MAT. VOL. III. ASHEVILLE, N. C, THURSDAY, NOYEMBEK 19, 1891. NO. 7: LOCAL DOTS. its of News Concerning' Asheville and Vicinity Placed in Conven ient Form for Busy Headers. New G odds, 3 1 rr -J Henderson Superior Court this week, J idge Bvnum presiding. J. D. Nelson & Co. liave removed from . s)g Block, South Main street, to -30 atton Ave. The eclipse of the mocn was plainly Bible in Asheville Sunday night, and as witnessed by a large number of peo- '.e. Bethel M. E. Church was appropri tely dedicated last Sunday afternoon by ishop Galloway. A large audience was i t attendance. Mr. J. K. Suggs lost a young son from : aeumonia on Saturday. The funeral as conducted on Sunday afternoon by 'ather White. 4 The cutters on Patton avenue, from 5 ' ie Square to Church street, have been leaned out. and the surface water will I 3 carried down Water street. One week from to-day is Thanksgiving ray, and The Democrat will be issued r, 5 day earlier in consequence. Adver- t'sers and others will please bear this in : Jnd. ' M. Ellick shot himself through the I tnd on Saturday while working with a !stol which he had in pawn. Dr. Jor- t in dressed the wound and it is healing j Icely. .The DicvrnnnAT cops in nroaa Wednes i ly nights, and advertisers are requested t bring their copy in not later than Vuesday evening. ' Contributors to its l ews columns are also requested to do rkewise. . iCapt. R. C. Ivory, late of the Hotel , elby, Atlantic City, N. J., took charge , I the Grand Central Hotel on Tuesday, icceeding I. C. Baird. We welcome tr. Ivory to Asheville and trust that hie iay meet with success. The coroner's jury on the case of the iath of the two colored brakemen: who ere killed last week in the log train reck on the Murphy bi anch, rendered verdict that the deceased came to their New Prices! PROMINENT PEOPLE. The Doing of Aahevilliana and Vis itors to Our City. J. L. Murray and wife have rone on a visit to Augusta, Ga. J. M. Israel, Jr., has returned to Knox- Title after a two weeks tUU home. i All our friends are invited to come and see us now and find out how low we are selling cmnrl; anrl we rn iIwvq nffpr crime Qnprisl "harcrsnn cnrVi qc the fnllnwrinrr nnu nn cola. " wx oaiu. Mr.Clarence . . . . Thursday last Tea sets, oe fieces, $3.85. Dinner bets, iuu Pieces, $9.90 and $12.50. J. A. Williams, Esq., has Vou can leave out any piece of a set you do not want and reduce the price. BOWLS AND PITCHERS 75c, $1.00 & $1.25. FINE GOODS. We offer during the dull month of July the bigest bargain yet. Tripple plate Silver Table Knives only $1.50 for six. Good plate Silver Table Knives only 95c. for six. Teaspoons, Tablespoons and Forks in every grade away under regular price. We are known as headquarters for Glassware and House-furnishing Goods. Ray returned home ok from Atlanta and As returned Tlsit to Atlanta and J, LAW, From the Asheville News, published July 84th, 1862. OUR ARMY CORRESPONDENCE. THE SIXTEENTH REGIME BIT. ivery fee! floor!- same -3ath through lack of sand on the engine euei I da both than ad carelessness of brakemen a The Democrat starts this week 2nt-a-word column for the benefit of scple who desire to insert small adver sements. We trust that it will prove a opulai feature and that our citizens will ktronize it whenever they desire to lake known a want. One cent for each 'prd is all that is charged. IMr. J. D. Elliott, of Elliott & Elliott. i j )ntractors, of Hickory, was in the city vantt name I out lininp $91-92? uesday. This firm has just completed, ; an excellent manner, several station : puses for the "Western Carolina Railroad, id is now engaged in erecting a splen- id station house at Newton. Mr. El- tt is now engaged also in making an 1 iportant addition to the residence' of Col. It. R. Bridges, near the depot. last of the Killed, Wounded and Miss ing in the Sixteenth. Regiment N. C. Troops in the Engagements of June 26th, 27th and 30th, Lieut. Col. John S. ZXcElroy Commanding. Maj. W. A. Stowe, wounded in the shoulder on Friday evening the 27th. Adjutant B. R. Moore, wounded in the thigh on the 26th June. COMPANY A, June 26th Killed: James Turpin, W. A. Burns, J. L. Messer, John Tatham, Benjamin Parker, and Thomas Higden. Wounded: 1st Sergeant T. G. Enloe, mortally; Corporal J. P. Bumgarner; privates L. F. Berry,' A. Bryant, David Fulbright, J. B. Hall, James Mills, W. C. T. Newton, R. A. Panther, B. Dills. June 27th Wounded: A. J. Patton, Sergt., D. G. Fisher. June 30th Killed: Capt. A. W. Cole man. Wounded: Lt. A. W. Bryson, Sergt. James West, Corp. D. M. Raby, privates W. J. Allen, W. E. Brown, Hosea Morrison, A. Randolph, J. M. Sutton, Thos. M. Wilson. COMPANY B. June 26th Wounded: Corp. Clark; privates J. C. Hembree, Deaver, J. Miliher. June 27th Wounded: W. A. Buckner, Levi Callahan, Jackson Parris. June 30th Wounded: Jasper Brown, Wm. Hensley, C. P. Woody, W. Penly, W. R. Keith, A. L. Mills, Sergt. Hender son, Corp. J. W. Randall. Corp. Z. Peek, Private T. W. Keith. J. R. A. M. 4 ' IAIN I N TRKA teria, Vj s'euraltfH sedbytfe t8, Men iu result ry, decif arronnes voluntas , by over - 0 month 1 for5.; x price. t rTlES j i r rccei r Sg d! anr .2? I Interesting Marriage. On the 11th inst., at Trinity M. E. mrch, South, Durham, N. C, by Rev. r. Moorman, Prof. Thos. J. Simmons, rmerly of Wake Forest College, N. C, w of Athens, Ga., and Miss Lessie use Squthgate, daughter of James athgabc, Esq., of Durham, N. C. Both nave many State, Miss Ungate having both in Asheville. The rriace was a brilliant one, as the minence and popularity of, the con 2ting parties entitled them to. Their nds everywhere wish them a God's Ising throughout life. iiijiius uiKi iciuiivcb iu me i Our Alliance Brethren. 1 Our alliance friends in Morgan Hill Ion had a grand picnic at that place the 12th. Able addresses were deliv- 1 by J. N. Morgan, Rev. John Am ns, Hon. M. L. Reed, non. John W. ' rnes, Col. Long, county lecturer F. F. yes, Dr. I. A. Harriss. A splendid ler was served, and resolutions agly endorsing Col. L. L. Polk were ited. COMPANY C. June 26th Killed: James McLelland- Wounded: Capt. C. T. Young, in hand: Sergt. H. G. A. Silver, mortally in thigh; N. A. Thomas, Corp. T. A. Baker, Pri vates A. A. Buchanan, E. M. Honeycut, J. W. Rowland, mortally, D. S. Crisp, W. A. McLelland, M. McCurry, S.S. Robe son, in armjiT. J. Thomason, in foot; John Collis, shoulder: J. Turbvfield. slightly in leg; Jesse Young, in hand; Corp. S. B. Banks, slightly in neck; John Mcintosh, in the hand; Carter Johnson, O. McCurry, W. S. Young, W. M. Estep. Missing: C. R. Edwards and Lewis Rid dle. June 27; h R. S. Allen, wounded in side, supposed to be mortally, and has not since been heard of. June 30th Killed: Jason Carraway. Wounded: D. Robeson. COMPANY D. rTKjo by 02S June 26th Killed: C. B. S. Lancaster, June 27th Killed: M. R. Moore. June 30th Killed: J. H. Sutton. June 26th Wounded: R. S. Owens, J. C. Webb, Newton Cooper, W. F. Good, A.N. Wall. June 27th Wounded: W. A. Moore. COMPANY E. .1 June 26th Killed: James Branch, L. D. Hudson, J. O. Mull,; J. W. Perkins, W. B. Butler. Wounded: Capt. A. S. Cloud, Sergt. T. B. Pugh, Corp. H. Car son, privates Aaron Aiken3, G. W. Franklin, J. B. Giles, John Lane, James Pucket, A. J. Simpson, Enoch Sigmon, R. Smith. June 27th Wounded: Lieut. P. W. Warlick. June 30th Killed: J. W. Queen, R.M. Hudson. Wounded: Corp. H. Branch, privates Samuel Langudge, Jesse Michael, Corp. A. M. Meadow, privates W. R. Aldred, J. M. Aldred, B. R. Capps, J. V. Hunter, D. C. Hunter, Alfred Haney, A. Jamison, R. P. King, Iredell Ledford, T. ! L. Prayter, D.W. Reeves, mortally; W.E. Roper, J. M. Snelson, H. Young, J. M. Ingle, J. B. Green, J. B. Dover. June 27th Wounded: Dallas James. June 30th Wounded: Lieut. Samuel Mears, mortally; Corp. J. C. Plemmons, L. D. Alexander, T. Dover, L. M. Hipps. Missing: Sergt. T. M. Wells and private E. P. Young. COMPANY Q. June 26th Killed: Lieut. J. L. Hemp hill and private W. L. Eaves. Wounded: Capt. L P. Erwin, privates W. B. Brad ley, R. S. Callahan, H. M. Corbet, W. R. Floyd, M. L. Good, D. M. rfemVick, W. J. Hardin, C. C. Hawkins, J. A. Hays, J. M. Keeter.B. F. Long, John Steadman, James Warren, J. L. Higgins. June 27th Killed: Sergt. J. G. Sloan. Wounded: J. W. Sorrels, J. M. Church. June 30th Killed: Corp. John Houser. Wounded: W. B. Wood, S. H. Wilkins. Missing: Alfred Smith. COMPANY H. June 26th Killed: J. F. Donaldson, Corp. T. E. Shepherd. Wounded: Lieut. C. L. Robinson, in mouth; Lieut C. M. McLeod, In thigh; privates John Eaton, W. F. Evitt, Jessee Ray, E. M. Scroggs, T. L. Stanfield, G. W. Angel, J. A.Blain; Sergt. W. L. Westall, Wm. Bird. June 27th Missing: J. T. Bradley. June 30 Wounded: T. L. Aneel, Corp W. B. J. Plemmons, Sergt. M. Brooks. CONPANY I. June 26th Killed: O. P. Jenkins and J. J. G. Vauffhn. Wounded: II. Benson. W. A. Kirkendall, J. T. Bowman, J. M. Dewberry, J. B. Martin, W. Middleton, M. L. Rickman, J. Scruggs. June 27th Wounded and missing: C. A. Rickman, Jno. Fletcher. Wounded: Capt. W. B. Whitaker, D. M. Harrison, M. H. Johnston, A. Toney, A. L. Town- send, T. L. Williams. June 30th Killed: M. L. Killian, S. M. King Wounded: J. M. Lytle. Missing: B. C. Brittain. COMPANY K. June 26th Killed: Thomas Swain. Wounded: Corp. John Hall, privates L. B. Davis, James Allwine, Thos. Foster, Wm. Painter. June 27th Killed: Sergt. G. W. Foster. Wounded: Thos. Price, Spencer Cartrell, Griffin Johnston, James Copeland, B. Cowart. COMPANY L. June 26th Wounded: Sergt. D. H. Nelson.'Sergt. J. L. Rogers, Corp. Riley James, privates Wilburn Bolin, Charles Burris, Lewis Chambers, Henry Evans, A. A. Himes, D. M. Porter, Lewis Miller, F. P. McGee, W. II. Owens, P. L. Ed wards, J. A. Rhea, S. T. Rogers, G. Swanger, W. H. Moore, E. H. Yarbo- Riciimond, Va., July 1, 1862. Rev. T. W. Atkin: Dear Sir: Above you will find a list of the casualties of the Sixteenth N. C. Regiment, which I suppose will bo of interest (though melancholy) to many of your readers. The list will indicate to some extent the part the Sixteenth took in the late battles before Richmond. You will see that many estimable young men of your acquaintance have fcllen. Their loss will be deeply felt at home. A pall of gloom Is cast over their comrades who survive. But it affords consolation to know that the went down like herpes, The list is probably defective, as we scarcely had time to collect the details of one battle field till we were ordered on the march to anothor. You will note that Lieut. Ferguson, Co. L., Sergt. T.M. Wells and E. P. Young, Co. F.t are put down among the missing on Monday evening 30th June. I think it quite probable they were taken prisoners, as the fight towards night was somewhat on the bushwhacking order and desultory. I could mention many officers and pri vates who behaved admirably during the engagements, but know I am sustained by the universal sentiment of the Regi ment in makinr mention of one. I refer to the gallant conduct of our commander, Lieut. Col. McElroy. He has escaped unhurt, but was always in the thick est of the ficht. urging his men on, and oftener than otherwise in front of the line. On Monday evening in the charge he got so far in advance that he had to cut off the head of a Michigander with his sword, who was coming down on the Col. at a charge bayonet. His gallant bearing has won the esteem and confi. dence of his men. May he live long to enjoy it. The wounded are being well cared for. Many of them have gone home on fur lough. Excuse this hasty sketch. Your friend, R. B. J. from an extended Augusta, Ga. Messrs. T. B. Young and John O. Yancey, Jr., of McDowell, were la lit city this week. Mr. Will C. Frank returned home on Saturday last from Fort Wayne, Ind-t to see his father, who Is Tery III. We were pleased to meet in our city arew days ago Mr. Moiei W. White, one of the "unterrifled of Iredell county. Miss Annie Staples, one of IteldiTlUe belles, has been In the city several days. She left for her home Tuesday evening:. Mr. R. L. Lr atherwood, a prominent member of the bar of the West, was In the city on Tntt Jay on Important legal bus!ncM CoL Jackson Johntion, Hoc. Koj Elias, and Mr. Julius S. Ilobiason, a Macon, have been In UcoJaacc tpca conference. We regret to learn that for some weeks Mrs. A. M. Racaseur has been quite ill. On yesterday she was better, with rery. favorable symptoms. Mr.T. P.Reynolds, a promising younf friend of Rutherford county, has beta "Uklng In" the city for several dsys. stopping at the European. Mrs. Vineyard, of Mtlford, DeL, wh has been stopping at Mr. Alonro Ran- seventy-five ysrds of the Yankee infantry kin's, corner Cherry and Flint street! supporting his heavy batteries, nere we I started for her home on Taesdsy. (nmm m n rA Arlnv tnd r m I n ol In lliA I I linn IT IX I- m. m w4 m m l . t. - city list week en route to Hendersoa trourt. He was looking well, and tcron ally, though not politically, was in good ntrff. determined and hard fought battles of I v the war. The firing ceased about 10 We were pleased to meet Rev. J. W. o'clock at night, when the enemy contin-1 Bowman, who reenters actively upoi ued his retreat, leaving the Confederates I his duties as minister. He bu been rt- This heavy battery was charged severa" times by the Confederate forces with great determination and resolve, but the brave Southern boys were com pelled to fall back with heavy loosses. At last the order came for Ransom's Brigade to advance Into the action. The Brigade consisted of the 2Uh, 23th, 2Clb, 35th and 49th N. C. Regiments. We were moved for a mile at the double-quick; and became engaged about sun set. The 25th advanced (I am now only speaking for this Regiment alone, the whole Brigade however did its dutv) In line of battle for 3 early a. quarter of r mile across n open clover alii corn field la the charge. through the leaden sheets cf hall from the enemy's small arms and the powerful charges from his heavy artillery, to within action for some time, when we were or dered to fall back, the deadly fire of the enemy having thianed oar ranks greatly. This engagement was one of the most in posession of the field. The loss of the! tired Tor some months on account of Regiment on the field was 22 klled and sickness. from 100 to 125 wounded. Several of the I wounded have since died. The following is the list of individual casualties of I Mr.'J.B. Hyatt, of Waynesvllle, lsu astistinnt engrossing clerk of the Uoum of Representatives, now assistant at il 1 company "E:" Killed in action-Corp. RaleIgh Exposition, spent gaturdsy and i nomas i. .oiagaaa; privates i,- Sunday In this city. uoKseu auu aj.ti i. A.nuers. u ounueu i Sergt. James W. Thompson, mortally, We were pleased to see again at horns since dead: privates Elisha G. Case. Plr- "r "oblnson, who has been so- severelv in bio: Leonard C. Caele. Joirning for a season in Sesttle, Wash- severclv in hand: David II. England. ,DSlon We regretted to learn from him severely In leg; Wm. II. Fowler, slightly lhlt Mr- Theodore Hob;ood is dying of In hirv Wm. fi Tlav. rptpi-pIv In thltrh- Consumption. ,-, j , j o - ' Little, but Lively. "Little drops of water, Little grain j of sand, A Make the mighty ocean And the pleasant land." id dropping into prose, we would hat Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are , but prompt in relieving constipa sick headache, billious attacks, pain e region of kidneys, torpid liver, n restoring a healthy, natural action e stomach and bowels. 25 cents a One Pellet a dose. Little, but . The use of the old style, drastic u "uiitge on iue numan system. Morgan StillwelL . I Only One Dollar Per Year I 1 HE ASHEVILLE DEMOCRAT Wik cost. Call in and settle up, and re- privates W. M. Culbertson, D. S. Moore, ( W. H. Ray, Thomas Dover. Wounded: company F. June 26th Killed: Capt. H. C. Worlev. rough. June 27th Wounded: Lieut. J. M. Welch. June 30th Wounded: Lieut. T. n. Moody, Sergt. D. T. J. Boyd, Corp. T. B. McCrackin, privates J. C. Brown, G. L. Cunningham, Jerry Evans, W. L. Justice, Daniel Snider, J. L. Welch. Missing: Lievt T. J. Ferguson and J. Erby. COMPANY M. June 26th Kihvd, B. Lee Rankin, J.J. Roberts, Thos. Black, E. S. Wyatt. Wounded: Henry Fronebarger, H. II. Aldred, Oliver Smith, Miller Anthony, Peter Eaker, John Wyatt. J. R. Havner M. L. Beam, Edward Boyd. Missing: E. F. Linebarger. June 27th Killed: Lieut. David White! Wounded: Alex. Milling, Corp. J. R. Crouse, private John Morrison. June 30th Wounded: J. S. Clemmer, J. W. Mauney, A. Hons. R. B. JOHNSTON, Lt. Co. C. Acting Adjutant. FROM THE TWENTY-FIFTH REGI MENT. Camp in the Woods, 25tu N. C. T Ransom's Brigade, July 7. Editor Asueville News: Believing that the movements of our Regiment for the past 15 or 20 days ould be interest ing to our friends, I will write a short statement of facts principally for the grauncation of friends of my company in Transylvania and Henderson counties. On the 19th June we left camps near Kinston, N. C, for Virginia. On Friday night, June 20th, the Regiment reached Petersburg. On the 24th the Regiment and Brigade left for "Richmond, arriving there on the same evening. Early on the morning of the 25th theRegimeot moved in the vicinity of the late battle of the "seven pines" at a hasty march and en gaged the enemy immediately. Company "E" in this action was commanded by Lieut. Deaver. The loss of the company was: Wounded privates David B. An ders, severely in thigh, and Leander J. Erwin, slightly in leg. The tolal casual ties in the Regiment was: Killed in the action, two; both of company "C," and wounded, 39 one or two of whom have since died. On the 26th June the enemy was en. gaged with spirit and determination on his right wing by the Confederate forces and forced to fall back. A series of engagements for several days was kept up; the rout of the enemy became general, leaving in their retreat large amounts of all kinds of camping equipage. The enemy on Jiis retreat would give us fight almost every day, selecting strong posi tions when he made a stand. On the evening of July 1st, a terrific battle was fought some 12 or 14 miles below Richmond. The enemy had planted his artilery in large numbers on an ele vated position in a broad open field. David W. Searcy, slightly in hand; Rich ard L. Scruggs, slightly in haad; John C. Wilson, slightly in head; and Robert Wilson, severely in thigh. A number of others were slightly hurt by the bursting of shells. The loss of the regiment in both actions, In killed and wounded, docs not fall far short of 200. We continued our march In pursuit of the retreating foe to the very banks of the James River. He is now under the protection of his gunboats. The bo a ued "on to Richmond march' of the MYoung Pi apoieon, wim msi&rge uost oi mar shalled forces, was not an easy roai to travel, and by the 4th of July, instead of occupying the Confederate Capital, the enemy was 25 or SO miles from the "seven hilled city," under the protection of his gunboats, haviig met with a severe reverse. The future will develop the movements of both armies. I will state however, that our Brigade has just this moment received orders to march to Drewry's Bluff, eight miles below Rich mond, on the south side of James River. WM. H. GRAVES, Capt. 25th N. C. T., Co. "E. Commanding How to save money is a problem that interests everybody. One way to do it Is to invigorate the system with Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Being a highly concentra ted blood medicine, it is the most power ful and economical. It is sold for a dol. lar a bottle, but is worth five. A Little Fatherly Advice. ,y "If you ever marry, said an old'gen- tleman to his son, "let it be a woman who has judgment enough to superintend the getting of a meal, taste enough to dress herself, pride enough to wsh her face, and sense enough to use Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription whenever she needs it. The experience of the aged Las shown the "Favorite Prescription" to be the best for the cure of all female weak nesses and cerangements. Good sense is shown by getting the remedy from your druggist, and using lt whenever you fee weak and debilitated. It will Invigorate and cannot possibly do harm. At the burial of our late town era an, Mr. Simon Uammershls?. In Charlotte. Hon. II. A. Gudcer. Grand Master of Masons of the State, delivered, so ths Chronicle says, one of the most eloquent tributes ever heard In Charlotte. Dr. F. T. Meriwether has secured a position as ahUtsnt surgeon In the U. 8. Army, and left Afhcvllle on Wed nesday for his new post of duty at Fort Adams, IL I. We rt-grct the departure of this promising young man, but with him success in his new field of labor. We are pleased to meet our old friend Mr. John M. Gudgcr, of Uakersville, In town. He Is now in charge of the stock of clothing teccntly asi;ncd by Men rs. Hammer?hg & Whitlock- We hope b will find enough to keep him with us all the time. We bad the pleasure of a call from Mr. Henry A. Pierce, assistant Financial Clerk United States Senate, who called to tender kindly remembrances of our old friend Mr. R. II. Nixon, the able and accomplished chief of his department. We were pleased to meet Mr. Pierce, and to hear from our friend. Mr. 31. L. Molt, assistant U. S. Attor ney, has moved to Asheville and taken up his abode at the Oaks Hotel. Mr, Mott is a gentleman of, high attainments and a lawyer of recognized ability, and were It not for bis abominable republi canism, and this we yet hope he will dis pense with.he would make a most useful citizen. However, he ha? a right to his own opinions, and withal we! welcome him and his to our city. It is no easy thing to dress harsh, coarse hair so as to make it look graceful or becoming By the use of Ayer's Hair Vigor this difficulty Is removed, and the hair made to assume any style or ar rangement that may be desired. Give the Vigor a trial. Keep gray hairs from forming by using Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renewer.

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