To the People. We wish weekly information from every section of Western North Carolina and East Tennessee, of ang or -aU manufactur ing or mining enterprises established, or im provements to those, existing, improvements in agricultural, especially results of new ex periments in agriculture in this section; of schools, churches, Alliance and otter orders or associations far tlie good and up-building of tfve people. Serid us short, plain state ments, as often its' may be. THE DEMO CRAT desires to be the medium of an iL.mncitia to tite. world tlie improvements in . . . j- , the social and material development of this section. . TO THE PUBLIC. We mnd this issue of THE DEMO i CRAT1 to a number of persons whose names have not been entered upon our books as regular subscribers TJvose wlvo desire it continued to be sent theml are requested to notify us A T ONCE in person, or by pos tal. We trust every person who sees lit will subscribe. We want ten thousand subscri bers by January, and ought to hate them. Casli in advance for aU subscriptions. FURMAN & VANCE, I Publishers. WE WANT NAMES. We-want names, of friends, or others vnerialhi in tlie North and Northwest, to whom to send specimen copies of I THE . . . -- ---- - -wm r -rm - r -v - T M m r ' ASllEVlLLZj DtiMUUliAl. fames wishing inf or malum of this section should receive THE DEMOCRAT. Let us have them. I TEN THOUSAND BY JANUARY. . -J ! We want ten thou mad subscribers to THE A SHE VILLE DEMOCRAT by January next. Let us have tJtem, Call on us or, stud you r names, with tfie cash. THE "CITIZEN" CHANGES MAN AGEMENT. H Col. Cameron Retires. f Some days ago it was announced that the "owners of The Citizen" had sold the paper, name, good will, etc., to Mr. Fuller, of Brockton, Mass. Yesterday Col. John D. Cameron announced his retirement, and that The (Citizen hence forth would be conducted and controlled by other parties. The Citizen also an nounced a "change in the ownership" and management, but did not mention who the new owner is, or who the new editor is, or is to be. . ! - It stated The Citysen would be issued hereafter as an afternoon paper, ! and that it would remain Democratic in politics I We deeply regret the ; retirement of Col. Cameron. We regard it as a, great loss, in all respects. Without a peer as An editorial writer in North Carolina, his talents, his fidelity, his earnest and honest zeal for the good of his native State and adopted section have made for him not only ah enviable hut a loveable name among North Carolinians. While his napie, appeared at the head of a paper as its editor, Democracy, the true interests of the white people of the South, had no fears. . No papercOuld call itself "Democrat" under his man agement and not be Democratic; it could not call itself "Democratic" and oppose Democratic nominees of a regu lar Democratic convention! We welcome the new owners of The Citizen, as we do all gentlemen who come to be of and with us. The present owner ot The Citizen is said to be a He publican in politics, but his assurance that The Citizen shall remain "Demo cratic in politics" we take to mean that it will stand by Democratic organization in this section, and support Democratic nominees and Democratic policy as de clared by National, State and district conventions. : ! M French Broad Baptist Church.! 1 1 wish to make public announcement of the tact that 1 have to-daj paid! off the last dollar of indebtedness incurred in the construction of this! church build ing. The entire property! has cost us about G,70U. "When the work was un dertaken there was but a weak, infant organization to sustain it in the face of a. very peculiar and bitter opposition Kind friends extended a helping hand, however, in our time of need, and now that a signal success has been achieved, we wish to return them our hearty and sincere thanks. Their names have all been preserved, with the amount given, and this little book will be cherished long as a memento of their sympathy and generous aid in the heroic struggle to give our little church a local habita tion. Of course we invite everybody, without distinction, to our pretty house of worship: but we should extend a special welcome at all times to those ; , friends who contributed so gracefully to its erection, and devoutly pray upon theih the richest blessings of heaven. I wish also to make grateful acknowledge ment of the fact that Capt. M. E. Carter, of whom we bought our lot, is kindly preparing the papers giving us an addi- tional strip of ten feet of ground along bur back line. The Lord reward him and all the rest of our friends. j i M J. L. Carroll, Pastor. I Asheville, March 3,1890. By special arrangements with the pub lisher, We are enabled this year to make an unusual offer: The regular price of . C. Farmer is $1,00 a year. We will furnish The Asheville Democrat in combination with the N. G. Farmer for $1,75 per year. This is a bargain that needs no comment. Make a careful note of it, or what is better, send us in i the amount at once. If you wish to first see a copy of the Farmer, address a postal cardt,oN. C. Farmer, Raleigh, N. C, asking f cr one, and a back .number will be sent, free. In addition to this all those accepting this combination offer will receive one dozen papers of improved garden seed free of charge. Mr. J. B. Duke. Vervifew of the voung men of North Carolina have achieved anything like the distinction in the business world won by J. B. Duke, son of Washington Duke and member of the firm of W. Duke Sons & Co. Not many years ago father loves to call him, "Buck," as his broke the shell and planted himself down in the city of New York, determined right there in the greatest commercial and money centre of the continent to make all cigarette concerns take off their bats to W. Duke Sons &Co. Upward and onward he went. The country boy was as much at home in the great metropolis, driving his business with all the artful management that in dustry land genius couldjcontrol and de vise, as; if he had never j been out of the great city. All who know him and come in contact with him admit that he has phenomenal business and commercial gifts, j j j The American Tobacco Company, the wealthiest and greatest corporation of its kind in; the world, is organizdd with a capital pi $25,000,000. Mr. J. B. Duke is the president of the company. North Carolina mav well feel proud of her young son who went forth among stran gers anl 'reached the topmost round of the business ladder in so short a time. Greensboro North State Office Removed. The Democrat received the follow ing with much regret: PassengeIr Department, E. T.,'Va. !& Ga. R. R. Asheville' February 28. Editors Democrat: The office of the East Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia Railway at this place is discontinued by order of the General Passenger Agent. Until tions re further notice jail communica ating to rates and routes should be addressed to B. W. Wrenn, G. P. and T A., lynoxville, Tenn. I I Yours truly, j I W. A. Day, D. P. A. During his stay here Mr. Day made himself and his gieat line! most popular, and his departure is much regretted. ;! Work Begun. Engineer Ramseur says that large force is hard at work in Henderson, lo cating the line of the French Broad Val ley Road, preparatory to the early mov ing of dirt. As announced in the last Democrat a first mortgage to cover the line has been registered in the counties of Buncombe, Hendersonj and Transyl vania, and we are also informed bonds i i . . i . - . to cover the entire construction have been satisfactorily placed in New York. It is a great work for our section and the managers seem to go at it with good earnest. The Virginia Legislature; has chartered railroad to run from jSori'olk through Virginia, North Carolina, Tennessee, Kentucky, Missouri, Arkansas and In dian Territory to the junction of the Atlantic and Pacific and .the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe railroads in New Mexico, a distance of 1460 niiles. Over $100,000 worth of ! real estate is said to have changed hands here in the last week;- Greensboro Patriot, What arc you paying for your flour ? The roller king flour, the best on earth, can be had at most any grocers for $6.00 per barrel. Hair Brushes. Pelhaml the Patton avenue druggist, has just received the largest and best stock of i hair, tooth, coat and flesh brushes ever seen in Asheville. Nothing but strictly choice i i corn tea meats at martin s mar- ket. ! ; - i THE NATIONAL. DEMOCRAT. Every Democrat and Every Seeker After Political Truth Should ! Read It. ! ' ! 1 Plub Iates: We will! send the Na tional Democrat and The Democrat to any address within the United States for 2.00 a year, strictly in advance. The regular subscription price of the National j Democrat is $1.50 per year, and it is well worth it. It is published weekly in; the city of Washington, and each issue contains eijht iseven-column pages of reading matter. Send to this office "for sample copies. It has the endorsement of leading Democrats; it contains all the Washing ton and National news; its record of Congressional proceedings will be full and complete, and it is in every way a worthy exponent of sound Democratic doctrine, j j Subscribe now and secure this staunch organ of thej party'of the people, i j The Abheville Democrat and The National Democrat for $2.00 per year in advance. Juicy tender, sweet and pal atable meats at Martin's market. Support home manufactories by buy ing their goods. ThWe is no better flour made for the price than Electric Light Flour. . no other. A.ek your grocer for it and take marft-tf Strictly pure pork Martin's market. sausage at What are you paying for your Flour? The Roller King FlourJ the best on earth, can be had at most any grocer's for $6 per barrel. i mar6 tf Fine Tofe&cco Seed If you want a good crop of bright leaf tobacco fro to Felham's, 24 Patton ave.i opposite Grand Central, and buy Lan,- dreth s fresh tobacco seeds j Sweet sugar-cured Martin's market, l hams at 'The Democrat is a paper for the people and is being sustained by the people, livery family m Western Caro lina ought to take and read it. j Absolutely (pure leaf Martin's market. I lard at J. F. RAMSAY, i i DENTIST. Office in Barnard Building, Post Office Box 431.! j Asheville, N. C NOTICE. The undersigned being this day: Administrator of the estate of the late James Q1 jualified as Holland, notice is hereby given to all persons having claims against said estate to present them for payment on or before the 24th day of February, 18M, or this notice will be pleaded as bar on their recovery. . 1 f JESSE D. MORGAN, j Dated February 22, 1890. Administrator. TEUSTEE'S iSALE. 1 . : i I- : ! By -virtue of a Deed of Trust executed by James Worley and : Precilla Worley his wife, to secure the payment of one sealed note for $87.85, dated Feb. 19, 1889, due Jan. 1, 1890, and interest, payable to C. A. Nichols, which said Deed of Trust has been duly registered in the Register's Office of Madison County, Book 1, page 405, 1 will 6ell at the Court House door, in the town of Marshall, on lit 1 MONDAY, THE 31st DAY OF MARCH, 1890, the following tract of land, to wit : It being the land where Precilla Worley now lives, ad joining lands of Baxter Randall, Marion i Saw yer and others, and more fully described in said Deed of Trust, to which reference is made. Terms of sale cash. . ;i ! C. A. CLARK, Trustee , February 25, 185). i I NOTICE. That by virtue of the power in me vested by a decree of the Superior Court of Buncombe County, I will sell on . j ii i MONDAY, THE SEVENTH DAY OF APRIL Next, to the highest bidder, the following two tracts of land : I !H ! First Tract is on New Found Creek and con tains about 27 acres, being part of the F. Slu- der home tract, and joins a. E. feluder, James Fosser, and others. ; This is valuable tobacco and farming land. i Second Tract is the Dover place, on South Turkey Creek, contains 65 acres, has good dwellinir and fine orchard. I Terms of Sale 20 per cent, cash down, bal ance in two notes, each for half the balance; due one and two years ; from date, at 8 per i cent, from date. Title perfect and retained until paid for. i ; ' i Sale at court house in Asheville. ! i ! For particulars enquire of J. M. Gudger, Attorney-at-Law, Asheville, N. C, or the un aersignea. ' Wm. P. COLE, Commissioner FOR j SALE.! , Well bred and carefully raised ; JERSEY BULL, Prince of Goldcoast, 22909 A. jJ C C Coomassie blood. Fit for service. ; Best Also, next month,' two litters of BERK SHIRE PIGS ; the two litters not akin. Boars and bows prize stock. ! Also one fine mammoth Bronze GOBBLER SEEDS Clydesdale OATS, white, Empirt. State POTATO a favorite on Asheville mar- ! ket. ! . ! IE. d'ALINGE, j Nadeshda Farm, Arden,'N. C. j hi Ons lo Knows Says that, fully seventy-five per cent, of the people who come to Asheville do their trading with BostiG Bros. Wrigtii For they always keep a good stock of Dry Goods! and Shoes. 1 A man may be known by the clothes he wears, so when you see a j fine appearing, durable suit on a well dressed man you 1 ' ' ! ' ! i :' " - : I have reason to believe that it came from the enterprising firm of Bostic Bros. &! Wright, as they are closing out their large ; i j stock of Clothing j at cost, as they need more room for Dry Goods. ' I 1 STIIAaHSV paduiBig . ! j: i - J enranao eq; jag pus ajng e 06t .j 'siiaoj : . I . 061 aiqX r i " 1 eg f 'suoodg sax nxg ptdix 'soag SJari(rj xas Had : s wi PW im M ? sjaSon . -. , M ! j i ; paBjqaiao oq 401 s;ua8 y dos osib an? 9j iaavajL AvanoH am jloj paaajjo QJ? suonoBav iBioodg '" 'saoonj jo 3Dag em euraiBia pay XV TIVO OX I BEIT ISllL WM "'.-!--..' i ! ! 1 I i ' ! . : !l !! I J Exists in the mountains of North Carolina, and is now being rapidly developedJ To meet the demands of those owning Mineral Proper ties, we have made arrangements with Pierre de P. Rlcketts, and John N. Banks; Metallur gists, Chemists and Mining Engineers, of New York City, to sample, assay and report upon all mining products submitted by us. i We believe this arrangement will be a most advantageous one to those owning undevel oped mineral properties, and will be of great assistance in disposing of the same. Prof. Ricketts has charge of the celebrated School of Mines of Columbia College, And has a world-wide reputation. The simple fact that he is interested here will command immediate attention. M I i ' ' Samples of minerals will be forwarded for immediate inspection as soon as iney are eem, to our office. If worth analysis, a moderatee fee willi be charged. If worthless, noi charge will be knade. All analytical charges, includ ing' ' - ilr. ;! Coli, Silver, Iron, Copper, Tin, Corrundum, Will be given upon application, i We make Mineral: and Timber Lands a specialty J :xks JENKS, Eeal Estate and Insurance ! Brokers, Rooms 9 and 10 McAfee Block, 30 Patton Aye., Asheville. TTTAVING QUALIFIED AS EXECUTOR XI of Lewis Ingram, deceased, late of Bun sons having claims' against the estate of the said. deceased, :to exhibit them to the under signed, or to Messrs. Moore & Merrick, my at torneys!, on or before Jan. 30, 1891, or this no tice will be plead mbar ox their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. I T. J. CARLAND, Executor of Lewis Ingram, deceased. FIRE INSURANCE AGENCY i. , fi'ioF ; j ; . i : 1 -I i t 1 C. T. MAWTS. I . It'll - 1 No. 5 Fatton Avenue, (Down Stairs.) WEST CHESTER FIRE INSUR ANCE CO., MERCHANTS FIRE IN SURANCE CO., KNOXVII.LE FIRE - ! ! INSURANCE CO., AETNA LIFE IN SURANCE CO. 1 ' . 1 DETECTIVES. i : -is i ' I : The Pinion Detective Agency of Ashe ville, Pi.! J. does a general detective bus mess. Testimony in civil and criminal cases carefully taken. 1 Jrursumg crimi nals, and shadowing employes and other people, j No one ban excell us. Our work has been such in North Carolina that the legislature, recognizing our assis tance to! the law officers in; bringing criminals to justice, passed an act 10 to allow tne members 01 tnis agency to carry (concealed weapons any where m the stat. ' For thorough organization wre want good men in every county and Railway! station in N. C. Applicants must be vouched for as to their sober habits by some officer of the! State or some post master. Comunicate with W TT rv T C T . - ft xi. iveaver mei rmioii jjeieciive iigen cy Asheville, N. C 'A I A just Decision That has been reached by our many customers that we nave the completest stock and sel at tne lowest prices our stock ot BOOKS IS VERY LARGE1AND COMPLETE. Fancy Goods of All Kinds i ! ! ! Especially in Albums and Writing Desks - I ; ' l . J ' i.. . ! Toys and Dolls, '- M-i If I -1 No end to; them. The1 rapidity at which they are going is a proot 01 their cheapness H : ij. . Pictures on Easels ! Handsome for the Price. Icy Wagons, Drums and Sleds For the Boys. BUILDING BLOCKS and A, B, C BLOCKS For the Children. BOY'S POPULAR BOOKS By Uncle rLaw- renee. Ker, Alden, Alger, Ellis, Fitts, Etc., Also Zig-Zag Journeys. See our Stock and get prices before you buy. J. N. Morgan & Go. NO. 3 BARNARD BLOCK. A Rare Supsrb Hemes. MAGNIFICENT PROP ' ERTY FOR SALE. HKKE ISYO U Jl CH AXC E I offer for sale, in lots to suit purchasers, that magnificent tract of land situated near the growing towns of Henderson ville and Flat Rock, Henderson county, N; C. known as . THE BARRING LANDS, -: i " 'i : ' ' l Containing two thousand acres. A large por tion is splendid for farming purposes: while on this property are a number of grand eleva tions for building sites, surrounded by native trees. These lands are unsurpassed for truck ing, fruit, tobacco, grain and the grasses: is well watered by several beautiful strearas. They are near the Asheville and Spartanburg Railroad, and the new French Broad Valley Railroad, j Will be sold in tracts of 100 or 200 acres, or less, or as a whole, j Only a very short drive from Hendersonville. Can be bought now at IX"W pkices. Apply at once to J. J. OSBORNE, ilTORNEY AT LAW, Hendersonville, N. C or Boilston, Hender son county, N. C. mm b W: P. WHITTINGTON, M. D., Office 28 Patton Avenue second floor, ASHEVILLE, N C. Tenders his prof essional services ' to the citl sens of Asheville. and surrounding country. Residence 188 Woodnn street. DE. B. F. ABEINGT.ON. Office moms on Patton ; Avenue, over the clothing store of C D. Blanton & ix. ResidenceJ corner of Woodfin and Locust streets. oclO-ly FOR SALE. A Large : Rosewood PIANO, in good condi- tion. Apply to -,. , :! MRS. S. E. BUCHANAN, Dec.l-4t. South.Main street. A WORD TO SMOKERS SUFFICIENT. If you want the best S-cent cigar offered in tnis city caii on me. 1 am agent ior GABEETT & SON'S K0. 11 0IGAES. Try one, and you will use no other. !.i ! ' ' A. C. DAVIS. J. 11. EATON, and Ornamental : ! ! .-1 v Asheyille, N. C. All jobbing in his line promptly at tended at reasonable prices, and work guaranteed. janl-3m Battery Park Hotel ! Asheville, North Carolina. , --I i :.-'.. " Open throughout the year. Ele-ation 2,600 feet ; average winter temperature, 55 ; mag nificent mountain scenery; hydraulic" eleva tor t electric lights and bells : music hall, ten nis! court, ladies' billiard parlor and bowling alley. Beautiful drives and first-class livery. or descriptive printed matter apply to JOHN B. STEELE, Manager. Buggy and Carriage Works, Manufactured or Bepaired In best style, at reasonable prices. H. M. Howard, 81 S. Main St., Asheyille, N. C. Horse-shoeing a Specialty. GEAPE VJUMJjiSi Several kinds of rooted young Grape Vines for sale, lower than they can be bought at large nurseries, North or South Ironclads, Concords, Elviras, Etc. Apply to S. N. STEVENS, Vernon P. O., Buncombe Co. THE OLD RELIABLE BARBER, PLUM LEVI, Has established himself at the corner of Court Square and Colletre street, where he in vites his old friends and the public to call. An expert lady barber always in attendance. Also in connection with the Barber Palace is a First Glass Restaurant, where good meals, nicely served, can be had at all hours at rea sonable prices.; CHICAGO AND ALTON It. II. EMIGRANTS GOING WEST Oil NORTHWEST "Will save time and money going via Chicago and Alton Route. Vestibuled train be tween St. Louis and Kansas City. "Reclin ing chair cars and tourist sleepers free of charge to all Western States and Territories. For low rates, maps and descriptive books write to or can on i B. A. NEWLAND, .. Traveling Passenger Agent. No. 10 Patton ave., up stairs, Asheville. N. C w. H.E0M DEALER IN Italian and American MIe, Sranite. Etc, Alliance Warehouse Asheville, V. C. All kinds of Monuments, Tombstones, Head- stones, Urns and Vases, Fencing and Cresting made; to order in the latest designs. Jure Wines M iip ! HAMPTON:!: EATHERST05E, Public Square, l ! ASHEYILLE, X. C, Invite the attention of the trade to their Large Stock of ;WTiich is dffered s I- . I wholesale :-: or :-: RETAIL. ! Our Stock of i i -: i Tobacco, Cigars and Cigarettes U is complete. T H E B EST and Beers AlwayB on Hand. - Give us a call when you want something Strictly First-Class. Dec, 12,,89-l y. Plastering 1889 S. E. KEPLER. -DEALER LN Fine Purveyorto intelligent and apprecia tive Asheville American families. Pal ates and tastes of people who believe in good living, cannot be humbugged by "Cheap John goods. Cheap goods and first quality are not synonymous. I have in stock and to arrive, all seasonable specialties, comprised in part of fruits Oranges, Lemons, Cranberries. Kaisms. Figs, Nuts, Etc. Miscellaneous: Choice O, K. .New Orleans Molasses, for table use; rnme JNew uneans Molasses, for cooking. Extra fine assortment of Crackers, line leas una Coffees a spe cialty. Mince Meats: Gordon & Dil- worth s and other brands, num Pud dings, Calf s Foot Jelly, etc. Pres'v'd and Cry stalized Ginger. Shad Roe in kits. Koe Herrings ; and all other sea sonable goods. S. R. KEPLER, 53 South Main Street. Asheville. H. 0. ESTABLISHED 1874. W. 0. Oarmichael, Apothecary, 20 SOUTH MAIN STREET, ASHEVILLE , N. C. We do not sell cheap Drugs, but will sell you -Drugs Cheap, V none, it is equipped with the best goods a. l a. m i m- mai money can Duy rrom i. Merck, 12. R- Squibb, Parke, Davis & Co., Jno. Wveth & Bro.. and from other, leading manufacturing chemists in this country I and Europe, whose eoods for nuritv cannot be questioned. hmfki FiM at & Im, Day or Night, and charge to any part stock of delivered free of of the city. Our Drugs, Patent Medicines, ' And Druggists' Sundries Is complete, and at prices that defy com petition. Don't forget the place, No. 20 South Main St., "Where you will at all times be served by competent prescriptionists. Spring 1890. No. 19 S. Main St. Opposite Carmichael's Drug Store. Jobbers and Retailers iii Dry Groods, Shoes, Hats, NOTIONS, Gents' Furnishing Goods A SPECIALTY. Would invite eDecial attention to the Spring1 Stock. New goods received every day. Mr. Graves, the buyer, having had years of experience with one of the leading dry goods houses North, is enabled to offer inducements to the wholesale trade and would invite coun try merchants to examine his prices before ouying. They are agents for Fox Hail do mestic, the best sold in this market. Three thousand dozen O. N. T. Spool Cotton sold in twelve months. Do not forget the jlace ?o. 19 South Main street, Asheville, N. C. , E. L. Brown and J. W. Pickens are with the above firm and would be pleased to see their many friends. Aslierille Branch North :: Carolina Building and Loan-Association. W. W. ROLLINS, Ppesidf." CARRINGTON, jec't axd Tbeas.; P A. Cum ING8, Att J. APP aisebs: j. r. starn: 1879 Groceries. five us a trial and be convinced. Our Wt l 'rescription Department is excelled by )& GRAVES THRASH &rfT: i .1 f j i KB. if. S, G. L. 3fcDONALD. n . . as M on Country as well f Afown Property. ice for all to get a Home. Jan. 1( r R. R. HILL, Local Agent r : i 7 t i i. - F. 2i. if r