PAVEMENT PARAGRAPHS . Items of Interest Concerning: Our City and Section. Revenue collections for the Fifth dis trict for the month of August were $134,349.77. The Oaks Hotel is under new manage ment. Mr. Frank Sharp, said to be a liye hotelist, assumes charge this week. - A tract of land in Buncombe county wa sold on Monday at 12 m., at the court housej for account of J. R. Gra ham, mortgagee, by E. Coffin, auctioneer, for $660. Mein Herr Freck shot at some one on Saturday night who was monkeying around his chicken roost. He didn't get the man but he has a hat for some one to reclaim. Mr. J. A. rorter. of Aslieviile. was here last week looking after his proper ty. He informs us that he is going to move to Greensboro. He will receive a warm welcome from all. About slxty-tive railroad engineers, "conductors and firemen met this week in Asheville, for the purpose of greater co operation among themselves. They were all emyloyes of the R. & D The-Eves tract of about 40,000 acres of mineral land at Highlands has been pur chased by Northern parties who propose to develop It. The tract is said to con tain iron, gold, kaolin and mica. The Mt. Mitchell Hotel at Black Moun tain btation, was sola at auction on Monday last, for $8,500. Mr. Lewis Maddux, of the Western Carolina Bank, was the purchaser. Maj. J. M. Blair, of Asheville, conducted the sale. The family of Mr. J. V. Brown were all taken violently sick on Sunday night last, thought to be the result of some poisonous fooi taken at Sunday's dinner Prompt medigal attention probably averted serious consequences. A carriage belonging to Mr. Mitchell, who reside just ouiside of the city, was overturned on Sunday morning last on Patton avenue, severely injuring both Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell. The accident was caused by the horse Tbecoming fright ened at an electric car and backing. Our farmers are certainly to be con gratulated upon the splendid season they have hai for saving tobacco; fodder, &c. All the tobacco is now about saved, and an excellent crop it is, too. New let each one call in or send a dollar for the Abiteville Democrat one year. Keep posted on the markets and be happy. ivodi. nempnui, a negro, oecame in volved in a quarrel on Tuesday last, with a bar keeper in Sorrells' bar, a white man by the name of Pittman, and what came near being a very serious difficulty oc curred. Hemphill' started at Pittman with a knife, and Pittman shot at him with a pistol, but missed. After that the two men clinched, but were separated jvithout serious damage being done. ,jjfc Epworth League met on Monday si u,' the Central Methodist Church i other business! elected the , L. B. Alex ta rs: Presiden ander; 1st Yice-pr.',dent IIarold Turner; 2nd vice-president, Itu." A' Broyles; 3rd vice-president, C. V. Tho.:nbu,r? .secre tary, R. S. Gibbs; treasurer, Os L- J Williams. A small monthly paper wll be published and will be edited by Misses Emma Rollins and Fannie May Gudger. Messrs. J. L. Youncr, Geo. Howell, II. and D. Davis, Jas. Rice, J. S. Hall, W Y. Morgan, Thos. Parker and W. G. Candler had a show of four year-old colts on Hominy recently, a.l sired by the thorough bred stallion which Mr. J. L. Young sold to Mr. A. M. Warren foi $300. The celt belonging to Mr. Geo. Howell was adjudged the best, to whom the purse was awarded. The Democrat wishes to see more attention given to line stock, and regards this show as a goo. I sign. The New Warehouses. The breaks of tobacco at the new ware houses tliis week have been remarkably good for the season. The lloora were more than half covered with the leaf and it brought satisfactory prices. W are housemen and farmers are very much pleased with the opening in the new locality, while the old houses doing busi ness seem to have lost nothing by. the move. Sale of the Catawba Hotel. The Catawba Hotel, at Marion, N. C, will be sold under execution to the high est bidder on Monday November 2d, next. The terms of sale, which is cash, must cause some body to secure a bar gain, as Marion is ene of the most pro gressive towns in the South. "The Ca tawba" is bound to be a valuable proper "ty in :he near future. Gallant Ruius Choate. On o nrpttr- .riri savin? to Rufus Choate. "I am very sal-you s.e," he replied, "O, iati(m were to-day double what it is, and tbe Bysten, enriches the blood, dis- vou LeUvervfS rLsee"' ? U was a11 in the Pockets of hundred pels acheTand pains, produces re you are very iair-i-see. y A i ? ;t, -nir lr i V ; i i " 'vv; o J D.. i , J . . V.. . . . , , Toothing adds so niucn 10 uie Deauty oi a fair girl, as s clear, bright, healthy complexion, and to secure this pure btood is lnaispemapie. ,752 ' ' so-called blood Dunners sold to improve o rnnK nimniir nHrW akin, onlv drivp. a ivsugu, 1 f J " J ? j the scrofulous humors from the surface to some internal vital organ, and disease the contrarv. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medi cal Discovery strikes directly at the root of the evil, by driving the impurities en- tirely out of the system, and with a fresh the veins, nothing but the softest and .Ao t nnmnlaTjAno nun roolllt I STATE NiiWS AND GOSSIP. Record of Late EventsXJarefully Com. piled From Exchanges. Winston's greatest distinction now seems to depend upon her base ball club. Her new hotel and other material evi dences of prosperity are all in the shade. Information has reached the Knoxville Journal that the prospects f a speedy settlement of the financial trouble of tne Three Cs. railroad are more favorable than at any former day. In North Carolina there are 131 woolen and cotton mills. In all miscellaneous mills and factories there are 608, leaving out flour mills. That is certainly well. North Carolina is awake now. Gen. Weaver, the greenbacker of Iowa, and Col. Polk delivered addresses at Newton, Catawba county, On the 30th September, it being Fair week. A large crowd heard both addresses. Mr. J. J. Langhinghouse, of Pitt coun ty, lost by fire recently, his gin-house and other buildings, containg cotton, tobacco, &c. Loss from $8,000 to $10, 000; small insurance Incendiary. ' A correspondent of the Raleigh Chron lcle writes: Uld Wase Forest is on a boom. We have already more students matriculated than ever before in a whole year's history and many are yet to come It seems after -all that Willis is guilty of burglary, upon his own confession, made to the then sheriff of Rutherford county, G. W. Long, and in the presence of Jailor J. B. Whltesides. They both made affidavits to that effect. The Western North Carolina Teach ers' Assembly will be held at Bryson City, October 29th and 30th. The exer cises will be full of interest. Among the prominent speakers will be Dr. J. L. M Lurry, who will speak on "What branches of knowledge are most import ant to qualify an American citizen for the discharge of his duties, public and private?" I ' 1 It is claimed for Albert Johnson, of Raleigh, N. C, that he is the oldest loco motive engineer in point of service in the country. He had charge of an engine on the Richmond and Fredericksburg rail road away back in 1836, m the davs of strap rails and "snakeheads." He is still "a railroad employee and can be seen in all kinds of weather in the yard at the Raleigh and Gaston depot. The North Carolina board of managers for the World's Columbian Exposition will meet at Raleigh, October 20, to de vise ways and means for securing a State exhibit. It has no funds in hand, be cause it was ascertained too late that the special appropriation made by the legis lature could not be legally , used. The Manufacturers' Record believes that this will not prevent that State from makin an exhibit in all respects woi thy of her boundless resources and of the enterprise and liberality of her citizens. Some wise plan for raising a popular subscription will be adopted, and the response will be speedy, generous and general. Some time ago the railroad commission issued an order making the minimum rate on all small freight packages twenty five cents, borne railroads who already had a rate on very small packages as low as fifteen cents raised it to twentv-five cents Now the commission has issued charging any more than fifteen cents on packages .for which they formerly charged that figure. The commission has also issued an order that wool, which has been classed as first class freight hereto fore, shall hereafter be classed as second and fourth class freight for washed and an ws shed wool respectively. Raleigh Observer. GENERAL NEWS BRIEFS. Cr:sp Condensations Carefully Com plied from Wire and Mail. Gen. Boulanger killed himself at the grave of his mistress near Brussels on the 30th of September. . This is enough to say. Republican editors and stump speak ers have been saying that none of the necessities of life are any higher now than they were before the passage of the McKinley bill If these gentlemen are honest in their statements they will find that somebody" has imposed on them when they go to Buy their winter car pets, .s the prices of carpets are from 15 to 25 per cent, more this fall than they were last year. This, is a fact that any dealer in carpets will verify. r Representative Mills about sized up the financial situation when he said m his oneniner speech in Ohio: "Let us not be deceived by superficial appearances It is not the scarcity of money in the country, it is the scarcity of money in the pockets ot the people wno earn it that oroduces the distress. If our circu- I tr - inncon nonnlo rmr nnndi inn won (1 ffi not be bettered but it would be worse than it is. It is not the small circulation, it is the small distribution that : plagues us. liastoma uazette. m you need a g00 safe laxative, - ask jour druggist for a box of Ayer s Pills, and you will find that they give perfect satisfaction. For indigestion, t0id u and gick neadache there is nothing superior. Leading physicians rfflTTimPTld them. A Tryst oi the Swannanoa. Glinting iu crystal wne Gleams the S wanna aoa; Blue Carolina skies Bend and brood o'er; But when the creeping night Steals on -the laughing lignt, Then on the winding Stream Quivers her night-love's dream. True thro' long changing years, Shining above the tears Of clouds' grey gloom; Patient thro' smiles of day While laughs the river gay Up to the sun, . Waits there a silent star, Cometh each night from far, Knoweth the glassy pool Where still lie waters cool; Findeth its deepest rest . There oa the river's breast, Down in its henrt to gleam Tryst of the winding stream, I ove of Swannanoa. Kenilworth Ivy. Coming to Asheville. The Gastonia Gazette says: Messrs Wm. H. Lewis and Jas. W. Summers two prominent lawyers irom tnis sec tion, have gone to the city of Asheville to practice their profession. They will unite under the name and style of "Sum mers & Lewis," and, judging from what we know of them, by reputation and otherwise, they will make a strong and csmpetent law firm. Mr. Lewis has been practicing law for about five or six. years mostly in this vicinity, id has made -for himself a fine record for honest and fair dealing, and has justly won the rep utation of being a strong and successful advocate before the jury. He has a great many friends in this communitv. all of whom regret that he felt con strained to leave us. Mr. Summers, of Davidson College, we are told, is also a man of excellent parts. It is said that he is well versed in the law, has a strong and brilliant intellect, and has been prac ticing his profession, and teaching in the law, for several. years with marked suc cess. We feel assured that pleasant seats await them in their new field; and we hope sotn to hear that they are receiving the patronage they so richly deserve. An Important Southern Enterprise. It is with pleasure, alway?, that the Democrat chronicles Southern prog ress, and now it speaks with great pride of an industry, in a sister State it is true, but none the less meritorious on that ac count, that opens up a market near by for a class of wood of whi -h we have plenty in the South. The Richmond Cedar Works, of Richmond, Va.t turns out of a well equipped factory a very superior quality of goods indeed. Their tubs, pails, churns, measures, kegs, &., will bear the closest inspection, and for neatness of finish, have no superior on the market. They also make a specialty of oak well buckets, which i3 a 4 King" indeed. The factory is well represented on the road by Mr. J. O. Bragg. Our One Dollar Proposition takes. New names have al. ready been added to our subscription list, and old subscribers are paying up. The Asheville Democrat one year for OXE DOLLAR. Some people are disposed to criticise Representative Mills because of his re cent Ohio speech which took the ground that the tariff is the supreme issue in the contest between the Republican and Democratic parties and that all other issues are secondary, but no good Demo crat should do so. Mr. Mills is right The tariff is the one issue upon which there is no division in the Democratic ranks and for that reason, if for no other, it must be kept at the front. Let us get possession of all branches of the govern ment first, then we can take up and set tle inside the party all the oiher ques tions. Gastonia Gazette. Copyright, 1890. Help yourself if you're a suffering -woman, with the medicine that's been prepared especially to help you Dr. Fierce s Favorite Prescription. It will do it where others fail. For all the dis eases peculiar to the sex dragging- down pains, displacements, and other weaknesses, it's a positive remedy. It means a newjife, and a longer one, tor every delicate woman. In every case for which it s recom mended, it gives satisfaction. It's guaranteed to do so, or the money is refunded. It improves digestion, invigorates i" U ! 1 . J : 1 . 1 nwuiug oieup, uapeia uieiauuuuiy and nervousness, and builds up both iresning sieep, aispeis flesh and strength. It is a leciti mate medicine not 'a beverage, . i P Contains no alcohol to inebriate; no syrup or sugar to sour or ferment in the stomach and, cause distress. As peculiar in its mar velous, remedial results as in its composition. Therefore, don't be put off with some worthless com mm8nded wj Jn I pound easily, but dishonestly, rec ( 5 Bon New Billiard Sole agents for Centemeri Button and Mouaq letaire KID GLOVES. Sole agent f r Foster's Lace and Kid Glove. Also a full stock Silk and Lisle Gloves and Mits. Large stock of P. D., C. B.t J. B., R. & G., and Ventilated CORSETS, In White, Drab and Black, and .also the Double V " Corset Waists For Ladies, Misses and Children. Boys SLirt Waists and Blouses. Gents' Underwear, E3eckwear5 A cordial invitation is extended to our patrons and see us in our new quarters, New Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. When BaL, was tick, we fare her Castoria. When she wm a Child, sba cried for Castoria When she became Miss, aba do to Castoria, When she had Children, the gare them Caatorla, MOUNTAIN DALE SEMINARY An adjunct of the NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, Now being organized at LouisYille, Kentucky. Offers unusul adrantatfes to all grades of etc. deuts. Its courses of study are elective, the instruction of the highest order. Merit is our watchword. A better and higher education for all is the true motto. SPRING TERM BEGINS MARCH 9. SPECIAL TEACHERS' TERM MAY 20 For catalogues, circulars. or other informa tion, address WALTER HUIiST, Pres., A Splendid Offer. The Charlotte Chronicle Publishing Co., at Charlotte, N. C, is offering to the person who will send them the largest number of cash subscribers to the Semi Weekly Charlotte Chronicle before Dec. Is, lf'Jl, a splendid double barrel breech loading shot gun worth 2-".00, and the person sending the next largest number a celebrated Cortland cart worth 2.j.OO. Is J his is a liberal oiler and is made b) the company to extend the circulation of its Semi-weekly, an excellent family paper, full of the latent news from afl over the country. Sample copies with full particulars sent fiee on app'ication to any address. WELL ENDORSED. "When such men as Dr. J. B. Haw thorne, Rev. Sam P. Jones, Dr. P. S. Hensou, Rev M. II Wells, Gen. James Longstreet, Gov. R. 1. Hubbard, Dr. D. I. Purser, Dr. M. B. "Whorl on, Rev. O. L. Ilailey, Col. L F. Livlnslon, President Georgia State Al'ih.uce, and others loo numerous to meution,.of undoubted ve rftcny, endorse a medicine in unqualified terms it means something. These men give King's Royal Germe- tuer their endorsement, and hearty recommendation. Germetuer will cure all diseases that originate from poison ous germs in the blood. To the extent that the germ theoiy is collect, King's Royal Germetuer is the remedy. It is no, accident. It is piepared as a germ de-stro-er, and is the result of lo years study of a medical genius. Every family should keep a boitle on hand for burns or bites of poisonous insects. It is a specific f..r colds It will a '.rest and cure fever quicker t&au quinine. News papers are endorsing this wonderful remedy, and many physicians, use it in their practice It is destined to be a standard remedy. Ask your druggist for it. If he cannot furnish you, send direct to King's Royal Germetuer Co., Atlanta, Ga. Price, $1 per bottle; six bottles for $5. Write them for one of their little books which tells wonders. Sold by all reliable Druggists. King's Royal Germatuer Co., 14 N. Broad St., Atlanta, Ga!, Manufacturers, - FOR SALE BY T. C. SMITH & CO. mhlS-ly EieM paces 18 columns of lire read ne matter ,for all. Tfce Aehxtillk D kmocb lt, only $1.5Q jr annum in ad Tance. Hilliard M arc Block, . 37 South Main St. ' Correct Shape and Perfect Fit Ladies: Wash Silks, Ztpbyr, Saxoar Gm id Misses 1 town and other yarns. wc. BLAZERS. ! "DrfiRR Pmn Immense Stock of White and Colored Ladled Shirt Waists. Large Stock of Best Quality of Ladies j Muslin, Gauze and Silk ' UNDERWEAR. i Headquarters for for Artistic the Best Mali.ulj Embroidery.. Stamped Linens in the Very Largest: Block, 37 Soutt 1 W fl I 1 1 f if f 1 1SKIDUE STKEET, DANVILLE, VA. T. J. CORBIN & CO., Proprietors. To Our Friends and Patrons: We take this method of thanking our friends for the libcal patronage given us in the past, and hope, by close, unremittin attention to business, to merit a continuance of tne same Vrc have by hard work and prompt attention placed our house in tb front rank, having sold during the year 1891 more pounds for th highest average. We have with U3 a corps of competent, experi enced and active men to see after your wants. Those who have ever visited Danville need not be tofcl of ita superior advantage over all other houses in Danville, being' 110 feet wide by 40 feet long and 00 solid 'sky-lights, throwing a Foft mellow lightallovcr the entire sales floor, which is so essential in showing tobacco to its bestadvantage. House, lot and stalls lighted .with electric lights, f Insurance and storage free. Our ae-orr.modations fr ja oeast are unsurpassed and we cordially invite you to LEE'S, Tobacco or no Tobacco. Be sure to sell your tobacco with us. we promise you our closest personal attention and the highest market prices. Your friends trulv, T. J. COaBIN a CO., Proprietors. -THE- East Tennessee, Yirpia & Georgia! Railway tHe Only Short and Direct Line TO THE NOSTH, SOUTH, EAST AJTD WEST. Pullman's. Finest Vestibda Sleepers BtTWFEJf HotSDriusf Knoiville ard Cincinnati. Knazville and Louisville - Philadelhpia & 3Tew Orleans. Mtmphis. &. New York. Washington t ITemphis Parties going West via th la-lice hAre choice of 2 Through Routes, One via the Memphis Short LineJ The other via Mobile i New Orleans. D For any information address, D. ir. WREXX, O. P. it T A. ; C. A, BESSCOTER, A. G. 1A. Knoxville, Term. Notice! Under aad by vi.ue of an execution In favor of K. MoUrayer ajraiost the Ahvllle Jc Hrlstol iuiuruiiu ura unjr, 1 wm sell to tho nicest bidder at public auction fox cash, at the court w iu huwiijr '11 AillilWUe, is., on Monday, the 2nd day of November. IsSl, at 12 o'clock. M, the franchise, rlshts of way. and all iu urnntfKva ueioDgiae 10 tuo lcfenlant, theAabevi leand Rrltol lUllmad ComntnT. Oct. 2d. 1S91. D. JU HE VNODS. Sheriff. octa Buggy and Carriage Works, Manufacturing and Repairing In best style, at reasonable prices. -HOUSE-SHOEING A SPECIALTY.- BURNETTE & HOWABD, College Street, A.sherllle, N. C 5 WWVAOf j Best Ginghams and Outing Cloth v. ! Drapery Nets and jBUck t'ireu!ioe." PARASOLS. The Largest and Best Gentlemen's Asortm-nt cf FURNISHINGS, White and Summer Ouui! i,i. . & W. and Lion Brand Collars aid he Umbrellas and Trunks. p Spellman's and Mellvillc in Etcc the public to Qr Jesse R. Starnes, A A A a . f 57jV Undertaker . --AND Arterial - Embalmer, Ofliw: Xo. 27 Xorth 3fain 8tM ASHEVILLE, N. C. AH ca'M prompt'j nnw-rvd da or o'stt. W. 0. WOLFE. New lot of Jc-bii. Jut rtsx-Jrpol. Lrfe kt of TfcMe and filaU, very low fcr cs-fch. Tcu will eare money by calling on xre Wrforc pur chasing. V? arc roora Wolf o Duildit, i. E. Ccuit Souare. . ccltKlr DE. IIALR'S i nmrrnr Drmn I A H VI A I I I I K Hi ( iUJ X I I. Ill t J U lJ lias absolute It cunl (cm f ibouiucii The only Asthma cure and ImatnDf nt kno"3 to the medical world that will ponively ani renMDcnuf cure Atnnia and Hy irvt-r. It Is not a humbug-. Try it ; It will not diaj Ioint you.but eRecta txrmanent cure. L'o- cjueotlonable evidence will be found in my ti paife Treatise, sent free. it nas become a staple and invaluable reme:f for the cure of Spasmodic Asthma, Hay Kev r or Hay Asthma, limochltis srxl NaaH au.rrU. ASK YUUK DUUGG1ST FOU IT. Dr. U. IV. 1UIR, 233 WEST 4TII ST. CINCINNATI. 0 June 23 Important Notice. x Main Any parties haTing moaey to lend T" Urge or small amounts can adTert? . '"tr tne tame In Tns DtitociiXT fre. I charge. I IV o SLJj er. and gun: yoti F call J. r- 41 i f .it pair I ante Di Sen The m tbm f UU l T; He You oo. la J Re SEND Clity, MIX PL Tbe p 1 our lrst In stock Fl Aodotb 1 Orsana, with fin cmHbefc Patton s (Jay XU.T. J

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