... . fT' -I :- 'T ; . - ;- .1 ; , - - - . '. i. I . . J ; - . . -,T1 T7tpi t : , .. . , n - . ., ' - , VOL- j ' :V; : ASHEVIIXE, X. C, THURSDAY, MARCH ii, 1800. ; XO. 22. Looking Backward Over the past eight years of our successful business life in Ashe ville has demonstrated to us the fact that our determination to sell only pure goods, guarantee ing weights and quality, and asking a small: profit on every thing sold, commends itself to the good sense ! of purchasers, j Second, That desirable cus- ' i i tomers cannot be gained by the oft-tried practice of some deal ers in cutting prices on a few leading articles, hoping to make it up on something else. That hard work and close ap plication to business is the price of success. j That our business for 1889 shows an increase over the pre vious year of 20 per cent., which is very gratifying, arid for which we wish to thank our ; i - r ' many friends in Asheville and Western Norths Carolina. Looking We are encouraged to enter up on the year before us with re newed energy and a determina tion to give our customers the benefit of our increased facili ties for buying and selling the: very finest goods to be had, at small profits. ! j Our stock is now the largest ever offered in this market and embraces everything in the line of Staple and Fancy Groceries, Table Delicacies, (Fruits, Gram Flour, etc. Respectfully, Powell & Snider. ASHEVILLE HARDWARE CO. Has bought out the STOVE AM) CROCKERY STOCK Formerly owned by J R. Hill, and are selling the goods at , ' . ' ' i : i - ' .' ' ' ' ' ; 1 - ' - LOW FIGURES To change the stock into Hardware. r : I not forget the store, Do NO. 12 PATTON AVENUE. Second door from; Powell & Snider's. T. I. VanGILDEK, Manager. BON MARCHE Calls particular attention to the splen did stock of Ladies' and (JJtildren's wraps, Ladies' and CMldren'sJInderwear; real good and real cheap. Infants long Cloaks and Caps. Art embroidery ma- II' ! terials and wools of every description a specialty. P. D., R. & G. Thompson's Glove Fitting and "Warners Corsets. " i ! j ' Ladies can find articles here not found r i : i ! in any other establishment in the city. A call solicited by Forward ELLICKi Local Briefs J. C. Bostic, of Shelby, will locate Asheville. S . M ; j - in duucuiuuc superior: court ; convenes next Monday, Judge Conner presiding. ! j E. J. Lilly, of Fayetteville, lately c e ceased, J left $5,000 to the Method st Church.! 1 I I . I ' t ' I ' M - !! ' I i .-i : I John and Dennis Lockhart beat and seriously injured J. J. Ross at Alexan ders on Sunday. j Mrs. V. S.jLusk and Miss Mamie Lusk have returned from a two week's I visit to their many friends in Greensboro!. Col. Cameron", of The; Citizen has re turned from a very delightful visit to t le Newberae Fair and also to Fayettevil e. (The Presbyterian General Assemlly of the South! meets in Asheville on May 16th next. The session will last for tun days. -. j M 1 1 Winston's new hotel is to be modelled after the Battery Park of this city. S le also follows Asheville's I example in t ie electric street railway. I I Secretary Andersen, of the Ashevil le Y. M. C. A., has organized associations at Rutherford College, in Burke countly, and Catawba College, in Catawba county. ; Dr. S. "Westray Battle delivered a most interesting lecture before the Y, M. C. A., Tuesday "The Skin j night, at their rooms, on and its Treatment' Next Tuesday night Dr. B. II. Douglass I will !!:. " 1 lecture on 44 The Teeth and their Card." The public invited. j Hon. Theo. F. Davidson is in the citv. Governor Fowle came and we rejoiced ; Auditor Sanderlin came and we were happy, but no one is more cordially wel comed than the distinguished Attorney- General of this grand old Commo wealth. New Berne Journal. j Much enquiry is being made concern ing the iron deposits of Western Caro lina. Those owning ore beds vcould clo well to have good samples selected and properly labeled and placed on exhibi tion in Asheville where examination can iii be made. Full particulars of location should accompany each sample, j ! Capt. Theo. Parker, a graduate of West Point, but for ten years an em ployee of the Richmond and Danville Railway, and late its agent at Salisbury, has been promoted to the agency at Dan ville, Ya. He is succeeded at Salisbury by J. W. Webb, late billing clerk at Dur ham. A general order from General Mana ger Peyton Randolph says that in adc i tion to his duties as General Siiperifi- .'it tendent, W. H. Green is appointed As sistant General Manager of the R. and D. Railroad Company and is authorized to act for the General Manager, when necessary, in j all matters pertaining 1 o the operations of the road. j The referee case opened sometime ago before' Mr. T. H. Cobb, of this cit y, of Messrs. Lenoir of Tennessee i again it Mr. Jack Dillard, formerly of Cherokee, was resumed in this city on Monday. Messrs. Norvel, of Murphy, and; Sond ley, of this city, represent Messrs. Le noir, and Messrs. Jones and Shuford and G. S. Ferguson Mr. Dillard. j I !- I i r : i 1 The Carolina Athletic Club held an annual election of officers Monday nighjt. L. P. McLoud was elected President, R. P. Foster Vice-President, B. Mj Jones Secretary! and Treasurer. The Execu tive Committee for the ensuing year is as follows : A. T. Summey, J. Wj Shar tle, D. W. Furman, Irving Love, C, E. Billiard, E. P. Mangum, J A. Conant i and C. Sawyer. ; Marriages. , Mr. Ernest L. Roberts, son of Caplj G. M. Roberts, was married on Monday1, at Athens, Ga., to Miss Harbinson, o ? that town. They arrived in the city on Tuesday evening and have been receiv ing the congratulations of friends, j j Miss M. W. Conigland, daughter of the late Edward Conigland, of Halifax and a sister; of Mrs. Farinholt, of this city, was married in Raleigh last week, to Mr. Alexander Fries, of Jacksonville, Fla- : 1 ! - I I M Miss Annie A. Morris, of Henderson, : ' i ' - daus:hter of Rev. Thos. A, Morns, was married in Calvary Church, Henderson Co.. on Mondav. to Mr. Charles; C-. ' . . " ' ., i ! . Pinckney. Both parties have many friends in this city. The ceremony was performed by the bride's father. ! j- j;: ' f. - I Large Transactions Pending. , We learn that several large transac tions in real estate, for various purposes, some for industrial enterprises, involv ing over half a million dollars cash, are pending, with every reasonable prospect of success There are a number of jcapi HcB in the citv who seem much im- pressd with the superior advantages and attractions of Asheville and surrounding T" nrnsnects of this citv i and entire sectioB are very bright. ! I ; i 1 . t i; . ' SPLENDID ENTERPRISES. Three More Hotels; and General Improvements. It is learned from one of the leading physicians of the city that land has-been purchased and arrrangements far ad vanced for the earlyj erection in Ashe ville of a high class hotel with sanitary features. The site chosen is one com manding a splendid view, bathed in! sun shine all the day long and; sheltered on the North and East from the trying winds of winter. It is not proposed to make the place a pure .sanitarium but to combine these features with j those of a first class hotel. Liberal offers of Capi tal have been made for Ithis enterprise, and its erection is assured. The electric road is to run to the doors: j It is also announced that the Southern Land Improvement Company which owns twenty-seven acres near Cjapt. Cocke's new residence will erect a mag nificent hotel on this site overlooking the French Broad and the splendid western mountain view. The hotel, jit is said, will have 600 rooms and the grounds will be surrounded by a high stone wall with electric lights I at short intervals. Work has actually been begun upon J the grounds. I It should also be remembered that i - i i work is to be begun on the splendid Kenil worth Inn in April. The site of this hostelry is on the heights overlook ing the Swannanoa fiver Maj. Breese's residence. in the rear of In full view of this last named point is the Vanderbilt estate to be called, as is learned from Mr. Chas. I McNamee, Mr. i . - i Vanderbilt' s agent, "Biltmore" and not "Bilton" as has been erroneously stated. Application has been made to have the name of the station Best changed to Biltmore and the request will probably be granted. The improvements already begun on the Vanderbilt estate will be continued. Thev are on so large a scale that several years will probably be con sumed in completing them. , In addition to these splendid enter prises a large addition is to be made this season to the Carrier ( White Sulphur Springs Hotel leased by Dr. Von Ruck and the electric railway to to that point. I be extended Work on the government building on Patton avenue is also to be besrun this spring. So that the promise for Ashe ville for a very busy j season is assured. Indeed there has been no let up in winter 'and i the building during the open many private residences and business houses even now going up wift be largely increased as spring comes on. j J m Asheville's boom shows no signs of diminishing. Property is as high as it ever was in the city, demand is good and transactions frequent. I Madison Court. ! i ; - The spring term of Madison court began last week and will continue through this week. Judge Conner presiding. Solicitor Mbody was is on hand, but was quite unwell, and vas confined to his hotel most of the t:me. The following attorneys - I atten- were in dance: Messrs. J. S. McElroy,- H. Gudger, J. M. Gudger, Hon. Thos A. d; Johnston, Hon. W. W. Jones, G. A. Shu ford, Henry Hardwicke, TV. S. Lusk' of Asheville; Hon. Kope- Elias, of Macon; Hon. J. W- Cooper, of Cherokee, and Messrs. J. M. Gudarer, Jr., and Jeter Pritchard, ' of Marshall. The criminal docket, while a large one, was mostly of a trivial character. Two homicide cases were on the docket. I The civil docket was taken up on Monday. Several important cases are on this docket. j Judge Conner is one of the best judges on the bench or the State, impartial, con siderate, just. He makes ever he goes. friends wher- The Landmark's j Levity. When the Landmark's levity becomes so diluted that two as bright men as the editors of The Asheville Democrat cannot tell it from gravity, we fee it time to abandon a role in which itj is clear that we are not destined to shine. But if The Democrat ago that The Landmar thought a week really meant to lay it down as a serioujs proposition that a pretty woman is abqva the law and should not be punished for a criminal offence, it has probably judged since (and correctly) that it misunderstood jus, from seeing copied in this paper last week an editorial fromj its able neighbor, The Citizen, exactly upon the line of; its own reflections. The Landmark is gal lant or nothing; it is probably over-indulgent in its judgment 'of pretty wo men; but it knows when they have . car ried their pleasantries far enough. SUtesville Landmark. We offer one dollar reward to any one who will show us a poor sack of our Flour. Buy Asheville Milling tCo.'s Flour and you are sure of getting the best. mar6-tf Death of Mrs. K. A. Reynolds. The Democrat chronicles with sin cere regret the death of the above esti mable lady, which occurred at her home in this city last Saturday. We copy the following from the pen of her loved pas tor, Rev. Dr. Rankin : j ! " Mrs. N. A. Reynolds, a most excel lent Christian lady, died at her home on Woodfin ! street, Saturday morning, at half-past: one o'clock.! She was the daughter! of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mc Crary and the wife of our city tax col lector, Mr. N. A. Reynolds. "'Mrs. Reynolds was born in Carroll county, Indiana, October 3, 1869r Some four years ago her health began to fail and she was brought to this city to get the benefit of our pure air. She re mained about one year and returned home very much improved. While here she met Mr. Reynolds and they i were married August 27, 1887. She returned with her husband immediately to Ashe ville. The improvement in her; health turned out to be only temporary. That fearful disease, consumption, had fas tened itself permanently in her: system and her decline was marked and uni form. Everything that a fond husband, loving parents and kind friends could do was done for her, but death had set his seal upon her, and after months of suffer ing she quietly fell asleep Marchjl,;1890. " She had been a consistent member of the Christian Church from her early girl hood and her death was one of peaceful triumph, j Beautiful in person, cheerful in disposition and j bright in mind, she was fondly loved by all who knew her. Her faith, patience and submission dur ing her last illness were beautiful to wit ness, and her departure was riot like death. It was. like the going down of a cloudless sun whose brilliant dawning is promised , with the coming morrow. Peace be to her unbroken repose j' Her funeral took place Monday after noon, Dr. Rankin officiating, andj her re mains were interred in Riversidej Ceme tery. The sympathies of all go out to the bereaved husband and family . Another New Hotel for Asheville. Elsewhere in The! Democrat Is rioted the determination of the Southern Im provement arid Land Company to erect a mammoth hotel on their magnificent property in Southwest Asheville, over looking the French Broad, and compre hending in itS view the whole mountain scenery to the west of the city. Since that was written we learn that work has been begun clearing up the property and an able engineer will be on the ground in a day or so to lay it out in drives, walks, etc., etc. We also learned that Geni Alger, of Michigan, is one of the largest backers of this grand enterprise, which insures ample capital to riiake it one of the finest hostelries on the) conti nent. It will contain six hundred or more rooms for guests, and be furnished with every modern luxury, convenience and comfort. There is room in Ashe ville' for at least ahaif dozen such hotels, - i j , is i ; ' j i as the largely increased number of visi tors to this city this winter fully indi cates. ' . ;!!'! Asheville's building boom is about to begin in good earnest. One Response. In! the last issuejof The Democrat was the inserted an invitation on behalf of Raleish News-Observer and The i i ' i . i . f Democrat to all ; manufacturers in North Carolina to send to the two papers the name of the factory and products of the same, so they could be noticed, the notice to be kept standing in the papers, with a view of letting our people know what: was being manufactured in the State; and; where, and to urge home pref erence and support to home industries. At this writing we are pleased to ac knowledge the response from the Ashe ville Milling Company, of this 'city, whose product is " Choice Flour and Meal." We thank this excellent and en terprising firmf for their promptness in responding to our offer, and we also most earnestly commend the products of this company as all that; is claimed for them. In quality and price their goods are not surpassed, and not only Asbe villians but North Carolinians should ovtpni a most generous patronage. It manufacturers Vyvv (- . ; . is worthy of it in all respects. What the New House Rules Are For Direct tax! bill. Blair educational bill, $20,000,000 77,000,000 350,060,000 200,000,000 Navy and! fortifications, Service pension bill, j Certain other pensions, River and harbor bill, Steamship subsidy bill ; 100,000,000 Bigger than ever All the rest Total, 'God help the surplus. Write Your Own Application. Mr. Henry Hardwicke, Census Super visor for this District, requests us to state that applicants for the position of enumerator must make application in their own handwriting. This is import ant. STATE NEWS AND GOSSIPi i. Raleigh is trying to have a new opera house built. 1 The discovery in Granville Co. of much copper ore is reported The Burke County Fa mers' Alliance will establish a roller flour mill. ,i ? ' The report that Senator Ransom drew a prize in the lottery is now authorita tively denied. ; " Col. W. H. H. Cowles has .been elected Secretary of the House De; locratic Cam- paign Committee. H ' J j Haywood county farmers have this year received more their tobacco crop.! i than $300,000 for Raleigh will make an effort to secure the location there of the Davies' Military School of LagrangeJ ' ! I Four hundred convicts are at work on the extension of the CilF. and. Y. V. above Mt. Airy. Greensboro Patriot. The Governor's w.on the military Guards, of Raleigh honors at the! New- berne Fish, Oyster 'and. Game Fair, as they did at the Fayettevil e Uentennial. The North Carolina Stee and Iron Co. has purchased of Mr. J. Van Lindley 180 acres of land, lying southwest of j town. Price paid, $15 per acre; Greens boro North State. ! The Fish, Oyster and Game Fair at JNewDerne attracted a large iT- 1 -m J? crowd i and was a pronounced success. ext-Gov. Jarvis, and ! other gentlemen were present. ... Gov. Fojwle distinguished Boston parties have completed ar- rangements and obtained an option ion a corundum property in Jackson county. They will now put I miners to work veloping. North Carolina Heraid, de- The trustees of passed a resolution the University have authorizing the fac- ulty to put a stop to the students engag ing in foot ball games with the 'students of other colleges. News arid Observer. The Rutherford j County! Farmers' Al liance is building a roller j flouring mill at Forest City. This makes another new departure in 'Alliance work. ; The Alliance is operating stores, warehouses - - f ' -1 i and tobacco factories and cotton seed oil mills. There are 128 saw and planing mills along the line of the Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley Road. The exportation of lumber from the port of Wilmington is already immense, and the completion of this road promises to largely increase it. Greensboro Pa Last Monday a not. ! I ! man namea i t Haller, representing himself as an agent for an insurance compnyof Nashville, Tenn., swindled our people out of various sums, and getting a' few 1 drafts and, checks cashed, left on the north-bound traiii for parts unknown. Charlotte Democrat John Yancy, Jr., President of, thejOld North State Land; Co., informs us that ! I i i i lie recently sold to capitalists! $50,000 worth of mineral and tiriMer laiids hear Marion, i hese parties represent i over $4,000,000 capital, and expect, at an early date, to develop their purchases. Free Lance. ; '.-"I j. ; ' j - : r i j i i i Last Thursdav the Grand Jiirv found . , i I ' ! ' ! I ! a true bill against J. A:. Hoskinsj Sheriff of this county, in the matter of trie es cape of Lige Moore, and he was placed under a bond of $1,000 lor his r appear- ance at the next term ol .the court.- Greensbdro Patriot, It is reported that a new! company) has been organized to develop the coal fields in the Dan River section.' jThe supply is said to - be almost ! inexhaustable. 1 The Roanoke and Southern Railroad Will pass directly through this region, and if it should be extended to Monroe it would materially cheapen j coal 'at this place -Monroe Register.; J ' How grandly such men as Julian 3 Carr, of Durham, tower above narrow sectarainism. Thousrh a Methodist of the most pronounced type, s he $17,500 to the Baptist Female College if it would locate in Durham and has re cently sent his check for $1,000 to the Students' Aid Fund of Wake Forest College, also a Baptist ins itution. Mr Carr is, indeed, one of nature's noble- men. Reidsville Review The Winston Daily says that it learns that a new company has been organized with a view :of developing the coal fields of Town Fork. ' The coal deposit is im mense. Its length is about 30 miles and width about 5 miles, depth of coal vein from 8 to 12 feet. The 'rein extends from Walnut Cove to Leaks ville, and is surely worth working. While none of the deposits that have yet been j tested would be suitable for j making coke, yet for heating furnaces,' for use on engines and for ordinary purposes it is said to be excellent. The small portion of sulphur It contains cause it tptgive intense heai J. S. Grant, Ph. G. (Of the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy.) Apothecary, 24 South Main SU Bill Nye, iclio ha had La Grippe, sends Vie following to Grant's Pharmacy: "Little grains of quinine, - Little drinks of rye. Make La Grippe tha fs got you Drop its hold and fly. This may quickly help you, If you'll mdy try; But don't forget the quinint When you take the rye." 0 Remejriber the moraVcontained in the last two lines that is don't forget to get the qui nine, and get it at Grant's Pharmacy If your prescriptions are prepared at Grant's Pharmacy you can positively de pend upon these facts: First, that only the purest and best drugs and chemicals will be used; second, they will be compounded care fully and accurately by an experienced Pre- scriptionist, and third, you will not be char Bed an exhorbitant price. You will re ceive the best goods at a very reasonable profit. Don't forget the place Grant's Pharmacy, 24 South Main street. Prescriptions filled at aU hours, night or day, and delivered free of charge to any part of the city. The night bell will be answered Promptly. Grant's Pharmacy, 24 South Main street. At Grant's Pharmacy you can buy any Patent Medicine at the lowest price quoted by any other drug house in the city. We are determened to sell as low as the lowest. We wiU sell all Patent Medicines at first cost, and below that if necessary, to meet the price of any competitor. We have the largest assortment of Chamois Skins in Asheville. Over 200 skins, all sizes, at the lowest prices. We are ogentsfor Humphrey's Homaio- pathetic Medicines. A full supply of his goods alwags on hand. Use Buncombe Liver Pills, the best in the world for liver complaint, indigestion, etc. A thoroughly reliable remedy 'for aP blood diseases is Buncombe Sarsaparilla, Try a bottle and you will take no otJier. J. S. GRANT, Ph. G., Pharmacist, 24 S. Main St. Asheville, N. C. W. A. BLAIR. J. V. BB0WN. Furniture -AN MeAfa Bloek, OpposBe Blair's Old StaniL We are now ready, and in-, Tite our friends and the public generally to call and examine our well selected stock of Furniture,. "Which we are offering at Rock-Bottom Prices. , ftierUkisg A Special Feature. Calls Attended Day or Night. Telephone, Day 75, Night 65. Blair & Brown. Undertaking. s. I ! , 4