1 Ex-Senator Jones Insane. A report comes from Detroit that ex-Senator Jones, of Flor ida, will be committed to an in sane asylum. It has beenj ap parent ever since he left Wash ington about three years go, in pursuit it is said of a young lady of wealth, with whom he had fallen desperately in love, that his reason was unbalanced and he gave ample proof qf it in the letters he published from I time to time in the 'papers, j He ; was a self made man, who ks a boy came from Ireland ati,the age of ten years, learned j carpenter's trade, and afte grew to manhood read and up the profession of law. the age of forty-one he elected to the Senate m 1875, and was re-elected at the expi ration of his term. Whilejnot a brilliant man he ranked among the best intellects injthe Senate, with a strong and logi cal mind. The light went (out almost like; an extinguished candle. I j While a great many negroes have left this Congressional district for the more congeiiial South, but few have left fthis county. Our white population has increased largely, however, and this fall Vance county jwill elect a white man to the Legis lature. Henderson Tomahawk. j The French people are using compressed air as a motive rjow er in a hundred ways, anil it promises to take the place of DLCdiii, eieubi mmy emu. Tvaiei 111 i the movement of machinery of 1 all kinds. The Agriculturrl Department report for March shows that over 45 per cent, of the corn crop is still in the grower's hands. There's no "gro" aoout .that surplus. To clean knives : Cut a small potato, dip it in hrickdust and rub them. 1 - i . For Thh Democrat. Wholesale Slaughter of Birds-4-The Christless Work Goes On. Editors Democrat : A Mr. Greenlee of this State, a member of the Orriitho logical Society, killed in a single month six hundred Cedar Birds for the North market. Their skins were sold ern as imerchandise to be used by the milliners I in trimming hats and bonnets fojr wo- men. They make the demand the ten- ? der-hearted women, who cry over a novel ! And thus this infamous arid ac cursed traffic, unfeeling and brutal to a Shocking degree, goes on, and willcon- i inue until an elevated Christian senti ent stamps it out as a crime against God and nature. It is to be hoped that i the time will soon come when no wo- men, not of the demi monde, willjhave the courage to come into church or pa rade the streets with dead songsters on their hats. Our women could institute a fashion that would be really useful. I Let them wear on their hats the stuffed skins of rattle snakes, copper-head and vipers. In this way they would do an immense good. The skins would jbe at a premium and the slaughter prbpor- tionate. Now, where is the brave wo- man who will inaugurate a new and ex : ceedingly useful fashion ? I ! w. w. w ilo. "Laftin." Don't look as though ye'd lost a dime, 'N' couldn't am another; Kt-ep pleasant lookin' all the time, )Kf things do plague 'n' bother. I 'low ye'U; never make it pay, T,er mope eround in sorrer; 'N' ef ye try ter smile ter-day, : Ye'll latt right out ter-morrow. ' Some like a joke, but won't say so, t They think its kinder meechin', Ter lall at jokes week days, then go, A Sabba; day, ter preachin'. But I say, hi if yer loudest best, , At proper time and season; It'll sorter give oer work a zest, t j; N thet's both rhyme. V reason. So try'n' take a cheerful part, Whate'er the wind er weather; Ther hearty lail'V honest heart, Both on 'em, go together. : Yankee Blade. If Love Were Life. love were, life and hearts more tender t were. No, growing old or dvin would there I 1 i j So eyes from too much weeping fail to see. j ! No more the brow be the interpreter Of care beneath, nor soul a prisoner Within a cell, but like a breath that's free ; Would spread itself through al nity ; eter- If love were life and hearts more tender j were. It y i I It is not hard to understand God's plan, fiNor be submissive when submission's 1 1 1 sweet ; ' ' j K flower simply lives to bloom, and man jonouiu siKipiy live to live, or else de feat i 1 ! he Master's will, which he has made so clear.; 1 tat love enough would make, the angels nere. ; 1 ne independent. ir. Blanton. late of the firm of Wan. In Yoaiii mill coiauiisu a UttUK. in pnon. j The lot has been bought and e builr5, i 1.: i,i fLi i.x -iug iB uciug picHcu uu uie bile. the he took At kvas STATE NEWS AND GOSSIP. The condition of ex-Governor Holden, who has been quite sick, is somewhat improved. Part of the roof of the old South building at Chapel Hill was blown Off by the storm of Friday. I Mr. Geo. E. Lee and Miss Lula Crawford, both of: Old Fort ried on the 20th of March. ir- were m Lippincott's Magazine for April con-1 tains a complete novel by j "Christian Reid," the North Carolina writer. Mr. Frank B. Dancy, of Raleigh, lias been chosen State chemist and professor in the Agricultural College of Minnesota. . ' 1 . ) . Washington and Rockingham are both to have canning factories, j Another cannery is also to be established in Chat ham count v. I V':).' ' The citizens of Toe river, Yancy Co., will offer inducements to the Three C's road to build through the valley of the Toe to Cranberry. j Men of brain and great foresight esti mate that Greensboro will have 30,000 inhabitants within two years from the present time. North State. The storm of Friday did great damage at Magnolia, on j the Wilmington and "eldon Railroadi A church and many other houses were blown down. At Tomotla, six miles from here, On Valley river, there ought to be a large manufacturing town built, and as the railroad will be completed there in a few weeks, it is to be hoped that: Mr. Oliver Kinsey, of Cincinnrti, will carry out the plans that his late father contemplated, nearly f wenty years ago. Murphy Bul letin. Mr. Sol Haas has returned to Richmond from Charleston,! where he had been to make arrangements for the transporta tion North of the coming watermelon crop, mere was a watermelon tram along every two miles of the Richmond & Danville track last summer, and there will probably be one to every one ?mile the coming season. Charlotte News It comes to the Sun's ears that it is comtemplated to build and equip in Durham in handsome style a non-sectarian female university of high ahd broad educational advantages, and one feature of the institution will! be to pro vide for the education of daughters of ex-Confederate soldiers who are not able to secure a higher education. Sylvia Deak, a f colored woman, has been appointed postmaster at Rocky Mount to succeed the negro man, Weeks Armstrong, who' was discovered last week to be a defaulter to the ! amount Jof $650, and who is now in jail at Tarboro. The woman, Sylvia, can't read and itj is very certain that she will not be able to give bond. Ex. Another appointment has been made since. j The people of Charlotte will be inter ested to hear what Col. A. B. Andrews says about the proposed new line from Danville to Gastonia. -A -News and (Ob server reporter interviewed him yestfer day. ! Col. Andrews stated that the only thing which could be said at present was that the survey was now being made, and had not yet been completed. Till this is done nothing definite can be start ed as to what the final result will be. Charlotte News, j The Egypt Coal Co., of Egypt, Chat ham county, on the line of the C. F. ahd Y. V. railroad, has decided to erect three bins on Point Peter in order to handle their coal in Wilmington. They : will jbe located near the C. F. and Y. V. rail road's fertilizer warehouse, on North East river, and work will be commenced immediately towards their erection. The railroad company will also construct side tracks at once in order to reach the coal company's bins with ; their cars. The bins will be erected at the water's edge in order to facilitate the work of coaling vessels. ! S i Greensboro Steel and Iron Workg. The general manager of! the North Carolina Steel and Iron Works, Capt. J . Newman, is having an office elegan J. fitted up in the Washington street front of the National Bank building. We learn that the company is making gratifying progress in disposing; of its stock. One hundred thousand I dollars have been taken by citizens of Greens boro. The capital stock is to be $1,000, 000. 1 . ! , 1 We learn that the company has pur chased the Ore Hill property jfrom Col. S.H.Wiley for $260,000, paying for it in cash, $80,000, and stock $180,000. Aj meeting of the directors will be held here next week ahd measures, we, learn, will': be taken for the immediate erection of the furnaces. Greensboro Patriot. lnere was great excitement in Rome a few days ago when Buffalo Bill accept ed the challenge of the Duke ot Sermon eta to have mounted by his cowboys any horses that the Duke could produce. Three horses that had run wild on the Duke's estate because nobody could catch or bridle them were with much difficulty brought into Rome and after a great struggle two of the most powerful were lassoed, saddled, bridled, and rid den by the cowboys in the presence of 15,000 persons, idcluding Prince Napo leon. The famous herdsmen of the Cam pagna are supposed to be able to ride anything that has four feet, and that made the triumph j of the cowbwys es pecially gseat. i i PINE STRAW BAGGING North. Carolina's Yearlv Crori Will ! Make 747,000,000 Tares. Qpite a party from; Wilmington went out this week to inspect the works of the American Pine Fibre Company at Cronly. Prominent! capitalists were there from New York and other points The company will cbnfinej itself to the manufacture of bagging for cotton; made j from pine-straw. Since the works were started, six years ago, they have used 21,428,00q pounds of pine leaves. The Star says that this would make 3,000,000 yards of bagging of two pounds for each yard; . - ! ' j ! In j the single county Of Columbus, where these works are situated, accord- ! i I I ing to the official report, here are 223, Cumberland 000,000 feet of pine timber. and Robeson counties, i which are the largest pine timber producing counties in the State, have, by the official reports, more than 800,000,000 feet each, and in fifteen counties in North Caroling there are 5,229,000,000 feet of which, with one pound of pine timber, eaves for each foot jof timber, would ffiye 747,000,000 yards of bagging from one year's cjrop J According to the New Orleans Times- Dembcrat there are, in ;the States of i i i Louisiana, Texas, Alabama, Mississippi, Gerogia, Flordia, South, Carolina, North Carolina Jind Arkansas, 219,937,000,000 feet of pine timber, the leaves of which? at fifteen cents per hunered pounds, would amount to 816,646,000,000 and would make about 70.000,000,000 yards of bagging, the value of which at seven cents per yard would amount to $4,900, 000,000. This, astheresult of one year s crop, without a particle of damage to a single tree or a foot of the timber. State Chronicle Charlotte All Beady for the 20th. Arrangements for jthe coming celebra tion of the 20th of May, in Charlotto, At the! meet- are now well under way. ing at the court house last night com- mittees to look after the whole business were appointed, and! front this oh there will be smooth sailing. The funds rais ed are to be apportioned as prizes be tween the firemen and military com. panies, and a lump will be set aside to get up a fine fireworks jdisplay. committeemen selected are the righ The t kind. Col. J. T. Anthony is the chairman, jit is proposed to hav prize drills jby the firemen. There will jte a brigade of Con tinentals and the parade will be a' most interesting one. The celebration will last through four days, and an attractive program, which will jbe carried out. will be arranged for each day. It is the in tention of the committee to have a com petitive display of fireworks, and that will be an interesting and Charlotte News. J ! novel feature Mr. Geo. W. Bethell, of Danville, Va.; was married on Wednesday last in Char lotte, to Miss Lalla Oates, daughter of Col. R. M. Oates. The brilliant social event! ceremony was a By special arrangements with thie pub lisher, we are enabled this' year to make an unusual offer: The regular price of N. C. Farmer is $1,00 a year. We will furnish The Asheville Democrat in combination with the N. C. Farmer for $1,75 per year. This is a bargain that needs no comment. Make a careful note of it, or what is better, send us in the amount at once. If you wish to first see a copy of the Farmer, address a postal card to N. C Farmer, Raleigh, N. C, asking for one, and a back number will be sent, free. In addition to this all those accepting this combination offer will receive one dozen papers of improved garden seed free of charge. CATARRH, Catarrhal Deafness Hay Fever A New Home Treatment, j i Sufferers are not generally aware that these diseases are corjtagious, or that they are due to the presence of living parasites in the lining membrane of the nofee ahd eustachian tubes. Microscopic research, j however, has proved this to be a fact, and the result of this discovery is that ja sim ple remedy has been formulated whereby catarrh, catarrhal deafness and hay fever are permanently cured in from dnejto three simple applications niade at home jby the patient once in two weeks, j jj JN. is. 1 ins treatment is not a snuit or an ointment ; both have been discarded by reputable physicians j as injhriousj A pamphlet explaining this new treat ment is sent free on (receipt of stamp to pay postage, by A. H. Dixon oc Son, 661 Christian Advocate. Sufferers from Catarrhal ' troubles shoulp carefully read the above. 1 THE NATIONAL DEMOCRAT. Every Democrat and Every Seeker After Political Truth Shou 1 Head It. I 11 1 Club Rates: We wilii send the Na tional Democrat and The Democrat to any address within the United States for $3.00 a year, strictly in aavance. i ! The regular subscription price of the National Democrat is $1.50 per (year, and it is well worth lit. It is published weekly in the city of Washington, and each issue contains eight seven-column pages of reading matter. ;Send to this office for sample copies. 1 ! i M ! It has the endorsement of leading Democrats; it contains all the Washing ton and National news; its record of Congressional proceedings: will bej full and complete, and it is in j every way a worthy exponent of sound Democratic doctrine. Subscribe jS now 1 and secure this staunch- organ of the party of the people. i I .MM ! The Ashevillk Democrat and The National Democrat for $2.00 per year in advance. ! j Eieht pages 48 columns of live read ing matter for all. ! The; Asheville Democrat, only $1.50 per annum in ad vance. . i MM -1 "MM i NOW IS THE TIME To test in lis FOR HOMES, BTJSINESS OR MANU- FACTURINQ PURPOSES. 1 2 houses and lots on Depot St.; one 7 room; other 8 rooms, just completed, very cheap at $ooo each; one-half cash, balance on time, 2 House and lot on Hill street, lot i4 acres, house 6 rooms, good outhouses; very cjieap at $2000. 3 Elegant house and lot on Charlotte st, 1 acres in lpt with beautiful oak grove covering the whole. Splendid house with ivj iwmio um cumuicicu; a uie uareain ai 4 A splendid speculation 20 beauti- till resinonre Inte rn I hrlrt-t ct i t faet I . , , ' front 175 feet deep to be sold as a whole 7 icci K,i.n Z V I0ifmau cr , pf y,neni .a nAA4A1 t 1 11 1 . 1 l fT 6l; C jv ? ,, PT -n h e1Sen U-ndred d0"al"s ana win De worm aouoie inis amount in less than 2 years; come and see plat at our office. If sold m the next sixty days the; whole can bje bought for $8000 half cash; balance on! long tirm; a great bargain. 5 S acres in the very heart of the city, corner Main and W oedfin streets, house has 11 rooms furnished; this property is in the very heart of the city with grove of large trees and splendid view of surround ing mountains, it hardly has anything in town to compare with it; it can be subdi vided into 20 orj more lots if desired, for purely gilt edge pioperty as investment or as a home it ha$ no equal, and is cheap at ,000, y tiisii, icuiainucr in 1, z aim U : 1 years with 8 perjeent interest; a plat may be seen in our office. 6 Lot j with rold buildings on South ain street, heart of city, 63x120; price $16,500 7 House and lot on Woodfin street, lot ioo ft front, 400 ft deep, 2 story house with 7 rooms, within 5 minutes) walk of court house; price $3000. S Location icood. view beautiful, wa ter works in kitchen, house 9 rooms, 4 rooms, hard finished, 4 rooms finished in mahogany, elegant spring water, apples, peaches, grapesj cherries, rasberfies, shade trees and flowers, lot terraced, plain fence, front picket paling; price $2100 9 rlou-e and lot on rearson street, 7 rooms, price $2650. 104 lots on Merrimon ave, and Chest nut St., strictly gilt edge property to be sold on re isonjible terrnsn prices from $1 coo to $2000. H4iZ acres iinWest Asheville in the vi cinity of factories well situated for subdi vision into small lots, each one having run ning water on It i it all has a grove of fine trees on it afford ng beautiful shade; price $900 per acre if taken as a whole; will be subdivided to suit purchasers; 15 lots in the vicinity of t ie, above at the low price of 250 per lot. 12 House id rooms, six acres of land magnificent view of the town and surround ing country; pnpe $Sooo. DO YQU WANT A FARM IN WEST ERN NORTH CAROLINA P ; i i 1 200 acres, z miles from Waynes villeN. C.i 30 frm city. 150 acres cleared, good farm house and necessary outhouses, splendid water; well worth $3000. 2 350 acres 9 miles out on French Broad river; 30 acres bottom, 125 cleared, good timber and hne water, good house, 7 rooms, good staoies ana outnouses or. chard, 250 tieesj 15 acres fish pond and water power. in grass, fine Price $ ;ooo. 3 An j A. NO. 1. Florida Orange grove; price on application. 416000 acres in Jackson co.,the W.N C. K K.; runs through the tract. ! 1 his is one of the finest timbered tracts in the State,! over 400 good walnut trees of good size have been counted and measured. It has the finest of i poplar, oak, hickory chest nut and white pine. The soil is! rich and productive, wou d make, after the timber is off , one of tkei finest stock ranches in the south, price only ,25 per acre; orchard grass and timothy: will grow 6 feet high on it. c A farm ofj 17; acres in Henderson county, 4 miles from Hendersonville, 18 miles from Asheville, i house 5 good log houses j 7 good tobacco rooms, barns. fane young orchard of 400 trees apples, neaches. cherries and plums about 20 fine grape vines jin good state of cultiva tion; a bargain at $2;;oo. 6 2;o i acres 14 miles from ; the city, 7c acres cleared!, is; acres bottom, house a rooms, erood barn and water, orchard 25trees, cne mile from; church and xz miles from school: price Sioiper acre. Cheap at that price as a stock farm. 7 209 ! acres! 1 mile from Black Moun tain station, 20 Jacres cleared, 1 2 cabins, inn voun? fruit trees. 20 old; price $Soo. 161; acrer 2 miles out; 2C cleared, 1 cabin, .A f-..,; id a iJnrin. rsrr t-m 8 10,000 actes mountain lands 6 miles from railroad. 2bo acres cleared and in grass,: and very rich with fine timber and fine mineral prospects; price 52.50 per acre, j j . Mi i " ' i .. 9 400 1 acres jon Swannanoa ten miles out, 70 acres rivr bottom, best bargain in the country; price $7500. M 10 150 acres,U mile from Coopers. 10 miles from the j city, log cabin, 50 old fruit trees, 40 acres bottom, 50 acres good timber, price $2390. M 11 22 J acres, miles out, 4 acres bot tom, house 3 rooms, good log crib and stable, fine spring; price $650 this is a bargain: j I ' ' j ! Mineral lands4-we have a number of iron. gold, corundum and mica properties that we can otter at very low figures it 1 taken soon. We caa send specimens of ore upon j applica pon, togeiner wun iun discription of property. Natt Atkinson & Son. Barnard Building, AsheriOe, N. C. bun W Urn. CLUB BATES. The A shevilie Democrat ;$1:50 per an num; The National Democrat $1.50 per annum; The North Carolina! Farmer $1.00 per annum. The Asheville Demo crat and the National Democrat one year for $2.00 in j advance, j The Asheville Democrat and j the North Carolina Far mer one year; $1,75 in advance. The Asheville Democrat, The National Dem ocrat and the IN. C. Farmer, all three, one year for $2.50 in advance, j This is a rare chance for our people to get a large and varied amount of useful reading matter at the lowest prices. Ihe Asheville Democrat contains 4S columns, The j National (Democrat con tains o4 columns both weekly; the N. C. Farmer, monthly, contains 24 pages, 72 columns. This is a valuable library in itself. $4.00 dollars worth of the best reading matter one year for $2.50. Every person taking The Asheville Democrat and the North Carolina Far- mer, $1.75 in advance, . will i receive free of charge one dozen papers of improved garden seeds, j We ask the f attention of all readers to this splendid offer. Send us your name with the II cash i at once. Address, j . Furma & Yaxce, . ' Asheville, N. C. Read the Best Weekly Kewsnaper and; Family Jour nal in the Country. The weekly ! edition of the Springfield na,aA ; 1004 1 o 1 ti t, ijLnt, rr. . . vftfir nr 10 npnts r mnnth fnr hrrtpr rP- r noas. This generous enlargement, adding 28 columns to the capacity of the paper, al- lows the introduction of many new ahd attractive teatures The people's interest in ! all political, social and industrial affairs are steadily studied and advocated from the stand point of independence and a .patriotism that is higher and broader than partisan ship. " j' . j: j j. -'--. In a word, the publishers seek to make The Weekly Republican more than ever the best weekly newspaper and family journal combined in the cvitry. t ormer dwellers m New; England and others everywhere who wish to keep in formed of the! life and thought of this region will find,the enlarged paper in valuable. - I f Send for a free sample copy. If All subscriptions payable in advance. IKPNew subscribers for a year now will receive the paper until January 1, 1891. I ; I h I ; Address THE REPUBLICAN, Springfield, Mass. Support home manufactories by buy ing their goods. There is no better flour made for the price than ( Electric Light Flour. Ask your grocer for it and take no otner. - L 1 J . marb-tt J. F. RAMSAY, DENTIST. Office in Barnard Building, Post Office Box 431. Asheville, N. C. NOTICE. The undersigned beinar this day qualified as Administrator of the estate of the late James Holland, notice is hereby riven to all persons havinsr claims against said estate to present them for payment on or before the 24th day of February, lsvi, or tnis - notice will be pleaded as bar on tnelr, recovery. i i JttSSK 1). MUKliAJN. Dated February 22, 1890.' j Administrator. Trustee's Sale. By w byJ. R. Hill, on the 1st day of September, 1887. to secure the payment of a note men tioned therein, said deed beinir duly retristered in the Register's office of Buncombe county in book li 01 mortgage deeds, page 24, 1 win sen for cash to the highest bidder at the court house door m Asheville. on the h day or April. 1890, the i lot mentioned in said deed and the buildings thereunto pertaining, inis lot is situated on Depot street, not rar irom Patton avenue, i This March 4, 1890. f JESSE R. STAKNES. Trustee. TRUSTEE'S SALE. Bv virtue of a Deed of Trust executed by James AVorley and Precilla Worley.j his wife, to secure the payment of one sealed note for 87.85, dated Feb. 19, 1889, due Jan. 1,1 1890, and interest, payable to C. A., Nichols, which said Deed of Trust has been duly registered in tne Register's Office of Madison County, Book 1, page 405, 1 will sell at the Court House door, in the town of Marshall, on ' (. . MONDAY, THE 31st DAY OF MARCH, 1890, the following tract of land, to wit : j It being the land where Precilla AVorley now Hives, ad joining lands of Baxter Randall, Marion Saw yer and others,! and more fully described in said Deed of Trust, to which reference is made. Terms of sale cash. ! J . 1 C.-A. CLARK, trustee. February 25, 1890. j i . I NOTICE. i . t . That bv virtue of the power in me vested by a decree of the; Superior Court of JUuncombe County, I will sell on MONDAY, THE SEVENTH DAY OF APRIL Next, to the highest bidder, the following two tracts of land : j First Tract is on New Found Creek and con tains about 27 acres, being part of the F. Hai der home tracts and : joins B. E. Sluder James Fosser, and others, ; This is valuable tobacco and farming land .. !" j Second Tract i is the Dover place,- on South Turkey Creek, contains 65 acres, has good dwelling and line orchard. ! Terms of Sale 20 per cent, cash down, bal due one and two years from date,! at 8 per cent, from date. Title perfect andj retained ance in two notes, each tor nail tne oaiance until paid for. i Kiili at rrnrt. hrnp in Asheville. For particulars enquire of J. M. Cudger, Attorney-at-Law, Ashertlle, .C., or; the un dersigned. I I . ! . ' wm. t. wui-ti, ixmmissioner. FIRE INSURANCE Fire, Life, Accident. PTJLLIAM & CO. : - I '- i . I !' j ' At the' Bank of Asheville. - ! .1 ' ' i ' '."i !-.'. ASHEVILLE, N. C. Represent the following companies, viz. TI KS- CASH ASSETS IN U. 8. Anirlo Nevada, of CaUf drnia, $2,497,833 Continental, of New York, :475,23 HamburgBremen. or liermany. ;iu)ut London Assurance, of England, j 1,543,996 Niagara, of New York, : ' 237,492 Orient, of Hartford, i 1,667,692 Phoenix, of Brooklyn. 5,064479 SI. Paul Fire and Marine of Minnesota, 14161 Southern, of New Orleans, i ! 439,584 Western, of Toronto, , .,:.: 1,03932 Mutual Acciden Association. ; Etna Life Insurance Company. 'aniAstHSY 'isaais srrn. poduiBg. auinuao u. d& pm? aing 061 'sjijo.1 06"l IQBi 96 t suoodg Rax xas Had yi Wli urn ojg 5 s2oh pajBJtqapo aqj aoi saSv dios osre aib I aavax AvanoH saxoKYia axv 'saooo H3A1IS 9SHH31S W QIOD QllOS jo iog aqj aaraiBia pu y J.Y 11VO OX aaiiAMi an? noi E. BAIRD. J.. B. BAIRD. Baird and Brother. Leaders in Family Groceries. The Best gTadeaat lowest prices. Every thing a family wants kept.. Country Produce and Good Butter specialties. Give us a call Will sell in quantities to suit purchasers. octl0-6m Jesse K. Starnes Undertaker -AND Arterial - Embalmer, . Office : No. 27 Nortli -Main St., ASHEVILLE, N. C. All calls promptly answered day or night. Nov. 28, 1 y. HOW TO SECURE A Good Tin Roof. Send to N. & G. Tayijob Co., for a copy of their book on ROOFING TIN. "5,000 Refer ences, and 60 Million Spuare Feet Used With out a Single Complaint," is its abbreviated title. It gives full particulars about rooffln tin, paint, felt, etc., and how to protect your self against the use of inferior materials. It is a book of some 250 pages, profusely illus trated: N. & G. Taylor Co. are the originator of the O 0 Taylor "OLD STYLE" Brand Extra Heavy Coated Eoofing Tin 6 o This fine, old brand of tin, has been found to be just as good after forty years wear as when first put on. Samples and "book mailed free. , N. & G. TAYLOR CO. Established 1810 80th year. Chicago. Philadelphia. Liverpool. PAINT! Paint! Paint! SPECIAL PALM AND WALL PAPER HOUSE. The largest stock ever offered in Asheville. We carry a well assorted stock ot Mixed Paints, White Lead Oils and Turpentine. The best make.of Varnishes and Hard Oils. noon and mmm mwm, Hard enamel paints. Best thing out. Col ors in oil from one to twenty-five pound cans. Venetian Red, Yellow Ochre. Umber, Sienna Vennillion, lied Lead. Uultamarine Blue and Tuscan Red. THE FAMOUS BRICK RED. WINDOW GLASS AND PUTTY. ALABASTINE, A Beautiful Wall Finish. Wall Paper AND Decorations. We have In stock 7.000 rolls of Wall Paper which we will sell cheap to make room for our large stock just ordered for Fall and Spring trade. House Painting and Decorating a Specialty Paints mixed to order. Call on FITZPATRICK BROS. &R0BERTS0N. NO. 30 NORTH MAIN 8T. ASHEVILLE. N. O urn Ml