O'V'.- - y c - )V i OCMAT. VOL. II. ASIIEVJXLE, N.' C, THURSDAY, AUGUST (3, 1891. NO. 44. LUDDEN & BATES' ew Goods, New Prices! J. S. Grant, Ph. Gh SOUTHERN (Of toe PoiUdelpMa College of Pharmacy.) TTS l : IA . ' tt-. 11 MOTEmiX Hi EM N an a- Ire. It. ne.. ueat of. iirt ,1 t'u; Links. in per- lie to SlTV. at vent1 HA ittio: tuer i iiS MUSIC HOUSE PIANOS AND ORGANS Or. easy payments, without Interest. irect from factoiy to purchas- Ml jfreiirhts paid. One price only d that the lo west known. Satisfaction !..,.! or no sale. 15 days trial in iurant ,n!iU for catalogues, prices, particulars, etq ..1.1,..: - ! J. F. GARRATT, AGENT, j U Pattern Ave., Asheville, J. C. All pur friends are invited to come and see us now and find out how low we are selling goods ; and we can always offer some special bargain such as the following now on sale: Sets, 56 Pieces, $3.85. Dinner Sets, 100 Pieces, $9.90 and, $12.50. f LIV- i I: ' ;'- ' I 1 I ! I - I , : Yqu can leave out any piece of a set you do not want and reduce the price. BOWLS AND PITCHERS 75c, $1.00 & $1.25. FINE GOODS. "X7"-. re J -ii i ' ' .,' .... .. . '. . . ' . uuer uunng me aun montn ot July the bigest bargain yet. Tripple plate Silver Table Knives onlv $1.50 tor six. Good pate buyer Table Knives only 95c. for six. Teaspoons, Tablespoons and Forks in everv grade away under regular price. We are known as headquarters for Glassware and House-furnishing Goods. ' , 1 i 1 Apothecary, 24 SouUiMain St. fjf Pianos and Organs tuned and re- aired. Terms reasonaDie. orK guar anteed. ' ' . hmm Dinner & Tea Sets At Unusually Low Prices. . ' !'-' ts Made Ud to Suit Your "Wants From $7 and Upwards- f. Uut. vUu v )U break a piece we will sell j ,wi, ;r one to match it, thereby you will u.i have a lu.l jt.'t. ill 1 li:r ui 9i H LAW, J Madison County Institute. For the Democrat.! I arrived at home to find all anxious to hear about my trip, and after haying ' Dr. Curry's Iiectnr?. We regretted being denied the privi- Southern Exposition October 1st to December 1st, 1891. ounuay morning, juiy lytn, louna me , ucugunui a visn, you may imagine . w of hearin- the lecture of Dr. Curry The following are amour the articles T . 1 v , -. 1 . 11 A. 1 A. 2 . 1 A J ? " . i on Doara uiecars bounaforUotbpring8,."-"n"gnio-reammgoi me Deauties in Lvceum Hall the other evening. To , that are desirable from each section of r "ITT x TT a 1 1 w, oi y esiern ionn Carolina. Aiany , iistea t0 him is a pleasure at all times. , the South to place in the Southern Expo thanks to all my friends who entertained , His effort on this occasion was to inter- s'tirn to be held in the cit v of Rakich lamp Isjartffl&ii N te it ;i iiutny new and cheap articles Tinware, Woodenware, H ousu :: Furnishings I - . o ! t niay is'i; think we keep them, but we ii'-' 'iv.untiTii. (live us a call when in ain't hi:;- i:i the house furnishing line. .W. Thrash & Co, 41 Patton Ave- NATT ATKINSON & SON, .Real Estate Agents. Asheville, N. C, .'. 1H V, KENT AM) SELL. ; N. C, the object of mv triD beinff to at- tend an institute to be held at Snriner - o Creek Seminary, ; about ten miles from Hot Springs. I arrived at Hot Springs at 12 m. and found Mr. S. W. Brown there with a conveyance to take me out to his beautiful country home. I would not fail to mention, however, that Mr. Lance, who keeps hotel at Hot Springs, entertained, me, and that I met some friends, among whom were Mr. F. C. Ebbs, a merchant, and his polite young clerk,' Mr. Rector, who had been a stu dent in my school at Dover's Academy in Tennessee. But to return to my story I was most kindly entertained by 'Mr. Brown and his excellent wife until Mon- day morning, when I was found with others, on my way i to the Seminary, which is only half a mile from Mr. Brown's. The building is a large two story frame building, nicely painted and finished up with ornamental work about doors and windows. Here was to meet the Madison County Teacher's Institute, presided over by Superintendent I. N Ebbs. And let me say here that I have met no educator who was more consider ate for his teacher's feelings and at the same time very strict in his examination of applicants. He extends them every courtesy, but at the same time makes i them feel he cannot violate the oath re-( quired of county superintendents, and ofiicers in general. Hojv much better would it be for us if more of our public men would feel they are day after day writing their own histories, and that they wield an influence over their fol lowers, either for weal t r woe. Our In stitute was a complete success. The teachers went home leelinir tnev were again to enter upon a new year's work, all no doubt, going out from there, feel ing they would strive harder than ever before to make successful teachers. The teachers were very kind tome, and many will not soon be . forgotten. Among others I mention Mr. Tweed, of Mar shall, N. C, as being considerate of my, me. Maria E. Helm, White Pine, Tenn. Country Homes and Western N. C. Methodist will please copy. est our citizens in the matter of manual j North Carolina. training in connection with our public One-half bushel of the following: Bar schools. His argument in behalf of the ley, buckwheat, corn-, oats, rye, wheat The Bechler Gold Coin. Few of the citizens of Asheville, and in fact of Western North Carolina, know that there was once in current circula tion, gold coin, made without the sanc tion of the government, but accepted by the people and the banks as freely as the present gold "coin. Such is the fact. This gold was coined by a German by the name of Bechler, who lived in Ruth- : erfordton, and some of his gold pieces I are still preserved. Judge E. J. Aston has one of these coins, a two dollar and a half piece, and other gentlemen pi Asheville, have, it is believed, specimens of the Bechler one dollar piece. On one side of Judge.Aston's gold piece appears in raised Utters, "North Carolina gold, 2.50;" on the other side, "Bechler, Ruth- ; erford," and the number of grains and ! carats fine. It is said that Bechler was an expert metal worker and gold beat er; a man of great intelligence, highly respected by all who knew him. The scarcity of a circulating medium gave xise to the Bechler coin. There is no date on any of the Bechler coins, and-none on Judge- Aston's piece. but it was coined for several years, from j p'je"?6 about 1837 to 1845, or 1850. Col. Clay j Swannanoa advantages of such training was unan swerable. The fact that America is de pendent upon foreigners for experts in such matters grows out of the failure of America to establish and maintain such schools as Dr. Curry discussed; and the fact thtt foreigners can be obtained is owing to the facilities maintained by foreign governments, notably Germany, in connection with their public schools of manual training departments. Our State has established at Raleigh, a train ing school which, though but a year old, gives evidence of great usefulness and ! success, it would be a srand steD for our c:; a .uoiitie$ to take, to establish such departments in connection with our graded schools. We thank Dr. Cur ry for his timely lecture upon the matter and trust that his advice will be serious ly and favorably considered. Buncombe's Tax Assessment. According to the lists as returned up to July l;h, the leal and personal prop erty of this county is as follows: Avery's Creek $ Lower Hominy Upper Hominy Leicester Sandy Mush rice, grass seed, cane seed, field pea. beans, dried apples, peaches, quince, prunes, cherries, wild and cultivated berries, nuts and acorns. Preserved fruits in half-gallon glass jars One to ten pounds of each variety of cotton in seed and lint; Max and jute in various stages of manipulation. Ten pounds of each variety of sugar; one gallon of each variety of molaees and sorghum; honey, one quart or one to ten pounds in comb. Two pounds of each variety of tobacco. Ten pounds of each' variety of grass; one bundle, six inches in diameter, of each variety of grain in sheaf, Hops, five pounds; broom-corn, ten to twenty-five heads; careen pea3 and beans one gallon of each variety dried. Plants and growing shrubs In pots. Spirituous liquor, wines aud all kinds of liquids, one quart of each variety. Miaerals, building stones, precious stones, marl and phosphate rock, any size specimen; soil, one foot square a vi o-a1 deep a- desired, boxed up as to retain 2-21.9T If your prescription are prepared at GranC Phirnuiry you can r$itittly de pend upon OteuftieU: Fir$t, tkit only tg pure$t .ind bet drvgt and tfomiMlt vnZL U used; econd, Vuy trill be couqvundtd care fully and accurately by an eTpericnttd V- '-riptionit, and third, you viU not hi ch.i rgt d a n exfutrbt'Lt n t price. To u triS r- ceitc the bettyood at a rery reisorJ profit. lljn't foryct tiu place Grant lVuirrtkact 24 &tuth Main street. Prescription fllel at all hur$ night or ' diy, and delivered free of ehargttoany pari of the city. TU night UU viU U answered Promptly. Grants Pharmu, 24 &nt( Jltin street. At Grant's PLtmutcy you can bvy any Patent MeS.Hne at the Incest price quoted by any oOter drug house in the city. W$ are determened to sella lot a' the l&itstt eten, if we Lite to lose money by so doing, We tniU vll all Patent Medicine at Jlrd 1 cont, and biljw t?tat if nec:s-ry, to meet Vu price of any cof,tjH.tilr. We hate the largest assortment ofChamoi Skin in Ashetille. (her 200 kin, aU siiet, at the loieest priee. We are ogent for Humphrey ITomcv pitlietic Medicine: A full supply of lit good alicags on hand. Use Buncombe Liter Pills, the best in (Jit world for liter comprint, indigestion, etc. A thoroughly rcliiA remedy for el the same shave a wi.cn taken trom the 243.'2.i. ; ground. iL'V'-'rJ Wood and timber st vcimen. if in s o.i :i-J form, one luch tine, any widtn ton, of this county, tells an' amusing story about this coin, and the way busi ness was done in the old days. His father, I Col. Clayton the elder, who is still hale la-id hartv. had a contract to build a court house in one of the Blue Ridge j counties. As last as the sheriff collected the taxes, he paid over to Col. Clayton certain sums. It consisted almost en tire y of Bechler coin and old Spar.ish dollars, and t last Col. C. had on hand a bushel box full. The late Bacchus Reems Cieek ! 21U,5u j 7 awed and 1!J7,T5 i length: if a section is sawed from a tree. l!?7,lft5 i to be any size desired; if split from the Flat Creek.. Ivy Black Mountain French Broad Asheville (country).. " east wa'rd. " westward. tree, the s;ction to ! lare enough tu ;D FOR A DESCRIPTIVE i OF r but have for them the kindest feelings; as fellow workers in the Master's vine LIST yard. Amonir the people with whom I;j sojourned wrere Mr. I Reeves and wife,' vSmith dealt -largely in erinsenff. eoinsr pleasure. Other teachers, Mis Honey,Kh h tl countrv to conect it from cutt, of Barnard, N. C, and Miss Justus. mountaineers. Learning of the of Del Rio, Tenn., I cannot mention allf4-mount of coin in Col C.'s possession, 'e visited him and effected an exchange r State Bank, or Bank of Cape Fear otes, giving a check for the money. 1 11" 1 .1 ; .UK 1 nen ne nueu nis leaiueru bauuie uass where I: spent a pleasant night, Dr. andnd rode away from ColJ Clayton's, his Mrs. Askew, wijh wnoni l enjo delicious fruit and good noney. Wwealth. so rare in those days, was irre- Our Institute closed the 24th, at whichJ.overabj gone. ! t time aauresses were ueixvereu uy vapi i1f. a i , 1 : wnere l spent a pieasani nigm, ui. auui,- "Jl uuuuiucui cUlU lUUUL y Mrs. Askew, witli wnom l enjoyea som was in eat distress, that all the : is I i : r-,- PROPERTY. r''KliAL LANDS, KTO. lAXOs !" AND : ; i ORGANS ored, 735. Capt. Patton thinks that a very large amount yet remains unlisted. If alLwere listed he thinks the total would be about $10,500,000. We presume the above fig ures were obtained by adding the per cent to the last valuation as prescribed by the county authorities. Ten millions is certainly low. We believe a just as sessment of values and a fuil return of all property would give the total nearer twenty than ten millions. d dieu i Buncombe' SarsijariZa. Try a bottle and you will take no other. J. S. GRANT, Ph, G Pharmacist, 24 5. Jim St. A'Wrille, X. C. DO YOU REALY WANT" A Splendid Farm? IF 80, I CAN SUTIiV YOU! 1 !-. f l-.O oiV-ri? square at least two bv four inches, bv 11$,3S ! four feet long. iou.uiu, 3Ianufictuied goods from cotton, rt?'?''- 1 wool, fias' ani silk, each ample usual l.'.)l.J4r, .... . o iu wiutu, six yams lon; irom woou cr The total number of polls listed in the;,lrou' one peuien ot a kind. countv to July 10, was white, 4,347; col-i aniumais; imu.u reiics ana curiosiiie: pnnioyrapic views of buildings, far r.s aud scenery, one of a kind. The above list of article may be added to, both in variety and quantity, accord ing to what'is produced, manufactured, or found in each State or community. S. R. Khi'i.Ki;. Director. G. II. Bf.ll, Collector. i i Van Brown, Revs. R. H. Penland, M. D.p a Scrap of Revolutionary History. L. Balding and Superintendent I. N. The Democrat commences this week Ebbs. After the addresses the following ne publication of an old I manuscript resolutions were read and adopted: S Written manv vears aro bv a Revolution- (1.) Resolved, That the teachers ofj soidier It is a narrative of events this Institute thank Superintendent I.N vjnat came under his immediate observa- xjuus ivf ma ji.iuuuc33 UU11115 -" ion, iiouna to tnrow aaaitionai ngni on tute. - t the history of that eventful period. The (2.) Resolved, That the Institute thank ritr wa3 a participant in the battle of Capt. Van Brown, ; Bros. Fenlana ana inffs Mountain, and was also one of ore purchasing. Wecarr Balding! and Superintendent I. N. Ebbs t the ;guard who oppoeed the crossing of for their addresses on public education. fahe British armr, under Lord Cornwall's, (3.) Resolved, That the teachers and, Cowan's Ford on the Catawba, The viitnm thank the kind people for tneiri narrative is tun o: interest irom Dcsin ' '-'- a iv invited to call and examine "umentsbef it, . : . biases as 1 F'SCHER, ESTEY The Daily Home Journal Made its first appearance last Saturday evening. It promises to be "independ- Kenilworth. Inn J ent of trust and clicks of any kind, u now onpn for thp rprpntion of Pafs. i strongly favoring temperance, and while ESTEY and other populair possible, consistent veus a 1 an r "fSl ineea a. - ijon-t ran -'"s an instrument, at No. 37 Avenue. ! ?yH.WiUiauis&cl hospitality so generously extended. ging to end, and will prove a valuable After this the Institute closed, and Icrap of history to the collector of Kevo- spent another nignt wim jit. urottu,r-j ( , who sent me to the train next morning, fe An extra numoer of copies of The .s uie 1 cars wciq 1 iusuiu6 20 homeward fEiiocRAT is printed in anticipation of with me I asked myself the question, ueauum ; can Spring Creek Seminary be made ' l ' i .i v i.4Ts The famous Flat Rock Hotel property school of high grade 7 .jjui uus uiuugu. i --- 1 , .r 6 j .A H11 T ftV vesJear Hendersonville, was sold Tuesday rtirTi fnr division of nronertv. to With the wealtn wmcn surruuuus , --- r-r -j, 0 It is one of the finest hotels on the conti npnt. in all resnprta. A prand onenin? balloccuned there last evening, which I of Pblic me'n" the whole community turned out to en joy, and to say it was superb in all re spects will only convey a small idea of the the enjoyment of the evening. Dr. Browning, and every one connected with the hoiel vied with each other in con tributing to the : comfort and pleasure of the guests; while Prof. Bastert's excel lent band rendered music which could awaken the liveliest emotions of the gods. The lateness of the hour pre eludes a fuller account, but it wai one of j the most agreeable occasions that ever occurred in the South. non-partisan will discuss fully and freely all public measures and the official acts It contain 175 acre, i situated about fifteen mile south of Asheville, (on "the main road from Asheville to Brevard) near the famous MILLS KIYEK V ALLEY. About K-0 acre U cleared, ret In good timber. S3 acres excellent bottom land. Well watered. A splendid mill ?itc oa the properly, with good aw ard gmt mill in operation. A good len-room dwelling, with ou!houes, barns, &c Daily mail. CuO bearing arnle tree. Being connected with bunncr in Ashe- vilie, which requiresjall of my tiav is the only reason'for wishing to dispose of this splendid farm. Will sell on reasonable time, or for cash, to suit purchaser. Call on me at Blair & Brown's, 32 Patton Avenue. Will sell f Dr half its value If taken la thirty days. lhe determination on cur part to adop: a non-partisan policy, wiil act we trust, as potently in guarding us against the untimely advocacy of new and un tried schemes and doubtful measures, as against undue devotion to old issues and uawfse measures." The Home Journal i a combination of the Country Homes and Evening Jour nal, under the control of a company. We I wish our cotemporary abundant success. Hon. Geo Williamson, a farmer and able State Senator, is visiting relatives in this city. i . '""i me best nanpr fnrti,-Mnsnirino- acenerv on every siue, uu.j.wi the farmer, the family, sufe every tody interested in it, It is boundne of the most valuable properties m once for The AshkviiJd South, and : Is now crowded with Q1y $1.50 per year, in advancS I In Western North Carolina. iuets ; j " ! : ! r The distention of the stomach which many people feel after eatiny, may be due to improper mastication of the food; but, in most cases, it indicates a weak ness of the digestive onrans. the best remedy for which is one of to be taken after dinner. The Sanitarium 6f the World. The Baltimore Manufacturers Reconl in a late issue says: "No pen can fully portray the wonders, the scenery, sublime aud awe-insnirinz at times and again entrancinglv beauti- . . i - . iui, me xavigoraung cumaie, ana me al most untouched but boundless resources of Western North Carolina, whose moan tain ranges tower above everything east of tne Rocky mountains. The North Carolina payers ought never to cease teling of that wonderland. Several Tears a?o a dhUin?uihpd nhrtirUn who 1' . tm7 hd mde specialty of climatology told Ayer Pills, the writer that West Carolina would i become the sanitarium of the world.' " July y-it J. Ii. JOILXSOX. NOTICE! Notice U hereby riven that on the fth Ly ot Aujrunt. 11. 1 will well to tbe hitrb-t bU'it-r, forcanb.at tbe emit boueloor in the city 0 AaberlJie, N.C J. II. kvodc's lntret ra a certain piece or parcel of land tituated on Hominy Creek. It heinir tb lnd now owned 'X l' r Stonlotber,adjolnln(rUndof w . H. Curtia, 11. A. Luther and M. II. Morg-ao. for taxes due for the year lv and 1-vj. ThU July 3rd. L. D. U KKYNOM)H. Seriff. . Per S. J. Lutber. D. S. Jul9-4t WANTED! A teacher to Instruct my children la rauilc and the usual tranche of a rood EcjlUh education. Apply, with rcferencea. to J. H. HALL. . . Newfound. Dunoombe Co, N.C Jul 9-tt Xotlce. Hartngr taken oat letter of admlnistratioa oo the estate of Jaxaee Ltuk, deoeaaed. ootloe n cere cry rtrm uiat all peiavua faavtsc claims sjslnst mmid estate will jreett them d oly rer lUed oa or before Ami ?. lm or this doum their led la bar of their recovery. Ail pdeUed to said estate wW call aal 1U be peraoaa pay tbe aacoe without rurther doUos, ThUItaof ArrlJL 11. 4m AT.liCHUZT Adadnlstratec. - i! ! ? ? i ii Ii U HI ' "i ! J .I !i it tt i 1 V 1 1 ! f H : ' - ; ' ' ' S ':..-- I .: - . -3 . - ;-i . " v; ! , W ' ' 1 ' ' ! i' ' ' : ; - ..- :n " . s ; .! ; n: : . .K---r-.v- '- . ..i ; a .. i: .;!' " ; -1 . 4. I,'", i-i :.-:: .: - ; :J H . I ' ' . ' '

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