' '1 -.v..:-TM.i-v1' 43 X s " ..I THE SlN, Puptssi'. id Daily, Except Mondays, at ASHEVILLE, N. C.j BY I II 03G00D & FITZGERALD. Entered in the post-office at' Ashe-vifie, Nr C. f(t trarsrnssion through the mails as second class matter. ! HriisCRirWON RATES: One year .......... .. ................- ...i.$6.00 fix nlas, I... ............ 3.00 I l.-rce M mths................. 1................ 1.50 One ilorth,....................i....... 50 Et STRIQTLY IN ADVANCE. A d vertiung Rates reasonable. Will be fur? nishecl yf application. ; l nil b:i. for advertising collected monthly. 4lvir: -lements inserted for a shorter time the. c t 'V nonth must be paid in advance. Cox .cications, tmlese they contain im poi i-ant i. iws, or discuss briefly and properly s flrif-cis "or real interestare not wanted ; land n ar-cept .Vide in eyery other way, they will : n v r j a ? ! r be rejected if the real name of the .imt'o i- withheld. J You can sign any ficti- petty place. I It subsidizes ; the press,? de files the American name; debauches) the national character, until under its de grading mastery the power of the peo'ple passes into thehandsof a'venal oligarchy, and a Presidential election ceases to be a contest of differing policies determined by people, and be- desperate strug- free argument before -the conies a ferocious jaxid gle for the emoluments o J v President Cleveland reviewed two mon- i , i - i i ( 1 i ster .memorial day processions yesterday . As this pagelgoes to press the first news from the Raleigh convention arrives, showing Fowle in the lead on the first ballot, with Stedman a close second. It is anybody's race yet. . Anyone who feels inclined to grumble, because a little; rain has! fallen in Ashe- ville lately, should read the reports Of terrific hail, rain and thunder storms in other parts of the country and be thank- mi ior our pleasant weatner. .imt' t aratnneia. xou -.can sign any ut"- i j . ' t ion v n' a-. ; you please, but fo'r our protection The plan for merging the v v i,n- st s ave your real name. the Northern Presbyterian Southern in Church bids T ' 1 ) AY MORNING. fair to end in talk. It seems clear that ......MAY 31 1 an organic unipn between. these branches of this church, as well as-of others, is de sirable, yet there is no immediate pros- ORGAN'S f: ii - BOOK STORH. 'VSi PPOT CASH STORE YjIi" Hammoc ks low pric . 1 t ?A W Base Ba lis rvnd Bats. Paper i iid Km Wholesale. Belfast linen writ Marcus Ward's Irish Writing paper -W H.'llEA,- eio::, lit Dryi Goods, Jjvej Boots and Sli ocs. 'T.1IE CAROLINA SALOON'i Mb; 19 NortlrjMiilijjSiicet.-: ' -1:- Wqu11 restxiititjllv-ctilt tlw. ailcT-tlon of lb? u!':.i . ONES' XXXX AIOXOXGAHET.AYE,-! -SEAL -.Of KEMUlKV ItOlMJOV,- I ' .-1 A T-T Alii v '.. i (' PAUL oils, French LnVn vn t b g p i , - Gents Furnishni' ' Go ds, paper - - T f ! i RoYal Hits in Straw ofevervinrade rtlll JLlilC ll I 11 LLCi 1VJ1vv IteBilPatters'J'. La- i mal5 IJ..N.M'K'GAN iz COl Bai aard Building I'll , LfVAGAV A TVn THE 8r r r OF CIVII SERVICE pect of obtaining it. ' i REFORM. , Ti Lis sv; ts the title of the lengthy ad- Yesterday was a National Holiday and j: dress ( hrered bv Mr. Geo. Win. Curtis, was generally observed as such, through- j on v. :sday" evening, before the Na- put the country. Little, ! attention was , ? i . . i I ii x -j. 1,: : i :L Has removed h tioiitil C.-il Service Ketorm' -.League. : we tls v1. """c., yvt iivt jr , j pHnter! iief extracts from it yesterday to say. .. It would be no loss in the end ff wood Street, cor r Wna. morning md only lack of space prevented the business of AsuevilJe were more gen- number until fun ae- t c ; OCTORJOH : fIJ-I'VIlXfA, j Uiaa ' ti" No us from'-:vingit entire; It is a thought- erally suspended on thf legal holidays l to A fal, -arr t effort, moderate in tone, yet constituted bythe'Siate cjjsni h in denunciation of the evils - Of! Government. " f .al.i -i:.-.;. and should be read by every ii i u it'voter. or the General Hi We W. II. LEA. No;' 17 North Mail I i: ay :.'J a' ,'i A No. ljcavr:c,;e ttr uugy horse. P'ol 4 . claim to m i out more rtr..! In1 1890 will end the term of 100 years fitting good th ui fun- jntit tri .jJ t-iL Jt- ' T3 vi ?nS concern in t. ; btf.te, anci c-fn uuslu" "1 it, at - oyed the rM . a28tf. j f Onetlo.t:. NEWISIX-ROOM DWELLING 4-fim j, House, dn Bailc-jr street. ,Good well -of water ! convenient y locatea on The lot. A ill stku at a bargain'; For ttrm, .-tc, address ; Drawer '.V'.," Asiitvilie, N or apffty at : ' I 1 . - . :nclU4. during which the cities of . It' cht. average professional politician .j " - i ... , Philadelphia have each . . . , venue from a bequest of $5,000 made by . . - i , Bemamin Franklin. Themonev was to mniienccu by party contests. Meregards, ,f , ' ! i. -, .. H TITAMPTON the hatioral .patronage both as a.proper l i t , b-f. j. A , ,A.VI HI . ; . iy. j j r j. -u a I oJiii me trust nasuccncccuicu, tumuugu V. t ct - I i ! i UHCUSSC clIIU UCICI1&C LU UC U9CU . - ' by the '' ty in power and and Tiiitural reward of the AVlT-'ock.' FHA.I No. Boston the $5,000 has 'Ke constantly -- ha lonco r-r o -itt-rr rpmnrpc o tiPTir rite OO tflp tltTITKTl. ! A , party wmcn j ii : t t, uk rAn i, t n . . . . . 1 ' - -r -f f UlcH WiiUC lil snallsu( d in obtaining power. Indeed, 1, . o.r t -o grown so near . , t I r .... I pma the $5,000 has become only $70,- &c amonir which Kient Lu-vdand have come from within ' I ! i T c,, amongwmcn his ov.'ii T'rirtv and have been based on I r t !y $328,000,! in Philadel- stock of whisk ;f- .V..4.VJ4 ADVERTISEMENTS Manufacturer and Dealer in yer Leaf C buggies! Purity of buggies, Richness of celled.! -I . :-SURRIES, ETC.,- r following' popular makes of vehicles kept in stoclc: Tyson & Jones' Fine Carriages. I :: -- j I e j Columbus Buggies. Emerson & Fisher's Buggies. The Troy Spring Yjagon 3 f j Cortland Carts. MeFarlan Carriage Cot's. Vehicles. Vehicles. Standard Wagon Co's. Bradley & Co's. Carts. Flint CartsJ 'C',' Spring Carts. i tiic groiu 1 that he did notlreplace politi- I cal opponents with paty friends in the ci til i c e with , sufficient ! celerity. Yet I "hi this th :orv of natronae lurks a erave I T 5 i 00DY, ! , . . ; o i . -. --;. - ! darrpr to the integrity of this Republic. Enlaru n the eighteenth century, was flu Vi . ; if n dp-npfif citcror1f between 7 7U "II 7 CARRIAGES,--, poht cal ireedom and party patronage. CARRIAGES The sjioils system was beaten and to-day CARRIAGES, m Epglani the civil service is practically independent of party vicissitudes. The same struggle has now begun in this 'onm x? and every thoughtful American in :?t hop: that the reformfprinciple may No. 25 Willow St., Ashe ville, N. G. trix:r..pi 1 ere. f-hmxld like to comment upon Mr, The limits of our columns forbid. We. must cirie I. quoting his terrific , indictment against the spoils system. "lender the system which has so long subiugaljed the country, the newly-elected Prt sident, compelled by the demands of his p? rty to turn out the great body of pnbl;p. officers', agents and employees, and necessarily ignorant of proper per sons to appoint in every part of a Conti nental Re public, depends for inforfnation J upou ennxors ana representatives, upon w hom also the success of his administra tion jcj ends.. The executive and legisla tive authority, carefully separated by the Cojjstitution, becomes dangerously con-f-t ?' (!. Representatives demand the pat roiu i ltc of their districts and ' Senators p.vu Jeal'y usurp the power of nomina ti( r: the executive and legislative - corn ii (;r a in places arises a huge office- i:.jl.iug hierarchy ascending in regular gradatioTi from the lowest employees to the highest officer, each dependent upon the ether and all united in "a common purpose to control general and local poli tics for their personal advantage. An . organised political . class independent of . the great body of the people! practically abeor bs : lie authority of the people. By -.- ereenarv control of caucuses and con- nti oils they nominate candidates and rt quue implicit obedience to their will ah the condition of political prefer ment. By assessing ' the salaries of their, subordinates the leaders of this i-Lv" ii "' a tax upon the public treas uiy ? njr ' their own benefit and that of . i ; i jr. The voters of. the party - ht. ; I t. their sway because refusal h uns m mean the success of the opposi tion, x'ai ty ceases to ' be a voluntary union to shape public policy and becomes , a faction to promote private gain and - giatjfv pe.-sonal ambition. Politics de ' tiv ; tv - nto mere place-hunting and venal jobbery. Self-respecting men with iraw r) rrz and jnore from public life, ilono :-?.ble ambition disappears. Bosses rep'aeo stti tesmen. The young American 'i.ajht that the qualifications for pub bv fv;-,"ov- ire not integrity, intelligence aril i . a.-iry, but sycophancy and ser- , xiAtji cheating antl bribing, and every I" :.apl7-ly; 'i d of disorderly violence and unmanly following leading " . .u GIBSON'S! 11 !' ' . ; PAUL JONES, . And McCRAY 'Ir. i i .1- T; FI - t V .3 Also i the which .1 .. I -t f:T)C WILLIAMS', ! GARRISON'S, AND COOPER'S H' . NO.RTU Al t: op. ri:t. Jt Iqoks.to ypnr interest? ;md buy the bst, became m Dir Cv)frit,)u.f , f-iccucaiicsi. .. inesc ittiuors nave alvJavs commrJM. 1 iV ,.-,A,r.., a.: most fisfrlions connoisseurs, fox-, their henkhRilm .iiL.. 'Vi - V - we arejurcihed ui sayin, they have never U-cv exeelled, foti;-iv md wh,' raorf.f Carsjaijd Tobacco ou tin. Mu:-.A JPtE North- Calolik Cobk WHtsv .on,! !, ...... ' . . Bf?)TlfJJeS TT1fTe nrn,.e . , " f. T f" w,v' w'l1 U A .... . uriuv.r' , J ! ! . . .. .. i.' .' J... ........... ,i ........... . L TfCALIjV KEPT IX A ClSAIJOy. V ..j.. .............. ....,..,..u..-. , , , I .BVE&Y1H1W t mm tt3 f umc uv our goousancj you will De conwl we v-jcal: the plain fj i r,- Rerffce' fe- 1?'- W' where y'U see oui ' ! king Cole 'in front oftejsaloon, feNoharge !hr ju:- oboxH. U.n L tiny i 'til i-ji tuc v it v ir.rc ! i djtirge. Yours trulv - i m ar 7 -tf I . : - i- - - LttWIS MADDl'X,' I'lris'Tl ,yv esti FKAXJ t-' Uux Vi. ApvieTi,x,K. .. i c. Mcioub. v.' pes't ' in n jL. I'.'McLOri-), C ;t. IC xpitol. 50,000 fur-tf. i 4 S II liV l L,LE LUMBER AND MANUPACTUKING -COMPANY. : . P.. 6k -NT. -pBSSil.-KM'f ; i NEW BUILDINGS. NJtiT AND IMPROVED MACIIINEWV. 4 The best ai . I most brands of u.i. '-!!... 'h ; i Ales, Porter, ! c. . UllV 1 Ml; 'if t'.i X v". fir: i iMV -prepare to ! I i : - Aaibk: J-tyle all kinds of Ma.nttfa.ctiu BUILDING MATERIALS A '-44- BUILI'ING MATEKIALS -i . BUILDING. MATERIA f S BUILDING MATERIALS A t, The celebra ' BreAving Co Beer, on Drrneht Bottles. 1 ?os tern Ml i . Single center Equalizing Buggies. ice line The Famous! MULHOLLAND BUCK: pOARDS, " . Our Own Make file Easy-riding ; Lockwoo'd Buck Board, and Ci IWe also kee . eld of Tobacco, vHard 0 . . 5 hearty Imvitai on tojotij-' cits. comers ana it (s to c ana - i I)OOR$, j -4 SASII, -i- J- J BLINDS, i MANTLEf f . : ! Mdt'LDD BRACKETS 2TS, 1 J 4 f Al.L Kixns of RoiTGij ANr Akessrd Lttmiier i ;i 'Li- i t. i (PEN FROM ) A. M, TO 3.l! Oh gattiiIays the.SArt.Nqs Uevar r uknIt will be opd A GENIfiRAn BANKING iiltSIXESS TRANSACTED. . u - ... DEPOSITS RECE1VEL. EXC IANGJE fiOUGHT 'I si COLLECTIONS MADE ON At.L ACCESSIBLE POJNTr. .-The $ a vivos ieatari partment, fleposicsd for per aninunn wilJ be ;aut v 'VDjiriT0RS;--;M. f. Nc A IP. ISORRELS I . Vl Son if MV. j j (JJr(n?a & Ga l Kcp i 41ock the l;f;-. Luis, BKAAui l-. s. TOI'ACCD AM. f . KTuCiC V '.BT5LT,' ;v I M TUCK ' BELL,-- i'. N i'lCK. f biLL, f.i ' i " r'- A.N Arso.ttelv Puios I .hly recamtti ended l'.r f !:, lliggins j'vn. C. C -.tn y ONES & I )RTNER; Mm ufacturers find Dealers in Harness, j Sa-ltiies, Bridles, .-c. r ,4 I , 1 AGENTS rob . i-Tv-M AN. SADDLE W1I V aIA: SA1:iLE ANI)- -TV It VINSON & W1L-KLNS0N & Carolina Sain&s Bank Mslieviilnr- j . n liotr, (I p'm. to p. in On all deoJsitA in ti-': at tiicraie of four prr will recerre special attention vr montns or lonctr. interest; deposit your Diiu-s, ycu v-iit soon, v,ac K.lini X ' ;rciu:,J. E. Ray ,j; E. Reed, li.'O. JlmsLon, oeo, V' 7 Ueman, Lewis-Maddi.s, C.iit MeLou i. r 0., st.n:d.)- -v WINES, .V OC. Ki'llCLL, TICK YD ELL. '1 I'CKYBELL,,. : H !liS KEY, r!qaial purposes, 1 Oj iuLEru & CO., No.i7 irOLTJi Maim Svir rv. nt-rtj in alV iuids ot "WhisL-. rues AVines, Al.-, Porter, Citrr rs. i-i . j fee. KENTUCKY RYE and 101 v hiskies a Specialty. .i . i DlSTILLEKS AGENTS FOR I PURE NORTH CAROLINA COR; WHISKEY A'ND APPLE BRANDY. ' I&Pvrb Baxlkv Mal'i V.diski:v, Meihcal Purposes, alva s in stock, .gents and Au:horized otl1vrs of -.1. 1-... ANlfrSER-BUSCii COMPANY. CuMPANY, gompauy;- KID'S KIDS KID'S. Brewing As sciatic i's Celebrate Louis LAGE.l BEER, foi Western Nor: ii ) Carol. I H CELlLkATHD ENGElSIi SADDLES. : ee lit t CONStTANTI-V OH IlANT). j. I, UMBKR LUMBER Also Agent for McClear & Kendall's Fine Carriages, of Wilmington, Del. l: I t s A1V orders 03 111 ? Orders Promptly Attended to I ..tt uc JJiuiiii v iuiif attenaea Ana aazismcttpn uuaranteea. see us wh j anything in ot i. DKtiSSKD-' FOR THE TRADE. DRESSED FOR THE TRADE. DRESSED FOR! '-THE TRApEv Lowest Phices. Fob. Ali, Work, Lowest Fricf j '-s all Wohk. Lowest Fslice I'or ah. Wokk. LowEfc Pricks F oh All Wors. of or a ire and ,care- Be stire .to 'fcive a trial before placing your orders else-wLere ; iSF"Any of the above named goods not 1 HAMPTON & JOHN G. LINDSEY, TllElcSU ON' vi'lei N. L. 25 N, Main St., A j Second! Hand Vehicles Always on hand andfor sale cheap.? I :li.k, K, c. I-I. MANUFACTURER OI ( N''Ai-. MANUFACTURER OI T ( . V.' A R I! 1VX AX u r1 AL i U JKSK U i I.N Vr. R Ii ANL SSHE -fKOX WORKSFl AND SHE KO.V Wo PK55R All wort is put up of the very best ma- terial and!only the niost skilled workmen T U r , i I- i i 2Also,Job Work, R . ,i- , 4 id Gutter a're emploj'ed. ? :; Call and inspect my goods and prices 1 - i '"' i :- -; . Kf. : j . before purchasing elsewhere. I , J. H. W00DY. at Satisfactonr Prices. JJ "TEST ASHEVILLE I :' - "X Parties wishing to pu Tc hiust': be. 4 ;pai-.site of a TJEN YOU ;ad of a njan.v;In such h sit-! i " YOUNG? rJ.-?-JET;.STi:i- 4 BUILDING I bouTH T.Iaix Street. iA.tr g 4jjatiou is -.of seh'-respeet beconu"-s th. t opHaori .v cn3plcymer . The! First-class Jirbers. -Sharp U;: evil systei multiplies- eiiorrrni-aslv unner-1 Hasy Chairs. iA!l work done in tiie most cssf jy plaCcs. ft stimulates rcci;c ex- I sctcp' mrnner. ; trayaganee j:i public .expenditure. It ; 1. At., '.--i. . . .- . I iln.M.J n t-t. K ' "ii) ! ? he aaii-ufactt7 1. ' f c-i! : ' aic-fals'. Till be filled '.vitb .rc ron.ptncss. Oefice and Factokv ai Olii Depot, mc2l :! - V ' . . n -' '. AsHeville N. C TpOKTRAITS, : : . OIL OK CRAYON. V " 1 - H MADE FROM LIFE. PHOTOGRAPHS, . dkouerr!eot ypbs, TINTYPES, t'AlXTINGS, drawings; OE OTHivR COPY IS? F?n Haitkss of any style made to order. All work i JIAN1-MADl, and Guaranteed, - to hnndv Cal and A full stock of Leggings Saddis, Bri- dies, Cpjlhfs, Kiding and r;iggy Yhips, r - i-- Spurs, etc., always on examiiie our goods. . JOKES &JPORTNER, ,. 16 N, Court Square, vzh me lonowing incwut js eo.nstnni on hand, 'in kegs mid riot tics: . j " ANULIT?2K -Uff-Cll-,' .' J gtandakt)," ' ,' .'. ' . ' I ; ' V ; "IMPERIVL rALlMJA;rK,r' AKL HIE , ORIGJN.YL IM'lAVElSEK i! -- i '.i!f.- jyAsirBvnvLE,FN.' -C,,.;-':' ; j firr, j -.j 1 Good? dlive-ed to ni y r.rr CoftlJ Vci? ot'Chargc.- l';oihr. atJcuti-i. to ? 11 ordca-s, 03- x'laif .orotjienvi&c. ! '' i lcTihone .:allKo 30. O Billiard Hall on 2d Floor. .VEX WILKINS, (col.) '0 w i (- i One of the finest cooks in the South, who has given entire satisfaction to all fon t- . J r employers, is now dtsenraKed, and ivoul' j like to get a situation.- Address ot upi '1 v No. 134. Bailey street. tnu i' NSURAKCE.- March 0th, 1888. . - ; "as- nkvavs here- , orei i oner to tne citi- zciis of Asheville! and siii -rotiiidSng ; country,; GrcA cefles of il le Finest QucU ity, and respectfully so- ; licit their' patronage... .1 con r rc-nr ai 1 vi iment. it transmnr.j tie highest o;h- several a -.o:, ; Lin j riac rs of admin-trauon ,into -brokers of j ;uUtic Si(.l 35 South Ma:n fer.l-i w i '.f:. 1. j prOVa tL . u f 1 i ! 1 w . N LAN!) j ' td i t r ?, -vert A: OAK TO Oil, (23 x SOY Life We Bust............ $50,00 crayon, (VO x 39, Lir; Size fBtist..,,. $20,00 A perfect Hksfiesa to the original iruarant ;dj- wcirresporiaence sciicitcci ior iv'ork, m any part' of the State. i " ; '.',- V v : Relernces fwrniabed upon application. Studio, Andrews Building:, ''1 PINK ENNISS, Artit, Si R; Kepler, 53 SouthWain St. mch9; raaj- 22-tf Saleigh, N FRESH COUNTpy PRODUCE. ?Te keep constantly On hand fresh ccotl r-n j tr:r.; Produce of elT Jdndsg Butter, lijr. . i CuicKeas, &c. 'AYe.sell at lowest prices. j ll tf'E. LANE&CC , J J S. Main Jt. et I ;j . I ..uovcj-8 of something , gpod''! nc t faxljto stop at the "Wtsten vst corner of Public Square, over Mallard's. with qt without rooiu, 1 Ca o eat should Hotel, 'outh ACCIDKNT.- PCLLIAM At Thtf Iiank f AhUiP . . ASHKVILLii, N. C, , Represent the .following Coiapans: tire. CAsny s'tsin'- r A nglo Nevada, of California,. ..$2,407..; Continental, of New York, ,7 ' Hamburc-Uremui, of Germany,.'.. 1 ,1 LM. ' 1 London Assurance, of England,... 1.5 1 Nia3ra. of New VorL 2,23.r. -: Orient, of Ilartlord,.. I.. v. l,cr.-,r.'.;'J Iherux, of Brooklyn ....,.."..... 5,03. 17" tt. l,aulFire& Mnrlne, of Minn'a,.1.5l."7 Southern, of New Orleans 43f.X. Western, of Turonto 1.0-? -'-- j - U.S. MKTOAI. ACCIUJINT ASSOC ATl j mc3 Aetna Lifb Iksvuaxch C. f.?v JHK ASHEMLLE HAND LAUNDKY- Ii no vi- at work, on Vallej street r " VivALLEY HALL. . WJare now prepared to ! ?5rvt:las('"'1 dry v.ork in fvcrv lat-ticuior. We d t Ofe 3ny8TEll il.VCHIKEHV THAT V.'lLI, W f ' AND TBAH CIIK COO?. ' AlJ irnk lKJXB BV HKU,r:( an i ilit t is ;oo l are veil taken care o. j 1iyA -1 -i- tc . urst-claw laandry w rl . G. V. IIIGGIN-N And A. T. 11UWK.N.I axon's Stationerv Sl n- 1 ':tcj at .Car? 4 . EOJiD PKS DAY, KfONTlf ! .iL ' , v "' r 1 , -TUKLV LU-'li rt.li Attu-t.. .v,---, : -. " , a W: ; INSCRANCE. . , MRS.. L. . ; "' ' : ',r- - ,; ... ir-r-56m. A4hsTfdlr. Ni C Kvre 'out Jrst-clas cpr;pa':-.ir" kr , 1, ')-' - " ! : i I. :,' H' t .- -:- . . . - !.f -.: f.':'"i 1 ' " V ' , i ' '-. -! - i - ' . i 11 -: -''"- W - --- -'-f :- :