ASHEVILLE, X. C, T HUES DAY, JULY 31, 1890. XO. 43. Backward the past eight years of our " 'i tmsiness life in Ashe- 55i u i.e Aem on st rated to us the that our -determination to 1 OnlV pur ua) uaiauuro- T heights and quality, -and jugapmall profit onevery- - .1 frimmprirls isftlf tr ting- - r li mi Tnivnooflia - rrvi i J Z VI. vcond. max.. aesirauie cub- rs cannot be gained by the. -tried practice of some leal- -: -.nttinP1 nrices on a few S 1U v O ir- - , ading articles, hoping to make Up0n something else. That bard work and close ap- ication to business is the price 'success. That our business for 1-889 an increase over the pre- hOllS year 01 -u per win., wmuii i.-;x: -f f; very grainy mg, auu iui UiVh we wish to thank our Hnv friends in Asheville and jTestern North Carolina. ji If Local Briefs Owing to sickness Judge 31 dore was unable to open the Criminal Court for this county on 31 onday. Survivors of Co. I, 25th Regi ment, "N. C. &. T., C. S. A. The fall term of the Superior Court Itwasa ad though -refreshing occa- or this (112th) circuit began at Marshall wiach brought together on the 21st, 31 onday, Judge Phillips presiding. 3d and 23d insts. jw jrvany of the etrrvi- rr o.,. , , ' ' tots of Company 1, 15th "Regiment 7s. C. The Texas Sittings of last -week .con- Lc . ; tains portrait of Cant. M. E. Carter, of f . - i,.,ut, us uciico ui jcaiuuK ;, tioo -t Southern men. ;h0 was at Hominy churcX this bounty. On that 22d Jury, Some thief broke into the '-depot -at 29 years ago, $6 .good nd true .men, in .Hominy -a few nights ago, and then into 4 H the flush and 'rigor of rmahhood, en the money drawer, but .got .nothing. . Jolled themselves. .All -were neighbors Agent Luther is too .smart for that, of that amniediate locality. A line of 31i. E. E. Perry, representing the w ell known Savanna nusir. house .of Tnri , .m. . . . .. J J .- entlv in Asheville. See his Arti. c""Bt",c"T WB iiceu ii " i j j j . ment in this issue. J-, nu,errsnanpesf .patuellag of th Xmted States .Army J he -Knoxville Journal .says : "3Ir. .LcaptuTed hynneniber et this -companr Zd. Rumbough left last -week for Ashe- Wring the -war, -with -musicians ender- Tille, N. C, where he will into thejing the -same -aiT which was played when general -commission business. His many the company left for the war 'The "Girl 1 friends regret his -departure.' .Andiosts 1 1 Xeft Behind 3e" marched to -a stani oi inenas xn this -city -and section will. ear the church. .At 3east 1200orloQ0 "welcome him here. ' IrveoDle-of the -eountv. .some f rom -adHoin- w jr ! I ; ' T T The Knoxville Journal savs, "3isses mg counties, vere present, saving t -I J 1 . -1 m i Fannie Patton and Dalsv Goodwin, ac- nvea l Tue Wina' Prcr was onerea ly 1 , r Looking Forward Keare encouraged to enter up a the year before us with re :ewed energy and a determina- ion to give our customers the jenefit of our increased facih- ies for buying arid selling the very finest goods to be had, at sail profits. Our stock is now the largest pr offered in this market and traces everything in the line i Staple and Fancy Groceries, IaAe Delicacies, Fruits, Grain, Flour, etc. Respectfully, Powell & Snider. HOLD ON! Here I Am Again. With the best stock of Dry Goods Motions DrHi's Goods. Gine-hams. Do- astics. Jeans, Flannels.jBlankets, Shoes Boots, Hats, many of them bought for Less Than Cost Of Making. Actfnt for some of the largest factories S the South, aikd can sell home-made .n all wool rilled, for less than jou eet them at any store in the btate wabam's home-made shoes, all styles, as a can be boutrht in the State ivery pair'iruaranteed. A creat many troods were bought at action, late in Reason, and hence can le Slower than any other house in the 'ate can offer them. and see. Prices made in the store, i ASHEVILLE DRY GOODS CO. J. O. HOWELL, 3Ianager. .17 North Main Street. fiRE INSURANCE AGENCY OF . C. T. RAAVLS. venue, vuown oiairs. i'3, 5 v. ' u el tton A GRAND HE-UNION Of companied by 31r. "Will Patton, Ji.,of this city, left on Wednesday for Ashe ville and other points. .At Black 3Ioun-. tain they will be joined by -a party of twelve other young people." ine lHiersiaie summer cnoot is in Rev. S. J- Owen, -after which J. -C. L Gudger, the 2d Sergeant of the company, called the Toll of the original company, accounting for those absent. The fol lowing answered to the call at this meet ing: G. W. Howell, T. B. Howell, J. C. L. Fairview Items. Our young friend B. L. Ash worth, ran out from city life for a short recreation on Saturday last. 3Ir. Ben. Clayton and family, of .Ashe Tille, spent a portion of last week among "US, -visiting his mother and friends: J. F. Toms and W. H. Sherrell, who have been quite sick for several days, are convalescent and 1 are able to be out again. Theweather tor the past two weeks- has been exceptionally good for -corn and tobaccOathe rains falling at inter vals when most -needed. 3rr. 25eh -Brevard -and family, of Hen derson County, visited Fairview last wee"k. -He reports Henderson County as enjoying o,uite -a railroad hoom. The threshers -aTe out -and so far re port the -crops generally very poor, some scarcely making the seed that was sown, taking Into consideration the quality of the .grain -sown and that which is now "being threshed. ( There is -a disease quite prevalent fcmohg certain individuals of our town- shlp just at this time, and every indica tion shows that, in some -cases at least, the attack -will prove fatal, but not unto death, however, as the disease ha3 never been in own to kill, but unto life, where all joys and sorrows are shared by two. Let the good work go on. " ?dne but the, brave deserve the fair." L. H. session and will continue to August 8th. Gudtrer. 'P. P. 3Iorffan, W. D. Pearson. FTT v,-. -i -- I mere are over luv xeacners in attend- J. H. Luther, J. H. Courtney, Alex. Fan ance and the number will probably be ning, Pink Alexander, Baldwin, Jack increased. The lectures and exercises Baldwin, J. H. Brooks, Samuel Brooks, are oi a very interesting character. The ravid Brooks. W. H. Curtis. Geo. Curtis i j j - . ' ' teeners ere lenuereu a recepnon at Wm. Cannon, J. D. Cook, M. D. Cook, the rooms of the Y. 31. C. A. on Tuesday Cook t. W Davis, J. P. Davis, D. evening. F Gudtrer. Thos. Green. Green. Tlios i I O 7 ' 1 7 31r. 31. A. Cooper, of Brevard, was Henson, G. W. Holden, 3Iarion Joice, married on Wednesdav evening to Mi Wm. Jennison, Ham. A. Luther, John - j - o I , - Sallie Dermid, of Hillgirt, Henderson piathis, L. C. Miller. F. W. O'Kelley, G county. The ceremony took place at W. Peebles, Joseph Penland, Hamilton the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rollins, Geo. Rhodes, Elijah Sharp, Sol. Bunn, on Clayton street, Mrs. Bunn be- K- Smith, A. 31. Smith, D. H. Stlnes ing a sister of the bride. Rev. Dr. Car- Wm. Taylor, Sam'l Taylor, A. B. Thrash roll officiated. The future home of the the last captain of the company John couple will be at Brevard. Warren, y. H. Warren, Wm. Warren, w , 31. P. Welch, J. 31. Wise, Meridy Wil liams, Thos. Young, Pinckney R. Young, R. R. Penland. The recruits to this company carried its numbers from first to last, up to 170 odd members. A large majority! were killed or wounded. Of those present but very few failed to receive w.. ands, more or less serious, some as m.tiy as three or four. It was a pathetic recapit ulation of the casualties sustained by this Very Important. company ana the narasnips enaurea, We scarcely need call attention of the made by CaPl- Thrash and Judge Gudger readers of The Democrat to the full as tne roll-call proceeded. page advertisement on the 7th page of The flaS borne at this re-union has a this issue, of the sale of valuable city history. It was a battle flag of a federal property, to take .place in this citv. on regiment, a very handsome one, made of Temperance Union during the past week have attracted a great deal of interest. The lectures of Miss Willard have been especially enjoyed. Two offers have been made the union for permanent es tablishment here, one of five acres by Mrs. J. E. Ray, and one of fifteen a:res and 11,000 by Mr. Otis 3Iiller, of Sky- land Springs. . the ith and 7th of August. The proper ty offered, on Chestnut street and Pear son avenue, cannot be surpassed for lo cation, surroundings and advantages generally, in this or any other section ; while the rapidly growing attractions of Asheville, as a commercial and manufac tunng center' as well as health resort, make this offer a most attractive one to those wanting gooa investmens or homes. See the advertisement for the very liberal terms, ami attend the sale We learn that a number of parties from silk. In a very hot engagement, young Erastus Owenby of Company I, .in charge upon the enemy, seized the flag and wrenched it from the color-bearer He was immediately shot down and the flaa: re-captured. L. C. Miller then rushed forward, recaptured the flag from its brave defenders, and brought it out successfully. The flag is, and has been since its capture, in the possession of the sisters of Mr. Miller, who kindly loaned it to be used, both for its history and as the emblem of the present national alle- D0TJBLE TRAGEDY. other sections of this! and other States gce to those who captured it in war. have notified parties here of their inten tion to attend this sale. Let all who want to make good and safe investments come ! Let ail who want a home in this rapidly growing city attend. it-- Assets. "a! lire Insurance Co. of """in. tmu.. "ts' Fire Insurance Co., ter Fire Insurance Co. Fire Insurance Co., $2,443,937.5 1,554,658.37 1,521,706.53 270,191.89 Home Enterprise. l o tne realtor, uear Mr: An impor tant feature of the Grape Fair and Alli ance Farmers Encampment to be held at Mount Holly, N. C, July 28 to August 2, will be the organization of a League, whore members pledge themselves to use so far as possible the products of South ern manufacturers of every kind. At every fair held in the South this year, such an organization should be made. Manufacturers of all kinds of goods should place samples at all of these fairs rapidly passing atvay,! and all will soon and show the people how, much the be over the river. After this roll-call, admirable addresses were made by Col. J. S. McElroy, Capt. J. 31. Gudger, Sergeant J. C. L. Gudger, and W. G. Candler, Esq. All were pa triotic speeches, worthy the speakers, the occasion, and those addressed.! After the addresses a splendid picnic dinner was served on a long table in the grove, and was of course enjoyed by all, there is always plenty in the Hominy section, and it is always hospitably served out. Every member of the company present entered into an agreement to meet at the same time and place, annually, on the 22d of July, so long as any survivors shall live. This is right. As was shown on this occasion this band of true men is Two Men Killed in a North Main Street Saloon. A double tragedy was enacted on Fri day night last in the bar-room of Hamp ton & Featherston, on North 3Iain street John Milster, a bar-tender for J. H Loughran, was killed on the spot, and Phillip ; 31 clntire died of a wound next morning. Mclntire and Milster had an encounter on the night before at the house of a woman who lives on Bailey street. It is said that Milster drew aLpistol on Mclntire at that time. Next day Mclntire, accompanied by his brother and brother-in-law named Pratt met Milster and 31clntire presented pistol at him, kicked him and offered him other indignities, so it is said. They met Mjlster again later in the evening, at Hampton & Featherston's bar. Mil ster was asked! to drink but declined 31clntire then Called him off to the rear of the room and struck him. Testimony is conflicting after this ALcmtire s anti-mortem statement was to the effect that Milster shot him first He returned the fire and feeling himself mortally wounded continued to fire on Milster, who dropped his pistol. When Mclntire had exhausted his pistol he took up Milster's and emptied its con tents into Milster's body. This was substantially the dying man's statement, btV; .other evidence is of contradictory character, so much so that after a thorough investigation, the Cor oner's Jury returned a verdict as fol lows : l We, the undersigned jurors employee investigate the cause ot the death o Philip Mclntire, do find that he came to his death by a gunshot wound in the hands of Mr. Pratt, accidentally. We, the undersigned jurors employed investigate the cause of the death o John Milster, do find that he came to his death by gunshot wounds in the hand of Philip Mclntire, and that Pratt was accessory before the fact. INSTANTANEOUS Cream Freezer, s-rp-assed by anything now on the s now for sale by the county or machine at Asheville. N. C. Price ll5- For sale by., H.- ilcConnell k J. M. Crawford. South herself produces for the necessi- ill ties of her home life. i We are receiving daily samples of all kinds of goods from Southern Manufac tures to be exhibited at Mount Holly Fair and Alliance Farmers Encamp ment. Please aid us by the influence of your paper and press upon the people the im- May God bless them all, and bless the memory of those who have trone before. 3Ir. A: Pope, photographer, took some elegant photographs of the survivors. which can be had upon application at the store of C. D. Blanton z Co., this city. Every member and; friend of the company should have one We wish to make special acknowledge of them in that section, for their courte 6ies tcous on this occasion. portance of sustaining their home man- ments to our friends, and we have many ufacturers; draw upon the manufactures the importance of showing the people what thsy can produce. ... Yours truly, "Jxo. P. Patrick, Com. Fine Tobacco Seed. Hie to Waynesville. And stop at the Reeves Hore, where you can be delightfully cool, enjoy the oest summer cnmaie, as nne wen water, If you want a good crop of bright leaf and as good fare as can be had anywhere tobaCCO fTO lO X ClllaUl , nuuu aic, awa . uj (".uiiuu, lcito Grand Central, and buy Lan- Respectfully, rPth's fresh tobacco seeds x A. J. Reeves, Prop'r. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. J. S. Qrant, Ph. a. Statistics of Private Schools and Col leges of "Buncombe Co., N. C. Asheville Female College, Asheville, Prof. Ben. E. Atkinson, 134. Weaverviile College, male and female, "Weaverville, Prof. 31. A. Yost, 160. Oak Grove High School, male and female, Jupiter, 3Ir. A. A. Hamlet, 88. 3Iorgan Hill -School, tnale and female 3Iorgan Hill, 3Iis? Xauna Creasman, 35. Penland Academy; male and female, Beech, Rev. A. 'M. Penland, A. 3L, 73. College Hill, male and female, Rice- Tille, 3Gss Hettief 3IcCamptell, 85. Piney Grove, male andjfemale, Coop ers, 3liss Ella Y. Martin, ,57. , v Pairview Collegiate Institute, male and female, Fairview, Prof. W. G. Brown, S3. : . Gap Creek, male and female, Gap Creek, Mr. J-as. HCooper, 81..' Beaverdani School, male and female, Ramoth., Prof. H. L. King, 50. Sandy 3Iush, male and female, Sandy Mush, Mr. E. W- Gudger, 65. Leiceter Academy, male and female, Leicester, Prof. H. F. Ketron, 90. S. TiiTkey Creek, male and female, Alice, Miss Julia Nash, 30. Hominy Yalley Institute, male and fe male, Hominy Creek, Prof. O. F. Thomp son, 41. - Sand HilLHigh School, male and fe male, Acton, 3Ir. A. H. Felmet, 70. Bent Cieek . High School, male and female, Demia, Mr. J. R. Justice, 60. Pine Crest Academy, male, Biltmore, Prof. B. F. Evans, 45. v Asheville Military School, male, Ashe ville, Prof. S. F. Venable.. ...... Miss Sawyers School, male and female, Asheville, Miss Mary Sawyer, 25. 3Iiss Champion's School, Asheville, Miss H. A. Champion. Mrs. Burgwyn 3Iaitiand's School, fe male, Asheville, 3Irs. Burgwyn .Main land, 28. Home Industrial School, female, Vic- - tona, Miss Florence btephenson, 120 ; Oakland Institute, female, Victoria, Miss Mary Graham, 56 ; Chapel Day School, male and female, Victoria, . Miss - A. B Dwight, 90. Rev. L. 31- Pease, D. D., Supt. Presbyterian Church Ravenscroft School, male, Asheville' Rev. D. H. Buel, Head Master ; Ronald MacDonald, Principal Training School. ' SCHOOLS FOK COLOKED. Episcopal Colored School, male . and teniale, Asheville, Rev. H. S. M9Duffy, 60. . College "Street School, male and fe male, Asheville, Miss F. V. Russell, 220. Supported by Northern Aid Society. Shepard Academy, male and female, West Asheville, Mrs. Nannie Leather wood, 61. . . A number of private schools of short duration are not mentioned in the above. J Respectfully, submitted, John W. Staknes. (Of the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy . Apothecary, 24 South Main St IJ your preeriptidm are prepared a Granfs Pharmacy you can positively de pend upon these facta: First, that only th pureM -and hezt drugs and chemicals will be used; second, they will be compounded care fully and -ticcurately by an experienced Pre- tcriptionut, -and third, you trill not be cha rged a tt txftorbitant price. You- trill r ceive the bettgwd at a rery reasonable profit. DorCt forget the place-r Grant's Pharmacy, 24 South Main stnet. Prescriptions filled at all hours, night or day, and delivered free, of charge to any pari of the city. The night bell -will be a-nstcertd Promptly. Grant's Pharmacy, 24 South Main street. , At Grant's Pharmacy you can buy any T Patent Medicine at tlte lowest price quoted by any other drug house in the city. TFr are determined to seU as low as the lowest. even if we have to lose money by so doing We will sell all Patent Medicines at first cast, and below that if necessary, to meet the price of any competitor. We have the largest assortment of Chamois '. Skins in Asheville. Over 200 skins, all sizes, at the lowest prices. j We are ogents for Humphrey's llomao- pathetic. Medicines. A fvU supply i of his goods alwags on hand. . Use Buncombe Liver Pills, the best in the world for liver complaint, indigestian, etc. A thoroughly reliable rliriedy for alt blood diseases is Buncombe Sarsavarilla Try a bottle and you will take no other. i J. S. GRANT, Ph. ?., Pharmacist; 24 S. Main St. AsheviUe, N. C. The schools marked are schools wliich are run by the public funds supplemented by pri vate subscriptions.1 , A Card. To the Public: It has been known for some time that I will le a candidate be fore the Democratic county convention for tlie nomination for the office of Su perior Court Clerk of Buncombe county I have just been informed that the report has been circulated that 1 will not abide by the dscision of the convention in case its derision is adverse to me. I desire to John j 31clntire, who was one of the j say that such report does me great in justice. In submitting my claims to the convention I consider that my honor is its choice and if I party, was arreted, but as the verdict did not implicate him was released. The Mecklenburg Monument. From The Charlotte Chronicle. Dukham, N. C, July 24. At to-day's morning session of the State Press Asso ciation, Robert Haydn offered the fol lowing resolution, which he supported in a strong patriotic appeal to the press for its adoption, and for the hearty co operation in the object thereof : "Resolved, That the Press Associa tion of North Carolina most cordially and emphatically' endorse the proposi tion and purpose of the Mecklenburg Monument Association to properly com memorate the immortal Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence, by 'the erectioh in Charlotte of a suitable monu ment in honor of the signers of the memorable document, thereby honoring their distinguished memory, and also to testify to their faith in the priority and authenticity of the instrument as an ex pression of the ardent spirit of liberty ; that the President of the Association appoint at this session a committee of three who shall prepare an address di rected to all of the editors in this State, to invite them to co-operate through the columns of their, papers with the 3Ieck lenburg Monument Association, and to urge upon them the loftiness as well as the obligation of the purpose, and also to request that each paper in the State open on the first of October next, books of subscription in their office, to which general contribution shall be urged, the books to be open one month." No resolution was ever adopted by the Association with such unanimity and hearty good will. The resolution brought forth strong speeches from quite a num ber of editors. pledged to stand -by am not the fortunate one I shall not only not be a candidate but will support the nominee with all the influence I can command. 1 hope this will be satisfac tory to my friends. W. R Youno: Asheville, July 28. A North Carolinian Abroad. On the 4th of July the great corner stone of the new; capitol building of Col orado was laid with very imposing cere monies, prominent Masons of that and other States participating; An immense concourse of people were present, among them Governors and ex-Governors, and other men distinguished in civil, mili tary and Masonic life. Amonsr them vfas Dr. Eugene Grissom, of this State the most distinguished Mason-in it, who participated in the ceremonies as Grant Chaplain. It was a great day, and evi dently enjoyed by all,. as the Denver Re publican fully illustrates, . . If you expect to buy a piano or organ see E. E. Perry, salesman for Ludden & Bates' Southern Music House, Savannah, Ga., and get the low'est prices and easiest terms ever given On . the celebrated PI ANOS d'hickering. :3Iason & Hamlin, Mathushek and Sterling. ORGANS Ma son & Hamlin and Sterling. Mr. Perry is now permanently located here, and will be glad to give any information de sired to prospective purchasers.' Call on or address him at No.. 41 Patton avenue, Thrash's Crystal' Palace. W., A. BLAIR? J. V. BEOWfft Furniture -AN Undertaking. 1,'s. "2 Fallon fas, McAfet Block, Opposite Blair's Old Stand, We are now ready, and in- vite our friends and the public V 1- i ' l generally to dall and examine our well selected stock of j Furniture, Which we are offeringatj Rock-Bottom Prices. C:32rkii:2 A S:s:iali Feature, Calls Attended Day orJNight. Teleohone, Day 75, Night 65 Blair & Brown.

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