of 0 EDUCATIONAL COLUMN communications for . thi department fanltl-be addressed to Walter Burst, JJar- WB AP-E ABLE TO DO THIS. .Ability of Mentis and Fknds.". Choice of 1 m ye are aoiG now in most 01 the school districts, where the (rrt-at mass of the people get all the schooling ithey ever secure, to keep the school open at least eight months j in the year, and we are able to pay the teachers for every such school at least a minimum salary $50 per month if we only thought so. , Do our teachers get anything like this amount? Are the teach ers not as important as our county omcers. lhese . omcers are alvays paid liberal salaries. Now, just in proportion as we employ competent teachers and tram tlie people into an mdus. trious, intelligent, productive, lnv ;l)iding citizenship, just in' that proportion we get citizens instead of criminals, industry inste id of idleness, intelligence instead.of ignorance; hence the teacher is the more valuable ami his7 or her compensation i A Tale of Summer Dan. I A tale Of roses and rrhww t 'wrWl fromj the last midsnmmer days. It was at a easide resort, and a y onng man, a veritable Princ Charming, before whom 1 all women go down and who cannot beip ''peticing when; he is near a prettjy girl, was at bis usual ooeopation demoted to sereral ofj them at once. He conn led. in fact, this .time four rio tims rto his attractions. As two, how ever,! were at the hotel oil the beach and tne other pair in separate cottages in different directions, he had managed to mak all happy without any clashing. Juki before the season closed, however, the fair cottagers went fith their par ents to pass a few days at the hotel en rontej to their city homesl Four sweet hearts under one roof we too much for even j this clever campaigner. He con cluded that the situation was too com plicated for him. and a prompt departure was' arranged for. The Evening he left he managed to see-each girl separately and to murmur in her ear a tender tale of love. EU would take bo decided an then, but if his affection was re- he begged her to wear at break- In and Around swer turned fast the next morning a ed rose which he gently pressed upon her. The last in terview took place about 11 p. m., and the midnight train bore the young scamp to Nfew York At! the first meal on the; foil owing day four young women appeared in the din ing room with red roses jthrnst in theii belt4 The gay cavalier not presenting himself the girls after a time began to compare notes, and all that worries those deceived damsels is to know whether Aajh eville. THE NATIONAL DEMOCRAT their joint lover had any 'means to dis- slioilld be as liberal as any other. ! cover how many of his roses were worn As Thb Democrat is read very largely bj visitors in the city, and many who desire in- lormation concerning our city and section, we insert the following items of interest : HOTBLS IS AND AROCXD ASH EVILLE. Battery .Park, J. B. Steele, manager. Swannanoa, Rawls Bros., S. Main St. Grand Central. S. K. Chedester. Patton arem Carolina House, W, A. James, N. Main st. "XT : it. n t l v .- - . Wfe tern Hotel, Dr. L, li. McBrayer, Main fit. Slagle Hot-sL, J. L. L. Sltiglix, Patton avenue. Oaks Hotel, Dr. Greenwafl, Oak & Woodf.n Btt wmyan sanitarium, K. V. iluck, Camp Pattou Glen Rock, A. G. Halyburton, Depot. bkyland Hotel, 8 miles out. Arden Park, 10 miles ont. Alexander's, 10 miles out. ' " Carrier's White Sulphur, 5 miles out. Black well's White Sulphur, 12 miles out: PRIVATE RESIDENCES WHERE BOARD CAN Bt OBTAIN SD. nderson. Mrs. It. W.. 20 Bearden Avenue. Adams. Mrs. J.t3., 41 Spruce St. Bairu., Miss Vickie, 1 mile out, S. Main St. Breese, B., College St. Carter, Mrs. M. E., French Broad Ave. Coffin, Misses, 31 Haywood St. Chamberlain, Mrs. S. E., Church St. Carson, T. C, Bamett place, 123 Patton Ave fcmn, Mrs. Kate, College t. . Gano, Miss, French Broad Ave. Howell, J. O., 136 liroad r?t. Labarbe, Mrs., Eaiton Ave. Lowell, Mrs , 77 Charlotte St. McDowell, Maj. W. W., 428 South Main St. McDowell, John, McDowell St. McDouald, G. L., 50 Bailey St. McCape, C. J., 24 Grove St. Millard, Dr. D. T.. The Villa, 53 Haywood St. Moore, Mrs., College St. Polly, Mr?., Chestnut St. Portner, Mrs. M. H.,76 Haywood St., opp. Flint Rector, T. S., 155 North Main St. Reynolds, Mrs. T. E., 88 North Main St. Reynolds, W. T., 22 Wood tin St. iSummey, Mrs. A. T.,-J1 Haywood St. Smathers, Mrs. J. ., 318 Patton Ave. Stockton Mrs. A. C, Flint St. ' Trenholrn, Mrs., 103 Academy St. Van Gilder Place, Mrs. Pkitt, College St, Way, Mrs. C. B.,-lDell Rosa." 2 miles N.of city Weaver, Dr. H. B., Chestnut St. Wolfe. W. O., 512 Woqdfin St. (Any errors or omissions in this will be gladlj corrected, as the matttcr is to be kept stand ing in The Democrat.) Is this thecab now? at the breakfast -table. Het- View in New York Tiniesi Point of 'A Vital Institution. The public school, in order to brome a vit;il institution, must i b' patronized by the whole peo-! pK'. It should reach most effec- jtivt.lv the masses of the people lift this great nation. - ; If il J . 1 1 T iKAvis inis to ue uone: i3y A Dock Martin Boland, of North an exciting experience while ing Hunter's Adventure. Lyine, had .Monday, and thanks His lucky stars every morning for the fact that" he is still in the land of the living He had beenj about the mouth of Lord's cove nearly all the day and had met with fair success, and had loaded his decoys into PLACES OF -IXTT.K'EST IN AND AROUND . ' DISTANCES FKOM ASHE VI .VLB. ANT Stiite laws inaking education bis Ball dnck boat, intending to start homfe. Just then he heard the loud i "honk" of wild geese, and a moment later; saw a flock of some twenty of these waterfowl settle in the river about half from shore to shore. on way He resolves! to have one jof these geese his string, and attembted to scull nearr enough to get a shot, t He kept his on the birds, and consequently did. not see a huge cake of ice that was bear-' 1 ing oownupon his craft-' ' He realized it," ! i It 1 IT". i compulsory, j instruction is so much needed by each citizen for his own sake I and for that of so- cu'ty, that the father who neg louts to provide for his child's instruction sins . against the child and against society, and it -behooves the State to punish j eves jimi. I i I fl A WIT A1 11 IO ri k" t W-fc T MAO : O ; 5 attendance in schools main- j ut ; orerturning it and thriving tailed and controlled by the ! himfinto the chilly water1. ' His gun, a Jnate only when there IS no at-1 Coltfs breechloader, fell fripm his hand tendance in Other schools known andjwent to the bottom of the river, and to be competent to impart in-I is likely to remain there. jEioland had a stritctibn in the required degree. ! h ht. nd hn.. after a desperate j Vrhe compulsory laws usually ; effort he sceeded m puU himself 1 , . . r i , .' c, , r xu i upon the ice, he fell exhausted. . enacted m certain States of the i dangerwssnot hZx7 means. Union, are, imour opinion, ob- j had no mens of gainihg the shore, lectionable in a few of the inci- . andiit as with a heart full of anxiety lental clauses. -These we are j that he ww the distance Jbetween his confident will readily be altered I ice pf t and shore rapidly cLimmish, un in approaching sessions of rthe mi1 bJ n 7 whirled into the . 1 ! . . .i.il . 1 lL FT . m 3 1 .ff e nfiipo WifVi tVo Krlxr 1 snoaa water anu no was uaie. narsiora ucJi laws and their general in terest in the direction of hasten- ng universal instruction wte are! m most hearty accord. Name. Mii.f. Oalis Hotel, I in the city. Beaumont (altitude nearly 2,HW ft.) Top of Town Mountain 1 "Campbell's. White Cpttago View... 1 Oakland Inn. .... 1 Fernihurst (Connally's View) 2 Hazzard Heifrhta - 3 Riverside Hark . 3 Tahkeeostqe Farm 3 Bilton Park - 4 Richmond Hill (Pearson's View) 4 Reynold's View (Couched Peak) 5 Klk Mountain. - 5 Tcnnent's View..... ..... 5 Sunset Drive -.L - 6 Strawberry HilUClark's F:ym)-...... 4 French Uroaa iiiver, nearest oxux l .' " drives oL 50 Swannanoa lliver, nearest point 2 H. ' drives of 10 Lee's Chalybeate Springs (Iron) 2 Sulphur Springs lii.il " Blackwell's White Sulphur Springs 12 Dula's Springs....... - 10 Arden Park- A 10 lieems' Creek Falls : 10 Alexander -.. 10 Craggy Mountain, to toot-. 14 " to top (altitude 6,000 ft.) 18 Mount Mitchell, to foot 18 to top (altitude Cfi,717 ft.)....-28 Hot Sprinjrs (on French lro;,d River) 37 Wavuesille White Sulphur Springs 31 Hickory Nut Falls .t 22 Ha id Mountain (ot volcanic notoriety) Cave of the Winds, Pools Chimney'Rock. etc-" Pisgah Mountain (altitude o,,y( tt.) -0 Swannanoa Gap. - 18 Ca-sar's Head ' 45 Hendersonville 21 Buck Forest Every TJemeerat and Every Seeker After Political Truth Should Read It. rLTJB Rentes: We will send the Na tional Democrat and The Democrat to any address within the United States for $2.00 a year-strictlv in advance. The regular subscription price of the National; Democrat is $1.50 per vear. and it is well worth it. It is publfshed weekly in the city, of Washington, and each issue contains eight seven-column paes of reading matter. Send to this office for. sample copies. It.. ha. the endorsement of leading Democrats; it contains all the Washing ton and National news; its record of Congressional proceedings will be fulV aud complete, and it is in every way a worthy exponent of sound Democratic aocinne. ouoscriDe now ana secure this staunch . organ of the party of the people; ( The Ashevii.le Democrat and The National Democrat for $2.00 per year in advance. ; j club hates. The A sheville Democrat $1:50 per an num; The National Democrat $1.50 per annum; Tie North arolina Farmer $1.00 per annum. The Asheville Demo crat and the National Democrat one year for $2.00 in advance. The Asheville Democra.and the North Carolina Far mer one vear $1.75 in advance. 'The Asheville Democrat, The National Dem ocrat and the N. C. Farmer, all three, one year for $2.50 in advance. This is a rare chance for our people to get a largeand varied amouut of useful reading inatt.er at'the lowest prices. The Asheville' Democrat contains 48 columns, The National Democrat con tains 54 columns both weekly ; the N. C Farmer,: monthly, contains 24 pages, 72 columns1. " This Is rt valuable library in itself. $4.00 dollars worth of the best reading matter one year for $2.50. Every person taking The Asheville Democrat and the North ('arolina Far mer, $1.75 n advance, will receive free of charge oiie dozen papers-of improved .sraruen seeds. V e ask the attention o all readers jto this splendid offer. Send us your name with the cash at once. . FUHMAN & AIsCE, Asheville, N. C. Home Again ! Has boug D revarc Pit out his old business from Bostic Bros. & Wright, where ho expects to carry a large and well selected stock of Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, HatsfEtc. r l Agent for Coats', Clark's and Kerr's Thread. Will sell cheap ior casn. CASH" IS THE MOTTO, As he expepts to buy and sell for cash, which means Imying'and selling cheap. Go to'see him, as he has a full store and 'pleasant i ! a A?-. i . . -v -. aiiu aucomraouaung salesmen, consisting 01 joiin bmathers, Jno. headed by he well known J. P. Morgan. j THE "HICKORY INN." HICKORY, N. C. i An all the Y$ar ResortJ Address, 4 ELECTRIC Times. A not An Airship to CrM the Omm. remarkable erperimentj is going on Ifar from London in a ipretty little j Keijtish town called Bexliey Here a j pary of Ajpaericaa Bcieatiata , and arti- 6an$ are c4ni-tracting an aithip which is expected to crosa the ocean in seven 1.-.L-. 1H. ; . w- . An -;-.. i.4- . .1 liOwn in a variety of styles. ters are nrly aU f rom Bridgeport. i txn(n., ana are connaeni or suooess. ay ! invitation I ran down there and saw a Novelties in Jewelry. ! Watch bracelets are being In floral brooches the enam- )led orchid has many adherents. Some new silver chatelaines re pierced ib delicate figures. Monkey skin card cases have iny silver ilon tliem. my sterious mass of metal and machine ry, of which I could make nothing intel- ligiDla which I did see models, however, rose from the tabl& and flew around the interior of the treat work monkeys leaping fIT fTclea anf curye8 " J . r the (will of the sender. j ! i 11; tuts cu imp it; sxipjj ulkw uau v vr fii Jewelers are-Bxhibitingvinai-;as mlel u revolutionize the rettes with1 enameled pansies W?5ld ' ery. workman is sworn to ab- I boiulo secrucY. anu luua iar LUiCxie or no A match box representing a : Jt lock of con;! wood, in oxidized Anir,,; is odd. 1 i voi- . t infqrmation as to what the mechanism is hfts reached the ojiteide world. The is Hirain Iaxim, an Amjerican inventor of ability! J Next to hini are Mr 'flonse and his sOn, who are botii endowed with high incentive tal- Average Monthly Temperature. I January ........ !.. 38 1 February. . . . t . . p March 44 7 April 53 y May.. 61 5 Jud' . f69 1 July 71 3 AujruRt 70 9 Soiitoinber OctOlKil". . . . Novemler. December . r3 8 5- 43 t 7 PIEDMONT AIR LINE. RICHMOND k DANVILLE H R. CO. Passi'.noer i Department, Western North Carolina Division. PASSENGER TRAIN SCHEDULE. (In effect Auerust 31.) 75th Meridian time used when not otherwis. indicated. . EASTBOCND No. 51 ! No. fT Daily j Daily Lv. Knoxville, ' (90th mer.) 6 50jm 8 10am Ar. Asheville, 1235am 142pm Lv. Asheville, 12.40am . 2 02pm Ar. Salisbury, 5 "vfeim " 6 42pm " -Danville, 9 :2am 10 20pm - Richmond, - j 3 15pm! 4 55amJ " Raleigh, 1 i!5pm 7 35am " Goldsboro, 2 55pm; 12 40pm " Wilrainrton, . 6 00pm " Lynehbm-f-, . , 12 25pirTl2 55am " " Washington. 7 10pm 65:iim " Baltimore, S 50 pm 8 25am, " Philadelphia, 3 OOaru 10 47am " New Trork, , 6 20amf 1 20pm B. H. COSBY, (Successor to C. Cowan.) Spe JGIITS. i HOT AND COLD WATElt HATIIS AND TOILETS ON EACH FLOOR. j C ial Attractions for Families. ft - y-ci rry Cuisine and Appointments Unsurpassed. FRANK LOUGHRAN, Prop. i Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, of all Descriptions. EVERY ARTICLE G UAURANTEED AS i - REPRESENTED. Rings, ! Combination Spectacles and Eye Glasses, unsurpassed to preservoand correct the Eyesiht. All repairing in my line will receive careful attention. Respectfully B. H. COSBY, 27 Patton Avenue, Asheville, N. 0. This Space Is For The Carolina Saloon, No. 19 North Main St, Ashe7illc, N. 0. Call anchSee Me, HOI FOR THE FRANK O'DONXELL. i WESTBOUND. Sihvr toolnucks are made to eQiACoT Philadelphia Timei 1 1 i . i i c (i-uil l article. . . , r A silver match box of recent uc tokes the torm ot a cowled Jul hooded hionk. s Ui inexpensive additition to purt requisites is a silver stab- i n with garnet-incrusted top. yueer Electrical Mishap. . befeU a Portland An electric light qneer accident woman last ve wire '-had 'Barrsred to the . tiniied roof of her .house, rind the current was conduct ; ed jby the ' water conductor on the dtit- sidej of the house to a trap in' the cellar, : theiice by the waste pipe to a washstand on .tne secorKi noor.-tnenco oy tne water -..i U. 'i -. 1 i. 1 .lit...-. 1 . pijxe to iue sireeu, su uiiiwi wueuj .ua iiuy her hand on the faucet of he water he couldn't let go. But luckily wind was blowing, and, as fhe wires ."' swakedj the water pij)e and itsiadjuncts ' i ' ' ! . i i . : "ii x if- - & , were eiecxrinea wisx- uue an luitjrmitujnt Vtveiv a hideous little Qrold liz- ; current.! so the lady was liberjited after i ,,.:. i i.; . j . . , I q rorro mirmtftn . iTnrriRrrmfnr u an i uuy ev es, A scarf-phi that has many Imirers is a small green turtle, n about its shell witn emer Is. put pipe the Tv. New York, " rhiladelphia, " Ifcritiinore, " Washiujcton, " Lynchburg1, No. 50 i No. 52 Daily Daily VZ l.um; 4 30pm 7 "0 un (! STpm 9 45am 1 9t.pm 11 i.ain ,ll Wpm a H.'pra Richmond, DainiH Wilmington, JoldsVioro, Raieifih, r" Salisbury, Ar. Asheville, Lv. Asheville, Ar. Knoxville. (SOth mer.) No. no.i Daily I 3 tKlpm 8 40pm 9 0(!am .2 40pm 4 iopmi 12 45arnT 7 2arn !lljCKVim; & S. li. It. 5 07am 2 30am 1 -I I '8 05am 8 00pm 13. lam ir25a.ii 4 22pm 4 29pm 8 25pm 9 15am jLv. lOOSam'Ar. 12 40pm: " Ashevillle, Arr. Hehdei-sonTille, " Spartanburg; Lv. No. 54 Daily TOOpre 6 07pn. 3 40pre 1? ers brooches amoner finda o.. a raw 11 A. V those searching minutes - imprisonment ftnd con- Lewiston J ournaL MUKI'riY EKANCIL No; 18. (Daily except Sunilay.) f7 35am Lv. 9 35am; Ar. 12 45pm . " I No. 17. Asheville, Waynesvil!, llrypn "ity, Andrews, Ar. 4 OSpn 2 0opix 9 45 an: Lv.! 5 50am Grand . Central Hotel, Neatnesi Promptness. PalioQ A?cnae', Asheville. N. C. THE EEST $2 HOUSE IN THE STATE. FURMAN'S It registers more guests than . all the hotels in the city,, because It is in the center of tho city, on fche street car line; . It is conducted on business principles; Price suit-tue times; You get the best fare the market affords. ami JToI siderable suffering. 'littorihg from the head of a Vko vn& is a cluster' of small JUUoii.lsrsurrouhded by small j Deputy Pabre's drama' Joan on tlie Paris Stas:Q. i Earis is to see lf Joaa of Arc" pon tne I stae once more. The town council has votd 300 to bring out, at the phatelet. ciillecl after the si-, i , , ' . J if m does justice to the play ih pro vid- v mt maiCil OOXes, Ciesignea ing Utting accessories, is to be Rewarded llnitate cigars, with enameled j -with the Cross of the Legion of Honor, .ieis to denote the brand are IM'JT lWlVO.l 1 i ... . j il.be bowl l('iiv:i tiji 1 . T-ii' i l t . n r an ;nonor wnicn nas ueeu yraniti 10 ivl. Dn4ne3nei, of the Porte SaWj Martin, , ; and; M. Iloncke, of the liippodroine, for of a piano lamp is ' thelintelliirent pains they took in bring- out "Joan of Arc" at those places. ills XVI. Deriod and revofvbs Cor. London News. i ' 11 pedestal of Sevres. mong several new andrich r'och concepti(kis is a f acssim- Iff a feather aout two inches length, made of pure white Ame.1, with the. bone studded til Rtnnll Ain-mnA I - 1 uiaiuuuuo auu cv jutiful soltaire resting in the And More, Too. ! The supreme court of this state has just decided a lawsuit begun Jtwenty onej years ago, and involving the. title of a $,700 farm. The lawyers 'have not only eaten up the farm, but all the con testants could rake and scrape ae well. Thy had hoped the sniK would run aoont ten years longer, as tne nay waa stftad v and could be counted on. De Sleeping Car Service. Nos. 50 and 51 Pullman Sleepers between Raleigh and Morristown . Nos. and 53 Pullman Sleepers between Hot Springs and Washington. Nos. 51 and 55 Pullman Parlor Cars between Hot Springs anil Augusta. W. A. V, UNBURN, P. P. A., Asheville, N. C. JAS. L. TAYLOR, G. P. A., Washington P. C. Swain Hotel. Bryson City, Swain Co., N.C. A NEW HOUSE WITH ALL MOPERN IMPROVEMENTS. Centrally located, and is one of the best Ho tels in Western North Carolina. Headquarters for Tourists arid Sportsmen. Hunting and Fishing near Bryson City ex , cellent. BEST ACCOMMODATIONS FOB COMMEBCLaX TRAVELERS. CHedester's Store v Is dointf as large, or a larper bumes thn any house in the State, because he sella Kod jjrwds lower than the lowest. He defies cro pe tition. Try his grand hotel and store, And see him smile once more. h i - Legal Blanks Kept for Sale. Democrat Building, Asheville, 11 C: m it des "THE BONANZA," R. Starnes, Geo. N. Blackburn. -THE LEADING- Undertaker AND Arterial - Embalmer, Office : Xq. 27 North Main St., WINE AND LIQUOR ,STORE IX THE STATE. Fine Sample and Billiard Boom. NO. 43 S. MAIN ST ASHEVILLE, N. C. ISHRVlf J.K N fi " w J. 1 MAEQUAEDT, Manager. ire the gracefully-curved uon of the feather. All calls promptly answered day or night. 28, J J. , troit Free Press. June