To the People. We wish weekly information from every AAr.ti.nrt. nf WesttTm. N"syrth. fln.mlihh. ! nnH. East Tennessee, of any or all manufactur- on so nmcfc wg or mining enterprise established, or im- j as relates to jrivocnietiiB w iusv vj.izi.iny, unpruvpnitms i erg made a periments in agriculttire in this section: of schools, churches. Alliance and other orders 1st, That or associations for the good and up-Uilding one Grand oj the people, bend us short, plain state me nts, as often as may be. THE DEMO C RAT desires to be the medium I of an nouncing to the world the improveinents in the social and material development of this section. Grand Lodge of Masons, Thursday - i . i fi ' - ' ' ' y A. H. A. "Villiams, from the committee of Grand Master's address District Deputy Grand Mas second ' report recommend- PUBLIC. of THE DEMO- TO THE We send this issue CRATto a number of persons whose names have not been entered upon our tfdoks ax regular subscribers. Those who desire it continued to be sent them, are requested to notify us AT ONCE in person, or by pos tal. We trust every p&rson who sees j it trill subscribe. We icant ten tloousand- subscri bers by January next, and ouqht to have them. Cash in advance for all subscription's. t CRM AN b VANCE, Publishers. the Grand Master appoint Lecturer! who shall have charge of the work and who, together with the Grand Master, shall be custodian of the work. ; j 2d, That the Grand Master shall jap point as many assistant Grand Lecturers as the necessity of the jurisdiction as such upon the the certificate of profici ency made by the Grand Lecturer: I 3d, That it shall be the special duty of the Grand Lecturer to confer with j the Assistant Gfrand Lecturer and instruct them if necessary, in order that the work may be uniform in all the Lodges !in this jurisdiction j I 4th, The expenses and proper cbmpen sation of the Grand Lecturers shall be STATE NEWS AND GOSSIP J Gov. Fowle has appointed Hon. Thos. T : TIT rf-ll . , 1 " I. crown v omacK 01 jnatnam county to succeed judge Gilmer,; resigned, as Su perior court judge. T ; Married, at Marshall, N. C, Jan "Who Are the Stuff ?" wny, wii am ! ! j And we will prove it, by agreeing to hnd buyers for all de sirable REAL hands for sale ESTATE placed in our 1st, ?9o, Miss Bene Campbell and Mr. j Frank Gaze on TKis. Gentle Keader! : ' WE WANT NAMES. We want names of friends, or oilier s, specially in tie North and Northwest, to whom to send specimen copies of THE A SHU V1LLK DEMOCRA T. Parties wishing information of this section should defrayed by the subordinate lodges ask ing their services DEMOCRAT. Let us year. F. porviding for the TEN TIIO U&AND B Y JANUA R Y. Grand Orator, for receive TIL Hi have tJiem. oth, That should ask Grand Lec all the subordinate (lodges the services of one of the urers during each masonic M. Moye presented a resolu We THE January next. IM us have them. 1 Call on us or, send yonr mimes, with the cash. want ten tlvoksand subscribers' to iSHEVILLE DEMOCRAT bu munication. appointment each Annua' ion of a Com- adop- ARMOUR & CO. IN ASHEVILLE. A Lick at Home Producers. The resolution was ted and Grand Master Smith appointed W. A. Blair as the Grand Orator for the next Annual communication. Committers were announced as ifol- lows, to serve at the next annual com munication and during the present year; On Jurisprudence F. H. Busbee, ;Eu- The Armour Packing Co., of Chicago, gene Grissom, T. S. Kenan, Robert the great meat ring of the country, have Bingham, Si H. Roundtree. On j Prop- leased a house on South Main street, and ositions and Grievances W. H Mc- isupply Lauren, W. T. Caho. W. E. Murchison. On Foreign Correspondence Eusrene S. Martin, D. y. Bain and W. S. Creasy. On Orphan Asylum J. W. Hays, S. L. Alderman, M. L. Winston, W. H. Mitch ell, R. T. Steohenson. On W. E. Anderonl D. W. Bain and F.L. Reid. On Credentials R. A. T)r News- meats, local to re- propose opening at once a meat market for this city and section. They propose to supply fresh canned meats, etc., etc., to the trade. j Armour & Co. have done more duce the price of beef and pork products than any concern in he United States; by their, methods they have forced the ton, J. R. Brown and A. L. Blow price of cattle down to , unprofitable 1 Observer. rates, so they could control the markets of the country and command the! mar Ket lor the sale of cattle. If farmers in i a section would not conform to! their At the meeting of the Grand Lodge of Masons in Raleigh all the old officer were re-elected, as follows: Samuel II Smith, of Winston, Grand Master ; H. A T I mi 1 : , ... juawson. j me nappy couple Will please accept our congratulations. I i: 1 New pupils are entering Weaverv voiiege smce, me uunuays. Tnere! are hundreds of young men and young ladies throughout Western N. C, who I should be in this most excellent school. Ash e- ville Methodist. I At the late communication Grand Lodge of Masons Dr. Grissom was; of! the Eugene "We are Agents of the ille TraTelers' Life M Accident; Insurance Co., THE BEST ON EARTH. ( i . i - !-!. I . ! . We are State Agents for the sale of the Morris k Ireland Safes, I The finest in the land,1 and we want Agents in . " every town in tnia State. WE ARE AGENTS FOR- aDDomted and installed Grand Lecturer and Grand Custodian of Llflji'S Fhte ! Efl&SS IaStir2l&C6 COfflpinj Of New York, which insures against j accidental breakage. j Fire Insurance Effected in Twenty Old and Reliable Co.'s -.-.y 1 ! .1 .i We guarantee promptness and satis ! faction in all our dealings, j JEKKS k JEJSf KS, last over a and the work m North Carolina. All of the Assistant Grand Lecturers are requested to report1 to him for examination! so as to make the work uniform throughout the jurisdiction. I -'ii ' - : Rutherford county Alliance met week at bunshme, N. C, with hundred I delegates in attendance, adopted a resolution to make all their guano notes payable the first of January, and thereby enable the farmer to his cotton for I better prices. The i. . i . ance is strong in that countv, and i -ii ! mi i . i- i new departure will make it stronger. 1 ' T ' . : ' P The negro exodus now about amounts to a stampede. j They all seem to j want to go, buit one half of them don't; know where. A night 9r two ago a train load of over five hundred from Edgeconibe passed through, bound for Louisiana. Day before yesterday nine other car-lbads went through. I Others are expected to start in a day or two. News-Observer. I ' Information reached here last week of the sad death of Zeb Vance Westall. Eeal! Estates and (insurance hold juii- this Rooms 9 and 10 McAfee Block, 30 Pattou Uvei, mm N:-:ft Public Brokers, Asheyille. and Liquors ! ' I ! : FEATHERSTORE, ASHEAILLE, a icims, mey pui up stores, pens, ana ttuager, jJeputv Grand Master: John everything requisite to a butchering W. Cotton, Senior Grand Warden F? If Moye, Junior Grand Warden ; Wi E house and undersell them, so that pro ducers and dealers must either make terms with them or go out of business Armour has all the money he wanis for all the stores he establishes. !i Our farmers, unless they work through the Alliance, have no help. Will the Alliance control this market? Will our people stand by home trade, paying home larmers a tair price tor their cattle! ask Anderson, Grand Treasurer; D. W. Bain Grand Secretary. Mica Before Congress. Col. James M. Gere, of Syracuse, N. Y. talked to the tariff committee about mica Three-fourths of the mica usdd here was 3 3 t: --r .-i i piwuceu m me xsortn Carolina i mines, the people dependent upon them for all he said- icalbegan to be imported from their prosperity to stand by their efforts luuia 1IX 100 ana ine amount iprought to sustain a home market ? The I)emo ckat will see. If the farmers oi this section cannot stand by each otlier; if the business men of Asheville who are dependent upon the farmers of thi$ sec tion will not stand by our farmers,! then in nau sieauny increased, resulting f m a very heavy deprease of the American production. It was wholly a product of labor, and could be laid down in New York from Calcutta at less cost, than from the North Carolina mines. The let the Armour Company in, and let price had beenJ recluced fully 40 per cent them take all the trade. But let us! hear of no complaint, be honest. To cbmplain wi not He since 1882 lhe JNorth Carolina and New Hamp shire people could not compete with I the India laborers, and they asked for a specific duty pf 50 cents a pound on ail mica and mica waste. A ton of mica, How Col Lusk Feels and What Prophesies. j Col. Virgil S. Lusk, ex-district attorney as it came from the mine, might be worth ot the western district of this State, is 10 or $2,000, and it was difficult for an here. - He is kicking clear over his shoul- expert to estimate the value within 1,000 t .. .) .: ill I i J . ; : aers. lie says that .President Harrison Per cent. It was sold all the way from and his cabinet and his extra advisers 30 cents to 5 a pound. Mica of thekizps have used in stoves jsold for from 30 cents to about $3 50 a pound. o ac. jrere paiu ior mica m JNorth ! (Jar- took olina an average of perhaps $1,000 a ton outraged at the iie showed a parcel of mica cut reactv to and his kitchen cabinet could not more effectually ruined the Republican party if they had really intended complish that object ! when they office. He is greatly appointment of Hon- Charles Price as S m a stve, Hnd Mr. McMillen figured district attorney. He j has no hopes of out that tne "f he asked on it carrying the ninth congressional district next year. He has no doubt but that Mr. Ewart or any other Republican nominee will be beaten by three thous and majority. Winston Republican. was about 65 per cent. He nwpr know nf better or larger mica than was found in New HamDsliire and North C.n . . i . 1 . ' and tnere was an abundant supply for all our needs Factories.-tlt is The Manufacturers Record has the fol lowing: North Carolina Lands. tlesse Beam, of Johnson City, Tenn., and cithers have purchased a large tract of mineral and timoer land located near the j head waters of the Yadkin and John's rivers for $15,000. Winston Tobacco reported that a JNew York syndicate is negotiating for the purchase of five of the largest tobacco factories of Winston. .Old Fort Saw Mill! Edward! Mc Dowell has located a large portable saw mill. j - Sailsbury Cotton Mills. The pury v- uiiuii jxiiis, jiaieiy meniionea as putting in new machinery, will add; 3,000 Sails- more spindles. Capital stock has increased to $135,000. been ; Rev. R. G. Pearson, j the noted evan gelist, is novr conducting a series of meetings in Charleston, S. C. His meet ings are being held at the Citadel Square Baptist Church. He has made engage ments for the next twelve months in Southern cities, and after that he will visit Europe and Asia Minor, accompa nied by Mrs. Pearson. On February 1 Mr. Pearson will begin a series of meet ings in Baltimore. In Washington and other Northwest ern States the recent storm was most de structive to people and stock. Ranch men Teport that at least one-half of j their stock died of . starvation and thirst, the finow being from two to ten feet deep. -a. armers7 ! and Merchants' Bnnlr for Asheville. i . Over a hall million dollars in cash have been pai out to the farmers of this and surrounding counties this season for tobacco. This amount will be largely exceeded before the season is over. One of the best uses our farmers can put a portion of this money to is the estab lishment of a bank in Asheville. The banking capital of Asheville is not up to the needs of jthe city and section, and development of new industries will be rapidly increased were money more plen tiful and easiei to command. Another bank with a quarter million of dollars all paid-up capital, would not only make good interest for its stockholders, but be of great advantage to all interests in our city and section. Our present three only doing well, but cjoing with the money at their foster and encourae-e thp 0! city's growth ;J but more money is needed, and needed right, now, and The Demo crat can see no better opportunity for our farmers who have cash on hand to use it well, than by the establishment of a Farmers' and Merchants' Bank, with at least a quarter million paid-up capital What say our farmer friends? banks are not all they can command to nephew ;of Maj. T. C. Westall, city. He was m the mountains in Mc Dowell countv, on Armstrong! creek. aiding in getting out some timber j on Thursday. A large branch of a tree fell on him from some fifty feet above, and killed him instantly. He leaves a wife and child. j i :. ; The Davidson, N. C., Dispatch doe not believe it right to muzzle the ox that treadeth put the corn. The farmer, it declares, ought to be heard in the coun cils ot the party with which he votes; and if he has the true idea of citizenship, he will make himself heard. The;farmer of this Invite ' the attention! of the trade Squarej N. Large mi mm -; ! i -v I- I I Which WHOLESALE :-: Stock AND OF to their LIQUOHS is offered or :- Our Stck of RETAIL. Tobacco, Cigars and Cigarettes is complete. THE as anybody to has just as much right have his say in politics. There is universal regret all over the H - I ! .1 I btate that Judge Gilmer felt impelled! to resign his position on our Superior Court bench, a place he has only occu pied to adorn and to dignify. In I the se lection of Mr. Thomas B. Womack, of Chatham to succeed Judge Gilmer, Gov lowle acted with more than his usual discrimination, j Judge Womack will wear the:ermine with ability and fidelity Dr. J. j. Mott has secured an English B E ST Ales and Beers Always on Hand. i - 1 i Give us a call when you want something : i i ! -I)-.- Strictly First-Class. Dec. lSSSfl y. W. P. WHITTINGTOSrj M. TX, 1 879 Office 28 Patton Avenue, second floor, ASHEVILLE, N. C. i .'- . i. i i TVnrlprs his Trofession8.1 sf'TincGS tb the citi zens of Asheville, and surrounding' country. Residence 188 Woodfin street. DE. B F. AREDTGT0N. Office rooms on Patton Avenue, over tne inthinc Rtori of C. D. Blanton & Co. r .a .tj 4 1 j j - a. Fillinsr teeth a specially, aisv ireawneni ox ociu-ip -DEALER i i! : IN- diseased gums, tion. Apply FOR SALE. A Larsre Rosewood PIANO, In good condi- Fine Grocerle to Dec. 19 4t. A WORD GAKEETT MRS, S. E. BUCHANAN, South Main street. TO SMOKERS SUFFICIENT, linstock and to If vou want the bests-cent cigar; offered in this city call bn me. I am agent for & SON'S NO. II1 0IGAES. Try one, arid you will use no other. A. C. DAVIS. H. EATON Plain and Ornamental- P Asheville, N. C. astering, All jobbing in his line, promptly at tended at reasonable prices, and work guaranteed. ; janl-3m FOREST IHILL PARK HOTEL, 1 South Main street, Asheville, N. C. For Summer and Winter Guests. OHot and Cold Baths. v ! J. B. HARRINGTON, Prop'r. Purveyor to intelligent and apn,.' tive Asheville American faniilips ates and tastes of people who beli ffood livin sr. cannot be hum), h "CheaD John" eroods. Chean P. firat. nnalitv arp nnt. wnnnrmni, -..v j " J J'-UUS, L in stock and to arrive, all sean specialties, comprised in part of ft Oranges, Xiemons, Cranberries p!5 Figs, Nuts, Etc. Miscellaneous- f -v -rr -vt; rn ir.i -1 i Mft, w, .a.. xtevv uneaus Jioiasses, for use; x iiuic j-icrv viicaii j.uoiasipi cooking. HiXtra nne assortment Crackers. Fine Teas i3nd Coffeps . cialty. Mince Meats: Gordon & f worth's and other brands, v Al-c rinlf'n T?n Toll,T and Crystalized Ginger. Shad Rq. kits. Roe Herrings ; and all Qther; sonable goods. ; ! S. Ii. KEPLKi 53 South Main Street, Asheville, J, ESTABLISHED 1874. W. 0. Carmicha J. W. SCHARTLE, Apothecary Merchant Tailor 20 SOUTH MAIN STREI; ASHEVILLE, N. C. 42 North Main Street. - Battery Park Hotel ! Asheyille, North Carolina. Open throuirhout the year. Elevation 2.600 ieet ; average (winter temperature, 65 ; mag nificent mountain scenery: hydraulic eleva tor ; electric lights and bells ; music hall, ten nis court, ladies' billiard parlor and bowling auey. jaeautirui drives and nrst-class livery. r or descriptive printed matter apply to JOHN B. ' STEELE, Manager. DETECTIVES. The Pinion Detective Asrencv of Ashe ville, N. C. does a general detective bus iness. Testimony n civil and. crimina Pflffl narpfn llir falron Tn 1 : dairyman and put him in charge: of his nals, and shadowing employes and other herd of fine cattle., He has about ,56 people. No one can excell lis. Our head, counting calves, the maioritv full- work has been such in North Carolina bloo.l .Tfrsfiv nnrl th hionnp mnU ti,U that the legislature, recognizing our assis .w iLn ";:Z;;"7Ti:Tr ta?ce t(? the. law 'offlcers in bringing x. y uci ixiii mis, criminals to .lustice, passed an act in 18- cows to J Columbia, S. C, and feeds the 87, to allow the members of thisi agency Duttermilt to his hogs; His herd is per- lu lJ Vouceaiea weapons any wnere in r ur morougn organization we want good men in every county and xwiway siaiion, m jn. u. ADDlicants . 1 -. A. X The Cnmmissionpr nf A o-nVnlti vo oqtto ... ywuuieu ior as 10 tneir sober fl,.t l,0 . f 1.. wv.v.i yjx nlc iptaitJ tixzao uo iicvci sccu iaiui vvuik. so advanced at this time i of the year. greater quantity of clover, grasses and grain have been planted than usual! Gov. Fowle has offered rewards for Al bert Cambell, AVilliam Harrell and David Harrell who murdered M. C. Cox, in Mitchell county. Two hundred dollars is offered for each one or six hundred dollars for all three State Chronicle. haps unequaled in the State. Statesville Landmark or xar some rost nmnti to w;i w A -H. Deaver Chief Pmion Detective Ae-en A 1 -K-T ! . 3 Col, Polk has; appointed D. H. tenhouse as his Private Secretary. Rit- Re- ferring to Mr. R., the Raleigh Call says "Mr. R. is a native of Halifax county,; is a prominent and enthusiastic Alliance man and is a readv and lucid writer. rie is a walking encyclopedia of facts, statistics and general information of the condition of the country, and treats on all subjects concerning it with ease and interesting clearness. He is known as' Netice tb Railroad Contractors. : Office Chief Engineer French Broad (Valley Railroad Asheville, N," C, Jan. 1, 1890. -rroposais will be received ur to 1 2 o clock, noon, January 21, 1890, for jrrad mg, masonry, trestle work and ! bridges, also cross ties for the first 30miles of" thp French Broad Valley Railroad.! ! Rights reserved to reject any and all bids. Ad dress all communications to C. G. Dyott, President and'General Manager, 52 Wall Mice i, ixew i oriv, or to i il. M Ramseur', Chief Engineer, td M Asheville, N. C To Patrons of Asheville In order to facilitate the nrotnnt frpp delivery of mail matter which goes into effect in tnis city on January 1 nwt n yiuciv paiues are requestea to notify their onr. Old Fogy." State Chronicle, respondents to direct their matter to the numoer and street of residence. ' ! G. W. Cannon, P. M. WyattjMcKenzie, a notorious outlaw, has again appeared in North Carolina. He is said to be hiding in Rockingham wuu) Aieiiviiy armea ana swearing vengeance against a number of citizens. Mr. Kenzie has banded with him six other desperate men, who announce that they Some ' See Here ! Price Pelham's Pretty Pre.sent a hpforp you buy. 24 Patton avenue. are ready for any sort of fray. years ago McKenzie murdered a man in Rockingham county and was sentenced babies and small children a special fea- tn HpQth i Knnr Hottp Vv . a.: i tUIC mi v - fcjw E. E. Brown. No. 7 & 9 Patton over H. Redwood's. Photop-ranh in Qn its branches artistically done. Western North Carolina scenes a sneeiaHv. Tali and examine my work. Photographs of J 11 -tail Black-measles in an eDidemic and asr- gravated form is , raging in Fordsville The Democrat is read weekly by nearly eight thousand people. : ' 'or his execution he broke jail at Went- worth and escaped. In about two weeks he was recaptured and again lodged in jail. The governor appointed another day for his execution, but again he broke low jail and; escaped. Nothing more was heard from him until Sunday, When he was seen with his band of six men in the upper part of Rockingham county. He inquiredf the whereabouts of six men whom he swore he intends to1 kill on sight. I j . Go to Pelham's brand ! new rl rn crctViTa No. 24 Patton avenue, Opposite Grand Central Hotel, and select holiday presents from the endless varie ty to be seen there J Prices enormously j If you want the best paper for the bus iness man, the farmer, 'the family sub scribe at once for The Asheville Dem ocrat.: Only $1.50 per year, in advance. Exquisite cut glass and fancy coWtip bottles at Pelham's new drujr store. 24 Grand Central Gov. Lee, in his recent speech at Clin ton, N. C.; in referring to the mineral resources of North Carolina said that he understood that there was too much sul phur in the iron! God gave North Caro- Patton avenue, ODoosite hotel. i The Democrat is Daner for thp people and is being sustained bv the people. ;- Every family in Western Cam lina ought to take and read it. . : a .: -("ift" paeg tuuiiuinnH ni itr rpan. linians their snlnhnr in thi, anm' mauer, ior au. The . Asheville iic numu get meir nereaiter. vance. per annum in ad- Buggy and Carriage Works, Manufactured or Eepaired In best style, at reasonable prices. H. M. Howard, 81 S. Main 8t., Asheville, N. C. Horse-shoeing a Specialty. We do not sell cheap Drugs,!; will sell you Drugs Cheap, aixu ii vuu uuiii ueneve wnatM? i; ;ive us a trial and be convince! Oil " "TV . . . . T rrescnpiion i-reparxment is exceM liuiic. iii is cquippcu wun ine Dest eoo; tnat money can buy from E. Merck, R. Squibb, Parke. Davfs & Co .. j, VYyeth & Bto., and from other leatff manufacturing chemists m this com; and Europe, whose goods for pur cannot be questioned. Prescriptions Filled al ali i Trustees Sale. t j By virtue offadeed of trust executed tn me by J. H. Eriibier and wife, to secure the payment of a certain note matured thereon, which deed of trust is duly registered In the Register's Offipe of Buncombe County, In Book 14, on page 481, 1 will sell for cash to me nignest Diaaer, at the Court House door in Asheville, N. C., on the ! 12TH DAY OP FEBRUARY, 1890, The lands mentioned in said deed of 'trust.. situate on the (Swannanoa, River, and con - Lainiug a.uuub puueiy-nve acres. I I '" R- GRAHAM. January 13, 1890. . ; ji Day or Night, - and delivered free charge to any pah of the city. ( stock of Drugs, Patent Medicin- And Druggists' Sundries Is complete, and at prices that defrei petition. Hon t forget theplacl No. 20 South Main St., Where you will at all times be .served competent prescriptionists. CORTLAND BROS., REAL ESTATE "WHO STRUCK BILLY PATTERSON? GRAVES THRAS INVESTMENT AGENTS. Offices : No. floor. G. U -AND BROKER No. 19 S. Main St Opposite Oarmichael's Drug Siorf 3 i Are the strike ones that did it. and weintt 60 South Main street. Second Mcdonald, HIGH PRICES DEALER IN just as hard an wr thii- unijio wedoE pretend to have all the eoods in the worWj Cii.. 1 h -n i m . do we pretend to soil ttam fnr less OLaUlG a.Tlfl r RTlP.TT C-rT'nP.p-piDO than they cost to make them ' vet we do ; -jr. . r, - J parties who price our oods sav they ,,uuti; yueiiper man tne same quality Country , . .'.! No. 17 South Produce a Specialty. Main Street, Asheville, N. C. Dougnt elsewhere in the city, we keepi Monkey resh and cheap CHICAGO Wrenches or Coffee Pots in stock and the best. Pamiiv : n ' V" wue'J? 7c.: i t vnuwuei), wito w us ior your good uoffee, ure Confectioneries- Tnhann m ! JLadies' Fine Shoes on -a Rnnta and S Produce, or anvthin.r liailQlw 2?! "?a5 SWrts,Blankets and K; i. - . . pa Cloves. Overcoats ana fckirts. Lianies' Khawi. no' Hnse. I nels and Ladies' Collars, Ribbons and pilars, J) actory Cloth and Home-Made c xrunjts ana ispool Cotton, Snuff, Salt w If you want Canned Goods, gars, Country "vi'u a "isiriass siore, call on me. Always ! octlO-ly AND ALTON R. R I and everything. We will ma f ouu o m muse you uv . know how hia-h vnn Vic-.- navin nw-r-n ... r I wuic KUUUH. I nsniarra ava tmrt tint ViiiU'- cash, discount our bills and do not belief TtT-n - w- 1 .. I lives wnn -orill rriiro mnre l ijLirii y . K t r -v T r. . . i -i - . ' t vu 1 " : H JL5 1 Uli lyyiilll VV EST honest money than we will. Will save time and money jroinff via Chieairn and Alton Route. Vestibuled itrain 2 tween St. Louis and Kamal City. Rech?: mg- chair cars and tourist. sWrU, "n charge to all Western States and"Territories v V. vU I B. A. NEWLAND, Traveling Passenger Agent. No. 10 Patton ave., up stairs, Asheyme. N. C GRATES & THRAStf Asheville, N. C. w. Asheville Branch 1 North :: Carols p. ROWE, -j-DEALER IN taliaa aai Aswicas Hwtls, Erasils. Etc, Alliance Warehouse, Asbeville. N. C.' 1 All kinds of Monuments, Tombstones, Head- Btonea, Urns and Vasee, Fencing and Greeting made to order In the latest designs. Building and Loan Assoei PprcnivvT r CARR1NGTON. Sec'y axd Tb P.' A. Cummings, Att'y-appraisers: J. R. STARNFS a 1. McD0' irir T 11 -uac juuaus Uil tOiiunj m 7;i ; as Town Property. A chance for all to get a Hoc R T? TTTTL. Local Jan. lfr 3 m. - -

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