HSH15MILLE : REGISTER VOL. 9 NOJ48. ASHEVILLE, N. CM SATURDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 15, 1902. PRICE 5 CENTS t laaaM.M. THE CELEBRATED TENNESSEE WAGONS Steel or thimble skeins high or low wheels, with special mountain gear brake; extra thick tire, specially ironed to order or hard rough hauling. T. S. MORRISON, AGENT....... , r ASHEVILLE Also' agent for! the; Birdsell, Nissen, Piedmont and Chattanooga Wagons. PRESS FORUM The Courier. Wavnesville. N. O. tf ' - 7 Nov. 8. r ' The bird season is in, and birds are knocked out 'daily. A party of three "gents" got 65 one day this week over on Pigeon. Mr. Wm. H. Fawcett one of the oldest citizens of Waynesville died Thursday afternoon about three o'clock. The funeral exercises took place Friday afternoon. Another bear hunt. A party of gentlemen left Waynesville Thurs day for,the mountains to kill this time, sure. The following gentle men from Jackson : Charlie Jones, Reece Crawford, Jim Crawford and three others from Jackson whose names we did not get. Dr. Abel and Charlie Knierht from Waynesville accompanied them. TV e wish them success and that the Courier may eret some bear meat as result of this chase. or his age. Last week he brought load of ' cotton to J. T. Cline's gin, and while there said he had picked 204 pounds of cotton in one day this season. ; - - ; , j. Say, Mr. Subscriber, our hands getteth cold eth, and lo ! aileth to grow. O ! ye of little aith; how often hath we cried un to thee of the wrathi to come, but ye harkehed not unto us, and thy sin be upon thine head I STOVES ! 1 ? : ' m set The Lincoln Journal, Lincolnton, N. O, Nov. 7. We were shown a beet on Wed nesday weighing 7 5-8 pounds This was raised by Mr. E. W. Wil kinson on Mrs. N. F. Robinson's place in Lincolnton township. This beats the other beet. No more beautiful collection of flowers was ever beheld than the display of chyrsanthemums and roses in the chrysauthemum show held by the Daughters of the Con federacy in the Piedmont club rodms Wednesday night and Thursday morning. It was all the eye could wish.- It representee the work of art and culture. Two rooms were filled with flowers o the most exquisite quality. Mr. Roy Roseman expects to leave for British Columbia next Sunday, where he will be engaged in work for several months. Per haps he will make this country his uture home. Mr. R. E. Smith who has been in British Columbia or several years, will return there in a tew days, alter spending sev eral months Iron Station. The Times-Mercury, Hickory, . C, Nov. 5. Commercial travelers pay that business is extremely gooa, par ticularly in the tobacco region of eastern North. Carolina,, where there is more money than ever before Business men there say The poor, benighted Hindoo 8 m m 2j m m Ma THE O. K. QUEEN STOVE is the best baking' stove that is made.: We have them in all sizes and our-prices are low'. Call and see them. We1 guarantee them in every particu lar. Prices low. We sell on jtime. -GREEN BROS.- . , 1 43-45 PATTON AVENUE. i W3 55 m M2 m NOTICE We do a great deal oi worK tor people outside tne city o: Asheville; some of them outside the State of North Girolina Make up a bundle of your soiled linen and express to 'us and will return it oromptly. laundred to suit the mos fastidious. j ' ' J. A. NICHOLS, Proprietor. and onr knees shak-i our wood-pile still his home in . Jacob's Died, 1 at Fork towns Mr. H. H. Whitener. a?ed about bip. on Nov.! 1st, 1902, 76 years! He was buried em church Sunday, Dr. at Sa- Lincoln county, on J. G. Ciappi conduct ing the funeral ! and burial ser vices. The deceased was a con sistent member of the j L iitheran church.; He leaves a wife and eight children and 37 grand-chil dren and three great-grar d chil dren. He was a brother of our townsman, I Mr. A. A. Whitener. He was a kind husband, ?i loving father and brother, an obliging neighbor and a good christian. When he was first taken, he said the end would come in ten days. He said it often, and sure enough IS he lived just ten days. THE NEW EAST RIVER BRIDGE In New York is stroyed. De- with ' his people at The News-Herald, Morganton, N. C, Nov. 6. Rev. W. K. Houk's tent meet ing closed last &unday evening It was one of the most successful religious meetings held in this section in recent years. Mr. W. B. McGee of Morgan ton and Miss Mary Smith, daugh ter of Mr. Julius Smith, one of Burke's most substantial citizens, were married at the home of the bride's parents, a mile and a half east of town, yesterday ( Wednes day), Rev. R. D. Sherrill, pastor of Morganton Methodist church, performing the ceremony. The happy pair left the same day for Hickory. ' 1 The R. & D. School of this place had an exhibit at the,Ral eigh fair last week of various arti cles manufactured at the school and products of their farm, and as usual carried away several pre-, miums. The exhibit was in charge of F. T. Meacham, farmer at the school. J. R. Rust, a successful farmer of Bridgewater, this coun ty, also got several premiums on his exhibit at the fair. Rain of Fire Into River From Cables Shipping Moved From Underneath the Blaiz- ing Structure. ' ; New York, Nov. 10. The wood en superstructure of the New East river bridge caught fire from sparks from the forges used by the iron workers this afternooni and burned far into the night. Three lives are reported lost and great damage done, the amount of which it is difficult to estimate. The flames started at the Man hattan tower and did not slop un til the wooden foot bridge attach ed to the immense cables had been burned away. The sheds protect ing the hoisting machinery on top of the tower, together with ma chinery it will be difficult to du plicate, were destroyed. The blaze ras &H) feet in the! air and difficult for the firemen to reach. A stiff breeze was blowing- and the department could do nothing but prevent the flamas from spreading on the buildings be neath the bridge. s Burning embers dropped into the East river and ships had to be moved to safety. The men re- j ported lost perished when a part of the wooden footbridge fell. It is feared the big cables have suffered irreparable injury. At midnight it was denied by the contractors that any workmen had perished, but it is impossible to learn if any are missing until the men report for work tomorrow morning. Fireman Jerry Haggerty of the fireboat William I. Strong was generation has grown to manhood and passed away. Each has had to bear its peculiar burdens, each to face its special crisis, and each has known years of grim trial, when the country was menaced by malice domestic or foreign levy, when the j hand of the Lord was heavy upon it in drouth or pesti lence, when in bodily distress and anguish of soul it paid the penalty of folly and a forward heart. "Nevertheless, decade by decade, we have struggled onward and up ward; we How abundantly enjoy material well-being, and under the favor of ithe Most High we are striving earnestly to achieve moral and spiritual uplifting. The year that has jjust closed has been one of peace and of overflowing plenty. For this we render heartfelt and solemn thanks to the Giver .of Good; and we seek to praise Him not by words only, but by deeds, by the way in which we do our duty to ourselves and to our fellow men. j "Now, therefore, I, Theodore Roosevelt, President of the United States, do hereby designate as day of general thanksgiving, Thursday, the 27th of the coming November, and do recommend that throughout the land the peo pie cease from their ordinary oc cupations and in their several homes and places of worship ren der thanks unto Almighty God for the manifold blessings of the past year. INSURANCE SWINDLES Charg I - ed Against El Paso Men. earthquakes, has now been per fected, so that it records convul sions 4,0Gp miles off. Geologic remains are constantly" turning up which contain the biographies and even tne habits of extinct crea tures. Archaelogy is full of evi. dence concerning the customs, dis positions, and doings of men and women who died thousands of TTQDTO trr ' 'hft W V- 1 I Planned to Defraud One Com- OTlol IauaAuguuo luwcoa ill iuh oUAIiLual world, by which the secret thoughts . a t. .' A1 and impulses of men are written One Application Alone That down. in the unfading book of Called For $100,000. Divine remembrance, and will be brouerht home tn ns nil snmo Aav El Paso, Nov. 8. T. C. Rich- when God,s aftnonnt. Mrft mn,ft llT ardson and W. Mason charged with Nature here , corroborate8 this' one of the biggest and most unique teaching with everv dn insurance swindles "of recent years imr emTiha&is nnn imiirPSSiWnfiSS ' O X . are on trial here, it is alleged that they planned to defraud the New York Life Insurance out of hundreds of thousands of dollars. The general plan of whoever per petrated the swindles was to se cure the assistance of a healthy man who impersonated a con sumptive, whose name appeared on tUe application, the strongman being made the beneficiary. In two instances, involving policies -London Christian. Free Trade Selfishness. Even the free traders concede that the country is much more prosperous under - a high tariff than it was under the Wilson bill; that the farmers and wage workers are better off, and that American export trade has made giant strides. i want to may seem Nntwithstnnrlinor n liirrli to-riff of tlOffO nd $15 000 the person ha8 and k .UBU.W ..jjr Fi---- bor there are some who .ii oAcuiiumg puuui at iaiiao -f i mi.- imiav lucu tiucu maouii as tuo mail ArtU1 i ii . who represented himself as one :-i i t A -t i arwrw-v jonty of the people. Butitissel- Evans for a policy of $10,000. . c . , a i, r t irrv fisb mterest- ;Some thrive when Another application for 8100,000 4.1 .1 ,1. 1 in 1 1 h i'.iiiiiiii iiii 111 ilia nil 111 11 nanun is bad, ELECTION CONTEST IN THIS DISTRICT died at Chihuahua will SMILES is ciaimea to nave Deen , trauau lent.. Other instances will be shown. Bodies of people who be ex humed, Henderson Republicans En dorse Moody's Course. Hendersonville, N. C, Nov. 8. The Republicans . of Henderson county express thfctnselves as be ing in favor of contesting the elec- A Clean Sheet For Today. If you could increase your hap piness and prolong your life, for get your neighbor' faults. Forget all the slanders you have ever heard. Forget the temptations. Some make their largest winnings when doubt and uncer tainty depress business and hard times lead to failure. The free traders largely belong to this class. But those who im port foreign goods and help to take bread from the American workings men are also in favor of free trade! The latter movement is therefore a combination of the few against the interests of the country in m. Church Extention Fund. Philadelphia, Nov. 9. The gen eral commission of the church ex tension of the Methodist Episco pal church held their final session tion in the Tenth Congressional Forget the fault-finding, and give general-Philadelphia Ite district, and in fact nothing short a ittle .thought to the cause which 1 of a contest will satisfy them. The pr0voked it. Forget the peculiari following resolution was adopted ties Qf your friends, and remember here today : all the good points that make vou "We. the Republicans of Hen- struck in the back by a bolt of red dergon county in meeting assem- sonal quarrels or historie8 you hot iron wnicn ieii irom ine Driace. ui,i i,;i 1 . , . , , ,. , He was fatallv hurt. 11 The total amount autho. . A , , . , . , " ,Diroarou "UU1U nzea tor church building purposes a u tt uxv 1 Timpo wnrcft rnnn rnov ata mnr. xi : a o o rw T ,r " r , . . , " v j ionne coming year was $oo,uuu- " r. .r out as tar as PossiDle, ail the ms- Apportionments were made todav Dajr.i,K lUoi iic mil win.., mo agreeables oi lite; ; tney will come, oa nnn. , . 111. 1 I " o CICV1 ; pit tney win grow larger wnen South Carolina, $800; South empioyea to secure me eiecuon or you remember them; and the con- (Mi gQQ . South German, I M ln H renr VV a alert nna onrl I . . .1 1 1 i 1 ' r 'I ' 1 a T i. " V sumttnougntor ine act oi mean- $450 Soutli Illinoi $900 South ness, or, worse suu, mance, wm Kansas, $1,800; Southwest Kansas, After the flames had been burn ing an hour twenty barrels of lubricating oil and a lot m- of wrap business was nevar;So good. Mr. Solomon Hunnecutt, who lives on Mr. John W. Robinson s farm, is the most remarkable man in all this section. He is 77 years of. acre 'and is healthy and active o ..." He does the best he kindo, He sticks to his cast from first to last, And for pants, he makes his skindo. Coldi " I had a terrible cold and could hardly breathe. I then tried Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and it gave me im mediate relief." ... W. C. Layton, Sidell, 111. How will your cough be tonight? Worse, prob ably. For it's first a cold, then a cough, then bron chitis or pneumonia, and at last consumption. Coughs always tend downward Stop this downward tendency by taking Ayer's Cherry Pec toral. Three site : 25c.. 50c..-$l. Anira!tl. r .Aiir rinrtnr. If he MTt take it, than do a he iay. If he tells you not to take It. then don't take it. tie Know . i.v. Kim W re willinff. W" " X C. ATEB TCO.. Lowell. Half. The Husband (during the quar rel) You are always making bar gains. Was there ever a time when you didn't? The Wife Yes, on my wedding day. flamable material used in ping the cables lecame ignited and for a time there was a veritable rain of fire on the river and the decks below. Steam fire engines were useless in extinguishing the conflagration on the towers and demand that the proper officials ia.o immouiaio w uimg w only tend to mate you ! justice all registrars and other om- miliar with them more f a- $1,800; Tennessee, $720; Texas, Obliterate $lj500. Troy, $4,000; Upper Iowa, conttagration on tne towers ana- p wv. ny. oVft onmmitffid fraud in n.- j- ui v' ' v"' the cable,, and band extinguisher, " 'lowStod vote T7 f 'T I i UpPW "W. WK0-, were used to check the blate. fSl! JL M cU 81 6 Utah, mission, $500; Vermont, sir; A woman's portrait isn't natural unless it is a speaking likeness. Many an artist thinks he's in hard luck if he isn I able to draw a cork. z W . --"""-6: ior today, and write upon it, ior $270: Virginia, : $900; Washington, uu nciouvt HuauUCu iC 6Wi sweet memory s saKe, omy tnose i cnn. wocf ftOrm0n innn. wBt and vote, and m short, for every thing8 which are lovely and lov- Nebraska, $850; West Northland violation of law. , bl Slttfftd t.l.i. i . tr..i ' w.w. .. I U U I 11 II IIllKKlflTl A i . 11 I W HK . ti O l, onouiDU, fuw, itcDi icios, qrwr XI OUUITB, WoQt Viro-inin f)- nnnfintmnt A north side boy, five years of Y?"hy did you not give that boy fund. $10,000; emergency fund age, Wiiu xiHU icccii uci;uiii0 mo Hinn?" nm on Rskfld of a 9r fim IacI's afternoon pointed out to detectives sent to the grocery the other day . I mm -w-v a bp.tween thirty and forty graves to cet some loat sugar. Uy mis- Too Late. POINTED OUT BY GHOULS AY ere Thirty or Forty Graves They Had Robbed. Indianapolis. Nov. 8. Kufus Cantrell and John McEndree lnnrln'ro i-if llO fTQ II TQ flf CrVl Ollls tVl 1R I Vimf VlOr l"lf HT1 ntll PT H t.t lfl boV: WAS I . , . ar.nlication. "Because he borrow- ACt ed ten cents from my boy once, at Be diligent in the life of faith school, and never returned it," was to do deeds of love. Think noth- .1 a tv.;r. 1; tQ me too little, nothing too low, to that shows what a boy is more Magistrate It's very disgrace ful that you should beat your wife. Prisoner Well, your honor,' she aggrawated me by keepin' on sayin' she'd 'ave me hup afore that bald'eaded hold umbug,. meanm yer honor. Magistrate You're discharged. The sword swallower should tackle a saw occasionally; it would be more toothsome. which they said were robbed by take the grocer gave him granu- them. lated, and the boy was sent back At Anderson cemetery the sex- to have it changed. ton told the detectives that about "llow do you like your new orty graves in the place were brother?" asked the grocer, as he I a 1 1 I empty. was weighing out the right Hind or Cantrell pointed out the graves sugar. of a woman und her daughter as "Oh, I don't like him very A nrl After That the Judgment ways for love: and He whom in nmoner those he had robbed. The much." the little fellow answered. r-i 1 - sexton said some persons suspected "He cries all the time the former's husband of being "Why don't you change ;him, implicated in the theft of the then, as you do the sugar? bodv. Cantrell said he stole l the "We can t change him now, body of the woman by agreement 'cause we ve used him three days with her husband and paid him Chicago Record-Herald half of the $30, which a prominent j - x jF WE HAVE IT, IT'S THE BEST.' r Will You Take Advantage ) OF COST S-VLE )F REVOLVERS - J - J To buy -a reliable revolver ? Every home should be provided with ohe. Remember the prices : t ' Iver Johnson, '32 and 38 calibre, double action. 3J inch barrel, nickled, former price. $5.00. ' Cost sale, $3.25. Smith & Wesson!, 32. calibre, nickled, 3J inch barrel: former price, 11.00. Cost . sale, 310.00! Other calibres, with longer barrels, pro portionate reduction. . We have a large stock of Shot Guns and 1 vines at very reasonable prices Have You Bought a Stove You can save lots of wood and be more comfortable, too, by using a stove instead of open fire. With a Speaking of real estate in cities, a frontvfoot is often worth more I than a back yard. "I have only the most distant relatives," "Has the family died out?" "No they have all become .rich. . There is little warmth in the mitten handed toa rejected lover HEATER You can make itred hot in three minutes certainly an advantage cold mornings. Park Policeman Beg pardon, sir, but would you please lend me a pencil a moment? "Certainly; here it is." "And now jour ad dress, please; I saw you picking I flowers a moment ago." It is up to keep posted. the booKkeeper to Asheville Hardware Co. OX THE SQUARE ASHEVILLE IS. The spendthrift is like a buzz TT j J l l f 1 A saw. rie scatters a lot or ausi while running around and has nothing but his board to show for it. Jl . , rVT " -- 1 - Ml. , Art rr Aft A gentleman of leisure excels in doing nothing gracefully. than a dozen recommendations. Was the judgment harsh? or wasn't it fair, after all? Presbyterian. do lovingly for the sake of God. Bear with infirmities, ungentle tempers, contradictions; visit, if thou mayest, the sick; relieve the poor; forego thyself and thine own them thou lovest, to whom in them thou ministerest, will own thy dove, and will pour. His own There is a curious contrast be tween the . waning faith of the wordly in the old doctrine of the iove into thee. E. B. Pusey "Recording angel, and the in creasing scientific proofs' that every event, however trivial, is in delibly written in Nature's boot i a i ni i ii I J local physician paid for the body. Auacnment to u ul , died a short time " utcuii?iit uum mo ocuuiugiau, u mouuunu. the world. Dr. A. J . ttordon. for recording eartn tremors ana The daughter died a afterward and Cantrell said he was at the errave the night after ""he ' funeral and stole the body. Indignant Artist (to friendly critic) You say it's a bad picture. What can you know about pictures? You never try to paint them! Friendly Critic My dear fellow, I know a bad egg; but I never try to lay them! THANKSGIVING PROCLAMATION I Desis:- President Roosevelt nates November 27 as the Day. Washington, Oct. 30 Presi dent Roosevelt yesterday issued his proclamation designating Thursday, November 27th, as day of thanksgiving. I he pro clamation is as follows "According to the yearly custom of our people, it falls upon the President at this season to appoint a day of festivity and thanksgiv ing to God. Over a century and quarter has passed since, this country took its place among the nations of the earth, and during that time we have had, on the whole, more to be thankful for than has fallen to the lot of any other people. Generation after 'H. REDWOOD & CO.,' NOW IN STOCK- . , BUTTERICK PATTERNS FOR DECEMBER. Be sure to get a copy of THE DELINEATOR For DECEMBER These show every variety of gar ment for indoor and outdoor wear. Special Costumes for Elderly Ladies Evening Wear for the Holidays Band Frill Novelties Tucked and Slot-Seam, Effects Drop Shoulder Effects New Norfolk Effects Now ready. It is the Christmas number and also the thirteenth an niversary number. It is the most complete, the most beautiful wo man's magazine ever published. 240 pages; 21 full pages in colors. ONLY 15 CENTS. Don't fail to get a copy; the edition is limited. 7 & 9 PATTON AVE.1 t i -n 4 uit

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