I L' "'"'I L! -i ' J ' ;i" '' ''''''' i i--! .; '"-j. ! i " 1r' -.I!-"-. ' ! ' v - - " - j 'r - j';-! ' i ! ! : . !. . , . .j .1 ' . ;: j ..-! :-.-, . j.' ;!-, j :j ' ' ' i "- " j- ' 'I ' . .- ' v .!.''" I " ; .."'! ; I' : -;: !":- 1 1 -." M - i I" ; .' :r'.tr' '-"'-ivf - ' I : -: ''H-'.t r ;l v---r ,.;-.--!' ; . ; '" . r ; -f . : ":: I '; : t - . -j T I 'j . . i .j I:- ::: . -i . . ::-z - . r" ' VO L. 1 . ' ... h ASIIEVILLE, X. 0., TlIUllcSDAY, MAY" 1, 1890. ' ' NO. 30. : r " i I 1 i i i i i '. i T i ' n i t : " i i rh ? r : r r-1 : ti r n i -: i t- r r n ;i r- r" : : 1 III i ' - II i i ,l I I I i i I Federal court next week. M Ml i I t I . . I t -i : 11 . It Looking Backward I Over the past eight years of our i successful business life in Ashe- ville has demonstrated to us the fact that our determination to sell only pure goods, guarantee ing weights and quality, and asking a small profit on every thing sold, commends itself to the good sense of purchasers. Second, That desirable cus- j tomers cannot be gained by the oft-tried practice of some deal ers in cutting prices on a fw leading articles, hoping to mate it up on something else. That hard work and c. ose p ; plication to business is the price of success. 1 Thatj our business fjr 189 I shows an increase over the pre- vious year of 20 per cent. , which is very gratifying, aid for which we wish to thank our many friends in Ashevi Western North Carolina. i Looking Forward le and We are encouraged to enter up on the year before us with re newed energy and a determina tion to give our customers tne facili- benefit of our increased ties for buying and selling tne very finest goods to be had, at small profits. I Our stock is now the ever offered in this market and embraces everything in the line of Staple and Fancy Groceries, Table Delicacies, Fruits, Grain, argest Flour, e tc. rvespecttully; Powell & Snider. i HOLD ON ! j i Here I Am Again. AVitli the best stockof Drv Goods Notipns, Dress Goods," Ginghams, Do mestics, Jeans, Flannels. Blanket, Shoes', Boots; Hats, man- of them bought for Less Than Cost Of Making. iAijent for some of the largest factories in the'South, and can sell home-ma(: e jfinU, all wool filled, for less than yoi c'an ijet them at any store in the Statu. Grahkm's home-made shoes, all! styles, a.s low as can be boitiiht in tlie Statk Everv pair sruarahtppd. II A rjeat many goods Iwere bought at ion, late in season, and hence can be !over than anv other Louse in tlie can olfer them. aucti sold STati store and r see. . Prices mad in the ASHE VILLE DRY GOODS COi, J. O. HOWELL, Mknager IT North Main Street. FIKE INS I RAMIE AGENCY -OF C. Ti jAWliS. ! ' : lh- 5 ?atton Avenue, (D 1 Nation; I 1 Fire Insurance Co. of H-ttoril. C(nn.. I Stairs. Assets. ,443.937.38 T l 'ter Fire Insurance Co., Kn"Xvii!,; F''-Insurance To., 1 !,5t21,70ti.53 270,191.i IntiSgenpeTi: Employmenl CALL AND SEE US want Informat inn flf anr Vin U . . : it you want to Employ Help of any kind : ; " I . Jioara at from $4 to If $8 pet you iake up any .Stray Animal, or lose any Kegister it here. i l ; Office No. 16 Hendry Block tfp-Stairs, Next Door to PoBt Office. r.20'90-tf i - i ii ; J. H. McCONNELL. --ll i Ai company has been formed in Ashe- yille to bore for natural gas ! Some notes on Jackson county, its re sources and industries, are crowded out this week. . Mr. J. Wakefield Cortland, o has j been appointed-a Notary Gov. Fowlei ! this city, Public by Mr. Eugene P. Albea, of Winston, now representing Messrs. "Keenfc Hagerty, of Baltimore, gave us a pleasant, call this "week, Saturday night, near Biltmore, Jim and a felloe traveller named Brad ley, kot into; a difficulty, and I Hall had , !. r l .,.!. . . his scalp almost cut off serious. Whiskey F. A. Mr crat day; in. five Luck, editor of Sylva Demo gave j us a pleasant j Icall Tues Nothing more This is his first visits to the years, and he says tainly has outgrown Kerselt - i i i , I. B. Kay, formerly of connected with the house of Mr Asheville city cer- Leicester, is nOw i E. P. Hinesj Pulliamstreet. where all his want wagons', friends who buggies, far mers machinery, etc;, are invited to call ' J ! - i . The Street improvements made on Mr. Pearson's property on the best yet j made in section, heretofore an eyesore, converted into one of the most business sections of the city. ! Eagle street are this city.- That is being attractive At Jackson court l$stweek the case of State vs. R. W. Noland, of Haywood removed from Haywood, was tried, and Mr. Noland was acquitted of I the charge whereof he i was indicted. Mr. Noland was a very happy man over his victory. Call and see that splendid stock of generai merchandize just received by Graves & Thrash. Mr. Graves says he never selected such a stock before, and the crowds who daily visit his store at test the good taste Mr. G. has exhibited. 1 J' ' ! j ' : i The (Jriminal court is in session this week, udge Moore presiding.! All offi cers are actively at work, No case of public importance iried so iar: this writing, special and no true: bill has, at (Wednesday); been found against the party who killed Harriet Vance. Hon.lR. B.r Vance addressed a large Alliance meeting in Madison county last Friday, and a school in Yancey on Sat urday. He is doing good J work now in the country in the interest of the Alii ance, education, and religion, for he never loses an ; opportunity to address his fellow-men on either subject, The marriage of Mr. Gaston Meares, formerly of Salisbury, now! of New York, and 3 most place church bride' School ston iss Fannie Hunt, one! of Asheville's popular young ladies,1 will take to-night at Trinity Episcopal A reception wi ceremony at the hospitable! is parents in South A Winston gets 1 follow the home of the heville. the Davis; Military We heartily congratulate AVin- and people Her business men went at the matter directly, j put their hands in their pockets, and ; the thing was done. They did not need to be urged the suggestion of this opportunity was enough, and they embraced it. Good for Winston and her people. . jlt is such pluck and enterprise as this which build up communities Tuesday night Hezekiah Luckey went to Emma Smith's castle in South Ashe ville and forced wishes of Emma admittance against the Having gotten in the house he began a difficulty with another woman, whereupon he was ordered out. Afterj leaving he returned, and Emma tried to prevent his again entering the house, whereupon he opened fire with his little pistol, putting five balls through her clothing, one the knee. All parties high taking effect just above We have received from the Rev. A. J. y colored. New Orleans, a report Orleans Sea-Witherspoon Witherspoon, of of thej workings Of the New mens Friends Society. Mr. is superintendent! of the Seamen's Bethel of New Orleans, one of the most success ful institutions of the sort in the United Statesi He will be in Ashevill4 at the meeting this month of the Presbyterian General Assembly. He is of the well know n South Carolina family of With erspoons and lias many friends in North Carolina. Re Sam Jones said in his first ser mon at Charlotte that the first time he ever heard of North Carolina was some years ago when he met an old man driv ing a yoke of oxen to a covered wagon with a half-starved dog following along under the wagOn. He asked him where he was from, I and he replied, "From North Car'lihy, Buncombe county, Tare river." As Tar river is one of the east ern streams of the State and has not yet begjan to run up hill, we fear some Geor gia cracker imposed upon Rev. Sam. A Noted Spring Formally Tnrdwn i Open to the Public. We regretted our inability to be pres ent at a most interesins: meeting which en- vo- Col. lr of occurred last Saturday jevening on the place of Maj. W. E. Breeze on Swan nanoal On this place is a bold spring of excellent water, situated in a beautiful little grove, and quite near the public road. ; This spring is quite! noted,! -s it has slaked the thirst of not only gener ations near j by, but has furnished campments of soldiers of both the re lutionary and the late civil war. John Si Rice, a distinguished soldie the late war, one of nature's nobleineu, whoselevery thought is for the good of his fellow men, suggested to Maj. Breese the propriety of having the ! spring prop erty enclosed, ; surroundings beautified, and comfortably arranged for public use, and consent being gladly givenj Col. R. proceeded to do his work with a de gree of skill and taste which stamp iim an artist of real merit. P The approach to the spring is through a semi-circular embrasure built of jsolid masonry in which is set an - armo rial shield of Italian marble, Vith an en graved cup at its crest, encircled ty a iy. jxiija, me uignesi court oi me fresDy- terian Church, will convene in'Ajsheville on May 15. It from Maryland Florida to! will bring both ministers honorably! the South a-? I.I Missouri and from and it t represents to Texa$ and Arkansas to Ashevillej culture and the piety of Church. A Novel Lecture to be Given! Tues 'day Evening, May 6 r i i i l M The rooms of the Young .Men's Chris- a body pf men, and laymen, that wdll represent th4 intelligence, the the Presbyterian 'A Cup of Mr. ng. wreath on which is etched Cold Water' t 'i Beneath the crest is engraved these lines, which in epitome set forth; Rice's salient virtues: ! i i i Kein up, ye thirsty passer-by As you are now, so once was I ; Stop short, alight, you are not the first I Who at this spring has quenched his thirst; Gird up your loins, drink once, drink twice; ! Pass on and think of John 8. Rice For thirsty man he built this spring; ! And then for Heaven did plume his w He asks no thanks; his life's long span j Proves that he loved his fellow-man. 11 i , . On Saturday evening thej springj was formally thrown open to the public and a large gathering of f riendsj of Col. Rice from this city as well as the surrounding locality gathered to witness the inter-! esting ceremony. Cl- Rice was gor geously attired in a regimental suit ing a combination of Federal and Con federate! uniforms, and Ms bearing quite majestic as he stood .beneath flags of the United States, and of North and South Carolina. Maj. Breese, as host, opened the pro ceedings with few well chosen words, formally tendered the spring to jhis; neighbors and the public ciristening it' "Rice's fepring." j J Hon. C. M. McLoud followed in a kap pyj style, referring specially !to the many and conspicuous virtues of his life-ong friend Col. Rice. The Colonel was then introduced, and addressed the assembly, and lit can truly be said his effort was the greatest ofj his life. It was historical, poetical, and just such a speech as can come directly from the heart oi' a good man, to go straight to the hearts of his hearers. This the did was j The assembly jwill meet in the First Presbyterian church and , the lecture room, vestry, cjass-roops, etc., will be used as committee rooms, while the fMethodist ichurch oppos ite and the large office buildings near by will fu rnish ad ditional rooms1. The Opening sermon will be preached on Thursday! y IS,, at 11 a!, m., by Rev. KaG'. Hill, D. D., of this State, who was Moderator last year at Chattanoogn, and after this the new Moderator! will be chosen. Any one of the 170 commis- speech and the good spring water effectually. The only objection to his very appropriate address wTas it was too short. The shades of night were falling fast, and though Col. R. said he could, like the limpid waters which now so free ly, ;"gd on forever," he felt constrained to close, i : j ..!,." I The ceremonies closed with an earnest bienediction by Rev. D. B. Nelson I "Rice's Spring" will be one of the at tractions of Asheville. u An Elegant Improvement. ;- i'f; 1 i j . '! The Democrat has alluded to the new ! building to bfe erected by Hon. T. D. Johnston on the site of the Col. Pul liami residence, South Main! street. It will! be a double building, two stories high, and running back the extent of the lotJ Mr. Straus, the popular restau rateur, has; leased the entire building, and I when completed will conduct his restaurant therein. The building will be arranged and equipped throughout especially for the use to which it is to be put, modeled after the very best in any city, and Mr. Straus' reputation guarantees jthat he will afford Asheville a restaurant equal to that any city can boast. Pending the erection of this new Mr. '8 Straus will occupy the building Woddfin building on North Main street. One Colored Man Shoots Another Charles Walker owed George Gibson $1.25. They met at Biltmore Saturday, and payment was demanded, it having! been i promised that day. Walker told Gibson he could not then pay him, and after some words Gibson got possession of Wafer's watch and revolver and them. Walker then walked off,1 his arti- kept but ! soon returning demanded clesi and, Gibson claims, advanced upon him ! in such a threatening manner that i i- iii- he thought he was going to assault him with !a pistol, whereupon he fired, shoot ing Walker through the stomach. He is in a very precarious condition, and it Is thought will certainly die. Gibson was c? arrested and put in jail. 1 ! L sioners is eligible for this office i i . i Presbyterian church recognizes ! ing elder as of equal authority in church courts with the ministers The i .i i i i i . i tees will be appointed on Friday ing and the assembly will not begin its committees are for the the rul- Commn- l morn- session work ; ii ready to report. i i I ! ways attract: so much arise only ks the subjects by the committee, and therefore there is no telling when arise. Among the 1 these The debates which a attention wi i i ii are ! brought in a brilliant debate wi questions likely to arise are those relating to "Societies! jWithin and Without tlie! Church,'' the obligation upon Christians of to-day of the law of the tithe, the proposed directoryj" of wor ship. Thej question of creed revision, si prominent !in the North will not jbe likely to arise here, and the question of with the Northern assembly is pected to be taken up at this time We are gratified to learn that the per sonnel of this assembly is of a vejry high order. Some of the most distinguished orators of the Presbyterian church will be present and among thej elders, jjudges, doctors, lawyers1, merchants, etc., are numerous, reunion not ex- is The committee of arrangements hard at work assigning the commission It is a people ers to the homes of our citizens i i .i - i very gratifying fact mat our without regard to sect are offering! homes to these visitors and are aiding tlie com- . i i . j ! I ' mittee every way in their power. It is an occasion that will call out the hospitality of Asheville, and! we are glad that she is making ready ! to dis ; herself. to learn inguish ! Marriages. ! Mr. Milton Harding and Miss E. Templeton were married in this city last week, Rev. Dr. G. C. Rankin offici ating. Mr. R. L ;!. most promising was marrie Mamie Graham, one of Asheville's business young men, d in Caswell Co., on Wednes day of last week, to Miss Louisa Wil liamson, daughter of Col. Geo liamson, of Wi GasAyell, and neice e Wil- of CoL liamson. of this city. In this c ty, on Thursday, 17th of Havana, j Illinois. Democrat please cop)r.) bit., at the! residence of; the bride's brother, J A. MarquaMt, Esq., Rev. Dr. W. A. Nel son officiating, Mr. Logan Smith, of Asheville, and Miss Emma Marquardt, (Havana, 111., Meeting. the President A Called Alliance i , i . We are authorised by and Secretary to state that there vill be a! call meeting of the Bunjcombe County Court House, Farmers' Alliance, in the on Friday, May 16th, to consider several important business matters, especially the work ofl under way the committees on getting the work of holding a fair this fall, and preparing to give the State delegates a 'grand reception at the an nual meeting in August. The manufac turing, business with the State Alliance and other important matters will be con sidered. A not only of full attendance is desired, ; : delegates but committees. Notice to Confederate Veterans. to attend the Rich prox. erson countv All veterans are invited unveiling of! the Lee Monument at mbnd, Va., on the 29th of May arid all veterans of Henderson desiring and expecting to attend said occasion will please report at ohce to either of the undersignedj so that the names and number may be reported to headquarters. It is hoped that railroad . . - ! i fare! will be redueed to one cent a mile. J. Spann, Com'r Co. Vet. Ji J. Osborne, Sec. Co. Ass'n. Let Asheville Do Likewise. ii n - ii n , i W. Va., owns its own gas furnishes gas at 75 cents per ing and dis 1,000 The cost of mi Wheeling works and 1,000 feet. tributing the j gas is 35 cents per feet, and out of the profits of the. busi ness the city lights all the streets and public buildings, and turns $27,000 into the treasury annually. Y. M. C. A. NOTES. tian Association are very cool visited much and at- during have ordered tractive; and are! both day and evening The board of directors the enlargement of the bathing facilities which involves the addition pf one bath tub and enlarged heater and tank. so that three times as much water can be! heated as at present. j ine religious meetings are esting. i" . j; . The meeting on; Thursday of this wee at 8 p. m.! will be on a missionary topic - . . - : , A -Hi and! will be addressed by tIrJ ; - . ger. .; y The singing at the meeting ig hearty and very inter- H. A. Gud- Sunday afternoon pleasant, and the interest in the Evangelical Bible ; study is growing. The subject for next Sun day will be "Great Faith-and in a Hea then." Luke vii: 1-10. The meeting will be held at 4.30 p. m., and all young men will be welcomed at this as well as at the Thursday night meeting, r I i j Tne Bible study for both .1 - i 'I ! I gentlemen, which is conducted by Rev. W. J. Erdman each Saturday is found helpful to those , who attend The sub ject is the Sunday school lesson of the following: dav. Although it is narticu- 1 ; j '' H i " larly helpful to'sSunday school teachers it is also interesting to all others A Bible training class workers was organized ladies and night and will meet for an Thursday! at 9 p. m. j Mr. senjjthe general secretary, H class. -! ' ! .'1 A; novel lecture will be foj Christian ast Thursday hour each P. Ander- will lead, the ven in the Lecture Hall of the Association Tuesday, May 6th, on "Russia and its Government lecture will as told by a Russian.'' j The be given by Mr. P. A. Demens, who was a Governor of one of the incs, and left his country Russian prov- oil the acces sion of the present Czar because ! of his love of liberty. All are invited to at tend! the lecture which wiH be free. Mrs. GJ W. Pack has presented, the Y M. C. A., with a fine Chickering i piano which will be used in tl e i ecture hall. W e are! regret io hear The County Superintendent of Pub- lie Instruction. r .if- l.l informed, and it, that Hon. J. Wj. Starnes, 'ho has for several years been the earnest and influ ential Superintendent of Sphjbols for this county, has determine ! to jretire at "the expiration of his! pre sent tferm. i Prof H. Ii. King, we have been informed, will be ai candidate for the position. Prof . King has had longjexperiencl as a teach er, ana nas oeen one or tne mpst success ful as well as popular teaclers in the i- I . ! - I I i couqty, .earnest, faithful and attentive officer who will;; be! eminently, satisfactory . to our ill be! called J. S. Grant, Ph. a. (Of the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy.) Apothecary, 24 South Mailt St. BiU Nye, who ?uu tod La Grippe, sends Vie following io Grand Pharmacy: "Little grains of quiniru,, Little drinks of rye, Make La Grippe thafs got you Drop its hold and fly. This may quickly help you, If you'll only try ; .But don't forget the quinine When you take the rye." Remember the moral contained in the last two lines that is don't forget to get the qui- , nine, and get it at Grant's Pharmacy. If your prescriptions are prepared at Grant's Pharmacy you can positively de- " pend upon these facts: First, that-only the purest and best drugs and chemicals will be used; second, they will be compounded care fully and accurately by an experienced Pre- scriptionist, and third,, you will not be charSed an exhorbitant price. You will re ceive the best goods at a very reasonable profit) Don't forget the place Grant's Pharmacy t 24 South Main street. Prescriptions filled at all hours, night or day, and delivered free of charge to any part of the city. The night bell will be answered Promptly. Grant's Pharmacy, 24 South Main street. . At Grant 's Pharmacy you can buy any Patent Medicine at the lowest price quoted by any other drug house in the city. Wi are determined to sell a low as the lowest. We will sell all Patent Medicines at first cost, and below that if necessary, to meet the price of any competitor. We have the largest assortment of Chamois Skins in Asheville. Over 200 skins, all sizes, at the lowest prices. We are ogents for Humphrey's Homceo- pathetic Medicines. A full supplyt of hi goods alwags on hand. Use Buncombe Liver IHUs, the best in the world ffr liver complaint, indigestion, etc. A thoroughly reliable remedy for alT blood diseases is Buncombe SarsapariUa, Try a bottle and you will lake no oilier. J. S. GRANT, Ph. G., Pharmacist, 24 S. Main St. Asheville, N. C. people and the interests he upon fo serve. i Parricide in Sampson County 1! Edwin 2jr. Butler, a welr-kn w pvn citizen county, was shot Tired of Fulling Chestnuts The colored pepple o; agitating the matter 0f meeting some time in April last! hitler, has the 'crime Star; from ses to tel of Clinton, Sampson; from ambush on. the ; 12th o Since then his son,-A very confessed that he committed A special to the Wil mi agtbn Clinton I saf-s that : Avery refu why he killed his father, 6r-whether he had an accomplice!; but significantly re marked, that .people will be surprise when the story is told on the witness stand. Tlie boy's! attorney (waived an examination, and thej lad was lodged in jail. out of the this vicinitv are holding a mass May, similar to those recently held at other points in the State, for the purpose o party. Unc denouncing the e Aleck; Carson to be engineering the move the republicans lhave; been republican who seems ment, says using the negroes' hand nuts out of the fire long ville Landmark. His Customers Paid f This infernal dusti s to pull chest enough. States for the Dust. ..I-;';- nuisance; must a i - ! Asheville has in prospects he said! to an dodged into the roll by damage you a great deal," Asheville grocer, as he door to let !a great clour: " On, no, sir. Anytmng. added to maple sugar, prunes, evaporated apple etc.. is paid for by the; public at so much per pound. I am not doing any kick ing." the sensa tion of a prize fight somewhere in its vi cinity. The principles are!; Harry Col lins of Asheville, who some issued a J general defiarjee light weights for $500 a side Layton ofj Spartanburg has; accepted and the fight, it is said, near Asheville at an ear time since to; Southern "Professor' is I to come off J day W. A. BLAIE. J. V. BK0WN. Furniture AND Undertaking. k 32 Fatten tat. Mcifef Block, Opposite Blair's Old Man! We are now ready, and in vite our friends and the public generally to call and examine our well selected stock of u Furniture, Which, we are offering at Rock-Bottom Prices. U:Je.:tl:::? A fecial Feature, Calls Attended Day or Night. Telephone, Day 75, Kisht 65 Blair & Brown. i i

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