J4 -!".!'-.?. wL1: . - ...... i ,' i-'. ) 'A v . rrtr n..4.--. . . -j - ' - i .- l.-V . :h: r '! "V, : r, . - : j -.,- ' r i . - , -'"''.- V,: " " p-; - i "ZT7-l'" Z ' , Z " "T 1 1 ? - IM' ( 4 P V(H . 1. ASIIKVILLE, X. C, Til U RSDAY, OCTOI5KH 10, 188J). NO. 1. :r:)v ::-: jr..--" ,U ! : h: H r ! i! Mil .4- .1- ' L ' 1 : . -.; -1 v,-- a'i a al: To the People ireekly informiitiohl from ecery j action oj l.t 'J T- Wexterv North (. aroliiio nud j i ' wdi tifnrt" r- irxxi t, of any or nil or i tit vimj ritrj'prixr fnUlhlixfieit. or tin- jnorenen to thoHf rj-ixting, pripntcenient in aqHcn ' 1 periweiit. ktii-id, rxpte'udly rex ti It f nfr ?.t- i)i ayrirtdturr at thtx xrrtum; oj I - vri'hex, AUifihrf nii(Ai othfr order or kxwt'iJtionx for thr good aiM ifh-buddiny "J the, people. Stud vx xhort. pmin xtate-- meiiix, fix if ten ax imiy ht. HUE JEMO- xtrex to fie the 'llfhltifll tf llllr iiotthrhty to the irorld the nmroceiuentx in tf,t xodid. o nd nmteriid derehipiiieut of ihix x4 i'tioil . Senatdr Vance was in tle ritv-'Tue ues alth H4 is' enjoying excellent heal now. A spec ia term of the crimi nal court of thlM'r Monday buntv will be held, fcoin lnie ncing Novem1er IKth' inst. ' .i f : . j; of Hevi Dr. Carrol, o A son this cilty. a. scholar lias atta 1ii at .' ncd the, hitfh honor of ohn Hopkins: rniversj ly. We ane pleased to see Coll FJ Randolph i'urtis Hack home from an extended visi to friends and relatives in the North. .Mr. 1 . ('. I5tarne,s. ol this citv, was i;e, fenti.. to Miss married! at Timler pii -Mntoj iiery C'am)bel Afterf a tour of the northern cities tlilev will ! return to A shevill( Our neri;etic. street coihrnitiee is hav inir sonle on Path excellent improvements: made n avenue Havw0od and other ireets. Superintendent -Troy does his work w ell Mr. Soittln Thos.. McCijv, the ivery opular 5 !i- TlL..l ' n represent all ive ()I rhurher Whvlapd & I'o:;' New York citv, is in the 'rit v. lie is. a weir me ivisttor to anv 1! prTrt off tlie State i We veal's venture to sav that Within two road from A sheville through Vance v ti. Bristol, or Eliy.auetjhton. Kast ; i i I enn. will not onlv he assUreid. but will be iirpirtially accomplshe( tl he kVrand DivisionfSonis ViT Temper an e fr this district met Hi this citv to- liDodlv nuhlber. of d elevates .jnUu (fthcr section were ill jittendance, .1 anil a Inost interest ims. and w'e trust use- ful, mietini?, was lield. i ' I 3 Mr. ktl Weddiri. thefpopilar agent here of the foutliern Express Co.. who has been unwelfl for some t,ime, hiigolie t Phila delphia with I)r..W. 1. Halliard to have an opt; ration performed, f jomi which it fs h relief. hopei. he will experience una Co.1.1 ! 1. F. -Faisbn,"'. president board of direct rs. State penit enti4ry after t was in the le convicts 4-ity ond ay looking in this section. Col. F liv the wav, re- portsj hat institution sjs r fapidly . ap: proacihing the poin f !M -snppprt, a the people, i most liencouraging -thjing if or u lio iiave been taxed. an nunnrea thousand dollars, if notl iarvj more, per an- num. for the pen,! ten Th a re n in ere lv ei industrial enterpn fes bi A siieville t only uaproving, M Ut are rapidly fcsing. In add it! ion loose recent- f tered upon, an exjens ve tannery will noon be established a or near liest s xnUih bv Mr, W. Tl W klrner. N e pre- r sume an extensive . but of this shoe actory will be adle We li; i, i e not learned The )K MOCK. VI' beliieve: that - fai;tories -.1 for w l ways lrk'ing the. raw' nnUe,n al should al- ... ... be ''connected wiilii the production ot. tue pose ,kv raw. material. ahd liehee we. sup orks tor wor kina up the leather will. )e j-onnected W th the tain nerv - U Dr. .lames Atk ns, . r., until re- -ent v the able jireMilent if t he Asheville h em de'College, has! bee to it-chosen bv the Hob Em will it on Conference resident of Jry and Heilry Collej1, v irginia, and CiCCepi. I II". WhMfH K.Y r sincerely con a ratulates the collegi' ia ind the confer- ehct ujx)!!1 this selection.. We regard ident Atkins as ontf of t Ik best .edu- s of the South' HtO ait as i !hi sei'vues in ly redound hfs new field wil urec xre;dlv X( rJie i?oodand increased useful- 'nes i i 1 of 'tha time-hmorju i in "titution. V Our Federal Building:. i Our citizens am nati 11 tally curipnsj to know when work- upon tlie Federal bnild- inur is to he beguh lon.1 Thomas : I). I "Johnston was iissueil Uy 1 the. authorities last winter that work - B . ' snouju commence 1 I -' . in t ho early spring,-" bu boon tliereatter JI r, 1 1 arrjson st epjiied ! ii to tower, and - . . . . . . r 1 . witiikuim ir. Mi tt. shut which time "lio.t 11 Ml lias been (lone Kajvo the appoint-. !, - i melit .of. a few of the fitiful to certain ; i positions in relation to 'tile work when it i' -'shall'be bouun. As I)f M btt seems to I be funning i-hp matter I Isifil himself, it ..'mfiglit t- - 1 . - . ; fx lis section to well for our Icinkens to appoint a uonin ittee "to peti- l.tiol that gentlcruah ' td 1 it tlie work Ke 1111 and pushed to fT; ri lis h. We would "est Mr. Lusk as Ch airman of' such 1 01 jiini t.tee, w hen 1 i poili Le WE DO WANT GERONIMO. TJie Secretary of War to Visit us and See for Himself. lias not the proposition to remove Geronimo and his band td W. N. been condemned without sufficient knowl edge of the case or consideration of .the advantages which might accrue from it i. Governor Fowie's neat hit in response to Secretary Proctors' inquiry at the'def cay of New England farms, seeded to tickle us so much as to divert attentioh f roin several important considerations. We are informeil by Senator Vance, who has also had some correspondence with Secretary Proctor on the j subject, that it is by no nieans proposed to turn loose a band of savage Indians upon'an unpro tected country, but, if placed in Western Jsprth Carolina, they are to be accompa nied and guarded, as they are now at Ml. Vernon Barracks, near Mobile, Ala.,4y a detachment of United States troops. The Secretary of War says in his letter o Senator Vance that the requirement for troops on the Indian frontier is yearly growing less as the Indians grow fewer and .more peaceful, and this fact involves the removal to the Atlantic States of large numbers of troops. Having : heard so much of the charms of Western iNortli Carolina, its health-giving climate and growing popularity,, it naturally occur red to the Secretary to; make a perma nent barracks for troops in this section in connection with the removal , of Ge ronimo from Alabama td a more health ful cljmate and suitable section. The Secretary disclaims anyj desire to place the Indians anywhere tliat w quid be dis agreeable to the peoplej He it not fully persuaded;, however, that the people of Western North Carolina; would object to the establishment of a barracks in their midst, even when accoinj'tanied bp Ge ronimo. lie says that the sight and in fluence of civilization hak a wonderfully taming effect upon the fierce savages pf the plains, and'. that since Geronimo and his band have had this experience they 4 have so far succumbed to- the conditions which' surround them, that they are even anxiotis for work. The SecretitryT wishes to know w hat the people! of b extreme Western counties really think of this matter. He writes to Senator Vance that he desires personally to visit this section and lean! for himself the desire of the people and the suitableness of the country. If possible, h says, he ;will come out here himself between the loth and gOth of the present month. We are informed - that Uhe Hon. H. G; Ewart says, the people of the Western counties are not at all averse to the pro position and pleiity- of land will be glad ly, gi en for the purpose. " j liut if the . extreme Western counties don't want Geronimo and his band, to gether with a permanent United States barracks, and the money jit .would leave in th country, then we ;venture to say they can be accommodated somewhere in the neighborhood of -Asheville. The In dian chief and, his warriors would be a drawing canl for the great Southern! all- t he-Vear-round resort, 'a fid the presence of the rnitd States troops would be a great attraction to home folks 'and visit- ors. The Marion Free 'Lance Vavs that ("apt. J. S. Brown raised :a crop of wheat this year, on ten acres, which averaged 44 25 bushels per acre. ; His entire crop measured 1(52() bushels. ! We ask to give publication to sltch records as this, says the Webster Herald, which adds: "Why may not splendid yields be the rule in stead of the exception? The right kind of farming will produce them iu any wheat growing region.'' ! The average yield per acre for the state is about 8 bushels, for Buncombe, 10 bush els. ' Would it not be more profitable in I i 1 . all respects to so prepare one acre as to seure 40 bushels there from, than the labor to four, acres: to obtain ive the sameV Those w ho try it say it is, ahd it trikes us so. How many farmers West of the- Blue Ridge a section splendid adapted to wheat growingcan say they raised even 30 bushels, much less 44, to the acre the past season? We would like to hears from all such Our Tob!acco Market, The planters of Western .North Caro lina and Tennessee have caused be well satisfied w ith the arrangements made by the warehouses! of this city for tlie sale of thisj season's crop. The quality of thk crop is above the 'averager and we are assured that buyers on our market are be to pay ter prepared this season than evr full prices. Thevlhree warehouses tlie Farmers, tlie Banner and Rav's the latter jto be rununder the'ausp'ices of the Alliance have made special' prepara tions for handling and selling the weed to i 0 r the bejst axi .vantage. So far prices have ranged satisfactorily, the prices ranging from jjfil.OO to f5t.00 per hundred, j Our Advertisers. Thk Dkmock at presents a handsome farrayj of advertisers in its lirst issue We invite attention to the followinir and! cordially commend all : I)RiTiTH. J- S. Grant, f the Phila- delphia College of Pharmacy, 24 South ; Main street IIoTEi.K. Grand Central, Patton ave nue; Hickory Inn, Hickory, N. C. Clothino, Gknth Fukmsiiixoh. C. I). Blantori & Co., 31 Patton avenue; Abraham Whitlock, 50 Eagle block; It. Redwood & Co., Patton avenue; J. P. I Sawyeyer,Patton avenue; M. Swartzberg, 25 North Main street. Paints. Wall, Pai'Kk, ktc. Fitzpat rick Bros."fe Robinson. :0 Noath Main street. . j p ; ; . ' . : ; Banks.-Western Carolina: Bank; The National Bank of Asheville. ; . Tiik "But H.ukkt," ?eo. T. Jones & Co. .J .-:' H . . , Stapik and Fancy Dhy Goods, ktc. Tr-Browh, Gudger fc Co., 31 Patton ave nge; S. R. Chedester fc'Spn, Grand Cen tral hotel.1 - . . i Stailk. ami Family Gkocekies. S. R. Kepler, 53 South Main street; -G. -L. McDonald, 17 South Main street; Baird Bros., North Main ' .' Pine street.' street; Neilson Bros., REAiij Lktatk, ktc. Gwyn & V est, Southeast ('ourt square; Cortland Bros.-, 50 South Main street. Eagle building. IIaud and SuKjT C'oal. F. N. Car rinirton, 8 North Court square; the Ashe- ; ' ' i. ' ville Cdal company (office, Patton ave nue.) . Wines, ; Lim oKs, etc. James H. own stairs); Frank KDonnell, North Main street; the "Bonanza," 43 South JIain street. .Bo)T;s,! Shoes, KTc.--IIerring & Wea ver, 39 Patton avenue; J. P, Sawyer, 15 Patton avenue; H. Redwood & Co., 7 and J) Patton avenue: C. I). Blanton & Co., 31 Pattrtn avenue; S. R. Chedester & Son, (irand Central hotel. - 1 1 Fouxduy and MAcniNe Shops. J. B. Cole, 8; But trick street. " Makble WouKiji, etc. W. O. .'Wolfe : JkwKt.hv, etc. B. II. .Cosby Patton avenue. ; j Dental SrnoKY Dr; B. F. Arring ton (office 'over (P. 1). Blanton.t'v (!o Patton avenue. Ptniox Deteci Deaver, principal. PlIOTOOKAPliy, ; tographic Studip. ivk Agency, W. H. etc. Lindsey's Pho- S.outh Main street. Insi hance, Like anj Fike.- Pulliam fc Co., National Bank of Asheville.1 i BOOKJS, tTATIoSKKY, ETC. J. N -jor. g'aA, 3 NortlfMain street, Barnard build J ing. Si' bc khan Homes. Richmond Pear- j son Richmond Hill. Jon Printino, jETc.t Funnan's job of fice. Democrat building The Li tie Tycoon. Friday and Saturday evenings of this week will be memorable in : Asheville. Willard Spencer-s 'comic j opera, "The Little Tycoon,'.' will be presented at the opera house by a company ! representing not only the best musical talent of the town but its finest spirits, brightest wit t . T '" 1 arid fairest 1)eauty. Miss Annie DeBos sei of Wilmington w ill shine as the star, "Violet." j The rare modesty of Asheville's many charming singers! in thus deferring lo one of another town is fully justified by the wide reputation which Miss DeRosset enjoys in amatjr--circles, not only fon her voice and - musical att ainments, but for. dramatic power and; graceful pres enceJ i The rest of the cast are all well known here and needio enconiums from a home paper. ' ' j 1 : - (iren. Knickerbocker, one of the old .i.i j-. .. time Knickerbockers, Mr. Herbert Price. Ai vint Barry, a young! Wall street bro ker, afterwards the Great Tycoon, Mr. Dwight W, Bissill. ' ' ' ; 1 Rufus Ready, Alvin's college, friend, afterwards Gull Gull, interpreterto Great Tycoon, Mr. Thomas A.Jones. Lord'Dolphin, son to the Marchioness of Pulhemback,' I)r. McKin. Teddy, Lord Dolphin's valet, Mr. Ar thur Child. First and second custom houe officers. elevated men, Mr. W. Talbot Fenniman'. Capt. Thos. W. Patton. Montgomery (ien'l Knickerbocker's footman, Mr.- Herbert Child. j . Miss Hurricane, chaperohe. to the tour ist maidens, Miss Amoret B. Cameron. s Dolly Dimple, Violet's school friend: IissAddie Davidson. Lady Dolphin!, Marchioness of Rulhein- backy Mr. llerbe i t Child. Violet, Miss first appearance Annie -lieRosset. (Her Aslieljill 111 Chorus of Japanese, Hobgoblins, Brig- ands:1 . 1 etc.-r-Miskes C. K. 3Iiller, J. Wl' Miller, E. B. Pen niman, Mary Johnstone.; Jean Cameron, Carrie Myers, S. Garrison,! Dr. Chas, E. Hillard, M.essrs. T. S. Mc-j BeeJ D. C. Waddell, jrL Fred Hull, John; ampbell, Bj 'Jones; C. Murphey Jolin! A. ( Child, Herbert S. Child THE ISOTXiE CASE. The Raleigh Priest Found Guilty: of I Criminal Assault. TJie trial at Haleigh of Father Bovie for criminal assault upon the organist of he Roman. Catliolic church in Haleigh. where Boyle officiated last May when the crime was committed, consunied most of last week. The verdict delivered on Saturday Wis "guilty." Judge! Arm tield presided; and there was a strong; array of counsel on either side. The victim qf the1 crime was Miss Geneva Whitake'r, a girl of 15 years, frail, slen der and not 1 fully delveloned into i . i i " I womanhood. Her family occupies a good social position' in Raleigh, and w ere parishioners bf Boyle's church. Her assailant, is represented as a powerful man of coarse though intelligent fea tures. given to intemperate habits. He I !:: I -j ; . , : . was moreror tess tender the influence o ;!; 8 . . . I i. lujuor at the ttmept the crime, lie was an Irishman by .extraction, but a native of NewsYork. : J ! Much of the, testimony necessarily re mams unpublished. The defense: set up the plea of consent on the part: of the young girl. Her statement asserted in- timmatton ar4 violence. I l he prisoner alleged consent at the time of 'and ini modest radvafices before, the assault The case turned upon these respective statements. Tfhe girl's testimony was supported bv theevidence of her friends and her physician that after the assault bruises were J foiind upon her person which were incoiftpatible with the theory of; consent. C . ' I ' M i Poyle was sentenced to be hangel on the 2Uth of Kovember next. The case goes tol the Supreme Court in the mean time upon e vceptions tiled by; the de fense. i X)ne of the grounds of appeal is alleged prejudice against the: Roman Catholic church. I ; M After the verdict was delivered Bovie was asked what he hadtdsay. A report telegraphed to the Durham Globe an Wfimiiigton 3Lesenger says : i Bovie at once $rose in a most ilraniatic way anil said ; he) recognized that there i ' I -4 r j ; ! - vis, a predjudicej against Roman Catho- licjs; hsahshatjne tof tlie counsel for the prosecution 1! as assumed the! role of a jprohibition le -turer in the West in condemning all who! differed from him in j an 11 or naniisj to eternal damnation. He frankly avow ed to all the desires and passions of other men, and' said that it wfts not; for the olicitor to denounce any i.i- 1 - .1 X of drunkenness. He j man ior ine nan f1 "tracked another, of the prosecuting counsel Willi inner inei live 101 Hiiacti.- hlg his1 ;hastitv He was here! applaud- et i tor tus noiu and earnest worus, out H e apjvlause was quickly suppressed by tie Judge. Boy e used all his powers of voice ind gestures in making his remarks .. . .,.'! M -. arid said he was readyfor the sentence. I was the niost j sensational occurrenT ev er seen in a oourtdiquse. j Raleigh, X. C. October 7 It is the here that. Father J. J. gbneral opinion BovlejNvill be granted a hew trial. The ass Supreme ( ourt will probbly riot dpon jt'he case bejfore next spring 7 Is it Not Strange ? That Jin arranging thejEpjcursiort for the 1 : 1 . CongiTss of A 11-Americans Mr. Blaine Should have ovelooKed the entire South? According to tfiis program -the listin- guished; partV will see nothing jSouth of the Uliio or Potomac, the very section which w'ill supply most of the articles or 3 prodiicts which our South American :ieiglijKrs will vant, if trade between this tnl .1 their respective countries should 3yer ,lie establislled upjon any large scale. riiisiS simply jjanothpr attempt On the part! of Mr. Harrison's administration 1 i i - ami Ir. Blaine to belittle the South, and tiTatj if. before the eyes of 'i All-Americans with! (ioiifempt. j And it is but another j ! 1 it . ; I illustration of the strictly sectional char eharaetere of the Republican party and of this Hienublican! administration. . Important Meeting at 4 t Weaverville. An imiortantj meeting is to be held at Weavlerville, this county, on!Saturdav viiext.4 and The Demockat hopes that the town and vicinity Ai number of the eiti- everv citizen of willjle present I y.eiis of Ashevil e should be present alsb. for ftiri-olves a matter of much interest to tint city as ell as Weaverville. The obj.cj of the jhieeting is to take steps lbok.iiig-.to the jextensionjof the electric street!1 railwaj-- to that point. The importance of this scheme is enhanced ljy Jtsi-feasibility. The great; results to follow it sConsiumat ion can scarcely be estimated. e hope to hear that some thing! tangible has been done at the Sat- urd!ay!meeting . " To Be Completed. i . i I ' Thi- Three ps railroad, Col. Franji Coi'e president, has arranged to resume work, at Rutherfordton and pusn it to Marion!,. Cranljrry 'and Johnson City at once.: A Useful i Enterprise. .. '-iri- The extensive establishment just com-j pletei at the thiivihg town of, Sylva, in Jackson county, by the Equitable Manu facturing company, will do an important part in the development of the resources )f that section.!. These works are for mining and preparing for market the ' i i - . kaolin found in inexhaustible quantities 1 I i , . 1 . near that piacei anil w men is said to De , : f . ' ,.. , . of a i very superior quahtv. The mam . l. - - . i f . v- . buildmg of the works. is 1K) feet long by " (iO feet wide. The machinery is propell- ed by an engine of 300 horse-power. The machinery for mining, pulverizing and mriiyingisconipiete.anaaiioitiievery est. The capital already "tested reaches the goodly sum of 50,000. So far preparations; for preparing the clay for the potteries only has been made; but the j energetic owners, so satisfied are they of the excellence of the clay, are contemplating the early addition of pot- tery works on an enlarged scalej The above information we are pleased to ob tain from our contemporary, the Sylva Democrat, and we unite ..with that pa- ' . i i per m believing! that the addition of pot tery works will not onlv bean important but a necessary fe!ature. The nearer the base of raw material the factories are the the cheaper the production of the manu- i i i.i - ; . i i factured article, of course, an element of economy mucn cqnsmereu m tnese uays. The work so far done at Sylva is ; splen- umiy none, ami we nope 11 w m oe com- pleted as above suggested. The works, with the extensive lumber plants, and other similar lenterprizes in contempla- tion, give promise of great industrial ac-1 tivitv in that section and will introduce . I. I -.I'-- . a degree of prosperity not heretofore dreamed of by many of the people It is a splendid country, rich in resources which oiily await the enterprise of su.cn -associations a the Equitable Manufac turing company to make it. the prosperity, and contentment. home of Terrib e Stabbing Affray. i: t - ; We learn that a serious stabbing affray occitrred onAValnut creek in North Car- j olina a few days agp. It seems that John Crane and another man had be- conie involvei in a drunken j row, and undertook to part them, Andy Bridgeft Thev turned against him and succeeded in getting himl to the earth both upon him. when he' drew a knife arid stabbed Crane fatally. Win Crane meanwhile in trying to assist his brother Andy, w as also l)ally cut: and may. die. . Bridgett was arrested ,J had a plrelimnary hearing befor a justice of . ' the peace anrU was committed to jail, but it is thought that court as his acts he will be released at were wholly akean. 1 lit self defense. Krwiri Un- Acknowledgments. jWe are sincerely grateful to the people ofj Asheville and of this entire section for the very liberal encouragement extended The Democrat. We start with a better advertising patronage than was ever be- 1 ' ' ' 1 J fore given a paper, ami are -assured 01 to follow. We can ; also much more confidently claim a larger circulation in this city and: section joyed by any paper. j 1 than I was ever en We shall strive. to make TifE Democrat useful . as well as interesting to I its patrons. The Demo crat is here to stay and to work for the general good Of the people of all'this sec tion. Picnic. ' ! - '; Our farm me rs friends and good people of the West Chapel neighborhood of Vsheville township will have a picnic at the Chapel on Saturday 12th inst. Co. Thos. B. Long, State Lecturer Farmer's Alliance, Richmond ! B: Hunter assis tant State ! Lecturer, Hon! Robert B. Vance, Lecturer fore this district, arid probly others will attend ' and address the people. I We acknowledge a kindly invitation to attend, pleasure in doing s(ii. snail take Not Arranged to Suit us Owing- to confusion incident to get ting out the first issue of the democ rat the advertisements have not been.arrang-r ed jid classified to suit ns. In the next . -- ' r . ;- J : ' 3 issue we nope to nave an so arranged and classified as to insure satisfaction, to ourselves every one of as wel as patrons. Read them, for they represent as good and reliable houses in their respec tive line, a this or anv other State can boat. - An e xt ban ge saysthat every paper in the State should publish the fact thai burnt corniii a sure-cure for hog cholera, an.l adds: 4lt was first discovered by the burning of a pile of corn belonging to a ditillerv in 'Peoria, Ills. ! If was thrown to the hog and eaten by them. Before that time a number had been dying each olera, but the : disease im- day with "eh mediately id appeared, jit is sb simple a remedy that! it can easily be tried.1 ALLIANCE LECTURES. Vance, Long and Hunter, will Talk 1 . to the Farmers. Thomas B. Long, State lecturer, Farm ers Alliance of North Carolina, and Richard B; Hunter, assistant State lee- tlipr . wilt aititroau iho farmnid rf tKin . .... , . . , district at the following times and places. ; . , . - , on the ; beauties and purposes of the n: .i J. . j r armers Alliance of the State and na- J 4i . . A . - ' It ion. (tpn Itohprt. K Vnrp ipctnrpr for district. will le sent at all of J . . . , , ... Rj., . ,,Pflrt Mniw.n.Mtv. Ti,rciw () f l ... , v Black' Mountain, Buncoing county, Friday October "11. West's Chapel, Buncombe county Saturday October 12.. Brevard, I Transylvania countj, Mon day October 14. ' Calhoun, Transjlvania county.Tues- d ay October 15. Fletcher's, Henderson county, Wel- nesday, October 16. lexamder, Buncoml)e county Satur day October 19. Blue iidge, Henderson county, TuesJ day Octoler 22. 7 ; 7 Columbus, Polk, covin ty, Wednesday ()t toner 04 Vance AcademVutherfonl county, Kriday 0(.tober 25. Marhlp rhprok emmtv . Tuesdav U)cloj)er 09. - . vw RiVPr ChPi-oW rnnntv. Wl- nesday "octoler 30 ' ' oXKbinaville. Graham couhtv. Thurs, j - y day October 31. Nantahala Church, Macon county, Saturday Xovemler 2. . Fraiklin, Macon , county, Monday November 4. Savannah, Jackson county, Tuesday November 5. - - !' ; .Mars Hill, Madison count)-, TMiUrslay November 7. "Bull Creek Church, Madison' county, Friday November 8 ' Antioch Church, Madison county, Saturday November 9 All officers and members of the Alli- ance are most respectfully requested to give publicity to these appointments and be present to take part in. the speaking if they desire to do so. Public invited. 1 Good News. , "President Atkinson. of the Atlantay" Asheville ami Baltimore road, announces that New York capitalists have entered into a .contract to construct this import ant Air dine connecting the Jsortheast w ith the -South, and that a survey will be entered upon at Qnee. This will be the most important line of road yet built in the South, and, from Atlanta to Roanoke its tenriini, will open up the . finest sec-. tion of the South. . ... To Our Cotemporaries. ; We desire to make sincere acknowl- edgments to our cotemporaries' of this and other States for the very generous reception, extended us. We shall en deavor to maintain the kindliest relations with them, one and all, and . co-opetate with them in all things which may tend to the usefulness of journalism. . i; . Our Streets and the Electric Railway i Tracks. , , Some complaint is male. that the trat:k of the street railway is not kept so as to admit of easy crossing for vehicles. We presume it is the duty of the company to see, that such difficulty is obviated, and we further take it the company will at once remove any cause of complaint. Right Again; A joint stockcompiny has been form ed in Waynesville for the purpose of es tablishing at once a cheese and butter factory. This is . an jexcellent move and The Democrat feelsf it must result sucr cessfully. No better country on earth can be found for such an enterprise. ; ' Rev. Q. C. Rankin. . Who has so satisfactorily, served the Central Methodist Church of this city as , pastor the past three years, has been re turned for another year. Not only the members of the church, butrour commu- ; nity as well will welcome the able paster back: - : . - " r -; " JFUiOW It. : . .- -. j - tVe ask' everyone who receives this is sue of The Democrat to show it to, his neighbor, and let all subscribe for if. We want Ten Thousand Subscriljers by January next. It will do our section , good, to circulate it extensively; ; ! . I Married. ; ' . Cfl A V MA N R KYXO LOS At r the rei- dencie oflthe bride's.mother, corner Nortli Main and Woodfin street, this city on the1 fM inst., 3Ir. S. P. Chapman " and Miss Minnie Reynolds, all of this city, nev. J. SiBurnett othciat . , , i ' ,!.:".' , ! f --'I. r N V