I e. We tcih weekly infotmation from every section of Wextern North Carolina and Eait Tennessee, of any or all manufactur ling or mining enterprises establisied, or im proteinentH to those existing improvements in, agricultural, especially rep ullv of new' ex pe rime) its in aqricvlture in'Xhis section; of scIwohs, chnrcJoes, Alliance ajid other orders lor association for the good iind up-bullding of the people. Send us short, plain state ments as often , as may tie. ITIIE DEMO iCR AT desires to be the medium of an- ... I J i m o r ove merits in, hwuncing to the irorld the Ithe social and material decMopment of this ii. section, i "... . : - i !i ! Judge Spier Whitaker i$ stopping with 'Esq. A T. Summey, on Haywood street. 1 Owing to the length and Lumber of .other local articles, several Interesting and important items , are crowded out this -week. : Mr; S. P. Brittain,:lat e proprietor of the Franklin House, Franklin N. C. has removed to Clarksville, Ga., and taken Charge of a hotel at that keeps a good hotel, and w cess in his new home, is point. ,Ur. Ii. ehvish him suc The stables of Mr. Brown, undertaker were burned down on Tuesday night. Promptly oh the "ring ;of the j bell" the Ilook and Ladder started! land was the first to reach the ground and legin work Immediately after the Hose company was on the ground, and, whil0 the building could not be saved, the tire; was put out. Everything was saved save the building. i- ,:!-;' - . ii , ;! in Large parties of negrojes from North Carolina are passing through Georgia en route to Arkansas and Mississippi where f 'great inducements''-jbn papier are'of- fered them by railroa d land agents and others. iA good many South Carolina negroes emigrated but a to be from the "Old No it . ... t majprity seem i Estate." Opin ions" differ among white farmers as to the gOo(l or bad results of such a whole sale emigration of field hands, and the . . i . i 1 s i .. . iuxure musi soive inepruuiem. : l . ! ! Coming to Ashevillej There are no less than J nine railroads projected, all pointing toj Asheville as a central point. They are as follows : ' 'The Chester, Gaffney City and Polk County Railroad. 1 The' Charleston, Cincinnati and Chi cago Railroad. I : The Carolina Central Railroad. ) The French Broad Valley Railroad. " i The Southern extension of the At- lanta, Asheville and Baltimore Rail- road. . i S j All these f rpm the Sou h. i Then the Asheville and Bristol Rail road. 4 ! : . - ; The Asheville branch ' )f the Charles on, Cumcerlahd Gap and Cincinnati (Three; ' C's) Railroad. S The Northern extensi anta.i Asheville and: ! I on ot tne At- altimore Rail- road. ; .;'.;-. . '. ' - I And another road (not! yet named) to run from Asheville jthi and Sandy Muh, toward 1 Of these the managers Broad; Valley and, the ough Leicester s Knoxville. of the French Asheville and Bristol road propose' to go to work at an early day constructing a! line from ,Bris tol to the- South Carolijia line. These companies are alrea.dy organized, backed ty responsible New York parties, and say they hope to begin work soon, ' Of the remainder thei Asheville, At- lanta and Baltimore line expects to be in the field at an early pany 13 brganized, and late. ; The com legotiations are pending! with large capitalists for the Construction of the entire line; j Both liies will be of immense advant- age to this Section when Icompleted. j . -We understand build a branch to the" Three C's will Vsheiville. if the city .will give it one hundret 1 thousand dol- lars in bonds;.. S( . The Carolina Centra Company say they will Asheville build from Rutherford ton tn whenever; another outlet is built independent of .the Danville and the city Richmond and or county will give them one hundred 'thousand dollars in bonds. i i i We do not know, as yet, anything def inite as to the prospects prospects of the other roads nanied. v r ' I We hbpe to have ijliein all. roor.i here for all. Asheville There is will soon be tl. 3 largest place in the South, as all good enterprises point in this direction Another County Heard From. j The Statesville Landmark says : j "A citizen of Ashe county was telling here the Other day .that! last summer a i year ago when yearling- balves were sell-Republi-Harrison ing at $10 per head,-one;of his can neighbors declared that if i s vre re elected he could sij on his porch f;nd sell the same catte at from $15 to - ).i Harrison was ejected and'thissame iiblican neighbor wojuld now be glad Ipse (jut his yearlings at $5 apiece, f is another county jivhich jthe prom 1 i'gooid times" have not; yet reached. To the Peop OUR GROWING INDUSTRIES. THE P. A. DEMENS WORKS UN DER FULL SWAY. Impromptu Remarks by Various Open- Gentlemen at the Formal ing on Last Friday. On Friday last a number of prominent citizens met by invitation at the offices of the P. A. Demens Works, situated near the passenger depot, jto participate in the formal opening ceremonies of this new industry which adds so much to the en terprise of Ashevillej The several offices were thrown open, and in one were ta bles filled with a superb lunch. After a few remarks by Mr. iDemens as to the object of the gathering, attention was at once given to the lunch, after which im promptu remarks were made by various gentlemen, Col. Cameron, of The Citizen, speaking for the press, Capt. Atkinson on internal improvements and industrial enterprises in general, and others, all congratulatory upon the establishment of the P. A. Demens Works as evidence of the advantages and attractions of this city for all such. j s After this the company were taken through and shown the; entire plant, not only to their pleasure, but astonishment. The main building is 50x120 feet, two stories high. In this! are thirty-six ma chines,1 all of the latest patents, capable of doing:any and . all strictly first-class wood work. In an adjoining brick lmilding is the- engine and boiler, the boiler of: 100 horse power. There is still a 'dry kiln which will dry 10,000 feet per day. Still another room for storage of stock, etc. The offices are the finest in the State, comprising, business and pri vate offices. These rooms are elegantly finished i in Western North Carolina hard wood, embracing walnut, ash cherrj' curled poplar, chestnut, white oak, so happily finisned and combined as to present the beauties of these woods. The whole plant cost about .$60,000. These works are prepared to do any kind of house building and house fur nishing work. They can furnish, prompt ly, every piece required for any size and style of house, from the cheap cottage to the costly mansion, and then furnish it elegantly throughout! It is not the pur pose of Mr. Demens to manufacture stock furniture, only to make finer goods on order. Fine store, bank, office fix tures will be a specialty. In addition to this the factory is turning out tobacco boxes in large quantities for the trade, supplying at present jthe Asheville mar ket. There are nowabout fifty first-class hands ; in the spring j it is expected to work 150. I There are orders on hand now to; run this force; during the winter with assurance of a large increase in the early spring. -Mr. II ! W. Fitch is fore man of the machine ! shops, Mr. R. M. Taylor yard master and assistant in the office. Mr, Demens personally superin tends the business himself. Mr. Demens for years owned the lar gest lumber mills in Florida, but his health failing he sold out and came to Asheville in August, fand established himself here, lie is; more than pleased with Asheville as a location for his en terprise, and said, after carefully study ing the surroundings; attractions and advantages, he regarded Asheville's fu ture as ; exceedingly promising. Mr. I), is a business man; all through, and his en terprise will add greatly to Asheville's prosperity, j Our people certainly wish it all success. 1 ! Rare Jewels from; a Rich County. , Our friend, G. I). Ray, Esq., of Yan cey, gave us a pleasant call Monday, and showed us some beautiful jewels of aqua marine, which were as brilliant as dia monds. All these, and many more of various kinds Mr, Ray has gathered in the splendid county of Yancey, which willyet prove one of the richest and most attractive counties in the State. All it lacks is railroad facilities to bring to light the valuable treasures which now lie dormant in her forests and in her soil. Mr. Ray says! he cart dig out chrome, pre whicb will yield 50 per cent of chromic oxide and: it exists in inex haustible quantity, and is easily taken out. Four hands got out one car-load of the ore in two days. Iron, mica, ka olin and other valuable minerals and ores abound. The; snlendid timbers have long j been noted. A railroad y will find plenty to through the coun do for a long time in) transporting raw materials to market. The Democrat sincerely trusts it will not be very long before one or more railroads will trav erse that splendid old! county. J. P. Davis, who was arrested for the murder ; of John A. Horton, in Catham county, and who was taken to Pittsboro for safe keeping, has been brought to Raleigh and put in jail for safe keeping, there being decided; threats of lynching him where he was. Raleigh News and Observer.: M OPENING RECEPTION Of the Young Men's Christian Asso- I ciation. pne of the most pleasant, as it was one of the most important, occasions which ever occurred in Asheville took place last Friday night. Some months ago a number of gentlemen associated them selves together for the purpose of organ izing the Young Men's Christian Associ ation of Asheville.! Their success was go assuring, the needs of such an institu tion here was so apparent that it was de termined to rent suitable rooms, which were secured in the new building on Patton avenue, recently completed by Messrs. Harking and J. R. Starnes, tak- ing the second and third fl6orsi The next step was to secure Ihe services of Mr. H. P. Anderson as secretary, a most excellent act. On jthe second floor are the parlors and reading rooms, j In one of the rooms on the third floor is a gym nasium, the other room to be fitted up for lecture purposes, etc. On this j latter will also be arranged hot and cold 1 baths for the use of members. ! The ladies, foremost in all good works, have fur nished the parlors up not only comforta ply, but elegantly. ; the reading room has also been fitted ;up handsomely, and already quite a number of choice and suitable books, periodicals, papers, etc.; are supplied. The rooms are open daily, except Sunday, from 9 a. m. to 10 p. m On Sunday afternoons- at 4 p. m:, j there will be singing services by an excellent choir, to oe followed bv short addresses upon Bible lessons. j i , The opening reception last Friday night was to show to the people a very large, number having been invited the arrangement for the attraction, edifica tion and protection of young men; to show the efforts beinsr made by this association, to impress upon all the vast importance ot sucn to tne commu nity, and to urge and invoke such sup port as will make it a permanent institu tion. . Addresses to this end were imade by Capt. T. W. Patton and Secretary Anderson. Both gentlemen presented very strongly the necessity for the asso ciation, its present j needs, the scope of its 1 work, etc! After! very excellent singing, by some of the lady,and gentle men members, and some gymnastic per formances which were very creditable the more attractive as a means of developing the physical man, refresh ments were served. 1 , Altogether it .was a most delightful evening, and the formal opening of an j institution which prom ises great good to our community. Of course our people will not fail to sustain it, j and liberally. Every citizen is as much duty bound to sustain this organ ization as they are the churches, for it is but the vestibule to the church of God . preparing young men for th responsible duties which church membership in volves. The effort so farj madei is a I: I 1 ; 1 j j I i credit to the small band pf christian workers who have undertaken it; a cred it tp their hearts and to the Christian impulses which prompted jthem. j Let them be warmly and generously sup ported. Such an institution! appeals not to the charity, but to the. highest Chris- I ! 1 tian duties oi a community. May it go on, to prosper ana to conquer, j Death of John G. Aston. ! Death has again invaded the home of .. j : i. . our esteemed townsman, flon. E. J Aston, Mr. John G. Aston 'having died suddenly Monday morning, i Mr. A. had been in feeble health for sohie time, but no one dreamed that he was . so i near death's door. Saturday he was j on the streets, and Sunday ! night was sitting up as well, apparently, as he had been of late. About 2 a.m. j he called for some medicine to relieve his cough, and while Mr. Stikeleather, his brother-in-law, was waiting on him, his head dropped to one side, and he quietly breathed his! last, resting upon Mr. S.'s arm. j He was a young man of very bright intellect, of a cheerful disposition loved and esteemed by all. His business capacity was pro verbial. For some years he was city en gineer, and had been employed on some of the most important works in and around Asheville. His family have the profound sympathy of all in this very sadj visitation. God help and comfort thein, as only He can do. The funeral took place Tuesday: evening from the residence, and his remains were interred in the family burying ground at New Academy.- ' ' on No Place Like Home. Some weeks ago our friend Dr. G.I D. S. Allen, and family, left the State to make their home in the new State of s - . .. i Washington. ; After spending some weeks in that section carefully examin ing'the country and its advantages j they turned round and came back to Waynes yille, saying they saw no plaee so attrac tive! and pleasant, or so promising; as Western Carolina. We welcome them bac THE IIrIMIXAL COURT. A MIS IN THE CASE OF JOHN BERRY. The Verdict in the Case of Fore is ! Set Aside, and He is Granted m. New' Trial. Late Sathftay evening the jury in the case against ohn Kerry tor the killing -. I. :5!v .4 - I of Geo, AY. Bell came into court, ana, declaring they could not agree upon a . m S: I verdict, a mror was wimarawn anu a mistrial ordered The case stands for trial again nal court. m the next term of the crimi- When Fpte was arraigned for sentence the f oilowaAb 'i 8 P startling affidavits were presentea M. E. Cir being, duly sworn, says that "Mr. B!H. Shook, father of Robert nooK? wnervett as a 3uroron the trial of the prisoner at the bar, came to affiant as one of tfefc counsel of the prisoner, ana vomn ered the statement to him, - that his said! son, Mr. Coffee, who was also on thitiry, and a Mr. Rogers who . - e J t 1 was on tna special ivenire, were an witn- out prejud against the prisoner, and wouiu give nim a lair trial n they were chosen onltHe iurv. and both Messrs. Shook; anfejlCoffee were chosen by the prisoner's Minsel in consequence of this informatiojil -J i : . : .' . . . Amant lmther swears "that the said D. Hv bhoM beina: a witness for the prisoner leilH affiant to believe that he was m sympathy with the prisoner: but 1 b it : . affiant hasfsihce been informed, and now believes, tlaj he was, at the same time, an active Ynd of the prosecution. (bigned.jj ;- 1 M. E. Cartek Jaworn to and subscribed before me. 1.1. R. ! Patterson, Clerk J. D. ReUmon beiner dulv swTorn savs I it. I - I that ne, was n the court house the day the jury vla chosen in this case, and while RofiQtt Shook, who was after- naius tuLBcu as a . uiui, sai uv u s siae.- - it . r. - 1 in a conversation with bhook. he told this-aniaiftjf that Lunsford was a nice man,; and that, Fore had imposed on him, and oughtftB be hung. Shook was sworn afterwards ,!&nd on being sworn said that he had I nill I formed and expressed the opinion tHajf the prisoner .was -guilty, Affiant refniembers distinctly that Shook E ! was sworn and answered as above stated, Before Slfck was chosen, a man not Known :toamani, wno naa sanay oeara, leaned nvr an front of affiant, and whis- i'lvVi v fW"11- lxJyi ixxux uii Avould he Ehpsen a juror sure ffiant told his brother and brother- in-law th either be lame day that Fore would urig or there wTould be a mis- trial, arid iB then explained to them his conversation with Shook. it . -i The amant is riot of kinfiii 1 2 L'f 1 . A . -1 . ... a -Tir rewt-ea m any way to tne parties r "iv.u in vciov', QTSri'fhoc nn inroroct in hi rnon ,t. ... - and is besides unable to state how de- fendant's Counsel obtained the inf orma tion that Jieii had the said conversation . a . -. Til" . . with Sltftrffldil his J. D. (X) Redmox. mark. Sworn tl knd subscribed. J. R. Patterson, Clerk. M. L. i .- : ibertson being uulv sworn says tnat week followng the killing of Lunsfoi!by Fore, he heard Mr. Cof- fee' who seived as a juror in. this trial of Fore, say. Uit Fore ought to be hung, This was laid at Coffee's spring near his residence (Signed M. S. CULBERTSON jand subscribed. J.. R. Patterson, Clerk Sworn The solfc tor stated that he disbelieved tne trutn I statements made by Red- mon and Colbert son; that if convinced that theytated facts he would readily agree to arifew trial, and asked that the matter Deppstponea until 3ionday next to enauie nam to.f mtroauce eviaence. 'T'liia OfmAirff Vila Virinrtv irrontorl ' ortrl fV court wa5 15 adioufned until Monday morning jsty ,o,ciocK. . On Mondiay morning the defence in trdduced & farther affidavit of Mr. R. L. iee to mei enect mat 3ir. u. . snooK had said lt6 him "I have beaten out ertam men Melyin Carter," referring to certain f it who had bfeen taken on the jury. Two of he jurymen, Messrs. Coffee and Shool were introduced by the State, and each asserted 5 - , liil ( hat he had not been question e( jas to his opinions of the prisoner's guilt, but had the question been asked ihe would have replied that he had t formed and expressed 1 iiS such an opinion 3 '(? The counsel for the defendant insisted that the usual ques is. , i tion had rtot been asked because of the H. Shook. i fi The Solicitor insisted that Mr. Shook had told defendant's counsel that "Cof- fee and Slikiok would act fairly in the case," andi ihat nothing had been shown going to&-6ve that they had not acted fairly! and? In accordance with the law and the evidence. iThe court held, after hearing argument on both sides, that as there Iwas nme reason to doubt that the a fair, impartial and i" . t i ' unprejudiced trial, he would set the ver- diet aside and grant a new trial. This case als? cof es UP aain f or trial at the next term ot court. Sad Homicide in Hendarsonville We were greatly pained to hear that on &aturaay last Mr. A E. Posey, a promising jtoung attorney of Render sonville while in a personal difficulty wu;iurmauTwiiwi( auuiucr young i.l, -r- ? -. T J.iv 1 n II. 1 1 1 J8 1 "u, as auorney, u aBC. ana in ms argument haa- criticised him Quite severely. After the trial, Mr. Posey, having gone to his office on Main street, and Ivhile standing in his door approacnea Dy Forrest' who as saulted him,! striking him twice "with brass knuckles, . wkereupon Mr. Posey drew h Plsp! and fired twice, killing f uric aiuJbl msutnuy. , ir, x-osey imnieuiaiemsurienaerea to tne autnor- llies- . J - . . mus nave neen very great provoca- tion even to the extent of great, threat- a .- i . 1 - . - - I eneQ5 personal injury, wnicn couia nave A vcj uwl icnow- man- We know him, and .know him to aailcc "V" ""Pulfas uc we hve ever known. We are certainly pained abou the affair. Itjhas brought distress on dj number of gjod people in Western Carolina. We know, nothing r -n . A orrei or ms anteceaents,:Dui ms inenas .wm nave tne sympathy ot . all in tm?s untimely misfortune. - I Marriages. Mr. L. H Phillips and Miss Mattie Abernethy, pf Hickory, w ere married on luesday of last week. Miss Emma Dick, youngest daughter of Hon. R. P. Dick, was married to Mr. Williams, of Bertie, in Greensboro "last ' ' ! I wTeek In Dillsboro. Sundav. November 2-ttb Afr .T--AT Pftillin nf Dillctr ot,H AT,'co -vr n.ji tit, ... - !--.t . I xsannie faiierson. 01 wniiiier wensip.r Herald I i ! "r J ; j : -'i i .. I -; . Hon. Sambel F. Phillips of Washing- ton, ex-Solicitor of the Uj. S. Treasury, was married on the 26th of November to Mrs. Sarah ington. ii jMaria Maury,' also of Wash- i On the 28 fii Qt lii'vAr TionorcAn county by the Rev. J. A1. Weston of Hickory, N C, Mr. James B. Beard, of Hickory and Miss Lucy Morgan of Mills River! After the ceremdny the I Dnaal pair teit on a JNortnern tour. .Notes ot congress. Several republican members of the House bolted their caucus 8 . chaplain' and voted with the democrats and elected ?ev. Mr. Milburn, the blind I . i ' .1 democratic Chaplain of the past several si " - : I . --r . ...'? i ernis.- jNotiia repuoncan v epublican vpte was given the blind preacher from this State, how ever Senator Sherman entered the Senate chamber a few moments before 12 on Monday, and as he entered from the dem :ratic siae uie nrst person; lie met was Senator Morgan, of Alabama. He was soon, surrounded by ! Senators Vance, Colquitt, Mcpherson and ittadgett, and the Ohio Senator was obliged to stand a little good-natured chaffing fr jm his democratic friends about the recent elec- tion in Ohio The Hot Springs and Railroad. Savannah Hon. B-W . Hill, mayor ofj Hot Springs, was in to see us yesterday. Among other thiners he informed usjof the orsraniza- tion of a cornpany to construct a railroad from Hot Springs up. Spring Creek, thence through Hay wood to Sylva, Jack- son county, pence soutn to j havannan, lia. it win pe a grana line; wnen com- 1 or! on AfT TTill c o ttcj is .T-o rr ar -rr some very laHree capitalists and enternris- ing men. congressional JMewsf 1 he democrat nas arrangea lor a weekly letter from Washington City, . . J , - ii - . .t --. J giving the latest congressional and other giving the latest congressional news from the capital of in erest to our. readers The Democrat will spare no pains to give the latest home and general news, besides discussions of local interest to the bushiest and farming classes of our section, all carefully edited, lithe people of AYestern Carolina and East Tennessee w&nt a good, reliable family weekly newspaper, let them subscribe at once for The Asheville Democrat. Farmers Convention. S. B. Alexander, L. L. Pplk, Wm. A Graham. Eli as Carr, E. A. !3Ioyes, A. J, Dalby are the delegates toj the big far- mers meeting which occurs in St. Louis to-morrow, lit is expected that the Farr mers' Alliance, the Labor Union, the Grange and & dozen other organizations wilbe consolidated at thisrconventionV Its Sittings will nrobablv continue for a i week or longer. FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. SIGNIFICANT RESOLUTION BY A DEMOCRATIC CAUCUS. Thos. B. Reed, of Maine. Republican Nominee, Was Elected Speaker of tke House. !The Fiftv-Fir.t (Wrp m.t nn ifn: da amid the usual .-"J 0-v, " scenes. Thos. B. Reed. of Maine ReDUblican nominee, wag mftde SDeaker of the IIouse He re: ceived 166 votes to 154 for Mr. Carlisle. of Kentucky and one vote for Mr. Cum- mings of New York, cast by Col. Billy Cowles of North Carolina.' Mr. Cummings received a round of ap plause and banter for his one vote. Mr. Reed, speaker elect, has twice before re ceived the Republican nomination for that blace iEdward MdPherson was elected clerk, A j Holme Sergeant-at-arms; C. A. Adams, door-keeper; James L. Wheat, Postmaster : Wm. H. Milburn. chanlain. chas. B. Ramsdell was th RpnnhbVan nominee for chaplain. : 1 1 fhp Spnat thp. . ntPrp.t opt.ro,i upon the Senators from' the new States. There were Casey and Pierce of North Dakota Allftd and Snuir of wft9Jnnr. ton pettirew and Moodv of South Da- ta. The two Montana Senators are nnt vot. returned ThPv await thp .Pttio. i . -" . men of the embroglio in the Montana legislature. The credentials of Nathan P. Dixon, Senator elect of Rhode Island, - Were also presented. " A House Demorratir raiirns mpt Afnn- -, m v , j , uay iuormug ai iu o ciock. auu passea the following significant resolution: , "Resolved, That we, the Democratic members of the House of Representatives of the Fifty-First Congress, at the beerin- ninV. of the first session h-rplnr sonrl " O r . ' " J "v greeting to the people of the country with the assurance of our continued con- u au uevuuun. 10, uie pnnci- Dies 01 - lanii reiorm as emoraren in 1 ; ijcsiucui, icvcmuu lcsfage iu uie lasi Congress upon that subject, and in the platform of principles adopted by the l&st Democratic National Convention at Sti Louis : and -that we hail with delight the emphatic approval of those princi- t.' i 1 j i- '- . i . pies Dy me peopie as expressea at tne ; .... . ; . . i . nous m tne recent elections. And we pledge them to renew and continue in Congress the contest for the reduction or. tne war taxes so ahly begun and pros- ecute'd in former Congresses by our Rep- resentatives and Senators. A Grime Revealed. Danville, Va., November 2.5. On November 15th, J. D. Horton, a young farmer, Irving near Durham, N. C, mys- teriously disappeared and foul play was suspected. J. the' farm, told P. Davis, an employe on Horton's old mother that her son had deserted her. The neierh- bors did not believe the story, and search was made about the premises, resulting in the discovery of Horton's body buried in an old barn Davis escaped, and the Durham, N. C. authorities sent a police officer to Danyille to search for Davis. Yesterday, while this officer and the Danville chief of police were in confer- ence at the Planter's, hotel, a waiter asked the, proprietor if he- should wake Mr. Davis for j dinner. The name was suggestive, and the officers bwent to the room indicated, where they found J. P. Davis. He wTas charged with the mur der, and confessed tke crime. He had killed Horton, he said, in order to get possession or his farm. He killed him with a bootjack and buried the body in I the barn. Davis was taken to North Carolina for trial. t Climatic Tables. I I , - . J . , , . , , , climate of Asheville, carefully and' cor rectly prepared by Dr. Von Ruck, the able resident physician of Winyah Sani- tariunv of this city. . These tables con . ' v:i a tain valuable information, and we spec- . , , - , . ially commend them to readers of The Democrat in other States in search of a place to spend Ihe winter, and w;ho wish to avoid the severe winters of their own home. -. - I" '' Jndgre Whitaker Opened the December term of Bun combe superior jcourt Monday at noon Judge W. is one of the ablest lawyers of the. State, and comes to the bench admir ably equipped for the important duties devolved upon , him. His charge was short but complete. He dispatches bus iness promptly, but with due patience and impartiality. He hopes to clear the docket at this term. What Is UpP Tuesday Postmaster Cannon and Messrs. U. S. Harkins and R. O. Patter soni left for Washinirton City. There I seems to be some trouble in the camp. K ill