V ( -v2 THE SUN. lyV SIILD DAILV, EXCEPT .MONDAYS, AT ASHEVILLF X. C, BY: IIOI5GOOD &' x 1TZGERALD. x-.v; Entered in the oost-oflicc at Asheville. N. C for transmission through the mails as second class matter. I : SUBSCRIPTION One 3ear Six Months, Three Months One Month RATES I i .....L. $6.00 U 3.00 1. 1.50 i.l 50 Z-if STRICTLY IX ADVANCE, Advertising Rates reasonable. Will be fur nishetl on application. AH bills for advertising collected monthly. Advertisements inserted for a shorter time than one month must be paid in advance. Communications, unlese thej- contain im portant news, or discuss briefly and propcrlj subjects of real interest, arc not wanted; and if acceptable in every other way, they will invariably be rejected if the real name of the author is withheld. - You can siern anv ficti- tions name you please, but for our protection we must have your real name. WEDNESDAY MORNING... ..JUNE 13 NATIONAL TICKIJT. for president: flROYER CLEVELAND, of New York. EIIGISLATION ANp YOl'G 1 MEN. : The voung men not onlyofXorth Caro lina, but in llic South, arc beginning to take a more active part in the politics o the country and are being encouraged to a very great degree by the older politi ticians and by the jK'opIc generalty. In our county and State conventions. We see the young men rather taking thelead, while we do not believe in nutting the old men of the party too far in the rear, we arc glad to see the young men neinf a urged to come to the front. On this subject the Wilmington Star has the following, which we heartily en dorse: . r "The young men of the country are the hope of the countrv. Thev must take the places of the fathers. The old ae passing away. The young are stepping in to assume the burdens and discharge FOR VICE-rRESIDEXT: ALLAN G. TIIURMAN, of Ohio. DEMOCRATIC STATE TICKET FOR governor: DANIEL G. FOWLE, of Wake. FOR LIEUTENANT-GOVERNOR THOMAS M. HOLT, . of Alamance. FOR SUPREME COURT JUDGES: - JOSEPH J. DAVIS, of Franklin. JAMES E. SHEPHERD, of Washington. ALPHONSO C. AYERY, of Burke. FOR SECRETARY OF STATE: WM. L. SAUNDERS, of Orange. for treasurer: DONALD W. I A IN, of Wake. FOR SUPT. OF TUIILIC INSTRUCTION: SIDNEY M. FINGER, of Catawba. FOR ATTORNEY GENERAL : THEODORE F. DAVIDSOX, of Buncombe. G. for atditor: W. SANDERLIN, of Wavne. f.lectors for the state at large: A. M. WADDELL, of Xew Hanover. F. X. STRUDWICK, of Orange. A subject which is now being most thoroughly discussed and commented upon is thus briefly and ably treated upon by the Wilmington Star: "Excessive taxation is not only unwise and oppressive, but it is robbery. There is a surplus a large surplus. , To keep addimr to it is to continue the svstem rf robbery. Why not then stop creating it. it is dangerous, it lb corrupting, it is burdensome. Why not reduce? Why not cut down the Tariff tax on the neces saries of life? Is there any reasoii for not doing this ? Why tax the neuess, iries at all if the luxuries will bring enough revenue for legitimate purpose s? If it; will not, then, why tax the neJessaries any more than will be found sufficient. retaining the taxes, however, on the luxuries. the duties of life in church and State. In proportion as they are sober", moral, honarable, truthful, reliable conscien- tious, intellectually furnished and dis ciplined will be their success. Devious methods and false pretence are short lived and treacherous. The man who gets a position of any kind by false methods and a sacrifice of principle will be sure to loose tne good opinion of the virtuous and the pure and in the end to have Iehabod written upon his scroll. A watch sometimes right is sure to deceive you at a fatal moment." "The young men are to the front and must remain at the front until thev have filled their destiny and in turn like their fathers pass over to that' "undiscovered countr" They will discharge fittingly and faithfully obligation and duty ac cording to the standard of rectitude and virtue by which they work and measure! That is all." "The people will soon be called upon to select members to represent them in the State Legislature and to , make laws! They should be very! careful whom they select. We are satisfied that personal ambition and favoritism govern for the most part, and the public weal is lost sight. of. This should not be so. With incapable, inexperienced, uneducated leg islators .what kind of laws will you have?" "The legislation since the war hi North Carolina; has not been all that it should have been or what was necdecj. There is too much law making. There is far too much special legislation. The members arc expected to do too much. The con sequencejis too much is done and done badly often." "Select: the best men in the country. Select safe, honest, sober, intelligent, faithful men if you would have, good work! done. Whenever a bright, hisrh toned, earnest j-oung man can be found in a county send him along with one or t r ' more discreet, in telligent men of age and experience. Work the 3-oung men in. God bless the young men of our State ! Xorth Carolina has manv noble men who are worthy of confidence 1 T-i-vw'" . I Messrs. Fitzpatick Bros.. 28 North Mara street, paper hangers arid painters. have one of the most elegant and attrac tive lines of wall paper that has ever been exhibited in this city.! Every shade and design, from the cheapest tp the most costly, can be found at their establish ment. In addition to this, thev keen con stants a fill and complete assortment ui puuus, 011s, varnisnes, anu painters supplies generalry. Parties wishing any thing in thear line would do well to see these gentlemen before.buving elsewhere. i ' ! 1 CPOT CASH KJ 1 ' There are 400 Indian youths in Hasken Institute at Lawrence, Kan., being girls. the 125 Now is the time to have your Sewinsr Machines eleaned-up, repaired and ad- usteu lor tne spring ana bummer work. Mr. W. H. Littleton, a practical Ma- chinest, is in the city i and wfll do your work at vour homes l and save youl the expense of sending your machines away to have them repaired. j I Mr. Littleton carries a line of xrood neecues, siiutties, rubbers, baLnds and all the wearing parts to all machines. w H. LEA -DEALER IX jJ-JRESS MAKING, " : I have taken a room at Theo. Hobgood's on .fatten , avenue, opposite xveine rarx, where I would be glad to see my friends and patrons. r) MRS. Si., I. WALTUW, may 26-tf. ; r rjpIIE GREATEST WORD I'Al.v IN AMERICA, 7 "yESTERN HOTEL, j Lovers of something good to cat should not fail to stop" at the Western Hotel, South jwest corner of Public square, over Ballard's. DECLINING AN INVITATI WITH THE "CLOVER CLrn,- 'N Drv Goods, Dress Goods, Boots and Shoes. BOARD PER DAY ORJ MONTH iwith or without room. Call and see MRS. L. apr-5.-6m . ' j li lt 1 . McBRAYER & SON. j Asheville, N. us a.; Gents V Furnishing Goods, Hi. ! i ! Hats in Straw of every grade. jyjONtJMETS- J y-TOMB STONES. Just Reeclved, 500 bushels Plastering Hair, and have on the way 100 bbls. "Gibbs," English Portland Cement, which we will deliver off the cars at $4.00 per bbl. All other prices low accordingly. j W. H. WESTALLI& CO. Defers in general building material. HAT -4 A T -! A T COST. : COS T. -C O S T. -i Full Line of Buttericks La test Patters. Tombstones ana .Monuments at Cost. De- ! ! ; I signs of ITALIAN Finished work, SCOTCH i ' .' .: h '. f : i . : : GRANITE and all AMERICAN GRANITE I regret that it is impossible "clover" witn you to-morrow. . . 1 t niinr i 1 i c 1 v t 1 1 1 vnrnfi.s t cream; tnat is to sav industry , ii tentment: that is to savthc li-n,.'. I1 f perfumed fields, and at the cottar.. .:. . Bos." the bountiful, serenely clu-wi,,.)1 faction's cud, in that blessed twili- ht" 4 inai iikc a oeneuicxion iaiis oetwun . . 1 f . . . f . ' J - nappy nours 01 ennanoouis rosr s,. dimpled babes, of wholesome loving honest men. of serines and brook S lets, and all there id of stainless jo v in " ful human life. A wonderful word i.'! ver! urop the MC," and you have thr -piest of mankind. Take awajv tlu- -r r" ana you nave left the onlv tl !., ';l makes a heaven of this dull nini t i earth. Cut of the "r" alone and tC mains a warm, deceitful bud that breath and keeps peace in countless h J whose masters frequent clubs. AfW"' Bottom was right: "Good hav. sw... hath no fellow." : I t t t ADVERTISEMENTS. EN ACRES-4 15 ACRES 20 ACRES On Beaver Dam Creek. 2V miles from Crurt House: right at the district school and vritine- and 1 mile from Baptist church. Good rrioral community. Fine spring; fine grovesJ fine view, beautiful building sites, good road to Asheville. A splendid place to build up a ldvely iiome. 1 per cent, cneaper, ana 25 per ent. better than other land sold recently in same neighborhood. Apply on the ground (early) to j I C. B. WAY. No. may 23-lv W. H. 17 Nort Monuments, as low as they ; can be bought IE in the United States. Ill Wiireroon S. mc27-2m FOR SALE 1 1 A ISO. l carriage or buggy horse. For fur ther lnlormation apply at this office, i tf. LEA, 1 Main st. W. O. WOLFE. E. Court Square, i 1 ASHEYILIE, N. C. YOU MUST HAVE A vSTl.MlL, DRIM 1 MODERATION, O.Niv ! 1 11 y xr d. v XT or 'K fc JOS. R. TONEBRAKERcSrCV In ,'br !A. P. SORRELS & BR0., a 41 South Main St., -(Brown & Gudger's old stand.) Clover Club Pi ke Rye Winsk-e. Clover Cluj id Puke Rye Wjmskfv JDPURERyk.Wimsnkv SALE OR RENT. Keep in stock the purest and best WINES, whiskies, brandies; I TOBACCO AND CIGARS. I For Purity of Ciiaracvr ' i and richness of flavor, it-' pi: J 1 ria 'vat Inl Ui Lc: tel One Good, NEW SIX-ROOM DWELLING House, on Bailey street. Go6d well of water conveniently located on the lot. Will sell at KENTUCKY BELL, KENTUCKY BRT.T. KENTUCKY BELL, KENTUCKY BELL. KENTUCKY BELL, KENTUCKY BELL, BLAIR & CO., a bargain. For terms. Drawer "W.," Asheville, this office. i fetc.L address Lock N. C., or apply at mcnl4. I UNDERTAKERS. A 1 SHE VILLE Office and Warerooms, No, 27 Patton A v I Asheville, N. C A fine assortment of Coffins, Caskets and Metahc Burial Cases. All kinds of cases', for 1 j ouns or 01a, irom plain to the finest, kept constantly on hand. Prompt attention giv en to all orders, day or night. j ZWe have employed a first class under taker ol many years' experience, who has charge of this department. inS-tf U : LUMBER AND MANUFACTURING company An. Absolutely Pure Rye I. 1 ' no equal. 1 HAMPTON 8c FEATHERSTOX, Ad i Whiskey, J. F. GRANT, President, W. B. MARX, Sec . C.'G jrJAMPT0N & FEATHERST0Nt No. 5 South Main St., Keep constantly on hand a fuU and' general Highly recommended for medieitinl Also, Higgins' Pure N. C. Corn. I i , . j , 1 i may 24-tf Sole Agents, A she villi-X ONES & P0RTNER, Manufacturers and Dealers in Harness, Saddles, Brid ANjD TREAS. WEST, Manager. es, &c. 0, MULLER & CO., No. 3. South Mai.n Stki-i-t ! . ' Nor of p peri the unb: and the cho popt and STtat AGENTS FOR Dealers in till kinds of W'hUl dies Wines, Ale, I'ortcr, Ci-nrs. Tolmcrtm, ivmsKies a specialty. stock of w &c, araon HISKIES, BRANDIES, WINES, which can always be found following leading brands: GIBSON'S, i I PAUL JONES, And McCRAYER'S th WHITMAN SADDJlE COMPANY, WHITMAN SADDLE COMPANY, WHITMAN SADDLE COMPANY. iri 4. -ANI NEW BUILDINGS, NEW AND IMPROVED MAOTfTTCKRV1 WILKINSON WILKINSON WILKINSON ' s .. I CELEBRATED ENG R Y E-4 R Y E-f R YE4 R Y E R Y B-4 We are now prepared to Manufacture 1 1 the best possible style all kinds of J in 4 & KID'S & KID'S & KID'S JSH SADDLES. distillers' agents h PURE NORTH CAROLINA t' ',:N ! - - i WHISKEY AND APPLE BRANDY. IPure Barlev Malt Wiiiskly. (;Cttn ( Ourl 5f th Urmi lcm fth ' Re: rtffht the a cnnc Icbt; Ycr K-TC( :reim ifthlcl BUILDING MATERIALS ' fr BUILDING MATERIALS 4 BUILDING MATERIALS 4 BUILDING MATERIALS ! vouns: and J 1 J J : , rr1 cstccn uiiu iiuvancement. ine vnnnr- , - -r o doubtful Also the ; celebrated Clo ver Leaf Club, which for Funty of character i and Richness of Flavor is unex celled. DOORS, progressive one side of the j 1 hi WILLIAMS', GARRISON'S, AND COOPER'S The PURE ! NORTH CAROLINA CORN.! 3- BLINDS, any style made to SOT Fine Harness of order.. All work is HAND-MADE, and Guaranteed. During the canipaijm of 18S4 no paper in the country indulged in more vituper tive personalties against Mr. Cleveland than did the New York Sun. f But that: paper, in a recent issue, published the ex pressions of the President, his! wife and Mrs. Folsom in regard to the latest White House slanders, and it editorially concedes that "their testimony is in per fect and, to every well-wisher, in the most satisfactory agreement." And the San add: 'The3'oung bride of the White House for to the American people her bridehood will end only with the admin istration is still a bulwark- against the assaults of gossiping tongues, and such she will remain. The second canvass to elet Mr. Cleveland must be fought on other issues from those that marked the first, but it rnust be said that none of tnese denials w-ere in the least decree necessar3." men have no past records of conduct to cover over or to keep intact. Theyliaye all before them. They are metimes they only see shield. Sometiilies they ay jump at a conclusion, but they 1 are brave; and patriotic and hopeful, and man3-j of Ihem ohigh moral." The Lou isville Courier-Journal well says: j "The ojd politiciahe learn little. ;Thej will clin"1 alwnvs to the iVIm tlinf lo-ida. tion should be ued for private benefit brands of WilieS, ClaretS young men of the State to whom we Ales Porter etc must look for educational advance; for ' ' 1 prison relorm;- for the proper definition of the; rights and duties of legislation; for an improvement in our jury system; for an advance in our laws of evidence? for legislation which will improve mu nicipal governments, and for taxation wnicn is just, adequate and not oppres- best and most popular s-tf.SASH, .-4 I I . !;- . MANTLES, MOULDINGS, j 1 -- "; BR CKETf ., &C, j j , 1 AND DilKSSED LUMBKR hnnd. Call and A full stock of Leggings, Saddles, Bri- dies, Collars, Riding ahd Buggy Whips, Sptirs, etc. , always or examineour goods. ONES & 1G Medical Purposes, always in stock. S ucj Agents and Authorized bottlers of Soil ! rnuit j ihaae ' m un j ; Ind : ANHEUSER-BUSCH : eTr I ) JunJe ' Jon. 1 "j t " rrntic illyt Ole to CcfcfnitifJ ?.nand 1 nram Louis LAGER BEER, for Wcstcni 'XrJ Vlc Brewing j Association's Carolina P0RTNER. K. Court Square. All Kinds of Rough Constantly on Hand. celebrated Jos Schlitz sive. Daniel, Roanoke Go's Milwaukee Get-there Fowlc is the way the Xews puts it. Correct. The Brewing Beer, on Draught and Bottles. LUMBER LUMBER LUMBER DRESSED DRESSED DRESSED FOR FOR FOR THE THE THE TRADE. TRADE. TRADE. S. R. KEPLER. CREATION'S LOWER ORDERS. I I The prido of Kingman countyj Kan., is a bull that weighs 4,250 pounds. ! An j alligator nest, found In Rico creek, Fla., contained forty-three young saurians. According to the naturalists wasps remem Lowest Phices For All Work. Lowest Prices For All Work. Lowest Prices For All Work. Lowest Prices For All Work. m ne We also keep a choice! Ii of' Tobacco, Cigars, Ciga rettes.! &c nnd prfWd I o ber the locality of their nests just ninety-six Iio- -- i: j. hours, i i neartv invitation to our cus- i There are 40,000 reptiles kept in one room tomerS and friends t6 Call in flirt1 SSrtlif Vicnn.'nn 4.,i- i i TXT 1 I 1 I i - . 11 It. nrllocc i 4. L,-11U W A1C11 111 tne sure to Rive your orders elsew ui personal supervision is gven the manufacture will be filled witb Cfffinmnir o o llenrj- George comes out strong for Cleveland and tariff reform in this week's Standard. In a four column editorial he shows why the people should support the Democratic ticket. He says recognize in the struggle now against that form of special privilege called "protection" a phase, and a most important phase, of the struggle for equal rights for the emancipation of labor and the doing away with degrading and stunting poverty; for the securing to t men of all that a beneficent Creator Iwis intended that they should enjoy. I recog- I ntze in it the same great cause of human freedom whose banner we raised in New York two years ago, and which a year , ago we thought to carry forward by our ; selves as best we could. And I know ' that in this I express the feeling of thou J sands of earnest men throughout the country whose aims are the same as mine. From single tax men, regardless w. j;i.iiuu3 jjumiuu amiiaiions. JMr. Cleveland will get an enthusiastic, a steady and efficient support. ton. alcohol . i i A great snowy pelican, that had somehow got woefully astray, was shot the other day near Albany, Ga.; The hunter says that "at first ho took it for a calf." ; Amaaih Detroit was saved from a hor rible deatb by the courage of two pet cats, which cLaXved him awake barely in time to escape from a burning building. j The statement is made that no less than six f species of North American birds have become extinct during the last ten years, and it is claimed that English sparrows were the There is a man in Yankeebush; Pa., who has two eggs laid by a Plymouth Rock hen, one of them measuring 8j inches long and C'X inches round, the other 8 inches long and CJ inches round. t ; A Philadelphia drummer astonished the people of Oaiaha the other day by wearing a live chameleon as a watch charm. The curi ous little lizard was attached to a thain bv a thia ibar.d of gold wound about its neck, nu'i nestle. 1 in the creases of the drummer's waistcoat x. ith eVery indication of content uieutj ' I " j . want hing m our line. All orders by m Will full ail or of mc21 Oefice aneBFa us a- trial here, j rJci mctho tnrifT lubjec people ted to Ihoulc PCTent ustmc TThe following Brewings constnnt!;1 on hand, in Kegs and bottles : ' ANHLUSER-UUSCH,' , "standard," IMPERIAL TALK LA GO, ' ANI. THE "original budwiisd?." ;AsheyiiJe, N C. March 19 po Jon, n rrcatci Kntn titionr tnuc i led in ' o our t pro Ion of ritlcal heir ;pca nnctec i Con; truct i esent Hcve 1 in sjsl r: 9th, 1888. Goods delivered to any part t die AjRhjoi I'rompc before placing to Now, as akWys here tofore, I offer Jto the citi zens 'of Asheville and sur rounding country, Gro ceries of the Finest Qual ity, and respectfully so licit their patronage. Free of Charge. to ail orders', by mail or ot I' 1 Telephone call No 39. attention raiCec'.iu( tier wise. Billiard Hall on 2d Floor. bf all materials, and orders ! . I! I care and promptness. ctory at Old Depot, !l -: Asheville N. C p. R. Kepler, 53 Sout mch9 pRESH COUNTRY PRODljCE. VTe keep constantly on hand fresh conn re I try Produce of Chickens, &c. V and see us. : be promptly and care- attended to. i ! all kinds. Butter, Eggs, e sell at lowest prices. Call C. E. LANE & CO., SJ HAMPTON & FEATHERSTON, -! - j Ashville. N. C. RIV1! ERSIDE DAIRY.- TOHN G. LINDSEY, J 25 N. Main, St., Ashe" h Main St. MainiStreet. vtLle, N. C . A full line of Toilet articles, Rubber oods, combs, hair and tooth hmshp bottled mineral waters. Lubin's.Wriht'' Atkinson's Lundborer's extracts and Toi lets water. Prescriptions carefully pre pared and delivered Drdmntl V to an v rn t- of the city. " c " Grant & Wixgert. &V ?ow Prepared to deliver the erv beat ,milH.m ay Quantity desired. I havesSme oi tne nnest milkers m Western North Cbm. ina. Amonar them "The TTrii mti Devon" an the "English Durham's." jlnbon nectJ" with the above I am preparing to I I I !i GILT EDGE BUTTER DAIRYt ; I ! ! Hoping to receive a part of the patronage MANUFACTURER OF TINWARE MANUFACTURER OF TINWARE . MANUFACTURER OF TINWARE ! !! ' ! AND SHEET-IRON WORKER AND SHEET-IRON WORKER AND SHEET-IRON WORKER ES-Also, Job Work, Roofing: and Guttering at Satisfactory Prices . i ma-2G-tf I am respectfully i I J. X. VANCE. HPHE ASHEVILLE E; J. ASTON i FIRE, Ll Mi a.nU 1 ACCIDENT INSURANCE. None hut first-class companies reprtsented LAUNDRY HAND Is now at work on ValleV street, in VALLEY HALL. - i ; ..!..) We are now nrennrprl r iln i dry work in every particular; We do I not AND TEAS THE GOODS. ALL WORK DONE BY HAND, -s and the result is goods are well taken care of. If ypu want to wear first-class laundry wn-k Bend u your goods. i ury.jT" : I G. W. HIGGINS, i I And A. T.jBOWEN. I Office at Carson's Stationery Snr- EST ASHEVILLE.' w Parties wishing to purchase 1 lote at dvnnti Urdcni 'Reoi re will jom thi lare of lat It t le bill 1 Ctlona: . Resol ' ae govi deuo Tccieci here, o ill bcti on of Resol or conti Orne th t.-lt PULLIAM & CO., At The Bank of Asha''1' rtcm o I Asheville, N. C, lined. , Represent the following Companies: JoL ' '. Fi,RE' , . cash as't?;,, ncc law cvaaa, oi California... Continental, of New York ,. ..-u.UMls-iJinntn) i ircrjri an v JNSURANC E. f- ' j FIRE, f I.I FIv. I ' -ACCIDENT $-"i3 Tt 1.CC1 1 . 4k. London Assurance, of England,... 1.5 feor 9 Niae-ara. of ntw v-ir .4-'r KEWLt Orient, of Hartford .".""."."" T.M''('i ?r bccn Phenix, of Brooklyn r..''1;?i nSV St. Paul Fire & Marine, of Minn'a, 1 .5l-j2 Southern, of New Orleans 439.6 J wn m Western, of Toronto .; i,i)39.--" te.nt " tition. U.S. Mutual Accident Association'- mc Aetna Life Insurance Co r r ; ' BUILDING A LOTS, OR .:. i N BAY FIRM. W. II. WEST A LI. & GARDEN ILAND, From one to pne hujidied acres, west to wards the SULPHUR pp. ?INGS, will call on E. G. Carrier, at the Springs or" ap4-Cny CARRIER & GASTON l ratio pi ? mono tion r,f Ht llC.l Ifixl.i fman, t dtution th wi Biofrnt Will have in stock, by the 1st ot April. jwcen I faU line of all kinds of Lumber, hf rough aad dressed. Mouldinirs. Shins1' I, .... Lathes, Sash, Doors, Blinds, both VhJe itatc rt and yellow pine, Sash Weights and CrJ-s jt i ro ties. Architectural Iron, or envthin 'n t e . , j . . i , Jhanict 13UlLLLKt' ijUI'I'LIlib. Xsolvj folina; JUSICAL JNSTRUCilOR. HO lSrParties building, or contempt11": . v ; building, would do well to sec Mr. W. H Westall, who is now prepared to give cs fvx:Ji Ilimes will nlr ff1ua- msic on ttano 0r Organ. For fur i7 - lu"orinauon appwat 39 or 35 South j-tioun Buccij uy mail, Asheville: j raav 22 2w timates on any or all of the abovegoot--and having had lame experience in tp If . . . 4, ill limited number of ime can ffve you bottom ligurcs. Irneot Cements, Plaster, Hair, etc., hand now. Office and wareroom in tW Wolfe buUding, South-east Court Soon. address, II. O Box 223, HIMES. 3m uty nd l hi r, :t: Asheville, N ..ii

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