The recent death in OanftdAof Mrs, Sterling momer or ouarjes mm., evening. ww executed a Youngrtown.-p.; Jor tbe murder of Lizzie Groanbacher, kas unveiled the facts concerning an 'fcident that occtirred shortly before his ixecTition. His mother came from Max ell, Cao-,. and. though he had left home kh'. n but a lad with maternal intuition 'lf,e recognised him. WLen bronghtl to Ms cell Sterling without the quyer a Ci'usc'leid: - " J You are mistaken, madam; 1 am not rOUF POnl" . . ! She iiriplored him toreoognia her, put refuwkl, and she returned horn half convinced that she was mistaken To is counsel Sterling said: "She is my mother, but I could Wak her heart by telling her that Jon wouljtl be hung. . Keep it wscret until ihc diefi.f I . S f I Her death caused his attorney, W IS. "It was the most dramatic scene 1 ever Vitnrtsneu," said Mr. Anderson "I have It-ii all the tragedians of the past quar- x of a century-, but none that.comparbd o the scene on that occasion, itie pother, every line in her face showing m(jrf. intense suffering, and her heirt jciirly liroken, while the son, knowing Jlii'.t the jtruth would kill her, stood like , statu .j his face showing the pallor of Wth, assuring her that she was inls- iuch intensity of action wai i r produced ou any stage. It coujlci Lt 1)e."-Cincinnati Enquirer. iiot her Botany in Winter. I feel convinced that, if the teacfcen were, 3 opposed to V it, the subject would ere now have been more widely taught; and I shall therefore say a few words in anticipation of difficultaea. It has been suggested that materials would be Bcarce in winter.! Not at alL Let the children be" familiarized with the observation nnd comparison of the pecul iarities of a sprier of holly as contrasted with one of ivy, or let them be shown how different are the buds and leafless shoots of the beech from those of the oak or a horse chestnut. Show them how to observe the bud scales, how to mier the Leaf arrangement from the scarsj how to notice! the color, rough ness, markings, eta, of the periderm. Or give them introductory notions as to the nature of a hyacinth bulb as con trasted with the Dotao tnher. cozrfijiirie' stheir attentwai te poinl which they can make out by observation. Every nut or orange or apple that the child eaia might be made hstereetirig if teachers would dare step over the traces of convention and introduce such ostensibly dangerous articles inzo dasswori. And why not? The; doctrine of rewards and punish- Wonders Are wrought by the use of Averts Ilair Vigor in restoring gray hair to Us original eolor, promoting a new growth, prevent lug the, hair from failing, keeping it soft. silky, and abundant, and the scalp cool. The Papular Cosmos Flow.' . The eosmos flower, which has come to be all the rage here this fall, has an in teresting history, which Mr. Small, the florist, related. It is indigenous to Mex ico, -where it grows wild in the fields liks the daisy in this climate.- Some four years ago a German florist in Hoboken, N.' J., nrooaeated some of the nlants ! from imported seeds and introduced the ! neattliy, and free from dandruff or humors, fl ;--t vr i rrv iv t a. ' The universal testimony is that this prep- iw xuriL. mcu uie puuu aratiuu lias no equal as a dressing and appeared in the Soldiers' home gardens ! b, therefore, indispensable to every wtll- funnslied toilet. "I have Ksed Ayer's Hair Vi?or for some time and it has worked wonders for me. I was troubled with dandruff and was rapidly becoming bald ; but since using the Vipor my head is perfectly clear of dandruff, the Lair has ceased coining out, and I now have a jtokI growth, of the same coW as when I was a young woman. 1 can .heartily recom mend any one suffering from dandruff or ioss of hair to use Aytr's Hair Vipor as a dressing." Mrs. Lydia O. Moody, East Pittston, Me. e "Some time ago my wife's hair began to onie out quite freely. Frifm i The will of the late Roswell J. at Hampton, near Fortress Monroe. where it was found that it would bloom J as late as January and February, on ac- j count of the milder climate. A gentle-! man near Alexandria, Va., then secured a quantity of the seed and began to grow ! the plant for the market, meeting with such success that he has now several i acres covered with the cosmos blooms, and he ships immense quantities to New York daily, j Mr. Small says that the plant cannot be grown with great success farther north than this city, as it succumbs to the first frost. This is the first year that it has become common, but- just now great branches of it adorn the windows of each florist's establishment, and can CRESCENT MINERAL WATER ! THE FAMOUS SOUTHERN STOMACH. LIVER AND KIDSEV ITRrt'Tv' A Delicious Table Watcr-Odorks, TaJtclcM, Inriro rutin. ' 1 R RANTED TO CCRE DtSPEPSIA Tni REST HEMKnT mit T.trrn ITtnvrv T,... 4 - - - . '.- m w a s laisM - W-,',,f',. p'3'. Verch. ,u Ho'. r;r.n, S. C.. MJ-K : -1 wn a trrt .ufTrrrr from a senom kMnoy d:Mif. fMrin IJri-'h; dlca'. but h;tve ohtainl compete rolicf ).rthUM of the Crescent Mineral WaU-r.anl trill jrUily answer any on iitri from phyicUnor.ttTi.- iy: mente is ap hed more crudely than this ! be ht ch ly in the market or of tne oo3s on tne street, rne nower in most children s schools. ProfRnr Marshall Ward in Popular Science 1 Boys Keep Away from Africa. Two or three weeks ago three yocmg men each having over! $1,000 in cash, left Pittsburg for Africa to emkirfl. Slarery to Af3fiH;e.' 1 Jeffrifea Vis b--n almittod to probate by Surrp- ! ::tt' AiIlinTton. The deceased was a Xivt- fore the war, and often related ! li the pi-a-er meetings whicjb he attends y some of his experiences and the in0i jfijtvi ofliis conversion to Christianity in lis cirly life. Upon obtaining his free 1:' cjune to tins city and boughtia in.tll f'Jnn upjn what was then the out iiru of 1 the city, and which has since j-en buii t up into the fine residen;ce seb (.n novv bounded by Park avenue, ViiiUja avenue, Meigs and Rowley tivets. i Although real estate speculators t';it-,l j Home of the benefit of th tre-n'-ii'loiis increase in the value of this tropcrty', Mr. Jeffries was at his death! a i:h man. lie lived to the- advanced age f 00 years. His wife and four children arrive him. The exact valu of his es ate is jnot known, but it is certainly Ver 30,000. Rochester Post-Exprtw:! ? . ' Buried Is makes a prettv interior decoration, or it will keop fresh for four or ' five days if placed in a vase of water immediately after it ii cut. The white blossoms are the handsomest, resembling a narcissus in their white petals and gold hearts, ceived from boys referring, to th mci- ; rized cosmos is apt to be as pop- About a doten letters have been re- dent and asking for advice or informa tion, j Had the three young men set out for an idiot asylum, calculating to ask to be taken in and cared; for during the remainder of their livs, they would have exhibited more common sense. Africa is not a country where erery Tom,' Dick and Harry can go roaming seaports are in Moors, French, Any one ha3 a not every one go gainvaating ular ere krag as the chrysanthemum, al though florists will always prefer the latter. Washington Post. the backing of about at will. All the 1 the hands of Egyptians, Germans or English. legiJ right to land, bu I has a legal right to -I around the country, j Btanlfey bd to have ! two govemmeota tonable him to do so, j A correspondent of The New York j World was threatened vith arrest if Ve j went (beyond certain j boundaries. A j 1 yoiing man who. has ino better sense to set out oo such an expedition , to hT a guardian, and that -j ffnardiaa ourt to har leal permission to tan his jcket ten times a day. M Qsad in Detroit Freo Press. thaa ought I Passing throngs gaxd curiously at triingej ilaut that sprang ap,in the wib ows of the Chineoo lauadries. Psople rithout poetry in their souls darkly Wk win tlM Next P7f It is stated that th Freoch and Span ish cardinais ai oeertiBX for tho oom- i&atkm of Cardtna4 Zdjerliara as the soc- J !r,tfwi iV,t tv .in MvHkfl ! OT to IIIL feeUng t ' I . ' r h fln ika v4 ere raising onions: Tn emperors lbjects were innocent of th base large! The esenc of human edio ons was clustered in th whit aiid illow petals of the flower . I The plant is called a Chines lily, and ainamen at this season of th yoar iin rt it from their' native land. They ace it in 'a', vessel filled with pebbles id w ater and the flower is in full bloom till Christinas, when it impart a beautl ful odor that tills a room with prfuriie. Tl ? grateful foreigners havs preeeniad V. ir friends in this city with pretty ! 'cimens as a token of their gratitude f r kindnetis .shown them. Pittsburg .snatch. I 1 1 , Small Iionnets for th TKM. j - The men in town are looking forward a delightful winter for playgoiug J It all on account of tho ladies' bonnets . year ago they vrt 'only ; comparable cait wheels and steeples, but ntow iey are the motst mdst.fkw and snug itlo huts. As for the bonnets, at the )eirin;i night of a new; play at th Bijou vo wll known bankers and the prd nt (jf a tiimk line" railroad escorted ieir wives to front seats, and all ibe .en in the houao felt like breaking out, ith applause. This w;ia ; lec-nuse thesa ealthv men's wives- wore bonnets lat just covered the tops . of their 3ads4-iitt!e confections A of lace that ked! pretty and stole no; one's viewj of lo stage. New York Sun j is that at th next euaclave the eleetioa erf a foreign pops is impracticable, the only available o-Italian members of tbe Sacred Oolks Wig the Swiss Car dinal Mermiliod, and th American Car dTnal Gibbons. It is!: not likely, how rer. that eitber of the will emerge aa tbe successor of LeoXIlL The nomination of Cardinal Zighara, who is a Dominican mopk, is not alto ! grther unhkely. He is a native of Cor-, ! sica, but, staransre to say, he took out let- tors of naturalisation sis a subject of the ox-Pontifical states. He is a man of great learning and qujte outside all po ' litical qietkm. I have reason to be- heve that if the popef died to-morrow i Cardinal Zigliira would b sure of uear- ly forty rotes. His only opponents would The Cane Has Gone. The really high caste London swell has "cursed his sticks and cast it out." Swagger Englishmen no longer . appear in' public with canes of any description. The collection of choice silver topped and natural wood, weapons they drew mental sustenance from through so many seasons Las suffered a temporary divorce from the fashionable toilet. British manhood is unprotected, and goes empty handedson the promenade save for a glove possibly, or in stress of weather a medium sized silk umbrella. The colic pee of the stick is attributable to the wholesale adoption of imitation costly canes by the London clerk and petty tradesman. Arry, the haberdasher, greengrocer and draper men were contented until re cently to carry blackthorns or a light rattan. To this no objection was raised by the aristocrats, and all would have gone well had not a sharp American flooded the market with cheap, flash; copies of swelldom's own stick. The re sult was intolerable, and hence the uni versal renunciation of canes in uppei circles. Illustrated American. Ayer's JIair Vigor not only prevented my wife from becoming Dald, i but it also caused an entirely new I rowth of hair. I am ready to certify to this statement before a Justice of the peace." II. Ilulsebus, Lewisburgh, Iowa. "Some years ago, after a severe attack of Drain fever, niy hair all came out. 1 used such preparations for restoring it as my phy sicians ordered, but failed to produce a growth of hair. I then tried, successively, several articles recommended by druggists, and all alike fell short of accomplishing the desired result. The. ist remedy I applied was Ayer's Hair Vigor, which brought a growth cf hair hi a few weeks. I think I ' used eight bottles ia'two years; more than was necessary as a restorative, but I liked it as a dressing, and have continued to use it for that purpose. I believe Ayer's Ilair Vigor possesses virtues far abu those of y similar preparation now on the market." i --Vincent Jones, Richmond, Ind. " I jam usla the Crescviit Water an 1 take figure in en 1 irsiu it. f. n. u ... .if . .i i. . ... . Hf3.ti aya: I tvunnl tho Crv-.-nt Sprinsf Water a very vlu 11 nnlr in minr rurma. of dynpsi 1 'lwt-s of iho ki Ineys an I fully e inl Ut the ToUnl Wu-r. H. G. G lr.. Ea.. Gr.. Mr t-hvlcntaf Dr. J. II. Mai woll. trtHt.l th- Oy.nt yalor for a ki Iney tmuMo Ir m which I bave two a rrcat hulrvr. an I I have re ceived such x-n.-ht tliat 1 eurm-tly rt-coinaicn l it. Dr. H. L. B-,vr. S'it .,r of Matiachutetit. mjj: Thi water th Crefnt) will t twml beneucial in lyspepsia. in Hction,or diirranTv:m'nt of the d!itlvp oriri i. m l in wesaknn r diMenf thv urinary oran?. or where the blood is Impure from moU ; diraxn. itnprt.per habtd of living, etc. , T. B.cot& Co . Ofujrj ttt. Gri , s. t..ays: rhyBicians nd lavali ls are hmi la tbdr praise of the Crescent Mineral Water. jIn. S-nth. -fs'i knfi in SsuiS Criin id 3of.. Mjm: Th rrtment Watrl curin'n of alon? tan.lin)C kl ru y troubli an l I an letter than for tn year. An l ray wife foryiUrs obliged to take raeJicine for her liver, h.n h.i.1 nj occasion for tuv41cine eince uinit the Cres cent Water and now feels like a new ierson." J..-. . upannj r-.iyj.cian in trnn ts bir " Tho tet haouy of J. X.mith r(rdlnr thq wonderfui curti ct of the CnHTit Witor will lw of great v.ilu. a no man' worf to 8tronrer In Oreenille than hU." K. F. S. Itow'ey, M. !., Mavnr of rvnille: Jn . II. Max well, M. 1)., J. V. Karle, M. D., J. W. Howell, M. !., i. T. Swan dale, M. It. H. Ju'tOa. Treas. lurra:m Univcrsitj-, Frank Haminon l, Prest. I'ooples lUnk. T. Q. lon. Att'r 4 Law, all of Greenville. i rUl C . n.... A........ F - . Ml 1. - 1 1 . . fjt. . . T wuk.., "-r.M.i., u... i Minn in won'ienui iie i ino kidney affections, and believe it to be tho lest mineral water la the South., Creceut water la I SEND FOR HOOK OF TESTIMO.NIAI-S ANALYSIS, LTC Put up In glass only and warrante.1 to keep for years in any climate. Trice Tor Case of 12 Hair-dallon Jai-s, S4.00. t Far CKCSCBN'T MINERAL WATEK CO Oreenrille, S. C. Sate in A7ieziU by J. S. Grant, T..C. Smith tfc Ck Uty,r d- S,mVi, W. Cannich'icl, Wurthcn & Co., J. II. WiH1cck and at PdLnn$ Plt-irui'isy. GRAND Aver's H air Vigor ET PREPARED BT DR. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass. i Bold by Druggists and Perfumers. 3j Op enin -AT- PRANKLIN HOUSE, WH IT LOCK 0 be the Jtsuits, whose nal Monaco la V altta. f Paria don Chronicle. homin is Carfli- Cor. Lon- tipe by rail between tb;ia York. The members bf : Electricity in th French Navy- i . ,Tho French 1 minister of marine ha iie- tded that every military port shall eend j power of the exists Unes to J Pans two foremen and two working ; tho time of the joilrney y gpres lectricians to study the various systems f electric lighting. . A farther evidepce t the! extent to which the government f France is recognizing the iinportahce ( providing its navy with the fullest ossible instruction in electrical matters allomed by the tact that lecture) on BMtta Wwnta to Cor Nrarer. It is gratifying to Obeerre that tbe' business m?n of Bosfton are disposed to make an active' effort to Rjcrtre quicker city and New the Executive Business association hare dipenssd the question, and have come to tbe very sen sible conclusion that the public interests of the city demand-a better service, and that such a service 1 can be secured "without prejudice to j the interests of the railroads connecting the two cities."" No one who has- studied the conditions involved, and who knows of? how much the modern railway is capable, will doubt this. A new line wouldl probab!ynot be a prontarne enterprise, ; out it is witnm reduce express trains- from six hours to five, and there is no- sufficient reason for delaying to do so. i Boston Post. ! j To Wiater in tbe Arctic ' iriree vtisseis trom ban r ra; isco are ; now in winter quarters at the mouth of the Mjuikenkie river, within 1,200 miles j of the north pole. This is said to be the j first time that whaling vessels have vol- ' untarily wintered in this location. The colony comprises nearly seventy men. It vrill be late next summer before they can be heard from, unless by some chance a trapper might find his way that far north by sledges and back again to a tfriusa fur trading post, fro visions in the way of fish and game will be pro cured from the Indians who have vil lages dose by The vessels are the steamers Grampus and Mary D. Hume and the schooner Nicolene. Alluring stories of bowhead whales being so thick in the water that you couLi walk about ou their backs as on broken ice led the vessels to their present location. San Francisco Alta. U - The Most Pleasantly Located and Best Hotel in Franklin, N. 0. The tables ar "bountifully furolihed with the best the country affords, and rooms neat 1 and comfortable, and servants polite and at- I tentive, and oaargros reasonable. "e popular livry line of D. C. Cunningham runs in connection with this house, connecting i daily with the Murphy Division W. N. C. R. tt. at Dillsboro. Also affording the best oonvcy- i ances to all points of interest in Western Car olina at reasonable prices. Express and tele i graph lines. Clothing; House, ! -I 46 and 48 S. Main St., Corner Eagle Block, ASHEVILLE, N. C. We are showing the largest stock of Medium and Fine Rea ijr Majde Clothing for Men, Boy's and Children ever brought to Aspeviue. jjo not ran to iExamine Our Stock Before Purchasing" .1 v7 Your Fall Clothing. Otx Vote It . is fifty-one years since one vote de cided that Marcus Morton, and not Ed 10 theory and use 'of electricity and its ; ward Everett, should be governor of 11 ploy men t for naval purposes are being ; Massachusetts. Judge Morton had been h en at the Brest observatory, and they ! a candidate tor office thirteen successive List of th Buffalo. TiKre is a small herd of buffalo on what is known as the Red desert, not many miles from Laramie, (Wyo. A party of hunters recently returned from there and report having' seen fifteen. During their trip they captured two witli a lasso but both of them died, it is said, from the effects of the choking they received, dme of them was taken after a chase of two days. Mr. J. C. Robbins was at the' head of the party, and his purpose in capturing them alive was to add them to a private collection of the wild animals of the Rocky mountains, which he intends exhibiting at the World's fair at Chicago. He left three hunters . in the hills near the desert for the purpose of capturing other animals. Denver News. ASHEVILLE CARRIAGE The most stylish effects in Cassimeres, Cheviots, Corkscrews antTVClav Worsteds, all our own designs. m:nlt in ln.t tnilnr- n u j a 17PTTTT Cr cnVQ fashion equal to best custom Clothing that can be produced. I It. XI. JA lilirjU tV we are prepared to fit you in Cutaway and Straight Frionfe bapk buits, Cutaway and btraight Front Frock Suits, Single and Double Breasted Prince Alberts, Double Breasted Sack SuTta, Double Breasted Frock Suits. Our Clothing is superior in finish anl fit to all others, in sizes from the smallest 2 year old child to the largest man. EXTRA PANTS to fit all sizes and shapes, in grades ranging- trom $i.uu to iu.uu per pair. EXAMINE OUR STOCK BEFORE YOU BUY. ANI- IEA0HINE SHOP J J. H. WOODY, Proprietor. or repair Carriages, ill be continued for four months. New 'ork Commercial Advertiser. The German postoffice officials have sen experimenting with the riorth sea iblc.j seventy-five kilometers long, be vfT.n Heligoland and Cuxhaven. to ;est ye pssibility of using submarine ca-bles f considerable length for telephonic years when he was cbosen by this meager majority. The state cast just a trifle over 100,000 votes at that election. Two years later Judge Morton was elected governor by one majority a second time. This one majority.. was, However; then in the legislature, -the people having made no choice. These ocourrences were very remarkable. They are tailed to mind by irposes.',. Tue results have bten very j the one vote majority jrist given in the vvorable, distinct communication g been obtained at both ends. hav- Sorae vnterestins sently been made ex perimeiita have f i It m UenmarK in leii- j treoe with gun cotton. Fo felling tree twenty-five inches in girth it took 70 men only a quarter of an boor to ake tle preparations, the rule followed Tenth aldermanic district of Boston. Boston Herald ' V - Poisons nake one bore ot of circumference ;ing; to hole for 0achU, is in A pleasant cure for hoarseness vke a lemon for fifteen minutes ow oven, cut off one end and remove ie purp, and sweeten to taste. This mple medicine will 6ften take aVay ie tightness in the chest which so often companies a severe cold in Cane HaiHlle. A peculiar and painful cas of paraly sis "of the muscles, which, ought to be of interest to every man ( who carries a metal topped cane or umbrella, is being treated by Dr. Henry F. Robinson, of this city. It is a eoreof the hand, caused by tbe pressure of a round knobbed stick r oinst the ialm. In the case of Dr. ; ! Pobmson'sjDatient, ibe sbre has affected ! the muscles from the fingers to above the wrist. Dr. Robinson 63ys tnat a buck -vriih a handle instead of ! a knob is the proper thing. New York Telegram. A Prench doctor has recently been col- ctuvr St; is Is : )!:;. ' r.u. isxics with rerd toVhose of complain of ' nervjoua i I . A . v rne it conclusion uiHt tue, prime ,r .f evil is tht practice of :ie train. he n3 A Giant's In supportable Chagrin. Harry Baldwin; a negro, weighing 300 pounds, shot himself through the head recently. Fk- had got into a quarrel with a little i h: pwho pbtmded him tm- mercifullv .heart killed L: Globe- E .!:;v;in tc4k it so much to ; t homf and - ptly :vichii-4 Cor. Si. Louis A Queer Duck at Great Duck 'Island. On Sept. 12 a colored individual, who gave nis name as "joe tiopKins, came ashore in a fourteen foot dory on Little Duck island. Members bf the lighthouse department offered to take him to the mainland, but he declined, and since that time has lived on' the island. Little Dock is entirely devoid of vegetable growth, and Hopkins has subsisted en tirely ou mussels. To procure these he has been obliged to wade up to his waisi in water. He still refuses to go to the mainland, but desires a new boat. He claims that he is en route for Africa, having started from Nova Scotia. Cor Boston Globe. 21-26 WILLOW ST., ASHEVIXIjE. i'i ,' Machine shops complete. Can duplicate any parts of Machinery. Buggies, lioad ami arm w agons made or re- paired. All work guaranteed. Horse-shoeing I by expert workmen. No quack business don.. Give me a cU. novl-7y OVERCOATS In fight weight for early fall wear, in all colors and sizes, em bracing the latest novelties in style and material. We have ex clusive patterns that cannot be matched elsewhere. i OUR WATERPROOF CAPE COATS y - are the greatest hit of the season. in Cassimere, Cloth, and Fancy Silks and -Matt- FIRE INSURANCE. Fire, Life, Accident PULLIAM & CO. i At the BanK of Asheville, i j ASHEVILLE, N. C. Represent the following companies, vie. : ODD VESTS lasse goods. J FULL DRESS SUITS! The most elegant garments ever produced. None equal to ou All; we aSK oi you is to ! EXAMINE OUR GOODS BEFORE YOU BUY. i YOUTH'S CLOTHING, FIRE. CASH ASSETS IK U. &. Anglo Nevada, of California. Continental, of New York, Hamburg-Hremen, of Germany. I-ondon Assurance, of EogLinu Niagara, of New York. Orient, of Hartford, . Phoenix, of Brooklyn. SI. Paul Fire and Marine of Minnesota, l,Stl,0dl 1,129,04 1.M3.HH5 :,66T,6J i.OT4,179 It a Wy PoUticiaiu Uan. A lady of this city who ha3 been read ing about politics a good deal lately said to her husband the other day: "I sup pose it is all right for a prominent public Pman to be referred to by a nickname, though I think it is rather undignified. But what puzzles me is why everybody should refer to Mr. McKinley as McKin ley Bill, instead of Bill -McKinley. 1 suppose, though, it must be in imitation of the cowboy style." New York Tri bune. : Coal Thieve Can a Coal Yard. Seven persons have been arrested at Reading for systematically robbing the coal cars of the Reading railroad. It was developed at the, hearing t they scraiDed the coal from ' 'the a sidinsrs at Port Clinto: ".lv supphe.l and operated u . from their stealings. Pa. . lieo- ord. Southern, of New Orleans, Western, or Toronto, Mutual Accident Association. JEtna. Life Insurance Conr-aoy. ASHEVILLE To fit perfectly, in short and long pants, desirable for school and dress wear. The leading material fancy and black Cheviots. Also extra Pants for all sizes to match Suits, in sizes to fit boys from 12 to 18 years. Children's Suits,' ranging in sizes from 2 to 12 years, in Kilts, Jersey Suits, beautiful colors and handsome) y trimmed. - m ' t Our Cpmbination Suits, consisting of one Suit, extra Pants and Hat to match, all for $5.00, are the greatest value ever of fered. Overcoats to tit boys or all, ages. I EXAMINE OUR STOCK BEFORE YOU BUY. PRICES Everybody likes to buy at right prices. We likeito sell at right prices. Our business was built on right prices and shall be maintained on the principle of right prices for honest values. In dealing with us you ate perfectly sfe in getting the best value at lowest price and one price for all. . 1 In addition to our immense offering of Clothing wo show tho largest stoct ot Alen s ana uoy's FOUNDRY Uncfenvear, . Neckwear, Gloves, Handker- I chieis, riosiery, bocks, i ' ' (And sundry fixings that are always needed by gentlemen and their sons. ! . Hats ? Hats ? Danlap, Melville and other celebrated makes are now In stock In latest fall shapes in Derbys, Evening San," and Crushes. Alfo Ladies' and Genu SILK IIATS ! .AMlMi OUK SIJJUK BEFOKE TOU BUY. . OUR SPECIALTIES Hieh Clasrciothin?. Dunlap Hats, Manhattan Drt Shirts, E. & W. Collars and Cuffs. Mother4' Friend" Shirt Waista. j Do you wish to be well dressed ! . Do you' want tbe best the market "IffomsT Do you want good fit tin tr Clothing ? Do you waat the latest styles, the best roods for hcinest prices ? EXAMINE o'JIt STOCK nnFOHE YOU nUY , and convince jt-.m t.Mui y: t-nn et them in Ashevilb at Whitlock'a, 46 and 48 South Alain St., Coi Higle Bloclc AND MiOEIKG SHt)P, NO. 8 BUTTRICK STREET. KANDTACTTTEE8 AND REPAIRS Saw, Grist and Cane Mills. Engines. Shaft ings, Pulleys and all kinds of Machinery for the Farm or Factory. I am the local agent for the, "Scientific Grinding Mill." the beet mill on earth for gTinding ear corn with the shucks on. shelled corn, oats, reas and all kinds of grain for feed. Call and see it work or seed f cr catalogue. Address 4. B. Cole, ASHEVILLE IT. 0. . 1 1 ' s i J