VOL. 1. ASHEVILLE, X. C, Til I' USD AY, JANUARY 10, 1890. ; NO. 15. ', ZT . i i .-. I u . i I ' 1 ( !.. 1 I I : M I 1 i " -; : : I f : T : ; i i I Tl ' i '111 . m .1 . Ii ' ' : . Ii . Hj i j I j v jvj. wjja. ji uxwxxxjiixi,xxi, j-w xnx suuia. j I 4BWo xvews notes. I IhIIiYkI TCf ! i 1 We.wuh'-weeklv information from etent 1 1 ; : J r ! L .''' I. - J " n ... In n Backward. Over the past eight yearsof our successful business life in Ashe ville has demonstrated x us the 'fact that our determination to fell only pure goods, guarantee ing weights and quality, and asking a small profit on every thing sold, commends itself to the good sense of purchasers. Second, That desirable cus tomers cannot tie gained by the oft-tried practice of some deal ers in cutting prices on a few leading articles; hoping; to make it up on something else.; That hard work and efose ap plication to business is the price of success. That pur business for 1889 !5uows an increase over! the pre vious year of 20 per cemt.., which h very gratifying, and for which we wish to thank our many friends in Af.bevi.lle arid Western North Carolmi Looking Forward i 1 ! - ' We itishweekly information section of Western JSortli Carolina and East Tennessee, of any or all manufactur ing or mining enterprises established, or im provements-to those existing, 'improvements in agricultural, especially results of new ex periments in agriculture in thisl section; of. schools, chu relies. Alliance and other orders or associations for the good and up-building of the people. Se nd m s7iort, plain state ments, as often may be. TJIE DEMO CRAT desires io be the medium of an nouncing to the vrorld the improvements in the social and material development of this section, i . M Dr. P. C. Gaston and Clerk S. L. Rog ers and bride, of Franklin, were in the city Tuesday. ; Miss Bertie Pattern of on a visit to Mrs. Kl B. Charlotte last week. j Dr. E. M. Scruggs, H. Thomas, of Jackson autd Wells, of j Haywood,; Tuesday. ! this -city, was Alexander, of of Swain, Mr. J. Dr. II. X. were in the city We are encouraged to enter up on the year before us wiih re newed energy and a determina tion to give our customers the benefit o:f our increased facili ties for buying aiiid selling the yery finest goods "to be had, at Kmall profits. Our stock is bwthe largest over offered in this market and embrace everything in the line of Staple and F-ancy groceries, Table Delicacies. Fruits, Grain. Flour, etc- Respectfully, Powell & Snider. isusmess is lookias ut) - m our citv. The people of Wesfceam Carolina are, generally,; in a better ooaadition than I are those of most section. i ! ' - " - - - ; - ! j : -!" ; Uncle Pleas Israel old some good to hacco Tuesday at lie Farmers' ware house, for which he obtained ood prices. Uncle Pleas deserve! to have only Ihe good things of this life. j Messrs.; Ray, of the Alliance ware house, informs us that Tuesday's sales of day at their warehouse were the heariest ! , ! i ' I i I the season, the entire sales Of the averaging more than $20.00 per hun dred. Gov Fowle has ap pointed Mr. Jas. P. Sawyer of this city a director of thej W. ri. C. insane Asylum, to rill vacancy caused by the death per. No better been made. of Hon. J. C. selection could Har-have AVe are indebted to our countvman, Dr. J. V. Yandiver, Weaverville, N. C, and Farm eeds have won for a catalogue of 'Garden D r. Y's se reputation throughout o o t-g W ) i CD J ! o-: 1! . - co si E2 2 O ta PS' o o o o . a o Pi zm tri -3 o CO CO o P C o I- it- r o o pi Q o .c. i m rH w 3 Seeds for 1890. an established the country, and we advise all to send to him for a catalogue, i ... Some very important real estate trans fers, in and around Asheville, are more than probable in the early future. -'Wes tern Carolina is attracting the far-seeing - i j ! ' L capitalists of the country. The develop- mentsln ihe next fixe years bid fair lo i 1 far outstrip those of ihe past ten ! The stockholders of the National lank of Asheville. nd The First National Bank of Ashaville. heldaainual meetings - I - -i - - i " at their yespective banks on Tuesday. and elected directoi subs'ecp-iently met and officers.. Both 1 tanks lent arid faithful man The 6.. re-elected the director show ja.iremen ti : ! Theiwiuter in Asheville perb -bright, gcniall Willi enough frost to irhtful effect, i 0 hi rive the r visitors are creasing daily now, aj:d all v" are enjoying themselves. sustains its reputation as the 4 mate on the continent, the vear roun ery old excel- Ex-Postmaster Gordon of New Castle, Pa., Talks About Asheville and its Winter Population. From the New Castle Pa., News, January 3. The following interesting -.. letter was received yesterday by a business man of this city, from Ex-Postmaster Gordon, who, with his family, is spending the winter at Asheville. North Carolina: ; Asheville, N. C, Dec. 31st, 1889. Some days before I left home you re quested me o write you a line from this point, which I promised you I would do. I have been rather slow about writing, but it is better late than never. We reached this: place two weeks ago last Saturday after spending a very pleasant week in "Washington , 1). j C. The week we were im Washington the weath er was most delightful, which gave us a fine ODDortunstv to see the sights. As to Asheville it Is the county seat of Bun combe county, and a beautiful little city of about lft,900 inhabitants situated high up in the peine covered mountains, at the confluence of the Swannanoa and French Broad riyteirsL' Previous to 1880,.' Ashe ville wasia.spiall town of 2,500 people, and known onl v als a summer resort, for a few wealthy Southerners, many of whom had built summer residence here. Little attention was given to Asheville throughout the North until Col. Frank Coxe built Battery Park Hotel on a hill ;-) 300 feet high almost in the center of the town- This7 hotel accommodates 400 people ; rates, $5 per day. Since then Asheville has been a greater winter resort for Northerners than it ever was a sum mer :resort for the Southerners. Now the advntage of the climate has become so well known - that the town is crowded with visitors the year round. Asheville is nonj only a beautiful place but a live town. Some very -wealthy men have turned their attention to Asheville, and are buy iug property here. Mr. George Vander bilt, of New York city, has purchased some o,000 acres within two miles of this city, and is having it improved and laid out preparatory tb building his tin resi-d-eUce. They have sixteen churches here, representing almost every denomination. Business houses jail closed on Sunday and the morals ; of j the place excellent. They have good puplic schools, a large female college and several private schools. Asheville has four banks,, three large hotels and any aniount of smaller ones. Its', industries comprise an ice factory. cigar factory, three planing mill-s, two .shoe factories, a carriage factory, machine shop and foundry a first-class flouring mill, a furniture factory," a large -cotton factory (which employs 300 hands three larsre tobacco warehouses. It has a citv water works and lis lighted by electric lights, and has one of the most complete systems of electric street railway to be found anywhere. They have artificial gas also. There are now four railroads run- the 9th. Mr. S. B. Boyd, prominent citizen of KnoxviUe, died suddenly in that city on over inton. Eleven pelople killed j and wounded bv the storm at CI Sunday night. i Jack Kamev, an outlaw of Bcott y, Va., was tivej while resisting! arrest. Hon; C. S S. Senate b fifty Kv., killed last week hv I : 1 Hrice was elected the democrats o succeed Hon. H. B.lPavne. Very heaw floods prevailed out large sections of Indiana last week, coun-detec- to the V. . f Ohio to ! i. ; . 'j through- doing very erious damage to c s lieen su- t i'iny I!ars, air a most m- io are here Ashe4ille finest cli-L Miss; Flora Whitlock, daughter of our townsman Mr. A. M'hitlock, returned home Tuesday from aj most pleasant visit to relatives and friends in Richmond. he was the recipient of marked atten- ' 'I tion from those who could, and do,! ap- preciate charming planners musical attainmerit;. She is back by a host of friend and : high l wTelcotned BON MARGHE d icular al r -t '. mill I'i t re til Caps C ans part did stock a Li'! 'Ill's gOO'l Cloak' tenais an.! Nvools of specialty. l. 1)., K Glove .Fitting .and Ladies can find articles here in any other establish - : I - A call solicited by ention to the splen- 'th(l Child foil scraps, (row; real chean. Iniants 10112: Art emliroidery nia- lepcription a Thompson's Warner's Corsets. not found j ; lment iri the city. y LTPIJVSKY fe -EL-LICK. Big : jut! $4,000 Clothing ! ! ; . !" Goinn at (irei" KTJM This sign is displayed in front of Bostic Bros. t Sacrifice. N !" I Wright s Establishment. From the way fathers, husbands, brothers and uncles are get ting suited at this house it proves they mean to clear out their entire stock of Clothing in a very short while. They intend to increase their line of all kinds of Ladies' Goods, hence this .sacrifice on Clothing. It will pay you to inspect their stock at owoe. nimx into the citv The residences are the finest I ever saw in a towii of this size. The Government 000 to build a cou las appropriated .$100 t house and postoflice at this place, which will soon be built. Two daily and several weekly papers are published here. T ville are beautiful le drives arouud Ashe and from the amount of driving people do here, I suppose they are appreciated. A good two-horse car riaire with a driver in full livery can he had .for 2.50 from 1 o'clock p. ni. to 8 p. m. I- Boarding ranges in price from $20 per month and upwards. Good board in a private family costs from $30' to $40 per month. Almost every other house is a boarding house, troubles its repu As a resort for lung ation is-well known, and I think the' warm climate and pure air must be very bienefical to anyone not eniovinjr "rood health. The weather has been delightful :evjer since I came here- Cnristra.- ;3 in tne sliade, nut this is unUsal here. I; am feeling some better than when I left home. I: will cio.se by making a suggestion ou feel that your brain from excessive "bearing'' real estate in Xew Castjle, pack up your carpet sack for Asheville, S. C. Remember me to my friend Hiram. Tell him to keep and that is when is becoming ex.hjusted work in 'bulling"' and political matters ah return. good shape fintil I Your friend, : " - AVm. Gordon. Key est, w as prompt Board of Health other property. One case of yellow fever rops and reported at Fla., last week, The city iy quarantined by the State FOREST HILL PARK HOTEL, ' i ' : South 3fain street, Asheville, X. C. For Summer and AVinter Tuests. Hot and Cold Baths. J. H. HARRINGTON, Prop'r J. W. SCHARTLE, Merchant Tailor 42 North Main Street ' f - I ' i ' ! I ' Congressman Ewart has introducedja bill to exempt from,1 the operations of the civil service! law the soldiers,! sailors and marines of the late war. The severe blizzard of Sunday ex tended fromj the .akes to the gulf t The thermometer dropped below the freezing point in Louisiana and Texas. Chicaffo, Detroit, Pittsburgh Cincin- natJ, Kochester, (Xswego, I'tica, and many other localities suffered jseriouslv f rom the great storm Sundayrnight. I Proposed Railroad Schemes. ' Mi-: ! ! - i A meeting of gentlemen interested in the proposed railroad this city on Monday! Carter, J, M. Gudger schemes f met Messrs. M. in SI E and Ji Si Adams 1. : -I 1M t were requested to draw- up the! order of election. Gentlemen -from Fair View, A verys Creek, Leicester and some other tOAvnships said with proper safeguards their respective communities would sus- 1 1 Some of em re tain the proposition. quested, however, that a condition be S incorporated in the order of election which we fear will nol be egalj that is if the amount voted to a certain railroad shallnot.be used within time in the construction of the ; r i 1 that the amount so designated be applied to the construction of! a tram-road, or throngh Able be legal, a reasonable railroad highway j ItQwnship wrill not i Work on eastern Hai the Knoxville land North- road, to run from Knoxville through Jefferson,! Sevier counties towards Bristol has and ! Cocke i 1 1 been begun. The faculty of the Tennessde Medical College, Knoxville, were arrested last week for "body snatching." The corpse of a young man, but recently buried, was found in the dissecting room of the college. i In Pennsylvania j flowers are in blos som, while the Delaware peach itrees are in full bloom, ready to be killed by the first breath of winter. Truly this is a great country. A Presbyterian church in Brooklyn A as blown down Thtirsday night last, and the Avails falling upon an adjoining tenement house, crushed it, eral and wounding ' several tallv. : ' -.'' K improving the county their township or lawyers hold that this that moneys must be voted for a specific single purpose, and cannot be diverted to other purposes. The order should also provide that the county shall have the right to redeem o r! J retire any or all of these, bonds after fiye years from date of issue, and, in the face of the fact that good municipal securities, North and South, bearing only from two and a half to four per cent interest sell readily. for more than par, it. does; occur to us that bonds regularly issued hy the county of Buncomqe should not than four per cent. dred thousand dollarsj Uhe amount pro posed to be issued, a four percent bond would save to the countv eight thousand dollars per : annum, Which the! county may as well save. We suggest these 1 t i two matters to the Countv authorities 1 . - -j- j . " 1 1 and the able lawyers! who are charged . . - - . . . -1 1 1 1 1 with preparing the order of election. killing sev others fa- Ai very severe blizzard prevailed throughout ; Kansas, Missouri land Ne braska Sunday ; four feet of snow in Omaha; severe wind and rain in Mem phis; terrific and fatal cyclone visits St. Louis and Kentucky. The Northern Central grain elevator 1. i i No. 3, Baltimore, A as consumed by lire' Avitli 750,000 bushels corn, Sunday night- The Britisli steamship Sacrpbascp, an- i ' I ' I choired .near by, Avas also consumed Loss seyeral hundred thousand dollar covered, hy insurance. commu- Sccretary Proctor lias sent riicatiori to Congress in reference to the disposition of Geronimo's band. He recommends the adoption of one of tvo propositions. 1st, that lands be pur chased in North Carolina and they be located thereon, or 2nd, that they be lo cated near Ft. Sill, Indian Territory, till arrangements Avith the Cofiianche and A pacha Indians in Indian Territory can be made for the final location ! of the band on ; the dians. reservation of those In- In the Massachusetts supreme court recenth., in the case of Asahel Quimby A-ersus The Boston and Mainje Railroad, in which : plaintiff obtained 'a verdict of $6,000 in the superior court, the supreme cnurt has sustained the exceptions o f defendant, tjuimby Avas ruling on a pass when th accident .occurred, and one 01 tiie conditions 01 tne pass Avas that.tjie nouter released Hie company from liability in ase of accident. The court says: '"We are of the opinion tkat uity ! a free upon the bear more: interest On the four hun- Getting Ready, for Work. Our countyman J. j 1. Gaston, Esq. has just returned from 'a visit to Florida. Mr. G. is associated with Mr.lEj G. Car- - 'lit- -' ; -j . rier in thd owmership of that splendid West J. S. Grant, Ph. G. (Of the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy.' Apothecary, 2 South Main St. Prescriptions filled at all hours, night or dav. Goods delivered free of charge to any part of the city. The finest and most complete line of colognes, toilet waters, extracts, face powders and high grade soap at Grant's Pharmacy. Jf you want a first class hair brush for a small amount of money Grant's drug store is the place to get it. v Black Mountain Iron and A .urn Mass has no superior for the cure of dyspep sia and indigestion. A truly wonderful remedy for chronic diseases. . For sale only at Grant s Pharmacy. A irood snoulder brace is worth its weight in" gold to any one inclined to property just west of the French Broad as tract of river and known They OAvn a large land, which is bein Asheville. beautiful - ! -I sub-divided into elegant resident properties, i i; Avitli t - and well-graded streets', parks etc Avide They are Duuuing a nne,j i substantial, iron bridge across the French Broad,) to con nect this citv with their new town. This good track ay ay .for bridge will have a venieJes. and a trackAvay lor ftn railway to run lrom -i the cityito mous White Sulphur which latter is to be mtu li enlarged and Dr. Kar pnn rs electric tlie fa-hotel, be round shouldered. The Knickerbocker brace is the best in the Avorld. . Call at Grant's Pharmacy and examine them.', ; BuckAvheat Blossom for the complex ion, will remove tan and sunburn, pim pies, red spots or blotches, and rnake your face and hands as soft as a baby's. Unlike most liquids it will positively . i benefit the skin, and is guaranteed to cure most skin blemishes. 1 Vava Tooth Wash. This is a superior article for cleansing the teeth, strength- ening the gums and imparting fragrance to the breath. A thoroughly reliable remedy for all blood diseases is Buncombe Sarsaparilla. Try- a bottle and you will take no other. For sale ;.t ' ; (iK ANT'S PHARMACY. von occupied -by . rr 1 1 ! 1 sanitarium. ine roaavvav l)iidge'to the, hotel ati and Avlien completed, the moct attractive dri section by spring,Avheii the qt street and others, will Mr. Carrier is still in return soon to push iiipk . as a fijom the 1 be well paved, Will "afford one of yes in tins Avliole l'lie bridge! Will be Uomideted ier imp rovemenis. e rapidlyj pushed. Florida, (but Will Avork. The com pany, regularly incorporated by the laws of tlie State as the Wjest Asheville Im provement Company,! havq decently added several valuable tracts bf land to their already splendicj domain, paying cash therefor. In a short while Ave ex pect to sec West Asheville one of the most attractive and delightful places in Western Carolina; Soi mote it be. Go to Pelham's brar d new. drugstore. No. 24 Patton avenue;,! : opposite Grand Central Hotel, and selejct your Xmas and holiday presents ironi; ty to be seen, there, low. lie endless Aane- Prices enormously 1 .1 J 1 A NOVEL ' OFjj- -'-f- The Time of Christ -BVr WHO STRUCK BILLY PATTERSON?" CltWKS A TIIIUSII, No. 19 S. Main St. Opposite Carmichael's Drug Store." Are the strike ones that lil it. and avc intend to HIGH PRICES just as hard as Ave hit Billy.- While we do not pretend to haA-e all the jroods in tho Avorld nor do we pretend to sell them for less money than they cost to make them, yet we do say parties vho price our kxm1s .say they are much cheaper than the same quality can be bought elsewhere in the city. We keep no Monkey gra where one accepts as a it! . I pass upon a Railroad traifti agreement that he Avill assume all risk of accident Avhich may happen to him, no; rule of public policy requires us to declare such contract invalid and with out binding force." This is the first de cision from the supreme court where a railroad is not held responsible. it I IW.RK0WE, DEALEK IX Italian ad Assricas Haroie, Granite. Etc. Alliance Warehouse. Asheville, N. C. A ll kinds of Monuments, Tombstorieg, Head- s tones. Urns and Vases, Veneing and Cresting - i-.i ' . ! ;. . made to order in the latest designs. Elizabeth Stuart Phelps -AND Kev. Herbert I). This, the niost expensive feature ever (I. paper, lias been printed in a Knoxville! secured exclusively pyj The Journal, i and will Jiegin Sunday, Jan. !' ! M - and contintie elejvien SunIay 19, Wrenches or Coffee Pots in stock and avouM advise you to buy them somewhere else, then come to us for your prood Coffee, Dress Goods, Ladies' Fine Shoes. Men's Boots and Suspen ders, Hats and Shirts, Blankets and Sheeting, Shoes and Glo-es, Overcoats and Balmoral Skirts, Ladies' Shawls and Gents' Hose, Flan nels and Ladies' Collars, Ribbons and Gents Collars, Factory Cloth and Home-Made Shoes, Trunks and Spool Cotton, Snuff, Salt and Su gar, any and eA erj'thing. We Avill make the price right and surprise you by letting you knoAV how high you haA e been paying for some goods. Displays are good but values are far better, and Ave offer no baits, Ave buy for cash, discount our bills and do not belieA'e the man . liA'es Avho will give 3-ou more honest goods for honest money than Ave will. .' Respectfully, GRATES k Asheville, X. C. rril I t 4JII j 11 n.ioiit bf Avhich book Elizabeth Stuart! thor of !iv Gates Ajar; over 100,000 copies were sold' and a number of other successful novels. This story will run in several of, the! metro politan i Dailies, simultaneously Avith The Journal. , 1 SKNI) 10 GKXTSI and secure the Sunday Jouksal while this powerful story is running. Address ! THE JOURNAL,' 1 . Knoxtille, Tenn. Asheville Branch North :: Carolina Building and Loan Association. W. W. ROLLINS, Ppksidext; F. N. t-ATIRINGTOX, Skc'v and Tkkas.; Pr'A. Cumminos, Att'y. - ' ' ! AFFKAISERS : J. II. STARNES, G. L. McDOXALD. Make Loans on Country as well as Town Property. . A chance for all to get a Home. R. R. HILL, Local Agent. Jai. 16 3 m.

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