THE SUN. Puueisiied Daily, Except Mondays, at ASIIEYILLE : X. C, BY j HOBGOOD & a'ITZGERALD. 1 Entered in the rost-oflice at Asheville. N. C for transmission through the mails as second class matter. - SI7IISCIIITIO RATES: ; One year i $6.0O Six Months ., L 3.00 Three Months 1.50 One Month 0 50 Zr- STRICTLY IX ADVANCE. T Advertising Rates reasonable. Will be fur nished on application. Alf bills for advertising collected monthly. Advertisements inserted for a shorter time than one month must be paid in advance. Communications, unlcsc they contain im portant news, or discuss briefly and properly subjects of real interestarc not wanted; and if acceptable in every other way, they will invariably be rejected if the real name of the author is withheld. You can sign any ficti tions name you please, but for our protection we must have vour real name. FRIDAY MORNING i JUNE 15 NATIONALDIvM. TICKET. , ! . ' for president: GR0VER CLEVELAND, of Xcv York. orcd members will come to the conven tion with' no settled convictions, and will be open to negotiation. According to him, they are disposed to the belief that Senator Sherman is ite best man for them, and he says if Mr, Sherman has the proper kind of manager oh the ground when they arrive, he can scoop most of them in. He thinks that on the first bal- i . ' lot Sherman will lead all the other can didates, and will poll between two and three hundred votes, but he has not the least idea whether the Ohio man will climb up afterwards. The withdrawal of Mr. Blaine from the list of possible candidates has de cidedly confused tlfc situation. There is Michigan white oatsj mixed oats, corn and all kinds of feed at Tunel3:lw A. D. Cooper's, For Sale, Che! ap. One Brunswick, .B&lke,vColIender pool table, 4x8, nearly beW. Inquire of A Batterv Park bat. E. Campbell, at the 1 Junel3:3t. j500 bushels Plastering Hair, and Portland Cement, which we will CPOT CASH STORE I I ; 1 Just Reeclved, have English deliver offthecarsat $4.Q0 per bbl. All other prices low accordingly. I jW. H. AjESTALL & CO., Defers in general building material. ADVERTISEMENTS. I A large number eastern States htive favorite sons, but there is no lack of Competitors, of western; States and several RIV ERSIDE DAIR Y.- Dry nr XT T P A XX . 11. -LyJXl., DEALER Goods, D IN D RESS MAKING. T yinxrt' nlrn n mnm fit Theo. HobCTOOd S on Pation avenue, i opposite; Nellie ParffT where I would be glad to sec my inenas ana natronsj may26-tf. ress Goods, Boots and Shoes. Gen s' Furnishing Goods, Hn3. Among Devon" an the I netrtion with establish a! them -Thej Holstein," "English DUiham's." Iricon the above I GILT EDGE BUTTER DAIRY Honincr to receive a parti of the citizens ot Asheville, ma 3 -26-tf am preparing to 'The I. am respectfully, J. N. VANCE. FOR vice-president: ALLAN' G. TIIURMAX, j of Ohio. j j : t DK3IOCRATIC STATK TICKKT FOR governor: DANIEL G. P0WLE, of Wake. publicans name the A FOR (LIEUTENANT-GOVERNOR C THOMAS M. HOLT, ! I of Alamance. I X am now prepared to deliver the ery best among them no Statesmen of exceptional of milk in any quantity desired. I havesome l i 1 I nfhp finQ mi l-prs in Western North Caro- prommence wnose name commanas wiae support. It is, however, to be conceded that the placing of Mr. Thurman on the democratic ticket lias appreciably in creased the chances that Ohio will name one of the candidates, whether his name be Sherman. Foraker or McKinley. Judge Gresham 's prospects are probably better at present than those of any other candidate. Already there are, it is said, over 200 vptes pledged to him, and there will probably be as many more at his service by the time the convention meets. Gresham and Phelps is a combination which will tncet the approval of many re- who think the . west should President and the east the Vice-President. The omission of the democrats :o take oiie of the names on their, ticket from Indiana may be said to have distinctly increased the proba bility that the republicans will look to that doubtful State for one of their candi dates and to New Terse v, another doubtful Hal sin Straw every grade. Full Line of Btrttericks ta il; ;. ! - of the patronage j pjf Poffprc SHEVILLE,. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, 1888 From July 3d to 20th. State, ior the other. FOR jsUPREME COURT JUDGES! JOSEPH J. DAVIS, . f of Franklin. JAMES E. SHEPHERD, ! of Washington. PH0NS0 C. AVERY, ! of Burke. ' has a rival in his own State inthe person of ex-Senator Harrison, FACULTY. HENRY E. SHEPHERD, L. D,, President of the Colleere of Charleston. . S. C. will be Superintendent and Lecturer on Pedagogics Historv and English. PROF. BEN. IE. ATKINS' of the Asheville Female College, will be instructor in the Mathematics and Hvsrienic Physiology. PROF. P. P. CLAXTON, Superintendent of the Asheville 'City Schools, will instruct in GeOpraphy, English Grammar and Reading. MISS KATIE MILLARD, of Goldsboro Graded School, (will have charge of the Pri- j marv ueparrment. i i MRS. HANNAH M. DAVJDSON, of Ashe ville, will be Teacher of Music. j- w. H. LEA, No. 17 North Main may 23-lv OR SALE A No. 1 carriage or buggy horse. Fori ther information apply at this office I OR i SALE OR RENT Lovers of something good to not fail to stop at the Westerii MRS. NJ I. WALTON, west corner of Public square, over Ballard's. I BOARD PER DAY without room. with or MRS. L. apr-5-(jm. OR MONTH Call and see us f ONUMENTS- 1JL . i . MCBRAYER & SON. Asjheville, N. O AT -A T -AT f eat should Hotel, South TOMBSTONES. O S r - v a . -j- COST.4 Tombstones and Monuments at Cost. De- SCOTCH I AMERICAN as they signs of ITALIAN Finished work, GRANITE and all Monuments, as low in the United States. mc27-2m St. Warerooa SORRELS 41 South T.4 GRANITE dan be bought Vi O WOLFE. S. E; Court Square, AsnEVlLLK, N. C. & BRC., Main St. j , (Brown & Gudger's old itand.) Keep in stock the purest anq best WINES, WHISKIES, BRANDIES, fur-tf. I . TOBACCO One Good. NEW SIXiROOM DWELLING House, on Bailey street. Good well of water LUI1VCIUCU11V lOLitLCU JI1 Llie 1UI. Will &C11 tlL AND KENTUCKY BELL, KENTUCKY BELL KENTUCKY BELL An Absolutely Pure Rye a bargain. Drawer, 'W. this office. For termsJ " Asheville But Judge Gresham rivals in the States west and numerous and north of A I FOR Michigan, reckon themselves presidential SECRETARY OF STATE YM. L. SAUNDERS, of Orange. for treasurer: )0XALD AY. IJAIX, of Wake. The session will be held in the Graded School Building on Academy street, in the western oart of i the city, about five minutes walk from the court house.l All the rooms of this building have been fitted up and are in Indiana. Allison, of Iowa, Cullom, of! had of Pisgah and numerous other mountains .... . - I I iiiiu liic tuuuirv iuuuu auuui. JUC CIUUI1U3 Illinois, Ingalls, or Kansas and Alger, Ol are! larere and shaded, elevated and easy of access. A pleasant home lor the Normal; It; is desired and truly hoped by the manag ers ithat tne school snail tnis summer surpass in xcelence any! previous term. It has grad ually increased in proficiency and genuine value to the teaching profession of this sec tion since its establishment in 1885. The managers, have been vigilant of its interests and have selected for the faeulty the best and mest experienced talent within their reach; and they trust that they have engaged for thi$ term the services of a i corps of teachers unexcelled in the State. So a good atten dance of appreciative studenxs will make the SHEYILL LUMBER AND A posibilities, others west they have c and there are half-a-dozen i i of the Aljeghanies who think laims to either the first or the second place on thq party ticket. But the East has also its Ibatchof candidates, among whom Hiscock and Depew, of Aew ork, are the most promising. New J. F. GRANT, Pebsiden DXEY M. FINGER, of Catawba. for THE attorney general: j ODORE F. DAVIDSON. of Buncombe. i . 4 .If conceeucci tne rignt to name the ticket if the could, fidence, engage to give New FOR Sl'PT. OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION: I York republicans would j liq doubt, be institution a complete success. Every tea- for atditor: V. SANDERLIN, of AYavnc. the head of yith any con- tve icw lork s iiU electoral votes. Failing to do this,' thev could hardiv expect to name even the Vice-President, as there is not now, as in 1SS0, a Coiikling to placate. The feeling that luck comes to the republican party Cher, and all who desire i to teach, should ?nakc ready for the time and be present every dah Let every one consider well the oppor tunity- and inake the most of it. j i Pjublic lectures are expected from time to time which will be of considerable interest and profit to all. I BOARD can be had in the city for from $iq.00 to $20.00 per month. Arrangements can! be made, we think, for a less amount with families near the city. Any parties wishing such accommodations are requested to inform the Secretarv at once. ; We suggest ELECTORS-r-FOR THE STATE AT LARGE ! A. M. WADDELL, of New Hanover. j. N. STRUDWICK, j: of Orange. only when its candidate for the prcsi- tions to attend and make the most possible dencv is a Western man is likelv to ns- ?iJfai5p"?I . -1 , : sert itself with unusual force after the compI etc., address Lock N. C, or apply at mchl Highly recommended! for medic AlsO, Higgins' Pure N.'C. Corn AN UFACTURINC lNY'. J ONES Saddles, W. H. MARX, Sec. and Treas. NW BUILDINGS, NEW AND IMPROVED MACHINERY We .re now the best possi XI IIC STATIC TICKET.! From every section of North Carolina comes the most earnest approval of the t . . State Democratic ticket. It is looked upon as thej strongest ticket the Democ racy has ever placed before the ieople. in amI their failure of the experiment of il884. The situation is ratner worse tiian it was in that j-ear. Then New York, Indiana, Connecticut and Newj Jersey were doubt ful States, butnowMichigan, Minnesota, AYisconsin, Illinois and California are added to the! list. The republicans will now havq to fight a defensive campaign in some of the States the3' carried easily Work will begin actively the first day. Every studeut should bring jsom good His tory, Grammar, arithmetic,! Gec'praphy and Reader, (Swinton's 4th pefered)' and be pres ent I in time the first the last eveniner Cbmrnunications should Jxo. W morning and stay till j . be addressed to Starves, Sec. DOORS, H AMPTON & FEATHERSTON, No. 5 South Main St., canvass Hon: Daniel G. Fowle, the nominee for Governor, m whose hands the Demo- . cratic banner has been placed, is one vyhom the people of the State will rally to and give jt he support that few .other hill work in! tbe tioned. some; of which! thev wHl four States first will- carrv in order to gain the 19 votes Blaine i i lacked. From the naure of the stake it mav! be inferred that t be up- men- have to issue at iev .will men in North Carolina could command. Keep constantly on hand a full and general : r ! :! : 1 I stock of WHISKIES, BRANDIES, WINES, &c..! among which, can alwavs be found tk following leading .brands : ! 1 GIBSON'S, 1AUL JONES, 1., CD McCRAYER'S He has been a faithful servant of the R V E j R Y E R Y E R Y E make their, chief effort in New Jersey, Con necticut and Indiana, where there are enough protectionist ! democrats, it is! called to lend his voice to the success of hoped, to decide the election in favor of his party. His valuable services in every iqjuuuwuiioumb. im jvicw oi J -- i , i ' r - I the sittintioit. should it nrevnil rir OTiim- campaign since nave not oeen ior- 7 r- - TT,T T -T TTT, 1 r j 1! mi . 1 1 -o. would so far of course to make the 1 ER L.EAF ULUB, WhlCn lor rrnMsn otlfl will tint lip U IlPrPVPT nnfl Owl V1UU1U bu iU, Ul (.UUiat, l" M1"?1 I 1 " whenever hi could route the enemv. he ticket Gresham and Phelps,;or 'Harrison Puritj bf j Character and j Also tlie celebrated Q. WEST, Manager. CIGlRS & PORTNERj Manulacturers and Dea Bridles, Szh AGENTS FOR prepared to Manufactur pie style all kinds of BUILDING MATERIALS BUILDING MATERIALS BUILDING MATERIALS BUILDING MATERIALS ers rpHE GREATEST WORD PAlT IN AMERICA.- DECLINING AN INVITATlo WITH THE "CLOVER CLm - 10 . Xt, I regret that it is impossible fur t "clover" with you to-morrcw a tv ' thing is "clover." It!, ilfv,'v cream; that is to sav-ita-viv 7!. tentment; that is to say tne niij,. .7 perfumed fields, and at the cottage'!;' Bos," the bountiful, serenely chr faction's cud, in that blessed twi!i,.i "if that like a benediction falls bctutva : and sleep. This clover makes m,. .,. happy hours of childhood's rosy cj ,! '' dimpled babes, of wholesome lovi"tvvr honest men. of sorincrs and bnr,i- lets, and all there is of stainless j,v ful human life. A wonderful v0'r,i " vers kiup 111c it ilia you ii.'i n. 1 e . t . v piesi 01 maiiRinu. mice away t Ii makes earth. ft - r" and you ha'e left the on! v tlifn, ' a neaven ol this dull nn,i : Cut of the "r" alone nr.,1 n ' mams a warm, aeccititu Dud that breath and keeps peace in comit!!,r ' whose masters frequent clubs. r. Bottom was right: "Good ha v. s- 5 hath no fellow." u IF KENTUCKY BELL. KENTUCKY BELL, JVUNTUCKY BELL. kVlIISKEY, nal purposes, in Harness, YOU MUST HAVE A M1N . 1 v DRIM. i -MODERATI)V (,v, .. Jos. R. tonebraki:r ! i Clover Club Puke Rye Wif'iKvr Clover Club IH're Rye vinirtv Cijovek Club Pure Ryu Whki,.: - - - ii 1 For Pnrit3 of Ciiaracj i; I- r ' and richness of flavor, itV no equal. HAMPTON & FEATHERSTOX Sole Agents mav 21-tf A1ULLER ii: CO 2 c r t b a t 1 AslK-vi;:c.vP - 5 No. 7 South Main Stklj.t. WHITMAN SAljDLE COMI'ANY, WHITMAN SADDLE COMPANY, WHITMAN SADDLE COMPANY, AND WILKINSON & KID'S AYILKINSQN & KID'S ! WILKINSG CELEBRATED ENGLISH m tg" Fine Harness Order, i All work is Guaranteed. MANTL CloJ LUMBER LUAIBER LUMBER i ! ' if ' ' 1 1 SASH, j BLINDS, ES, MOULDINGS, i . : j - i BRACKETS, &C, j ; v -4 j ! ; 11. 1 1 Rough and Dressi I .1 1 CoksTANTLY ON HAND. : 1 A full N & KID'S ADDLES. i of any style made to HAND-MADE, and stock of Leggings, Saddles, Bri- ei f1 0 11 Dealers in till kinds of Wlifa .Vc p,. ii dies Wines, Ale, Porter, Qars, Toln &c. KENTUCKY RYE ami V0VlWt Whiskies a Specialty. 1 3c rv tK lr tf n K to i 1 i in tSTTuRE Barlev Malt Whisklv. ? Medical Purposes, always in stock. S Agents and Authorized bottlers of d ! . ?n w . u . mi ta su DISTILLERS' AGENTS 10U PURE NORTH CAROLINA l WHISKEY AND APPLE BRANDY. ANMiUJiSER-BUSCIl pn hnnd. dies, Collars, Riding and Buggy Whips, Spurs, etc. , always examine our goods. JONES !') v ! 1 Brewing Louis LAGER BEER, Call and Carolina & PORTNER. P N. Court Sq uare. All Kinds of Rough and Dressed Lumber has been one of the foremost in the charge, and in the approaching campaign, which will, no doubt, be the hottest since 1S7G, he will carrv the banner of Democracy successfully land triumphantly to a grand and Hawley.! It is to be kept in mind, however, that the Blaine delegates .will be in the majority at Chicago, ajid they may have rrudres to satisfy and ends of their own to effect which may spoil the Richness of Flavor is tin ex cel ed. . " I . i " ..I mncf rrt rpfiill v r1fvi:fr! nrntrtinct irriirmc nml frinrious victorv. 1 His irreat strensrtn , v 1 & r Wtt,t.tatvts' ...:n iLaaa U k. r-i ti,W ivr It i? not certainly known that they have garrison's wm uisuutjcmu. w xw.o. 1 11 1 - AND COOPER'S Holt, the nominee for Lieutenant! Gov ernor, and our own Davidson, the 'nom inee for Attorney General, who is so well known ' and loved by the people of his native mountain-county, and also by the other gentlemen on the State ticket. There is not a weak man on the entire ticket. Each man has a power of hin himself, not only in his and section, but in every State. Let us rally to the support of his ticket and give a Demo cratic majority of at least twenty thou sand. If we do our dutv, we are confi dent this will be done. yet the abandoned idea of full "Ji nominatmc t' spite of all his declinations strength wi own county part of the and completelv Mr. 1 Blaine in i There are a gret many republicans as well as demo crats who insfst tha.t Mr. Blaine has nevjr said absolutely and unconditionally brands! of Wines, that he would hot be a candidate nomination was i PURE NORTH CAROLINA , CORN. I DRESSED DRESSED DRESSED FOR FOR FOR Lowest Prices For All WpRK. Lowest Prices For All Work. Lowest Prices For All Work. Lowest Prices For All Work. THJJD THE THE Be sure to Rive us a your orders elsewhere. if the forced upon him. The best and most popular Ales, Porter, etc. wiio wiiTl, ix ok? ! " I Now that;the St. Louis convention lias 1 lias -Held been held, and a ticket olaced in the Tield ! . i which is unanimously satisfactorv to t T to the democratic part-, (and we migkt add, very unsatisfactory to the republi cans,) all ees will be turned next to Chicago, where the national republican convention jvill 19th instant. j Delegates from several of the western States and some few from the southern, are already j on the scene, preparing for the contest which, no doubt, will be an interesting one. A delegate from one of the southern States saj-s 'there will be a much greater proportion jthan usual of colored! men from that section. This delegate, j who was formerly a carpet-bag member of Congress, declares that most of tlie col- Fresh lot of Mason's crackers, cakes, milk, biscuits, &c, just received. f A. D. Cooper. I : Now is the time to have 3-our Sewing Machines cleaned-up, repaired and ad usted for the Spring and Summer .work. Mr. W. H. Littleton,' a; practical Ma- chmest, is 111 the city and will do your work at 3-our homes and save you the expense of sending your machines away to have them repaired, j' 1 , Mr. Littleton carries a line of good needles, shuttles, rubbers, bands and all the wearing parts to all machines. Full line of fine drawing Teas, English' Breakfast, Oolong Monyune Gunpowder j He No, Rajah &c! I'rA. D. Cooper. ! . ' J Mousquito Net,! all colors at . meet next Tuesday, the junel4-:lv- !c. Whitlock's. .t-. Just received one carload best Timothv Hay. j A. D. Cooper. Visit 'Hebe's" consort, the great cop coctor ot milk shakes and soda, at Lyon's Drug store. ! junel3tf The Windsor House.; Spartanburg, S.' C, is one of the best kept hotels in the South. It is convenient to the depot. If you wish comfortable beds and good fare, don t forget the Windsor. ! C. C. Chase, tria zay-uur personal supervision is ! 1 : ! ! - I ". the manufacture of all materials, 'and orders Clarets, j will be filled with care and promptness. mc21 OEFidfe aUd Factory Jv. TRADE. TRADE. TRADE. S. R. KEPLER. AsiieyilJle No w, as March 9tH, 1888. N. for Wcslcrr,5- - lu as y tin grt - . i i : 1 i n TThe following Brewings coust.rvei to 1t tlo 3-11 the tne ln Itr arc xll u f K Ta ioi :he no ld )ur R on hand, m Kegs and bottles: ANIlEUSER-m-SCII, STANDARD,' IMPERIAL l'ALK LAr.EK, ANi the "original vvinmM- ys here tofore, I offer to the citi- before placing given to Telephone call No 39. and sur- - zens of Asheville rounding- co miry, Gro ceries of the jinest Oual ity, and respectfully so licit tlieir patronage. T7RESH COUNTRY SchHtZ Te keep! constantly on The celebrated Tos i I . f 1 T-fci J Ixry rryunce Chickens, &:c XDrewm O S lVlllWaUKee andseeus. Beer, on Draught and in Bottles! ! ,. Old Depot, Asheville N. C PRODUCE S. Ri Kepler, Goods delivered to any part ot iVje Free of Charge. Prompt attcntioarJ to all orders, by mail or otherwise.. i nc VC i 6rc "irhc rill ion R -)ur on ;ha lynt uxln R: ?PP Billiard Hall ox 2d Floor. jnsurance. - , I FIRE, f mchO 53 South Main St. 1 ACCIDENT. hand fresh coun- of all kinds. I Butter. Eersrs. We sell at to west prices. Call jC. El JOHN G. LINDSEY, J I 25 N. iMaix St., Asiievdllk, N. C LANE & CO., S. Main' Street. MANUFACTURER OF TINWARE, C cil&U IVCCJJ X CI1U1CC line JVlAWUrACTUKEK OF TINWARE, oi i o Dacco, cigars, Ciga rettes, AND SHEET-IRON WORKER AND SHEET-IRON WORKER AND SHEET-IRON WORKER I 0 . . .1 j -1 ccc, ana extend a ixvciicv inviLciuuu tuuui -Ut- 2-Also, Job Work, Roofing and Guttering tomers and triends to call at satisfactorv prices and see us when, in want of amrthing in our line. HAND LAUNDRY apl3-tf. Proprietor. e AH orders b3r mail or ire will be I promptly and care fully attended to. HAMPTON & FEATHERSTON, Ashville. N. C, '-pHE ASHEVILLB Is now at work on Valley street, in L-VALLEY HALL. I i ! - I: I : ' - We are now prepared to do first-elnss lan dry work in every particular, i We do -not use any Steam Machiseiiy that will wear ASD TEAR THE GOODS. I j i EST ASHEVILLE ; Parties wishing to pu j LIFE. . 3rnc ? Srat ectc i Re nrcr tas tru PULLIAAI & CO., At The Bank of Art" Asheville, n. C, Represent the following Companies. m . FIRE. . CARIIA' Angio Nevada, of California.... Hamburg-Bremen, of German v.... ?.: Ltii ul"- i. cra 4.'Rf jt03?loit' DC I London Assurance, of Englan Niagara, of New York, unent, ol llartlord, Phenix, ofBrooktyn St. Paul Fire & Marine, of Minn'a. Southern, of New Orleans Western, of Toronto, U.S. Mutual Accident Associati",, mc I AETNA LIFE INSURANCE C. chase Ii- ,u BUILDING ILOTs! OR ; I 1. ii: - ; . : ' r GARDEN 4 LAND, i n; - N.1 EW FIRM. W. H. WESTALL &. L hit H 1 It lat rpci ' Re 1st re t jbei 2S- ALL WORK DONE BY HAND. J and the result is goods are well taken care of. If you want ta wear firstfclass laundry wo;k send us your goods.-I I i j G. W. HIGGINS. Anrl A T HfHVlfV Oflace at Carson's Stationers- Stor? From one to one hundred wards the SULPHUR S E I ap4-6m C G. Carrier, at the S M RRIE acres, west to il . RINGS, will call on rings or 4 Will have in stock, by the 1st of lpf-,iot full t n i.: i c r .....!. K-ecI; robgh aad dressed, Mouldings, Sln5 Lathes, Sash, Doors, Blinds, both on and vellnw rin Snsh IWifrhtsnnd Co'ltri Cements, plaster, Lime, Hair, Slate V Ji i; ties. Architectural Iron, or anvtlm2 l y; BUILDERS' SUPPLIES. 5J & GASTON USICAL INSTRUCTOR IParties buildincr. or contempt11," building, would do well to see Mr. ;yA Westall, who is now prepared to ivC pen timates on any or all of the above fobtt and having had larce experience in. t' :- take a limited number of line, can give you bottom figure-;-' iano; or Organ. For fur- line of Cements, Plasty - AlA'ir c . a ! H. O. Himes will pupils in music on Pian ther lmformation aoolv at I a ni- as Snnf fi Main street; Asheville: i mav 22 2w by mail. address. II. O Box 223. HIMES. hnnrl nrw nTir :.' .o-rrnrM l" .' t Wolfe building, Syuth-east Court Sq Asheville, N V 301 f