f EMOG VOL. III. xVSHEVILLE, N. C, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 22. 1891. NO. 53. s I 7 - MAT: LUDDEN & BATES' SOUTHERN MUSIC HOUSE G New Prices! J. S. Grant, Ph. G. ooas, (Of toe Philadelphia Coiltfe of Pharmacy JJ r- o PIANOS Apothecary, 24 "South Main St. AND ORGANS On easy payments, without interest. Shipped direct from factory to purchas ers. All freights paid. One price only and that the lowest known. Satisfaction p guaranteed or no sale. 15 days trial in ' I ly?" nome- For catalogues, prices, particulars, etc., call on or address ' II J. F. GARRATT, AGENT, 41 ratton Ave., Asheville, N. C. KgTPianos and Organs tuned and re paired. Terms reasonable. Work guar anteed. - U& d him Dinner & Tea Sets All our friends are invited to come and see us now and find out how low we are sellinsr goods; and we can always offer some special bargain such as the following now on sale: Tea Sets, 56 Pieces, $3.85. Dinner Sets, 100 Pieces, $9.90 and $12.50. You can leave out any piece of a set you do not want and reduce the price. BOWLS AND PITCHERS 75c, $1.00 & $1.25. FINE GOODS. We offer during the dull month of July the bigest bargain yet. Tripple plate Silver Table Knives only $1.50 for six. Good plate Silver Tible Knives only 95c. for six. Teaspoons, Tablespoons and Forks in every grade away under regular price. We are Luya erfwrbiunt ' known as headquarters ior Glassware ana uouse-iurnisnmg tjrooas. j J 1HL LjAW- SOUTH MAIN STREET, - - ASIBEVILLE, IV. O OUR WASHINGTON LETTER.. PORT ROYAL TO KN OXVILLE , ii i t. f At Unusually Low Prices. Bets Made Up to Suit Your Wants Prom $7 and Upwards- The great advantage in buying seta from ys is that when you break a piece we will sell you another one to match it, thereby you will always have a full set. is, complete, with many new and cheap articles Tinware, Woodenware, House :: Furnishings ! ; You may not think we keep them, but we o, in lare quantities. Give us a call when in need of unything in the house furnishing line. Don't forget the place, Thad. W. Thrash & Co, 41 Pattern Ave- NATT ATKINSON &. SON, Real Estate Agents, Asheville, N. C, .BUY, KENT AM) SELL. The New York and Ohio Campaign. Special Correspondent of The Democrat. Washington, D. C, Oct. 19 Under the pretense of trying to secure hone&t elections, the republican committee in j New York have placed live hundred men, whom they call private detectives, around the different lodging h( uses. The pre tense is that these men are to watch and keep off illegal registrations. The actual fact is that they are put there to register themselves and vote the republican ticket. It is finally announced that Secretary Blaine will return to Washington about the first week in November and resume his duties at the State department. Candidate Fassett declined to meet the silver tongued Grady on the stump to discuss questions of a political nature with him. Candidate Fassett is wise in this. He has made so many mis-state meats, which have been proven to be mis-statements, that it would not be well fottfrth4e run up against a well informed politician such as ex-Senator Grady is. The Union Pacific railway reports its net profits in the month of June to be $1,436,201 and for the eight months up to August 31st its net earnings were, $8,354,525. It is a singular fact that, while thee earnings are reported, the managers of the Union Pacific say that it is utterl' impossible for them to pay the debt they owe the government in less than twenty-five years. The cruiser Atlanta, one of the vessels started and contracted for by Secretary Whitney, was ssnt out from New York to relieve the Despatch, which was re ported to be wrecked on the Jersey coast. The Atlanta has returned to New Nork and the captain reports that they were in the most terriffic storm that he had ever seen and that the Atlanta proved herself to be a most seaworthy vessel. There was no structural w eakness about her as there was about the Dolphin. Senator Sherman, ex-Governor Foraker and Major McKinley all addressed a, meet- ng in Ohio, taking the whole day for the work. The fact that such men are con- Be it further resolved, that the presi j dent of this Chamber appoint a commit-! tee of three members of this Chamber j for the purpose of conferriiu- with Dr. i WEAVER-VILLE DUMMY LINE. Through Macon, Swain and Graham j Counties. ! The Democrat lias heretofore j tioned the line of railroad proposed ; lne next meeting of this chamber. above. Our friends in the counties of . .ul.UCI wuguoii Meeting of the Stockholders. Smith conrerninir the nrnnmipd rnilrnnil i In accordance with the call rmblished men (and that thev set forth their actiou to in the Democrat, the stockholder of h drvg houte in lU city. Iyour prctcrxptwn arm prepared a Grant Pharmacy you can positively . vend upon Oue faeU: Firtt, lh.it only O vuret and bet drvgt and eltemical vS U r?ond they trill bt compoundM car fuliy a nd aoru rately by an turprrieneed JV- cnptwnit and Vurd. you v2 rol h priet. Tau, vCZ r. r-riM lxtgood$ at a try re-atoKvUe yrvJLt. Don't fvrgt tfe pLieGratW$ Pharmacy, 24 South Main $trect. Putriplion fZLed at aU Kovrt, nig4er ctiy, and delivered fret ofchtrgcUany par of the city. TJ nigU U2 trill be aruwrtd Promptly. Grand Pharmacy, 24 &ntl Main etrcet. At Grand Pharnutry yon can Ivy any Patent MftliriM at Vu losctt prire qyUd stated that the rontrnrtnr told nim lit Macon, Swain and Graham are still at had heard the plan talked over by lead j! Oity, Suburban and Country PROPERTY. ! MINERAL LANDS, ETC. IANOS AND ORGANS The public are invited to call and examine ur lD8trumenta before purchasing. We carry stock euch makes as i FISCHER, ESTEY ad other make. ESTEY and other popular Organs, Lowest prices possible, consistent ith first-class goods. Don't fail to give us a an instrument, No. 37 all before buying I ttton aretue. (fey .M. Williams & Co If you want the best paper for the bus lne"- man, the fanner, .the family, snl ribe at once Tor The AsnKviLLt; Dkm work upon it, endeavoring to enlist the active co-operation and assistance of people along the line Detween Knoxville and Port Roal. Dr. CD. Smith, of Macon, recently visited Knoxville and addressed the Chamber of Commerce of that city in the interest of the line. "We copy from the Knoxville Tribune the following report of the proceedings, which is most encouraging: Last night's meeting of the Chamber of Commerce was in its quarters in the Minnis block, and it was the general meeting. A large number of members wTere present when President Ross called for order. Before the regular order of business was taken up Alderman Aiken intro duced Dr. Smith, of Franklin, Macon county, N. C , to the audience with the statement that the doctor had something important to say concerning a new rail road. Dr. Smith Legan his i em arks by say ing that Knoxville was the center of a section 500 miles long by 200 miles wide that was richer in minerals and timber of all kinds than any similar section in the world. The question that had long troubled the minds of men of progress was how to get this natural wealth to the markets oi the world at the least possible cost, and he had a plan by which not only this wealth but the product of a vtst agricultural region could be opened and ! Knoxville would get the largest per cent, of the profit. That was to build a rail road from Knoxville to Port Royal, on the A-lantic coast in South Carolina. The harbor at Port Royal was acknowl edged to be the best deep water harbor on the Atlantic coast. The road would take a southeasterly direction, passing through Franklin, N C, to Rabun Gap in "the Blue Ridge mountains, thence to Clayton, Ga , thence to Anderson Court House, S. C, thence to Barnwell and on to the coast at Port Royal. This road could be built with a lesser grade than any other through the moun tains. The rights-of-way could be easily obtained. It would be an independent ing railroad builder in Chicago. United States Appellate Courts. One of the new United States Courts of Appeals began its sittings in Chicago on Monday. The members of the court are Justice HarlaD of the Supreme Court, Judge Gre3hem of the Circuit Court and Judge Blodgett of the Dis trict Court, all of whom wore black sili gowns, after the practice of tne Supreme Bench. Judge Blodgett was called to sit in the new! court in lieu of the. extra cir cuit judge provided for by Cot gress, but j not yet .appointed. The courts of ap peals were created by act of Congress approved March 3, 1891. There is one court for each of the nine judicial cir cuits, to sit in the following cities: Bon ton, New York, Philadelphia, Richmond, New Orleans, Cincinnati, Chicago, St. Louis and San Francisco. The appellate jurisdiction of the circuits is abolished, and appeals from the Dis trict and Circuit courts direct to the Su preme court are to be taken only in cer tain specified cases, the object being to relieve the Supreme court of the rap!d accumulation of business. The chief justice and the associate justices of the Supreme court assigned to each circuit, and the circuit judges within each cir cuit, and the several district judges with in each circuit are competent to sit as judges of the Circuit Court of Appeals within their own respective circuits. the Wcavemlle Dummy Railroad Cora- tlre determined to ttli at Ute at Wrtl pany met in Dr. J. A. Reagan's office, eren ifvehnre to he nuiruy by o dxnr.c, Weavcrville, on Saturday 17th Inst., for WevriUxllan Patent Xdi,., at fni the purpose of perfecting the organiza- M .. i. it i . ii, Cot,an4 Ulrtxt thit if JWT-rri. f meet 0i lion and taking such steps as should be ' necessary to carry out the objects of the rru:e J ar company, viz: To construct a dummy line railway from Asheville to "Weaver" ville. The stockholders present were: AV. E. Weaver, J. A. Reagan, H. P. Brittain, J. We har V,e target aortmht0jCh tnwU Skin in Atheritle. Orrr 2'0 ikins, eul tize, at the ljtet prire. We are ogent for UumpJiTeye II&trao W. Vandiver, D. II. Reagan and J. R. paVutic Medicine. A fuU, v;y.,y cfhi good olitag on hand. Ue Bunoomle Liter P3U, but in tXt ttorldfor lifer complaint, indention, etc. A thorovgfdy rcli-iA remedy for & blood dieat i BuncemZ &iraparus. Try a Utile andyou triUlak no other. J. S. GRAXT, PL (?., Pharmacol, 24 S. MatnSL AtheriUs, 3'. C. THE Y. M. C. A. rrvurl and tnnrh u nntmtrir Viorotnfnro nn inually upon the s.and, for McKinley developed , save by the iarmer. Moun- has made from one to two speeches every tains whose ides and crests are covered week dav since he was nominated, while I with the finest of timber known to the Sherman and Foraker for some weeks past have been devoting themselves to the work, is evidenoe enougn that the republicans do not consider that they have any walk-over in Ohio. Jerrv Simpson, who has been trivel ing in the State, says that the farmers' vote with the people's party vote will be, he thinks, 150,000. Other people estimate it at 50,- 000 with the prohibition vote at 15,000. Anything in approach to the votes as the smallest figures given here will give Major McKinley the privilege of becom ing a private citizen for some time to come. It is very unfortunate for poor Ireland that even the death Af Parnell did not al lay the factional fight in the country. The Parnellites refuse to affiliate on any terms with the anti-Parnellites and are making it impossible for any union in the future. It is certain that one or the other factions must be beaten out of the field. Dillon and O'Brien have spoken in the kindliest terms of Parnell but have been finally forced to show up some facts in their o svn defense that do not speak well for his followers. Ilealy and the more hotheaded of the anti-Parnellites are doing just as the Parnellites have done; everything to widen the breach. Schoes of the ' Yfreck. Sui s have been begun in this county against the Richmond and Danville com pany by parties who recehed injuries in the wreck near Statesville for damages amounting to over $100,000. The larger chat, Only $1.50 per yeai. In advance j portion of the bar of this city is engaged manufacturing world would then be easy of access, and mines of the finest iron ores would be brought to Ihe notice oi the public. The speaker represented three compa nies already organized in the States of Georgia, South Carolina and North Carolina for the construction of the road, and for which various counties along the route had voted liberal sub scriptions. His plan was to get the busi ness men of Knoxville interested, secure a charter from the State of Tennessee for that portion of the road leading from here to the North Carolina State line and consolidate into one company and begin the construction of the line In his exploration of the route, the speaker had seen logs billed to parties in Liverpool, London and Germany await ing a tedious delay of months for transportation. After giving further details of the scheme, Dr. Smith thanked his hearers for their attention and took his seat. Hon. W. L. Ledgerwood followed and spoke of the railroad as contemplated by Dr. Smith. He said he came from Chat tanooga to Knoxville some time ago with a railtoad contractor who spoke of this same plan and its feasibility, and its grand results for Knoxville if it should ever be built, for Port Royal was at no distant day destined to be a coaling sta tion for the great steamers between New York and South America, and not only this, it would open the ports of all for eign countries to manufacturers of thi? section. He then offered the following resolutions which were adopted: Resolved, That the Chamber of Com merce of the city of Knoxville, have heard with pleasure the address of Dr. Smith, on the subject of building a rail road from the city of Knoxville to Poit Royal. What They Will do During the Win ter. The Young Men's Christian Associa tion has just published a very attractive pamphlet entitled "It Pays," which shows the winter plans of the Association and the privileges offered to members. Among these are a gynasium, with class diills each Monday, Wednesday and Fri day evening at 8.30 o'clock, bath rooms with tub and shower baths, evening classes in penmanship and bookkeeping on Monday and Friday evenings, a course of medical talks, practical talks, a star course of concerts and entertainments during the winter, and occasional social receptions. In addition are the reading room, library and social room to which strangers are particularly invited. The pamphlet can be obtained at the rooms of the Association, where the terms of membership and other particulars will be cheerfully given. Dubose. On motion J. R. I)ub-se was called to t.ie chair and Dr. Reagan was made sec retary On motion the stockholders proceeded to elect directors as follows: J. R. Du bose, R. L. Coleman, J. A. Reagan. II. B. Carter and D. L. Reynolds. On motion each director was requested to procure as much subscription! to stock as possible at an tarly date. Messrs. J. A. Reagan, W. E. Weaver and T. Coleman were appointed a com mittee to draft by laws for the govern ment of the company. On motion the stockholders' meeting adjourned. A num'xr of citizens who were not stockholders were at the meeting and all evinced a determination to do everything possible to secure the early construction of the line. About $10,000 was sub scribed by these good people, and they expect Asheville to help .hem substan tially, as it ought certainly to do. That section of our county is rapidly building up and improving, and with this line trade which now seeks other markets would be brought here. A splendid line can be secured with very light gradest and we believe will pay when built. Let us all help our enterprising neighbors. the The Blue Ridge Conference of M. E. Church. This body convened it this city yestcr- ""J - ' ' Braver Capt J and Buttrick streets. Bishop Warren, , ; ' i- X J J- P- Kerr, of one of the ablest divines in the church. presides. He will be remembered here by many older residents, having visited Asheville some years ago and preached to the great edification of a!l. The con ference is a fine looking body, and we trust their stay in our city may be both pleasant to them and profitable to the cause for which they labor. Left in Good Time. For The Democrat Barnakdsville, N. C, Oct. 19, 1891. Editor Democrat: Our base ball team and Mars Hill boys played another match game last Saturday, and at the ?th inning Barnardsville boys were 13 to 7, when Wm. Amos, the selected umpire, wa3 by some means called away. I Doc Roberts. Col. Alex. McClure. This distinguished gent cman and jour nalist, editor of that great paper the Philadelphia Times, with his wife and a party of friends reached Asheville Satur day ev. ning for a few days slay at Ken il worth Inn. Upon learning of ids coming, upon suggestion of Capt. Atkinson, the mayor and aldermen with a number of our citizens tendered him a banquet . at the Inn Saturday night, and a most enjoyable occasion it was. His Honor .Major Breese, of Kenilworth, presided at the feast, and in a few well chosen re marks welcomed the distinguished guest and called on Mr. Thos. R. Ransom, who with an noquence of a high order, wel comed Mr. McClure to Asheville. Thib was replied to by Mr McClure in a short talk, expressing pleasure at meeting the people of this section and assuring them of his great admiration of the South. Other elegant addresses were made in response to toasts by Col. Reuben Mc- Natt Atkinson and Mr. the Citizen, and Gen. Every Person WILL HAVE THE BEST WIIB5 HB OR siiecanjjetJit. HESTON'S IP THE rLACK! 54 South Main Street, ASHEVILLE, N. C He keeps the purest and finest Confec tions made. Huyler's famous Candies also, Royster's, Whitman's and other makes. XUo fells children and boy's Express Wagon. Velocipedes, Doll carriages, Ax. Is agent for the cheapest and lest Bycicle made the Gendron. Can sell you boy's wheel for full size, $W. Hare sold a number this con and all give satisfaction. J. M. HESTON, 54 South Main Street, AFHEVILLE. NORTH COROLXNA. NOTICE, FAEMEHS, HILL & SHANKS Will jmj the blfbert market price for good mutton delivered at their market. No. 10, North Court Square, Am be ville. X. C Clingman. All the speeches were very 1 excellent and much enjoyed. The menu. prepared by Dr. Browning, was very el egant, as everything connected with the Inn is. With Mr. McClure were Mrs. McClure, ! Misses Tyson, Scott and Cheston, of Philadelphia, and Miss Lee, of Lexing ton, Va. Theyleft Monday for Kaleigb, and carried with them the most pleasant Impressions of our city and people. tush HOTEL i DILLSBORO, N. C. P.. P. POTTS, Proprietor. TERMS: S.I TO SI. 60 PER DAY. The leading hotel In town. Promi nently situated just opposite the depot In the central part of ion: convenient to the postofSctf an 1 all the storm; rimin commodious, neat and well furnbhed; The great Dr. Boerbaave left three nice amDle rooms. directions for preserving the health Parties debirin to go to Franklin or keep the feet warm, the head cool, and any otLer oini in the country ill a- thc bowels open. Had he practised in wayt and one of 2Iesis. I). C. E. II. our day, he might have added: andpurif Cunningham's liverymen icady to concy the blood with Ayer's Sarsaparilla; for them with good horses and fjrt-cJa he certainly would consider it the best. I eouippare. jal2J-Cmo i a

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