lYOL. IL ASHEVILLE, N. C, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5. 1891.. NO. 18. -rillS IS TUB THICK COHKET u COMPETITION" THAT E. E. PERRY OF C rqc ke Table Cutlery 1 i ry and and J.,S. arant,Ph.a. (Of Uw FWladalpU CcIWe PWmacy.) Silverware ! aotss of a guitar wafted o'er the waters byjnoonllght, happy voices were heard chattering away, the Jocsaal laugh went roumd and round, and evervthlnr teemed 1 J to be passing along as merrily as the I pealing chimes of marriage bells. When we entered we found it was the Raleigh j I orchestra that was discoursing such de lightful music. Uncle Willis Williams, of course, was on hand, and he was wearing on the lapel of his coat that ApOUlOCary. I bOttth Haln bU beautiful bouquet of violets presented by the ladies in the Senate gallery for his i . in . g my m . I cioqueni remaras ovar me musinus WE LARRY THE JdEST STOCK AND OFFER IjOWEST PRTnTCV Robert E. Lee; and Uncle Willis felt as Dinner Sets at $8.50 and $10.00. Tea Sets at $4.50. $5.50 and $10.00. A fine article of TTnivPR and Forks at $l.pq per Sett, worth $2.00 anywhere. Silvei plated Spoons, Forks, Knives and Cas tors in endless variety and at lowest prices. . " i. WHEN IN ASHEVILLE VISIT 11 Tatton Aye., Asheyille, N.-G., General Salesman' for A HIDDEN BATE?' jioiitlierii Music House THREE .-. STORES .'. ON- South Main Street, lios. 57, 59, and 61. Jfvovr TreenrlLms art vremrHt atA proud of those flowers a9 Napoleon n. . . . , i ' ,., . . . Grant Pharmacy yov can pomktely do- lion apart did when he was a boy after 9 1 flogging the thap who Interfered with Ind vpon tU$e faet$: rind, Oat onhj tc his' sweetheart. We allude to Uncle puret and bet drvgt and e7cmical viSls "Willis familiarly, because everybody ved ; $eeond, they xciUle compounded care knqws him, or ought to know him. Two fuuv and accurately by an experienced Pre apartments were arranged for rsircsn- . . , . ,.. . . . j v , S " Wm. WWW WW-WW WW I - I - 1 ... WT -wm hertwo daughters, assisted by Mm. Jack- rn. price, teuwre Bon, There was plenty and to spart. It nt fa kst good at a rery reaoKjU prejiL was intended to be a happy occa&Ion and Don't forget the pUceGranf PJrrnaey it was. There was a warmth, a cordial-1 24 South Main ttrut. ltv ahont th rtfntr that mi1 n fpl minhtr comfortable- at ncrfrrt me. like i'reecrxption fJed at a3 lovn, night or we Were enjoying the paradisical liberty ' aTtd delirered fret f charge to any part of 'Jllome, Sweet Home." Everywhere of V city. TU night btU tCU he antwted was; a charminir refinement in thenar- Pmnnfu ?-. ri , , oi c'.i . wj - m I "wj'wJfw w I m tKkl vwi gt wm 1 lW4 lor, in the sitting room. In the dining v- . T OF SAVANNAH, GA FE0M RALEIGH. A LETTER FROM OTTR IiEGISiLA- TTVE CORRESPONDENT. started out to drive July 1. 1890. At that i time he was a healthy looking animal and !we ? fancied would hold out for some time, but even with kind treatment and an occasional ! square meal when some poor fellow who had 5 not seen our ''ad" and failed to "catch on," ! would be devoured he has continued to i shrink until we can hardly see him. Please don't arrest us dear Dublio for cruelty to ani- tnals. It wasn't our fault that he couldn't hold out. and we were 'just bound to "eet there;" i or in other words the idea tobe gleaned from t these re-marks is that the people of Western : North CaroliLa" and the Asheville puljlic know where to go for high grade More Railroads for W' c- Th.e Interest Bill Mr. Lowry's Amend mentSprinkles Still Sick Redis- tricting the State The Oyster War Over. ' ' " PIANOS AND thoughtful discussion, they were adopted ( believe can control. The committee will and directed to the rcoresentatives in i Drobablr concludft its lahnra ihs pnminrr square treatment in the way of getting iu Cheap rice8, reasonable terms and, above all, what you Day for. If vou haven't aireaidv done so eall at once and place your order ajnd make your home happy by doing the nicest act of your life. j ror particulars, prices and terms call on or address, E, E. PERRY, J 41 Patton Ave., Asheville, N. Q. ; Western North Carolina Is keeping up with the procession in the way of various organizations ior inausmal improve ment. Bills have been introduced to build a railroad from jHot Springs to Bristol ; from Hot Springs, through Hay- j wooa ana Jacsson counties, to Savan nah, Ga.; from Asheyille to Rutherford ton this is to be either steam or electric. Also bills to incorporate the Asheville Trust Company, the Battery Park Bank, the People's Bank (the last is a' law), all of Asheville; The Trust company also has banking privileges, and so we may soon have three more banks in our Queen r i . T) 1 tt i "- city, l nere is room m Asneville tor all JjltlGry JrirK JdOtGl ! Qf them. The proper development of vv esiern .vmrouna "will require many millions of i dollars, and every effort should be made to secure for Asheville the advantages such development would give it as tne commercial ana money centre. If our legislature will just fol low the excellent and timely suggestion of our Buncombe Farmers' Alliance and leave alone the interest laws as they now exist, "Western North Carolina will enter upon such an era of prosperity as wiJ gladden the hearts of our people. The bill to limit the rate of interest to six per cent, came up as special order in the Sen -1 ate Friday and Saturday. Strong speeches were made forithe measure by Senator Williams, who has been desig nated the "Pitt" of the Senate, and Sen ators Greene, of Wake, Allen of Gran ville, Butler and Walser. 4 Very j able speeches were made in opposition by Senators Bellamy, Ardrey, Grigsby and Avery. These latter Senators doubted very seriously the policy of this proposed legislation, but concluded by asking that the bill be amended so as to except from the General Assembly. I am specially rr-mnri&A 4 V J- T 1 t HI giatxucu mat uur uuucomue Aiuanc does its own: thinkincr and acts upon propositions according to their judgment and not merelv uton the dictation of self-appointed custodians of the people's interests. This Interest bill would prove a calamity, I believe, for the whole State certainly for Western North Carolina, just entering, as that section is, upon de velopment and growth. Every member of both houses from the west earnestly protest to the passage of the bill. ; Sena tor Avery, in his very excellent and un answerable speech, alluded to the rapid growth of Western Carolina, reading from statistics that from 1880 to 1890 the week when the matter will be transfer red to the Senate for consideration. The question of who shall be the commission ers has not as yet received any or much consideration. There will be plenty of men, however, who will be willing to halls. Every face wore a smile, every bosom swelled with pleasurable emotion. inueeu, we were "as ngnt oi wing ana gaynt heart as Eden's garden bird." Wh6n we go back to our homes, we will remember the halcyon hours at the re ception as among our most pleasing re collections. of our i One wave of the marshal hand i noblp commander-in-chief. Gov. Fowle, and the prompt presence of his able aid, that veteran soldier, Col. Fred Olds, on the scene, has cleared our eastern waters of all enemies, and now sweet peace sacrifice themselves upon the altar.of the rests;quietly upon the placid waters of State for the consideration proposed, old Pamlico ; likewise upon the festive We fear the consideration proposed is oyster and the succulent diamond-back terrapin. A supurb Hotchkiss, rifled, increase in seven counties Buncombe, j tibns, a strict sense of justice and integ- and St. Wiuslow planted those oysters not such as. will attract such a man as ought to be elected, while a majority of breech-loading canon our Governor those who will seek it for the salary sta- doesn't believe in smooth bores of any ted will be notoriously unfit for such du- sort-j-now perambulates the sounds and ties, however honest they may be. A inlets and other oyster breeding locali commissioner8hipwill not prove a bed of ties, ind woe be unto the pirate who roses for anyone, but its duties will re- ventures within range of this son of a quire good abilities, judicial qualifica gun of the Old North State. The Lord - . i i - Madison, Haywood, Jackson, Swain, Macon and Cherokee was over one hun dred and ninetv-eieht rer cent.: some- hing over ten millions of dollars, and this table was based upon the assessment of 1887. The assessment this year will certainly add several millions more to Asheville, North Carolina. . i Open thiougaut tne year. Elevation 2,60 ieei ; average winter temperature- r u: mae- niticent mountain scenery ; hydrauc eleva tor ; electric lisrhts and bells : music hall, ten nis court, ladies' billiard parlor and bowling auey. lseautitui drives and nrst-class livery. For descriptive printed matter apply to JOHN B. 8TEELE, Manager. can be earned at our KETT line of troA, 111-- t nV.lM K kftM. l either sex, young or old, and Id their own localitif ,whreTer they lire. Any one can do the work. Eaar to learn. We furnish everrthinff. We etart too. No riik. Ton can derote your spare momenta, or all your time to the work. Thii 1 an entirely new lead,and bring wonderful emccee to erery worker. Beginners are earning from $25 to (60 per week and upwards, and more after a little experience. We can furnish yon the em plorment and teach yon KKF.E. No apace to explain here. Full Information. F1UUC TJJUJB Ss CO.. AtGLSXA, VUNt. TIIAD W. Til RASH JOHN M. THRASH At Gran fs Pharmacy ynt can Ivy any Patent Medicine at tkc'loxtttt pric4 qvottd by any o0tr drvg hove in t?e city. Ws are determened to $eUat late a Ou lenret ( cren if tee hire to Ue ury by to &nng9 We trill tea all Patent Medicine at fr$i eo tit, and IxLno that if vecfttry, to meet the price of any comp&titvr. We fiat the largett aKrtmen t of Cfuitnou Skira in Athcritle. Over 200 tlia, aU itits, at the lovett price. We are ogent for Humphrey Ilomao pathetie Medicine. A full tvpply of hi good alwag$ on hand. Ve Puncomle Liter PiZi, 0s Ut in If. 4 tcorldfor liter complaint, indigettion, etc. A thoroughly reliable remedy for aU blood diem( i PuncornU StirianariHa- Try a lllle arutou teiHtake no other. J..8. GRANT, Ph. G Pharmacut, U S. Main St. AtheriUe, X. C. rity. It is sincerely to be hoped such on North Carolina soil lor North Caro will be elected. linians, and, as Gov. Fowle saya, by the ; Senator Sprinkles is still confined to eternal North Carolinians shall have his bed, but is improving, I am glad to them tar somebody will get hurt. Gov. write. Senator Bell, of Clay, was called Fowle was born and raised on these 1 home Friday by illness in his family. I oysters we mean born near and raised I Our other western representatives are on th$m and when the ruthless band of this amount. He also had read the Dro- well and attend nromntlv and nunrtnallv the alien is laid UDon them it strikes the I , - 1 j i j i , est of the Buncombe Farmers' Alliance to all duties. Governor and all those people right in These statements had weight with Sena- Mr. Reed is working upon several im-1 their $tomach. a dangerous and fight tors and others, who were Impressed portant measures which he will put J producing place to hit any man. Ourj witn tne danger of interfering, as this through, besides always being prompt in oysters are safe now, and so grm-vlaaged j v;n .i4 a i ij .j. it.. l. j f i ... . I 1 .i. j i. : i . i - i t . i urn wuuiu uu siiuuiu li pass, wim me i ms seat auu giving Close aiienuon lO l war uas niiuuuicu uia v iiu&itxi. lruni evident prospenty of a large section, if legislative proceedings. and a wreath of brilliant oyster shells not of the State. One of the most important duties of 1 decorates the brow of our victorious son The bill to establish a Normal Train- this Assembly is the redisricting of the of Map. It is true not a shot was fired, mbury'a World Esdoto! iwt Hour. Zb ing and Industrial School for white girls State into congressional and senatorial but the pirates were, and more blank- Tance (Our Zcb) Brand, Good. Knoxvda was seriously crippled by amendments in districts. Buncombe Is now entitled to blankety-blank discharges were heard j Leadera&d Ewectwater Flour. the house, the most serious amendment a Senator of itself, and I think one addi-1 than ever before disturbed the trysting being put upon it by Mr. Lowry, the tional member. It has been suggested, ground of the oysters on the shores ox I w You?, unmarried member from Bun- however, that Buncombe. Ilavwood and our loved old Carolina. As the oyster 1 Canned Goods of Every Variety, :KEW STORE.: NEW AND FBESH GROCERIES The Crystal Palace, 41 PATTON AVENUE, What is" it? Why it is tke leading place to buy crockery, its provisions the counties of Burke, Mc- ; lamps, cutlery, house-furnish- Dowell Mitchell, Caldwell, Buncombe, ingS, tinware, WOOden waije, Madison, Hendarson and all counties i It is our object to carry a very west of there, also Ashe Alleghany, Wa- i largejline of the above goods jto tauga, Mecklenburg, New Hanover and ; suit tne country trade as well Forsyth. They urged that if people of : as our city patronage, those other counties wished :this law they i who have to buy these goods,) it would not object, but insisted for the! ? will be to their interest to deal counties mentioned that they be not in-' V with US. We are positively jured by such measure. It was urged in I Selling them lower than ever tie- objection to I these amendments that It ; fore in the history of Asheville. would result in forcing th3 money in the I Our motto (which all merchants State to those counties where interest is Should have) is quick sales aild allowed at eight per cent;. Mr. Avery ! small nrofits. We will ask the caught them quickly in this and asked readers of - THE DEMOCRAT! and if the rate were, fixed as proposed for the everybody to help the youhg whole State would it not drive th money and aggressive by patronizing from this State all sections into States J a iJuncombe boy, one who Wfll where rates were more liberal? Ihese deal with you right and give arguments in opposition t;o the measure s YOU your monev's worth. Tate made an evident impression JuDon the V DEMOCRAT will attest this fact. Senators, who finally, with but one dis I In conclusion will ay, give its senttng vote referred the bill to the corn 's a call and get acquainted with mittee on judiciary. A number of Sen- J Buncombe boy and buy your ators avow their distrust of the measure i goods cheap. We have Rogers but have been instructed by constituents f Silver-plated cutlery Within the to support it. i Several are willing to roach of all. vote to leave our section out if the bill : t : I cirr n nn. Buuuiu uoou. w . jv. formuiated in Raleigh and sent out to UMl - : '.' T '-i nvRii a TrrTT". f Rnh-nlliaTippa i where, without lull and youKg, unmarried member from Bun- however, that Uuncombe, llaywood and combe. Mr. Lowry committed a blunder J Madison be put for which our mountain eirls will hold two Senators. Buncombe to choose Sen him responsible. We hope they will let ator for every term and Ilaywood and him hear from them. His amendment Madison to alternate; Henderson, Tran struck out the clause requiring those sylvania and Jackson to constitute an-, who may be educated in the school to other district. It is also suggested; that obligate themselves to teach in the pub- it would be best for Mitchell to be put in lie schools of the State so that others the 8th congressional district, which could get the benefit of the training and would not endanger the 8th but would instructions furnished them free by the make doubly sure the 9th for democracy. State. The object of the school is to The increase in population of our 9th train teachers how to teach and what to district is such as to enable the transfer teach. If those who availed themselves of Mitchell without reducing the basis of of the advantages of such instruction the district oo low. So soon as Mr. were not to teach there could be no ob- Porter will furnish the censns of popula- iect in the establishment of the school, tion by counties the work of redistrict- We regret that Mr. Lowry passed his ing will be done. amendment and still more that the Last Wednesday evening at the charm house adopted it. Mr. Ray of Macon, a ing and elegant home of Mrs. W. B young gentleman; of fine promise and Bagley, Mr. and Mrs. Josephus Daniels frequently eloquent, opposed the bill tendered a reception to the members and strongly. We cannot account for the officers of the General Assembly. Press- conduct of these young gentlemen. We ing business engagements prevented our will simolv turn them over to the tender popular and able Lieut. Governor Thos. i - oyster into one district with said to the Governor : 1J refit no mere a man mn boui bo aeao, Wbb never to hJmeclf bath said, This is my own, my native latd I And the Governor replied : On ibeso eternal oyster rocks. With Olds and (run I take my stand. . Woe unto him who cometh near 1 Frop Virginia or from Maryland, To pull my subjects by the ear With those Infernal dredgla shocks. F. Always Jlend encouragement to your home industries. , I CATARBH. T Catarrhal Deafness Hay Fever A I New Home Treatment. Sufferers are not generally aware that , these diseases are contagious, or that they are due to the presence of living parasites In the lining membrane ox the nose ana however, has proved this to be a fact, and ! the result of this discovery is that a sim- nle remedv haa been formulated whereby mercies of the young ladles who are anx- M-. Holt from being present,' but Speaker J catarrh, catarrhal deafness and hay fever ous to qualify themselves to be good Dughton, who, never-looked handsomer are permanetly cured in from one to teachers and for whom this measure was in his life, was there. By the way Mr. three sample applications maoe ai nome , I -r-. i. . I UV HO palleu Date m twu nciaa. ntended to furnish such opportunity Daughton has won golden opinions as a J rt L-Thls treatment It not a snuff or free of expense to them. Mr. Gilmer of j gentleman and presiding officer of the I an ointment; both have been discarded Haywood made one of the best speeches House. He is young In years, but great by reputable physicians as . injurious of the session in support of the bill and and excellent in many attributes of head paxnpaiei xpiaiming BW . . , jv-xtt i. , , . . ment la sent free on receiptor stamp to in opposition to this amendment, upon and heart. Honors are before him just postaze br A. H. Dixon & Son, 337 which he received much deserved ap- so certainly as life and health are spared ud 309 yf est Street, Toronto, Canada. plause. ! ' him. I Christian Advocate. The committee on Railroad Commis- 1 ue entire lower noor 01 tne spacious 1 trffe Pickle. Sweet and Sour, Imported and American. A Full Line of tbo Flnctt Tom Oooloofr, Young Ilraon, English llrckfr& Imperial Gunpowder, Japan. Cryvtallxod FrulU and Aborted Candlea, Oranges and Lemons, The Celebrated Laugdon k Son's XXX MILK. XXX SODA, XXX BUTTER, XXX CITT LEMON CRACKERS, GINGER SNAPS, SNOW FLAKES, WAFERS, ETC Cigars and Tobacco a Specialty. The Celebrated Dove Brand Sugar Cored TTyn, Country llama, Bacon and BreakxaaT B tripe. Dry Beef and Sauaag, ALL KINDS OF SPICES, works sion earnestly desirous deliberately and seems residence, which was brilliantly lllumi- of preparing a meas- nated, was thrown open, and at half -past ure which, while conservative, will pro- seven the company beoan to arrive. Mr. tect all interests without hurt to any. and Mrs. Daniels, assisted by Mrs. J. T. This seems to be the sentiment of a large Jarvis, welcomed the guests. , Among majority of both houses. There are the ladies were Mrs. Senator Payne, Mrs. some extreme men here who insist on a Senator Freeman and Miss McAlIster, measure bristling all over with sharpened daughter of CoL McAlister, of Ashboro, teeth, capable of playing thuder with who were in the city visiting. Just as all railroad interests regardless, or rather we reached the mansion "music with its wthout knowledge or thought, of con- voluptuous swell" came to our ears like seWences. These, however, we do not ' the soft, sweet, melting, ntrancing B offerers from Catarrhal troubles shoulp carefully read the above. And a thousand other things too numerous to Plant rood seed and get the best by .h re mu want freah rooda at low- buying Landretn s garden ana neia seea Landreth is the only man who bunts all old seed. Sold by W. Z. Pelham, U Pattom avenue, 'nposite Grand Central HoteL Eight parses- ' ng matter f-" Dkmocbvt, o'llj r.r Tance. 1 r f li ve read 0 ASiHtVIIXK : cr r.r.num in ad prices call at No. 41 Collere street, near North i Court Square, before purchasing elaewbera, and examine our good and prices. W. KROGER a CO.