Biter 2ftL , ipfi wows':, filfeKy. WMMrJSi M m i JOHH ROBB MONS'j Ek TRAINS 4. (30 SPECIAL CARS C( f n yyi - - 1 f s fi 4 CIRCUS COMPAXIES In iiJiiiltstiieoiirs Oiiiition.EEE 3 IV1 0 NSTER EN A S EE f I fc 3 3 OLOiHO, I IS TERfJPL AND THE QU.SEN OF SHE3A. linir for la-ly acts only, ilinsr for i'oreirn &cu only, 1 Riur only, 1 Ring for male acts only. LiLLIPUTION. EEPEESENTAJION OF THE A A MINIATUHE SHETLAND PONIES Afj Driven by .'h11lrn Jot-kfys and'Cliarioteers. ' JrJ 2 and 4 Horse Chariot Race?, Standing Races, Flat Races' Jockey Races, Wheel barrow Races Steeple-Chase Race?, Sack Races, PecVstrian Ra:es, Ciim inr (Ireased Pole, Wrestling and Boxing Bouts, Sulky Races, Elephant and Came Itaces, Ostrich and Buifalo Races, Mule and Donkey Races, Man Against Raci Horse', Obstacle Races, Running Races, Catching Greased Pig, Throwing Heav "Weights. arf ---V$J .-,..'! White Nile Hippopotamus, Rhinoceros, IJJack Tigers. Bepiral Tigers, White Bears. Black Ostriches, Drove of Oirailes, School of Sea Liaus, Elands, Zebras. Llamas Leopards', ' ions,, Ant Bears, Emues, and l-00 R ue and Costly Animals. 12 Kinds of Uusic, 8 Separate Bands, 2 Steam Organs. 2 Steam Calliopes, 31 .Chari ots, Children's Tally ho, Troupe Jubilee Singers, Scotch Bagpipers, 60 Cages .-an( Dens, Fife and Drum Corps, Chime Bells, Female Opera 300 Horses, 100 Ponies, G Children, 100 Knights in Armor, Herds of Elephants, CameK Elk, (lira tics, . Buifalo 12 I 1 C KKO RMAXClCvS DAIIvY. DOOWS OLJKX tls5 Low lxiiiKioii Xlate on nil yEtiili-oacls. E,mmM jmmmmm mmwM- tor children act' A'QJ CUL. -iX xN'.Tii A NLI L4ii ySltvdv v-t. I.- U J I lift v'; pH11 IMPOSING. GRAND BALLET ?K5NTAT) 5N, BEFORE WORLD'S FAIR NOTES. Pennsylvania's Exposition' building will cost 75,000." The Florida Horticultural Society has asked for three acres in which to show an orange grove and make a fruit dis Indiana will have a $100,000 build'ng at the Fair. It will not cost that much, however, as a large share of the material, all of which will come from that State, will be donated. The general passenger agents of twen ty of the railroads entering Chicago have organized a special association for the determination of excursion rates to the Exposition and for arranging facilities for caring for the enoimous crowds of Tisitors to the World's Fair. The savants and historians of Italy are now deeply interesting themselves in the question of Columbus' real birthplace. Five or six places besides Genoa claim the honor, and among them is Bettola, It is reported that proofs have lately been discovered establishing Bettola's claim, and that the town will erect a monument to Columbus at once, and in tends to send an envoy to the World's Fair with these proofs and other Histori cal documents of interest. There will be not less than 25 restau rants, as well as numerous cafes, in the Exposition buildings. It is the intention of the Exposition authorities to protect visitors from exhoi-bitant charges. France has asked 25,000 and The Hague 11,000 square feet of space for their picture exhibits alone. Until re cently it was thought that the weakest feature of the Exposition would be its fine arts exhibit. Now, however, it is believed that this will be one of the best of all, owing to the fact that European artists recognize in Americans the best purchasers of their work, and they are anxious to take advantage of the excep tional opportunity which the Exposition will offer them to show their paintings to the American people. The Royal and Imperial Commissioners from (reat Britain, Germany and Den mark, who spent a week in Chicago recently, looking into Exposition mat ters, selecting building sites, making known their wishes, and posting them selves generally on World's Fair maUers, departed with most' satisfactory impres sion, and with the announced determin ation of making very favorable reports to their respective governments, and of exerting themselves to have them exten sively, represented at the Fair. At a banquet given at the Palmer house, to the commissioners on the eve of their departure, they spoke in liighpraise of the prospects of the Exposition The severest storm on record occurred last week on the North Atlantic and the English and Irish coasts. Great damage was done to property and many lives were lost. . ; "FeakandJWeebla." A friend of mine hadan odd mixing her wo ds. P rfectly U.irO.:- scious or u, sue wouia oiten maKe hh.-.s laugh. She would speak of feelinc '. . and weeble," for weak and fee ie, :mi 1 "castor ill poils," for .-.astor oil pills. i :' she was wreak and feeble until she ik that powerful, invigorating tonic, "Fa vorite Prescription, wThich so won mr- 1 fully imparts strength to the who!- system, and to the womb and its append ages m particular, for overworked' women, run-down women, and fe.. .e women generally, Dr. Pierces Ff.oiit Prescription is uuequalled. It isinvalu able in allaying and subduing nervous excitability, irritability, exhaustio a, pros tration, hysteria, spasms and other dis tressing, nervous; symptoms, common ly attendant upon functional and organic disease. It induces refreshing sleep and relieves mental anxiety and despondency. What FALL SEASON '91-92. Whitlock Clothing House, LAKGrEST IN ASHEVILLE. SEASON 1891-92. DEAR SIR: We invte your inspection of our new stock for the Fall and Winter season. We are better prepared than ever to supply you with wearing apparel from the cheapest to the best that can possibly be produced. High-Class, Medium and Cheap Special Made Cloth- j ing is our business.' j Dealing exclusively in Mens wear, and having over twenty-five years experience in this branch of business, gives us advantages over others in providing the best class of merchandise for the least amount of money. We are practicedjn the wants and shapes of Men and Boys and study to please. We do not buy Ready-made shop Clothing like others, but have them made, specially from designs of our own, equal to the finest custom goods furnished by first-class Merchant Tailors. Full stock, for Dress or Business in each of four special Hues and sizes for Extra Large,Short"and Stout, Tall and Slim. Boys' Clothing to fit any size. Dunlap & Melville Hats, E. & W. Collars and Cuh"s, Xeckwear, Hosiery and Underwear in large assortment. Overcoats in all grades and in proper styles. Extra pants for Men, Boys and Children. We have the most complete Mens' Outfitting Estab lishment in Asbeville. Clothing made to order on short notice. We solicit your patronage. Respectfully Yours, The Whitlock Clothing House, 48 South IVlain St., Asheville, N. C. Caatoria la Ir. Saml Pi clot's rM, harmlwi and quick cure for Infanta and CAilrva' : t. -lints. Superior to Caator Oil. , Faregorio or Karco :io gyvups. (Children cry for Caatoria. Mil lions of Mothers bless Caatoria. NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF j The Asheville Transfer and Express Co. State of North Carolina I County of Buncombe, f . Notice is hereby given of the incorporation pf The Asheville Transfer and Ex 'ress Corn- Eany, letters of incorporation of said cernpany aving this day been recorded in the ollice t;f the Clerk of the Superior Court of the county of Buncomle, State of North Carolina; that the names of the incorporators are, D. C. Waddell. R. P. Foster, and C. W. Murphy; the place of business is Buncombe county. North Carolina; its general purpose is a baggage transfer anu express business in the State of North Caro lina; the duration of the corporation is thirty years; capital stock ten thousand dollars ($10,000), with privilege to increase the same to twenty-nve thousand dollars (o,O00), divid ed into one hundred shares of the par value of one hundred dollars ($100). J. L. CATHEY, Clerk Sup. Coul't Buncoml e Co., N. C. octI2 Notice! By virtue of the power of sale contained in a deed of trust made to me by John G. Anders on the bth day of October, 1890, and registered in the office of the Register of Deeds of Bun combe county in Book 22, page 400, of mortgage records, to secure the payment ol a certain note therein mentioned; and by reason of the failure of said Anders to pay said note when due, as provided in said deed of trust, I will sell at the court house door in Asheville, X. C, on Monday, the 23d day of November, 1891, at 12 o'olock, m., at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the lot of l md fully described in said deed of trust (which is hereby referred to lor a more complete description,) situated in the county of Buncombe and State of North Carolina, adjoining the lands of I. A. Ingle and others, containing one act e and a half mere or less, and being the same property on which the residence and store house oi said John G. Anders is situated. - . This Oct. 21st, 1891. DUFF MERRICK. Trustee. Notice By virtue of a mortgage deed executed by M. A. Humphreys and l is wife, M. E. Hum phveys, on the 1st day of April, 1886. to Clarke Whittier. and the power therein contained. 1 wih sell, for cash, at public aut tion, to the highest bidder, at the court house door in the city of Asheville, county of Buncombe, on the lsth day of November, 189i, to satisfy a dv bt of six hundred dollars together with interest and cost in said mortgage deed secured, the following described tract of land, to wit: Sit uated in the county of Buncombe, State of North Carolina, adjoining the lands of Robert Ownby and others and bounded as follows, to wit, viz: Beginning at a pine and runs North 783 east 102 poles to an apple tree on the road, thence north 35 east W) poles to pif.e, thence south 70 west iO poles, t south 6:j west 37 poles, thenc-3 south 45- west 17 poles to Hominy . ree, thence south 40 west 83 poles, thence north 78J west 50 poles to a stake, thence north 70 poles to the beginning, containg sixty and a quarter acres more or less. r This the loth day of October. 1881. E. EVERETT, Adm. Clarke Whittier, deceased. Per Fry & Newby, Attorneys. Caatoria curs Colic, Constipation ; K"ur Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation; d - healthy sleep ; also aids digestion ; V..iiou narcotic stupefaction. I recommend Castori for children eomphunta, as superior to any prescription known to me." H. A. Abchkb, M. D.. Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, NjT. This Ckntacb Coxpaxt, 77 Murray St., New York, COAL ! COAL! -1 itst Tellico. JBtt Antliracite. For sale at Wholesale and Retail Exclusive Agents ( Domestic and Steam) for Western North Carolina. IKE ASHEVILLE ICE AED COAL COMPANY, Manufacturers of Ice. Telephone '36 and 4G. Office 30 Pattern' Are. J. P. iAVvYEB. Pkksidf.nt! OTIS M. COX. Vice-Pres't. J. E. KAN KIN", Casuik CAPITAL $100,000.00. ORGANIZED MARCH 3, 1891. 1TTERY :-: PARK :-: BANK. Transacts a general banking business. Commercial paper discouate 1. Loans mai'e upo approved collateral. Collections made on all accessible points. SAFE DEPOSIT. Rents Boxes in its Firs-Proof Vaults at Reasonable Rates Solicits accounts of individuals, banks, luukers.'nrras and corporation. T. y. Mokkison. v ft. L. Graham. C. T! G. S. Powell. DIRECTOR V. E. McHee, J. II. Ilosiic, F. S. Coxe. 1). M. Coxe, T. W. Patto:, H. T. Collins, K. s. PEititr, NV. H. llALLARD Who Beads It. The Farmers of Western Carolina and East Tennessee read The Asheville Democrat. The Merchants read it. The Ladies of the house read it. The Working Men read it. The Christian Ministers read it. The Strangers within our gates read it. Manufacturers read it. Miners read it. Business Men generally read it. And all commend it as the best paper published in Western Carolina. Eight pages 48 columns of live read ng matter for all. The Asheville Democrat, only 1.50 per annum in ad Tance. Only One Dollar Per Year . Is all The Asheville Democrat will now cost. Call in and settle up, and re new. Notice. By virtue of a power contained in a deed of trust made to me by John K. Crapo, William -. ...... l . . , i v? . n - . t , . . rt i JlOth day of February, A. D ,1891. w hich is duly for ISuncombe county in Book 24, pages T3, 74, et i-eg-, I -will on the 23rd day of November, A. D.. 1891, sell at the court house door in the city of Asheville, county of Buncombe and State of North Carolina, for cash at public outcry to the highest bidder, all that certain piece or parcel of land situate, lyin? and leing in the county of Buncombe and State of North Carolina, adjoining- the lands of George W . Vanderbilt on the north, of the Spains on the west, of A. A. Stephens on the south, and the Buncombe Turnpike road on the east; and more particularly described as follows: "Be ginning on a stake on the east margin of the said Buncembe Turnpike road, George W. Vanderbilt 's corner, and 9tf rods nearly south of he old "white oak corner," and running thenee south crossing said road 101 poles to a stake, George. W. Vanderbilt's corner, thence with said Vanderbilt's line west 102 poles to Spain's corner in said Vanderbilt's line, thence south -with Spain's line 123 poles to a stake, A. A. Stephens' corner, thence south 60 east 34 poles to a hickory, thence north 83 east 141 poles crossing the Turnpike road to a rock on the east margin of said road, thence north along the eastern margin of said road 102 poles to a stake near the mouth of the old lane, thence north 85 west 40 poles to a stake In the east margin of the said road, thence with the east margin of said road in a northerly direc tion about 114 poles to the beginning, contain ing about one hundred and seventy acres." For further particulars apply to Moore & Merrick, 1 and 2 Legal Building, Asheville, N. C DUFF MERRICK, Trustee. os22-4t i I i 1 ? ff Ml m SH i ITIi 15UIDGE STKEET, DANVILLE, YA, T. J. GORBIN & CO., Proprietors. To Our Friends and Patrons: We take this method of thanking our friends for the liberal patronage given us in the past, and hope, by close, unremitting attention to business, to merit a continuance of tne same. We have by hard work and prompt attention placed our house in the front. rank, having sold during the year 1891 more pounds for the highest average. We have with us a corps of competent, experi enced and .active men to see after your wants. Those who have ever visited Danville need not be told of its superior advantages over all other houses in Danville, being 110 feet wide by 240 feet long and 60 solid sty -lights, throwing a soft mellow light all over the entire sales floor, which is so essential in showing tobacco to its best advantage. House, lot and stalls lighted with electric lights. Insurance and storage free. Our accommodations for man and beast are unsurpassed and we cordially invito ou to LEE'S, Tobacco or no Tobacco. Be sure to sell your tobacco with us, we promise you our closest personal attention and the highest market prices. Your friends truly, ' T. J. CORBIN CO., Proprietors. Paints, Wall Paper, &c. We have !-n trying for the lat four y-r to et Paint and Wall Ta-r tofuit mar ket. Ne think we La luccftdfdit Lit. We Lave to ttock the boat aormrnt vt WALL PAPER in the knitb. We hare about 1,000 Gallons Mixed Paints, Consisting moetljr of John W. Maurj' and other. W alo hare a lary ruk rf VAR NISHES and HARD OII. fuch a Pratt it Lambert's, GUddt-n Jor a. iun bjlkTry Rrosn and others. We carry a good line of Window Shade?, Decorative 3IouIdings and Artists' Material?. In ihort. we hare everything that leJnter require. We are a! rrrrred to rot ! ytror house the ELECTRIC bYbTEM. t y.a cxmiuct orkman, tuch aa Call litlla, Iocr liclU. ew. PITZPi. TRICK BROS., North Main St., Asheville N. 0