THE SUN. Tc shed Daily, Except LMoxdays, at ASIIEYILLE, N. CJ, BY j . IIOBGOOD & FITZGERALD. I Entered in the post-office at LAshcville, N. C. for transmission through the tnails as second class matter. I SUBSCRIPTION RATES X One year $G.OO 3.00 , 1.50 50 Six Months - Three Months, f; One Month : j 9- STRICTLY IN ADVANCE. Advertising Rates reasonable. Will be fur uished on application. j All bills ifor advertising collected montluy. Advertisements inserted foif a shorter time than one month must be paidj in advance. Communications, unlese they contain im portant news, or discuss briefly and properlj subjects of real interestare not wanted; and if acceptable in every other Way, they wip invariably be rejected if the real name of the author is withheld. You can sign any flec tions name you please, but for our protection we must have your real name. . I 1 1 SUNDAY MORNING....: JUNE 10 NATIONAL DEM. TICKET. for president: G ROVER CLEVELAND, ofNcwYorkJ t FOR YICE-rRESIDEXT : ALLAN G. THURMAN, 1 I of Ohio. ! DEMOCRATIC STATE TICKET FOR GOVERNOR. i DANIEL G. F0WLE, of Wake. 1 FOR LIEUTENANT-GOVERNOR THOMAS M, HOLT, of Alamance.! FOR SUPREME COURT JUDGES: JOSEPH J. DAVIS, of Franklin. I JAMES E. SHEPHERD, ! of Washington, i ALPH0NS0 C. AVERY, of Burke. FOR SECRETARY OF 'STATE : WM. L. SAUNDERS, of Orange. for treasurer:! DONALD W. BAIN, of Wake. for supt. of tublic instruction: SIDNEY M. FINGER. ) of Catawbai for attorney general : THEODORE F. DAVIDSON, of Buncombe. for atditor i G. W. SANDERLIN, of Wavne. electors for the state at large: A. M. WADDELL, of New Hanover.) F. N. STKUDWICK, of Orange, j j , The red bandana against the bloody shirt, and two to one on the bandana, i The Young Men's Democratic Club, of Raleigh, had a big torch-light procession and demonstration Fridayj night. Stir ring speeches were made by Gov. A. M. Scales, Hon. Daniel G. Fowle, Richard Battle, Esq., Donald W. Bain, Maj. S. M. Finger, and others. Truly things are warming up. From the Raleigh News and Observer, we learn that the University has j confer? red the degree of LL. D. upon! Mr. T. B. Kingsbury, the accomplished editor of the Wilmington Star; Bishop E. R. Hen drix, of Missouri, a leadihgj chief j pastor of the Methodist Episcopal! church, and Hon. R. P. Dick, the well known and scholarly jurist of Greenesboro. nit con ferred the degree of D. D. upon Rev. Sam uel Rothrock, one . of the leading Luther an ministers of the State. The Wilson Mirror, thus speaks of Charles M. Stedman, who has many warm and true friends in this, as well as in all other sections of the State: 'The gallant and chivalrous and ' knightly Stedman, though forced to wear for a time the thorn studded aureole of defeat, has woven for himself a garland of ad miration that will be kept fresh and fra grant and beautiful as long as nobility hath a shrine and a votary. Loved as he was in the bright sunshine of the gol den promises of victory he is almost adored now, as he stands in the shadow of defeat, and dispotring, though now uncrowned, the regal majesty of kingli est nobility, and wearing the royal robes of the grandest manly deportment." DEMOCRATIC CI.VIIS. We see it stated that on July the 4th there is to be held in the city of Balti more a meeting of representatives from a large number of Young Men's Demo cratic Clubs from various States. The meeting is one of exceeding importance and every State ought to be represented. The Philadelphia Record sa-s: "The programme combines business and pleas Sure. During the day it is expected that the delegates will devote themselves to earnest work, but on the nights of July 4th and 5th there will be entertainments in their honor, while on the afternoon oif July Gth there will be an excursion down the Chesapeake bay. The convention will adjourn to Washington, where a pa rade will take place, aid where speeches will be made by prominent Democratic Congressmen. TXalloiial Democratic llatforiii. "The Democratic party of the United States, in National Convention, assem- Mfl. renews the nledcres of its fidelity to Democratic" faith and, reaffirming the platform adopted - by its representatives in the Chicago Convention of 1SS4, endorses the views expressed oy rresi dent Cleveland in his last earnest mes sasreto Congress as a correct interpreta tion of that rjlatfonn upon the question of tariff reduction : and also endorses the efforts of our Democratic representatives in Congress to secure a reduction of the excessive taxation. Among its princi ples of oartv faith are the maintenance of an indissoluble union of the free and indestructible States, now about to enter uoon its second centurv of unexampled oroirress and renown, and devotion to the government, regulated by the writ ten constitution; strictly specifying every, ranted power and expressly reserving to the States or the people the entire un granted residue of power; the encourage nient 'of the iealous and ! popular vigi lence directed to all who have been chosen W brief terms to enact and execute the lawsand are charged with the duty of preserving peace and equity, and estab lishing justice. The democratic party wplmmpQ nn exacting scrutinv of the administration of the Executive power, which fourvears aro was committed to itc trust, in the election of Grover rWelnnri. as President of the Uuited States, but it challenges the mb st search ing inquiry concerning its fidelity and de vrttmn i o the nledires which them in volved the suffrages of the people during the most critical period of our financial nflYnrs resulting from over taxation, the anomalous condition of our ! currency and public debt unmatured. It has by a wise and conservative course not only averted disasters, but greatly; promoted the prosperity of our people- It has re- verseu luc lrapruviuciii anu uuw.w3- yjiKj of the republican party, touching public domain, and has reclaimed trom corpo rations and syndicates, alien and domes tic, and restored to the people nearly one hundred million acres ot land, to De sa credly held as homesteads for our citi rens. While carefullv iruardinir the in terests of the principles of justice and emiitv it has paid outjmore for pensions -md bounties to soldiers and sailors of the Rqiublic than was- ever jpafd before during an equal period.l lit has adopted and consistently pursued a hrm and pru dent foreign policj', preserving peace with all nations, while scrupulously maintain ing all ricrhts and interests of our own government and "people at j home and abroad,. The exclusion from ; our shores of Chinese labor has been eliectually se cured under the provisions of a treatjr, the operation ot! which has been post poned by the aption of the republican majority in the Senate. In every branch and department of the government, un- der democratic control, the rights ana welfare of all people have been guarded and defended, every public interest has been protected and the icquality of all our citizens before the law, without re gard to race or color, lias been stead fastly maintained. Upon its record thus exhibited and upon the pledge of a con tinuance to the people of jtlie benefits of democracy, it invokes a renewal ot popu lar trust bv the re-election of the Chief Magistrate who has been faithful, able and prudent; it invokes ! in addition to that, the trust, b3' ; transfer a"$so to the democracy, of the entire legislative pow er. The republican partyl controlling the Senate and resisting in both houses of Congress the reformation of the unjust and unequal tax laws which, have out lasted the necessities of war and are now undermining the abundance of long peace, and deny to the people equality before law and the fairness and justice which are their rights. Thus the cry of Ameri can labor for a better share in industry. is stifled with false pretense; enterprise is fettered and bound down to home mar-. kets, and capital is discouraged; yet: the laws can neither be properly amended or repealed. The democratic party will continue, with all the power confided to it, to struggle to reform these laws in accordance with the pledges of its last platform, which was endorsed at the ballot box bv the sunrages at the people of all industries.! The freemen of our land aii; immense majority, including every tiller of the soil gets no advant age ironr excessive tax laws, but the price of nearly everything they buy is increased by favoritism, or the unequal sj'stem of tax legislation. All unneces sary taxation is j unjust taxation. It is repugnant to the creed of democracy that by such taxation! the cost of the neces ; saries ot lite should be unjustifiably in creased to all our: people. Judged by dem ocratic principles, the interests of the people arebetraj'ed when, by unnecessary taxation, trusts: and combinations are permitted to exist, which while unduly enriching a few they combine for the rob bery of our. 'citizens, by depriving theni of the benefits of national competition: Every democratic rule of governmental action is violated, when, through :tm necessary taxation, a vast sum of money j far beyond the heeds of an economical administration, is drawn from the people; and channels of trade, and accumulated as a demoralizing surplus in the National Treasury, The money now lying idle in the Federal Treasury, '- resulting from superfluous taxation, amounts to more than one hundred and twenty-five million dollars, and the surplus how being col4 lected is reaching! the sum of more than sixty millions annually. I Debauched by this immense temptation, the remedy of the republican party ' is to (meet and ex haust by extravagant appropriation and expenses whether constitutional ; or not this accumulation of j extravagant taxations. The j democratic policy is to? enforce frugalit y in public expenses and abolish unnecessary taxation. Qurestab lished domestic industries and enterprises should not, and jneed not be endangered by the reduction and correction of the burdens of taxation. On the contrary, a fair and careful revision of our tax laws, with a due allowance for the difference between the wages of American and foreign labor must promote andencour age every branch! of such industries hnd enterprises, by giving them the assurr ances of an extended market arid "steady and continuous bperatiorisj in the inter-' ests of American labor which should in. no event be neglected. The revision of our tax laws, contemplated by the dem ocratic party, should promote: the ad vantage of such Jabor by cheapening the cost of the necessaries of life in the home of every working man, and at the same time securing to him steady and remu nerative employment. Upon this quest-! ion of tariff reform, so closely concerning every phase of our national life, and upon every question involved in the problem of good -government, the democratic party submits its principles and pro- iession to ,the American people. BP II llWC.JiMW ! l'ACTS ABOUT ASHEVILlJli. It ibas a population of 10,000. i Is 2.250 feet above the sea. i Is located on the French Broad river. i Hris the finest mountain scenery in the United States. t lids the largest roller process flo mills5 in the State. i ,IIas the Healthiest climate in the world ' Is the metropolis of seventeen counties Of Western North I Carolina. I ! Has one of the best electric light sys tems in the South. : Has a eras company of $50,000 capital ' Has the finest kystem of water-works in the United States. Has lG churches. representing almost every denomination. 4 Has a neat opeij-a house. . Has four banks. Has two fire companies, one hose and one hook and ladder. Has four lumber companies. Has a erood public library. , Is in the centre . of a great .mineral re gion!, y Has a good public school system. , Has one of the inost thorough co leges Has a street railway in course of con xtmetion. It lumber and timber business is large. Has several wholesale houses. Has one of the largest and best cotton factories in North) Carolina. Has a large ice Ifactory. j Has three large plaining mills. J Hs a broom factory. ; Has two shoe factories. ; Has three tobacco factories. Has carriage and wagon factory. Has a machine jshop. : Has one foundry. ! Has one of the largest furniture factories m the South- ! j Has a cigar factory. . ; Has one of thelargest tanneries in ern North Carolina. j . West. j Has the largestbottling establishments in the State. I Has several smaller manufacturing en terprises. i Has six hotels and seventy-five bpard- Intr houses. ! 1 Has seven well equipped livery stables ! Has four railroad lines running! into the citv.iand others in contemplation Has the Asheville Daily Sun, the only dailv paper in Western North Carolina takinsr the associated press dispatches. ! Has three large tobacco warehouses which handle about 5,000,000 pounds o tobacco annually. i Has some of the handsomest business nouses and residences in the South. ADVERTISEMENTS. H AMPT0N & FEATHERST0N, No. 5 South Main St. Keep constantly on hand a full and general stock of WHISKIES, BRANDIES WINES, &c, among which can always be fouttd th following leading brands : GIBSON'S, ! PAUL JONES, And McCEAYER'S Also the celebrated Cx,o yer Leaf Club, which j for Purity of character and Richness of Flavor is ntiex- 1 11 i cenea. WILLIAMS', GARRISON'S, AND; COOPER'S PURE NORTH CAROLINA CORN The best and i . mostpoptilar brands -of Wines, C arets, Ales, Porter, etc. The celebrated Jos Schlitz Brewing: Co's Milwaukee KBeer, on Dra ttcrnt and m Bottles. We also keep a choice line of Tobacco, (pigars, Ciga rettes, &c, and extend a hearty invitation to our cus tomers and friends to call and see us when in want I of anything in our line. All orders by mail or w ire will be promptly and care fullv attended to. HAMPTON & FEATHERSTON, Ashville. N. C R1 VERSIDE DAIRY. I am now prepared to deliver the cry test of milk in any quantity; desired. I have same of the finest milkers in iWestern North Ctro lina. 'Aiwpjig them "The Holsteini" 'The Devon an the ''English Durham's. In con- nection with the above f am preparing to establish a GILT EDGE BUTTER DAIRY, Hoping to receive a part of the patroiage oi tne citizens ot Asheville, j j I am respectfully, J. N. VANCE maj-26-tf jg . ASTON? FIRE, llif a.iU ACCIDENT INSURANCE. None but iirst-class companies represented, I R Y ij J R Y 13 S R YE R Y K J R Y E QPOT CASH STORE W. H. LEA,-i- -DEALER IX - Dry Goods Dress Goods Boots and Sin oes. Gents' Furnishing Goods Hats in Straw of every grade Full Line of Buttericks La- test Patters. W. H. L No. 17 North Main t. may 23-1 v FOR SALE ii !! I ; A iNni. 1 carriage or bussr horse. For ur ther information ipply at this office. tf. SALE OR RENT. One Good, NEW SIX-ROOM DWELLING House, on Bailey street. Good well of water conveniently located on the lot. Will sell at a bareain. .For terms, etc., aaaress juck. Drawer "W. this office. Asheville, N. C, or apply at mem A HEVII4 E UMBER AND MANUFACTURING COMPANY. J. P. GRANT, President, W. B MARXj Sec. AND TREAS. t. . i C. G. WEST. Manager. NEW BUILDINGS, NEW AND IMPROVED MACHINERY c We are now prepared to Manufacture in " ! ; I I the best possible style all kinds of BUILDING BUILDING MATERIALS MATERIALS v MATERIALS MATERIALS BUILDING BUILDING DOORS, SASH, $ I BLINDS, MANTLES,! MOULDINGS, BRACKETS' &C, All Kinds of Rough and Dressed Lumber ' j: Constantly on HandL LUMBER LUMBER LUMBER DRESSED DRESSED DRESSED FOR FOR FOR THE THE THE TRADE. TRADE. TRADE. Lowest Prices For Lowest Prices For Lowest Prices For Lowest Prices For All Work. all Work. All WOrk. All Work. Be sure to give us a trial before placing i; If-'.i : . . your orders elsewhere. jggrOur personal supervision is kiven,to the manufacture of all materials, and order will be filled with care and promptness Oefice and Factory at Old Depot, mc21 Asheville N. C T7RESH COUNTRY PRODUCE. x. i - - We keep constantly on hand fresh coun Eggs, CaU try Produce of all i kinds. Butter, Chickens, &c. w e sen at lowest prices and see us. C. E. LANE & CO., S. MainiStreet. JOHN G. LINDSEY, 23 N. Main St, Asheville, N. C . 1 I ; i ;t f I . :i MANUFACTURER OF TINWARE, MANUFACTURER OF TINWARE, MANUFACTURER OF TINWARE, AND SHEET-IRON WORKER AND SHEET-IRON WORKER AND SHEET-IRON WORKER jgl-Also, Job Work, Roofing and Guttering. at Satisfactory Prices THE ASHEVILLE! HAND LAUNDRY li fcpyr a jroric on vauey street, in :' ' i I' 'T ' !! - : '-'-I'-- j VALLEY HALL.-rr 1 ! i J : 1 ii- ; f : H We are now prepared to do first-clas9 faun dry work in: every particular. We do not use any Steam -Machinery that wilu weak AND TEAR THE GOODS I I 25 ALL WORK DONE' BY HAND,! "fES and the result is goods are well taken care of. If you want to wear first-class laundry watt send tts your goods. t j i r O. W. HIGGINS, i. ! ! And A. T. BOWEN. ;. Office at Carson's Stationery Stor;. R ESS MAKING, I have taken a room at Theo. Hobgood's nn ration avenue, u ipusim. -j where I would be glad to see my friends and patrons. - MRS. N. I. WALTON, niay nu-tii j TTtESTERN HOTEL. ,VV it:-! .1 r - - i i ' ' - . i ' - - Lbvers of something good; to eat should notifail to stop at tne western notei, ooutn westeorner of Public square, over Ballard's BOARD PER DAY OR .MONTH with or. without room. Call and .see us MRS. L. . Ale BRA YER & SON. apr-5-(Jni. AsnevUJe, jn. n jyj-ONUMENTS- -TOMBSTONES I -AT -AT -A T COS T. C O S T. -C O ST. - Tombstones and Monuments at Cost. De- ' - ' -; 1 :! ! i sisrns xf ITALIAN Finished work, SCOTCH ANITE and all AMERICAN GRANITE Monuments, as low as they can be bought . h i 1 -. I !. i in the United States. ! ! W. O. WOLFE. Wardroom S. E. Court Square, mc27-2m Asheville, N. C I). : SORRELS & BR0., i; AT Cnr'Tir AT atvt Qt (Brown & Gudger's old stand.) J Keep in stock the purest and best WINES, WHISKIES, BRANDIES, TOBACCO AND CIGARS. KENTUCKY KENTUCKY KENTUCKY BELL, KENTUCKY BELL, BELL, KENTUCKY BELL, BELL, KENTUCKY BELL, An Absolutely Pure Rye Whiskey, Highly recommended for medicinal purposes Also. Higgins lure i. c corn. ONES & P0RTNER, Manufacturers and Dealers in I arness, Saddles, Bridles, &c. AGENTS FOR WHITMAN SADDLE COMPANY, WHITMAN SADDLE COMPANY, WHITMAN SADDLE COMPANY, AND WILKINSON & KID'S WILKINSON & KID'S WILKINSON & KID'S CELEBRA ED ENGLISH SADDLESi Fine Harness of any style made tb Work is HAND-MADE, anld order. All! Guaranteed ! ' i i full stock of Leggings, Saddles, Bri dles, Collars, Riding and Buggy Whips, Spurs, etc., always on hnnd. Call and examine our goods. ' i . JONES &5P0RTNER. 16 N. Court Square. S. R. KEPLER. Asheville, N. G., March 9th, 1888. Now, as always here tofore, I offer to the citi zens of Asheville and sur rounding country,! Gro ceries of the Finest (Qual ity, and respectfully so licit their patronage. S. R. Kepler, 53 South Main St. mchO- W EST ASHEVILLE. Fartieg wishing tq purchase BUILDING LOTS, OR i Garden land, - : . - -J- From -one to one hundred acres, west to- i? j i ' i ' - " ardsithe SULPHUR SPRINGS, will call on E. G. Carries, at tlie Sprjjis Pr ap4-Gm CARRIER & GASTON M USICAL INSTRUCTOR will H. O. Himes will take a limited number of pupils in music on Piano or Organ. For fur- . c i , . . i o rr ov..-V. iacr luiiunnctuun aypiy ai oj ui oj oum-ji Main street; by ma: address, ! Box 223, Asheville: H. O HilMES. ; mav 22 2w D R '"pHB GREATEST WORD PA1XTeH f IN AMERICA, DECLINING AN INVITATION To t; WITH THE "CLOVER CLUIi," WllTr r I regret that it is impossible for me t, "clover" w ith you to-morrow. A vomi, thing is "clover." It means lion, v. '' cream; that is to sav industry ati.j 7 : e tentment; that is to say the happy j .,.,' r ' perfumed fields, and at the cottage at(. ( ? Uos," the bountiful, serene' chewing 1 faction's cud, in that blessed twilight J(.' iv . that like a benediction falls between n:i . and sleep. This clover makes me In.-im' happy hours of childhood's rosy cluekn.'' dimpled babes, of wholesome loving wivts 1 honest men. of springs and brooks, ami v.. lets, and all there is of stainless joj' in jra' ful human life. A wonderful word is v ver! Drop the "C," and you hare the h niest di mankina. iqkc away xnc "r" and vou 'have left the only thi Vr, P makes a heaven of this dull and i,arr: p earth. Cut of the "r" aloncand thire'n mains a warm, deceitful bud that RwetC breath and keeps peace in countless ho--. ,, ' whose masters frequent clubs. Alter r u Bottom was right: "Good hay, sweet h . hath no fellow." " IP YOU MUST HAVE A STlMri..4 DRINK IN MODERATION, ONI.V Jos. R. Stonebkaker & Co Clover Club Pirk Rye Whisk i v Clover Club Pure Rye Whisk ;-y' Clover Club Pure Rye WimskiV For Purity of Cliaraelcr and richness of flavor, it has no equal. v HAMPTON PEATHERSTOX. Role Agents. may 24-tf Asheville f O. MULLER cc CO., No. 7 South Main Sm:m j ' ' ' Dealers in ull kinds of Whiskies' 1,'mn- dies Wines, Ale, Porter, Cigars'. Tobacco, &c. KENTUCKY RYE and WVRPm Whiskies a Special ty. DISTILLERS' AGENTS F1R PURE NORTH CAROLINA CoKX WHISKEY AND Al'PIvE TiKANDY. VtSjl UKE liARLKi 1MALT V IlISKKY, lor fci U.t at- j Medical Purposes, always in stock. Sole xn Agents and Authorized bottlers of j ANHEUbER-BUSCH ! 4 rl Association's CelcbratO' S: Brewin; to: pre ice too.) Mo rn ml rot Louis LAGER-BEER, for Western .Wi Carolina. 1 "Thc following Brewings constantly ' on hand, in KCgs and bottles : " ANIIEUSER-1JUSCII,' " STANDARD," IMPEKIAl I'ALE LAGER, AN1 THE "ORIGINAL BUDwnisrK. Goods delivered to any part ot the city fc tkntbn piJ rree ot (Jhartre. 1'ronipc a to all orders, bv nwil or other wii: Telephone call No 31). Billiard IJall on 2d Floor. NSURANCE. 1 FIRE, I - . -ACCIDENT.- PULLIAM & CO., At The Bank of Ash'-" Asheville, N. C, Represent the following Companies: FIRE. CASH AS'T, iij ..r 1 Anglo Nevada, of California, $2.'-J Ian Continental, of New York.. Hamburg-Bremen, of Germany,... London Assurance, of England,... Niagara, of New York, Orient, of Hartford, Phenix, of Brooklj-n St. Paul Fire & Marine, of Minn'a, Southern, of New Orleans, Western, of Toronto, 1 v" 1 i CI if' U. S Mutual Accident Association l mcl ! Aetna Life Insurance Co N EW FIRM. W. II. WESTALL & Co X Will have iii stock, by the full line of all kinds of Lumber, rough aad dressed, Mouldings, Sliinpp; Lathes, Sashj Doors, Blinds, both w" and yellow pine, Sash Weights and Coros u Cements, plaster, Lime, Hair, Slate M-1" M k-4V.J AAA. VlllkVVbUt ffc A lt till j j BUILDERS' SUPPLIES. tSfParties building, or contcnipl';? building, would do well to see Mr. ' ' Westall, who is now prepared to gvet -rimriffs rn nnv nr nil nf the nhovCCOOti- hand now. OfHce and warerooni in i i Wolfe buUding, South-east Court Sfuat -Asheville, N , , :m t ! T ICS! 'ric T j Lin:, i ,:SC vis: CCI c ... t T . It Ku; and having had large experience " line, can give you bottom figures. A L r K it u tl i: si w in 17 2C to to b: k iU K tl 3c 3tl In N" fo IV bii it n HI i v ' i K o ( hi to oc it m PC pa irl ne tar be Kit It I OS Ml - V if i to- V cl A: