One"Cup of ALWAYS KEEP ON HMD - Six Cops Bolting Water; PIVE MINUTES la a Single Boiler. t THEKK IS NO KIND OF PAIN OR: w ipir IITfllll MB A ml PAIH'KILLCR WILL NOT RE LIEVE. LOOK OUT FOR'lMITATIONS ANC SUB STITUTES. THE GENUINE BOTTLE BEARS THE NAMEj PERRY DAVI8 & 80N. VOL. 6. ASHEVILLE, N. C, DECEMBER 29, 1899. NO. 62. The Largest Circulation : of Any Paper in the Ninth Congressional District. ' ' ' ' - f . - . - V : ' I I build up LOCAL ITEMS. THE ASHEVILLE HARD WARE, COMPANY. FOR RENT- New four room cot tage, good neigLb rhood. RB. Rob erts, Internal Revenue Office or 43 Flint Street. i - - If you haye thirty minutes for breakfast J ! T" - 1 A . J m, - you can cook rausion penecuy m nve minutes and you have twenty-five minuted In whi to! eat it. Isn't it better than to bolt In five minutes cereals that require twenty-five' minutes to prepare.1 Ralston is made of Gluterean Wheat found in orjly one section of the country. It Is rich in 'nitrates and phosphates which Frank Haytnond and wife spent Christmas with the latter'a parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wash Hamilton, at Hendersonville. rhind and body. 1 For tite In 2-tb. package by y AID. COOPER, 32 S. Main St. Dealer In Groceries, Grain, Reed, &c. Mrs. Gauo, son John, and daughter Cathrine, Mrs. Hunt and son Lioyc', Mrs. LaBaiteaux and daughter Grace, ill of Cincinnati, spent Christmas with Miss Cathrine M. Qaiio, or this city. M&kes-the food more delicious and wholesome ROVAt BAKING POWDER CO., HEW YORK. POPULIST JUDGE Wits Made RESIGNED. He Had French Broad lodge of Biltmore elected their officers for the ensuing year, Monday evening. A donation of f25 was made to the Orphans' Home at Goldsboro. ! Mr. Christie, one of. Covington, ICa moBt prominent nun, was here Christmas. Capt. H. H, Painter, Sou b. 3m freight conductor, died on Monday at midnight from the effects of a hem orrhage. He was 24 years of age and had heen married only 27 days. I Addition tb of our large line clothing, hats, shpes, and furnish ing goods we have added a full line of trunks, traveling ba;, suit cases and telescopes. All siz es; all graces. Courtney's, 18 Patton Ave. Ashaville, N.C. Just Save -His Lite. It was a thrilling es cape that Chat Davis of Bowerston, Ohio, lately hat from a frightful death. For two years a severe lung trouble grew constant ly worse until it peemed that he must I die of consumption. I hen he began to use Dr. King's NewDiscovery and lately wrote: "It gave mstant reliei ' and effected a permanent jure." Such wonderful cures have for 25 years proven its power to cuve all throat, chest . and lung treubles. irice ouc and $1. Every botiler guaranteed. Trial bottles free at alt drug stores. Miss Mary Brevard, is the guest of Mrs. R. S. Maiu. of Fruitland, C. Frank, 177 -. A Cure for Sick Headache. I have a friend who had suffered 20 years from Sick Headache aud had tried everY lemedy available, but found no relief. Finally I induced irr. to try Ramon's Liver Till9 and onic Pellets, and he is now free from headaeiae, hnd looks like a new man.- G. D. 'Murray, Dory Ky. BUTLER'S WARNING NOTES DISREGARDED Intelligence Officials Misled the British. J A STORM NOW BREWING Fstiu Fain, -nephew of N. W. Fain, of Afheville, met a violent death at nis home in Jjexiugton, Ivy., by com- ug in contact with a Jive electric wire. I Gen. McDowell McCook, one'of the famous "lighting McCook's," is spend ing the winter in Asheville. Mr. Birdell and fonv of Teuiu, are visi ing Rock Ldge. Mr. Luu. of Masf ., a guest of Rock Ledge, has decidetTto make Ashevilit his future home. A large shingle factory has beeu started at Hot Spriugs. lney nave facilities to manufacture a 24 inch shingle made in the state. The Supreme court finds no. error . - . . n tne case or btate vs. (Gentry of Madison. Gentry was'convicted of second degree niurd.r and sentenced to 15 years in the penitentiary. MARRIED On December 24th, at the residsuce of Miss Belle Hunter, on McDowell St., Mr. Henry Payne, of Madison Co. and Miss Alice Hun ter, o Buncombe Co. The nuptial Knot was tied by Mr. A. S. Nicholsorj, Justice of the Peace. ahdTon ? c Pellets Cure all jforms of disease caused by Sluggikh Liver and Biliousness. The pink Pill ClcaHSeS fhrToilic peiiet Invigorates s. n. Mo. pepaia and! Ramon's cording lo feel 1 ilte a The ii'tlf rrm. ai vrry wort, ire, of UrcEinDTirs, ft.y., saj. w-.a very bilious for a long time : haa taue r and getjting in bad health. I had dy spit up my iood. I uing niver Pills and Tome Felleta ac- niirnr'5 rook, and aa a re Paid Dear For His Leg. R. D. Blauton of Thackerville. Tex as, in two years paid ever $300 to doc tors to cure a running sore on his leg Thui they wanted to cut it ofi, but ht cured it with one box ol liucKieu Arnica salve. . Guaranteed eure fo piles. 25 cts a box. Sold by all drug gists. ; ' The poor of Asheville were ndt for- rotteu on Christmas Day- The How- . r i i : . . . 1 fnflA-ir onnlpf). er jjiissioa suppucu mmrj, ki , etc. to the inmates of the county jail, the Mission-hospital, the Children Home, and In the different wards .1 J .ma .1 -1 r, f l -, ...imhur nr n iiimreii weic mow . "V LI lull wvi " . '...: Kv oriists' Rt ' tht Quisisana. . . riinmas J. Reed aud Chas. It. Whit T and Coal iKer, ui . .i . nuii. tn nil r- (.o., have lelt ior ine uunu. 1nfie machinery which will largely : if n ri II Of U. fWl : .1.1 . T n u i r i laLLUiiua. " - - - lUUlaa storage facilities. suit I incrleitsed in weignt '23 pounds, an4 hew person. tru Cornp!rteTieatnit!ta.2ott a CO . n. V. And G.-anelilej Ta a Keen, Clear, ; Brain. Your best feelingf,.your soeial po sition or uusmes ou"q largely on the perfect action ol yon . i. iiuir rr Kiuz's New dmiiim-.u nuu u-vi . - 1 " it Pills ffive increased Ptrength, J- -a " " CT . . t.Il. n hum tnn. c ear Drain, uigu au.v . . :,. 1:1..' A 25 cent box will mate you ieei hk. -1 L-! . hv 11 ilriisrsjfists a new Deiu ouiv III 11 III in- hi- ti A -QUICK CURE FOK' CUUGHS and COLDS Pynyfecioral L The (janadian Remedy for all - Throat and Lung Affections. L.rge Bottles, 25 cents. DAVIS & LAWRENCE CO., Limited, Prop's Perry Pavia' Pain-Killcr. York. Montreal. w-cv v r.Unu. asst. Postmaster of i t U II II L 1 ' . r tt T Tuatinu nMi.u otirl Xi rS. IX. uv.w.. UllllllUiC, ----- daughter of Juugejj. . -;-fr nf Dr. GeorKP w-. aiow a w . 1 i c,Jov afiprnoon at tll marrieu .ouuu; home of the bride. and were aomnl T St roup died Sunday WIS. . T- Gf f . . . Pmp hi, Ol night at uei . - . . vears Inter pneumonia, 6 . ment was made Tuesday morning Bull Creek cemetery. at 0.J From th this city. e reports of the dealers in we think no proprietary medicine has a larger'sale than Pain- Killer. Its valuable properties as a speedy cure for pain can not fail to be generalv appreciated, in .case of accident, r sudden attack of dysen taryj r!iarj-hoea,,cholrea morbus - Montreal Star. Avoid substitututes there is but one Pain killer, Perry A Cure For Indigestion T hav suffered Untold misery with . i..t.a frnm indices In the past ten mouD " a v.nnnusues. attenaea ujr hou -o-.-v-t-t , bowe9. Five nain In my leit , treated me but gave only relief. Four months ago luHrf , " S ' r v.-ofen usinr Ramon s Ttfirfc Pellwts,; constantlymprovlog ever nce Kiver and have- Pills been ,with 57H P.r., Notary Public. Nathanton, ivy S TirnaVteCtS Of laii f f cure S J W Norwood, President. Erwin Sludeb, Cashier Tlie B J ue Ridge National Bank ASHEVILLE, N. C. Capital S100,000. . We solicit correspondence and the accounts of banks, corpora tions, firms and individuals. . - Promptness, accuracy and safety guaranteed. , No interest paid on deposits. Stifety deposit boxes for rent. - . ani rp. We are prepared to eive prompt attention to collections ana re knit afl lowest exchange rates on day of payment. Every day affords new proofs of tht eculiar erlects of Pain-Killer. Il cases where a disordered condition ol he stomach, liver and bowels is com bined with i great debiiity, nervoue weakness, and iutense melancholy, its enects are most benehcial and wonderful. It should j be kept bj very lamny. Avoiu substitutes here is but one Paiu-Killer, Perr Uavis', Price-25c and 50c. WHtRh ALL ELSE Beet Cough Syrnp. Tactee Good. In t ten e. Sold r droggtRta. Uae Shot lownln n Doorway. Bikminqham, Ala.; Dea 23. At Oak- man, Walker county, a oitusen of that place named Knox was shot to death from the darkness late last night while ttanding in the doorway of a restau rant. Two slugs of lead were fired into his body, one passing through his heart. Knox had a qnarrel with three negroes yesterday and they suspected of the crime. Two of them are in jail, but their guilt has not yet been fixed. The town is excited. Tragedy Near Gibson, Ga. Gibson, Ga., Dea 2b Samuel Usry, a well known citizen of this county. who resides about 4 miles east of Gib- son, snot and Killed Josepn Usry, a yonng man of the same district. The particulars as to what caused the shoot ing nave not oeen ascertained otner than that the parties became involved in a dispute and the former shot the latter. - I ' Atlanta's New Library. Atlanta, Dec. 23. The plans sub mitted by Architects Ackerman & Ross of New York have been accepted by the Carnegie library board of trustees and bids for erecting tne building will now be asked. . sTon Tha Kind You Haye Always BougW OA Bears the y Signature A W. J DIi?EOTOBS JA8. A. BURROUGHS, SLAY DEN, E. r. lucas, s. p.McDivrrr ERWIN SLUDEK Q.'A. NoBwood. J. W. NORWOOD. NtW TRIAL FOR JEFFERSON. . ! : . I i Alleged Slayrr of Cupcain Baruus iGeta Aiiotlier t'hance. . Raleigh, Dec. 23 The supreme court gives J. J.. Jefferson,' the alleged assas sin of Captain Calvin Barnes, from Wil son connty, a new trial, on the ground that Barnes' djiug statement to hia Ut ile son, .' Ned, have Jefferson arrested,' was supposition acd not fact. Justice Montgomery, in delivering the opinion, ; expressed great surprise that the solicitor admitted the state ment The new trial is granted on the further giound that the jury in its ver dict said "guilty of murder as charge in the bill, while it should have said of murder in the first or second degree. Mayor After Detectives. Savannah, Dea 23. Mayor Herman Meyers nas issued an order tnat was rather startling to several members of the city police force, particularly to the detective contingent. Savannah has re cently been infected with fakirs of the worst sort, the kind that lay for their victims and tempt them with interest ing bait. Mayor Meyers sent word to the detectives that the fakirs , must be driven out of the city at once, or the members of the detective force would have to resign. " New England Society Dines. Charleston, Dea 23. The eightieth banquet of the New England society of Charleston was given at the Charleston hotel here last night A large and bril liant company was assembled. The re snonse to "Forefathers' Days," the leading toast of the evening, was made bv the Kev. J. A. d. scnerer, u. u The other speakers were Mayor Smyth, General M. U. tin tier and Judge Uage of the state court and Robert M. Larner of the Gridjroc.clnp. Waehuigtw- Government Paid No Heed to the Gen erai'a Dispatches Advising Against an Attack on the Boers Late Events Show Estimates Were Correct. London, Dea 26. It appears that a storm is brewing on the subject of the course of the government toward Gen eral Sir Butler, whose conduct at the outset of the war met with much criti cism. J J It is said that General Bujtler, previ ous to the war, sent a series of dis patches warning the government against attacking the Boers, giving details of their condition for war, which have bean verified by recent eventi. But his dispatches were very distasteful to the government and were put away out of fight and General Butler was harshly criticised. , ' i General Butler, it seems, drew atten tion to the way in which the English were misled by the blindness of the in telligence department, whioh, from what has taken place, was totally un aware of. or purposely misinformed by the Boers as to their arms and numerical strength. It is well known here that British agents of the intelligence department were sent from time to time to find out what the Boers were doing in the way of armament. The Boers knew all about it, but simulated naivete and con ducted the visitors round forts which they ohose for their own purposes, where old guns were set up and shown with an affectation of 'pride by Presi dent Kruger's men, who were cunning enough to inspire the strangers by their plausibility. Thus the British intelligence depart ment received the most minute reports of the caliber, range and number of can non possessed by the Boers, but were merely gulled by the wily burghers. The real guns with which the war is conducted, the Crensots and Krupps, were so carefully hidden that scarce a soul outside of the immediate circle of government knew of them. The British government sent out an equal number and caliber to that which the agents had been allowed to see. In the same view it is thought that the Boers understated their numerioal forces and small arms. Waii ted Butler Degraded It is understood that all these things were told to the home government by General Butler, with the result that Butler was called pro-Boer and rabid papers demanded his degradation But since tne war began people who knew the contents of General Butler's dispatches have come forward and asked that they be published, lhe attention of members of parliament has been called to the matter and when the com mons is assembled in six weeks' time demands will be made for the publica tion of these dispatches. If it be asked why General Butler did not speak out it must be remem bered that he is a military man in a high position, and says "My lips are sealed, but the subject is now occupying the club gossips. One very clever clubman remarked that the question really amounts to this: "Is he a traitor or a martyr?" Another said: "Is General Butler the Dreyfus of this war, and has he oeen snubbed by the queen? For it will be remembered that when the queen visited Bristol he was withdrawn from the chief command of the Western district and it was stated that he would have been hooted had he ppeared. Has he been insulted by the press in order to shield the war office, which believed tne intelligence depart ment rather than the chief of the South African forces? Some one else said: "Remember Lord Wolsely's recent speech We nave been grossly misinformed as to the strength and resources of the Boers. 1 ' "The public naturally asks: " 'Deceived by whom?' " - Situation Is Unchanged. The latest cable dispatches from South Africa show that the situation at the front is practically unchanged. "With the exception of desuitory artillery prac tice, to which the Boers do not reply, the British continue to mark time. The Boers, heavily bombarded Lady smith for a couple of hours Dea 16, the day after the battle of Tugela river, but little damage was done. They killed one man and wounded two men of the gafrrisen. Advices from . Cape Town say the New Zealanders, with General French, at Naauwpoort, were in a tight corner Deo; 18. They were nearly surrounded by Boers and retired under a hail of bullets fired at short range, but sus tained only small losses. Among the Boers killed at Stormberg were many of that locality who had joined the Orange Free State forces. Several newspaper correspondents have returned to Cape Town from the Modder river, apparently confirming tha belief that an immediate advance of the British is projected. It is clear that General Buller will re new the attempt to relieve Ladysmith while Lord Roberts is on the sea. He to Believe That . Killed a. Man. Geneva, Ala. , Dec. 22a A unique po litical sensation has developed in this county. Several weeks ago the probate judge was handed the resignation of Circuit Judge Purtis and he notified the governor's office accordingly. This was followed by applications to thegov ernor for the appointment of several prominent people of the county. Two or three weeks afterwards the probate judge notified the governor to withhold the appointment, as there was no va cancy. It now appears that the friends of a Geneva county politician wanted Par tis' place and laid a scheme to get it for their favorite. They, arranged to get Purtis very druuk and when he had commenced to sober up represented to him that while drunk he had killed a man, that they had spirited him away from the authorities and that in flight lay his only safety. They gave him $200, in consideration for his resigna tion in favor of their friend as clerk, and advised him to flee to Florida, which he did. - Later on he sobered up, found he had not killed anybody, returned and de mands that his resignation be returned to him. There is a doubt as to whether he can withdraw it and the matter has been referred to the courts. Purtis is a Pop ulist. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. BUILD INDEPENDENT LINE. &N. TWENTY-ONE MEN PERISH. British Steamer Strands Nar the Hat teras Weather (OiIice. Cape Henet, Va., Dec. 25. The weather bureau of Hatteras; N. C, re ports that the British steamship Ariosto, Captain Barnes, from Galveston to Nor folk for coal, thence to Hamburg, loaded with cotton, corn, wheat and meal, stranded on Ocracoke beach, 6 miles south of the Hatteras weather bu reau office, at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon. The steamship carried a crew of 30 men. Twenty-one men alandoned the steamer and took to the boats soon after she stranded. The boats were wrecked in the heavy seas and the entire 21 were drowned. Captain Barns and the re maining eight men were taken from the ship by Captain James Howard and crew of the Ocracoke lifesaving station lhe rescue was effected with diffi culty, owine to the heavy sea, the land ing taking almost the entire day., Cap tain Barns and eight surviving mem bers of the crew are now being cared for at the lifesavinff station. Some water is making in the hold of the vessel, but she is still in good con dition, and probably can be saved if prompt assistance is rendered. LARGE City of FLOUR MILLS BURN. Another Southern Will No Longer Use L Trucks to Stevenson. Chattanooga, Dec. 22. The incor porators of the Memphis and Chatta nooga Railroad company held a meeting at the Read House in this city today and organized the company by selecting the following officers: President, H. S. Chamberlain, Chat tanooga. Secretary and treasurer. George W. Ochs, Chattanooga. General counsel, Colonel W. A. Hen derson of Washington, the general coun sel of the Southern railway. LOlonel Henderson and a party of the incorporators left for Huntsville, Ala., tonight to organize the company in that stato. In reference to the company's plans, Colonel Henderson said that the char ter has been secured and the purpose, is to at once build an independent line for the Memphis and Charleston division of . the Southern railway from Chattanooga to Stevenson, Ala., the road being oper and for that distance now over the tracks of the Louisville and Nashville. Two routes have been surveyed, one being by tunnelling through Lookout mountain and the other by a more cir cuitous route, but less expensive. The Southern railroad has set aside $1,000,000 for the purpose of building this line. UGLY BLAZE IN "ATLANTA. Business Portion of Alabama Street Appeared Docined. Atlanta, Dec. 22. One of the fiercest fires that has visited Atlanta this year one that seemed to threaten the whole business portion of upper Alabama street for a time broke out last night at 7:S0 o'clock in the rear of the Rucker build ing, between the Maddox-Rucker bank building and the fire department head quarters. For an hour and a half the angry flames leaped up from the center" of the block, and it seemed as if the whole of the street, including the Maddox Rucker bank building, the warehouse in the rear of the burning structure and smaller buildings on Madison street, would be consumed. Roughly speaking, the total loss sus tained will not exceed $40,000, an ex ceedingly small figure when the head way the fire had obtained and the num ber and value of tha buildings in the vicinity is considered. Augusta Visited by St-rious Bliiz Augusta, Ga., Dec. 25. Augusta had another serious fire last night Berry's big flour mills were destroyed, together with a large amount of grain and flour. The mill building was valued at $25,000 and the machinery at $55,000, while there was some $30,000 worth ' of corn, wheat and flour. There was a total of about $85,000 insurance: A break in the coffer dam at tha elec tric powerhouse, where a neV race and wheel were being put in, left the city in darkness. Consequently ther.a was con siderable excitement when the general alarm was turned in, and a large crowd of people flocked to the scene of the fire, tne tremendous blaze iignting up a large portion of the city. fortunately tne mm was m a lot iso lated from other buildings, . or there might have been another disastrous con flagration. The mill was a complete loss. ON AN INSPECTION TOUR. FOR Besides our usual line of well made Clothing, Overcoats. TJnderwaer, Neckwear, Gloves, Hats, Shoes, &c, we call special attention to a line of Ladies' and misses' Wraps at $1,00 to 3.00, Wariy of Which Were Twice Their Present Price" Dainty Brick-a-Brac, Fancy Boxes, Books, Dolls Games, Balls, Wagons, Pictures, Pianos, Horns, Drums, &c. H. Redwood & Co., 78 9 Patton Avenue. B 'jSgife gfcafegffl SflgfWffls fgggflB gpgyga avw awsgya ll Fire Time ? -m r m HARDWARE APREAL Orthodox TO LEGISLATURE. Want People of Hampton Mormons Sent Away. Charleston, Dec. 22. Mormon el ders, two at a time, seven years ago, began to visit the'great swamp section of Hampton connty, near the seacoast of this state, and made many converts among the Baptist backwoodsmen near Ridgeland. They now have so large a following that they have established a church, at which eight Mormon eiders were at work several weeks ago. The delegation to the state legislature has been asked by the orthodox people of Hampton county to work for a law to extirpate the elders add say that "prompt legislation may save them from having the mob violence that some sister states have lately had in trying to rid themselves ot this sect." is receiving reinforcements and fresh j ever since. Jailed to Prevent Lynching. Raleigh, Dea 'il. Robert Fortune and John Taylor, young negroes,, who robbed and shot Robert Hester, a prom inent farmer of Nash county, on the public road on his farm, were brought here and jailed this morning to prevent lynching. They confessed their crime and say they committed it to get money, which they knew Hester had received yesterday. After robbing him they shot him three times, despite his ap peals, and lett him lying in the road. Dwight L. Moody Dead. East Northfield, Mass., Dec. 22. Dwight Lu Moody, the famous evange list, died at noon today, aged 62 years, The cause of death was a general break ing down due to overwork. Mr. Moody'.s heart had been weak for a long time and exertions put forth in concoction with meetings in the west last month brought on a collapse from which he failed to rally. Fight For Mileage Books. Jacksonville, Fla., Dec. 22. The Travelers' Protective association is working hard to have mileage books restored on railroads in this state, with prospects of success. They were taken off two vears aeo. and the travelina rhn have been fighting the 'question Our Goods will please, and Our tl The Chester and. Tjenoir Officers Ride Over Thf ir Road. Raleigu, Dea 25. The new officers of the Chester and Lenoir narrow gauge railway have completed- their first in spection trip, lhey say the company has all the money necessary to make the road an important one. The plan is to baud frorri each end of the road untif one terminus is Charles ton, the other Biuefield coal mines, W. Va. Work will begin on tne extension from Lenoir, through the mountains, and the guage will'be changed between Hickory and .Lenoir in 90 days. The section from Hickory to Chester will remain a narrow guage until the grading to Can berry is completed. Then it will also be changed to a broad guage. It is hinted that the Seaboard Air Ltne is the new owner. As yet the secret is kept. ' ' A Homicide In Charleston. Charleston, Dec. 25. A homicide was committed in this city as a result of an argument over the Transvaal war between an Irishman and an English man. Jttattnew vjieason, xrisn, and Alea Logan, English, engaged in the contro versy, which grew warm. Logan went home, got a shotgun and returned to the scene of the dispute. Gleason hav ing left, he shot and killed another young man of Irish descent, Mike Ho- gan, who had been in no way connected with the dispute. Too much barleycorn rather than admiration for either John Bull or Paul Kruger, was at the bottom of the affair. - . i Bookkeeper Tries Suicide. 1 Charlotte, N. C, Dec. 25. W. L. Pittman, bookeeper in ! the Merchants) and Farmers' National bank of this city, attempted suicide by cutting his throat. He was found at an early hour in a room in the Central hotel, slowly bleeding to death with a deep gash in the neck. He was removed to St. Pe ter's hospital and restoratives applied, but he remains in a critical condition. No cause has yet been assigned for the deed. Pittman is married -and came originally from Tarboro, in this state. Shortest Route to Florida. . Macon, DeW 25. The closing of traffic arrangements today between the Gainesville and Gulf, railroad, just completed, from Sampson City, Fla., to Gainesville, Fla., and the Georgia Southern and Florida railroad furnishes the shortest route between New York and Middle Florida. Fast freight and passenger service will be put on as soon as possible. .The line win nandle over 1,500 cars of early vegetables from Flor ida to the east each spring. Prices are right. G oal and Wood Tongs, Fire and Stove Shovels, Fire Sets, Coal Vases, Andirons and Fenders, Pokers, Spark Guards, Air Tight Heaters. Asheville gLdrdware Co., S. E. Corner Court Square. . ' $19 'If I IV m IV ! IN IV IN IN IN IN IN AN IN IN IN IN IN IN w. V BOH MARGHE, 15 S. Main Street. Fall Goods 1 Autumn is here; we must pre pare for it. We ar in a posi tion to help you at the least pos sible cost for the best materials. s. Our cloak department is full of excellent styles at bargains, and more arriving daily. Wrap batteries and ought to be in a position to reopen hostilities in a week or ten days, unless he waits for the siege train. , Noted Pinnacle Rock Falls. Nashville, Dea 26. The celebrated Pinnacle rocfc at Cumberland gap fell from its lofty height early this morning. The'town was awakened as if by an earthquake. The mass weighed hun dreds of tons. Fortunately it took a course missing all houses. Considerable property was destroyed. Norwegian Bark Seized. Durban, Natal, Dea 26. The Nor wegian bark Regina, from Java, loaded with stretchers and railway sleepers, has been captured near Delagoa bay and brought here by the British secondohua cruiser Forte. New Industry For Rome. Rome, Ga., Dec. 22. A company of Michigan capitalists have decided to build a crate and veneering factory in Rome. the plant will employ 300 hands, cover 9 acres and represent an outlay of over f 100, 000. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Dispute Euds In a Tragedy. Sycamore, Ga.,.Dea 25. Clements Royal shot and instantly killed Dan Luke at this place last night. The two men became involved4 in a dispute while at W. D. Fountain's store, when Royal fulled his pistol and: sent a bullet hrough Luke's neck, inflicting a wound which was at once fatal. Both men are of prominent families and bore good reputations. Royal fled after firing the fatal shot and has not yet been arrested. Union Depot For Columbia. ' Columbia, S. C., Dea 25. The South ern and Atlantic Coast Line railroads made a splendid Christmas gift to Co lumbia. Today it was definitely an nounced that these roads will build a union depot 540 feet long, to cost f 100, 000. It is said that this will be the finest passenger station in the 'south. The Seaboard will have a separate de pot, a very handsome affair. Work will be commenced at once. I Underwear. or s Anniston's Indebtedness, f Ansistos, Ala., Dec. 25. Negotia tions which have been pending for some time between the city of Anniston and holders of the city's bonds, which ag gregate $ 288, 500, looking to the adjust ment of the city's bonded indebtedness upon a lower interest 'rate, have been brought to a successful conclusion. WHO IS rmen as wel1 as men yr are made ; miserable by n in ri kidney and bladder trou DLfmCa' ble. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root, the great kidney remedyj p-omptly cures. At diuggists in fifty cent and dollar sizes. You may have a , sample bottle by mail, free, also pamphlet telling ali about it. Ad dress Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamp ton. N. Y. Is one of the first things to consider. We have the best asserted stock we have ever offered. "Excellent, well made fleeced pant and vests, white gray, each 25c. Heavy camel's hair Jersey , fleeced pants and vests, each, 50c X Part wool pants and vests, each 50c. Excellent stock better grades, including silk and wool and all ailk. . Onr line of union suits is very large. We can fit the & smallest child of the largest woman. Prices, from 50 to f2.50, Dress Goods and Silks, They are very Important, therefore we have given them 4 much consideration. In this department may f o most of the new weaves and shades, at quick selling prices. IN (US IN IN IN IN AN Hosiery U Corsets. These departments are very j strong and are probably unsur- m Dassed by any in the city, in a few days a large assortment woolen hesiery will arrive. of -Notions. r Almost anything you may take a notion for can be found in this department. j New things arriving dally at the Old Reliable m tne BON HARCHE, 15 S: Main Street. 9 83 ft : a. VI? VI vt VI V! IN IN VI V! VI VI VI VI VI VI VI i VI IN N P VI ::; VI, VI VI 4 VI IN IN IN VI VI VI VI VI VI VI VI VI VI it VI VI VI VI VI M VI SI VI i VI VI VI VI (em 3 II t" ii

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