roL. ii. ASHEVILLE, N. C., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1890. NO. 6. oney in Your PorM" This Chicken Crows For J. S. Grant, Ph. a. BUNCOMBE COUNTY'S VOTE. Congress. Senate. Representatives. Register. Clerk. Sheriff. Treasurer Surveyor. Coroner. I(Of tne Philadelphia College of Pharmacy.) You will save money t-, 1 ' T 1 "I you come to the J3ig Racket-Store" f lid price the goods fore you buy from .. -.. . hybody else. We hve a large stock to Je'ct from, in Shoes, oots, Hats, Blankets, ffomespun, Factory loth, Tools, Tinware, press Goods, Wors- :d, Ginghams, Cali- Dcs, Ready Made ' - lothinor, Overcoats, j iwelry, and in fact t Everything. I Country people will bt be cheated at our ace. We have one "ice, AND THAT THE pwEST. Always guar- itee our goods, and (e Editor of this iperwill bear witness lat our statements are i liable and our prom os made gfood. 7 - There is only one heap store in - Ashe- illc, ONLY ONE f'BiglacM" I )on't stop until you nd it. Respectfully, Geo. T. Jones Co. LUDDEN piIEjy; outherii .Music House -OF- SAVANNAH, GA., And their General Salesman, E. E. PERRY, 41 Patton Ave., Asheville, N. C. ianos AND , Organs Shipped direct from factory to customers. Kead our business raottos " One price to all and that the lowest known." " The price tells and everybody tells the price." Pianos ranging in price from $225 to 1,000. Organs from 50 to-500. "The best is the cheapest but our cheapest is good." We sell nothing that we cannot conscien tiously recommend. Satisfied purchasers make-life long friends. A clean record in the past, a present to be proud of, and great possi bilities for the future. For catalogues, prices and terms call on or address, E. E. PERKY, 41 Patton Ave., Asheville, N. C. NOTICE, FARMERS,1 J. E. REED & CO. Will pay the highest market price for good mutton delivered at their market. No. 10. North Court Square, Asheville, N. C. THE CRYSTAL PjlUGE, 41 PATTON AVENUE. Has the largest and best line of crockery, lamps, stoves, tinware, glassware, house fur nishings, etc., ever of fered in the city. The celebrated Charter oak stoves, the best in the world are now sold at actual cost. Any one needing a stove it will pay them to get one. We give you a written guarantee on them for 20 years. E verybody should buy from us as the prices talk for them selves. When in ask to see the dashboard lantern, the little jewel lamp and thousands of other things, j TH AD W. THRASH 4 CO. P Townships. I I I w iC Avery's Creek. 75; 64! 73: 67 73; 73' 67! 63, 73 61 76 56! 75 64! 75' 63 72 63' 70 63 Lower Hominy 151 68'; 149! 07 15l 150 70 641 154 66 161 53 13S 78 189 631 134' 62 152 66 Upper Hominy.... ..... 208' 158! 203 157 207 j. 200J 161 ! 1521 211 154 235! 116 189 168; 211! 154i 210' 155; 2071 158 Leicester 316 21H.301! 217 307 1 309 217 2071 311 207 2731 2411 274 241 1 304! 219 293 214! 302 212 Sandy Mush 94; 143 86 143 82; 97! 152, 126! 91 136 86! 143 75 155; 90 142 86 140 88 143 Limestone. 93 128: 90 122 88 90' 123 120: 95; 121 91! 122 87 130; 90; 123! 87! 12l! 74 121 Fair View 148 129! 147j 130 141 148; 134 122; 1521 117 153; 116 144 134! 141 1151 147- 128 148 128 Swahnanoa. 150 113 141 115 142 137) 111 118 149 107 1531 106 138 123i 144' 114 145! 111 146 110 Asheville -East Ward 420' 387! 414! 384 410 411i 388 383! 397! 407 418, 386 427 365' 422; 381 420 384 417 388 West " 686 361 689, 357 683 688 j 359; 358; 682 j 365 686 360 659 375 695; 351 '682, 358! 680, 363 Biltmore 162 95! 158 92 172 1671 90, 88 163 93 16S 86, 153 102161 . 94 16l! 92: 159! 92 Hazel 1061 109! 104: 109 105 106 111! 108! 108, 106 110 92' 104! 110' 109: 105! 108! 105' lio! 100 Beaverdam...?.... . 104, 60 101! 58 100 101 6l 60103! 58 104 59; 120: 44! 108 57! 99 60' 101 i 59 Haw Creek 48! 46 481 45 53 48i 39 46' 52! 42 49 45? 53! 41 1 47 45! 48: 45i 47 45 Reems Creek .. 144: 177 136 175 140 143! 175! 171 160! 156! 155 157! 158 162! 161 167! 149! 166! 149 167 Flat Creek 75! 157 69 162 90 53! 180, 142j 83 140! 72' 157! 70 164 86' 144 ' 70' 162!. 85 144 Ivy "" 152; 221! 135; 237 186 110 267, 192; 147 178! 140, 235; 158; 218 182 190, 135 235 182 186 Black Mountain ""' 88! 73 86 74 88 85! 74 75! 87 61 9 59, 85! 75 87 74' 85! .75! 86! 74 French Broad. ' 175! Ill 174: 114 172 166! 115! H5i 174 115 174 108! 167! 119' 173 116 ,171 119!"l72' 117 " - r - ! i ! I i I 1 ' I ' , ., -, , - - . , . , - i i I , Totals 3395 2811 3304 PAVEMENT PARAGRAPHS. Items of Interest Concerning our City and Section. Senator Vance is resting at Gom broon. The President's proclamation an nounces Thursday, the 27th day of No vember, as Thanksgiving day. Our good friend J. M. Lowry, Esq., sends us a bag of apples and chestnuts, for wlrch we return many thanks. Mr. Belote has the contract for plas tering Kenilworth Id n, which is being pushed forward rapidly. This branch of the work ha3 certainl' been entrusted to good hands. Mr. J. D. Brevard, whose house near Long's Station was burnt about ten days ago, has bought a house on the corner of Woodtin and Charlotte streets and will make his home there. The Western North Carolina Confer ence convenes in Concord, Nov. 26th. The North Carolina Conference con venes at Wilson, Dec. 10. Bishop Keener will preside over both bodies. Federal court continues this week, but is expected to adjourn Saturday. There are many cases, some more or less seri ous, but Judge Dick and attorney are humane and punish with kindness. Deputy Sheriff L. H. Smith last week took two convicts to Raleigh, Nelson Jenkins and Hannah Jenkins, the former under sentence of five years for stealing a horse, the latter for one vear for steal ing silk dresses. Oscar Greene, Esq., of Somerville, N. J., arrived in the city on Monday, and intends spending the winter here and may possibly decide to make this his fu ture home. He is at present stopping at the Grand Central. Ewart's majority over Crawford in Mitchell county, is officially announced at 734, a loss of 125, as compared with two years ago. L. M. Banner, Republi can, defeated S. W. Blalock, Democrat, for the Legislature, by only 300 votes. The clear, warm, delightful weather of the past two weeks has been greatly en joyed by the large number of visitors in Asheville, and the liverj-men have reaped a rich harvest. The temperature has been at summer heat for several days past. There is no more fruitful source of dis ease than vitiated blood. It involves every organ and function of the body, and if not immediately corrected by the use of Ayers Sarsaparilla, sooner or later leads to fatal results. Be warned in time. Col. H. C. Hunt left Tuesday for Washington, and from thence he goes to Round Valley, California, his post of duty under the recent appoit truest given by President Harrison. Col H. carries with him the best wishes of his many friends in Asheville. Mr. Peter L. Ray has returned from Greensboro with his bride, nee Williams, of Warren county. The marriage cere mony was performed near Warrenton Oct. 22, by Rev. J. W. Jenkins. The couple are. at present stopping with H. A. Gudger, on College street. Cards are out announcing the marriage of Mr. Allen P. Mitchell, the courteous manager of the Asheville telegraph bu reau, and Miss Fannie, daughter of Mrs. Rufus Smith, of Raleigh, to occur in Ra leigh on the 19th inst. The many friends j of Mr. Mitchell certainly wish him and ' his expectant bride full happiness. O at! o c3 S3 O Si o to 3 o "S o o eS 2825,3390 3 3282 2894 2710 3382 2696 3393:2697,3274 2868 3444 2717 3207 2895 3375 2734 The combination of ingredients found in Ayer'a Pills renders them tonic and curative as well as cathartic. For this reason they are the best medicine for people of costive habit, as they restore the natural action of the bowels without debilitating. - Mr. Bart F. Moore, of Raleigh, well known in this city where he has spent several summers, died suddenly in Phil adelphia on Nov. 8th. He was the eldest son of the late B. F. Moore, one of the most distinguished lawyers and wealth iest cirizens of Raleigh. The death of Mr. W. L. McAfee will be severely felt in Asheville, where his activity had added a great deal to the improvement of the city. After funeral services at his residence on Bailey sireet, on Sunday, the remains were taken to Wheeling, W. Va., for interment. Mr. McAfee was a native of Harrodsburg, Ky., and .vas 71 years old. Gen. J; R. Hampton, Solicitor Moody, G. II. Smathers, Esq., lion. Kope Elias, Hoi. J. W. Cooper, Capt. R. L. Cooper, Judge F. C. Fisher, W. E. Moore, Esq., R. L. Leatherwood, Esq., N. Newby, Esq., A. E. Posey, Esq., J. W. Gudger, Jr., Col. Sinclair, Col. Morphew, J. W. Bowman, Hon. J. C. Pritchard, are among visiting attorneys in attendance upon Federal Court. Work on he Asheville Loan, Con struction and Improvement Company's electric railway is to be begun in a short while. The Biltmore extension of the Asheville eL ctric railway is also to be begun soon. The extension to the Sul phur Springs is already graded. The iron is to be laid soon. The matter of the bridge at the foot'of Connelly's Hill across the French Broad has been ar ranged. . We have had the pleasure of meeting Messrs. A. S. Nichols and Joseph Oliver, of Michigan City, Indiana, who are spending some time in Asheville. They are evidentby pleased with our city, sur roundings and advantages, as a very well written letter, descriptive of the section, from Mr. Nichols in the Evening News of his city, fully attests. We hope their stay may be a long one, and both profit able and pleasant. The Season Opened. The social season for the winter was opened Tuesday evening by a most de lightful "At Home" reception given by Mr. and Mrs. Piatt at their hospitable home at VanGilder Place. A large number of society people and friends were present. A most agreeable feature of the evening was some very superb music,! vocal and instrumentalf rendered by Messrs. Garrett and Chandler on the violin, Miss Goertz, late of Cincinnati, and sister of Mrs. Dr. Longstreet Taylor, as vocalist, and Miss Mianie Williams as pianist. Every number was admirably rendered, and greatly enjoyed. Re freshments were served, and the younger people closed the evening with a very pleasant german. Mr. and Mrs. Piatt have opened the season most auspi ciously. 1 In New York. Mr. J. H. Law is in New York select ing his Christmas stock of chinaware silverware and other curiosities. Mr. Law's taste is proverbial, and his store will certainly be an attraction this Christmas. J Take Notice. All administrators, executors and guar dians are notified to come forward and make settlement at once and save cost. W. T. Reynolds, C. S. C. hi o S3 35 o a - 02 o o o 5 COWEE SCHOOL. EXERCISES. An Auspicious Occasion and a Large Crowd in Attendance. . Dear Democrat: On last Saturday evening the people from all directions in the vicinity of West's Mills began to as semble at the Co wee school house to witness the closing exercises of the Co wee school, which has been under the control and management of Miss Maggie Morrison for the last two seasons. The weather being fine and the circumstances of rather an auspicious nature, every thing wTas conducively favorable to a large attendance and by the time that the shadows of evening had crept oyer the surrounding landscapes and wrapped old mother earth in their gentle but strong embrace tbe house a large and commodious one too was packed to its utmost capacity with a very attentive and appreciative audience except the veryfev ill-bred and drunken rakes that unwarily iiappei to gcQ ito u cor ner. The exercises, consisting for the most part of recitations, declamations and dialogues, opened at the ringing of the bell just at dark and closed after several hours of pleasant and . happy en jc yment. They wTere ai ranged " with great skill, and being of, a highly inter esting and entertaining character could not fail to captivate the entire audience. Some of them were impressively grand everything taken into consideration, and many of them deserve special mention and comment. The recitations "Poor House Man" and others by Miss Maggie Morrison were very impressively ren dered, and wpuld have been creditable to a theatrical stage. The music for the occtfsion, furnished by Messrs. James Corbin and Chas. Brownen, proved a very enjoyable feature of the exercises. The program was well- arranged and happily selected and wras in just keeping with the cultivated taste of Miss Morri son, who as a teacher abreast of these times of advancing civilization is al ways in ready demand ' and arousing success. The exercises and the credita ble manner in which the students ac quitted themselves told 'much to the credit of the teacher, pupils and commu nity, and showed bu; too plainly how deeply and well the foundations for in- tetyectualjjand moral culture and training had been laid. . The community acted only in keeping with the better dictates of wisdom by raising a subscription to continue the school for another session under the same management. If Miss Morrison can be kept as teacher Cowee will yet live to see brighter days. - Carlyle. 'West's Mills, N. C., Nov. 8. James P. Sawyer Has moved his carpets to the old "Asheville Club Rooms," No. 49 SouthJ Main street, which are located over the Richmond and Danville railroad offices and S. R. Kepler's store. He now has the finest carpet-rooms in the South. His stt ck is immense, consisting of carpets, of all grades from IS cents to 2.00 per yard; rugs from 50 cents to $35.00 each; art squares of different sizes and grades, floor oil cloths, Linoleum, Cocoa, Napier and straw mattings Chenille, Portierres, lace curtains, etc. His large stock of clothing and gents furnishing goods has been moved from second to first floor of his old stand, No. 15 Patton avenue. He informs us that he has just returned from New York where he bought largely for both his clothing and carpet stores. The McKinley bill, which means higher prices for all kinds of goods, caused him to lay in big stocks before the inevitable S3 o advance in prices. Apothecary, 21 South Main St Ifyoitr prescriptions are prepared a Granf 8 Pharmacy you can positively de pend upon tlUse facts: First, that only Via purest and best drugs and chemicals tcill be used; second, tlity will be compounded care fully and accurately by an experienced Pre- scriptionist, and third, you tciU not be charged an exhorbitant price. You will r& ceice the best goods at a very reasoTnMe profit. Don't forget the place Grant's PMnnacy 24 South Main street. Prescriptions filled at all hours, night or day, land delivered free of charge to any part of the city. The night bell will be answered Promptly. Grant's Pharmacy, 24 South Main street. At Grant's Pharmacy you can buy arty Patent Medicine at the lowest price quoted by any otlter drug Imuse in tlie city. We are determened to sell as low as the lowest even if we have to lose inoney by so doing Ye will selall Patent Medicines at ft8 cost, and below that if neasary, to meet the price of any competitor. We have the largest assortment of CJiamm Skins in Asheville. Over 200 skins, all sizes, at tlte lowest prices. We are ogents for Humphrey's Ilomaio- pathetic Medicines. A full supply t ofhh ' goods always on hand. - Use Bujicomfe Liver Pills, the best in the world for liver complaint, indigestion, etc. A thoroughly reliable remedy for al. blood diseases is Buncombe SaruapariUa. Try a bottle and you zrill lake no other. '-- . J. S: GRANT, Ph. G., PMrmaml, 24 S. Main St Aslicville, JST. V. Lookin Backward Over the past eight years of our successful business life in Ashe ville has demonstrated to ns the fact that our determination to sell only pure goods, guarantee ing weights and quality, and asking a small profit on every thing sold, commends itself to the good sense of purchasers. Second, That desirable cus tomers cannot be gained by the oft-tried practice of some deal ers in cutting prices on a few leading articles, hoping to make it up on something else. That hard work and close ap plication to business is the price of success. That our business for 1889 shows an increase over the pre vious year of 20 per cent., which is very gratifying, and for which we wish to thanl our many friends in Asheville and Western North Carolina. Lookin, Forward We are encouraged to enter up on the year before us with re newed energy and a determina tion to give our customers the benefit of ouij increased facili ties for buying and selling the very finest goods to be had, at small profits. - - Our stock is now the largest ever offered in this market and embraces everything in the line of Staple andFancy Groceries, Table Delicacies, Fruits, Grain, Flour, etc. Respectfully, , Powell & Snider.

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