" ... . y 1 1 VOL. III. LUDDEN & BATES' SOUTHERN MUSIC HOUSE PIANOS ASHEVILLE, N. C, THURSDAY,. OCTOBER 8. 189 1. NO. 1. Hew Goods H ew P r i ces ! J-s: Grant' Ph-G- AND ORGANS All our friends are invited to come and see us now and find out hoy low we are selling goods ; and we can always offer some special bargain such as the following now on sale: Tea Sets, 56 Pieces, $3.85. Dinner Sets, 100 Pieces $9.90 and $12.50. qu can leave put any piece of a set you do not want and reduce the price. BOWLS AND PITCHERS 75c, $1.00 & $1.25. FINE GOODS. On easy payments, without interest. We offer during the dull month of July the bigest bargain yet. Tripple plate Silver Table- Knives only $1.50 for six. Good plate Silver Table Knives only 95c. for six. Teaspoons,-Tablespoons and Forks in. every grade away under regular price. We are Shipped direct from factory to purcha known as headquarters for Glassware and House-furnishing Goods. ers. All freights paid. One price only 3 a . ri m and that the lowest known. Satisfaction guaranteed or no sale. 15 days trial in your home. For catalogues, prices, particulars, etc., call on or addiess . j.-'H. LAW OUR- WASHINGTON LETTER. f AGENT, 41 Pattou Aye., Asheville, N. C. CsfTianos and Organs tuned and re paired. Terms reasonable. Work guar anteed. T Tr (t A K K All Gov- Campbell's Magnificent Canvass Special Correspondent of The Democrat. Washington, D. C, Oct. 5. President Harrison has notified the boys in New York and elsewhere that it is a good time to ante up from their salaries to assist in the State election. He sen : his check for $500, one per cent, of his annual salary, to the. republican campaing committee to assist in trying to put -Piatt's man, Fas- sett, in the gubernatorial chair and secure a Harrison delegation from New York in 1892. This is a plain intimation to the employees of the postoffices and cus tom houses in New York that they should i . ' respond to a call at the rate of one per cent Governor Campbell is making a mag nificent campaign in Ohio. He is indulg ing in logic, wit and sarcasm, and every He China ii Main Dinner & Tea Sets At Unusually Low Prices. Sets Made TTd to Suit Tour Wants Prom $7 and Upwards The great advantage in buying sets from us strongholds in every section of the State, that when you break a piece we will sell iU C,CV The American shipping league will; appear before Congress again in the en deavor to secure such legislation as will once more build up the American mer chant marine. The first act ever passed by Congress and "signed by George' Washington, was a tariff bill in which a i discount was made of ten per cent, in favor of goods brought in American bottoms, and from that time on all legis lation has tended in that way. In 1855 American vessels carried 75 per cent, of our foreign commerce and they now carry less than 10 per cent.; and yet the Americans are the best ship .builders in the world. The war destroyed the mer chant marine and the government ought to take seme steps to build it up. Biographical. LFor The Demecrat. it is a question in the minus ot many people, who and what are The Tattler, Becky Sharp, Pete Frizzle, and The The Ashevilto Citizen and Mounta!rt IIome-Juri.ai Are either a. very gi o I she fc. We, like Becky Sharp, The Tattler and Rambler, And would like to hear more of Pete A be II ustlek and Natii Thuxdebc.cdgbb. Whatever is found, a.fter a full and: fair investigation, in which all parties, are heard, to have been overpaid should and will be recovered. (Otto PtEdeljhU Collec f PbarmMr Apothecary, 24TSouth Ualn SU IJyow preemption arm prepared Grant PJtarmacy you can positively d vend upon Lte facts: Firtt, that only the wrttt and best drug and chemicals xoul b4 used; eyia they trill be coppourMd ears fully and accurately by an experienced eri)4ionutf and Vurd, you vill not I4 cKirgcd an exhorbitant price. You uiH rt- ceive the best good at a xxry reasonable prsJU. D-t forget the pliee Grants Pharmacy t 24 South .Vain street. Prescriptions fZed at aU hovrs night or diy, and delivered J ret of ehfrgtUany par of the city. The nigh t bell vrul Is a rcerU Promptly. Grants Pharmacy 24 SruiX Main street. At Grant s Pharmacy ycu tan Ivy any Patent Medicitu at the bu4 price cMotsd of omw wepuu ui r u.m.u v.. v RimW where they reside and where is ait-iCKing xne repuuueau m- men ,nu another one to match it, thereby you win dwuys have a full set. irlltaa?5ljLaiapI3prtMt is complete, with many new and cheap articles Tinware, Woodenware, . House :: Furnishings ! You m-' iot think' we keep them, but we , . - 1 .11 1 . n i Riot in . .naniuu's. unuusm-au ivueuiu kit ed of anything in the House lurmsuing nne. Don't forget the place, , . Thad.W. Thrash & Co, 41 Patton Ave. i NATT ATKINSON & SON, R ea I E state Age- ils, . 1 Asheville, IT. C, 1JUV, KENT AND SELL END FOR A DESCRIPTIVE LIST OF ity, Suburban and fSouctry PROPERTY. I V i LI s:P I A 1ST O S Si AtfD i ORGANS ' Tho rublic are iijted to call and examine r at instruments before purchasing. "We carry FISCHER, ESTEY 0d other makes. gans, liOwest prices I'M , Itith first-class goods. i ESTEY and other popular possible, consistent Don't fail to give us a tore buying an Instrument, a No. 37 ( I . on aveLue. (ayM.WiUiams&,Co. If you want the best paper for the bus. Iner man, the farmer, the farHiy, sub- t :nbe at once for Thb Ashky xk Dim mix, Only $1.50 per year, a advance He prefers to speak, as he says, to repub lican protectionists rather than to demo crats and tariff reform people; he wants to convince his opponents of the folly of the system they are following up. The democratic committee in Massa chusetts proposed to the Hon. Henry Cabot Lodge a joint discussion of the issues of the time. Mr. Lodge respond ing, accepted, but named three particular subjects which he proposed to discuss. He had no right to do this of course, as the matters for discussion were to be 1 agreed upon, as they.usually are, between the parties. M r. Lodge woul 1 not change from his, posit ion and as a result there will be no joint discussian. Pension Commissioner Ilaum is still holding the fort, though he has another fifteen days leave of absence, aud it is said that he will not return again as commisioner and his resignation will be accepted during his absence and his suc cessor appointed. Mr. John Sbeentgen, wholesale grocer at Council Bluffs, Iowa, said a few days since, "Formerly nearly 90 per cent, of the Germans of Iowa voted the republican ticket; now you have to go around like Diogenes with his lantern to discover a German who acts with that party. I am very sure that Governor Boies will be elected as he quite deserves. We will not stop with electing Boies; we are almost sure of carrying the Legislature." This gentlemaii is credited with knowing the feelinsrs of the Germans verv well and if his statements are at all correct Governor Boies will be elected by a large majori y. An amusing report has been going the rounds, that on the day of the meeting or iw Missouri Pacific directors, when the dividend was passed, that Jay Gould was attacked with hysteria and shed tears over the opposition to his proposi tion made by one of the directors. If it is true that Gould was in tears, the hold ers of the railway stocks had tetter be on the lookout; he means mischief. The administration has been prompt enough in its action in regard to the' insult to Mr. Egan, our Minister to Chili. If it is true, and there is very little doubt of it, that Mr. Egan's servants were ar rested and spies placed around the Legation, the Chilian government has been given to understand that the United States will not submit to any such acts even if Mr. Egan is unpopular in that country. He is unpopular in this coun try but he repreEents the United States as long as he is Minister to Chili, and the sovereignty of the United States must be respected. If Chili, flushed with victory over Balmaceda, is going around with a chip on its shoulder it had better step to theyame from. We will not attempt to give an elaborate biography of each of these extinguished authors, but for the enlightenment of some will present a few facts as we see them. It is conceded by all who have not come in contact with The Tattler per sonally, that the beginning of his exist ence was caused by the deliqueience of alkali and some acids too numerous to mention, that is to say, he came by chance. We know not whether the union of alkali and acids is favorable to the productton of facetiousncss, suffice it to say that he s not only witty, but as sharp as the sharpness of the Sharp who writes with a sharp pencil in that sharp journal, the Citizen. Our eulogy is: The Tattler is one who never grows weary, His tongue is as long as his arm; And everyone eagerly seizes the Citizen To read his interesting yarn. . Then In the next column, we read of Becky Sharp, And wonder if she is much of a poet-(ess;) We study her poems and throw up our hats And yell, That's right, old gal, go it ! Of Pete Frizzle we are entirely igno rant. For aught we know he may have been left in the city by some freak of an ante deluvian cyclone, or he may have the bowels of the earth There are mu tifarious ways of his gel ting here, but the most plausible ones lare the above. Be that as it may, neither of them have left any stigma n his personal appearance, and we imagine he looks as facetioue as the boy who left home barefooted with his daddy's shoes on, and as innocent as that same boy who carried off his mammy's meal sack filled with bung-holes and railroad tunnels. We don't know how well he is remunerated for his productions in the Journal, but if Uncle Sam doesn't come around pretty To Te&ahers and Committees Public Schools. I wast all the teachers to consider the following, and then make their arrange ments to go to Bryson City October 29th and 80th: "The board of education for Buncombe county recognises the importance of continued improvement in the science and art of teaching, by the teachers of public schools in the county, and earn estly requests them U use all the aids thereto in their reach. The board believes mat an associations, institutes ana con ventions of teachers are valuable help in such improvement, and therefore heartily approves the organization of the Western North Carolina Teachers' Association, am1 urges all our teachers to attend the seJ'ons of the same. The board further recommends that the school committ ea pay their teachers for the two days they attend the asssociation as though they were in their schools." The foregoing is a true copy of an order this day made by the county board of education of Buncouuty county. . Attest, C. B Way, County Supt. and Sec. Board. - Oct. 5th; 1891. It was certainly a loose way ot doine h9 anV otfr drvg house t V city. W$ business, at any rate. It is certainly re determined toseUas les as Ou hnetti strange that the city engineer iJd not ettn if e K to lose mvy by so doing. measure up the work as done and not We m sell aU Paten Medicines at first wait until after all the excavating and paving was complete.. Let the matter ? Uloy tUt ry totneetO be thoroughly looked into, and justice, V of y competitor. both to the city and Geiv Youne. be W LiAt;is,r.t done. And specially let no more such 1 . m .. loose management, in any department of the city, be tolerated. The Leicester High School Meeting. That was a grand move. In a gfaud cause, by a grand people.which was held at Turkey Creek . Camp Ground, this county, Sept. 25th, and the result was grand. ' It was the meeting together of the good citizens of four townships, to take steps to erect at that point a suitable building for a High school. Over three thousand dollars In good subscription were secured on the spot. Five thou sand are wanted, and we are sure will be obtained. Such a people lenow no such word as fail, specially when engaged in so noble a cause. Intelligent, progressive Christian people, they knoft the advant ages of such an institution to their sec tion, and will have It. May God speed the good work. sizes, at the IovxhX prices. W are ogsts for Humphrey's Uonaso pathetic Me-Hcinee. A fuU svpply efhit goods alieofs on hand. Use Buncombe Liter PiZt, Iks best in As wrldfi liter complaint, indigestion, etc. ;A thoroughly relvsble remedy for all blood disetes is Buncombe SarsaparEU Try a battle andyou te ill like no other. J. 8. GRANT, Ph. G Pharmacut, 24 S. Main St. AriUe, X. C. pulled up frota by a grapevine some private place and take it off. soon shouting "free coinage," we are fearful that he will have to go to shovel ing wind off the court house flag pole for his support. Anyway, our opinion of the matter is: There is nothing so long or so witty As humorous Pete Frizzle's snout, (pen) But it he writes much more of 'free silver,' We think he will soon dwindle out. We had almost forgotten to mention it, but " r Three week ago we read from the Ram mer, And wonder, now if he is dead, Or if he ha3 his hair cut curly, Or is crosseyed in the back of his head ? We hope the reading public will ap preciate our effort to enlighten them, and that the authors of whom we have written may be stimulated to greater achieve ments by the personal interest we have shown in them, for More Electric Railways for Asheville. The privilege of building an electric street railway from Biltmore to or near the public square, via Val'ey street, is asked for, and the immense warehouses and other contemplated works of im portance on Valley street, aside from rapid and comfortable communication with Biltmore, Kcnil worth Inn, Oakland Heights Sanatorium and South Asheville generally, require that the privilege be granted. The aldermen, however, ask time to decide upon the question of fare. In the face of such a splendid improve ment, as proposed, the addition of from two to three miles of electric road to the convenience of our people, at an heavy outlay of money, liberal privileges as to fare should be granted. A ten cent max imum rate will not b too much, and, if the company fiad they can carry people and make money for less they will doubt less do so. Time and an increase of pop ulation will bring all these things of cheap transportation, such as large cities enjoy; but at first, in our first years, our people should not be exacting to the point of crippling enterprises which cost large sums to establish and operate. Messrs. Bostic & Co. also want to build a line to the depot. Let us have ail such enterprises we can get, and treat them fairly. ; Only by such treat ment can we sus.tain those we have, and induce the pstablishment of others. I' The Young Pavement Contract. The committee of aldermen appointed i some time ago to investigate the state ment made by the Commercial Club to the effect that Gen. Young was over paid on his contract for paving the streets have reported, and substantially sustain the statement of the club com mittee. It was claimed by Gen. Young when the attention of the aldermen was first called to the matter, that the est! mates 01 tne committee 01 the ciud were based on erroneous estimates of the en gineer as to excavations, &c, and that he thought he could satisfy the author! ties that such was the fact, and asked to be heard by the aldermen on the matter. lhe report or the aldermen does not Et&te whether Gen. Young's side of the question was heard by them or not. The Arizona Kicker on Advertising-. We firmly believe that advertising pays. Here in this town it would be a dead loss to advertise In our contempo rary, because he would have to use shingle-nalls in place of type to set it up, and because no one but lm uncle and his wife and himself read his alleged newspaper, and they are too poor to buy anything. But advertising in the Kicker is bound to pay. We do our best to make it pay. When a tenderfoot comes here from tue Eal we steer him Into such establishments a3 advertise with us,, and a great many of them have left tbeir boodle here through our efforts. We accept all sorts of advertising, from the Louisiana Lottery to the latest Go?pel Il3mn Book, and we never deviate from our schedule rates. There are several establishments in town not represented in our advertising columns. We want them to come in. We don't say we shall look up their re spective records and communicate with sheriffs here and there if they don't, but we feel that advertising will pay them a profit, and that they won't feel half as nervous when the stajre comes in with a stranger wLo looks as if he was in the detective business. Buncombe Is In It. On the morning of the opening of the Exposition at Raleigh the Chronicle says: It will be the middle of the month before eyerything i3 in perfect shape. It is conceded that Forsyth, Buncombe and Bertie bid fair to have the hand somest and most complete of (he county exhibits, judging from what they have so far arranged. Every Person will have the best when he oh siie'can-getJJit. HESTON'S IS THE rLACE! 54 South Main Street, A3HEVILL.E, 2i. C He keeps the purest.aud finest Confec tions made. Huyler's famous Candies also, Royster's, Whitman's and other makes. , A I-o pell children and boy's Lxpreis Wagons, Velocipede. Doll carriages, &c. Is ajrent for the cheapen and best Bycicle made the Gendron. Can n-11 you boy's wheel for fa.Uize, $03. Htve sold a number this HaMin snd. all five satisfaction. J. M. HESTON, ."i South Main Strecl, AFHEV1LLE, NORTH COBOLINA NOTICE, FARMERS, niLL & SIIAXKS 0 TVill pay the Ligbeet curkrt I rice for good mutton delivered at tbeir market. No. 13, North Court Square, Aibeville, N. C. TUCKASIEGEE HOTEL 1 DILLSBORO, N. C. . R. P. POTTS, Proprietor. So to Speak. Woman is wonderfullv .made! Such beauty, grace, delicacy and purity are TERMS: S.I TO SI. 50 PER DAY. alone her possessions, bo has she weak- 1 1 1.1 At 1 J nesses, irre6Uianue8,iuncuoDaiaerDge. Tte leading hotel la town. Proml- rect these and restore to health, her won- gently situated Just opposite the depot derful organism requires a restorative I n lne central part ofton; convenient especially adapted to that purpose. Such I to the postofflce and all the stores; rooms an one is Dr., frerce's F-vorite Prescrip- commodious, neat and well faraUhedi nice sample rooms. tibn possessing curative and regulating properties to a remarkable degree. Hade lor this purpose alone recommended for no other! .Continually : r wlng In favor, and numbering as i - staunch friends thousands of the mo' t .relllgent and refined ladies 01 the Iai :. A posi tive guaiantee accompanies tuju ottle at your druggists Bold on trial! Parties desiring to go to Franklin or any other point la the country will al ways find one of Messrs. D. C. & E. K. Cunningham's liverymen ready to convey them with good horses and first-dus equip page. Jul23-ino ! 7 1, r '