-..V i H r VOL. II. ASHEVILLE, C, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1890. NO. 7. "Honey in Your Pocket" This Chicken Crows For J. S. arant, Ph. G. BUXCOMBE COUNTY'S VOTE. it - ii- You will save money if you come to the "Big Racket, OT0RE and price before you the goods buy from anybody else. We have a large stock to select from, in Shoes, Boots, Hats, Blankets, Homespun, Cloth, Tools, Tinware, Dress Goods, Wors- ted, Ginghams, Cali coes, Ready Made Clothing, Overcoats, Tewelrv. and in fact EVERYTHING. Country people will not be cheated at our r place. We have one price, AND THAT THE lowest. Always guar antee our goods, and the Editor of this paper will bear witness that our statements are reliable and our prom ises made good. - There is only one cheap store in Ashe ville, ONLY ONE "Big Racket" Don't stop until you find if. Respectfully, Factory Geo. T. Jones Co. HIDDEN BATES' Southern Music House OF SAVANNAH, GA., And their General Salesman, E. v E. PERRY, 41 Patton Ave., Asheville, N. C. Pianos AND Organs Shipped direct from factory to customers. Read our business mottos : 41 One price to all and that the lowest known." " The price tells and everybody tells the price." Pianos ranging in price from $225 to $1,000. Organs from $50 to $500. "The best is the cheapest but our cheapest is good." We sell nothing that we cannot conscien tiously recommend. Satisfied purchasers make life long friends. A clean record in the East, a present to be proud of, and great possi ilities for the future. For catalogues, prices and terms call on or address, E. E. PERRY, 41 Patton Ave., Asheville, N. C. NOTICE, FAEMERS, J. E. REED & CO. Will pay the highest market price for good mutton delivered at their market. No. 10, North Court Square, Asheville. N. C I TO (fen THE CRYSTAL PALP, 4! PATTON AVENUE. Has the largest and best line of crockery, lamps, stoves, tinware, glassware, house fur nishings, etc., ever of fered in the city. The celebrated Charter oak stoves, the best in the worm are now soia at actual cost. Any one needing a stove it will pay them to get one. We give you a written guarantee on them for 2o years. Everybody should buy from us as the prices talk for them selves. When in ask to see the dashboard lantern, the little jewel lamp and thousands of other things, THAD W. THRASH & CO. Senate. Townships. o o t-l cS a OS O GO Avery's Creek.. 75 Lower Hominy 151 Upper Hominy 208 64 68 158 211 73 149 203 301 Leicester ..... 316 Sandy Mush 94 143 128 129 86 90 147 Limestone .. 93! Fair View..... 148; Swannanoa... 150i Asheville Eastward 420i West " 686 Biltmore .. 162. Hazel. 106 Beaverdam.. 104j Haw Creek ........... . . 48, Reems Creek 144! 113 141 387 361 95 109 60 46 177 157 221 73 111 "414 689 158 104! 10li 48 136 69 135 86 174 Flat Creek 75 Ivy ' 153 Black Mountain 88 French Broad 175 Totals 13395 2811 3304 PAVEMENT PARAGRAPHS. Items of Interest Concerning: our City and jSection. Tobacco sales at all the warehouses are very heavy this week, commanding good prices. The Duke and Duchess of Marlbor ough are booked for Asheville during the present season. Mr. James P. Sawyer, Asheville's Fire Chief, was elected President of the State Fire Chiefs' Association at Greensboro. Mrs. Julia Sluder, Mrs. E. J. Aston and Mrs. J. E. Bay are in Atlanta in at tendance upon the National Convention of the W. C. T. U. Very,;important transactions in real estate are occurring, or about to occur, in this city. It is expected some large ones will be announced in a few days. One of the handsomest stores in the State will be Mr. Frank Loughran's, .which is rapidlv approaching: comple tion. It would be a credit to any city. Uncle Pleas Israel says he housed one hundred and three full bushel measures of corn on 120 rods of land, about equal to 120 bushels per acre. Can any one beat this? Mr. V.. J. Belote is agent f6r a new plaster cement for plastering houses which is certainly very excellent. It soon becomes so hard that it can scarcely be broken. - Col. L. M. Hatch has ordered, made a new speaker desk which he will pre sent to-night (Thursday) to the Lyceum Society, and from behind it he will de liver his address on " The Poets of South Carolina." Mr. L. H. Yeargan, some years ago a resident of Asheville and of Franklin, later a prominent merchant of Raleigh, now traveling for the great ink house-of Geo. Mathers & Sons, New York, gave us a pleasant call a few days ago. Boils, carbuncles, and other skin erup tions indicate that the system is endeav oring to reject poisonous acids, and that Ayer's Sarsaparilla is imperatively needed. It -is the most reliable of all blood medicines. Ask your druggist for it, and take no other. R. H. King, of Kansas City, Mo.,"and Lynn, Mass., parties have, it is stated, purchased 175,000 acres of mineral and timber land in Madison and Yancey counties, and will organize a $1,000,000 stock company to develop same, build a manufacturing town, etc. , . Mr. John D. Brevard, well known throughout Western Carolina, has pur chased the stock of dry goods, clothing, etc., of Messrs. Bostic Bros. & Wright, and will continue business at the same stand. Mr. Brevard has been in business here before, and makes friends in all un dertakings. . , ' i The work ot'grading the 'railroad up Sunset Mountain progresses rapidly, quite a mile being ready for the cross ties and iron. This will be one of the most attractive improvements yet under taken in Asheville. It willjbe completed during the month of January if weather continues propitious. The new,church," Alexander's Chapel," on Reems Creek, will be dedicated on Sunday, Nov. 2Sd, 1890. The sermon will be by Rey. James H. Weaver, D. D. Dedication service by Rev. J. S. Burnett. A cordial invitation ia issued to all to attend by the building committee, Jas. R. Dubose, Jesse Gwaltney, Wm. A. Congress. J Wagner. f Register. Clerk. a O m C T3 o S3 o 03 o n o 08 03 O 67 67 157 217 73 151 207 307 .73 150 200 309 97 90 148! 137 411 688; 167 ! 48; 143! 53; 110 85; 1661 67 70 161 217 152 63 64 152 207 73 154 211 311 91 95 152 61 66 76 161 235 273 86 91 153 153 418 56 53 154! 116 2411 143! 122 116, 106; 386; 360 86; 921 59, 207 136 121 143 122 82 88 126 120 123; 134 111! 388; 359, 90; 111 61 ! 39! 175i 180! 267) 74 115; 130 115 141 122 117 J07 407 365 142 118 149 397! 682! 163! 108 103; 52; 160' 384 410 683 383 358 88 108 60 46 171 142 192 75 115 357 92 109 686 168 110 93 106 105 100 53 140 90 186 88 172 58 45 175 162 237 58 42 156 140 178 67 115 104 49 155 72 157 157 235 59 108 83 147 87: 174 140 74 114 89 174 2825 13390 Representatives. 3282 2894 2710 3392 2696 3393 2697;3274 2868 3475 2717 3302 2895 3375 2736 i i l.i i 'i I - i i Rev. J. S. Burnett and Miss Sallie Span were married at the residence of Mr. J. R. DuBose, the bride's brother-in-law, on the 11th inst., Dr. Jas. H. Weaver officiating. The many friends of the contracting parties tender sincere con gratulations. I We are glad to announce the election as District Attorney of San Diego coun ty, California, of our former townsman Gen. Johnston Jones. He was the Dem ocratic candidate and was elected, while all the other Republican candidates got 1,000 majority in the county. The Lady Godiva must have had ex ceptionally long hair since it completely concealed her lovely person. Since Ayer's Hair Vigor came into use such examples are not so rare as formerly. It not only promotes the growth of the h: :r, but gives it a rich, silken texture. Go where you may in Asheville and new and elegant buildings greet you. There is more building being done now than ever before at one time, and con tractors inform us there is no abatement in the making of contracts for still more. Asheville is certainly growing, substan tially and rapidly. , 1 An Atlanta dispatch, reporting the proceedings of the W. C. T. U. conven tion in that city says: "The board of trustees of what is known as the Ashe ville assembly met tolay and accepted the donation by Mr. Miller, of Skylands of twenty acres of land adjoining the Vanderbilt-property at Asheville, upon which a large temperance tabernacle is to be erected." Dr. Von Ruck, of the Winy ah Sani tarium, has gone to Europe to investi gate Dr. Koch's cure for consumption. He will return here fully equipped to administer the new treatment if it is what it is represented to be. Dr. S. Westray Battle has also telegraphed to Berlin for the lymph. It is said many consumptive patients here are clamorous for a trial of Dr. Koch's method. Mr. Chas. E. Wilson is one of the live young merchants of Western Carolina. His place of business is near the French Broad River, on the foad between Hen dersonville and Brevard. He has a mam moth store, sells ma ay thousands of dol lars worth of goods annually, keeps a splendid hotel: for the traveling public, runs a farm, and wants to get married. He is now engaged. not to get married, however but building up the country otherwise, by erecting a telephone line from Hendersonville, via his store, to Brevard. Such men deserve success, and generally achieve it. Rev. S. H. Hiiiiard. After the departure of Rev. Mr. Ran kin fpr his Western home, Sam Hiiiiard, our former town's boy, now the Rev. Sam Hiiiiard, an already strong, earnest, aggressive advocate of his Master's cause, was appointed to the charge of Central Methodist Church of this city. He is a boy in years, but a man in his " Master's Vineyard." Without knowing what the congregation may. want we do not hesi tate to say that the assignment of Mr. Hiiiiard to this station will be alike a credit to sincere service to the church, good ability; and an expression of that confidence in the Christian brotherhood and faith begotten of association which ought to characterize the church. We do not know what our young pastor's wishes may be, whether he desires to stay here or go elsewhere. We do know that he is equal to the requirements of the most intelligent congregation in the Conference, and worthy, in all respects, of being sustained by that congregation. Treasure r Surveyor J Coroner. CD o e o t-l ' o a , 03 a u S 0Q a - e3 QQ o ! i s o o 75 13S 189 64 78 168 241 155 130 134 123 365 75U 63 72 63! 62! 155! 214! 70 152; 2071 302, 88! .74 148! 146! 417 680 159 110! 101 1 -47 j 149; 85j 182! . 86f 172! 63 66 158 212 143 121 128 110 388 363 92 100 59 45 167 144 186 74 117 189 211 63 154; 134 210 293 86 274 75 87 304 219 142 123 115 114 381 351 94 105 57 45 90 140 121 90 14l! 144 422 695 161 109 108 47 161 ! 86 182 87 8 144 147 128 138 427 659 145 111) 384! 358! 92 105 60 45 166 162 235 75 119 420 682 161 108 99 48 149 375 102 110 44 41 162' 164 218 75 119 153! 104 120! 53! 158; 70! 158; 167 144 190 74 70 135 85! 85 167 173 116 171 r IT IS FROM THE HEART. I The People Address The Democrat, the People's Paper. The following, under date of Nov. 8th, was received: Mars Hill, N. C., Nov. 8, '90. Mr. editur of Democrat, dear sur: We haTd Big Torch .light Prosession here to Night in honor To W. T. Crawford, the Prosession was Led By J. Vance Jay, a true Democrat we yeld for W. T. C. tell we wer out of Breth & puty in sevel yels for Sherief Rannels & old Buncombe for Her Grate Democrat gane we have 16 famleys here & 15 ar Democrat & Mr. B. never went to the poles He will be solid the next time. Plese let me sea. this Pease in your weakley Democrat as I think it is the best paper Ever went out From the Press it has done moore good for Western N. C. than any paper.Jthat has bin printed in the State ' I am a true Friend - - ' To the Democrat N. W. B. Heaven will bless "N. "V B." and the solid Democrats of his section. He and i his fellow patriots may always rely on the Democrat being ever with them. Here is another: Sandy Mcsn, N. C. Editor Democrat: Times are very dull hereon Sandy -Mush 'with Republicans. 1 neara a prominent " itepuDiican say yesterday when he was asked how he liked tre way the election went: "I went to the' Raven Rocks to crawl in, and found it was full up, and their heels sticking out.".. Hurrah for Crawford andJ Democracy. - ' ' . - C. - A Week's , Entertainment. The Baldwin Theatre Company, under the management of Walter S. Baldwin, are playing to good crowds at the Grand Opera House this week. This company is considerably above the average, and have quite a number of select plays, which are verv creditablv performed. On Monday night they presented "The Galley Slave," the manager, 3Ir. Baldwin , taking the leading character, and was well supported by the entire company. On Tuesday night "The Two Orphans,' was rendered in a very admirable man ner; the combat between the brothers in the last act was very realistic and de serves special mention. Last night the "Queen's Evidence" was performed in our city for the first time, and the audi ence was more than pleased with the manner in which it was rendered. To night they present the western dranja, written by Joaqum Miller, entitled "The Danites." One of the principal features of the company is the popular price of admission, 15, 25, 35 and 50 cents. On aaturaav nigrnt tnev will eive away a handsome suite of bed room f urniture or $30 in gold to the person holding the lucky number. There will be a matinee Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock, the price of admission being 15 and 25 cents. - The Western N. C. Methodist. In the current number of this excel lent paper the . organ of the M. E Church, South, of Western North Caro lina Rev. R. N. Price, D. D., assumes the editorship in chief. Rev. J. Y. Aus tin, who has given the paper its present high and useful position, retains i his edi- torial connection. We welcome Dr. Price back home, and to a position in which he can so well and ably continue v , rs-, A v a the work of his love and his life. And under its new management we sincerely wish The Methodist increaseoTprosperity. Mr. Buttrick, a successful and competent business man, continues the business manager. Sheriff. JT(Of tne Philadelphia College of Pharmacy.) Apothecary, 24 South Main St If your prescription are prepared a Grant's Pharmacy you can positively pend upon these facts: First, that only th . purest and best drugs and chemicals will be used; second, they tcill be compounded car- fully and accurately by an experienced Prtf scriptionist, and third,,, you will not be charged an exhorbitant price. You tcill r& ceive the best goods at a very reasoile profiL Don't forget the place Grant's Ptormacy9 24 South Main street. - Prescriptions filed at all hours, night or day, and delivered free of charge to any part of the city. Tlie night bell will be answered Promptly. Grant's Pharmacy, 24 South Main street. At Grant's Pharmacy you can. buy any Patent Medicine at t7ie lowest price quoted by any oilier drug house in tJie city. TT are determened to sell as low. as the lowest even if we have to lose money by so doinp We will sell all Patent Medicines at fit 9 cost, and below that if necssary, to meet the price of any competitor. We have thelargest assortment of CJtamoi Skins in Asheville. Over 200 skins, aU sizes, at the lowest prices. We are ogents for Humphrey's Homao patfietic Medicines. A fuU supply of hit goods alwags on ha nd. Use Buncombe Liver Pills, the best in the world for liver complaint, indigestion, etc. A thoroughly .reliable remedy -for aL blood diseases is Buncombe Sarsavarillcu Try a- bottle anC ; 1,1 will take no oV er. J. S. GRANT, Ph. G., Pharmacist, 24 S. Main St Asheville, 2Vr. C. Looking Backward Over the past eight years of our successful business life in Ashe ville has demonstrated to us the fact that our determination to. sell only pure goods, guarantee ing weights and quality, and asking a small profit on every thing sold, commends itself to the good sense of purchasers. Second, That desirable cus tomers cannot be gained by the of t-tried vpractice of some deal prs in cuttinc nrices on a few . ,. , . , , . , , leading articles, noping tomane it Up on something else. That hard work and close ap- plication to business is the price of success. That our business for 1889 shows an increase over the pre vious year of 20 per cent., which is very gratifying, and for which we wish to thank our many friends in Asheville and Western North Carolina. Looking Forward We are encouraged to enter up on the year before us with re newed energy and a determina tion to give our customers the benefit of our increased facili ties for buying and selling the very finest goods to be had, at small protlts. Our stock is now the larcrest. ever offered in this market and: .-u .v.; v. i; embraces everything in tne line J 0 . of Staple and Fancy Groceries, xaDie delicacies, U runs, rain, Flour, etc. Eespectf ully, Powell & Snider. It W ii iH 1 I t-i a i t r vS; . r.; y r H i I ft ' 91 i t v 0 ;i. :! ! t ii. . ' 1 1 I" ii i it1. t f , j 1 n ; 4 ? ? i :i I A 1 i - i w 1 . 1 1 s A- i 1 -. u

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