THE SUN. ASHEVILLE ,N C ...JUNE 13 I . -I ; ; - ; i -vn.i I M 'v -i-;:- -v; - j.-1:.-, -,;-.; 1 - ..t. I - ; ; : - . " j-1 i h.j ..J."., i ,, , , , ..... lj , I I t "V t " ' ' I i h I ' i t 1 ' 11:1 And Some of ils ICiilcrpriscs V Qivn f mi The Daii.v Srv i th nnlr natvr in West-I 1 era North Carolina taking : the! Associated I t"C UK1 uepor, Press dispatches. Weatlier Indications. i By Telegraph to the Sun. Washington, D. . C, Jund 12. For North Carolina Li?ht to fresh south easterly winds, stationary temperature five accommodating salesmen busy wait- Tlie Government Building. As there seems to be considerable in-j tcrcst ;manifested as to the exact spot upon which the Asheville public building hour or two jvcstcrdiy at is to be located, and feeling perhaps that in Yv'cst Asheville, ancl was we might do some one an unintentiona pleased to see sd manv signs of dntcr- injustice by not giving the intormation prise and i)rosix:ntv in that, locality, so soon as we receive it, we take pleasure First, we visited the large mercantile J" siaung tins morn ng xnai we are pre- establishmcrit of J. M. Thrash & Sons, pared to quiet this anxiety, upon the in where we1 A found a tremendous and formation received lastnight from Wash- d thel,ngtoni which is to the ettect, that the certainly be erected at well assorted stock of goods, an and local rains. Index to New Advertisements. Teas, Etc A. D. Cooper. Taken up Astray Geo. Greenlee. -For Sale Cheap A. E. Campbell. Milk Shakes and Soda Lvon's store. . up; a two in packin of iroods to be western counties. Mr. Thrash hundred dollar order lipped to one of the This house does an -4- I' it. excellent business and well deserves We next visited the Asheville Ice & drug companj''s works:, where we sa building?-' will n was Use Snow guaranteed.- I King i Flour, satisfaction f j A. D. Cooper. Clean up 3'our premises. Business was at a standstill vcstcrda3'. 1 ' r Georgia and South Carolina fruits are plentiful in our market. Capt. W. A. Turk, of the R. & D. R. R., with office at Raleigh, is in the citv. Senator Z. B. ance will deliver an ad dress at Wake Fjorest College to-day. ! l I Dr. G. C. Rankin delivered the medals to the graduating class at the Asheville Fenale College yesterday. Aatt Atkinson be bons navej a card n this morning's Sun. to which we inviti the attention of our readers. The call has been issued for the Repub lican Congressional Convention, to b held at Wavnesville, August 2nd. s - I Several of our yOung people went ou to Weaverville last night to attend the musical concert at the place. r II. T. Rumbough, of Hot Springs, and Ex-Sheriff C. W. Tweed, oi Marshall, came in on the 1 o'clock train yesterday Coal tne most beautiful blocks of ice being turned out, to fill ther large orders received each day. The chief ehgineer in charge, Mr J. C. Pigler, had his machinery' working same larg- Just received one Hay. j oad best Timothy A. D. Cooper. ADVERTISEMENTS. ! i i in the most perfect order. The company is also erecting one of the est roller process flour mills irt the State, which will be in oixrration by the 15th" of next month. The enterprising men jat the head ' of these two factories! are Messrs. II. T. Collins and company, and thev arc doing much for Asheville Western North Carolina. The Cotton Factory, wncd ducted bv the C. I E. Graham Co TAKEN UP ASTRAY-A black shoat was taken up at my house Sunday, whih owner can get by proving property and pay- r 11 1 i i r : ing ior tnis auverxiseraeni; 2t June 13 GEOi GREENLEE,! II A STRANGE attracted our atteniton. This enterprise is now running night to meet the ; demands of customers ders are coming :in every dayj ar lor 24c, ana con- u, ,-,,-! VISITOR W. i A. BLAIR & CO., No 37i Ptton Avenue FURNITURE FURNITURE FURNITURE FURNITURE & FURNITURE JJOCTORJOHN HEY WILLIAMS Has removed his residence to No. 30 Ilay- wood Street, corner Walnut. ' Office at same ' I ' - j . ! number until further notice. Office Hours: 11 al m. to 1 p. m. and 3 to mc!4 Gm WEATHER SIGNAL Indicate changes tlmt oCc,.j in the weather. Sojln- wat ? mgtnis column closclv OF ALL KINDS 4 AT WHOLESALE AND RETAILJ AT WHOLESALE AND RFTAIL AT WHOLESALE AND, RETAILJ VI '! Our stock is; always large and complete in every department, embracing every article of ' I ! . . furniture required to furnish any part of a ... ' -7 I ' . house. ; We are prepared to F U R NI SII HOTELS ANDlBOARDING HOUSES, il IN PART OR ENTIRE On shortest notijee We hajd just sold a lady a and pair pf tan-colored silk mitts prompt and careiu also alb able r ft loves at 10c anil day Sold f heif two college at that and i was showimr black lisle iersev eh we V the best business in i Asheville for the I vi 1 1 hP lintiriPn n !,. liin-f- nf nnif nl itivsfprfi Akn nipp t-psi- I -'li amount, ol capital invested.. Also nice resi dent property on Bailey street, at a bargan For farther particlars apply to JuneG tf. G.lL. MCDONALD. lll'r, EN YOUNG'S BARBER SHOP, South Main Street. First-elass Barbers. I Sharp Razors. Easy Chairs. All workldone in the most satisfactory manner. f j ; znaz occur in tne prices ! Staple and Fancy Groceries SHEVILLE STATE NORAIAL SCfHOOL, 1888. . From July 3d to 20th: and the most satisfactory Our stock is now larv; ft 11 . v-. iresner ana cneaper tlian e : er before. Some goods Iia, advanced while others ha. declined Trade is very rQ , indeed, and all indicatio! point to a ver3' large trr for Asheville this season, , will have more visitors Crl tliis summer than ever bcf0r ' and we are prepared to f'f them in first-class style. : terms.; All communications will i t ,11!- ' attention. receive our; i - BEDROOM SETS PARLOR SUITS, i FINE piIAMBER SUITES, OF SHUCKS, COTTON AND of wh pairs, biit still wardrobes, Or- have a. lnrpe lot left, wnptiwp I bed an , , , - w T - wi , . , d the heard a noise about the door wire springs, popularity of their goods is extending an UjU ;nrr Qf lass. tnrintn t hpXnrth rnifl Smith. A new t h . i i i II x i ioo rJi -LOOkmsr upi we saw a horse rocking chairs, cent tables, UUUILIUll IS .UClIlgj CRXICU, lOO 1CCU lUIIg, 1 ! M1 ! ! i which will make the main building 445 "u 1UC Lrie bLOre, Wearing m I , dining TABLES AND CHAIRS, feet Ions: bv 55 feet wide. Thereare now aQaitlOn tO IllS harness QUlte II- ' . li-.i-.M - . " HENRY BiSHEPHERDj L. L. D President of the College of Charleston, S, C, will be Superintendent and Lecturer on Pedagogics History and English. ! PROF. BEN. E. ATKINS, of thei Asheville FemalS College, will be I Instructor in the Mathematics and Hygienic Physiology. PROF. P. P. CLAXTON, Superintendent Geopraphyr English Grammar and Reading. priCeS Ol OU1 GOOUS Il.'lwl, iMISS KATIE MILLARD. oflGoldsboro x - 1111 ! Graded School, will have charge 6f the Pri- COm C WCll JvU OW11 ti I MRS. HANNAH M. DAyiDSON, of Ashe- YY eS LCUl iNOl tll arohnn ') nlle, will be "Teacher of Music. , , . lL ! -r almost everv mail bnmr- The session will be held in t ie Graded i i School Budding on Acadeiny street, in the OmerS IOr gOOClS 111 OIU ljrf The high quality and 10 bavelj: lirouglio; evening. But little progress on the way line will be made until son's return, which will be first of next week in. his line but curry-combs, 16ok.7 He was And various otfer thins keep nothing too mention In fact everything us numerous to ually kept in A FIRST CLASS FURNITURE HOUSE street rail- Mr. David- An effort is being 200 looms in operation and 64 more are an astonished to be put in at once, al 264 niCQfalven vp . I looms. ,100 mare spindles will ajso be The pay roll each month amounts to brushes and Whips J and by 1 r- r n "1 1 a 1 f 1-1 M "I si aooui o,ouu, anu wnen xne uincr ljooms i v ccji ax xo.a j Vjta clli&iil uctvi and spindles have been added, it will had a $2.25 wllip, which iwe run up to nearly $5,000 permonth. This sel for Ci r:o 1, j iment lof WINDOW CURTAINS, when in s . - 7 T i western paVt of the city, about rive minutes walk from'tthe court housel All the rooms of this buildi-HB-have been -fitrl iir hnrl n irt SIDEBOARDS,! good condition. A splendid viv is to be il had of Pispah anrl nnmerniis nlipi-tnniifi alnB BED AND SINGLE LOUNGES, and the country round ab6ut. The grounds are larire and-sVijiHrl plpifa--rl; A-nrt r MATTRESSESl access. A pleasant home for the tsr.rmnl It is desired and trulv hrtnd V-J tticmonofr. HAIR, j ers that the school shall this summer srnn m excelence any previous term.! It has grad ually increased in proficiencvi A value to the teaching profession of this sec tion since rts estaDiisnment in 11885. The managers have been vigilant of jtsj interests and have selected for the faculty the best nd mast experienced talent- Within their reach- and they trust that they have engaged for this term the services of a corps! of teachers unexcelled in t,he State. o good atten dance of appreciative students will make the institution a complete success. Every tea cher, and all who desire ! to teach, should make ready far the time and be present every Be sure to call We have voluntary Its: monials fromclose buva saying that on compauj' our prices with. Knox vi and Richmond, they kr ; found our prices lower, the quality of the goods nr freights were taken into cori , sideration. 1 and see our splenj did assort- of the great benefit such an institution and such enterprising men as those con the road" or made it ex- made to brganize in trollinjr it. are worth to our community, tremelyj Ward 'for him . 1 The this city a lodge of the Ancient Order of Uye only wish that we had a dozten or liorsd had SCnSC thoticrh like united workmen, inis oruer i one oi two such men. i the most popular and has an insurance While speaking of the manufactories in this part of our city, we must not fail to feature attached. about the item will give our.rople some Httlfc idea k t' him j the middle of H f anf hilf in that Hne' J J J J 5 J The new Johnston buildingpn corner of mention the Asheville Lumber and of Main street and the square, is nearing completion and will be, when finished, one of the handsomest buildings in the State. It is greatly admired by every one. -t We were pleased to meet in the cityyes terda'JMr. II. M. Bright of ijalsom. who is here with his wife attending the closing exercises of the Asheville Female College, plan ufacturing Co. We found ;Messrs. Grant, Marx and West, the enterprising y entlemen, Who manage these millsJ their cotits off and hardest work, are taxed to their utmost to .fill as fast as thev are received for building material. Their machinery is all new and they employ skilled workmen.' They 1 the balance of his kind, he met workman J 3!-L J'- 11 J : l1 ! II I Weill LCU LO lOllQW Llie CrOWU, to turn out the and! they Ubually (as he had no dpubt obseiwed) tend to wards the "Racket Store " with where bargains in all lines, except horse feed, jaretobe had; a few of which it mi edit be well co enumerate. 1 jgWe have the best Upholster We are giving special ,r day. Let every one consider well the oppor- tentl Oil to th P Rofntl T,- tunitvandmakethemostlofit. V . . . LIlt- 1VLt'Ul 11 .TcoSsfderabTe InTes? ot Asheville and liavc a far! stock ol goods selectee ewe- 11 r 1 1 . i "i Public lectures are time which will be of and profit to all. HUAKD can oe naa in the city for from and Cabi-i $12.00 to $20.00 per month. Arrangements PI n 1 1 r frtf I110 -fr-ol with families near the Citv. Anv oarties wishing such accommodafons are requested to inform the Secrer. sy atonce. We suggest to the teachers to begin now.makingprepara tions to attend and makeSthe most! possible uui ot suns rare opponunwy vvorK win oegin actively oung They rders very, finest pai cment at short notice. Give us a trial ' i Respectfully, jn8-lrrt work 1 -) ; Since writing our last there has W an advance in the price of eolTcc, km lard and flour. Wc arc still selling. itui prices, except Ariosa Coffee, wiiich v" have advanced to 23 cents. We IjuyuV fh firs-l- cav ill the State, and are prepared: Every student should bring some good His- ! u tory, urammar, antnmetic, Cieopraphy and in this de-: Reader, (Swinton's 4th prefered) and be nres- 1 I . j ; J t r 1 -a i ...1 m cm. m umcuicurst monjmg ana stay tin conee direct anrl enn fn.nrmii t tni Communications should be" .V. 1! 11 11 11 Wi A. BLAIR & We have some Dress Goods, where his daughter, Miss Belle, gradu ated. subject of beautiful in lawns, m as- I and pur s lock carriages,4 VP- Chcdester's bridge was thq street conversation j-estcrday. We will not now give the opinions of nuury whom we conversed will wait until the bfidgi I work from twenty-five to thirty men. All of the above enterprises are worthy UnS ahd mulls of the support of our citizens, and the 'r i' r i Sun wishes them continued prosperity. p068 1S lul sure to Dieae. : x r.-i- I I The Mission Hospital. SOld a number 'of ipp prpntn I I 1 -WW -W A. .VAAA. No instithtion in Asheville is more freezers at unheardlof nnVes r. . - r . . r .t TT f .. , 111 Liiib eity -we il tne bridge! lias been oi our citizens man tne r,i H. fVVOODY, It ' Manufacturer and Dealer in is purely a charitable institution, err ne 0i them It and has been a "Teat blessing to many at prices We have :e ei t warrant ev- to be assjood as the best or wri refund CARRIAGBS.-U CARRIAGES,-! Asheville. N. C. I JNO. laddressed to Stark es, Sec. Fresh Roasted. CO. M ORGAN'S-- JB- BUGGIESJ BUGGIES,i BUGGIES,; book soIore! 1; -SURRIES, ETC- No. 25 Willow St., Asheville, N. C. painted and otherwise completed. T r " l,11 1- 1t- Sycamore street vesterday 1-Teem- toP80"5 sinCC itS establ'sliment- i Not MONEY and tkkd them back ; ?he followinglpopular ihakes of vehicle erect a house on the same, but when he "7 an 0 T -1 . 110nie hve befP returned as come to examine into the matter, found - 'l5 yet Our CTO'duet Sets and ucbt ciiLcniiun Lucre, uuti ine Jjoor un- -j -t J i fortunate man or woman who has Lot a hammOcks are eCOmmg Sea- ccnt can have the 1 best attentionjboth SOliable and are beginning to from nurses and physiciansj If he has HlOVe off we shall keep, a nothing with which to pav, nothing will supply however and it will that the lot was in the fire district and that a wooden building could not be erected upon it. the brick. He saj-s he Mr. Sumner has fitted up a will put up kept in stock Tyson & Jones' Fin Hammocks low prices. Base Balls andl Bats. WE ARE STILL SELLING 5 lbs Good Rio Coffee for . . $i.o :1 12 lbs Granulated Sugar for . 1.0U Magnolia Hams at 13 to 14c per ft ( These hams are taken from tliesm house and shipped to us every week, r ? you can rely on getting nice sweet liar. We do not sell shoulders and call t!r hams. What is known as'aCalLfc' or pic-nic ham is nothing in llic x:" but a shoulder cut and put up like ahz. They are dear at 9c per lb. T T t: t; Paper and Envelops at Wholesale. I I Carriacres. Columbus Buggies. Emerson be expected of him. This institution is dependent entirely handsome "ice cream parlor at his restaurant on Patton Avenue, under Redyood's, and upon the charity of our invites tne laoies as well as the gen- exception of thirty dollars tiemen to give lum a share ot their pat- which is donated by the county ronage. Mr. Sumner has also had his The medical staff of the restaurant greatly improved pay; you to! price otirs before ijcuuciii. entirely -i TTT i i . people, wiijh the ou buy . We hav just re lars per mbnth, ceiyed a new lot of rugs ty. I some beauties and prices Hospital is Avill suit, as well as quality. "RnttlA nn1 ATM ' 1 f I I V Belfast linen writing paper We would like for any one who ua'-' that "OBELISK!" is the best flour rr seen in this market, to call anilif -sample and try it H'e arc still xeLtng it at . "Favorite," at .... . "Waterloo," at ... . 4 ance. See his advertisement column. Sanitary Matters. We are clad to see that the rity author ities have taken the proper view in refer ence to keeping the city in a cleanly con- in appear- composed of Drs. Watson, Battle and TUA lorliodn in auui.iiv.i Alcorn, anu we uare say no nospi tal in & Fisher's Buggies. The Try Spring Wagon. Cortland Carts. , McFarlan Carriage Co's. Vehicles. Marcus ; Ward's lhvri ting paper. M especially re- dition during the summer. They have issued a circular which lias been distribu ted over the city. In introducing the law on the subject, they have! the follow- the State hnsn hotter stnff riuvPt,-u LU OUr The matron, Miss E. L. Walton is said new SUpply Oil TlbboilS and to be one of the best women I in the while the head nurse, j Mrs. Fletcher can not be excelled in her position. The building is onky capable of inter taining about twenty-five persons we learn that there are twelve there all charitA' patienls. I ing: "The Mavor and Aldermen of the citv A CARD. It is our pleasure to announce to all make respectfully call the attention of all good persons seeking to buv homes or citizens to the following laws relating to investments in this cityor Western North ( the proper sanitary condition of the city, Carolina, that Jwe now havejthe 1 most . and now, and request everv one to no only keep co,niPlete list JP??. a11 Wndstfaat they a . 1 . . wd have ever offered.; We have lots1 large their own premises clean and in first rate and small, improved and unimrjroved. in ? -1:fers .. I . . ..." f ' I i T " oracr out to keep an eye on 1 of their neighbor's premises to the chief of police or sanitary any violation of this order."! "We cannot, even in this beautiful place, even- demand in this respect, land, flowers somd'extra nice tips also. VVe nave the largest stock in town we believe some beautiful goods finer than twe ! have kept hereto fore. .The same may be said m regard j to ruchmgs, also of which we have a new line We: sell goods at a snial profit, for casl only, and' as thev are bought lower lmn buy, (owing to our Liieconaition uvsiieyuie. r arms ot every kind and des- iacillLieS,J WC jUnuersell OUr land .renort cription, both in the immefliate vicinitv nirVL-o J.1 uuu rqjon j t. - neiTAlL)OrS ! fTn J1Q WP miot- . ' , ji me ulv , ana me wnoie surrounding - i y 5"ai i .pector country. "Our list of mountain, grazing, antee eyerrthine: Sold to be mineral and timber! lnnrfs will simtilr ' . 4 i n fj i ;ic -rp-nroeo-n i-nw - and. be free from disease and sickness unless Prices ranging from j one to five dollars FUNDED, there the city is kept clean. If the citizens do not comply strictly with the require- per acre, owing to quality and proximity U'.: r , to the rail road. Both citizen and stranger are invited DO j BUY. ments of this regulation the sanitarv in- to our office (in the Barnard new build- errprrnfir tic spectorhas special instructions to en- inff public square, first floor,) to Confer Ptations, witn us relative to any matter touching in jOUr new OR MONEY RE- spccial force the law to the letter sewerage system is completej r 11 ' t . iany uunng tne coming slimmer, - i is no nsK m hence people Contrary to our we, are not yet store, No. 15 ITlM i . niii niir i i . ; i c T "i " v . . - . . n AA . ; I and espec- of the1 gVain, grass, minerals and timbers pOu"ttl Mam Street, but we must double our exertions in this matter. You must not del other day if your premises arc not' atfsb- "iv lutely clean the rounds and will be during the entire summerand will spare no one in the dis charge of his dut3." tve of this section, and get "posted" hbout shall oet there! We hone on I Asheville nitA Wt-m Vnr1, 0 Jt: I t 0 . - 1 'L I w respect to Asheville and Western North Carolina. Qr about . . We have a number of copies of the last ZT cluuul' -lay it an- number of the Land of the Skv. ( which Come nnr 25th of Tune. us, don't wait we can sup- Japanesc Fans. the Skv. (which Come and see gives the most complete : descrintion of 111 . M The inspector is now "nn Western North Carolina ever nnhllcli uiiLii e move;; that will be given gratis to persons look- ply yOU With ahvthinS" YOU ing for information on the subject. Do CJI . '( j " 0 us the pleasure of calling vIieri voulwaht, neea either tO Wear Or to to talk real estate " ; . j use, and 'we; 'guarantee to x.c pet mm , , I Natt Atkinson & Sons. P. S. Several houses and lots t rent on reasonable terms. I J ' ; junel3flw. All fold- bDecial prices lor one wee ing fans marked over 10c. will be sold at half price to dose out stock. - Crocker- And glass at closest prices for fcest and newest shapes. Best plated spoons, forks and knives at bottom prices at Law's, opposite post office. - For Sale, Cheap. One Brunswick, Balke, Collender pool table, 4x8, nearly new. Inquire of A. E. Campbell; rit the Battery Park bar. j June 13:3t. to save you moriy pn every purchase made! of us. Very- respecti 1 j CjEO. T.JO NT. ,Y. Office. 466 Broad m & co. Way. Standard Wajgojn Co's. Vehic Bradley & Co's. Carts. Flint Carts. "Spring Carts. 'C Single center Equalizing Btj The Famous MulholiLand Buck Boards, . uur uwn jviake. es. Royal A 11. French linen writing paper . : J.N.MORGAk & CO., Barnartl Biiildinsr. mal.'j or. - nv- ' 1," r WHITLOO K CLOTHING .DEPARTMENT. jrhe Easy-riding Lockwood Buck Board. I Also Asrent for I i McClear & Kendall's Fine Carriages,, ot Wilmington,; Del. Orders Promptly Attended to And Satisfaction Guaranteed. warm Iri anticipation of weather we have Jout in stock , LIGHT WEIGHT CLOTHING, consisting of many dozens o seersucker coatsj and ! vests mohair coats and vests, ala- in tAny of the a,bove named goods not stock will be ordered, on shbjrt notice. Second Hasd hand and for sale terial and only ! i iare employed. Call and ins oaeacoats. and f d'ete coats and ibest colors on the AH sizes for i MEN AND vests, drap vests, The market BOYS. Vehicles Always on cheap, i j AH work is put tip of the very best ma-i the most skilled xet my eroods and orices . ; ! 1 , 1 before purchasing elsewhere. apl7-ly ! J. Uf WOODY. workmen JPOOMS FOR RENT. Three rooms dn Patton aveniiif,r1JeWA or nfurnis!ied for rent on reasonable terms i w .uuU iJri.icuiars appiy at SUN office ' f 4 i Also single coats in ; extra: long cut; linen dusters, ala- paca dusters ; white and fig- urea j duck and Marseilles vests ; flannel suits seme . j 1 1 , 4 , i I 1 ; 0 suits : ngnt weight cassimere suits. I A new lot of neckwear, striped and solid color bnl. briggan underwear. White and colored shirts laundred the largest All of the and unlaundred, stock in the city. above will be sold at bottom prices, at WHITLOCK'S. 4 Buyers are taking advantage of ori lock bottom prices on CANNED f.ool' and we can't guara ntee our present st and prices to hold out much longer, have a few cases of Hart's 3 lb Peaches at 2Zc wrcan. , Finest 3 lb lomatocs at $M lr,l"Z. " " Corn, at 1.33icr ioi. ' .Libbey's Chipped Beef, at ,yM v"-:- ; 1 lb cans of Corned'lJccf at.l;c. 2 lb " " ' " 2k. c String Beans at lot r can. I , Lima " at 20c " " Marrowfat Peas at lGc creaii. j . - u Fine mixed Table Nuts at VjOc'er , Blueing at 60c per dozeftV Blacking at from 25 to 50c icr iloai Potash at 5c per ball, i Lye at 5c per box, Candles at 10c per pound, . Pint Bottle Pickles at 10c per l.ottle Quart " " 20c " " Gallon 44 4oc " " 1 Half Pint Bottle Acme Sr. uee,l"i-- j. Fine Pearl Grits 3i2c, : , Fresh Oatmeal at 5c per pound, i f Oatflakcs at 17c per package. ' Soda Crackers at 7c per pound. ' . Boneless Breakfast Bacon 1 3c, Domestic Sardines in oil, at Mi- ' 12 lbs Granulated Sugar, for $1 Uffk 14 " Coffee C Sugar, for $1 j , r , 17 " Yellow Sugar, for $!.. ALI .'UP h.nvc n at 15 to 25 cts. each. We have on hand the finef ; selects TEAS and COFFEES ever oficrcJ tot-j-people of Western North Carolina- lH Teas are selected with social 'rei;a:j their drawing qualities, and you cac3'- go amiss xo try our line Gunpou fa t English Breakfast, or Farmosa Oolofe We are buying the 1- gpods to be had and guary tee the quality to be of rort very finest. prett These prices are for the ninar tan traae. win makespco'u prices to parties wantin buy in large qualities, Respectfully, POWELL & SNIDER, shcville, N. C rf tUc it an ftirc ir j 1 thci ' -yst ale loi iru 1 c r- ' I .V - -