; ' I-r ' I ' I ; if 1 : - ' " i j -. . i - A r J I ..Li VOL. 1. i '. 1 ;p' ' -i j . , . j j ' i i ; i i ; 1 ASHEVILLE, N. C, THURSDAY, NOYEMBER "21, isk). NO. 7. i l . t i ! , : ! To the People. " Vc rih fitklt iiif'thuqtm from ecery section f Western North Carolina arid Eatt Tennennee, f ony r atl vinnnfuettt r ing or uu ii in eiiterprink 'tt Minhed or in prornnentn t those existing, iuiproeminin in agricultural, expeehdly reMu fiiew : ed periincnU in, agriculture in (Jiin xtction; f school, chinrhen, Allain re aild other orders or axnociationn for the gqod ami irp-bmMing of the people. .Send "n "nhort, : pit i in. t de ment, often, on nary he. j' DEMO CRAT deninn to be , the iiudi'nu f a n nouncuig to the irorld the iiuprorementn in the social and material detelpinent of thin section. THE NEW CHIEF JUSTICE. i Mr. T. Hunnycutt lias been appointed postmaster aV Marshall. . j .; j Mr. I). II. IteaganJ of V eiverville, has been appointed a notary ptihlic by Gov. FowleJ -Over five hundred Kinston, this State, . West. I Poor people. negro families left Saturday, for the vid M. Vance Supti McBee and Mr. Da left' Monday night. to attend; the Fayette-; ville Centennial. j j ; M : : - i ' 1 J ". I ; The West Point Terrninjal Company is preparing! to purchas4 tke Rome, Cxa., ' : and Decatur' railroad - i . - ! t I Mr. W. S. Cushman.t vho has heen North for some weeks! on important busi ness, returned home Saturday Messrs. Charles N. and; night. lArthur E. Jenks, of Massaelmsetts,have established a real estate and insvirancie business in Asheville. I ; j At a nesrro frolic near; Rtitherfordton Friday night a general row took place in which two negroes were phot, one se riouly. Several others wounded. I ; :i . -:- i 1 ! We regret to hear of thq serious ill ness of Dr. W. L. Reagan at his home in Weaverville. His many tfriends- sin cerely trust he may soon reqover. The Carolina Athletic Ctub and Pis gah Lodge, K. of P., both pf which the late Edwin Weddin )Vas jm esteemed member, j passed suitable resolutions of respect to him. A more, deserving young man never lived in Asheville.' :-' ." . J ' The Greensboro North Sate calls the Washington Post " independent." Will the North State kindly define its own political status for us? . If the Post is independent, in a partisan sense, we be lieve we like the independent Character- Hon. A. SJ Merfiraon Succeeds the Eate Justice Smith. From, the Raleigji Call of Saturday evening last we learn that on that morn ing Governor Fowle appointed Associ' ate Justice A. S. Merrimon, Chief Jus tice of the Supreme Court of North Carolina, to jsucceed Hon. W. N. H Smith, ' deceased. On the reception ol the official notification, Justice Merri mon resigned the position lie was hold ing to accept trie appointment. He will be sworn into his new office on nexl Monday. ! j The resignation of Justice Merrimon created. a vacancy in; the Associate Jus-j ticeship, and .the Governor appointed Judge Walter Clark! to that honorable position. He has resigned from the Su perior Court Judiciary to accept the ap pointment. ' j . Judge Clark's resignation caused a va cancy in the State Judiciary to be filled. : It is authoritatively stated that the: Governor has written Mr. Spier Whita ker tendering him ;the Judgeship made vacant by Judge Clark's resignation. He is expected: to return from Wilmington to-night.1 It is not known whether he will accept the app6intment or not. Under: the provisions of the law, all these appointments hold over till the next general election for members of the Legislature. This election will occur in November, 1891, and the action just taken, for the State to elec Kailroad Projects for Asheville. There can be noj doubt but that with proper, united action on the part of our people, Asheville will soon rejoice in the possession of ' additional railroad facili ties. On Friday night a goodly number of our citizens met in the court house, chairman G S. Powell of the Board of Trade presiding, primarily to appoint delegates to a meeting in the interest of improved roads to on baturdav next. greatly interested ; meetings in I the be held at Leicester Our people are in this, as all other county looking to better roads leading to this city. Reso lutions heartily endorsing it and ! pledg ing co-operation, were adopted, find the following delegates were appointed: j During the meeting President ; Atkin son, of the Atlanta, Asheville and Balti more road, made a lengthy and Very en couraging i statement concerning; j this magnificent, enterprise. Capt. A.; j had but recently returned jfrom New York where he had been iengaged with ome of the largest capitalists of that city,1 who gave the enterprise Since his return he istics of the North State" better. 1 Pell through tunnel one Mr, George II. Smithdeal a trestle hear Swannahoa night last week, hurting" his lleg right se verely and incapacitating hi jn for work He has gone to his home in Salisbury, and it is hoped will soon be alile to resume his duties at Black Mountain station. The Wayuesville Courier warmly en dorses; the propositionlfof The Demo crat that the State Fair sllould rotate, and that the next one should be held in Asheville. ! What say our bu It is for them to say whet have grounds and buildings such a purpose. . We had the pleasure week from our young friend, Banks, city editor of Chronicle, who was on mother in this citv formerly a resident of Asheville, and his many:friends and ielatiyes.teiJe are al ways pleased to see him Two British steamers left Wilmington of mess men t ler we shall : : suitable for a visit this Mr. II. A. thq Charlotte a ivisit to his Mr. SBanks was one day last week for Liver one carrying- 8,000, the other 5,176 bales of cotton, so we learn from This is direct trade, we are! as. read about . Wilmington rapidly as a cotton and! shipping port, which is ians. , ool direct, he! Review, pleased to growing pleasing to all North says : " 1 he pmpany are Carolin- The Morganton Herald Dunavant Manufacturing ' C running their nne cotton ; nill on full time, and are consuming large quantities of cotton. Tlie demand for of the mill is greater than they can sup ply, and we understand that they con template running day and short time.' ; ." r - ! ! ' i -'.'"" 'I ! Tha Herald also says : "Mr. informs us that these are now 4,000 men at w ork on the C. C. C. railroad between the North -Carolina line 1 and Ashland, Ky., a distance of 120 miles. Shay and Dunavant have t for the grading of the entirq - ' ' 1 . ' T : ana nave suo-iet it to numerous con ; tractors. Mr. S. D. Dunavaiit, of Mor ganton, has a large contract ' Johnson City, and is workin in consequence of ' j it will be necessary t three judges, viz.j: Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, one Associate Justice, and one Judge of the Superior Court. It is therefore probable that the" election of 1891 will be fraught with almost as much interest as the regf ular quadrennial election for State offi cers. " ' . " ; A Useful Farm Scraper. ! - j - j . : i j Besides conducting with signal suc- cess the great interests of the First Na tional Bank of this city, President Breese is also something considerable of a farm-! er. The Democrat has already men-) tioned that from about three acres of land Capt. B. gathered the past season1 over 1800 bushels ofv elegant Irish pota toes. He immediately had the land thor oughly plowed and prepared, and sowed in grass, which is up and looking" beau ! tiful. But it is in regard to an imple ment used in the preparation of this; land, an invention of Capt. Breese'sJ which is the special object of this article.! It is a scraper, and as a scraper it is the; greatest success of the age. We cannot describe it exactly, but it is made of planks, with cross pieces upon which the driver stands, and by shifting posi tion the driver can run the scraper over any ordinary obstacle,j inclines, or n any way jthe shape of thb ground niay re quire! It is very ehieaply constructed, and.-is really a useful implement. Farm ers -yvould do well to call and examine this! scraper, forf it is one of the most useful implements a farmer can have. Free Mail Delivery. Wei are at last to have the free postal delivery for which we have been quali fied for several years indeed ever since the act was passed by a Democratic ad ministration giving it o towns of 10,000 inhabitants or 10,000 the office. We have both requirements. Our population is estimated at 12,000 and the gross receipts of the office are upwards of $13,000 per year. The lack of space and facilities for distribution in tlie old office pre vented its earlier introduction. There will be five letter carriers. . There will be three deliveries and rfve collections. The system will be in operation by the loth of January. Mr. Chas. R. Darby, Post Office Jnspector was in ' the city last week and made the necessary ar rangements. There will " be thirty letter boxes placed throughout the city. Wilmington, Raleigh, Charlotte and Asheville are the only towns in the State which have the system, Winston-Salem, it is said, is qualified and has applied. ! encouraging assurances m-the night in a Lackey McDonald, le contract 120 miles. side of g 400hands : ; Criminal Court Is in session this week, Jujdire; Moore presiding. Solicitor Carter land all the '"cers are promptly at their pit. State inst Fore for killing Luhsford will tliis l; for killing gross receipts of long since passed Cotton Stalk Bagging. The Baltimore Manufacturers Record says ; 44 Mr. J. M. Forshee, Secretary of the. Chamber of Industry of Wilmington, N. C, was in Macon, Ga., recently ex hibiting samples of half-inch rope made from cotton stalk fibre. According to the Telegraph, he also had a-sample of 2 pound bagging made; from the same fibre. Mr. Forshee announces that ma chines have been invented for stripping the stalk and manufacturing the fibre in to bagging, and that 4 the cost of the manufactured article will not be more than four cents per yard. One acre of cotton stalks will furnish fibre enough to make bagging enough to bale five bales of cotton, and as this is about five times as much as is needed the excess will be used in manufacturing rope and for various other uses! to which jute is now put.' " CHIEF JUSTICE Sal IT II DEAD. He; Passes Away After a Brief 111 riess Preceded by a Feebleness j f . I From Overwork. j . . f i Chief Uustiee Smith, of the State Su preme Court, died to-day at 12 o'clock ml For the past three days lie had been completely prostrated from a combina tion of heart trouble and overwork. For ten :days past he has been regularly at tending the sessions of the Supreme Court, but iwas compelled from weakness to recline in the court room nearly every day, anq was frequently compelled to go home before the sessions were over. On Monday of this week he became unable to attend the sessions, and has been pros trated at his residence on Halifax street ''.It I ' i ! ever since. I ! i i Since Ihe beginning of this violent ill ness, there lias been a latent, serious ap prehensiiorf among his intimate friends - , '1.1 : ! ' and acquaintances, but they were not prepare for the end. The i announce- close consideration, has received most It is imp6ssi: ble to overestimate the great value of this proposed line to all Western Caro lina and the South; the Baltimore press regarding it as one of the most important enterprises yet proposed. When com pleted it will make the hortest, most direct line from Boston, New York, Philadel phia and Baltimore to the South, opening up a country verv rich in timber1, min eral and agricultural resources, but little touched at present! The line is being carefully examinekl nowr by gentlemen of jthe amplest means, and Capt. A. is high ly encouraged to believe that matters will take tangible ! shape before verv ong.;. :l ' j: : j. .. ; ..:', On the! same evening another most teresting event occurred. It was presentation of a petition signed by, di rectors of the French Brcyid Valley Railroad iCompany, which proposes to construct a railroad from Asheville to the South Carolina, or Georgia j line through Transylvania county; also a pe tition by directors of the Asheville; and Bristol Railroad (Company, which pro poses to construct a road from Asheville directly north to Bristol, jTenn., there; to connect with the Norfolk and Western the Louisville and Nashville, and the Atlantic and Danville Railroads ; each petition praying that the question of subscribing .$50,000 to each of said! cor porations be submitted to the voters of Asheville.! The proposition is that no bonds shall be issued to either road until the same shall be completed, equipped and regularly running from Asheville to the limit of the line in Buncombe; work to be begun at Asheville i within a short while, and if not completed within twelvemonths to said Buncombe j limit to forfeit and pay to the city of Asheville f 5,000 cash, which sum is to be depos ited when i the bonds are voted, jj This certainly looks like business; the propo sition is backed by able, responsible men of New York and Asheville who ; say they mean business and a great deal of it. The city council . took the matter under advisement, to be decided at a spe cial meeting to be held Wednesday, ;20th insi. ' j J - ' j' These meetings and movements cer tainly indicate that Asheville and I Bun come are moving in the matter of more railroads and better road facilities. Our people cannot' move too earnestly j or promptly in these matters. The ; Lord helps those who help themselves. Let us all unite and strike while the iron; is hot. 1 ' '! ' i The city authorities passed a resolu tion last night pledging moral support to all these roads. j ! Funkin Pie. ; i ; In order to be truly loyal on our Na tional and State Thanksgiving Day (28th inst.) all well regulated families will have pumpkin pie. Here is a receipt for mak ing them, furnished by a rioted chef : j "Mash and prepare the t pumpkin; mix with it two eggs, a teacup of sugar, one tablespooni ul of butter, a half a cup of sweet milk, grate in a half a nutmeg and stir with a spoon until well mixed. "Pour a sufficient quantity into a pan in which ordinary pie pastry has been put and cook until brown (and crisp." j ::.);-. i - i One Touch of Winter. The first toucn or winter tor tms sea son visited us Saturday. It is such little spurts as these which impresses all who sojourn in this section with the splendid weather we generally have, and ; have had all the fall until Saturday. We will have some more of that deliciously balmy weather in a- few days that is, we gen erally do. I ment that he wTas dead was almost stu petying. As j the report flew over the city, people' caught their breath, and it was some time before they could subju gate their wishes i and hopes to their knowledge. As sob made, ai n as 'the announcement was the State offices were closed, and the city hall bell was tolled for some time. The sonorous, melancholy tones carried With them a sadness to the utter limits of the city. 1 I The Supreme Court will formally sit to-morrow morning and .will adjourn until next Mbndayl 1 i The Raleigh bar will take appropriate action on the sad occurrence to-day. William Nathan Harrell Smith, the eminent jurist, was born in Murfrees boro, N. C, September 12, 1812. His father was William L. Smith, a! native of Connecticut. I His mother was Miss Ann Harrell, of Hertford county. The death of his father 'occurred in 1813, in Murfreesboro, where he was held in high repute as a physician. I j , Chief Justice Smith graduated at Yale College in 1834, and afterwards studied law at j the I same place, i He be gan practice in this State and Continued it; till ; 1870, when he removed! to Nor folk, Virginia. After remaining there for two years he returned to Norjh Car ' 1 "1 1 1 ' 1 ' -f : ': i oima ana nas resmea in Kaieign since that time. - ' He was for awhile associated with Hon. Geo. . fetrong in the practice of lawT, and the lawr firw of "Smith & Strong" was widelv and prominently known. .' - j . . -i j. ! The only office he held, in1 the line of his profession, before his apppointment tOjthe Supreme Court bench, was that of Solicitor for the first Judicial district. this City, prominent in insurance circles, and Mr. Ed Chambers Smitb,an eminent young lawyer, also resident here. Judge Smith wais one of the most cour- teous: and pleasant gentlemen. A mod esty and purity pl character were his chief j characteristics. lie Was lovable aiid Widely loved. ' He was a man in the purest and broadest sense of the term, and Was Call. withal a gentleman. Raleigh To the City Authorities. Editors Democrat: The fattention of the city authorities is called j to the ; con dition of the1 sidewalk, or mud hole, on Woodfin st reet, be ween Oak and Char lotte. About four weeks! ago the street railway company threw a mound of dirt from the road upon the sidewalk, for a distance of about 200 feet, barely leaving foot, rnnm rnr rmp , v,. the fence and this rid ire of time it rains this d passenger rt has between mud. Everv washed down on the, walk until the 'latter! has become a veritable mud-hole, scarcely' fit for a hpg to waller in, and totally itnfit for la dies or gentlemen to pass through. The city authorities should see tliat this mud is removed at once,!, that they, have not done so before has been a derment to the public speak very well for Attention is also hole at; the corner o cause of won- and j does not their administration, called to the mud and Wood- fin 'streets, place "imd Bridge! There . is no crossinsr pedestrians, ate I obliged at this to ploughj ! through mud ankle deep. A good cross walk should be placed at this point immediately. I I 1 ! .;: Thatlthe city of Asheville shouid be so indifferent and; negligent of. her side walks and streets is a . great jpity and a rager that its size! east of the public disgrace. At"e w'ill there is; not a city of Rocky Mountains that can boast of such wretched sideAvalksi If the property owners have not public spirit or pride enough to lay good walks, the city au- THE GOLD EXCITEMENT. The Recent Find in Montgomery uounty a isonanza. A Sali4bury, X. C. ti;i j .t. i . . xueuniona uispatcn says experts who went from here to see the Tebe in Montgomery and report that tales about the not been fifty thorities should compel them to do so, as I understand they hajve the power to do. Nothing will help build up the town i more, or serve to induce visitors to stay here, than good substantial ! walks.- Let there be a general and a speedy move in this direction. . Aj Visitor. . Thanksgiving. ? ! ! Occurs next Thursday, j As has been customary here the stores will be closed to give all the people an opportunity to give thanks for the blessings vouchsafed all by a kind and indulgent Providence This was in 1848-49. In 1840 he was a member of the General Assembly in the Lower House. In 1848 he was elected to the State Senate. In 1857 he was the candidate of the Whig party for Con gress in his district, but was defeated in that campaign. In 1859 he was again a candidate ' and wras elected. After going to Codgress Mr. Smith wras put forward fcy'the Southern Representatives as their candidate! for speaker of the House. After a struggle of many weeks of te dious balloting, in which he lacked only one vote of election, he Avas defeated by New Jersey. He Confederate Con- that Mr.1 Pennington, of was a member of the gress during the entire existence of body. ' : . 'f . " , In i 18t5 lie was a leader in the State Legislature in the reconstruction under the plan of President Johnson. He was Very prominent in the famous impeachment case of Governor Holden, and led the defence against the manage ment of ex-Governor Bragg. His clos ing speech! made a pamphlet of over seventy pages, and was a masterly pro duction of logic and legal learning. This, addres stamped him as one of the greatest lawyers and one of the most acute reasoners in his profession in the country j,. - . . The degree of LL. D. was conferred upon him in 1873 by Wake Fre:st Col lege The same degree was conferred by the State University in 1875, and by Yale College in 1881. 1 In 1878 he was appointed Chief Justice of the Supreme Court by Governor Vance to fill the vacancy caused by the A New J North Carolina ; !Enterprise. Building and Loan Associations are now recognized as among the most use ful agencies for the upbuilding of towns, and aiding poor people to obtain homes. Recentlyj the North Carolina Building and Loan Association' of Charlotte, was organized, with the following officers : O. P. Heath, President ; W. M. Wilson, Vice-President ; Walter Breni; Secretary and Treasurer ; Osborne & Maxwell, General Attorneys ; . J. Hill, of Ashe ville, Supervisor oft Agencies- The Board of pirectors comprise the leading business men of Charlotte. 1 It is auihorized to do business in any part of this State, and is conducted in strict accordance 'with- the laws of this State. Though organized but a few weeks ago, Supervisol Hill has already establishejl local agencles'in a number of places. He will returnifo Asheville soon for a like purpose. . Hickory Opera House The statement in " Growing Towns," of last yeek, that the Hickory Opera House was the property of a joint stock company, j Avas an error. It is . being erected by and will be the exclusive property; pf the enterprising; Hickory firm of builders, Elliott & Elliott, Avho .i i ' f : -I r -I have " expended everj effort! to make it the most comfortable and most! complete i . I- ll ! !l . :. house in the State." 1 It will be pecial to the ) "The four ! last week ! Saunders rich gold find I count- have returned, the first thousrht or wild find is true. There has dollars Avorth of Avork done pn the find, and from a, reasonable calculation $150,000 Avorth of gold has been taken oitt. The gold Aas first found by a man AvhoAvas turkey hunting. It washold, and then hands flocked there and A-ent to A-ork, paying five eighths of 'the gold they found as a roy- alty. 'One man Avas thought to be dis honest and did not pay all that was due. He Avas stopped from working and Avent off saying that he did not care about any more, as he had all he Avanted. He is knoAvn to have nine pounds of gold iioav. One man on last Saturday panned only tAventy, minutes and panned t aa;o thous and pennyAA-eights of gold. Tavo men Worked ;a day and a half and cleaned up ten and a half pounds of gold. The find is on a high hill above a branch. The surface appears to be full of fine quartz stringers in depth, which form into pockets, some of Avhich ' are i tAVo-thirds gold. Where the gold is found and has been Avorked does not cover more than a quarter of an acre, but it appears to get richer in depth; and the gold can be seen sticking in the quartz stringers from the top of the gopher holes. The land belongs to a brother of Tebe Saun ders, AA-ho is in Texas. Tebe has gone to buy it of him. The owner has been in formed, and is expected ! here to look ; after his find. In the meantime ftiere are two factions Avho want to Avork the property. The result is that all Avork has stopped and the factions are standing guard and will not let any one strike a ick or; wash a panful. The find is the richest ever knoAvn, and is near the prop erty of several large English companies, Avho have spent large sums there. The gold is coarse, and some nuggSts weigh from one hundred to five hundred pen nyweights, while others hold the quartz together so that it can be bent and twisted.: The find is in an old pine field that Avas in cultivation before the Avar, and is OAvned in fee simple by Saunders, hence claims cannot be laid off like in the West. i , Pearson, and had position death of Chief Justice been twice elected to the same by the people since. His fidelity in the duties of this office have been a matter of general comment. discharge! of the Among with him at Yale College Justice Waite, of noted men Avere Chief the United States Supreme Court ; Wil liam M. Evarts,: Secretary of State, and Edward P. Pierrepont, ex-Minister to Great Britain. : ' In 1839, he married Miss Mary O. Wise, daughter of W. B. Wise, a promi nent merchant of Murfreesboro. They had three children, two of Avhom sur vive. They are' Mr. W. ;W. Smith, of opera completed by Christmas week and, to gether Avilh our new and - splendid opera house! in Asheville, which will also be soon 1 completed, Avill .5 - 1 i- " North Carolina an attractive traveling companies: Our! make (Western place for New Express Agent. MrJW. G. HauffhtoniAvho has been for some years connected with the Southern Express Company in Charlotte, has been promoted to superintendent, of the office at Asheville, and will leave on the 20th inst. to take charge of the , office there The Asheville people f will ! find Mr, Haughton,! a tip top man. He is one of the most thoroughly qualified express agents in the service of the company and is a courteous official and I a perfect i- f t - -1 .-1 gentleman in all respects. His-departure from Charlotte will be fegrettea Dy our people. Aishevdle will find him just as we have Chronicle. described him. Charlotte Rev. Dr. Mitchell.! . ! r ' It . ' ' f . r I - : i ' The Democrat is. pleased to learn from the Baptist : , - i L i "A letter! from Dr. John Mitchell con tains the gratifying intelligence that he has decided to accept thfj call to Hender- sonville, and that he will take (charge of the church; 'there the fst of I January This is goodneAVS, and Aye feel thankfu that so good a man and jo faithful a pas lor in cuiuiu!' nuiurnz us ptiiu. , Another Great Structure for North Carolina. Vlong Avith the talk of the great castle to be built bv Geo. Vanderbilt. near A.sheville, at a cost of probably one mil lion dollars, comes reports of a magnifi cent structure to be built in the East. The Wilmington Messenger talks about it and has seen " specifications and draw ings of a magnificent hotel for Avinter Itourists, AA'hich a syndicate of capitalists proposes to erect on the sea coast of North Carolina on the line of the-pro- jected Cape Pear and Cincinnati Hail road, ft is to cost about $105,000 and will be surrounded by a plaza similar to the Plaza de Armis around the residence of the Governor General at IIaArana, Cuba; It is designed to contain :50 rooms, ,anu aviu ie; equipped Avith tlie Turkish f bath, cold and hot salt Aaler baths, bbAvling alley, gas Avorks, etc. " Six hundred and sixty acres of land near the ocean has been selected forjthis hotel. A hundred acres of it will be laid out into pretty parks, Avhile the remain der will! be set aside as a preserve for hunting, fishing, etc., for the benefit of guests. It is said the Gulf Stream flows closer to this location than any other portion of the American coast and that the mean temperature during the winter never gets below 43, nor above 85 in Summer, as shown by observations taken during the past three years." (, Another New Enterprise. The Democrat announces with pleas ure the establishment of another import ant and J useful enterprise in our. city. Our townsman S. Hammerschlagg has opened a shoe factory, at his double store on North Main street (next door to Fanner's! Warehouse), where he is turn ing out daily a large number of the very best hand-pegged shoes. He proposes to retail these shoes at wholesale prices. We wish this, as all other enterprises; the fullest success, and are pleased to learn that Mr. 'II. is most pleased with his prospects. - . Mr. Orr's Body Found. Sunday evening the body of Mr. WilJ liam Orr, droAvned some weeks ago near the mouth of the SAvannanoa, was found, near the place Avhere he sank. ' It Avas recovered, and the burial took place Monday, f The untimely death of this 70ung man was exceedingly sad, and his good parents were deeply sympathized with by all. There are 28 ex-Confederate veterans in North Carolina poorhouses. taken up to-day. Berry,: v.ill be taken up later. si. -u - sr K.

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