J I i ! , 1 1 p . ! I 1 5 i i I NORTH CAROLINA UNITED. already that We give From Cherokee to Currituck. The completion of the West ern North Carolina railroad Murphy is a matter of such im portance that we like to dwell upon it. That jwhich required fifty years to accomplish, and which, accomplished, unites with bands of steel the entire people of our native State, here tofore kept asunder by natural barriers, i3 something worthy of more than a passing notice. The people of Cherokee and surrounding section celebrated the event on the 23d of July. The Democcat has given a report of the ings, but did not give was of great interest. below additional letters from two distinguished North Caro linians, with an editorial notice from the able editor of the Ath ens, Tenn., Athenian, w OS present and delivered one of the best speeches of the day, and a letter from the president of the Chattanooga Board of Trade. The following is the letter from ex Congressman Thomas D. Johnston: j Messrs. R. L. Herbert, F. P. Axley, J. W. Cooper, R. A. Aikin and Ben Posey, Commit tee on Invitation. Gentlemen: I cannot ade quately express the deep regret I feel, that manv circumstances beyond my control, will prevent my accepting your invitation to be present with the good people of Cherokee county on the 23rd mst., to celebrate thel comple tion of the Western North Caro lina railroad; but though com pelled to be absent, I will in spirit unite with them in their rejoicings of this great enter prise which for nearly- a half century they have been earnest ly looking and laboring for. with alternate hope and disap pointment; and I do this, the more cordially, because it was ' my good fortune in the past to make this one of the special ob jects of my legislative labors. Most heartily do I congra tulate you and them on this happy be casion, and most sincerelv dp I believe it to be the beginning of a new epoch in the history your county. Blessed as your section is with so many natural advantages. and enriched bv such a varietv of mineral, arid other wealth. there is every reason to hope that the completion of this rail road, which brings your people in closer uid more intimate com- , mer?i :il and social relations with the Stat' and business sections . of the country, will be themeans of making it one Of the most desir able, both for homes and busi-- ness investments in our rapid iy growing Southland. We veoplV therefore, have much cause for rejoicing over this most auspi-. cious event. But I cannot rid myself of the thought and I trust I. may be pardoned t for alluding to" it that in the' great joy of the day there will be, I know, sincere and 'heartf It regret, that he, who was the chief projector of this great enterprise at the ,time apparently imnracticable of building a railroad through the mountains of Western North Carolina, and who with such persistent zeal, continued his efforts in behalf of his section end people in the face of dis couragements that would cause the stoutest heart i to quail that he, though living, is pre vented by his sad affliction from joining with his beloved people in celebrating the com memoration of his life-work. I need not say that I refer to Col. William H. Thomas nor should proper tribute be withheld from others who we're his co laborers and successors in this srreat work. The lamented Hayes, of your own county, Brvson, of Swain and Robinson, of Macon, .and others, all of whom so ear nestly labored in behalf of this railroad. It is befitting that the celebra tion of the laying of the corner stone oi tne magnincent court house, w! ich you are to erect in H T T 111 i i luurpuy, snouia oe tne crown ing act of this memorable occa : sion,. For while the one betok ens the admiration of justice in the courts of the county, the other evidences the realization of that justice to which the "XTT A '1 i vv tjstern peopie nave Deen so many years entitled, and for which they have so patiently waited. Again assuring you and the people of my inexpressible re gret at not being able to be pres ent and; participate with them in their rejoicings!, and renew ing my warmest: congratula- ; tions on the completion of the to j Western North Carolina rail road, 1 am with sentiments ot highest esteem, j Very truly yours, Thos. IX Johnston. one of the piom ers of Cherokee countv. sow n resident of Ashe ville, his remarks being emi nently eloquent an:! appropriate, giving a history of the long struggle of the people of Murphy and vicinity for an outlet by means of the W. N. C. and the M. & N G. railroads. Col. Davidson was followed by Maj. R. M. Furman, of the Asheville Democrat, with a stirring address of fifteen min utes, and the reading of letters -i i it were possible, ifor me to be present with your people so that I might assure them that the felicitation over this very lm- pqrtant event is not connnea to them, but is common to all the people of N. C. We have at last. after many years of toil and struggle, bordered the State with lines of tra vel and trans portation, so that from Curri tuck to Cherokee! there is swift and easv communication You are no longer wedged in between Georgia and Tennessee; but from your extreme border you have a FrWi Ex-Judge J. C. McRat: My Dear Mr. Norvell: I am much obliged ifor vour kind in vitation to attend the celebration from distinguished gentlemen Of the Completion Of tlie . N . wVir rVrnlrl nnt h nrAiifc innlud- Ci R. K., to Murphy, ana wish irk0. fh(, ftovfmor of thp State. Dinner over, notwithstanding continued showers of rain, th peopl.- seemed eager to hear further speaking which was ontinued briefly in the follow- t tit Ti - r msr oraer: w . x . ivicuarron. Col. T. M. Burkett and Capt. J. A. Turley. of Athens, Maj. H. B. Hardy, of the State Chronicle, Raleigrh, B. L,. Duke, Durham. H. A Gudger, Asheville, and Col. Ben. Posev, of Murphy. The exercises of the entire day were interspersed with most ex cellent music bv the Cherokee Rrn5 "Rand. nomnoKfid nrinci grand highway tp Asheville and llv of voung in ixX1 f rom tho to Raleigh. Your friends m the TT b ,;nvftrnn1tl.i coViool at i,ast may now see tor themselves Yellow HillN.;L.. in charge of the rich and fertile valleys of prof Spraue. " pasture land ana nne iarms, xne nahand Norfolk is completed, your next line is tho Murphy knd Ch"ntr.?inoora line. I hope Chattanooga may have j the opportunity heton? manv ; vears have passed, to unite thai goo 1! people of Murphy andj Cherokee county, to join wiin us to celebrat' the opening and the completion of the Murphy and Chattanooga railroad. : Thanking you for the kind in vitation to be with oji the 23d THE ASHEYILLE DEMoffi in st. Yours truly. Tomlixsox Fort. mountains and rivers, the min about to I be the thousand make the one of the eral wealth just developed, and i! advantages whiddi county, of Cherokee richest and mostldesirable of all the counties in tte State. I trust and believe, that the completion of this road maj prove of the very highest good to the State, and j ma; bind the more closely -together the best 1 Thus briefly ,C Llined was our first visit to Mvi phy greatly en joyed. It turnished a rare op portunity for the acqnaintance of people, and plans whih will be basis for more extended re ks concerning the county in future articles in tliese columns. To Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Dickey our entire party Avere indebted for most hospitable treatment and a bountiful table. Thev are anions: the forernost neoDle of pele mthewotld, the people that enterprising locality and i nope you ana; yours are wen Thftir hmiSH :s bpodnnartPrs for T ..,1,1 l-.W, I 1- x wuuiu Hive an extensive transient travel sometime as and doing well. to near trom vou 'A m rin rr t hp hpct. rtnrlt rf tVP to how you are getting along, C0Untry, and right royally are and how Ahe country prospers PprHinpH and our friends are. Your friend, McRae. Col. McCarron, in the Athe nian, Athens Tennessee: In company with Col. T. M. Burkett and wife, Capt. J. A. luriey ana wire, it was our privilege to visit; Murphy, N. C last week for the first time early Wednes tie nartv were Pattv and N. where they We are also under obligations to Col. A. A. Campbell, of the Murphy Bulletin, and to Dr. J. W. Pat ton and J. S. Maroney, of the Cherokee Scout, for cour tesies extended. Murphy is the county seat of Cherokee county and has a population of about 700, situated at the junction of The Greensboro North State on the V. N. C. Railroad and Col. A. B. Andrews: On July 23d last, the firt tr lin entered "Murphy, in Cherokee county, over the Western North Carolina railroad. Thus were Morehead City and Murphy united bv rail. On that day Col. A. B. Andrews was titty years of age. On his 50th birth day was completed the colossal task which he undertook of con structing a railroad fromi Old Fort across the Blue Ridge to ! Asheville, and thence to ayn- esville and over the Balsam mountains and on to Cherokee county along the banks of the Tuckasege, the L ttle Tonnes see and the W-autifulNantahala. Does the reader stop to think of what a great and :rrand work has been accomplished:' Does the reauui reilect on the won derful brair and enprarv whichl was necessary '.' push through such a magnificent undertak ing? -Mountains lo .be crossed, vallevs to be traversed: rushing rivers ana piayiui mouniain streams to be bridged; tunnel after tunnel to be cut through insurmountable elevations; mil lions of money to be raised among strangers in a financial center at times shaken by panic made timid by disaster or en tirely closed by distrust. North Carolina had a son who was capable and abla to do all this. By his fruits you can judge him. Col. A. B. Andrews undertook the task. He re solved to do the one thing which had been the talk by day and the dream by night of North Carolina statesmen for years. The man who had never seen A T.nroTA 8-raors WppVItt Drw. BY ASHEVILLE, N. C. THE PAPER FOP THE PEOPlc. Leaving Athens day morning t joined by W? H. B. Dunn at Gradv .. . . . i. took tlie 10 o'clock train on the Knoxville Southern, and dining at Blue Ridge to6k the narrow guage for Murphy, 24 miles dis tant, reaching trere early in the afternoon where the entire party were the guests of Vr. and Mrs. T C. Dickey' MrJs. Dickev being a lister of Col. ! Burkett. The followino: day. Thursday, had been set apart b the enterpris ing people of Clerokee county as an (;ccasidn f(r the celebra tion of the laying of the corner stone of their now court hous at Murphv, under the auspices of the Masonic Grand Lodge of I e tate. i ne jj ceremony was ; in charge of Grand Master H. A. Gudger, of Asheyille. and war. participated in by a large con course of the order from various loages in the vicinity, making one of the most imposing pro cessions every Witnessed in that country. The other part of the day's program was the celebra- ion of the completion, to Mur phy, of the W. IN.' C. railroad from Asheville,i 120 miles dis tant. To do this a beautiful grove half a mile distant from the town on the banks of the picturesque HiaVassee, had been selected, where, a t 2 o'clock. about 3,000 people had assembled with hundreds of baskets of pro- visiuiib, uesiue nve ueeves and a dozen sheen which had been had barbbcued on the ground ready for the multitude. Thu 5 immense tables were loaded with substantial from a liberal people in honor of an event for which they had long been pray ing, worKing ana looking. Previous to arid after dinner the people were 'entertained by short speeches I from various persons from ab'jroad and from among traemselves, all of which seemed to be appreciated by rousing acclamations of ap plause as each speaker referred to the glowmgl prospects and ich resources 6f the country surrounding. The exercises 6f the day were in charge ot Mayor R. L. Her pert as president of t e commit tee of arrangements under whom the day was rendered highly enjoyable, except for dousing showers of rain against which the committee had not entered their protest in time. Mr. E. B. Norvell delivered an appropriate addrfess of welcome followed by Col. A. T. Davidson, the Hiawassee and Vallev rivers, the word "failure? among: his branches of the Tennessee with personal effects, had the confi an elevation in a pure atmos- deuce of railroad mangnates phere between the Blue Ridge and money kings. Although and the great Smoky Mount during the many years of con ains of 1,600 feet aoove the level struction of the Western Xorth of the sea. Carolina railroad, the ups and It is the great mineral region downs were many, the work abounding in iron, gold, copper, went on. And it can be truth -corrundum, talc, mica and mar- fully said that at one time when ble, the latter o which is being nearly all were discouraged, extensively worked in places Col. Andrews hazarded his pri aiong the M. & N. G. railroad, vate fortune rather than give Property in Murphy is com- up the hope of completing the manding a good price, $t?,000 Western N. C. railroad. He being recently paid in caslF for did all this and had the nerve a lot on tlie public square, boughc to back up his judgmentand his by Col. B. L. Duke, of tlie great great wid-power with his own tobaco firm of Durham. " monev. The new court house is in course Fifteen It will he A l SrCP S.nSTO ireol-lir nana. A-ti .1- .1 . Bv,v "wttij jjti, vicu tu me rHXia., liCItUX and Political interests of Weatern North Carolina. It will u lit tvitt endeavor of the editor to make THE DEMOCRAT useful to tlerrtv:.; Taried interests of this rapidly growing city and ectfoa. cf;.itT be spared to make It entirely acceptable becau-c of tt .i-ci -e ( DEMOCRATIC IX POLITICS by Bruce & Mor tain . -. vears aero the moun- region of North Carolina was comparatively an unknown country. Asheville was a typi cal countv town, unheard of oe- yond State lines. To-day it is the finest jewel in the crown of the Old North State, and its of construction oran, of. Atlanta, will one of the handsomest structures of the Kina m tne btate. ana is Deine- built of granite; marble and brick. The country is full of pros pectors and when Murphy gets praises are sung throughout the a western outlet bv wav oi" civilized world. The natural Athens and Chattanooga sho wealth of mines, water and will be on the direct road to wood, the salubrious climate, prosperity second to no town in the great agricultural and hor- this region of natural health ticultural possibilities of the 1 111 fl T - '1 i t-t , ana weaitn. riue xtiage ana smoky moun tain sections all were enclosed rium m x-rcbiaenx ot tne are visible an(j open to the touch unattanooga tioara ot Trade: of the world. x From Cherokee Messrs. R. L. Herbert and to Currituck is now a pleasant others. Committee of Invitation, all rail highway. The same to Murphy, N. C. Morehead City and Wilmington. Gents: I received this morn- The man who accomplished this ing your invitation to meet with result should never be forgotten tne citizens ot Murnhv. and iy tne people of North Carolina. Cherokee county, North Caroli Collect together all the politi- na, on the 23d inst., to partici- cians m the St,te over whom pate in celebrating the comple- the people have fussed and uuu oi tue vvesiern iNortn uaro- tumeu ior xwenty-nve years lina railroad to Murnhv. A past and the sum total of thpir business engagement to" meet labors in behalf of theirconstit- parties here on that day, which uents would not make a shadow I cannot now alter, prevents my when compared with the bene- acceptance of your invitation. fits to North Carolina and her In behalf of the Chamber of people to be derived from the Commerce of the city, I con- construction of the W. N. C. R. gratulate Murphy, and the R by Col. Andrews. strong; arms and stout hearts of iNorth Carolina may well be those who have fought "the proud of such a citizen. Col. world the flesh and the devil" Andrews deserves the plaudits tor her realization of this sten ot tne people, and suecpfi lino- it r : 1 1 : i . '. 53 in tut? muire. jcdis w m oiuK uib pnises when "Go West and grow up with tnev, l00k at the resut of his le country" is T-anirilv h work, the greatest achievement It 111 be Democralic in politics empaaUcaliy and rel:al:r hO-u name and the Ufe-timc creed of its editor implies. ing "uo soutn and grow up V.. , ttlCB OI money with the country." East and. sklll brains and energy. wof i;o " i nnlv mvinimoc .rt Mercvme'. said Miss Pas- THE INDUSTRIAL INTERESTS OF THIS SECTION Agricultural, 3rechanical aad Mining, will receeive special The resources of every county, the various enterrrlses of all .tie r5?-' will have constant consideration. The department for the Home Circle will be complete. As THE DEMOCRAT is already assured a lare circulation ia tte of Asheville and all the Western Counties, it will be an excellent for advertisers.' Rates will be reasonable. Send In your names with the cash at once. Address, THE ASHEVILLE DEMOCRAT, ROBT. M. FURMAN, Editor, v. '-v oaiu xiAisa iras-1 t see, "I sincerely hope they will years have shown the largest :tiX SI viney 7m cnU c xr : i.ii I vv uy noi. " jriul? "Just think how ranidlv w! "East nd West lines" pay un- ?Lt "-HarS b tunes aa less they are fed by feeding to fast Marper f Bazar- JN on U ana &OUtn lines. 7 ' Have you read the direction! wraDDeD Asheville, N. C name or umet of frlenditsaliijj W win thmk any one for any m m I r. I ir Buu Trrltorl IhM ire iaar ead tzxclxxntwVVZP w -