j V j I ;, 3 t Ol-1 ASHEYILLE, N. C, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER A, 1890 NO. 48. J leir1 ayi of odB un-f DOI ree Noi rith! a est tin vey- te is. J sti I jooking Backward Liocal Briefs Hon. W. T. Crawford addressed the people of Transylvania, at Brevard, on Tuesday. Hon. Thos. D. Johnston went to Tran sylvania Monday. He doubtless addressed rst eif?ht vears of bur tne PeoPle during ..his stay. Mr. John- tfl . . i ston will make a thorough canvass nf aCf ul business me m Asne- t . f 7 5lul : , , . the district in the interest of Mr. Craw - has demonstrated to us tne ford that our determination to . ' . A ',' 3 only pure goods, guarantee- Tobacco Association was held on the 1st weights ana quality, ana mst. and the following officers were trio- a small profit On every- elected : President, J. A. Porter ; Vice- .... I T" i - & T-r n . ' cold commends ltselt tO rresiurai- "Uli; secretary ana Aieasurer, su. i. xioimes. :roll(l That desirable CUS- prominent citizen torn us Monaay s cannot be gamed by the M . F b . - , , of wealth and energy from other States tried piw wj.. . ovx Mc for investment in this section than ever in cutting prices on a few before The next twelve months will jin,r articles, hoping to make show astonishing improvements in this on something else. section. Mr. Carrier, at Carrier's Springs, in forms us that he still has some of his fine herd of blooded cattle bulls, heif ers and a few cows for sale. Our far- mer friends ought to look into such mat-: ters, and never lose an opportunity to S vear of 20 per cent., which improve their stock. gratifying, and for "it goes right to the spot," said an old nh vpi wish to thanK our gantieman, wno touncl great benent in i , w r friends in Asheville and Ay s fearsapanlla. He was right. De rangements ot tne stomacn, liver and kidneys are more speedily remedied by this medicine than by any other. It reaches the trouble directly. The Turkey creek camp-meeting, which ended yesterday, was one of the most enjoyable ever held at; that famous old place. Immense crowds attended, splen dik sermons were preached, and all en joyed the good time fpent in communion with their Lord and Master. Gen. Vance, Col. Coxe, Mr. Elias, Mr. Johnston, and Mr. Guderer will, be active in their support of Mr. Crawford in this campaign. Judge THE BLUE RIDGE ROAD Will Certainly be Extended to Knox ville at an Early Date. The Atlanta Constitution of a recent date says: "Among the prominent visi tors to Atlanta yesterday, was Judge W. Bailey Thomas, of Tallulah Falls. Judge Thomas is one of the most successful railroad men in Georgia, and is attract ing the attention of the railroad world with his scheme to Knoxville. It is re duced to a certainty, now, that this ex- in the shoal and the narrator had only saved himself, when nearly gone, by catching to the edge of the shelving rock at the blasted cedar. He caught hold of the limbs of the cedar and climbed up the rocks to the old Bun combe Turnpike, and made his way to the house. He could not tell of the fate of his companions, but saw a man's hat floating on the waters when he looked back from the shore. The men on the farm went at once with a light to the scene of the disaster, ' but, after several hours search failed to make and discov- VIA THE R. AND D. SYSTEM. J. S. Qrant, Ph. G. (Of the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy.) Apothecary, 24 South Main St tension will be made bv .Tudo-e Thomas This road will ro down the Tennessee eiT of the other yunS men or to obtain river thmncrh ATamn fl. tidings of tnem. Later in the night par- ' L . -1 - -1 hat hard wotk and close ap- rfltlOll 10 ULlbiiie&ts is tne pnuc success. . . vit our business for 1889 UW v ws an increase over the pre- us. verv ham counties. The Democrat sincerely hopes Judge Thomas will go to work soon. The Knoxville Journal brings us also good news of the prospects of the com pletion of the Knoxville and Augusta ties came down from the city and made search, but all was vain. At the peep of dawn the writer hastened to the rugged pass, inenrst tnmg ooservea was a derby hat lodged in a rocki about one hundred yards below the falls. A halt done in Tennessee, South Carolina and in Haywood county. A new board of A New Train Between "Washington and the South. The constantly increasing through travel over the Richmond & Danville system, which is popularly known as the great "Piedmont Air Line," is to be met by the establishment of the "Washington and Southwestern Vestibule Limited" tram about 1st of October next, to run between Washington and Atlanta, via Lynchburg, Greensboro, Salisbury, Char lotte, Spartanburg and Greenville. This magnificent train will leave Washington City every day at 11.15 a. m., arriving in Atlanta at b ,o ciock tne following moraine-, and returning unon a similar schedule of hours of arrival r and departure. " J used; second, tJuy trill be compounded care- The equipment will consist of Pullman fully and accurately by an experienced Pre- , Palace, Buffet, Smoking and Library, ScriptionUt, and third, you J will not be'' . I; You trill re- ' If your prescriptions are prepared a Grant's PTianruicy you can positively de- pend upon tliese facts: First, Vtat only th to me nai in uie nvcr, near wmcu was n . .tnrxM Kl x;u nrocJi for tWe cVr J,v arid m yt,. 06196 ll" best!ood (lt (l rV reasonable profit t , i y t j 1 UULLU1X1 UU. it X UCilCVCU Uiat LIA the Journal is informed all the difficul bodies might be near , the spot. While pressly for this service, and will be mas- terpices of art. The entire train will be Don't forget the place Grant' Pharmacy, ties which have embarrassed the work Kiscussiug Wstion Mr. Mont Snider ID' estern Xorth Carolina. have been settled, and work may be ex pected to be resumed on a short while. It is to be earnestly hoped this true. Doesn't Go Far Enough. By an ordinance of our city fathers no one druggist or hotel can sell cigars on the Sabbath. It is construed to be a poking Forward are encouraged to enter up- the year before us with re- Ted energy and a determma n to q-ive our customers the aefit of our increased facili- H . , . . L . jil pivvciua ins v uiuc ucjxiu liccii u. in liiiciiit: ior uuymg auu scmug tone8 in support of Mr. Crawford and of ry finest goods to be had, at Democratic principles. piixvxv. Renort nf Countv Sunerintfindent Our stock is now the largest To the Hon. County Board of Education rw t " i l - i a. . ii- raonerea m tms marKei auu for Buncombe county i 5races everything in the line The county superintendent respect- Stanle and Fancv Groceries , fully reports that schools in nearly all u -in ;x nwfl- the districts, for both races, are now in b e Delicacies, Fruits, Cjram, ; ' yisited. ahd most of them are doing fair work some of them very good. Some of tne colored scnools exnibit a very creditable and interesting condition They have good teachers and are making excellent progress giving evidence of training in morals and manners, as well as in the text books. Some neighbor hood troubles exist, but it is hoped that the united efforts of good citizens, com E REED & GO niitteemen and superintendent will sue ceed in removing them. No effort on A pay the higbeet market price for good my part is spared in this direction 10, believe that the pnblic interest in educa tion is growing. Everywhere, the par ents, teachers and committees are glad to have the Superintendent visit their schools, and talk about education and right living to them. I am making an honest, earnest effort to aid them in all this. Respectfully, C. B. Way, Co. Supt. i A l II our, etc. itespectiuiiy, Powell & Snider. Mb NOTICE, FARMERS, f-on delivered at their market, No. "1 Court Square, Asheville, N. C. - .... . HOLD ON! Asheville Tobacco Market. 1 he sales on Warehouse noors m AsheVille from Sept. 1st, 1889, to Sept. 1st, 1890, amounted to 3,942,679 pounds, for $595,235.50. an average of $15.09 per hundred. Secretary Holmes informs us that this is the next highest average made on this market since 1884, when the average was $19.03. Mr. Holmes also kindly furnishes us . t ' x t nnn a. ere I Am Again. l'th the hfWt st np.k of T)rv Goods an?, Dress Goods. Ginehams, Do- ps, Jean, Flannels. Blankets, Shoes; u Hals, many of them bought for? Less Than Cost Of Making. lent for i - V,' Ul V J L 111 V XI A W O V i- l. WAAAal JftH, (A 11 VI 7 1 1VA.O 1 1 V V1 VVV WV j JLV,-":j IVV 0!lt h t1 non col I hATYio.niQnP I , - observed something white and shining lower down the river. -'What is that?" he sain. "Let us go dowTn to a certain point and examine" was the answer. When they got -there it was " all plain. On a rock, near the middle os the river, was the form of a man, his head down the stream, one foot fastened in a fissure vestibuled, steam-heated and gas-lighted, ahd in every detail equal to the best trains of this character on any line. All the comf orl, convenience and luxury obtainable in railroad travel will be fur nished on this train, and the' Southern people will be provided " facilities in no Main street. WRv.infprirv tn flip .bpt. pnirvp.d bv an v t. . x. ' ' . At Grant's Pharmacy you can buy any other section. , a v The liberal snirit of enterprise mani- Patent Medicine at the lowest price quoted AT X 24 South Main street. . Prescriptions filled at all hours, nightjar day, and delivered free of charge to any part of the city. The night bell will be answered Promptly. Grant's Pharmacy, 24 South .... i i a i 1. 1 I,-.... I - violation of the law for a druggist to ot tne rocKnis leu nana open, : wun me fested in this contemplated action of the 6y ay oAr drwy house in the city. We sen even a caKe oi soap or a tootn-Drusn "Vi - management of this great trunk line wiU determened to sell aslaioas the lowest. to a needy customer. ; We hold this law 1 lengiu, wuue m ngm aim was cm be properiy appreciated by the people for whose benefit it is designed, and the patronage extended to it will be the evi dence that the traveling public knows even if we have to lose money by so doing . We will sell all Patent Medicines at fiii cost, and below that if necessary, to meet ths does not ro far enoueh. df it bo sinful around tne pacK ot tne neaa m tne post to sell these articles of comfort and tion tnat one sometimes takes in' sleep; cleanliness,. it ought to be sinful to use. Thejface was turned up to heaven, as if them, and the authorities should hasten & that awful and solemn hour when the to prohibit their use on. the Sabbath. It soul Passes f.Vm the body, it made its is not, we understand, considered sinful last appeal to the source of mercy and to supply these and kindred things on neiP- 1to one m inai luue -P"y modern travel Sunday, so they are hot paid for oh that will ever forget the feeling of awe which It ig Qt intended that this train shall snes, at the lowest prices day. This looks like straining at a gnat tame UP"U dU as wc &aCU- uUii V.l be the temporary and transitory feature We areogents for Humphrey's and letting the camel the use of the ar- mute appeal to tne au merciiui one. iiie of a geason but an all-the-year-round, naihMir Medirinf A fU ... . . -' r a every-day-in-the-year connection ; be our how to value and enjoy the best facilities price of any competitor. of speed, especially, when had- under cir- m have the largest assortment of GhamoU cumstances of the highest refinement of ai . -,7 , . , . Skins m Asheville. Over 200 skins, au tirlps trip rpal nrTpnpcrrk' bo. .um. thint. Door boy did not rest as Dinah M. Mu- authorities oueht to do their full lock nas so peautitully said : duty, prohibit cooking, and the use of tobacco, soap or any such thing on the Sabbath. If these things : are,; not to be permitted to be done bh the Sabbath, there will certainly be no sales either on the Sabbath, or for use on that day. We are surprised that our city fathers did not see that by one sweep of the pen as it were this whole community could be legislated into one of the strictest recti tude. ' The Bead Man in the River. Editors Democrat: Six miles below Asheville is the famous Candler Shoal. The French Broad roara and thunders "Two hands upon the breast ' And labor is done; Two palp feet crossed in rest,' - The race is won.' for the rock, the waters, and the grim tyrant held him 1 in icy fetters. For many days and weeks search was made for the body of tho third comrade., .The river was draggi; dynamite was exj Dloded in the deep waters below the shoal; quicksilver was floated ; in envel opes on the current. Kvery eUort was without success. - The waters yet keep the secret. When will the secret be re vealed?. Perchance the bones of the i . . - i r young man rest under tne spreamng tween the great North and the -New South by way of the National Capital. Washington Post. : rock near the shore. Thev mar be In .1 v - 1 i I ' wiruugu a nurruw puss or canon, leaping deep waterg below tfle cagcade. They irum ruc rucn., auu ua8uing iia spray mj, v b v floftted with the riverg motion. ! --ah wool ti n tor Ipss than von ;ct uit m at anv store m the State Rani's home-made shoes, all styles, as tan he liono-ht. m the State. i-'-' -eat many goods were bought at late in season, and hence can be r lfr than anv other house in the Hfi! hee. Prices made in the RVIMJS DRY UOODS CO., .1. O. HOWELL, Manager. -rt!i Main Street. ft INSURANCE AGENCY -OF ?ton Avenue, (Down Stairs.) B '.Insurance Co. 0t4, Co Fire I of nn.. npurance Co., r Fir Insurance Co., lagurance Co., Assets. ?2,443,P37.33 1,554,658.37 1,521,706.53 270,191.89 Total, 26,225,533 pounds, for $3,280,547.42. This shows what one crop alofie has brought to this section. And this only represents tha amount sold on the floors of the Warehouses, leaving a very large amount shipped from the section during the time men tioned, also a large amount sold private ly, and not therefore accounted for in the above sales. We hazard nothing in saying that during the past seven years from five to six millipns of dollars have eome into the counties west of the moun tains, for tobacco alone. And Asheville has proven to be the best average market on the continent. The prospects for this year's crop are very encouraging. Farmer Bob Vance. Our friend Gen. Bob Vance brought to our office Saturday some lug or ground leaves of tobacco which show the Gen eral is fortunate this season in securing some excellent tobacco. We were pleased to learn his crop was an excel lent one, and we hope will result in a big pile of golden shekels in exchange for his golden leaves. No man deserves success more than our distinguished countyman. and foam up the sides of the huge boul aers on tne eastern bank. Tne Tall is from fifteen to twenty feet, and the wa ters then wheel In the direction of Olivet, the railroad station on the western bank. Perhaps since the days of Jeff Candler or George Tillery, two famous swimmers ana divers in tne long ago, no man in country could have made the passage of the cataract in safety. As one stands on the edge of the ragged cedar, below the pitch of the shoal, the roar of the flood is nearly sufficient to drown the voice. Here was Uncle Zack's renow ned fish trap. The timbers were boited to r the rocks in the river, or otherwise the pressure of the waters was too great to allow the trap to remain, especially when it had rained heavily in the Kog- j back, or in Gloucester. Ah, the waters of the Tahkeeostee, how they had skim mered in the air, glittered in the moun tain stream, rushed in the river, and slumbered in the eddy, ere they passed the iron bridge, the successor of the im mortal Smith bridge near the city of Asheville. Roll on sweet river, bearing on thy bosom the memory of peak and glen and cascade, left behind forever. Nay, not forevever. When thou hast mingled with the Holston, embuced the Tennessee, coquetted with the Ohio, and swelled the magnitude of the father of waters, the gulf shall gather the mighty volume into its mysterious bosom, and the gulf stream, bearing the northward, shall feel the warm fingers of the cloud and the mist as they gently draw thee again to the Hog Back, to old Gray Beard and to Mitchell's lofty peak. One mile above the shoal, the writer was sitting in his porch in the late after noon, when he was startled by a shout in the river. On looking in the direc tion from whence he heard the sound, he discovered three young men in a bat eau. The family residing at Riverside supposed that the occupants of the bateau were connected with the people working on the railroad below the mouth of Bea verdam, and paid no further attention. However, just as twilight was setting in, a man was observed coming up the road bareheaded and his clothes dripping with water, and he was also quite chilled. When he reached the house his story was soon told. The boat had capsized Who can tell? It matters not to the soul of the youth. Saint John, in the onnalvnso cava that, "thf BP ghfi.11 rfvP up its dead." If the shout of the Lord lyi with the voice of the archangel and with the trump of God shall make the sea give up the millions who are sleeping in its coral beds, thousands of fathoms down those who are waiting in the rivers will surely not be forgotten. R. B. V. Riverside, August 29. Democratic Conventions.. To the Democratic voters of the several ' precincts of Asheville Township : You . are hereby "requested to meet at the usual voting place of your respective precincts in Asheville township, oh Sat urday, Sept. 20th, for the purpose of se lecting delegates to represent such pre cincts in the County Convention, which will meet in Asheville to nominate can didates for the various county offices, and to appoint delegates to the Sena torial Convention of this District. . All Democrats are earnestly requested to attend the primaries, and to give full expression, by ballot or otherwise, as to their choice among the various candi dates, so that your delegates may be f ul- Horruzo- supplyi of hit goods alwags on hand. , Use Buncombe Liver Pills, the best in the world for liver complaint, indigestion, etc. A thoroughly reliable remedy for al blood diseases is Buncombe SarsapariUa. Try a bottle and tfou will take no other. J. S. GRANT, Ph. G., Pharmacist, 24 S. Main Si. Asheville, N. G. W. A. BLAIE. J. V. BROWH Furniture AND tne DndertaKing. Col. Coxe's New Bank. Col. Coxe informs us tnat nis new bank, recently alluded to in The Demo crat, will be established within a few weeks, as all arrangements are nearlv complete for the opening. The rapid growth of not only Asheville but all Western Oaroliaa necessitates larger banking facilities, and Ool. Coxe, with his associate capitalists, believe that this mney can aud will do more good here than if sent elsewhere! Tbey have an abiding faith in the growth and develop ment of this, section; indeed, Col. Coxe says that with reasonable assistance our people ran, by developing the mineral, timber, ar d industrial resources of the se2tion, irfake it the wealthiest and most prosperous in the country. It will be a special object of this new bank to en courage all enterprises of this character- With ample capital, added to the banks we already Lave, this new one will prove of reat benefit to our section. Your committee would suggest meetings to be held as follows : East Ward Asheville, at-Court House, 8 p. xa. West Ward, Asheville'. Buncombe Warehouse, 8 p. m. ' Beaverdam, Haw Creek, Biltmore, ! Hazel, at the usual places of voting, at 3 p.m. v The several precincts will be entitled to the following votes respectively : East Ward 13, West Ward 22, Beaver dam 'S, Haw Creek 2, Biltmore 6, Hazel 4. By ,the committee, t c Yf ..:."t t ' CU'm'n Ex Com. A Seville Township. MeAfet Block, Opposite Blalr'g 0',,f jft. k 11 Fallen km The Ravenscroft School. An impression Drobablv -prevails to some extent that the recent death of Mrs McDonald, the wife of the Principal of the above institution, will influence the We are now eacfy and fin- movements of Mr. McDonald 'in connec- vite OUT friend s an(j e public tion with it. We are authorized to say ,, , . A Lawn Party To-night. The members of Asheville Division Xo. 15, S. of T. will srive a festival and lawn party at Strauss' pleasure grounds this (Thursday) evening. It will begin at 6 o'clock, so as to give the ladies and children an opportunity to attend. Ad mission free. Refreshments served at a moderate price. All are cordially in vited to attend. Tobacco Sales Will begin this week atthe several ware houses in this city, and our warehouse men have made extra efforts to ensure to planters the fullest satisfaction. The coming season promises to be one of the most successful in the history of Asheville. that there will be no change in its man-1 CEil and agement; and it will be continued as our well Sheeted Stock off neretotore under . present conditions The ioss of the matronly supervision of Mrs. - McDonald will be appropriately supplied. examine Furniture, 'Five years ago I had a constant cough, night sweats, was . greatly reduced in flesh, and had been given up by my phyr sicians. I began to take Ayei's Cherry Pectoral, and after using two bottles of this medicine, was completely cured. . Anga A. Lewis, Ricard, N. Y. Specimen Cases. S. H. Clifford, NewT Cassel, Wis., was troubled with neuralgia and rheumatism', his stomach was disordered; his liver was affected to an alarming degree, appetite fell away, and he was greatly reduced in flesh and strength. Three bottles of Electric Bitters cured him. . , Edward Shepherd, Harrisburg, 111,, had af unning sore on his leg of eight years' standing. Used three bottles of Electric Bitters and seven boxes of Ar nica Salve, and his leg is sound and well. John Speaker, Catawba, O., had five large fever sores on his leg, doctors said he was incurable. One bottle Electric Bitters and one box Arnica Salve cured him entirely. Sold by T.C. Smith & Co. Which we are offeringfatj Rock-Bottom Prices. Undertaking A'.SuscialZFeatae, Calls Attended DayorENight. TeleDhone, Day 75, Nierht 651 Blair & Brown. V: 1 If 1!: 1: t ? - 111 I! 4- 1 w m 13!- i i. ttl- A i ) 'J' i ' l. ? T ri n P i i V