THE ASHEVILLE REGISTER Published Every Saturday. BR ITT SHOOK, Editors. R. B. ROBERTS, Corresponding ' Editor, Washington, J). C. SUBSCRIPTION administration. His going ia a concession to the pension' sharks that ought not to be made and we hope President Roosevelt will ire turn his resignation endorsed, "not accepted." One Year. Six Months. .$1.00 , 50 ALWAYS IN ADVANCE. A cross mark on your' paper in dicates that your subscription has expired, and we politely request you to pay all arrearages and re new at once. There is a little; danger of he Democratic party's overdoing the 'mare's nest enterprise, j-j' , Democratic synipathj Miles does riot involve tion to'the presidency for Gien'l nomina- That Holiness preacher killed his neighbor' the other settled the question as to in that beatific state. ins who day part - "Jeems" Arkansaw Jones can now enter into active sympathy with the fellow wl(o got left. He knows how it feels himself The hungry and thirsty, leaders "of Democracy are giving old Miss Harmony a hoi race, but so far she has eluded their embraces. The Register ,f today con tains a carefully prepared condens ation of the election laws of this State which we commend to the study of every voter. Everyytime Col. Henry AVater son drinks enough to see double he? discerns a chance for the Dem ocratic party to break into the official clover field. Congressman Richardson's spring into the arena with his Danish '"Christmas" trick -was several degrees too "previous. A man of ordinary cheek would not wait for a suggestion to "go 'way back and sit down" . and be dis, gusted at himself. For once the Democrats in Con gress have gotten together. It is upon a Philippine policy that they agree. As usual with them, it is a bad policy and adds another to a multitude of reasons why the party should be kept in "innoc uous desuetude." Chairman James K. Jones can hope longer after defeat than any statesman on record. It is a way he has. The balance of mankind has known for a whole week that the King of the round cotton bale trust was beaten out of his boots in Ins effort to be returned to the United States Senate, but he con tinues to cheerish a livelv hone that the hnal count will be in his favor. V.. 1 . ' ii iicciiiiueib m mis country are unanimous in their demand for sweeping tariff concessions to Cuba. In this they are in abso lute Harmony with the Sugar irust and the Tobacco Trust I lllS IS a tvnical raeo'nf J X JJ Vi. Ull Li- 11 UOl Democracy, r They cry out against trusts to deceive the people and at the same time do the most. srvil and unpatriotic work that the worst species of trusts demand of them. with the tender of a gift of eleven acxes of land on the west' side South French Broad avenue for public city park. It is a most ad mirable location, and could not be excelled in this city for park pur poses. 1 here is a nice eminence. a little stream, a eood spring, and a number of fine shade trees There is over 500 feet of front over 600 feet of depth, and an ex tension at the south-west corner erivins: the whole a rhomboida form. - When property was at high tide m Asheville this - property stood at $50,000, and laterly at $25,000, The city has aocepted this ma nificent gift, and passed a vote o: thanks to Mr. Pack. It is to be called Aston Park, at the giver's request, in honor of the late may or Aston. It is hoped that the city wil take early steps to improve ana beautify the spot. is not so angelic as to condemrj it y for legitimate party jpurposes, and has the frankness to say so. y is not the 20 per cent con cession -- on ' Cuban importations - that exciies the ,disrust of free traders so nmelijfs the -other SO .per cent, that jis not conceded. If ever a member of the House of Representatives deserved a suc cession of terms on the score of sheer merit, Hon. James . M. Moody, of this district, does. Congressman Iihea of tucky could tell a lonq Ken-story about what lie knows of the waces of sin and the fol iniquity'' into a Goebel law. framing election The 'Go'ebel election law got Mr. Rhea into Congress, but it didn't keep him there. "And that is the main thing ni'ter all; for what is ',i -i . .i i tne guou ol geiiing in oniv to De- cast out again ? . k ' t - judge who allows politics to swerve him from the strictest line of justice is something to. be de plored and avoided.- If half of what has been said of Judge Walter Clark, by men of his own party, be true he is a good man for the people to mark for defeat if he is nominated for Chief Justice by the Democrats this year. A man who cannot cleave olT politics when he " dons the ermine is not fit to sit in judge ment upon his countrymen. Mr. Richardson felt sure he. had discovered an' overshadowing - is sue, one that would dwarf all paramount of former times" But when he put his finger upon it he found it was just an Irish man's Ilea. . The Atlanta Constitution is per suaded that if the.; Democratic party willo into the next cam paign -dressed up in some of the Republican party's : old tariff clothes it cannot be defeated. ' If the Constitution can make the leaders see through its "speks,"; that is the kind of uniform the party will wear. But; as a puet. the record of the Atlanta! Constitution is so full of misses! LEVYING POLITICAL ASSESSMENTS The Democratic press professes to be horrified at theN discovery that Mi ,D.". Kirby Pope, of Char lotte, has been soliciting campaign contributions from federal office holders. Mr. Pope is the. regular. authorized agent of the State Re pubUcan- executive committee for that purpose,, and neither he, the committee, nor the party has any apologies to render to the public for his course. The fact that the postmaster :of Marshall, either for notoriety,, or from otheramproper inspiration, had him arrested is nothing to his discredit, and wil only endear him to his friends. I is not in evidence that he did any thing unlawful, improper, or even indiscreet. Every sensible man knows, and every honest man will admit, that a laree amount of money can be honestly,- profitably, and legiti matelyj expended in the manage ment of party campaigns. Liter ature must be edited, printed and mailed; the expense of committees must be borne; corps of speakers must be employed whose contin gent expenses must usually be borne, and so on. A political par ty is an organization of persons of like beliefs for the purpose of put ting into practice certain public policies supposed to be for the public good. It has as lawful right to use money for that pur pose as a church or a missionary society has to use it for the furth erance of its objects; provided, of course, that no political contribu tion is used . for purposes " of ve nality or corruption. No party management has the right to levy, nor any person to pay, a dollar for the rmroose of corruntin? the vote Pro-1 of an elector. - As to the persons assessed, it is just and proper that office-holders ihflt lti OAiniPftl ir. 1M 1 ' A 1 taken with several grains of doubt j V fw to sharing in common with others the benefits of the operations of the peo- abide bv Those who believe in pie andre willing to their will fairly recorded are not I among t he beneficiaries of the ma- j -uiiiue me uesign ot which is to NEW RURAL FREE DELIVERY ROUTES Congressman Moody Secures Five in Buncombe and Two in Henderson. Washington, April 2. Congressman-Moody received notice today from the postoffice depart ment that his recommendation for the establishment of the follow ing free rural delivery routes had been favorably acted upon and that the routes would go. into operation in the near future. Two routes but from Candler, Buncombe county; two routes from Fletchers, Henderson county; one from Arden, Buncombe coun ty; one from Black Mountain, Buncombe county) and an ad ditional one from Biltmore. The report of the House agri cultural " committee on the Ap palachian park bill has been printed and the measuse .will go on .th.e House "calendar tomorrow. IVIrs. J. M.-Moody returned to North .Carolina yesteiday after a fori rl o xtc n'n.i TTT 1 i Houingion. ;Mr- A. M. Jtfathewsbn, late post masfer at, Taylorsville j has rived and. will accept a position in the houie'-fpldirig room which was securea ; him- r by Congressman JDiacKDurn, While theCanadian Parlia ment is in Session, Otter- wa People Hearpf a Marvelous Cure It is a Rescue From Suffering and Deatri Effected by Paine's Celery Com pound THE GREAT SPRING MEDICINE. BULGARIA'S "ACTION IS OFmWETOTIIEU. S, 3Iay Hav-e Seriojis .Effect On tlie- L Relation - Between the Countries.1 TTT 1 . - W asnmgton, March 31. Bul garia's action in refusing to main tain further relations with the Li mted States . diplomatic atrent Dickinson, located at Sofia, is dis pleasing to the administration and may have a serious effect- on the relations between the countries action will be determined on until Bulgaria's note dismissing JJickinson is received. lne reason for Dickinson's dis missal is not fully known but it is believed to be due to his activity in securing the ransom of Miss Stone. It is believed that no sue cessor to uickinson will be sent and Bulgaria's Unfriendly attitude will influence the United States lit to take steps to secure redress for the kidnapping of Miss Stone. A Doctor's Bad Plight. "Two years ago, as a result of a severe cold, 1 lost my voice," writes Dr. M. L. Scarborough. nf Hebron, Ohio, "then began an ob- tinate cough. Every . remedy known to me as a practicing .phy sician fo 35j-ears, failed, and I daily grew 'worse. Being urged to try Dr. King's New Discovery Consumption, oenator 1'ritchard. as a member of the Senate majority, can ac complish more for-the South than i.u ,i i i f. nan a uu.en meinoers or aiactious minority, and we believe tire peo ple ot North Carolina will take -this view of it. 1 As boon as it was demonstrated that the oleomargarine people were perpetrating a gross fraik upon the public, Senator Furni raid bimmpns rushed to their ' de fense like -a kindred spirit. Just to remind the forgetful that he" is some fraud himself. t tor Consumption. Dnn or Ti a. an A party; policies they also enjoy the ColdS X ound quick relief; uonoib anu emolument oi puonu for iast ten days have felt sinuous. mis is uu. irrLiy ur ,-.., - . I iuuu iwi tnu MR. ALFREE BROWN, A Prominent and Popular Citizen, Says : . , "After the Use of Paine's Celery Compound I Am Now in the Best of Health." The greatest of all modern physi cians, Prof. Kdward E. Phelps, M. D., LL. D., after years of long practice and. close scientific study, gave to suffer ing and diseased men and women his marvelous, life-giving prescription, with the conviction and positive knowledge that it had peculiar virtues and ample owers to cure, after the terrible ver dict "incurable" was uttered by ' the medical practitioner. Thousands of the strongest testimoni als from the best known and most re liable men and women of our country fully suetaia the claims made by Dr. Phelps regarding ' his : incomparable Paine's Celery Compound. One of the most convincing proofs fur nished, comes recently from a gentle man widely known in the capital city of the Dominion of Canada. We refer to Mr. Afred Brown, 91 O'Connor St.. Ot tawa, Ont. Mr. Brown's letter fully demonstrates the fact that jfhe greatest sufferer may cast off his or her burden of disease : and become well, strong and happy. It proves, too, that the great medicine maintains more firmly than ever hefore its unrivalled place in the estimation of people of wealth and so cial standing as well as with the mass es. Mr. Brown says: "I acknowledge with thankfulness and pleasue the fact that '.I have been cured of .very painful fUness of eight years' standing by use of Paine's Celery Compound. I had, during the years of my illness,, tried almost all the adver tised medicines without deriving any good results. I was also treated by several of the best doctors of this city, hoping to find that one of them, at least, would understand my case. "I was getting worse and was told I was incurable. . I was indeed in a critical condition. I could not go from the house alone, as I was liable to sud den collapse. I tried hospital treatment, but no relief or good results 'came to me. I could not sleep; anything that I ate increased my agonies; I was ex tremely weak, restless, tired, and de spondent; was obliged to walk about ft with my hands pressed firmly into my left side to ease my pains; my feet and hands were cold continually; had inclin ation to . vomit, had profuse,, cold sweats, quick breathing, and would be racked with pain for. hours at a time. "After the regular use of Paine's Cel ery Compound for a time, I am now in the best of health, have good appetite. and can use any kind of food. Thank God I am my old self once more, all through the use of Paine's Celery Com pound." HE.. Southern Railway.. ANNOUNCES THE OPENING OF THE WINTER TOURIST SEASON AND THE PLACING ON SALE OF Excursion - Tickets TO ALL PROMINENT POINTS IN THE SOUTH, SOUTHWEST, WEST INDIES MEXICO AND CALIFORNIA, INCLUDING St. Aueustine. Palm Beach, Miami Jacksonville, Tampa, Port Tampa Brunswick, Thomasville, Aiken Charleston, Augusta, Pine hurst, Asheville, Atlan ta, New Orleans, Memphis and . THE "LAND OF THE SKY" PERFECT DINING AND SLEEP ING-CAR SERVICE ON ALL TRAINS. See That Your Ticket Reads VIA SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Ask any ticket agent for full informa tion, or address F. R. DARBY, City Pass, and Ticket Agent A-heville N. C. S. H. HARDWICK, ; General Passenger Agent. m . 1 ; J. M. CULP, Traffic Manager W. A. TURK, Asst. Pass. "Traffic Manager. Washington, D. C. Wood's Seeds! e Lave a full line of Wood's Seeds and will be glad to supply you. Seeds are all fresh and can U 1! 1 ' ... ue suppiieu in any quantity ana 'iit Wood's prices. , Grant's Pharmacy. BEWARE of imitations of Dia mond Dyes. Ask for and take I only Diamond. years. better Positively land -Hot of self iu; l "" " guaranteed tor Throat and Lun ;D : 77 f" . statement ot a plain, simple trutn troubleg hv . An nr0 7 -w aiiu uiicil serviiP vn Tnnoann 1 i n ' t i mi i , "&6ic"- Izens as well.should give of their Qne Cent 1 . . . i ' i i Til -une uut eApeiT sirauaiers can stand on a platform with one 'plank in Boerdom and another in Filipinoland. It is unreasonable, to expect Democrats to '"toe the line and. stand on both , sides of the globe at the same time. - General JMiles' correspondence to the President recently submit tea to congress on the request of .that body, shows that, as a wanter, the General has few equals and no superiors. It ds not .thought, that those Democratic members -who were fdremost in demanding the information conveyed by the aforesaid correspondence will care .to exploit whett they learned be fore the public. The. resignation of Pension Commissioner Evans has been laqed in the. hands of the Presi dent arid, it is said, will be accept ed as soon as a better place can be provided for him. Mr. Evans has made a faithful and capable Com missioner of Pensions: It has been his constant endeavor . to make the pension roll a roll of honor, and his efforts had the. ap probation .of the President and the troubles bv All Dm n ,kj , ,;n ,i . .... " to official control rerrn.dlo0a nt J . 71' , . . ana .UU. Tnal bottles free J-" l V rt r n it ri-rkc?-k lint rrrntn rtiti CllAC f 4 Ia J A i 1 I J ' X ui mc mnjoriiy ro tne con l rtnt rrarr 'i nni. c -i T ii oi an nonest substance for the honest and Wit- 7 -m , :a-rian ana record imate advancement of their ideas Un account of the Confederate ,uC . oi me majority of the peo- 0f public policy. Will some of etens Reunion, April 22 to 25 pie, tne purpose ot the machine is tl,000 QQir, l,r roirinro .ilrte round trio tickets will k ciri In r afaQt 4 i . : 1 1 l . i . j . x ' I uiai 111 RTin t lOTohi- 1 j lli.l ta nn n AU -I-k l. j luwiBsiv. xs iso buucivtu. mease i uuuu jaeit. at name a single public cause which vei7 low rat of one cent a mile they espoused that has not made Ths rate is open to everybody rlpimanrls nnrm tlifiir PTnliwmor frvr- J-lCJietS Will be SOlfl AnrillS 1Q TU.-.M.i i ... "1" J mat nas crept into the its nrnmotinn ? Why not ha Knn and 2U, and will be limited tn Afow noodles" of some of our Demo- est and frank nbnnt this mnHor v 2 for return, but will be eTtonrlorl crauc inenas tiiat the Republican If there is anything wrong in the I J " T v and IT I . t A - nuinry tne toundation principle oi our torm ot government. organization poses, or has 'ever proposed, to pay duplicity and misrepresentation me pon rax or negro citizens hay: by mg the. educational qualification to vote, shows what foolish xjm- agimngs people who are scared can sometimes conjure up in their minds. The idea of Republicans. n ,i . ' generally, is tliat tew negros who can read and write will be admit- to May io if desired. Stop over twill be allowed at any points in Arkansas or Texas on either going or returning, .bow rate side trip tickets will be sold from Dallas to all parts of Texas, Oklahoma and North Carolina should be the Amhan Territory. The round trip. last to broach the subiect. Thev iluUi A8neville be $ 21.60 x J I I r -K7rn qttav .-B-Ai. X- i m Wowr,T-t-0rl it f.ii ; ,-o 1, .,.J,"""'fi cA1jCUi io visit xexas They have tightened it to the last to do so. For rate and schedule tension. They have put the Re- from your home town and f- But dwellers in thin glass houses should not invite stone throwing. The Democratic party m Z "JT Tn KeSlstrars publicans to shame. In 1888 and handsomely illustrated pamphlets "v'v,V1'-" liiacuine to rob this class of citizens of their rights penetrate all the meanness ex pected qf them, and to express the beiiet that the Reiublican com mittee would pay the poll taxes of such citizens, even if it were le gitimate to do so, six months be- lore election, and take the chance of getting them to the polls, is just simply to publish one's self an idiot. 1896, when they held the federal l, boards, thev levied and collet p "" TV. rtM' "eunS .. .x , 7 neaa House wusars inuuie at sucn a rate as miock, Uhattanooga, Tenn to cause a great howl to go ur and some of the faithful declared A JN early r atal Euna way mat a thira ot their yearly salary Started a horrible ulcer was called tor as an otfermg to leg of J. B. Orner. FrkUn luc uiftLB cam- III. Wh,f.h f ofiftH rWf. J MR. PACK'S GENEROUS GIFT. Asheville is again the recipient of Mr. George W. Pack's generos ity. ThexVance monument, the ibrary building and the new court house site are not to be the only marks of his love for the city of his adoption. His heart is as ready to give as his keen, practi cal eye is quick to recognize pub ic necessity. Others may give as fer to these th incrs.Nbnt their . -' J I I.. 11.. r vuccnuuj, uui iew can give so wisely .V Asheville owes him un dying gratitude and lasting re membrance. This "time he paigns of 1898 and 1900, particu larly the' former, the forcible and arrogant levying of exorbitant contributions upon all classes of people from railroads to shop clerks was so notorious as. to amount to a public scandal. ' 1 .. . C 1 ' . " hb iiav ts uu means or Knowing how ail -of these funds wrere ap plied, but m a . campaign charac terized by fraud, intimidation and bloodshed, it is. easy to conclude that not allNof it went into the channels of legitimate campaign expenses. It is riot pleasant to re- are all remedies for four years. Then Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured him Just as good for Boils, Burns, Bruises, Cuts, Corns, Scalds, Skin irruptions and Piles. 25c at all drug stores. Guilty of Heresy. x Arkansas City, Kan., March 29. -Rev. Granville Lowther todav formally refused to accept the proposition to stop his teaching, and the Methodist Episcopal trial committee declared him guilty of heresy. . mentioned merely to keep the rec ord straight. The Register stands ready, atall times, to con demn the levying of contributions comes forward for corrupting the ballot, hut n FOR SALE A uunu, piano in good condition, will be sold cheap on account of the owner having left the city. Call at 25, B Starnes Avenue, Soft Harness Too cn make your hr ns m toft aa a glor ad as tough aa wire by nlng EUREKA Bar. csa Oil. Yon can lng-Uien lu life make it laat twlc aa long aa It ordinarily would. EUREKA Harness Oil tnakea poor looking har nasa like new. Hade of Pure, hear? bodied oil, es pecially Dretwrnrf tA with stand tae weather. - Sold everywhere Inrani ailaiaea. Made bj STANDARD OIL CO. Rheumatism is due to an excess of uric acid or blood poison in the system and is best treated with Grant s Rheumatic Cure. This remedy neutralizes the acid and purines the blood. $1.00 bottle. , Grant's Pharmacy. 24 S. MAIN ST. appmint of tne onreac is.ciwan iwu...,..,!. to 25th tickets will be sold to Dallas, via the Cotton Belt, at rate of vone cent a mile. This rate Is open to everybody. Return Limit e extended to May il 5th, and low rate side trip tickets will be sold to all parts of Texas, Oklahoma and Indian Territories. If you expect tovisit Texas, this will be the chance of your life to do s0. Write for rate'and schedule from your home town. Aiit ConfederatVetran who contemplates ' ge??i0i i!4ii-i will hp sent a handsome picture of General KoDerx K. Le. ana a nr of his farewell address (suitable for fmmimtl if he will send us ..bffSSme and address nd the nameand address of the camp to which he belongs. ' i ent, Cba(lanooa, Tenn. H. H. SUTTON, TraTeMn"asfenier Aeni, ChaManooa, E. W. La BEAUME, 0. P. 4 T.X. St, Uoif. Mo. BSa3SSaaaaaBalaa5 ' To California, $30.00 , . TO CALIFORNIA AND RETURN AT H0MESEEKER RATES. TO WASHINGTON, OREGON, IDA DO, MONTANA, I TAH WYOMING and all points West at Lowest Colonist Rates CHAIR CARS (Seats Free) TOURIST SLEEPERS. For full particulars address F. E. CLARK, . i W. T. SAUNDERS. Trav. Pass. Agent. X Gen. Agent Pass Dei : ATLANTA, GEORGIA. Choose Wisely . . . . when yoti bay a SEWING MACHINE. YotrTI find all sorb anJ ti4 ,f COfTcsponding prices. But you want a reputable serviccabk Machine, then take le -. - . years experience nas enabled as to wing out a HANDSOME ... SYMMETRICAL and WELL-BUILT PRODTJCTf gomtwmng in itj mate-up all the good points common to high grade machines and others that are found only on the WHITE for instance, our TENSION INDICATOR, a device that shows the tension at a glance. Btit this is not all, we have others that appeal to careful buyers, vibrator and rotary SHUTTLE 6TYLE8. .Otfr 2egant H. T. Catalogues groe full particulars, free. CLEVELAND, OHIO, .0 White Sewing Machine Co., -FOR SALE BY T. A. VINCENT, ASHEVILLE. If You Want that will wear "Winter Homes in Slimmer Lands." The above is the title of an at tractive booklet just issued by the I 1'ass.enger Department of the Southern railway. It is beauti fully illustrated and fully describes the winter resorts of the South. A copy may be secured by sending a iwo cent stamp to S. H. Hardwirk. G. P. A.. Wash infirm D n guaranteed How About Your Heart Feel your pulse a few minutes. Is it regular? Are you short of breath, after slight exertion as gomg up stairs, sweeping, walking, etc? Do you have pain in left breast, side or between shoulder blades, chok ing sensations, fainting or smothering spells, inability to he on left side? If you have any of these . symptoms you certainly have a weak heart, and should immediately take Miies Heart Cure Mr. F. H. Oaks of Jamestown, N. Y, ffJ VnSto Jobacco seriously affected my heart I suffered severe FhfS hcart and in e left shoulder and side; while the palpitation would awaken me from my sleep. I began taking: Dr. Miles' Heart Cure and soon found permanent relief." X. Sold by all Drucglsts, Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind A House Paint and look well, ues Pitkin's x Ready-Mixed Guaranteed ! Premium Paint. j None better made; - for five years. Pitkin's Barn Paint Is a standard coating for barn and roof work; will outlast any. other barn paint on the market. Do not accept a substitute. A building of any kind, well painted, will last two or . three times as long as one left to the mercy of the elements. Color cards ' on application. GEO; W. PITKIN CO. CHICAGO. U. S. A. WANTED Reliable man for Manager of a ! Branch Office we wish to ocen in this y( vicinity. Here is a good opening f or the right man. Kind ly give good reference when you write. The A. T. Morris Whole sale House, CINCINNATI,. OHIO. Illustrated catalogue, 4cts. stamps, if! WEWANT J A M I exchange tor BICYCLES BELOW COST Clinn "'Of graHa outwmntd 1902 MODELS, tba uUUU overstock of one of the liest known O rt . O I C u T factories of the country, secured JSH tO SlU by us at one-half cost. Four Model . V W w 1900 and 1901 Models a $7 io $11 Catalogues with large photographic engravings and full detailed specifications sent tree to any addres?. We SHIP ON APPROVAL to anyone ia U S. or Canada unthout a cent in advance and allow 10 DAYS FREE TRIAL no risk in ordering from us, as you do no! need to pay a cent if the bicycle does not suit you. SOO SECOND-HAND WHEELS taken in trade by our Chicago ret aistl ores. - 0 in tP standard makes, many pood as new WW lU U Tir8, eanipment. rnndrien.sportlncr (roods of all kinds at regu'au price, in our bite free i-undrr caulo. A world of information SVriteforit RIDER AGENTS WANTED J902model bicycle. In yonr spare time you can make $10'(. Jfpa a week besides having- a wheel to ride for .muri' reliable person in each town to distribute ntniranim f.irnsil blcyrle. V rittody for free Catalogue and our special offer L. HEAD CYCLE CO., Chicaso, KRUSTI BRANDY oSd7TtThlS 18 a ? Wend of brandy an-! paled-in S " S &in? bottles, securely four full mfiri iS? Will bpS you,! express prepaid bv us. BOURBON 1vHTivvlgear old SILK HAT RYE or j -a NNHIbKEY. Guaranteed pure and un to tl t- SraWJSlfS 48-"'1 notwPWBnted return it aUon hW ??iyoUriTn-'- Remember, $3.20 for. -m whiskey whtch could not be bought for less tin r $ dLIZ Pay the ddlemanl tX lJirect to the.consumer.from i GINSENG DISTltUNG COMPANY, St. Louis, Mo. always ive entire MtirfrX or Smokeless Powder modern manner hv V- ' re miae nd loaded in a THEY SHOOT WHERE Ynn ffDTn . mrm mJ. d experts. T AX a ASK FORTH PM WANTED. Raw Furs wanted for the North era j-uarKets. Such as Fox, Rac coon, Mink, Skunk etc. Send for price list. F. S. Palmatier, Leeds IN. 1. fV o i AGENTS-Unrivaled book New Standard work,. All rapid sellers.' Liberal terms. Our euarantH am Pen a specialty. Descriptive lists mailed. Colton, Ohman r . ! ). 15 Warren St.. New VT y n r 1 .- I f - II , YOUR EYES EXAMINED FREE! what them, it is: we will and if tell you r;:;.."VB' u", " you . need wWv'- TevW111 telL-you; just what kind you need. Repair mg on short notice. GLASSES for LiMcKEE Sale or Rent THE OPTICIAN " Opposite Postoffice. 54 PattonAve. Asheville, N. C. FOR SALE. One walnut dining tabla, -1.50. 25 yards matting, $ 1.00. -One rustic flower stand, 2' . Three jugs, loc. Two oil cans, 10c. One Oueenswam One good "WhitA sin chine, $9.00. One Small hnnl- doors, . 30 cents. Two,Screen Doors nrtfl ." W'ia- dow Screen, all for $3.00. Uall at once at 43 Fliut Ma- out SftH'f as party is going to leave u wn Soon.