely Over a score of .tall smokestacks were blown dowa, along with sheds, stabling, sawmill 'buildings and several unu wans. Adgnt vehicles were over turned in the streets and in two in instances damaging runaways resulted. Un Davis avenue three wooden build ings, including a uegro church, were entirely demolished.. The full force of the wind was ex pended in tlfe cotton district and on the river, where several vessels were un moored and impelled at rapid speed to wards the bay. The rigging of light craft was destroyed in two instances. Trees have been uprooted in the city and all Woatarn TTr, -- - v.v.u . w UJ.VU ; vr aaco CH3U Ul here are down tVn-rvn rrV i Uc t.--, i; - V5A VUV "J'OAAAVJAXllAUlA or the the iron roof of the Mobile and vmo ireight sheds. Two . vv At UlLU TVUai YOB into the river, but so far there has been no loss of life reported. BILL FOR SEPARATE CARS. j War on Negroes Begun In the North j Carolina Legislature. I Raleigh, Jan. 6. Two bills have been Introduced in the house of the N,orth Carolina legislature requiring all "rail roads in the state to operate separate coaches for white and negro passengers. j One of, the bills Is tan exact copy of me law now in force in Tennessee and which has been declared constitutional. j The other is similar to it, except that provides, "that any firstclass coach may be divided into compartments, sep arated by a substantial partition, in lieu of separate coaches. " ! A bill was also introduced ' in the uouse so amend the state constitution so as to provide that "All, the moneys arising from the taxation of the polls and property of the white people for juvui, wuuuu suaii De approDnated to TO LEAVE tne.8nPPrt of the public schools of the I - auvug moneys arising from the taxation of the polls and prop-! v. t colored race for public vuuuw auau De appropriated to the sup port of the public schoolavof The school fund ia , " ftvpuikluliCU aCCOrd in IT tn TvmnlnH-n 1 , i ." ' ""3 "cgrueg ecug u mucn per capita as the white PeOOle. thonffh thav narr nnl. 1 in wu U uio taxes. DIDN'T THINK IT LOADED. Poy Shot His Father With a Shell He Believed to Be Blank. I BiBMiNOHAJt, Ala., Jan 8.-0. Royal, a well known wagon maker of this city, Is lying in a critical condition at his home on Avenue H as the result of a wound inflicted by a bullet from A. TAr. lot rifle in the hands of his 10-year-old son. I Arthnr. Tha , , - .ouwuujj oucurrea last Sunday and was entirely uninten- MVUSki, . I The bov. With ITnnnn, n,- in the i dmingroom when their father Annur iook a shell out of his rifle and put in another which he sup- ibkuci iu: a oeueve i ll shoot a man." and with thi. r.. -: . "7u. ing uaeii KfTi j, .loded with a bullet and 'wwa missiie entered Mr. Royal's mi A a J. W. Norwood,. President. . contractoiTfor Kumbing, Steam'.'Gas Hot Air, Hot Water Heating and Tin Rooofln Iron Work of all kinds. ! Jobbing" promptly attend t J. G. Lindsay will attendto tin work Ernest Israel, foreman of Plumbin" Department. - Work guaranteed to give satisfaction. Wolf Bids. Asheville, N.C. THE BLllE RIDGE MATIOMA E- Iccas, Cashier. 'i w i ; nt ;e P-tfuIly solicit your business, and whrgraut , eve accomvdation consistant with VSOUND BANKING SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT. W. J. SLAYDEX, E- R- LUCAS," E RWIN 8LUDER,. Teller. JAS. j A. RURROUGHS, s. P. McDivirr J. E. DAVID, J.;V. NORWOOD. HOUSTON MERRIMAN, Book-Keeper ; : I - ; 3 & I . . II All Winter i ..'-... Goods M TSoldr ii.- ' J ' ' ' - - i ust Be $1.75 Capes for $1.00 $2.50 $3.50 $4.50 $1,50 $3.O0 A few odd Jackets for $1 each All Jackets at : " i ! i ' way off prices this Woolen Dress Goods for 25c up, also at greatly reduced prices. New embroideries ! just received- ton.! An armed noasA part of the oountry for is -Bconrinr that ins other live, Jan. 20. Jan. 10. Th Called to Meet Montgomery, Ala.. state executive committee of the TVmn. cratic and Conservative party of Ala- Dama is called to meet at Montgomery on Thursday, . Jan. 26J The object ol the meeting is to outline a plan of cam paign for the constitutional convention, including the determination of ' thi method by which delecatfla to thA posed convention are td be selected. 1 Vlan.fran .ovfipru av XlOOSe. Decatur, Ga., Jan.-10. Jndira 0.nrt. ler has granted a motion, to indefinitely continue me case of JtG.fO. Flanagan, th double murderer, on thn .u. - UWI lrll prisoner is mentally unable to assist his vuuunci. Amu is regarded .as practically endinir the criminal npnsanL. j r. is believed Flanagan Will be sent to thf New white goods !': - 1 . .. I T I " to nana. j ! . . j . . . ii :i i - - i . v . f. i iMewrTorcnom Laces. New Ribbons Every woman needa Dr. Mllea' Pain PlllsL ( tlC Clean vonr hlrwwl anJ lr "i i stirring up the azy liver and driving ill ini- t u i , ""u?- Begin to-day to banish Dimn m hr.ii v.ii.r j- and that sickly bilious complexion by takiM - 7 "?3 ten cents, ah druir gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 50c. TO Curb ConitlDltlnn Varawa. T k e Cascare ts -Cand y Cathartic. 10c or SBc u U. C lail to cure, druggist refund money. Gold Miners to Orranlzo. Gainesville, Ga.. Jan. 10. The coin miners of the soutli will organize a miners' union in Gainesville at an earl date. Several of the leading miners ol northwest Georgia are Interested in tht matter, and will send out letters to th southern states rermAatino- thi. - i 7 1 b abtCUU ance at a meeting to be held here at an Almand Reaches Atlanta. Atlanta, Jan. 10. jAn officer has ar rived in this city frjim Tulare, Oal., bringing with him S. tafayette Almand of Conyers, Ga,, who is alleged to have swindled merchants and farmer! iu Bererat. counties, sxhe prisoner will be Kent in nriann hapa'nnfil The wound was small Of little conMnnAnna Pn -i ; become serious, and now Mr. Royal is unconscious and will probably die. He w asine innrmary. The boy is heart broken.: The hnllat it V... vl penetrated the left side and lodged near the heart r , . Cubans Fire yon Americans oavaSnab, Jan 6. One of the nffi cers on the govsiJrnment transport here stated that a day or so before he Inft th island 13 J American soldiers, all members of . the Seventh army . corps, had been injured by Cubans. He stated that the mn 'vs nn - TT-r-lTVl Havana - . .1 , . " " '.iui ma miana towns. When rebels in amhnah Hm u with the result stated. The informa- qn inis omcer had was very meager xae Q1Q not Know tn nhot - : . - : icguuem or company those Injured belonged. He . "xxvigi; UajT m mo ""v" ui na oi tne motion be tween the American and Cuban troops, a W -'; ft : . tit-. - 41 i - ..,'H ran ' CO l& yd, 4 g ca a - II "S I t I v-i . I U rr? ;-S 1 e-( . M J 1 5 I . i i n i " jM 3a '''' ll 3 J ! i. ! - 4 a 'rf'!,l'L'L: -Tti mi fTi iajjaaal eAV Vv-s 15 South ;Main. be kept in prison here uminary nearing. Prominent Aoburnlte Dead. until given a pte- ia-J. S. Hair, a Auburn, Ala.. Jan. prominent citizen and for six yeara ta collector of this county, died at hii home here of consumption, aged 65 years. He returned a few months ago from an extended stay in the west In search of health. He leaves a family. Representative! Wade Dead. Quitman, Ga,, Jan. 10 Hon. W n Wade, the representative from Brooks vuuuny, u ueaa oi typnoid pneumonia. Lyons Elected President. Chicago, Jan. loj Richard n was today elected president of the Chi- vavu uuatu ui craae. A Negro Firebug Lynched. Banks, Ala., Jan. 6. A barn near town belonging to a white farmer named Green was burned bv an inn. diary, 'together with several hundred bushels of corn and other produce. Suspicion was directed toward Marshall "reeur. negro in jmj. ureen's em-P!OT- ''heing the incendiary. Later una iouna nan gin g by the neck to a big oak tree near where mo uaro naa 8 toon, vvhn hia , . . j utwn wi5iB mystery. Both Officers Acquitted. LaPatette, Ala., Jan. 6. In the pre liminary trial here of Mike Gallaa-ho,. and Charles Jones, city marshals of janett, cnarged with the killing of v...i n.k . m .i . . y- wrw oi inat piace last Mon day, resulted ia .the acquittal of both parties. Atlanta Merchant Expires. ' Atlanta, Jan. 0E. P. Chamberlin, a leading drygoods merchant, is dead at his home in this city, aged 68 years. He had been suffering for several weeks from a complication of diseases. . Dawson Oil Mill Burned. Dawson, Ga., Jan. o. The Dawson oil mill has been destroyed by fire. About 800 tons of cottonseed and 1,000 tons of meal were burned. Loss, $50,000. , Dr. Mote's D. Hogs Dead. Richvono, Jan. 6. Dr. Mmm TV I Hoge, the well known and eminent I icouMjrian uivme, is dead, II I : ! During this Year Bring Your Job Printing to : IMll i ' J - inn The Register Job Office "! ' .'1. hi : - -I- ..." Only the best i material used and high I skilled, labor employed. M LETTER HEADS. . ' ! i STATEMENTS, ENVELOPES I; NOTE HEADS Etc. a Specialty. 1899 ce: 12 N. Court Sq. mi jc . - "Li-- , , - . - yffcJ) CANDY , 250 500 ' 7. llSf1 DRUGGISTS. Ujaaaaaaa ... i-JJ, 1- 1, r-