Letters From the People on Various: Subjects. ! t We fhe following letters; which arrived too late to be used heretofore. We hope the people in various sections will give us, frequently, short letters upon local or interesting events. argument to advance than they luted my country, and I could lid. I scanned thedailv papers no moro love one half an- hate for several days expecting to see the ether, than I could love one ,he speaker's reply to the as sault, but failed to find it. tie The Democrat Endorsed. For The Democrat. Editor Democrat: Sir: The writer being a citizen of the a time in vour beautilui mouni tain country, inhaling its life giving air and admiring the handiwork of an all wise Creator, to be met with at all points the eye for a time may be attracted to, and craving the indulgence of vourself and reader for inj truding upon, in what may seen to many, your home and loca affairs. , I allude to two editorial com merits which appeared in your issue of July 2d, i ej "Does not Care for the State," and "Nin4 Hours a Day," both of w ich meets with my unquaimea ap proval. As to the former. I canno command language: to put the subject at issue in a more fitting dress, or array in a brighter lightL as writing for the press is f oi eign to my calling, my business in the past being that of a builder and general contractor in the . Pellican State. As to the latter subject I can speak with more treedom, havr ing had an experience of thirty years in handling labor anjl solving labor problems. I wat out promenading with some i L friends the evening of June 23d certainly must have some ulte- nor object m view m not reply ing thereto. In my opinion the man is an organizer traveling from place to place, where his services are mostly needed, in tie guise of a mechanic seeking employment,, half and hate the other half of mr mother. E was a United States man. I did what I could to maintain the constitution, and was violently opposed to its being illegally changed by any eographical section or political oartv. 1 need not add that i was not a republican. I make this last remark in no "5 PUBLIC DEIY2AN SAFETY DS and well paid by the rich and partisan spirit. You have met , '.:.',. 1 1 L 1 . V. 1 -. I J. uowerful order to which he belongs. . As Observer op Passing Events A Complaint Which. Needs Heeding For the Democrat. Outlook, N. C, July 28, 1891. In visiting the city of Ashe Ville, one who knew it in former davs cannot fail to mark the wonderful improvement within the last few years. It has grown trom a town or a tew nunarea to a city of thousands; and the between the old wood ior a nooier purpose taan to create and cherish political ani mosities. You meet to talk of times that tried men's souls to add fresh fuel to the friendships on the altar erected on this spot thirty years ago to-day; to re joice together and to mingle tears in remembrance of brave comrades who have gone from this, I trust, to a more peaceful and better world. Peace broods over our land. "Grim-visag'd war hath smoothed his wrinkled front." These mountains no THE ASHEYILLE DEMOCfi rrrt fro c structures and 'the present onger rever Derate me roar o en commodious brick residences and and places of business is wonderful to contemplate. The improvement on the streets and sidewalks is also in marked con trast with those of a few years ig5. But it is a great pity that the police regulations of the city are so imperfect. No attention seems to be paid to the rights of pedestrians on the sidewalks; L-afcher -the sidewalks seem to have .been turned over to the negroes. You often find them cramed with negro women chattering giggling and guf fawing to the disgust and an uoyanoe of all decent people. I io not obiect to the negroes hostile cannon. Ihe garments dyed in blood have passed away, and now men from all sections of our country and of all politi cal parties can meet here and join in the patriotic song of 'Hail Columbia, Happy Land." Veterans, the Confederate flag ! Is fallen it is true, but Northern j and Southern people are fellow countrymen now; and as the sun, when the thunder storm is over, casts a rainbow upon the sky, so your bravery in defend - ins: vour has:, now the war is halo of glory spangled bsn ult., when bv chance one of the .'-talking the streets, but I do ndmimhlv w'orrlflfl r-irnlnrs anL obiect to their being allowed to nouncing the meeting alluded monopolize, them for their spe- r n'.vAiip ori;tTM-oi mnt Qv0! ciai Denent ana use. l nave 1 over, sheds a around the star ner. j You have not met to organize! for war. When you leave herej it will not be for scenes of ear-i nasre where vou will hear the!' clash of resounding: arms, and That only honest and reliable medicines should be placed upon the market It can not, therefore, be stated too emphatically, nor repeated too often, that all who are in need of a genuine Blood-purifier should be sure and ask for Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Tour life, or that of some one near aud dear to you, may depend on the. uae of this well-approTed remedy in prefer ence to any other preparation of similar name. It is compounded of Honduras sar saparilla (the variety most rich in curative nroDerties. stillinjria, mandrake, yellow dock, and the iodides. The process of man ufacture is original, skilful, scrupulously clean, and such as to secure the very best medicinal qualities of each iDgredieut. This rAediclne is not boiled nor heated, and is, therefore, not a decoction ; but it is a com pound extract, obtained by a method ex clusively our own, of the best aud most .powerful alteratives, tonics, and diuretics known to pharmacy. Tor the last forty years, Ayer's Sarsaparilla has been the standard blood-purifier of the j world no other approaches it in p. pulai confidence or universal demand. Its form ula is approved by the leading physicians and druggists. Being pure and highly con- centrated, it is the most economical of any possible blood medicine. Every purchaser ! of Sarsaparilla shoidd insist upon having t this preparation and see that each bottli j bears the well-known name of . J. C. Ayer & Co., ' Xiowell, Mass. ( In every quarter of the globe Ayer's Sax- saDarilla is proved to be the best remedy for all diseases of the blood. Ixmell druggrUU unite in testifying to the superior excellence of this medicine and to its great popularity in the city of Its manufacture. Ayer's Sarsaparilla I TBITIKED BT DR. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass. Sold by DruggiiU. fl,sixgS. Worth 53 a bo til 'HE- t i!V " w nir urr seen ladiesicrowded against the the groans of the wounded an 1 I read it through. What at ee!asit w vmi wm t.n tmntftH and ri vptf1 v uttAnhinri walls by the4 negro women to was the first namo at the head of gutter disgust. What is your the fiiinimittn-of arM.n.rflmftnt police for? ; ihe police of a great. Ti -ii i ..i3. ! I -i Tr -vi 1 nrli rv Kq hron f 1 om qii i naa neara a man or tnat name i 6 til VXJ B speak 'he latter part of lasfc Knights Errant and see that April in a commodious hall, 205 the rights of ladies jare respect- Canal street, New Orleans, oik ea uut 11 s; simpij irom negieet the labor Question and an im- I reckon. : . 1 i Tj:x-i T. : z pendinsr strike, and read the sub . l- ultVr vva"1- iu luquire . ' . - - - p ii r ji j z stance of the speech in the form 11 tutjre is ixny roau iawmmaui f on infvnr 4i,a fAiiAmini. son counitv? It is almost dan Vl UH Ulll T iVj IT tlUD LJllJ Y Ilia. I i L' - erous to ride through the coun try on "horseback, over what an morning Orleans in the New Ficaune of April 25tb. I attended the meeting referred to in your county court house. hardly thinking that I should . i. 1 1 . 11 ! meet ana near tne same man speak whom I saw and heard ii XSew Orleans last April, this little city being off the line of goueicu iravei ui men or nis stamp. I You can imagine my surprise better than l can picture it with pen when I saw the same man of New Orleans notoriety arisel clad in very shabby raimentl and commence the speech of the even ng and I may add the only speech of. that evening. Thi$ man is an unsolved riddle to met and is a mystery to the Builder's HiXcnange ot JNew Orleans, to which ! belong. He is loaded with figures and facts bearing on the labor question which fey is any can be found to content against, and by force of intellect and speech gains the ear and carries his audience with him. I noticed a few days after the meeting referred to, one of the dying; but you will go to peace ful, happy homes where your ears win oe greecea ov tne yoices of friendship and love. I must not close without an eulogistic word of the Southern during the war. If I were a young man living at the North and wanted a wife. I would take the shortest rail route and the fastest train to North Carolina, and marry the first lady that would havr me. East .;unia giai ay Is the Oniy Short and Direct Line TO THE thev call the nublic road. The Search history and where will roads in Madison, if it be law- you find a page illuminated with ful to call t principally em roans. Consist suuiuncx . iuhhuuc . umn uuiL of o-ullies and mud- vvhicn characterized t he . South - holes. Madison is one of the best counties in the west, but if vou are to judge of the public spirit of its people by the roads, then it has ho public spirit. The i "ill j i people win nave to quit raising tobacco, improve their roads, or pack their tobacco; to market on mules and oxen, i Can't Bill Nve erive us a call? J. Ammons. era women i during the war.-' And if that gratitude could be metamorphosed into granite, a monument to their, heroism might be erected on every South ern mountain and in every Southern vallev. Veterans of the South, I honor you. Ladies of the South, I love you. He Thinks He'll Come in One of It. Mr. Arkell, who runs Frank L slie's Illustrated paper with the valuable assistance of the name of Russell Harrison, runs Judge without that help and he seems to have reached the con clusion that as he has two pa pers and one of them must be for Harrison it would be good ii -- 1 1 ii .i NORTH, 3 3"JTI, ZAil Al.'D WEST. ruiioiaLJ line it Vestibule Sleepers BKTWBS.V A Baseball Victory. Editor Democrat: Please al low us space m your very nice paper to give the result of a ball o-fltrip that t.hr.V nlara sntnrflav Julv 18. between Mars Hill second ninejand the strong team of (jra briers Creek, aided bv some of the Bull Creek champ- policy to run the other in-the ions. Blame interest. He has lately newruerwiTiiesseatQegame come to that conclusion. Last and can trul y say that all played Kot Soriass, Knox-ille and Cincinnati. KnosviL'. and Lotusvilie- Philadelhpia & Ifew Orleans. Mempnis & New York. Waahington & Memphis- Parties goia W est via thU line have choice of 2 Through Routes, Ooe via the Memphis Short Line, Mobile i N ev Orleans. Forat3y inirn;:it:u aMre3, well and lustice every party and of your city assailed nicely. At j the oeins: was done to all went off close of nine 'a New York innings the score stood as fol- 1 T TT "11 -a 1 -mm lows: iviars. nui , uaoriei s Creek 4 a victory of four. Mars Hill. This, however, was onlv summer Judge published the 4 Jealous Jim', cartoon, and other caricatures distinctly ridi culing Mr. Blaine. A couple of weeks ago its first p ige cartoon was not only flattering to Mr. Blaine, but it actually carica tured the editor of Frank Les- builders him as tramp." I would here say from my knowledge of the man and the ord :i- to which he belongs!, if he is a tramp it is from choice the second nine. The first nine He's for making that announce- tij vu.iu uavc icxuumeu m uas ueeu organizea ior more ment which Mr. Arkell New Orleans and lived the life than twelve months, during of both DaDers' savs hi ot a erentleman and never have which timet -thfiv havn .nlavftH ti,nf c. ri; : een compelled ;o soil his hands; quite a nu-nber of matches and candidate. Last Week's Judge AT Trlfi Iinift ho flnnpnrdd n-ri n;ivo ntv fnnnrl hmi. 1 -i . . the boards in New Orleans the We would be erlad to Dlav anv ., . .. - i J x w J DricKiavers ot that citv had team west of the Rido-ft nndpr made a demand for ten cents an good character that will meet mous dumb bell one end I'WUl 111 U1C11 TYagCiS, YVIUULl tne Builders' Exchange said in a published card was i unreason;- of Marshall.! Respectfully. J. & A. B. W. WliKXF, 0. P. d T. A C. A. BEX$VOTEltt A. G. P. A. . Knoxville, Tenn. A Large 8-page Weekly Paper, BY ASHEVILLE, K. C. THE PAPER FOR THE PEOPli,. It will be & large, 8-page, weekly paper, devoted to the bocii, Indarfk and PollUcal Interests of Western North Carolina. It will be tie era: endeavor of the editor to make THE DEMOCIUT useful to the grtiitz! varied Interests of this rapidly growing city and section. No clorafl be spared to make it entirely acceptable because of tts usefulness DEMOCRATIC IN POLITICS It will be Democratic In politics emphatically and reliably s-u !a name and the life-time creed of lu editor Implies. EY rauidly and Lenorabty. by lboa ml ilher Mm. you of or old, dI(P tktr loelitieMvberaw they Ma. Amf OD9 eaa aa Uw work. Ear ftj Wa ftirateh avcnrthinir. Wi aUrt yo. Ko rUk. ToJRMf tovom yoor spars rwmmii, or aU yemx tiaix to tba work. TbtolaM entirely new laad nd brinfa wonderftri loccaaa to avary workaa. Bffanert are earning from 9ti to 90 par week aad apwar4a and more after a littia experieoe. We can furaiih yoa the aoa- Elormsnt and teach you i r.KE. No apareto explaia here. Faa able and they .would not payL This man came upon the scene in his scanty raiment and made such an appeal and produced such damaging facts and figures 0f CoL Q- M Mundy, of New York, as to at once gain the public bympathy and esteem for him self and the order to which he belonged; and he virtually won the fight without resorting to a stride. T ; i .i i x am in aucoru wiin mm in nearly all that he advocates on the labor question, believing that a man, if he is master of trade, can do a day's work1 in nine hours. He, however, goes was even more distinctly for Mr. Blaine. It represented him as an athlete lifting an enor- n c nT us on our ground at Mars Hill, which was marked "ProtP- Madison county, ten miles east tion" and the other "Recinroci- ty." The title of the niotnre was ,"The Strongest Man in America." Whether the nf-xt Republican convention nomi nates Mr. Blaine or Mr. Harri son Mr. Arkell intends that one of his papers shall be all right. REMARKS at the Reunion of Co. I, 25th Regi ment N. C. State Troops, on Homi ny, July 23d, 1891. Veterans, Ladies and Gen tlemen: 1 admire the smnt 1.1 x lL " ' mat prompts a company ot a fighting Confederate regiment that saw bloody service in the late civil war, to ask a northern man to address them on this oc casion. Partly to prevent my feelings being misunderstood by to great extremes in my opinion declining, I accept the invita 1 Tl on TMl n re hia nri Art 'r I . - 1 1 J vuiunmg i.x i a uuiuu o uc j Liun , UUL Uau IllUKc Only 21 I6W a ; w v rww u VM w Vefc. It was uneentlemanlv. to sav Daralvtic infirmitv. r a s aV 1 A. w - the least, that the man should I was bornj educator! nnHUvoa 1 . ...... I -w,. MMVSS WU nave Deen assailed in the man- all my life before the war. dur- A Safe Investment. Is one which is guaranteed to brirftr you satisfactory results, or in case of r : I . iauure a return 01 purcnase price. On this safe plan you can buy fom our ad vertised druggist a bottle of Dr. Kin? s iNew Discovery for Consumption. , It is guaranteed to bring relief in every case, when used us "an ailection of throat. lungs or chest, such as consumption, in liamation of lungs, bronchitis, asthma- whooping cough, croup, etc. It is feas ant and agreeable to taste, perfectly safe, and can alwaps be depended upon. Trial bottles free at T. C. Smith & Co's. The Ahfeiu.e Democrat ii on at ner in which he was in the daily press of the city , and it brings a mg and many years after it, at the North But. nnlitwvdlv T Dlush of 'shame to my cheek that was not a northern man. PoHt- as myself could not find a better South. All sections of it consti- om Wesf $ Battery Pari A .'iUn und at Jqk Stana, adji ima Prt G. H. MAYER, ConsultiiiJi; Optician, 61 South Maui St. (Law's China HalL) THE INDUSTRIAL INTERESTS OF THIS SECTION, Agricultural, Mechanical and Mining, will receelve epeciil "c--:a-The resources of every county, the various enterprises of all ;ie p?'-1 will hare constant conalderation. j The department for the Home Circle will be complete. As THE DEMOCRAT is already assured a large circulation ia tie drj of Asheville and all the Western Counties, It will be aa except Jn fr advertisers. Kate's will be reasonable. si Send In your names with the cash at once. Address, THE ASHEVILLE DEMOCRAT, PERFECT SIGHT x i. t.Ai3L3 m auseac? oi I ealach?. nain in nr about the ejes, dimness in readirg or seeing -w nave your eyes tested free of charge. Sat-1 isracuoa guaranteced. MICROSCOPES i or scnooi or professional use. See nature in miniature. Microscope slides all prices and Kinoa. vaii H-'i examine them. PEDOMETERS To measure the distance you walk, of scientific instruments. ROBT. M. FURMAN, Editor, All kinds Jul2J-ly Asheville, N. C Eight pages 48columug of UT0 read- ng matter lor alL The Ashevill iLCBiT, on;y f i.su per annum In ad 7 one ror any name or T.m 0f fiiencijres - r vance. ; ' v" "wzMt vm m may stud ipcciaea copU i"

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