I . ....... ...i.i i .... ,1,1111 ' ---" I J, I . f ' : . , "V ' '"' , ' Vvi," . 'ir- -;- : V : - : 1 ' - ' ' ' i ' ' f I ' - , 1 " S ' ; ' t 111 . . -I -, THE SUNi Pu shed Daily, Except Mondays, at ASIIEVILLF N. C, BY j IIOBGOOD & x ITZGERALp. rnrr1 In rt-rffire at Asheville. N. C. for transmission through the mails as second class matter. SUBSCRIPTION RAXES: One year,.! Six Months Three Months,. One Month. STRICTLY IX ADVANCE. Ad vertising Kates reasonable. Will $6.00 , 3.00 . 1.50 50 1c fur nished on application. v All bills for advertising collected monthly. Advertisements inserted for a shorter time than one month must be paid in advance : r ; j Communications, unlese they contain im port Ant news, or discuss briefly and properlj subjects of real interest, are not wantejd ; and If acceptable in every other way, they will invariably be rejected if the real name; of the author is withheld. You can sign any ficti tions name you please, but for our projection we must have your real name. TUESDAY MORNING JUNE 12 T NATIONAL DI'M. TICKET FOR president: GROVER CLEVELAND, of New" York. FOR VICE-PRESIDENT : ALLAN G. THURMAN, of Ohio. DEMOCRATIC STATE TICKET V.I .i . r : l?.. JJ of ma i, as Allen was tali, slender ana was mat o awui ii: "A, ' V '"r- ""'"7"V Li UrliH nil he could to lorevent It. But X II Ul iUd II CIO CUUl W iJJ 3fcWVp"ft' man'd father was benevolent, devout and devotional. But Ins pendent stem and intellectual, and TTossciflsinfr an indomitable ; will of her 1 H : . j own. I ! , . At time the Thiinrians arrived in when it began he took a judicial view of mother: was inde- loc s luauuu J""s v States were either "in" or i "out." the war was airainst a j power, and should be fought to h fayor- abletcrminationJ If they were "in," the K .4- Tf foreign nMn riiUlJoth vn? the most important town'Lnd the ca'pital of the State, which suppressed by all the power war was an insurrection, and should be of the gov- POT CASH STORE Dry had ohlv been in the Union since 1802. "-"- .rrr n " . . , ' 1 i L nbsent when the banished Vallandieham It was centrally located in wnat was - . " " , j." rinj. 011,1- ii " . . ..! I A frr- n.i'Prnnr Inr hf flpm- I nnflTS mill n.i .n. r:i;o-.. n ctnrt " .i h uuiuiuauu . . , . no part in I iVooihees were making fiery speeches, iThurman quietly awaited resultsj Thurman's democracy , has always o.f'f. v,. inMml nrr SPVPr.il COU11- wi wluu' w " no ui limit, tiuu uwuuuvu ' ---- i . it V I "t T 1 riversj tne umo, tne ftcioto anu uic ailuic Miami, and which had been reserved by the Stjate of Virginia as bountj' land for her re'l-olutionarv soldiers. The irregular location of land warrnts by the early set tlers gave rise to numerous lawsuits, the best legal talent of the State, as well as givjng it the leading position in com mercial and social life. Owing parti to the fact that Mrs. Thur- man was living in Chillicothe her brother, W. H. LEA, DEALER IX - Goods, Dress Goods, jpRPSS MAKNC; I have taken a room at Theo. Hobgood's onf Patton avenue, opposite jeuie rare, where I would be glad to see my fnendsi and patrons. MKS. Ji.i. vhaiw, feiay 26-tf. ! j Gents' Furnisli which resulted in drawing to Chillicothe aoctnne oi naru jnuur so-called "sott or "smn-piasxer uani I! been of the staunchest and mopt loyal Hat S 111 Straw ofeyery gradp. kind. Coming into public lite in 18db, he was an advocate of the Jacksonian ii"- Goods, ...... Full Line of money advocated by the whigs pf tha time. He was originally opposed to the law making "greenbacks" a legal-tender, test PattersL Buttericks Later, while in the Senate, he opposed W'-m lAllpn rnme thither from North e law iur u c iuuij;i UU wt, oyiw ....... , , '1 L Jt! AA1-?J ments : out dia not inaorse tne umo business for the legal profession, democratic platform denouncing the cou- 'w.iq fmm vonth h most flm. tracuon Oi tne currency auu puaupumuy bitioi s man. and onlv regarded law as a resumption inuenmte fnr lvonmpf i'n nn1ities TTe I oi-metanc stanaarooi was unmarried, and his sister's son be- W. Hi LEA, No. 17 North Main . may 23-lv i ; st. FOR GOVERNOR : DANIEL G. FOWLE, of Wake. FOR LIEUTENANT-GOVERNOR : THOMAS M. HOLT, ! of Alamance. FOR SUPREME COURT JUDGE JOSEPH J. DAVIS, of Franklin. JAMES E. SHEPHERD of ashington. ALPII0NS0 C. AVERY of Burke. FOR SECRETARY OF STATE WM. L. SAUNDERS, I of Orange. ! for treasurer: DONALD W. BAIN, of Wake. came his protetre. As soon as Thurman 1 1 j had completed a somewhat slender edu cational course in the Chillicothe Acad emy, perhaps the most ancient institu tion of learning in Southern Ohio, he was taken into William Allen's office. Here he remained for tlrrce years in severe study under a severe master;, when he was appointed private secretary t j Gov. Lucas1, at Columbus. While living in the r FOR SALE A No. 1 carriage or buggy He favored the gold and silver, and helped to make the popular phrase, 'the dollar of the daddies." It was out of compliment to his firm conservative i ... ' . adherence to hard-money principles that he was appointed On the international ther information apply at this office metalic conference bv President Garfield. I ' t,: r.c : T70R SALE OR RENT. , , -'"n" r- A holitics. he has never voluntarily sought j one Good. NEW SIX-ROOM DWELLING ornce. lie nrmiy Deiieves laauut innvi)iv inmt.i on the lot. Will sell at abarsram. For terms, etc., aaaress jock horse. . For a- TESTERN HOTEL. Rovers of something good to eat should not fail to stop at the j Western lotcl, South wf st corner of Public Square, over Ballard's. BOARD PER DAY OR MONTH with pr without room. Call and see us MRS. L. . McBRAYER & SON. fc$pr-5'-6m. Asheville, N. O H- M ONUMENTS- -TOMB STONES fur- tf. should seek the man, and not the man the office. In manners' Thurman is b-- of the old Drawer "Y, this office. Asheville, N.IC, or apply mchi new capital he studied in1 the law office nature the perfect gentleman of Judge Noah H. Swayne; a noted whig school, and by taste and education more Jurist who was distinguished afterwards a scnoiar tnan a politician, ne is as the orie clear-headed republican su- well versed in mathematics and tne preme! judge that prevented the State of classics, and a fluent reader and speaker rebellion P1 rencii and otner mooern languages. Although to-day perhaps the most con- snicuous figure in national politics, he is at the same time one of the most modest his ambitious and unassuming men in the country. SHEVILLE Ohio ADVERTISEMENTS. FOR SUPT. OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION : SIDNEY M. FINGER, of Catawba. H AMPT0N & FEATHERST0N, FOR ATTORNEY GENERAL: THEODORE F. DAVIDSON, of Buncombe. i FOR ATDITOR : G. W: SANDERLIN, of Wavne. No. 5 South Main St., ill M Keep constantly on hand a full and general i , ;l stock of WHISKIES, BRANDIES, WINES, ! ELECTORS FOR THE STATE AT LARGE: A. M. WADDELL, of New Hanover. . . F. X. STRUDWICK, of Orange. Cleveland and Thurman, Fowle; Holt, "j hoc signo rinces." and 1 The Wilmington Star says "Cleveland is Thur-man," and further adds: "G. C. means Grover Cleveland or Grand Coni bination, just as you please." Capt. S. B. Alexander has written verj warm letter to Hon. D. G. Fowle, pieuging ins assistance in every way in close canvass he defeated his able Whisr his power, ami promises that on Fowle's opponent, John J.i. Van Meter. In the from precinitatinjr a against the United States government in IS50 on account of the fugitive olave law. M . I Thurmnn oriiflfrl liv J mother, had been a very hard student, and his health jwas rather impaired, when Dr. James Webb, the father of Airs. President Ha3 es,took an interest in him, and b- taking him on hunting excur sions over the neighboring hills and mountains, succeeded in restoring his healtlL He was also helped by his rough experience in camping1 out while survej'- ing the very intricate! boundaries of the &c., among which 'can always be found th Virginia land grants and assisting the county tax assessorat a dollar a da-. In 1S39, he went with his uncle to Washington, and had an interview with John C. Calhoun, who, after learning his name, gave him a half hour's talk on the Commonwealth of Greece. After" a six weeks' vacation in the national capitol, he returned to his law practice in Chilli-1 j Also the celebritef ClO- cothe. He had hard work,iii his uncle's J t . r' A; ,. 10lo,v 1 , ViSK EAX clui, wmen iur I T -i- w v-v M rf-fc k---k incton to attend to business in the United UA1L3 VA ciidicictci- ctnu States Supreme Court. After this he KlCimeSS Ot flavor IS UlieX- traveled in several of the Southern States, celled. Two years later, while in Kentucky, on 1 1 , l. : r ic;u.i uusiiicsm, lie iis iiuiuiiiciLeu iur f Congress bv the democratic convention of his district. After hard work and - a LU J. MBER AND: MANUFACTURING j j ; ' . i ' COMPANY. GRANT, Presiiiext,- W. B. 'MARX, Sec. and Treas. 1 ! C. G. WEST, Manag NEW BUILDINGS, : I ii I NEW AND IMPROVED MACHINER :!:: I M i . at following leading brands : GIBSON'S, PAUL JONES, And McCRAYER'S I - 1 R Y E R Y E R Y E R Y E R Y E We are now prepared to Manufacture the best possible style all kinds of J" BUILDING MATERIALS BUILDING MATERIALS -BUILDING MATERIALS BUILDING MATERIALS : ' - DOORS, SASH. BLINDS, MANTLES, I MOULDINGS, BRACKETS, &C. I s WILLIAMS', GARRISON'S, AND COOPER'S PURE NORTH CAROLINA CORN visit to that county, he will show how Mecklenburg democrats value their start dard-bearer. ALLAN G. THURMAN. A Urlef Sketch of liis IIstinKulsIi eel Career, j Allan Granberry Thurman, if not the "Nestor" of the democrats, jhas long re- campaigns between Harrison and Van Buren, Thurman was the same advocate of "low tariff' that he is to-day, In 1851 he was elected one of the five judges of the Sureme Court of Ohio, and -removed to Columbus, State, and w home, resided. His miiid, by nature, is judicial rather than partisan, and his de votion to law is so royal and supreme that his decisions have nearly always The best and mostpopttlar Clarets, brands of Wines, the iresent capital of the Aj porter etc .-here he has since, when at i ' ' juuttu in ine , compnmentan,' title the had the endorsement even of his adversa- i "Noblest Roman of Them All." In per- ries. His opinions on the Sunday labor i ne is tan ana comparatively slender, common law. which are entirelv clear of lie nas a Ionsr head, with tilentv nf -.u i,i:i i,: i i i. i a .- i uai kiiv.uiu: i.f.ii uia. iii v in i i n it- r . i : . The celebrated Jo$ Sclilitz Brewing Beer, on Co's Milwaukee Draught blonde and gray-mixed hair,!a long nose, keen gray; ej-es, an intellectual counte nance, and a graceful and dignified man- -IAv C 1.1.. ii 111 I xiv. a inn ii i i i r i iim i :i i iit- Tirnitri t i rrr i a a .t ti n f i si ' i" uxwwu trusts, anu au tne iorms ot, mcorporaterl J irom wnicn ins motner esixrcially claimed corruption standard in practice everywhere. As an Bottles ingrained democratic individualist, his labors have always been ajrainst frauds, descent. His father was a Methodist "local min ister," or "exhorter," as those of this rank were formerly called. He 'was a Well- known character , at the Methodist re- odd vivals in Chillicothe, Ohio; forty years ago, where he officiated mainlv in marshalling the "mourners'? and bring ing in "backsliders," in the aid of the younger and more vigorous clergy of the conference. j y Thurman's grandfather was a Baptist clergyman, and when in the earlv times. long before abolitionism was thought of in Massachusetts or Canada, the ques tion of slave-holding became a matter of doubtful conscience, this clergyman be nevolently freed his slaves and thus im povenshed his family. It was to help the nentlv lamily circumstances thnf tli Th nrmnnc I i tunvCU In 1SG7 he wasj the democratic candi date for Governor of Ohio, and was again named for this office in 18S7, but refused to be a candidate iln 1S68 he was elected United States Senator from Ohio, and was re-elected! in 1S7G. In these twelve years, in which he repre sented the third State iu the Union, he served on most important committees, as those on the judiciary, pbstoffices and post-roads, and was! chairman of the committee on land claims, for which his law prpctice in Ohio had especially fitted him.j At the close of hi scatorship he returned to Columbus, Ohio,! resolving to and in politics and to deypte the r-- in 1S19 emigrated from Virginia to the avoid mainderof his life to his "books" and "the law." But his name kvas nromi- before the' democratic ion in Chicago four years ago, brought , land of premise in the rich Scioto Valley, presidency Auurmun was six years old when the family left Lynchburg, having been born November 3, 1S13. Arriving in Chilli cothe, his father at first taLght school, trnt-afterwards engaged in the wool busi ness, in which lie was not very successful the final result being his "call" as a Methodist minister. j Thurmanjs mother was a sister of che Hon, William Allen, of Ohln1 in -lr; when he was third in the race foi the cy. He made no effort for the accept it. al- rriod when appointed a office, but was willing to though he had passed the he cared most for it. ! Senator Thurman was member of the presidential electoral com mission, but was obliged tp retire from it on account of ill-health before the. final vote was taken. He wad fat first op posed to the formation oil the commis- -candidate before m.nnv fJ.,..r- v "7fcWyrtottt,-twab h. ..w t: :c 'rMTpeedto 4 i i uiuu o icvuru uurin-r,Liie civil wnr We also keep a choice line of Tobacco, Cigars, Ciga rettes, &!c., and extend a heart3r invitation to our 'cue tbmers arid friends to call and see us When in want of anvthing in our line. All orders by mail or w ire will be promptly and pare full v attended to. T HAMPTON & FEATHERSTON, ' Ashville. N. C. R1 YERIDE DAIRY. A. I am now prepared o deHyer tfc,c ferv best lVl"Kin any auaatity desired. ' I iijLveQme of the finest milkers in Yestern Norih Caro lina. Among them "The JJplstean,.1" Thh Devon" an the "English D. tarn's'?1 Incon- j GILT EDGE BUTTER DAIRY, Hoping to receive a part of the patronage .. All Kixps of Rough and Dressed Lt'Miier ; Ii j l; . Constantly ox Hand LUMBER LUMBER LUMBER DRESSED DRESSED DRESSED FOR FOR FOR Lowest Prices For All Work. Lowest Prices Ror All Work. Lowest Prices For All Workj Lowest Prices For All Work THE THE THE -AT COST.-t- A T C O ST.-r-A T COST. - ; Tombstones and Monuments at Costs De signs of ITALIAN Finished work, SCOTCH : - , . I i: I' GRANITE and all AMERICAN GRANITE I " f 1' Monuments, as low as they can be bought ! -HI- - ! in. the United States. W. O. WOLFE. Warerooni S. E. Court Square, rac27-2m M ASHEVILLE. N. C. SOkKELS &t BR0., 41 South Main St., (Brown & Gudger's old stand.) Keep in stock the purest and best WINES, WHISKIES, brandies; i I i : r I TOBACCO AND CIGARS. KENTUCKY BELL, KENTUCKY BELL, KENTUCKY BELL, KENTUCKY BELL, KENTUCKY BELL, KENTUCKY BELL, ; An Absolutely Pure Rve Whiskey, I Highly recommended for Also, Higgins' J ONES & Pure N. C medicinal purposes. Corn. " Manufacturers and Dealers in Harness, Saddles, Brid ORXNER, -pIIE GREATEST WORD Iai: I . IN AMERICA,- DECLINING AN INVITATloN WITH THE "CLOVER CH'p. "f T' Un4- il. :.. 1 '. !1 1 'lnvpr" witll von n.innrrnu ' ct thing' is "clover." It means 'j, n-rffxm '. tnat IS to Sav inilnsti-,. tentment; that is to say the h-.u,,' perfumed fields, and at the cotta'V,!' ' Bos," the bountiful, serenely ehi v. jn, ' faction's cud, in that blessed twili-j,,11 ' that like a benediction falls tetvu,i: inA tlcpn This olrtver mnlcr m.. , f happy hours of childhood's rosy dimpled babes, of wholesome lo vi'i: v ; ' honest men, ofsprings nntl brook n, ;, lets, and all there Is of stninless joy 7 ful human life. A wonderful Nvi.rji ver! Dron the "C." and vou hav- niest of mankind. Take away the-,' t r" ana you nave ictt tne onlv thv makes a heaven of this dull ar,r I earth. Cut of the "r" alone ami 'ti"i mains a warm, deceitful bud that breath and keeps peace in coutiti,.,, whose mlistcrs irequent ciuits. Bottom 4-as right : -VGood ha v. s":T hath no fdllow." 1 . : IF YOU MUST HAVE A STiv DRINK IN MODERATION OS. R.STONEBIVKKkccO ' KK RVK WmKlv Kvi; Win:'' Clover Clud I'i ke Rve Clover Cluii rvuv. Clover Club IM- For Purit' of Ciian and richness of flavor, h no equal. HAMPTON & FEATin:i:srn ' Sole Ai.ynt 5 mav 24-tf A'h t VI: es, &c. AGENTS FOR WHITMAN SADDLE COMPANY, WHITMAN SADDLE COMPANY, WHITMAN SADDLE COMPANY, O. MULLER CO.. 1 No. 7 South Main Stki:i:t i Dealers in ull kinds of WhisftiVs v. dies Wines, Ale, I'orter, Ciirars. Tn! &c. KENTUCKY RYE uiullum ; Vhiskies a Sfiecialty. DISTILLERS AGENTS Vf.u -AND WILKINSON !& KID'S WILKINSON & KID'S WILKINSON & KID'S PURE NORTH CAROLINA C(UX WHISKEY I S CELEBRATED ENGLISH SADDLES TRADE TRADE TRADE. I. 3 . Be sure to Kve us a. trial , before placing your orders elsewhere 2EOur personal supervision is given to ! i ' II ' i T' M the manufacture of all materials, and order will be filled with care and promptness DEJ?lgE 4ijn F4P7ouy mc21 THRESH COUNTRY PRODUCE. A. "We keep constantly try Produce Chickens, &c. and see us. of all kinds AT Old Depot, . Asheville bn hand fresh coun- Butterr Eggs, CA11 We sell at lowest prices. i. C E. LANE & CO.. , S. Main-Street. JOHN G. LINDSEY, i 2i N. 341$ Asheville, N. C. 1 MANUFACTURER OF! TINWARE, MANUFACTURER OF TINWARE. MANUFACTURER OF TINWARE, AND SHEET-IRON WORKER AND SHEET-IRON WORKER AND SHEET-IRON WORKER - ': ii- !! : -IT 255-Al.so, Job Work, Roofing arid Guttirrini . at Sas.r7 Prices may-2G-tf 1 !! : I am respectfully, J. N. VANCE. J J. ASTON I FIRE, HHs i.U ACCIDENT INSURANCE. None but first-ctass companies represented 'pHIS ASHEVILLB HAND JLApNpR.' ls now 3 wprjk pn ; Valley Stree, n VALLEY HALj we are prppftred to dp first-class Jan4 i?jwrsw cvy particular, We 4qj nolt . oujr oir.A aiacuikebv WLk ALL WORK! DONE BY HAND. and the result is goods are well taken care of. xi you want xo wear Urst-class laundry Wai send us your goods. Ii i i .. J I I Gj W. HIGGINS, JI And A. T. BO WEN. omceat Carson's Stationfr Rrh. AND APPLE BRANDY. ISTPure Uarlev Malt Whiskey. Medical Purposes, nlwnvs in stock. VST inne Harness ot any style made to Agents ind Authorized bottlers of order. All work is HAND-MADE, and I : I I I Guaranteed, i I ' - t ANHEUSER-IIUSCII ; - I A -fuU st ock "of Legghis, Saddles, Bri- dies, Collars, i Riding ajid Buggy Whips, Brewing Association's CcklrnUc Sptirs, etc., alya-s on examine our goods. rv mnd. Call and JONES &P0RTNER. I I 1C N. Court Square. Louis LAGER BEEK, for Carolina. . '., s. ' R. KEPLER. iSlT'Tiie following B rewinds ctnswir on hand, 111 Kegs and bottles : " AMILUSER-lirsC!!,' 'STANDARD," ' IMPf.I:IAL 1'ALE LACf.K.'' AN1. THE "or.IGIXAL Ul'lihiit." V: Asheville, N. C. '. ; March 9th, 1888. ;Nov, as alwa3rs here tofore, I offer to the citi zens of Asheyille and sur rounding- eenntr-j, Gro ceries of the Finest Qual ity, and respectfully so- thcir patronage. S. R. Kepler, Goods deliviicd to any n'M Free of Charge. lfioiiJi)C jtunUoni 1 to all orders, by nwi or otherwise Telephone call No HO, I Billiard Hall n 2d I loor. IN S U R A N C E . 53 Soutl meh9 i 1 V j FIRE, LITE. Main St. I -AvJClLJiNT.- fEST ASHEVILLE. . It. - " - : " H parties wjsbins to purchase 4 PULLIAM & CO., At The Bank of A'"-'' . Asheville, N. C, Represent lie foljowip Cpm;)-U"- Anglo Nevada, of California f'A.i -onxinentai, 01 New York ,;..if Hamburfr-Brcmen, of Germany,... v'h London Assurance, of England.... V.;-. Niagara, of New York, 1 Orient, of Hartford l-.V Fhenix. of Brooklyn ' .: St. Paul Fire & Marine, of Minn'a, --'Vv-' Southern, of New Orleans Z Western, of Toronto 1 -' U.S. Mutual Accident Associati-'5 mcl Aetna Lipe Insurance Co. EW FIRM, J" BUILDING LOTS, OR 4 N GARDEN LAND, & W. H. WESTALL & Co Will have in stock, bv the lit -f Pf" full line of all kinds of LumUr. rough aad dressed. Mouldinirs. Sh' Lathes, Sash, Doors, Blinds, both; ' ti and yellow pine, Sash v eights nni t i. P r o c t t I l 1j fr tl , tl jc o V, fc V. ti u tl o; fc th 1' If! cv hs "X K tl; hi. in m th in, In . w Ih Cements, blaster, Lime, Hair. Slatc; From Joae t.o pne fundfed ncres $et to- tIe?; AlhCtirflJ IfOTj, of nnyil'i'i yards the SULPHUR SPRINGS, will call on E. Q. Ca-rrier, at the Springs pr ap4-5m j CARRIER & QASTQN BUILDERS' SURPLIES. tS?Pnrtis build in r rr rnnlcilll building, ypuld do well to sec Mr ; , WestalL who is now nrpnnrpd to1 f.! v. r in a m m c jyjUSICAC INSTRUCTOit, H:.: Himes wiU take a limited number of pupus m music on Piano or Orean. For fur tner lmtormation apply at 39 or 35 South j3a.sua streex: dy mail. nririre hot timates on any or all of tlic above , and having liid large eiperitr.iC ' i line, can give you bottom figures. J Asneviiie: t line of Cemeuts. Plaster. Hair, tc." . r .--- : . hanti now. Office and warerooni 1 223, 1 wir 1 o t. rw i IT. O HIMES. ' Vuc.u l'1"151' v-"u" mav 22 2w Asneviiie, N. ' " A i'T- - I

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