f J MOOR NO. 46. J. S. Grant, Ph. G. bjDDEN & BATES' Prices! SOUTHERN -Of toe Pmldelpai College of PtiArmcyJ J C0i II. ' . ASH EYILLE, N.o! THURSDAY, AUGUST 2ol 1891. Nv .Good 3 New 7 It ia, md ns, laran vay for C6 'Hi- see Si , 1 German- is, . nth?. 'e ;s.: iortment'ol ie ijiurts, Trunks Hata in per- ublic to St CO ar' m rds, r. Cocoa 6 an" S, USIC HOUSE IAXOS AND ORGANS ithout interest. from factory to purchas- One price only Satisfaction pped tliri'i-t ii Ml Treiirhts paid. that the lowest known. teed or no sale, wjs if All our friends are invited to come arid see us now and find out how low we are selling goods ; and we can always offer some, special bargain such as the following now on sale: Tea Sets, 56 Pieces, $3.85. Dinner Sets, 100 Pieces, $9.90 and $12.50. You can leave put any piece ofa set you do. not want and reduce the price. BOWLS AND PITCHERS75c, $1.00 & $1.25. FINE GOODS. We offer dirinV the dull month of July the bieest bargain vet. Tripple plate Silver Table Knives only $1.50 for six QoodWuUy ari accuracy by an ened Pre- nloo Silvor TaWo TTrivce rmlv QKo fnr aiV Tpasnnnns Tahlpsnoons and Forks in eveiV eraae away.unuer reguiur uncc. rtniwnm, ana wira, yot triu tvh ov known as headquarters for Glassware and House-furnishing Goods. Apothecary, 24 South Main St, If your preecrtptiotu ar prepared at Grand Phirtnuy you can pvitively de pend upon theee fact: VirH that only t purest and bent drugt and chemical trill Is ved; second, they trill be eomponndtd cart- trial in r home. . ! catalogues, prices, particulars, etc., i i . . . Hon or anuiess . F. GABRATT, AGENT, i' Patton Ave., AsheTille, 5. C. 1 r-.na tlinO ftTlfl TP- red. Terms reasonable. Work guar- Steed. cJir$ed an extftrbit-tnt pri'. J. H. LAW 5 s I - -j J The Buncombe County Baptist Asso ! ciation Last Week at Brevard. This body met on! Tuesday at 11 a. m Letters from the churches of the county showed verv satisfactory increase membership and interest in the general work of the denomination. The officers elected were A. I. Justice, moderator; L. M. (Williams, secretary; E. H. Wright, treasurer; John W. Starnes, historian. 1 j die and the preachers be turned out of Good, the pulpits. Mitchell Carroll thought Theat, for Septeinberdellvery, leached the body had better be careful about $1.12 per bushel at Chicago Saturday, making promises. He thought it was of i This is good and will help our farmer 0f doubttul propriety. The resolution was carried and the association will support the missionary. The f blowing resolution waa adopted: REPORT ON THE 8ABBA.TH. inner & Tea Sets w rmwiiriliv TiOw Prices. . undefiled relig n ' i tt ttt x He argued forcibly for. the enmn Mads- Up to But Yotir Wants . (rJ regational Irom $7 and Upwards. . ..... , ...inMira in rmv-mir spis liom uo IMC H' vill ' J . .11 n t another one to match it, thereby you will fays feave a lull set. km I Imp the strongest terms violations of the Sab bath, br traffic on railroads, wazons, by ThA dph"hrations of the odv were mriner tobacco or anv other means. And Wmrmion all tHrouffh. The dele- we ask our citizens to repon an ucu ; i . ' USsi.ti'nno tho flranrt Jnrv. ana we gates toofe great interesi m me wic ing.at that Qur solicito pro3ecute to the proceedings, especially in the reports on fune3t extent of the law all violations of home mission, foreign mission, education, 1 our holy Sabbath State Baptist Orphanage, and periodicals, i Unanimously adopted The introductory sermon, by Kev. D. The report on the Baptist urpnanage C kelson, was deep, practical and, pure, elicted much favorable talk by Kevs. Ha a t rone- aDDeal for 1 J. MoriraTi. Hilliard and others. Hand X iaj vuvuvi w - - a I w - o undefiled relteion4-the religion of Jesus, some collections ere taken. the elimination ox temperance wor- just before the adjournment the follow . ..I ... sh'n Said he. "in tne aays gone oy iue mor resolution was auopieu; r j in n Ar was told 'You must repent and De Resolved, That we are opposeu Tv,iu .Ua ricrht This is everv form of intemperance auu u.uu OOru again. -es AXT 511 t onrnnritirP. in anv ! - 1 IlfSS. V V C TT1J1 UV v T j the eospel plan of Salvation, dinners I Qnnpr thp traffic, but that we were invited to bpw at the anxious seat are directly opposed to the same, and will in oDen day before the people and call not support for omce any man upon God for panl,,,. So. t.ey are - i -i . il... V.H -t- afanH 11 n MTlll a w aSKeu to raise men nau'-i -"" : friends greatly. Monday's Baltimore Sun reports: The price of cereals Saturday was ex tremely buoyant, the price of wheat for delivery in September going from $1.09$ Vi o nrvoTilnir nt thA NW Vork El Resolved, That this body condemn in chanee t0 at the close. December wheat. oDeninir at tl.ll. went up to $1.15 and closed verv near that figure. May wheat was selling Fridav at $1.14, but at the close Saturdav it was $1,181. As many as 11,500,000 bushels were sold, let-, wit li many new and cheap articles (Tinware, Woodenware, ouse :: Furnishings I "ou may not think we keep them, out we 1n larjrt quant it U's. Give us a call when in i of iinvthin-r in the house furnishing line. t lurgft thf place, GS' J WlW. Thrash & Co, 41 Patton Ave. MTT ATKINSON & SON, leal Estate Agents, Ashsville,N..C.,'. ; iii v, hi:nt and sell. 5 trist Christ." Tbis, he argued, was too superficial. The speech of Eevj John Ammons on home missions Was one of the best efforts of! his life, which is saying much for the . I fn Tr A mmnns 13 one OI Our I SpCCVU, iUi uest speakers. t c4 a synopsis but cannot do justice to the able brother and must content ourselves by saying that it waa one of the ablest appeals for those anong us who have not the light of the gospel that has been heard in Buncombe f or many years. . Our neighbor; Kev, Mr. Speight, editor of the Asheville Baptist, preached a fine sermon the second day, on the life, love nviHt. We have not been able to get any part of it, but are informed that this very able man sus tained his former jrecord as a pulpit speaker. j At 11 a. m., on the third and last day, Rev. Mr. Adams prqached on missions. He gave encouraging statistics from the work in home and foreign fields. -Said he "Jesus Christ is the Saviour of all men. -itt:.k trim all must be lost. 'He that llllUUl 11"" The body then adjourned to meet at Flat Creek next year. which is a vast deal more than an oral nary day's work. Evidently a boom wa on and the "aborts" were rushing to get the erain ther had contracted to deliver. Corn shared in the advance, going from 68 cents. Fridav's closing price, to baj cents. Rye went up seven cents higher than it was Friday, closing $1.12 bid. Off the exchange there were transactions H 1. 2 1 . V. n tlinaA TllO P7.'a prohibition of rye exports irom uussia is to some extent responsible for the general advance, but the growing cer I tainty tnat fcurope win want an our sur plus grain and -rore, is tho backbone of the movement. Some special causes may have contributed. Speculators who wished to soueeze some of their fellow traders may have organized a special snurt. but their success was not due whnliv or r.hiefiv to manipulation. The general situation seemed to warrant high er prices. Tom vul r erit the Ixttgondt at a tvry re-tir?U prtjti. Jfrm't forget plte Grand Phirm&fft 24 South If a in tret. Irecriptions filed at all kovrt, nigt CT day and delivered free of ehtrge to any part of Ou city. The night hell trill be anur& Promptly. GranC$ Phtrmasy, 24 &m& Main street. At Grand Pharmary yon can bvy any Patent MetliHne at Ou Lnrrtt price quoUA by any other drug fuue in the city. PT are determened to e& ae lovt ae Ou lovti . even if re hare to loe vony by f daing9 We trill $eU oU Patent Medirinee at Jirtt other counties in regard to thi matter. I aruj that if uectry, to meet tV It will never do for estern Carolina- of any t every coutty and section in it not to be well represented at the fair. Every We haeeOulargeet aeeortountofChamoU Sothern State will have large exhiblU, Skin in AOuviZe. Cher 200 a3 and North Carolina must not be behind & lotteet prieee. aDZ. o oi i ! 4.e-v - We are ogente for Humphrey t Ilrmao The State Chronicle savs: " ake J r- county proposes to show ' to the world POutic Medicine. A full, tupply of lit her advantages and do herself credit, good alitag on hand. Why should not every county in the ce BuncomU Liter PiT, Ou best in As State move In this mattery It ts oi vast . . SOUTHERN EXPOSITION NOTES. Mi. S. U. Kepler, commissioner for thi district, has received a letter from Mr. J. O. Harden, of Ashe county, stat. ing the anthorities of that county bad appropriated $300 for the ExpoaUion at Raleigh this fall, and that the oounty will be well represented in all reapecU. Mr. Kepler wold b; pleased to hear from Superior Court Is in session, Hon. James H.Merrimon presiding. This is the first term of court held in Buncombe by Judge M. tils ability is well known, and the high dis tinction which he has achieved on the bench preceded him, all of which has been well maintained here. He is an able, conscientious Judge. No cases of very material importance to the' public have as yet been before the court, except the case of Miller vs. the city of Ashe ville for damasre to property occasioned by widening a street. This is still pend- irr All the officers ot tne court are t effirMPiit and courteous. AH tne lnral bar. with Mr. Fritcliarci, oi Jiaai son, are in attendance. The Editorial Convention. It was a great disappointment that we were deprived of the privilege of meet ing with our brethren of the State press at the annual convention at inston Salem. We hoped to go up to the last - i moment, but other matters preveniea We eteem our brethren and enjoy, al ways, being with them, individually or collectively. A goodly number were present; the people of the noble old, but vigorous young Twin cities entertained them in roval stvle, and altogether it was a delightful occasion. The addresses be fore the association and at the banquet were of a high order of merit, and useful. The Association meets in Charlotte next year. The Best State After All. A friend who recently left North Caro lina for Texas, writing us ordering the Democrat sent to him "in order," as he says "that he may hear from a civilized D FOR A nPQOPIOTIVF LIST 1 t-s k w Nr tail w - - -OF- Ji Suburban and Country PROPERTY. robbei. lhisisjesp rr r the srreat natural ,av, to u Twill send fliee', eic. e oi iu sayb to u, i - ' . I rir aHran 9?es the old lar must ffo either in person ux u wivxw-. ... -c e . ii At n-i,;,!, ,plnn(T to heel State possesse ,J ..Wiliswn visit and inspection of other States to unnsi, auu. nt " It only needs a m.l "Vnrth Caro- , . j. it.:, Ann ennvinCft flnv UUC iua, i " a if w-pi nnn i uo mis ywuuc . vw . j , The Street Work. Bids were opened Saturday for paving and grading certain specified streets. From the Citizen's report we clip: There were fourteen bidders, as fol- fows: E. S. Moorman & Co., Lynchburg, V Corneninz Bros.. Asheville; tggles- ton & Dennis, Richmond; A. M. Smith, Greensboro; Thornton, Shaw & Marshall, St Paul Minn ; Powell & Barnard, Ashe ville; Tbos. Barry, Richmond, P. M. B. Younsr, Ga.; Yen able Bros., Ga.; M. E Maher, Atlanta; Webb, Dates; i-.sKnuge, Columbia; R. L. Coleman, Asheville; E. H. Britt, Asheville; H. M. Allport, Rich- Our mond. -AND ORGANS . . 1 A. 1 -v n r ro r q work He will raise Ap others to do it. Una is " ' aTenue. from court sonare to XKH AT. LANDS. ETC. He aHows u, .-d privilege o "9"ew u, government building and North and snanns wiiu , xi ry.i will wo share?' neaiueu. - - , n1f, St t tt T owk i Prof. Wliite, ana ty oi iui Siau .v. acrree with him as to the great supenori- rr. k H. iewisi others f--Xr;;. sXol -V-i Company K.- strougij tuc "vvv-. mportance to their welfare. Why can they not see the matter In Its proper ightr j ATTRACTING" ATTENTION ABROAD. The Inter-State Exposition in Raleigh this fall promises to be a big affair, and the Raleigh State Chronicle believes that it will be on a much larger tcale than many of our people imagine. There will be people here from all Darts of the world, and exhibits will be made by every shrewd advertiser. They do not go where the promise is not good for a large ciowd. The fact that many have already engaged space at the Exposition shows that they believe it will be a great occasion, j The following, copied from the Atlantic City (N. J.) Dailv Union, is a significant straw showing that the wind is blowing in the direction of Raleigh nd our Exposition: J. C. Johnson has taken a space for t ie exhibition of his aerated water foun tains at the Southern Inter-State Exposi tion to be held in Ralftisrh, North Caro lina, from October 1st to December 1st, 1&91. The space is ample for a large scenic effect and Mr. Johnson is design ing a woodland scene,mountainsgrotteo. streams and cascades from which he will dispense soda and mineral waters. The Southern people from fourteen States and two Territories have combined to show the great natural adantages of soil and climate, and Northern manufacturers are invited to show what they have to cll. ! The ExpositionVill attract thousands of people from all parts of the Union. j The Raleigh correspondent of the Charlotte Chronicle writes: Florida will make a grand exhibit at the Exhibition, so, in fact, will all the Southern States. Every inch of the space in the buildings ill be taken. The buildings will not be handsome, but their Interiors will be made wonderfully attractive by the ex hibits. It Is to be regretted that costly, beautiful and permanent buildings could have been built but the funds were not 4 tKorwgfJy reliable remedy for iU blood dieie it Buncombe &ir$ipAirula, Try a battle andou trill JL-ike no other. J. S. GRAST, Ph. 0 Pharmacist, 24 S. Main St. AetiZe, X. U. Every Person WILL HAVE THE BEST WHEN HE OR SHE CAN GET IT. HESTON'S i Tim tlack! 54 South Main Street, - ASHEVILLE, If . C He keeps the purest and find Confec tion nirule. Huyler" fauiou Caadie ; also, Royter's, Whitman's and otber makes. Also sells children and boy's Express Wagons, Velocipedes Doll t arrives, Ac. Is a?ent for the cheapest and lot Byt id made the Gcndron. Can v-11 you a v whctl for .T: fu 1 frie. . Hare j . sold a number this teaon and all give satisfaction. " J. M. HESTON, 51 South Main Street, AFHE VILLE, NORTH COROLINA. f Public are invited to call and examine flSCHER, ESTEY n air 11 tii v. f!. Volunteers ...a I I ZtTllIlMIIW XV. -M. A. t. -A- -v , ll'intinn committing the assoia- will meet at Patton's mill, present site of tion to the support U a missionary on Asheville city waer ws Swaano the field was offered. nver, on sun i. Revs Adams, D.i B. Nelson, Brown day (oth day) m September next. All and Jesse R. Starnes took the side of the surviving members are requested to be Lt nr W.I A. Nelson and J. P. nresent with blanket and-three days resolutive. ,. . Ml V. AA Pr Alorsan asked that the delegates ot tne rations, -lents win u iu,. Firs? Baptist Church do not vote, as that j. S. Carroll, D. D., will preach on Sun- Fhermat... r-T,, i. L.wMw.i, nw suODorting one, wmcn day morning. v.u. - h Wt 'P rices possible, consistent together with their pxpense of building, roceedings Gf a meeting held etc., was ail tney cuuiu . . - - fnrmallv organize for the i 1 x-L Ftt- I"! 10 TPGn I I 1 I Mill I I UCOUOT v ml - R Tf egeofthe proper Celebration of the centennial of provided for the swetpnviJ organization of the county of Bun bodyandhe wasmavor o hough the elsewhere. Excellent Brtlo In th7 right cemmitteemen have been chosen and Rev. D. B. elson giorie thv will take early steps to formulate a and ability of tne opay w uu 8 r'm anA p'uhorate nroeram. It is South Main streets to be paved witn brick; contract awarded Messrs. Webb, Oates & Eskridge, of Columbia, S. C, for $1.07 per square yard. For paving an economical way with granite blocks Depot street to the passenger depot, the contract was award ed A. M. Smith, of Greensboro, N. C, at 9.7 rr souare vard. Mr. W. G. Cor- V . I J pening "Wis awarded the contract grading on these streets. WANTED! To hire a iteadr. induMrtou rron who unflertania how to ciok. Work UVbt ani. In hand and everything done has been In enced xk di apply. An active man nr i . . ' woman, white or coloreL will lowrll to ri'lr at once to JJ.W lu kllis, I'm. t tinvw Louirr. New Advertisements. We invite the attention of our readers io the advertisement of Geo. II. Chapin, I for real estate agent of Boston, Mass., and Greenville, S. C. This, one of the most reMable firms in the United States, have Kalrvlew. . C. (12 miles from Abbeville.) aurJlt Notice! I "st-tlass goods. Don't fail to give us a pore luyinz an Instrument, at No. 37 yM.WiUiams&Co. , , t v VwAv tn flo mis eoou mcv J I. ant the st paper lor the bus. things Kerr. ?r". an occasion worthy of the best efforts of ite farmer. thA familv. sub- not be at ail ; nam a,u- r - i p finre it wiH be w - a i i w n a I'll ii ii nr Jesse-R. Starnes mouS ---- Under and by virtue of a deod of trust, with full power of sale therein. excuted to me a trustee by Hamp Flack and Uoria Flack. hi wife, on the lrt day of January, 1. to ecur I . . . . .1 - -v- ! I km tnm nf nnp hundrfd and aeveDtT-eurbt n TTarriRon Graves and son. Ar- been engaged in ousmess in me "u- . fif default harlnir nold,! of Henderson county, gave us a ern and New England States for a .half nlpaant call Tuedav. 3Ir. G. has held century ana meir cuarauci s u. mo i public auction on hatumay. mn oay oi nep pleasant call i;'-". I..' TV,OMnM!r .rnin demand timber. Wl. at 12 o'clock.noon of aaU day at an important position in asningion su i uiui0 w '-r -j 1 tbe court houe door in toe city or aidc i . i . a . i nA n inr nnui iiri u in l rsiiiirj ii a i hi a a iial a,i a-a. a v wa v sm m - m -" Ion? that ne aoes not Know wnere ue iU vw..- . hw h-mMFlirkMii home and situated tbereof.ln Iry township, county of Ituncombe, '3 lives. . .i v n., ffi-, hsu induced tnis ereai azency io csiau- th itin of 111 Itt. on tfce nortn rori state of North Carolina, lermscash. r l nce for V 0nWi t:A L.tnn' fitinsrv the members oug raise the money. all citizens and we are o-ht to made one ever to be remembered. lish a branch in the South. Mr. Geo. II. Hon. Thos. G. Skinner, of Aldermarle, Chapin, of the hrm, win aevoie nimseu nrt r.pn iiiiamson. ot uasweii. . F.-v.. -r ' ' I ... .1. TT---. -V- . V. W. Barnard, Esq., of Asheville, and sev property in Asnevme, esiera .)0nu eral other friends left Wednesday for a Carolina ana upper couui varuun. trin trt thfiXantahala. Thev took The sale oi lana aaycmseu uy iv. USUllig "'J' - This 20th day of Auyutt. 1-fl. aMt J. J. O UK LN WOOD, Truttee. Important Notice. Any parties haTing money to lend la X hm '.i Bnm m.t. to ha,. uk PU on Urge or U! cm adrcrtU. . g. t, T-nfh . the 3d. his been postponed until Thure- the lime In The DrxocBAT free of A UV 1 TV tit M V W w W 9 for catching minners good time day, 3d day of September. See notice. charge. ats -