To the People. We wish weekly information from every tection of Western North Carolina and East Tennessee, of any or all manufactur ing or mining enterprises establwied, or im provements to those existing, improvements . 1 ... It7 ...... ij 17 agricultural, especially resuus oj new ex periments in agriculture in this section; of sclwois, churches. Alliance and other oi'ders or associations for tfte good and up-buildtng of trie people. Send-us slutrt, plain state merits, as often as may be. THE DEMO CRA T desires to be tlie medium of an nouncing to tlie world the. improvements in the social and material development of this tectum. TO THE PUBLIC. i We send this issue of TEE DEMO CRA T to a number of persons whose names lave not been entered upon our books as regular subscribers. Those who desire it continued to-be sent them, are requested to notify us AT OA CE in person, or by pos tal. We trust every person wlto sees it will subscribe. We want ten thousand subscri bers by January next, and ought to have them. Cash in advance for all subscriptions. FUEMAN & VANCE, PublisJters. WE WANT. NAMES. We want names of friends, or others weciallu in tlie North and Northwest, to wJoom to send specinien copies of THE ASIIEVILLE DEMOCRAT. Parties wishing information of this section should 'receive THE DEMOCRAT. Let us have them. TEN THOUSAND BY JANUARY. i ' We icant ten thousand subscribers to THE ASIIEVILLE DEMOCRAT by January next. Let us Itave them. Call on us or, scud yonr names, with the cash. To Our Readers. Since the first issu of The Democrat over five months aero it has been sent regularly to upward, .of 1500 persons A fair proportion of these . have either i paid i their subcriptibns or given their personal assurance that they desired the paper and would pay for it at an early day. Others who did not wish the pa- per have very properly returned it to the postmaster whose duty it is to in form the proprietors of its refusal., Of inose wno continue to receive me paper and have not paid or personally inti mated to us their intention to pay, we would respectfully ask that they either discontinue the paper by returning it to the postmaster; intimate to us their de i fire for its continuance by remittance of the whole or part of or if not prepared let us know if thev their subscription; o pay immediately, desire it continued till they are able to pay. The law and i ... the custom is that those who regularly receive a paper at the postofliee become liable as subscribers, but we are not dis posed to insist upon this "against 'any of those who have so received our paper np to this time and Avho were not thor- ' - i oughly aware of this custom and ac quiescing therein while they so received it As it is impossible foj us to see all our readers personally we ask that thay will promptly respond to this appeal in one of the ways indicated. Remittance may bej made by registered letter, postal order, pdstal note or stamps For The Democrat. Progress in Mitchell County. Bakeksvtlle, jS". C, April 2, '90. Editors Democrat: If a man has one drop of enterprise in Iris veins he will be delighted to read of t le progress of your Asheville papers. mountain city in the One help to your progress is favorable location; but the real bottom of it is the genial, enterprising, goaheaditive char acter of its people. But with all of these nothing could be accomplished without the progressive newspaper; j add to these the j welcome given to! northern people as visitors or settlers. jOld fogyism died that Asheyille might live. Any commu nity will die of the dry rot that has a few selfish old j fogies anjd. ignorant people andj no newspaper; such a people will not turA theinhand to aid any enterprise. The boqmthey hear in the distance is but a falling tree. They are afraid of taies, cannot afford to take newspapers. .What a blessing to a people if old fogy ism would have the nightmare and die with it. One enterprising man alighted down here among the mountains from Boston. While we were getting up, taking off our night cap and nibbing our eyes he had put a dam acrosstToe river, put in 150 horse power new turbine wheel, had a good sized boarding house built, and complete wood machine factory for cutting out shuttle blbck, sawing shin gles, lumber and parinelling. While we were combiner our hair and washing our faces he had been to Boston, had the "grip," bought an engine and all the fixtures for a large dye house. Before we get our hands out of our pockets with a, "chaw" of tobacco, he will have a $25,000 enterprise in succesful opera tioii. The Magnetic Steel and Iron Company propose to run a railroad from their mines to connect with the Three C's. We hoqe to Teport more progress in the near future. S. WORTHEN. What are you paying for your flour ? The roller! king flour, the best on earth, can be had at most any grocers for $6.00 per barrel. Relief Work. The work of lelieving the needs of the tornado victims at Louisville, Ky., pro gresses very satisfactorily. The con tributions continue to come in with grat ifying liberality and these are being sys- tematipally applied. Notwithstanding the unfavorable weather, considerable is being done toward restoring order in the devastated district, and on Main street a! few of the firms are about ready to resume business, j The work of removing the debris from Falls City hall has been abandoned. There are probably no other bodies! in the ruins. A dispatch from Glasgow, Ky., says the news just receiv ed from the lower part of Barren and Allen counties is that the tornado did immense damage in that section for 10 miles ieyond Barren river, its track ex teuding in width from 500 yards in some places to a half mile in others. It seems to have hugged the ground closely and did not leave a house or tree standing in its course. Information from southern Illinois and Kentucky is to the effect that ldi families in the Bay bottoms near Golconda, 111., where rendered homeless and most of their members injured. The storm swept growing wheat from the Ground. I en dwellings were biownj over to the other side of At Henderson, Ky., the Ohio River it is estimated that over 40 persons were killed or fatally injured in that vic inity and twice as many more wounded. A dispatch from Fayetteville, Tenn., gives the following authentic account of the ravages of the cyclone there : The lbss will aggregate $250,000. Milton college, all the churches and 200 houses are in jruins and the people are homeless, destitute and suffering. Baltimore Sun -.. J : . Northern Society at Atlanta. Atiiantv, GaI, April 4. A hundred Northern-born citizens met at the Cham- her o Commerce today and took pre liminary steps foi the organization of a Northern society. The objects of the club, as set forth in the resolution adopt ed, are to have headquarters where the members can meet and invite friends. Aside from social results the organiza tion wrill speak volumes to friends in the North in regard to life in Georgia and the South, and will do more toward emphasizing our freedom and happiness than all our efforts as individuals could accomplish, l he numerical strength will prove to the scattered friends all over tie Union that there are unrivaled advantages in living in the Empire State of the South. A committee was appointed to draw up a constitution and by-laws, anil the meeting adjourned for one week. Great enthusiasm was shown by all the North ern men. and they confidently expect to do great work for the South. A Remarkable Step for Even Republic j j cans to Dare Take. Washington, April 5. By a party vote of 7 to 5, the House Committee on Election of President and Vice-President, and Representatives in Congress, ! oday j authorized a favorable report I with amendments, on the McComas bill; to prevent the gerrymandering of Con- j geesssOnal districts: The bill also pro-1 vides that Representatives to the fifty second Congress, shall be elected from districts composed of the same territorv' Hi ' 1 J 1 and having the same burdens as those from which Representatives in the fifty- first Congress were elected. The jminority will; submit a report in opposition to the bill. - To Work on Vanderbilt's Property. From the Statesville Landmark we clip thfe following: Mr. U. C. Lipe, of this place, who has chanrd of the preliminarv i, . j 1- work on Mr. Vanderbilt's nlacifi npfr A:shevllle, was here Monday gathefng up hands to do rough carpenter work. He 'wanted 25 andj got the following named : I A. M. Witherspoon, F. A. Shuford, A. CjMcHargue, F. H. Moore, Gus. Fry, Thos. H. Lazenbv, Alf. Lazenbv. T. S. ipe, H. P. Lipe, M. F. Marshall, R. S. Brawllv, W. A. Brawlev. Gus. Math tester Milholland,t Walter Culbreth, R, . Craig, Sam Craig and Jno. Sikes. He expected to gather up squads also at Newton and Hickory on his return. The wages are $1.25; to $1.50 per day, Messrs. Gilbert, Taylor & Co., of Elm- wpod, j are furnishing Mr. Vanderbilt a good deal of lumber for his Asheville improvements. I Helping Themselves. A number of the leading business 1, men arid capitalists j of Asheville, N. C, appre(ating the great possibilities of that beautiful mountain region, have organised and secured a charter to build railroads in any direction they desire C 1 radiating from Asheville, the object being to make them at first local roads, with the view ultimately of making them parts of trunk lines. In pursuance of this! scheme the county commissioners have been asked to! order an elpotinn trt vote o 1 an appropriation of $400,000 in bonds, $100,000 each for four roads run ning f om Asheville to the county line in fou directions. Baltimore Sun. i Democratic Gains in the West. iHeaty Democratic gains have been made in Cincinnati, Detroit, Columbus, Toledo, Ft. Wayne and Indianapolis. In the latter city, the home of the President, the entire democratic ticket was elected. Hair Brushes. Pelh,am, the Patton avenue druereist. has jdst received the largest and best stock of hair, tooth, coat and flesh brushes ever seen in; Asheville. RAILROAD NEWS. The East Tenn. Va. & Georgia rail way has bought the Erlanger system 1200 miles. The price paid is 5,500,000 j Mr. J. W. Fry has been promoted to the position of general manager of the Cape Fiear and Yadkin Valley railway It is reported that through ! passenger cars will be run f rom Morristown, Tenn. to Wilmington, this summer, via the Western; N. C. railroad and j the Cape Fear & j Yadkin Valley. Wilmington Star. j i : A canvassing committee is actively at work on the line of the Fayetteville and Albemarle railway soliciting sub scriptions of money, material, labor and rights of way. Its success is so marked that it is certain the road will be built The engineer corps of the Lyncnburg and Durham railway have been at work south of iDurham surveying a proposed extension oi the road. The! objective point is not known, but the! road wil traverse the iron Chatham county. and coal deposits of An engineering party is now survey ing a route for the; Southern and West em railway from Grandmother Gap to Cranberry, where! it will reach the fa mous iron mines, j This is the railroad which, as proposed, is to run from She! by to Cranberry. : . j . : i ; It is probable that Oxford will soon be connected with the Seaboard Air Line through the Durham & (Northern. The committee appointed by the citizens iof Oxford have been to this city and conferred with Maj. J. C. Winder con eerning a brach of the Durham & North ern to Oxford. Nothing definite was arrived at. Maj. Winder took the state ment of the citizens, and will refer the matter to President Robinson. The lat ter will probably make his decision one way or the other in the course of the next week. Raleigh News-Observer ! Railroad progress in North Carolina has been recently marked by another achievement. The road from Scotland Neck has reached Greenville, having crossed the completed bridge over Tar river. The grading on the same line has been finished to Kinston on the Atlantic and North Carolina road, and will event ually be extended to Wilmington. This new route is the enterprise of the Wil mington and Weldon Railroad Company It is roughly paralled with the main stem the termini being the same ; but it bears ft'. .j I ! farther towards the East, passing through towns and territory remote j from j the Other, giving them facilities denied be fore, and opening to the company a new and rich mine of business. The work of development in this State goes pravely on. Citizen. 'j! Distmguisned Visitors in Murphy. Messrs. Abram S. Hewitt, Hon. Jno. C. Calhoun, H. C. Clement, of Chicago, president of : the Georgia Marble Com pany under the escort of Mr. Geol R. Eager, general manager of the Marietta and North Georgia and Knoxville South ern railways, visited' Murphy on Thurs day last and riding up Valley River in spected the marble; and mineral riches of that section. i j Fine Tobacco Seed. If you want a good crop of bright leaf toDacco go to remain's, 524 ratton ave., opposite; Grand Central, and buy Lan ireth's fresh tobacco seeds Plant good seed and get the best by uLijing utmuietii garuen anu neiu seea. Landreth is the only Wan who burns all old seed, bold by W. E. Pelham, 24 i-atton avenue, opposite Grand Central Hotel. I ' We offer one dollar reward to any one who will show us a sack of poor Roller King or Electric Light Flour. Buy The Asheville Milling Co.'s Flour and you are sure bf getting the best. mar6-tf ; (WANTED. ; A trustworthy young- man; with fair busi ness experience, who can work 8 hours per day. Wages $2.00 to $2.50 per day. Address CHAS. L. BADGER. j - Room No. 7 McAfee Building, aprl0-5tj - Asheville, N. C. ! I NOTICE. u ( ' -i. I!.--- By virtue of a deed of trust executed to me by J. T. iWarren, Albertina Warren, L. B. VY arren and W. P. Warren, to secure the pav ment of certain notes therein mentioned, sa4d trust being dated the 21st day of April. 1887, and registered in the office of the Register of Deeds of i Buncombe County, in Book No. 19, at page - , I will sell at the Court House door in Asheville, on the j j 1 THIRD (3d) DAY OF MAY, 1890, the tract i of land mentioned therein, situate on the waters of the Stony Fork of South Hominy, joining the lands of the Daniel Da vis' heirs and others, and containing 90 acres more or less. J. W. HOWELL, Trustee. I LAND SALE. it i . , i . By virtue of a power of sale, contained in a deed of trust executed by T. S. Britton and his wife Laura A. Britton. on the 17th day of Feb ruary, A. D. 1883. and duly l registered in the office of Register of Deeds of Buncombe county, North Carolina in book No. 4 of Mort gages on pages 51 &o. the undersigned, as trustee, will sell for cash to the highest bidder at me court nouse aoor in the city of Ashe ville on Monday, the 12th day of May. A. D. f860, the following described tracts of land as described in said deed of trust, to-wit: Three fourths interest in and to a tract of land, situ ate, lying and being in the county of Bun combe, State of North Carolina, on the waters of Hominy Creek, adjoining the lands of Hen ry Alexander, Dr. D. M. Gudger and others, containing 27 acres, more or less, and more particularly described in said trust deed; also a one-fourth interest in fee simple in a tract of land, situate, lying and being in the county of Buncombe and State of North Carolina, on the waters of Hominy Creek, adjoining the lands of Silas Morgan, Rowley Penland. Henry Cagle and others, and known as the "Baldwin" tract oijand: containing 1500 acres more or less, and more particularly described in said deed of trust4n order to satisfy the debts and all accrued interest, costs and expenses as therein secured in said deed of trust. : This April 7th, A. D. 1890. I 8. H. EEED, Trustee. BOARDING.' At No. 77 Charlotte Street, On Street Car Line. Large, pleasant house and grounds ; fine location ; and neighborhood; excellent table and cooking ; everything clean and comfortable ;j first-class in every respect. 31Kb. VY . b. V AJN ZAJND T. Limited Partnership Notice. Notice is hereby given that John Martin, of Asheville. N. C. and Messrs. Metier, Ziegler & Fanz, of Knoxville, Tenn., have formed a limited partnership under the name oi John Martin & Co. I j ! That the principal place of business is to be Asheville, North Carolina, That the nature ot . the business to be tran sacted is buying and selling, by wholesale and retail, fresh meats and provisions, and such other articles j as are usually incident to this kind of trade. I I , i i That the names of the general and special partners are as follows: John Martin, who resides at Asheville. North Carolina, general partner, and iMetler, Ziegler and Fanz, of Knoxville. Tennessee, special partners. Partnership begins February 1, 1890, and ex pires February the 1st, 1895. That the special partner has contributed in actual cash the sum of twenty-five hundred dollars. i i Certificate recorded in the Register of Deeds Urhce ot Buncombe County, N. C. This March 14th, 1890. I ! JOHN! MARTIN, METIER, ZIEGLER & FANZ. mr20-6w I I I - Intelligence, :: Employment -AND. Real Estate Office. CALL AND SEE US If you want Information of any kind ; If vou want toi Employ HelD of any kind : i If you want good Board at from $4 to $8 per week : i , . If you want toi Rent or Let a House or Rooms, Sell or Purchase Real Estate. If you take up any Stray Animal, or lose any, Register it here. ii - i i i : Office No. 16 Hendry Block TJp-Stairs, Next Door to Post Office. H. C. HUNT, mr.30,90-tf J. H. McCONNELL. THOS. Pi HAMILTON & CO., FAMILY GROCERS, ! i . ! ' i Big 22, Patton Avenue, i ABE NOW OFFERING PEESH HALBEKT, YABM0UTH BLOATERS, SCOTIA HERBING, I : . i COD PISH I ! BONELESS HERBING, -j ! PIGS PEET, And all first-class goods usually kept in a First-Class Family Grocery. LAST NOTICE. Large Sto k of Clothing AT COST. We give our friends and customers notice i I I i that we are now closing out our entire i stock, s ' I i ! I ! consisting of aj very large stock of Clothing, Hats, Gents1 F arnishings and valises at cost. ' i ! ; i - ; We are anxious to close out the entire stock by the first of May, Hereafter we shall confine ourselves strictly to wholesale business, i All Alliance Clubs in! Western North Carolina calling on us as we will will save money by sell them goods AT COST. S. 1:1AIM A!N N0. 10 Patton Avenue, Asheville, N. 0. We are making some Great actions in order to clear for our SPRIKG GOODS, Which are arriving daily. We have Something Pretty to show you. We; have bought a large siock or goods, paid the cash for them, ana can sen tnem low down. Kemember, Dry IM, ta and Hals Three Lines which are First-Class. ! We make . i .-)!; A SPECIALTY ! - I i i i ! of j Jobbing Coate's, Clark's and Kerr's pool; Cotton t Factory Prices. : tic Bros. Wright Bos NO. II N. court place; mm Exists in the mountains of North Carolina, and is now being rapidly developed. To meet the demands of those owning Mineral Proper ties, we have made arrangements with Pierre de P. Ricketts, and John N. Banks Metallur gists, Chemists and Mining Engineers, of ISew York City, to sample, assay and report upon all mining products submitted by us. We believe this arrangement will i be a most advantageous one to those owning1 undevel oped mineral properties, and will be of great assistance in disposing of the same. Prof. Ricketts has charge of the celebrated i '..!.' School of Mines of Columb a College, And has a world-wide reputation. The simple fact that he is interested here will command Samples of minerals will De torwaraeu iur immediatein8pectionas80onas they are sent to our office.! If worth analysis, a moderatee fee will be charged. If worthless, no charge will be made. All analytical charges, mciua mg fold, Siher, Iron, Copper, Tin, Corrundo, Will be given ' Upon application. ! We make lijineral and Timber Lands a specialty. JEMfLS & JEJSTKS, Eeal Estate and; Insurance; Brokers, Rooms 9 and 10 McAfee Block, 30 Patton Aye., Asheville. HAVING; QUALIFIED AS EXECUTOR of Lewis Ingram, deceased late of Bun combe County, N. C, this is to notify all per sons having! claims against the estate of the said deceased, to exhibit them tb the under signed, or tcf Messrs. Moore & Merrick, my at torneys, on or before Jan. 30, 1891, or this no tice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment.1 ! I T. J. CARLAND, Executor of Lewis Ingram, deceased. FIRE INSURANCE AGENCY OF C. T. RAW No. 5 Patton Avenue, ' (Down Stairs.) WEST CHESTEB FIBl! INSUR ANCE Col, MERCHANTS FIRE IN SURANCE CO., KNOXVILLE FIRE INSURANCE CO., AETNA LIPE IN SURANCE CO. ( DETECTIVES. The Pinion Detective. Agency of Ashe ville, N. CJ does a general detective bus iness. Testimony in civil and criminal cases carefully taken. Pursuing: crimi nals, and shadowing employes and other people. No one can j excell i us. Our work has been such in North Carolina that the legislature, recognizing our assis tance to the law i officers in bringing criminals to justice, passed an act in 18 87, to allow the members of this agency to carry concealed weapons any where in the state. For thorough organization we want good men in every, bounty and Railway station in N.i C. j Applicants must be vouched for as to their sober habits by some officer of the i State or some post master. Comunicate with W. H. Deaver -Chief Pinion Detective Agen cy Asheville, N. C . , " j A Just Decision .'''!. '. '' ' -I'. ! " !:' That has been reached by our many customers that we have the; completest stock and sell at the lowest prices. Our Stock of BOOKS IS VERY LARGE AND COMPLETE. Fancy Goods of All Kinds, Especially .in Albums and Writing Desks. ! - ; - I and Dolls, ; . . . j !".'-;.' i : No end to them. The rapidity at which they are going is a proof of their cheapness. Pictures on Easels ! j - - h ; i ' Handsome for the Price. ' Bicycles, Toy Wagons, Drums - and Sleds For the Boys. BUILDING BLOCKS and A, fij C BLOCKS For the Children, j BOY'S POPULAR BOOKS By ! Uncle Law rence, Ker, Alden, Alger, Ellis, Fitts, Etc.); Also Zig-Zag. Journeys. See our Stock and get! prices before you buy. J. N. Morgan & Co. NO, ? BAENAED BLOCK. A for Superb Homes. MAGN IFIOENT PROP Y FOR SALE. ; ER HERE IS YOU K CHANCE . unci iui paic, i li iuus w sun purchasers tnat magnmcent yr&ct i ot land situated near the growing towns of Hendersonle and Flat Rock. Henderson count v- N. c Vnnm ao THE BARRING ; LANDS, Containing two thousand acres. A lare por tion Is snlpndid fni- oj" - A large por on this rtyrn'VofSS5 dffiSJ TW8ite8- surrounded by native in fV, tlviancls are unsurpassed for truck i! ,bafco' rain and the grasses; is well watered by several hii,fnf Sf RSiftSd r,lhe vLUe and SnbuTg Broad Vallel ar-ra nr- itc, lu. tracts oi liworauu now at low jPBiCEs. Apply at once to J. J. OSBORNE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Henderson vllle. N. C ri- tv.o.t, xj-i Toys mm 1879 S. R EEPLEB -DEALER IN Fine Groceries Purveyor to intelligent f and aDDr0f; J.1 1 1 ill- 4 r-M.j nve Asnevuie American 'iamuies t-. ates and tastes of people who believe good living, cannot be numbuggeK Cheap John" goods. Cheap good ; first quality are not synonymous. I w in stock and to arrive. . all spa..,. specialties, comprised in part of fry Figs, Nuts, Etc. Miscellaneous: Choi-' ( IT How Orloanc XT o a a o a -f . , l " 7 , vji lat-' use; Prime New Orleans Molasses f-; cookmg. iJjiXtra line assortment Crackers. (Fine Teas nd Coffees a sr; cialtv. Mince Meats: Gordon & tv? worth's and other brands. Plum Pts dings, Calf s Foot Jelly, etc. PresV and Cstalized Ginger. Shad Roe C is.iio. xtuc iiciiiugs; aiiu an oilier sonable goods. i 53 South Main Street, Asheville, K,( STABI.ISHD 1874. W. 0. Carmichaei Apothecary, I 20 SOUTH MAIN STKEIT ASHEVILLE, N. C. We do not sell cheap Drugs, M will sell you Drugs Cheap, And if you don't believe what We sar five us a trial and be convinced. Osr 'rescripticjn Department is excelled br nonft. Tt. I Annfnncd urifV. v x . that money can buy from El Merck, I, g. Squibb, Parke, Davis & Co., Jno. Wyeth & Bro.. and from othpr leaM v-.j,l,vu ft itii mc ucsl iroon v manuiacturing chemists in this countrj and Europe, whose goods for puritr cannot be questioned. n l 1 1 Bin i i ii n I - , - - mxiu. Day or N?ght, ,and delivered free o! jiiaige to any part oi uie cny. uc. SIOCK OI Drugs Patent Medicines, i And Druggists' Sundries T "I . 1 . s coiuiiieT.e. Rnn ar. nnpfis tnar nptw m petition. Don't forget the place, ' No. 20 South Main St., Where you will at all times be served competent prescriptionists. Spring 1890. . I: No. 19 S. Main St. Opposite Carmichael's Drng Store. Jobbers and Ketailers in , Dry Goods, Shoes, Hats, NOTIONS, 6eIlts, Furnishing boot A SPECIALTY. Would invite special attention to tb? SnriTlC SftfVlr Naur mrta i 1 ,nr-v Cli Mr. Graves, the buyer, having had yea, experience with one of the leadinjr dry go houses North, is enabled to offer inducenie- " ""vocuc uaue ttuu wouia invite , trymerchants to examine his prices ty ' uujriuK. j.ney are agents for Fox HaJi -mestic, the best sold in this market. thousand dmn O xr t1 twelve months. Do not forget the place-? -19 South Main street, Asheville, N.C. ; hi. L. Brown and J. W. Pickens are V the above firm and would be pleased to their many friends. I Asheville Branch ' . North :: Carolifl Building and Loan Association. W. W. ROLLINS, Ppesidext; F- CARRINGTON, Sec'y and Tbe f P. A. CtiMMiNGS, Att'y- ! APPRAISERS : ' '!"'-'. J. R. STARNES, G. L. 3IcD0 Make Loans on Country as as Town Property. A chance for all to get a Home I Vl Tt tttt.T. Local Ag1 GRAVES THRAS inn nnnn XT iitxjvicx vu,,. Jan. 163 m.